The need to deliver teaching material in medical education using the internet is compelling in view of the many advantages that the internet provides. The internet has enabled organizations, in particular institutions of higher education to conduct various courses entirely electronically and without regard to physical geographical boundaries. The term CAL is used to denote the employment of the Internet for the delivery of teaching material, conduct of discussion, as;sessment of performance and interaction between students and teachers. This study reviews reports of the use and evaluation of Computer-Aided-Learning (CAL) in teaching various major disciplines in medicine.
Some epidemiological aspects of antepartum psychoses have been discussed and wherever possible, are compared with some Western studies. On the whole, the disorder appears to be associated with the young lower social class Chinese lady who has family and / or marital relationship conflicts.
Linear alkylbenzenes were determined in the surface sediments of Muar River and Pulau Merambong, Peninsular Malaysia. The concentrations ranged from 87.4 ng g-1 to 188.1 ng g-1 and from 67.4 ng g-1 to 98.2 ng g-1 of dry weight, respectively. The composition profiles of LABs were characterized, and sewage treatment levels were identified. The ratios of internal to external isomers (I/E ratios) of the linear alkylbenzenes in Muar River sediments ranged from 1.7 to 2.2, whereas those of Pulau Merambong sediments ranged from 1.6 to 1.7. The calculated LAB ratios indicated that the study areas received primary and secondary sewage effluents. The degradation of linear alkylbenzenes in Muar River ranged from 33% to 43%, and that in Pulau Merambong ranged from 33% to 34%. The higher degradation indices in Muar River are a sign of improvement in wastewater treatment.
With the increasing number of COVID-19 cases and related deaths worldwide, we decided to share the development of this condition in Singapore and Malaysia. First few cases were diagnosed in the two countries at the end of January 2020, and the numbers have surged to thousands by end of March 2020. We will focus on strategies adopted by the government and also the Orthopaedic community of the two countries up till the beginning of April 2020. We hope that by sharing of relevant information and knowledge on how we are managing the COVID-19 condition, we can help other communities, and health care workers to more effectively overcome this pandemic.
Children with musculoskeletal symptoms are commonly seen by general practitioners (GPs). Those that present with atraumatic limp pose a particular diagnostic challenge. Although uncommon, Perthes disease (PD) is an important cause of atraumatic limp in children and may result in debilitating consequences if missed. We put forward a case of delayed diagnosis of PD in a child, thus highlighting the need for a greater index of suspicion among GPs in approaching any child with a limp.
Introduction : Atopic eczema (AE) is a common inflammatory skin dermatosis that is increasing in prevalence. However, it can present in various clinical presentations, which leads to challenges in the diagnosis and treatment of the condition, especially in a primary care setting. The Clinical Practice Guidelines on the Management of Atopic Eczema was developed by a multidisciplinary development group and approved by the Ministry of Health Malaysia in 2018. It covers the aspects of diagnosis, severity assessment, treatment, and referral.
Surface water quality monitoring is an important tool for enhancing the water body management system. This study focuses on the water quality of a lake based on rehabilitation work completed in 2014. This lake suffers from eutrophication and water quality degradation due to the increase in pollution rates and water source scarcity. Nine points were selected to represent the water quality status for the study area. Two river tributaries that pass through the University Malaya (UM) campus have been considered due of its potential as a water source for the lake. Field and laboratory analysis were conducted to understand the transport of water quality parameters. The data variations were analyzed using a multivariate statistical method to determine the significant differences between the lake and river. Based on the Malaysian Water Quality Index (WQI) and cluster analysis, the results indicated that the lake and river have different physico-chemical characteristics and the lake water has a better quality than the river. Comparison of the concentration for BOD, TSS, PO43- and NO3- between year 2009 and current study proved that the water quality has improved by 99.8% proving that the lake remediation is effective.
A study was conducted to investigate the duration of growth stages and flowering behaviour of a landscape tree,
Xanthostemon chrysanthus (F. Muell.) Benth. This species is known as golden penda and locally known as jambu kuning.
It is widely planted for urban beautification due to its distinctive coloured flowers. Under local climate condition, this
species flowers throughout the year. However, the flowering of this species has not been studied extensively. In the present
study, the growth of selected trees aged approximately six years after planting was monitored for a year. The growth
duration was determined using the extended Biologishe Bundesanstalt, Bundessortenamt and Chemical Industry (BBCH)
scale. Percentages of flower and fruit and new leaf abundances were expressed as estimated percentage of each stage as
compared to total surface area of the tree crown. The vegetative and reproductive stages of the species required 198 and
176 days, respectively. The flowering period took about 40 days from inflorescence bud swelling to drying and senescence
of stamens and petals. Unsynchronized flowering was observed among the trees. The occurrence of flowers was also
influenced by the development of new leaves or fruits. The information on the duration of each growth stage and the
flowering behaviour of the species may enhance a more detailed study related to flowering of urban trees in Malaysia.
