Repair and maintenance in power distribution is an important factor that
affects the continuous productivity services and power efficiency in electrical
supply systems. Thermographic inspection has been often used as a
maintenance tool, as it allows detection of early-stage failure from the system
in electrical distribution. Failure in the system can lead to catastrophic
failure like a high-voltage arc fault. The presence of fault is caused by the
higher temperature of the instrument that leads to the formation of hotspots.
The use of infrared inspection is useful in detecting the hotspot that is hardly
noticeable. It helps to overcome the problems that arise during operation
and maintenance in the distribution systems. In this research, a fault
detection system is proposed with the application of Artificial Neural
Network (ANN) in identifying faults on electrical equipment. This method
was trained by using the temperature parameter on the IR images taken from
TNB Distribution. As a result, it will lead to faults detection. Thus, the
purpose of this project is to ensure the correct recommendation of corrective
actions in the maintenance procedure of the electrical system. The actions to
the detection of faults taken are based on the results of the temperature
measured. The neural network training performance for the temperature of
hotspot detection was developed with a minimum error of 0.00084165 MSE
at epoch 39. The study shows the best-fitting allows detection of early-stage
failure. It can be concluded that the current method in conducting the
prediction process by using Thermographic inspection is suitable for
electrical equipment based on the training result.
Partial discharge (PD) is a phenomenon that may lead to dielectric breakdown and can provide important information for condition monitoring on electrical power equipment, in particular transformer. One of the methods is the detection of the electromagnetic (EM) wave signal emitted by PD. Although the frequency spectrum in EM is very wide, this paper discusses the detection of EM only at ultra-high frequency (UHF). One of the detectors that can be used to detect EM is the antenna. There are a lot of antenna designs that have been proposed to detect the signal. The designs can be generally divided into two: PCB-based design and physical antenna design. An example of the latter is monopole. Some of the proposed antennas were left at the design stage while others went to be applied in actual PD experimentation. Discussion on the capabilities of these antennas can lead to the selection of a suitable antenna.
Imaging techniques involving optical coherence tomography, computed tomography (CT) and high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are used as tools to identify atherosclerotic plaques. However, the effects of water-based contrast media used in Post Mortem Computed Tomography Angiography (PMCTA) on the histopathology of atherosclerotic plaques have not been widely explored. The objective of this study is to determine the effects of water-based contrast media used in PMCTA on the histopathology of atherosclerotic plaques and biomarkers of atherosclerosis in experimentally induced established atherosclerotic rabbits. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty male New Zealand white rabbits were divided into 2 groups. One group was given a high cholesterol diet (HCD) for 12 weeks to establish atherosclerosis and the control group normal diet (ND). Five rabbits from each group were then given intravenous water-based contrast media before being sacrificed. The entire length of aorta was dissected and submitted for histopathological examination and determination of tissue biomarkers α-SMA and MMP-9. RESULTS:Histopathological examination of the aorta including percentage of area covered by plaque and foam cell formation showed no significant difference in atheromatous plaque formation in both groups of HCD rabbits with or without intravenous contrast media injection (plaque: 55±41 vs. 63±15, p=0.731; foam cells: 124±83 vs. 171±55, p=0.325). Similarly, α-SMA and MMP-9 protein expression also showed no significant difference in both groups (α-SMA: 70±20 vs. 67±26, p=0.807; MMP-9: 60±12 vs. 57±17, p=0.785). CONCLUSION:Water-based contrast media used in PMCTA does not affect the morphology or the immunohistochemistry staining of SMA and MMP-9 in atherosclerotic plaques.
