Displaying publications 381 - 400 of 3717 in total

  1. Rahmah, M.A., Aniza, I., Che Engku Nor Bahiyah, C.E.M.
    Despite the debates of the benefits of continuing mammography screening among elderly women, studies in Malaysia have shown that the prevalence of breast examination declines after age 45 years and for mammogram per se, the prevalence of examination increases until age of 64. This study aims to determine the prevalence of mammogram screening among elderly women in Hulu Langat, Selangor and its relationship with factors such as demographic factors, family history of breast cancer, perceived health status, perceived general psychological factor and lifestyle factors. Data used were from a cross sectional study of health status among community in Hulu Langat area by the Department of Community Health, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia carried out from the year 1998 till 2002. However this paper focused on the database involving elderly women age 60 and above. The sample population was 652. The mean (standard deviation) age was 67.17 (5.995). Only 8.3% of the elderly women claimed to ever had mammogram screening done. Hence, the prevalence of mammogram screening is still low among elderly women in Hulu Langat. Having family history of breast cancer (p < 0.001) and perceived positive psychological status (p=0.003) had shown significant associations with mammogram screening among them. It is therefore important for researcher to further look into the reasons behind this and qualitative exploration is highly recommended.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  2. Najwa Hanim, M.R., Abdul Kadir, A.B., Badiah, Y.
    Objective: To study the demographic data of patients and the pattern of crime in the study group, to look at the outcome of assessment by psychiatrist on fitness to plea and insanity at time of offense and to assess association between the nature of crime with presence of psychopathology during the crime. Method: This is a retrospective study. All available case notes for 342 forensic admissions from January 2007 until March 2010 were reviewed. All related information on 135 patients that committed violent crime was taken for analysis. Result: Majority of patients were male, Malay, single, education up to secondary school and unemployed. Only 38% of patients had encountered psychiatric services, 20% had previous imprisonment and 49% had history of substance usage. In cases involving victims (87%), 64% the victims were known to the patient, 53% had hallucination or delusion or both at the time of crime and 90% was found to have some diagnosis of mental illness after psychiatrist assessment. Only 81% of formal forensic reports were available in the case note and it showed 94% were fit to plea and 82% were at sound mind at the time of offense. Conclusion: Substance abuse had high prevalence among the patient. Almost 2/3 never had any encounter with psychiatric services before the admission. Even with the high percentage of patient diagnosed with mental illness, they were still found to be fit to plea in court and are at sound mind at the time of offense
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  3. Mohamad Isa, M.F., Tan, C.L., Gill, J.S.
    About 60% of people with mental illness developed co-morbid medical and physical illness that invariably worsens their lives. However, most of the studies regarding this issue were done either in the out-patient or community settings, ignoring long stay inpatients. Locally, no data exists among long stay patients in psychiatric institutions. The aim of this retrospective study was to look at the prevalence of physical illness among long-stay patients and to compare the occurrence of physical illness before and after admission to the psychiatric institution. We found that 85 (63.4%) out of 134 subjects there was suffering with co-morbid physical and medical illnesses. There were 33 (24.6%) subjects with hyperlipidaemia, 22 (16.4%) subjects with hypertension and 17 (12.7%) subjects with diabetes. Approximately 75 (55.9%) subjects developed medical illness after admission. In conclusion, long-stay psychiatric patients are at a high risk of developing medical problems that tends to begin after admission to the psychiatric institution.
    Study site: Hospital Bahagia, Ulu Kinta, Perak, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  4. Zuraida, A.S.
    Previous studies have shown that the experience of infertility is linked with psychological responses such as depression, anxiety, guilt, social isolation, and decreased self-esteem in both men and women. The prevalence of depression among infertile women ranges from 8% to 54%. Treating gynecologists and healthcare professionals seldom recognized the psychosocial distress in women undergoing fertility treatment. Therefore this paper reviewed the bio-psychosocial response towards infertility among women with infertility.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  5. Al-Dubai, Sami A.R., Rampal, Krishna G.
