METHODS: PubMed, IEEE Xplore, Google Scholar, and Scopus were searched for relevant studies. All studies that used ML/DL to detect or early-predict the onset of sepsis in the adult population using EHRs were considered. Data were extracted and analyzed from all studies that met the criteria and were also evaluated for their quality.
RESULTS: This systematic review examined 1942 articles, selecting 42 studies while adhering to strict criteria. The chosen studies were predominantly retrospective (n = 38) and spanned diverse geographic settings, with a focus on the United States. Different datasets, sepsis definitions, and prevalence rates were employed, necessitating data augmentation. Heterogeneous parameter utilization, diverse model distribution, and varying quality assessments were observed. Longitudinal data enabled early sepsis prediction, and quality criteria fulfillment varied, with inconsistent funding-article quality correlation.
CONCLUSIONS: This systematic review underscores the significance of ML/DL methods for sepsis detection and early prediction through EHR data.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out among 788 participants in three KYL health campaigns from 2017 to 2020. Perceived knowledge (a 5-item Likert scale was used, zero means "very poor" and 4 means "excellent knowledge") and confidence in identifying BC symptoms were studied. A Wilcoxon Matched-Paired Signed-Rank Test was performed to assess the perceived knowledge.
RESULTS: There was a significant improvement in the perceived knowledge Mean (±SD) score (2.84 ± 1.02) versus (4.31 ± 0.66) before and after the campaign (P < 0.01). About 95.6% agreed that the language used in KYL materials was clear and understandable, 89.8% agreed it is acceptable in Malaysian culture, and 80% felt more confident in identifying BC symptoms. Therefore, 90.8% had the intention of breast self-examination and 90.8% would consult a doctor if symptomatic. The majority (92.7%) agreed that the KYL tools clarified the BC tests needed.
CONCLUSION: The KYL tools enhanced perceived BC symptom recognition knowledge and confidence levels.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Nine Aeromonas spp. were isolated from infected catfish cultivated in Java, Indonesia, and they were identified at the phenotypic and molecular levels (16S rDNA). The virulence genes assessed included aer/haem, alt, ast, flaA, lafA, and fstA.
RESULTS: Phylogenetic analysis identified nine isolates of Aeromonas spp.: Aeromonas hydrophila (11.11%), Aeromonas caviae (11.11%), Aeromonas veronii bv. veronii (44.44%), and Aeromonas dhakensis (33.33%). Virulence genes, such as aer/haem, alt, ast, flaA, lafA, and fstA, were detected in all isolates at frequencies of approximately 100%, 66.67%, 88.89%, 100%, 55.56%, and 66.67%, respectively. This study is the first report on A. dhakensis recovered from an Indonesian catfish culture. Furthermore, our study revealed the presence of A. veronii bv veronii, a biovar that has not been reported before in Indonesia.
CONCLUSION: This finding confirms that MAS was caused by multiple species of Aeromonas, notably A. dhakensis and A. veronii bv veronii, within Indonesian fish culture. The presence of these Aeromonas species with multiple virulence genes poses a significant threat to the freshwater aquaculture industry.