The primary goals of resuscitation are to preserve life, restore health, relieve suffering and limit disability. As nurses, executing the cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to a patient experiencing cardio-pulmonary arrest is essential in preserving life. However nurses face a dilemma in the decision making to either preserve the patient’s life or let the patient die naturally, if the patient’s autonomy as well as his family’s wish for a “do not resuscitate (DNR)” order. In this dilemma, the sanctity of life and the right to die is the main concern of this discussion. Islamic moral judgment, as the major concern here, should be studied as an alternative to analyse and provide a guideline that is in accordance with the Islamic teaching. Thus, this research is to provide the Islamic moral judgment on the resuscitation issue and its implication in nursing practices. The western ethics that represent the current practices on resuscitation is not included. The comparison was then made with the ultimate origin of Islamic teaching iethe Qur’an and Sunnah, as well as the notions of Muslim scholars on the subject. As the physician opines that CPR is to be beneficial to rescue a life, therefore refusing it may be considered as immoral. However, the DNR order is entirely acceptable if the doctor believes that CPR is futile and gives no benefit to the patient. The doctor has the authority to issue a DNR order if he is certain that the patient would not benefit from CPR without getting consent from the patient or his relative. Nursing implications: As nurses facilitate patients and family members in forming a decision about end of life hence engaging a comprehensive view of DNR based on Islamic teaching would provide an informed choice when advising a Muslim patient and family. The area to investigate would be on the degree of knowledge among nurses regarding the Islamic moral judgement on this matter is highly recommended for future management.
Literature data on association between physical activity (PA) and health related quality of life (HRQoL) in non-clinical
adults population are still limited. Thereby, the objective of this study was to evaluate the association between PA and
HRQoL among the non-academic staff serving the Faculty of Health Sciences (FSK), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM),
Kuala Lumpur (KL). In this cross sectional study, 105 non-academic staffs aged between 18 to 60 years were recruited.
Self-administered questionnaires (Malay version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire and World Health
Organisation Quality of Life-Brief Version) were administered among the participants. Mann Whitney test and Spearman’s
rho correlation were employed for the statistical analysis using SPSS version 22.0 Majority of participants (72.4%)
demonstrated high PA scores of ≥ 3000 MET-minutes/week. PA scores between genders was not statistically significant
(p = 0.137). However, total PA score of support staffs (median = 9039.0, IQR = 15811.00) was significantly higher compared
to staffs in management and professional group (median = 4329.0, IQR = 4189.00). The mean(SD) self-perceived HRQoL
score was 3.4 (0.76). There were no significant correlation between PA and all domains of HRQoL such as physical health,
psychological, social relationship and environmental domains (Correlation coefficient, ρ = -0.108, 0.003, -0.023, 0.026
respectively) with p = 0.273, 0.978, 0.818, 0.794 respectively. Majority of non-academic staffs of FSK, UKM engaged in
high physical activity. The PA levels of support staffs were significantly higher than management and professional staffs.
However, there was no statistically significant correlation observed between PA and domains of HRQoL.
The incidences of breast cancer have been rising at an alarming rate. Mass breast screening programmes involving mammography and ultrasound in certain parts of the world have also proven their benefits in early detection. However, radiologists may be confronted with increased workload. An attempt has been made in this paper to rectify part of the problems faced in this area. Expert systems based on the interpretation of mammographic and ultrasound images for classifying patient cases could be utilized by doctors (expert and non-expert) in screening. These softwares consist of MAMMEX (for mammogram) and SOUNDEX (for breast ultrasound) could be used to deduce cases according to Breast Imaging Recording and Data System (BI-RADS), based on patients’ history, physical and clinical assessment, mammograms and breast ultrasound images. A total of 179 retrospective cases from the Radiology Department, hospital of the University of Science Malaysia, Kubang Kerian, Kelantan were used in this study. A receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was implemented, based on the usage of a two-class forced choice of classifying suspicious and malignant findings as positive with normal, benign and probably benign classified as negative. Results yielded an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.997 with the least standard error value of 0.003 for MAMMEX while an AUC of 0.996 with the least standard error of 0.004 was accomplished for SOUNDEX. A system which very closely simulated radiologists was also successfully developed in this study. The ROC curve analysis indicated that the expert systems developed were of high performance and reliability.
The evolution in lifestyle and dietary habits of the Malaysian people that have taken place over the last few decades can be largely attributed to both family and social environment. These factors are known to affect the nutritional status of the community, in both children and adults. Reduced physical activity and changes in their diet have been one of the contributing factors to the rising prevalence of overweight and obesity. However, in Malaysia, in which nutrition transition has been a norm, it is worrying when the trends of overweight and obesity have been rising steadily over the years especially among children. Although numerous strategies to control obesity in Malaysia have been taking place, many had shown little effect. Analysing strategies implemented at national level is thus crucial in order to ascertain reasons for the shortfalls of these strategies especially among children. Obesity most commonly begins as early as the ages of 5 and 6 years, or during adolescence. Obesity is indeed a major public health concern due to its huge negative impact on the society at large which is well supported by evidence-based literatures. Managing this issue is complex and holistic approach is thus crucial in reducing its incidence and prevalence.