    Objective: The objective of the present study was to determine the prevalence and factors contributing to psychological morbidity among doctors in Sana’a city, Yemen. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted among 442 Yemeni doctors. The (GHQ12) was used as a measure of psychological morbidity. Sources of job stress were determined using a 37-item scale questionnaire. Results: The prevalence of psychological morbidity was 68.1 %. Gender, age range of 30 – 39 years old, chewing Khat, type of residence and income were significantly associated with psychological morbidity (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  6. Titik, B., Naiyana, C.
    The objectives of this study were predicting the transmission and survival of L. monocytogenes in cooked ham during supply chain. Cooked ham are frequently contaminated with L. monocytogenes during postprocessing steps through contact on surface of processing, handling, packaging equipment. Transfer rate of L. monocytogenes on static and dynamic condition in various surface type was investigated. The prevalence and level of L. monocytogenes in cooked ham at plant as well as the prevalence of unsatisfactory processing at retail were studied. A Monte Carlo simulation model was created by using @risk. The simulation predicted that the prevalence was 11.76 % with 90% confidence interval of 2% to 25% and estimated level was -4.02 log CFU/cm2. It was estimated to be occurred on slicing step at plant. Our results suggest that, the prevalence and level of L. monocytogenes can be reduced by Good Handling Process application and/or HACCP application.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  7. MyJurnal
    Aimed of this study was to determine the presence of Vibrio cholerae in cockles (Anadara granosa)
    from different coasts in Malaysia and to measure the biosafety of V. cholerae in raw cockles at wet market in Malaysia using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in combination with the most probable number (MPN) method. A total of 100 samples from 4 different wet markets in the West and East were examined for the presence of V. cholerae. The prevalence of V. cholerae between the two coasts was not significant different. In fact, the 74% of samples from West coast area was found positive while the 69% for samples collected in the East coast. West coast samples showed a prevalence of 60% for the wet market A=, 64% for B=, 88% for C= and 84% for the market D); East coast samples showed the same percentage with 72% for the wet markets E, F and H, followed by wet market G with 60%.With the MPN-PCR method, using 80 samples of raw cockles obtained from 4 wet markets, the occurrence of V. cholerae detected was of 95%. The frequency of V. cholerae in raw cockles obtained from wet market I and L was higher (100%) compared to other wet market (Wet market B=, 90%; Wet market C=, 95%).The density of V. cholerae detected in all samples ranged from 24000 MPN/g, but most of the samples (24 samples) were in category >24000 MPN/g concentration. V. cholerae was present in raw cockles in higher number. Hence, these results demonstrate the presence of pathogenic V.cholerae in cockles harvested and reveal the potential risk of illness associated with their consumption. This study will be the first biosafety assessment of V. choleare in raw cockles in Malaysia and it will provide significant insights about Malaysian scenario.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  8. Abdollahi F, Lye MS, Zarghami M
    N Am J Med Sci, 2016 Jun;8(6):232-6.
    PMID: 27500126 DOI: 10.4103/1947-2714.185027
    Postpartum depression is the most prevalent emotional problem during a women's lifespan. Untreated postpartum depression may lead to several consequences such as child, infant, fetal, and maternal effects. The main purpose of this article is to briefly describe different theoretical perspectives of postpartum depression. A literature search was conducted in Psych Info, PubMed, and Science Direct between 1950 and 2015. Additional articles and book chapters were referenced from these sources. Different theories were suggested for developing postpartum depression. Three theories, namely, biological, psychosocial, and evolutionary were discussed. One theory or combinations of psychosocial, biological, and evolutionary theories were considered for postpartum depression. The most important factor that makes clinicians' choice of intervention is their theoretical perspectives. Healthcare providers and physicians should help women to make informed choices regarding their treatment based on related theories.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  9. Sujeewa, A.K.W., Norrakiah, A.S., Laina, M.
