MATERIALS AND METHODS: Adipose stromal cells were cultured in three different types of medium: (i) F12/DMEM (FD) supplemented with 10% FBS from passage 0 (P0) to P6; (ii) FD supplemented with 2% FBS at P6; and (iii) FD supplemented with 2% FBS plus 50 ng/ml of VEGF at P6. Morphological changes and growth rate of ASCs were recorded. Changes in stemness, angiogenic and endogenic genes' expressions were analysed using Real-Time PCR.
RESULTS: Adipose stromal cells changed from fibroblast-like shape when cultured in 10% FBS medium to polygonal when cultured in 2% FBS plus VEGF-supplemented medium. Their growth rate was lower in 2% FBS medium, but increased with addition of VEGF. Real-Time PCR showed that ASCs maintained most of their stemness and angiogenic genes' expression in 10% FBS at P1, P5 and P6, but this increased significantly in 2% FBS at P6. Endogenic genes expression such as PECAM-1, VE chaderin and VEGFR-2 decreased after serial passage in 10% FBS, but increased significantly at P6 in 2% FBS. Addition of VEGF did not cause any significant change in gene expression level.
CONCLUSION: Adipose stromal cells had greater angiogenic potential when cultured in reduced serum conditions. VEGF did not enhance their angiogenic potential in 2% FBS-supplemented medium.
METHODS: Potential MAR/SAR sites were predicted in the AF9 gene by using MAR/SAR prediction tools. Normal nasopharyngeal epithelial cells (NP69) and NPC cells (TWO4) were treated with BA at neutral and acidic pH. Inverse-PCR (IPCR) was used to identify chromosome breaks in SAR region (contains MAR/SAR) and non-SAR region (does not contain MAR/SAR). To map the chromosomal breakpoints within the AF9 SAR and non-SAR regions, DNA sequencing was performed.
RESULTS: In the AF9 SAR region, the gene cleavage frequencies of BA-treated NP69 and TWO4 cells were significantly higher than those of untreated control. As for the AF9 non-SAR region, no significant difference in cleavage frequency was detected between untreated and BA-treated cells. A few breakpoints detected in the SAR region were mapped within the AF9 region that was previously reported to translocate with the mixed lineage leukaemia (MLL) gene in an acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) patient.
CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that MAR/SAR may be involved in defining the positions of chromosomal breakages induced by BA. Our report here, for the first time, unravelled the relation of these BA-induced chromosomal breakages to the AF9 chromatin structure.
METHODS: Human adipose-derived stem cells isolated from fat tissues were differentiated into smooth muscle cells and then seeded onto a triple-layered PLGA sheet to form a bladder construct. Adult athymic rats underwent subtotal urinary bladder resection and were divided into three treatment groups (n = 3): Group 1 ("sham") underwent anastomosis of the remaining basal region, Group 2 underwent reconstruction with the cell-free scaffold, and Group 3 underwent reconstruction with the tissue-engineered bladder construct. Animals were monitored on a daily basis and euthanisation was performed whenever a decline in animal health was detected.
RESULTS: All animals in Groups 1, 2 and 3 survived for at least 7 days and were followed up to a maximum of 12 weeks post-operation. It was found that by Day 14, substantial ingrowth of smooth muscle and urothelial cells had occurred in Group 2 and 3. In the long-term follow up of group 3 (tissue-engineered bladder construct group), it was found that the urinary bladder wall was completely regenerated and bladder function was fully restored. Urodynamic and radiological evaluations of the reconstructed bladder showed a return to normal bladder volume and function.Histological analysis revealed the presence of three muscular layers and a urothelium similar to that of a normal bladder. Immunohistochemical staining using human-specific myocyte markers (myosin heavy chain and smoothelin) confirmed the incorporation of the seeded cells in the newly regenerated muscular layers.
CONCLUSION: Implantation of PLGA construct seeded with smooth muscle cells derived from human adipose stem cells can lead to regeneration of the muscular layers and urothelial ingrowth, leading to formation of a completely functional urinary bladder.