Demodex sp. merupakan ektoparasit kulit dan dikenali sebagai tungau folikel yang selalu didapati pada manusia pada semua peringkat umur, kaum dan kumpulan geografi. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk menentukan prevalens infestasi Demodex sp. di kalangan orang dewasa berumur antara 20 hingga 29 tahun di kawasan Lembah Klang dan menentukan kaitan infestasi ektoparasit ini dengan jantina dan masalah jerawat. Kajian ini merupakan kajian pertama penentuan prevalens infestasi Demodex sp. di Malaysia. Seramai 350 orang subjek telah dikaji yang mana pemilihan sampel dilakukan secara pensampelan rawak berstrata. Pengambilan spesimen dilakukan secara kikisan kulit pada kawasan muka iaitu dahi, hidung, pipi dan dagu. Spesimen dititiskan dengan medium Hoyer dan pemerhatian dijalankan di bawah mikroskop cahaya. Borang soal selidik diedarkan untuk mengetahui kehadiran jerawat pada kulit muka. Hasil kajian mendapati prevalens keseluruhan infestasi Demodex sp. adalah 18.9% dan lelaki menunjukkan infestasi lebih tinggi (25.7%) berbanding perempuan (12.0%) manakala tiada perbezaan bermakna antara masalah jerawat dan infestasi Demodex sp. Kesimpulannya, infestasi Demodex sp. hadir di kalangan satu perlima dari subjek dengan lelaki didapati lebih bermasalah.
The main purpose of this study was to establish the comfort zone for bus drivers in a seated position. In addition, this study is to investigate the seated pressure distribution among Malaysian bus drivers. The study consists of 10 bus drivers randomly selected to be a part of this study. The FSA pressure mat was utilized in order to investigate the force distribution of buttock to the seat pan of the drivers’ seat. This device is placed on the driver seat and backrest. Later, the subject would sit on for several minute. The finding reveals that most of the bus drivers feel discomfort by having low back pain and musculoskeletal disorder. The seat pressure distribution of Malaysian busses indicated that the seat not able to absorb high pressure generated from buttock that later may cause the discomfort and restricted the performance of drivers.
Great importance has been attributed to birth weight all over the world because it is considered as one of the best predictors of prenatal survival and a good indicator of quality life. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of low birth weight babies (LBW) and factors related to it in Baghdad city. A cross sectional study was carried out in four general hospitals in Baghdad city, Iraq. A total of 225 newborn babies, alive, singleton and without congenital malformation were selected randomly from these four general hospitals.The result of the study showed the prevalence rate of low birth weights was 21.3%. Mothers’ educational level, monthly family income, mothers with chronic hypertension, mothers with history of previous low birth weight infants and anemic mothers were significantly associated with low birth weight babies (P= 0.03, 0.01, 0.02,
Morbidly adherent placenta with spontaneous rupture of membrane at extreme prematurity poses poor pregnancy outcome. Various issues on different management modalities still remain perplexed and individual consideration is vital. Two cases of morbidly adherent placenta with symptomatic per vaginal bleeding and spontaneous rupture of membrane at severe prematurity were reviewed and discussed. We found that, active intervention by termination of pregnancy and methotrexate therapy at early gestation can prevent the need of hysterectomy following major obstetrics haemorrhage.
This paper investigate the effect of parents’ education background and family monthly income on the Intelligence Quotient
(IQ) of students with special needs in Kelantan, Malaysia. This cross-sectional method study was employed multistage
random sampling to obtain information drawn from 130 participants from 10 selected school in Kelantan, Malaysia.
Questionnaire was used to obtain parents’ education background, family monthly income and demographic variables.
Students IQ were assessed using Comprehensive Test for Non-Verbal Intelligence (CTONI 2nd Edition). Data analysis involve
independent sample t-test, one-way between group ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation and multiple linear regression. From
analysis of IQ score, 63.8% of the special needs students scored very poor IQ, 12.3% scored below average and only
1.5% score average IQ. Significant mean difference were revealed between age group (p = 0.002), parents’ education (p
= 0.018) and family monthly income (p < 0.05) on special needs students IQ. Post-hoc tukey shows significance between
parents who never went to school, went to secondary school (p = 0.037) and university/college (p = 0.021). In term of
family monthly income, significance difference were found between family with low and high monthly income (p < 0.05).