    Vibrio parahaemolyticus is prevalent in tropical marine environment in all seasons and can cause seafood-borne gastroenteritis. A total of 251 suspected isolates were tested including 60 from frozen shrimp, 50 from cultured live shrimp, 67 from sediments of culture ponds and 74 from water were subjected to polymerase chain reaction (PCR) targeting the toxR gene for confirmation as V. parahaemolyticus. Of the 128 toxR positive isolates, 15% of the isolates from culture environment (from live shrimp, sediments and water) and 7% of frozen shrimp samples were positive for the tdh and trh genes. Since urease production could be a marker of trh but not tdh in V. parahaemolyticus, a total of 189 of the 251 suspected V. parahaemolyticus isolates were tested for urease production and 41% of the isolates were found to be positive for urease production. However not all urease positive strains of V. parahaemolyticus were positive for either tdh or trh genes. Detection of virulent strains in shrimp culture environment in Malaysia suggests a probable risk for health of people consuming raw shrimp.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  10. Shakir Aizat Shahruddin, Pradheeksha Saseedaran, Aishah Salleh, Che Amira Ahmad Azmi, Nik Harriz Izwan Mohammad Alfaisal, Rusli Abdullah, et al.
    House officers who are suffering from stress, anxiety or depression are at risk of harm to themselves, colleagues and even patients, as well as affecting their livelihood. Objective: This
    study is aimed to find the prevalence of stress, anxiety and depression among house officers working
    in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Method: A cross-sectional study was done using a self-administered
    questionnaire containing socio-demographic factors and Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS)
    21. Results: Prevalence of stress, anxiety and depression were 57.1%, 63.7%, and 42.9% respectively. Multiple logistic regression analysis found that house officers who thought of quitting Housemanship was associated with stress (adjusted OR = 3.64, 95% CI: (1.44, 9.20), p = 0.006), and depression (adjusted OR = 8.26, 95% CI: (2.96, 23.02), p < 0.001). House officers who perceives that they are bullied is associated with anxiety (adjusted OR = 4.16, 95% CI: (1.33, 13.07), p = 0.015). Work
    experience of the house officers in months have a protective effect to stress (adjusted OR = 0.92, 95%
    CI: (0.87, 0.97), p = 0.004), anxiety (adjusted OR = 0.93, 95% CI: (0.88, 0.98), p = 0.006) and
    depression (adjusted OR = 0.92, 95% CI: (0.87, 0.98), p = 0.006). Conclusion: The prevalence of
    stress, anxiety and depression among house officers in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah is high. Management
    should look into the findings and understand the importance of addressing this problem as it may
    affect patient care and safety, and the livelihood of house officers. Future studies identifying why
    house officers are thinking of quitting service and why they do feel that they are being bullied may be
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  11. RoscellaInja, Abdul Rahman H
    Teachers face one of the highest demands of any professional group to use their voices at work. Thus, they are at
    higher risk of developing voice disorder than the general population. The consequences of voice disorder may have
    impact on teacher’s social and professional life as well as their mental, physical and emotional state and their
    ability to communicate. Objectives of this study are to determine the prevalence of voice disorder and the
    relationship between voice disorder with associated risk factors such as teaching activities and lifestyle factors
    among primary school teachers in Bintulu, Sarawak. A cross sectional study was conducted based on random sample
    of 4 primary schools in Bintulu, Sarawak between January-March 2014. A total of 100 full-time primary school
    teachers were invited to participate in the study. Data were collected through a self-administered questionnaire
    addressing the prevalence of voice disorder and potential risk factors. Descriptive analysis and chi-square test was
    used to measure the relationship between voice disorder and associated risk factors. The response rate for this study
    was 78% (78/100). The study found that the prevalence of voice disorder among primary school teachers in Bintulu,
    Sarawak was 13%. Chi-square test results revealed that factors significantly associated with voice disorder (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  12. Lim KG
    Med J Malaysia, 2016 06;71(Suppl 1):1-19.