Waste prevention and management become a significant issue worldwide to achieve sustainable development. Similar to many developing countries, Malaysia has faced severe problems in waste management due to its rapid economic growth and urbanisation. The municipal solid waste (MSW) production rate in Malaysia had increased significantly in a recent year, ranging from 0.8 to 1.25 kg/person∙d. The wastes generated contain a high amount of organic portion with high moisture content. Improper MSW management practice or delayed in waste collection and transportation can lead to severe health issues. This paper presents a case study in Johor Bahru, Malaysia (FOLO Farm), in which a composting prototype is used as the waste management technology to recycle the food and vegetable wastes. The greenhouse gases (GHG) mitigation and economic feasibility of the integrated composting and organic farming in this study are reported. This study showed a reduction of 27% of GHG by diverting the food and vegetable wastes from open dumping to the composting plant. Higher reduction rate (∼44%) can be achieved with better planning of waste collection route and applying the mitigation strategies during the composting process. By adapting the membership concept, this project not only ensures the economic feasibility of running a composting plant but also secures a channel for the growth of vegetable distribution. This study provides an insight into the feasibility and desirability to implement a pilot-scale composting for organic waste management to achieve the low carbon and self-sustain community.
Citation: Clinical Practice Guideline: Management of neonatal jaundice, Second Edition. Putrajaya: Ministry of Health, Malaysia; 2014
Quick reference:
Training manual:
Older version: Management of Jaundice in Healthy Term Newborns., Kuala Lumpur: Ministry of Health, Malaysia; 2003
Chromobacterium violaceum is a Gram-negative bacterium, found in tropical and subtropical regions. C. violaceum infection rarely occurs, but once occurs, it is associated with significant mortality due to severe systemic infection. Since the first human case from Malaysia in 1927, >150 cases of C. violaceum infection have been reported worldwide. We have described here a fatal case of C. violaceum infection in a tertiary care hospital in Dhaka, Bangladesh. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of C. violaceum infection in Bangladesh.
Compression of the common bile duct by a stone impacted in the cystic duct is an uncommon cause of obstructive jaundice. We present a case study and review of the literature pertaining to the presentation, diagnosis, and surgical treatment of Mirizzi syndrome.
A survey of career choices was conducted for two batches of physicians applying for a medical speciality course in Malaysian medical schools. There were a total of 952 applications, with 477 males and 475 females. Surgery ranked highest, followed by obstetrics and gynaecology, fanlily medicine and orthopaedic surgery. The minor specialities of otorhinolaryngology, psychiatry and pathology were the least popular choices. Questionnaires were sent to a random sample of 250 physicians in each batch to note factors affecting their choices of speciality. A total of 359 physicians responded, giving a response rate of 71.8%. Fixed hours of work and the ability to have direct contact with patients were relatively important factors for choice of speciality. Working as a clinical consultant was the nlost popular nature of employment while worliing in the health office, service consultant in a public hospital, a non-clinical lecturer in a university hospital and working in a private clinic were less popular choices for these physicians. KEYWORDS: Career choice; medical speciality; doctors; Malaysia.
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a chronic debilitating condition affecting both physical and mental functioning. It was first quoted as a 'new disease' spreading in the developed countries. It bei:ame a major issue by doctors, professionals and the media for the past 15 years. CFS was not only affecting the adults but childhood fatigue has also been noted. The CFS patients commonly described themselves to be perfectionists, highly driven, energetic U1d motivated before the condition started. Studies have been focused on the definition, diagnosis and management of CFS. However, the understanding of CFS and what cause it is stili unclear and controversial. Thus the aetiological factors of CFS are reviewed in this article. KEYWORDS; Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), Aetiology, Psychiatric disorders, Viral infection, Immunology
To see the trend in managing singleton breech pregnancy after the term breech trial. Secondly to compare the safety of different modes of delivery for term, singleton breeches by looking at the immediate neonatal outcome, based on our own experience. Breech infants were identified by examining computer-stored maternal discharge records of hospitalization for the years 1990 and 2000 respectively. Parameters studied included planned mode of delivery, actual mode of delivery, parity, previous vaginal delivery, Apgar score at five minute, birth weight, referral to special care nursery and neonatal morbidity. Of 6,496 deliveries in 1990 and 5,081 in 2000, there were 220 (3.4%) and 148 (2.9%) term breech infants respectively, of which 115 (for 1990) and 102 (for 2000) case records were available. In 1990, 62.6% of the women had trial of vaginal breech delivery but only 24.5% of the women in 2000 were allowed to do so (p < 0.05). Caesarean section rate for singleton breeches increased from 51.3% in 1990 to 84.3% in 2000 (p < 0.05). Mean Apgar score at five minutes was significantly lower after vaginal breech delivery (9.40 ± 1.36) compared to after Caesarean section (9.72 ± 0.712) but there was no clinical significance. There was a noticeable trend towards Caesarean section and less trial of vaginal delivery. Neonatal outcomes of babies born abdominally were statistically better than those born vaginally but there was little clinical impact. Perhaps in properly selected cases, a planned vaginal breech delivery still has a role to play.
Six cooling towers and eleven sources of potable water in a university campus in Kuala Lumpur were surveyed for the presence of legionellae. One nonmedical building cooling tower and three hot water systems from one ward of the hospital tested positive for Legionella, two of which contained Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1. The identification of Legionella was based on isolation, immunofluorescence and polymerase chain reaction (PCR).