Family monthly income (r = 0.393, p < 0.01) showed positive moderate correlation on special needs students IQ. After
being forwarded by multiple linear regression, it was found that family monthly income (B = 3.605, p < 0.05) and age
group of special needs students (B = 0.879, p = 0.002) were significant predictor for IQ score and explained 22.5% of
the variance (R2
= 0.225, F (5,124) = 83.94, p < 0.05. Overally, majority of special needs students in current study have
very poor IQ score. Further explanation are discussed on the paper.
Antibiotic prophylaxis guidelines for infective endocarditis have been regularly
revised and modified based on current scientific evidence. These guidelines commonly regarded as
standard of care and determine the medicolegal standards. The aim of this study was to elicit the
current practice of prophylaxis antibiotic for Infective endocarditis among general dental
practitioner in Klang Valley. (Copied from article).
Solitary fibrous tumours of the head and neck region are
extremely rare. The clinical diagnosis is often difficult to
establish, and this lesion may be indistinguishable from other
soft tissue neoplasms. An 18-year old Chinese gentleman
presented with a painless right submandibular swelling which
was increasing in size for eight months. A computed
tomography scan showed a well-defined solid mass measuring
about 2.0 x 2.96 cm in the submandibular region. The tumour
was resected and was confined within its capsule.
Immunohistochemical staining was strongly positive for CD34,
CD 99, and vimentin and negative for desmin, smooth muscle
actin (SMA), cytokeratin, S100 and CD68. The microscopic and
immunohistochemical profile were compatible with solitary
fibrous tumour. Distinguishing solitary fibrous tumours from
various spindle neoplasms can be difficult. In view of the
resemblance, immunohistochemical staining can help
differentiate solitary fibrous tumour from spindle neoplasm.
Parents or caregivers of children with learning disabilities have been shown to experience increases in stress and greater negative caregiving consequences than those with typically developing children. The current study sought to assess the perceived stress among Malay caregivers of children with learning disabilities in Kelantan. The Malay version of Perceived Stress Scale 10 items was administered to a sample of 40 caregivers of children with learning disabilities who were registered to five Pusat Pemulihan Dalam Komuniti (PDK) in Kelantan. Higher scores indicate higher levels of stress. The caregivers had mean age of 47.68 (SD = 9.18) years old, of whom 90% were fathers or mothers. Ninety percent of them were married, majority were unemployed or housewives and had secondary school education. The majority of children with learning disabilities were males and half of them were Down Syndrome children. The mean total Perceived Stress Scale score of the caregivers was 16.77 (SD = 5.74). There were no significant associations between total perceived stress score and any of the independent variables. The mean total perceived stress score showed that the perceived stress level was in the category of slightly higher than average and health concern level was high, while the average stress level was between score of 12 to 15. In conclusion, this result indicated that the caregivers had slightly higher levels of stress than the average score, and might increase susceptibility to stress-induced illness.
The mass attenuation coefficients of solid water phantoms, Perspex® phantoms and Rhizophora spp. particleboards were determined by using Compton scattering technique measured using Ludlum configuration. The gamma energy of 137Cs sealed source were measured at 30°, 45°, 60° and 75° angles providing scattered gamma energies between 337.72 and 564.09 keV. The mass attenuation coefficients of solid water and fabricated Rhizophora spp. particleboards were the nearest to XCOM values of water with average percentage of discrepancies of 6.8% and 5.9%, respectively. The results indicated similar attenuation properties of solid water and fabricated Rhizophora spp. particleboards and the suitability of the Ludlum configuration to determine the mass attenuation coefficient of materials using Compton scatter technique.
The new microelectronic products require the silicon (Si) wafer to be thinned to less than
150 µm in thickness. Residual defect on the wafer surface that leads to wafer breakage with
a rough surface still be produced by mechanical grinding. Thus, chemical etching method is
essentially applied to produce a reliable thin wafer with smooth surface of desired thickness.
In this work, we studied the wet chemical etching effect of different HNO3 concentrations on
total thickness and weight loss, etch rate, morphological and structural properties of Si wafer
in the mixtures of HNO3 and HF. The results showed that the total thickness and weight
loss increases with the increasing of HNO3 concentration and etching time. Higher HNO3
concentration causes higher etch rate, and the etch rate decreases at prolonged etching time.