    PMID: 27801384 MyJurnal
    A literature search of articles as detailed in the paper Bibliography of clinical research in Malaysia: methods and brief results, using the MESH terms Obesity; Obesity, Abdominal; and Overweight; covering the years 2000 till 2015 was undertaken and 265 articles were identified. Serial population studies showed that the prevalence of obesity increased rapidly in Malaysia in the last decade of the twentieth century. This follows the rising availability of food per capita which had been begun two to three decades previously. Almost every birth cohort, even up to those in their seventh decade increased in prevalence of overweight and obesity between 1996 and 2006. However, the rise in prevalence in obesity appears to have plateaued after the first decade of the twentieth century. Women are more obese than men and Malays and Indians are more obese than Chinese. The Orang Asli (Aborigines) are the least obese ethnic group in Malaysia but that may change with socioeconomic development. Neither living in rural areas nor having low income protects against obesity. On the contrary, a tertiary education and an income over RM4,000/month is associated with less obesity. Malaysians are generally not physically active enough, in the modes of transportation they use and how they use their leisure time. Other criteria and measures of obesity have been investigated, such as the relevance of abdominal obesity, and the Asian criteria or Body Mass Index (BMI) cut-offs value of 23.0 kg/m2 for overweight and 27.0 kg/m2 for obesity, with the view that the risk of diabetes and other chronic diseases start to increase at lower values in Asians compared to Europeans. Nevertheless the standard World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for obesity are still most widely used and hence is the best common reference. Guidelines for the management of obesity have been published and projects to combat obesity are being run. However, more effort needs to be invested. Studies on intervention programmes showed that weight loss is not easy to achieve nor maintain. Laboratory research worldwide has uncovered several genetic and biochemical markers associated with obesity. Similar studies in Malaysia have found some biomarkers with an association to obesity in the local population but none of great significance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  13. Lim KG, Cheah WK
    Med J Malaysia, 2016 06;71(Suppl 1):20-28.
    PMID: 27801385 MyJurnal
    Seventy-three articles related to metabolic syndrome were found in a search through databases dedicated to indexing all literature with original data involving the Malaysian population between years 2000 and 2015. Metabolic syndrome affects 25 to 40% of adult population of Malaysia with the risk increasing with age. Obese children are also at risk. Indian ethnicity has the highest rates, followed by Malay and chinese. It was found that socioeconomics determinants such as living in urban areas, unemployment, lower income, lower education level and shift workers had higher prevalence of metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is associated with other medical conditions like cardiovascular diseases, psychiatric disorders, erectile dysfunction, polycystic ovarian syndrome and colorectal cancer. Several biomarkers have been determined to be relevant to our local population but their usage in clinical setting needs further research. Literature into effectiveness of management of metabolic syndrome in Malaysia is lacking and the results were only modest. there are several diagnostic criteria available for metabolic syndrome internationally and their individual significant to our local population is not clear. It also makes it difficult to compare results between studies using different criteria. Finally, we could not identify any local study to look at the health economic burden of metabolic syndrome locally.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  14. Abdul Rani R, Raja Ali RA, Lee YY
    Intest Res, 2016 Oct;14(4):297-304.
    PMID: 27799880
    Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a common gastrointestinal disorder involving the gut-brain axis, and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), a chronic relapsing inflammatory disorder, are both increasing in incidence and prevalence in Asia. Both have significant overlap in terms of symptoms, pathophysiology, and treatment, suggesting the possibility of IBS and IBD being a single disease entity albeit at opposite ends of the spectrum. We examined the similarities and differences in IBS and IBD, and offer new thoughts and approaches to the disease paradigm.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  15. Alibrahim OA, Al-Sadat N, Elawad NA
    J Public Health Afr, 2010 Sep 01;1(1):e7.
    PMID: 28299041 DOI: 10.4081/jphia.2010.e7
    Depression is one of the leading causes of mortality and morbidity worldwide. In the year 2000 depression accounted for 4.4% of the global disability adjusted life years (DALYs). The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has a population of 28 million people and is one of the countries experiencing demographic transition in its population structure. Improvements in socioeconomic status have been shown to be associated with increased chronic diseases including chronic mental diseases like depression, but still there is no comprehensive review summarizing the various reports currently existing in the literature. Although individual studies within Saudi Arabia have reported prevalence rates and risks, the quality of such studies need to be subjected to rigorous assessment and their findings pooled to give combined weighted evidence that will provide basis for targeted intervention. Pooled risks have the advantage of adjusting inherent variations within sampled populations and therefore providing more reliable estimates even though there are concerns about possible magnification of smaller individual risks.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  16. New, C.Y., Ubong, A., Nur Hasria, K., Nur Fatihah, A., Son, R.
    Vibrio parahaemolyticus is well known to be abundantly distributed in marine, coastal and
    estuarine environments. Since 1951, V. parahaemolyticus had been the source of numerous
    outbreaks related to contaminated or mishandled seafood. However, V. parahaemolyticus
    had been detected on other types of food. This issue has prompted this study to investigate
    on the prevalence of V. parahaemolyticus in various food samples and determine the risk
    associated with it. The results of the MPN-plating technique of the study indicated that V.
    parahaemolyticus was detected in seafood (33.3%, 95% Confidence Interval [CI] 31.9 – 34.8 ,
    94 – 290 MPN/g) and vegetables (10.0%, 95% CI 9.7 – 10.3 , 9.2 – 23 MPN/g) while negative
    V. parahaemolyticus was detected in fruits (0.0%, 95% CI 0 – 1,
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  17. Khamis, N.K., Deros, B.M., Ismail, F.R., Tahir, N.H.M.
    Motorcyclists are particularly vulnerable when compared to large vehicles on the road. This study was conducted to gather feedbacks from motorcycle deliveryman regarding their riding conditions. A self-rated questionnaire was used to determine prevalence of riding symptom and its association with Whole Body Vibration and other associated factors among motorcycle deliveryman in Malaysia. A set of questionnaire was developed, pilot tested for its reliability and validity and distributed to 100 respondents. An interview was conducted after gathering the data from the respondents through the questionnaire. Survey findings show majority of the respondents preferred to ride according to the standard riding posture. Large majority of them agreed handlebar and foot peg/rest exposed them directly to the vibration. In addition, majority of them felt discomfort at the lower back and felt fatigue after long hours of riding. These findings are in-line with past studies regarding the road users.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  18. Suraya, H.S., Azmawati, M.N.
    The trend of using nonprescription substances for weight-loss management is common. There are several factors associated with the use of nonprescription substances. This study aimed to determine prevalence and factors associated with the use of nonprescription substances for weight-loss management among university students. A cross sectional study was conducted from August until October 2013 among 358 postgraduate students aged 22 - 45 years in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). A validated self-administered questionnaire was distributed by multistage sampling to the students. The prevalence of using nonprescription substances among university students was 27.9% (n=100). There were significant association between use of nonprescription substances with age (t=2.41, p=0.017), peer influence (t=7.06, p
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  19. Annuar, I., Nurulakhmar, A.S., Mazruras, S., Azhar, A.H.
    Introduction: Back pain associated with sense of pain and less comfort in back part of the body especially at the lower back area. Back pain is an occupational health problem with significant impact to productivity of workers.
    Methodology: A cross sectional study was conducted to study the prevalence of back pain towards individual, physical and psychosocial factors associated among body shop’s operators at national Automotive Manufacturers.
    Result: A total of 32 operators were involved in this study. Nordic Musculoskeletal questionnaire has been used in this study and body position assessment was done by using Ovako Working Posture Analyzing System (OWAS) method. Study showed the prevalence of back pain among operators throughout their work and in the last 12 months was 93.8% and 87.5% respectively. There are significant association (p0.05) between prevalence of back pain with another individual, physical and psychosocial factor.
    Conclusion: This study shows that back pain prevalence were influenced by types of activity and body posture during working at assembling division among workers. Attention should be given to ergonomics factors to prevent back pain incident among automotive industry assembly workers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
  20. Balakrishnian, M., Johar, M.J., Ismail, M.S., Ahmad Khaldun, I., Hamidah, Y.
    Medicine & Health, 2013;8(2):81-84.
    Access to an intravenous (IV) route is very crucial in emergency patients under resuscitation. The difficulty to access and administer fluid and drugs through intravenous will influence the outcome of patient. In case of unavailable of intravenous route, the alternative is intraosseous access. To date, there is no data available on the prevalence and pattern of intraosseous cannulation knowledge among emergency paramedics in the published literature from our country, even though the use of intraosseous cannulation for emergency patients is being practices. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to determine the level of knowledge regarding intraosseous cannulation among emergency paramedics. The knowledge related to intraosseous cannulation among emergency paramedics was assessed through structured validated test questions. Fifteen paramedics participated in this study. Majorities of participants were male (86.6%). The age group ranged from 22 – 45 old years. The working experiences were from two to thirteen years. There was only 1 out of 15 participants who had scored 75%. The majority (10) scored 40% to 50%. This suggests that necessity in teaching of intraosseous cannulation among emergency paramedics needs to be emphasised.
    Matched MeSH terms: Prevalence
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