A smoother and clearer homogeneous Si surface image was observed by optical microscope as
the etching time and HNO3 concentration increase. XRD analysis shows that the intensity
of etched Si wafer is higher than the pure one, which might indicate the smoother surface
formation after etching. The findings of present study can be valuably referred to produce
a reliable and desired Si thin wafer which is crucial in integrated circuit fabrication.
Optimum combination of voxel size resolution and b-value for whole brain imaging has been determined. Data images
were acquired using a 1.5T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system (GE Signa HDxt). Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)
scan was performed on phantom and a human volunteer. Six protocols which consist of various combination of voxel
size and b-value were evaluated. Measurement of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and DTI parameter indices were carried out
for both phantom and in-vivo studies. Due consideration was given to a combination of parameters yielding sufficient
SNR with DTI values comparable to those obtained from previous reported studies. For the phantom study, SNR ≥ 20 was
found in all of the protocols except for a combination of voxel size of 2.0 × 2.0 × 2.0 mm3
with b-value of 1200 s/mm2
(V2.0 B1200) and that of voxel size of 2.0 × 2.0 × 2.0 mm3
with b-value of 1000 s/mm2
(V2.0 B1000). For in-vivo study,
all protocols presented SNR > 20. It was found that a combination of voxel size of 2.5 × 2.5 × 2.5 mm3
with b-value of
1000 s/mm2
(V2.5 B1000) and that of voxel size of 2.5 × 2.5 × 2.5 mm3
with b-value of 700 s/mm2
(V2.5 B700) displayed
the most comparable ADC and FA values with references. In terms of anatomic coverage, V2.5 B700 was found better
than V2.5 B1000 as it assures coverage of the whole brain. In conclusion, a combination of voxel size of 2.5 × 2.5 × 2.5
with b-value of 700 s/mm2
was considered as optimum parameters for brain DTI.
The importance of terrestrial insects as food items for freshwater fish was studied by examining stomach contents of Devario regina (Fowler 1934) and its population parameters at canopied areas of selected tributaries of Kerian River, in the northern state of Peninsular Malaysia. Ninety six percent (121 out of 126) of the fish stomachs examined contained food materials in the stomachs and the values of percentage of occurrence (%F), percentage numerical (%N) and percentage points (%P) indicated that collected fish ate similar food items in all rivers. Among the food categories, scavenging terrestrial ants (Formicidae) were the most dominant food item, hence the main diet for this species. The Index of Relative Importance (IRI) scores of food items indicated that ants were higher than other food items. This surface water feeder experienced a positive allometric growth (W = aLb) with a b (rate of growth) value of 3.256. Its asymptotic length, growth constant and growth performance index represented this species with a short life-span (L∞ = 10.90 cm, K = 1.20 year-1, φ’ = 2.15, tmax = 3 year, respectively) and had higher natural mortality (M = 2.40 year-1) than fishing mortality (F = 0.35 year-1) while the fish stock was underexploited (E = 0.13). The finding of this study indicated the importance of terrestrial ants as a food source that support excellent growth of D. regina and the need to conserve riparian trees along river banks to provide allocthonous materials and habitats for the ants.
BACKGROUND: There is increasing evidence showing that anxiety is associated with morbidity in the older age group. Factors contributing to anxiety may vary among different diseases and settings.
AIMS: The aim of this study was to determine the factors associated with anxiety symptoms among elderly hypertensive at the primary care level.
METHODS: A cross-sectional study and face-to-face interviews using Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) were conducted among elderly hypertensive.
RESULTS: The mean (SD) age of subjects was 68.8 (6.76) years and comprised of 49.5% and 50.5% of males and females, respectively. The majority of respondents were Malays (76.1%), followed by Chinese (14.3%), and Indians (9.5%). The mean (SD) duration of hypertension was 8.44 (7.29) years and the prevalence of anxiety symptoms was 13.3% (95% CI: 9.9, 16.7). Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that elderly hypertensive with a past history of stroke (adjusted OR: 4.472; 95% CI: 1.754, 11.405; p = 0.002) and depression (adjusted OR: 3.715; 95% CI: 2.009, 6.872; p