METHODS: This cross-sectional study was based on the data collected from the Hepatitis C Elimination through Access to Diagnostics (HEAD-Start) study in 25 primary healthcare clinics across three regions of Malaysia. The findings of biochemical tests were used to calculate the APRI for each study participant. Transient elastography was used as a standard reference for the diagnosis of cirrhosis. The area under the receiver operating curve (AUROC) was used to determine the discriminative ability of APRI in both HCV mono-infected and HCV/HIV co-infected patients. The diagnostic performance of APRI at three different cutoffs (>1.0, ≥1.5 and >2.0) were also evaluated.
RESULTS: This study included 867 HCV-RNA-positive patients, 158 (16.1%) were co-infected with HIV. For the HCV mono-infected patients, the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive values (NPV) for the cut-off of >1.0 were 61.8%, 88.7%, 73.8% and 81.9%, and for the cut-off of ≥1.5, 45.6%, 97.0%, 88.7% and 77.6%, respectively. A much lower sensitivity (29.9%) was observed for the cut-off of >2.0. The diagnostic accuracy of APRI at the cut-off of ≥1.5 in the HCV/HIV co-infected patients was relatively suboptimal.
CONCLUSION: APRI, with a cut-off of ≥1.5, can more accurately predict LC among hepatitis C patients in Malaysia. However, additional physical examination and laboratory assessment are likely to be required to support the diagnosis, especially in those with HCV/HIV co-infection.
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether any association exists between the finding of an increased thickness of placenta, abnormal placenta shape, placental calcification, placental lake and abnormal cord insertion site at 20-22 and 30-32 weeks gestation with an increased risk of uteroplacental complications or a poor pregnancy outcome.
METHODOLOGY: A real-time ultrasound was used at the time of detail scan (at 20-22 weeks gestation) and at 30-32 weeks gestation to look for placenta appearance, fetal growth and anomaly. The main outcome measures were risk of hypertension disease in pregnancy, fetal growth restriction and poor fetal outcomes such as low Apgar score and low cord pH.
RESULT: The majority of the participants were Malay (77.9%). Abnormal placenta found at both gestations were placental lakes and thickness, and only one case had marginal cord insertion. Approximately 6% of the cases were confirmed placenta previa. No abnormal shape or abnormal calcification found at both gestations. About 10% patient developed hypertensive disease in pregnancy, 15% of the fetus was found to have growth restriction and another 16% have low umbilical cord pH. Majority of them delivered at term (90%) and via vaginal delivery (81%). There was no significance between presence of abnormal placental lake and thickness at both gestations with the maternal and fetal outcome.
CONCLUSION: Presence of abnormal placental thickness and lakes at 30-32 weeks scan associated with maternal hypertensive disease, fetal growth restriction and low umbilical cord pH, however these were not statistically significant.
METHODS: This was a cross-sectional validation study among 159 T2DM patients attending a public primary care clinic in Selangor. The DMOQ English version underwent adaptation, translation, face validation and field testing to produce the Malay version. Psychometric analysis was performed using Exploratory Factor Analysis, internal consistency and testretest reliability.
RESULTS: The DMOQ domains were conceptually equivalent between English and Malay language. A total of 13 items and two domains were removed during the validation process (three items during the content validation, three items due to poor factor loadings, five items as they loaded onto two domains which were not interpretable, one item as it did not fit conceptually into the factor it loaded onto and one openended question as it did not fit into the retained domains). Therefore, the final DMOQ Malay version consisted of 21- items within five domains. The Cronbach alpha was 0.714 and the intraclass-correlation coefficient was 0.868.
CONCLUSION: The DMOQ Malay version is a valid and reliable tool which is consistent over time. It can be used to examine the perception of T2DM patients towards the risk of their offspring developing diabetes and possibility of intervention in Malay-speaking patients.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The communities were selected from rural and urban populations in four peninsular states (Selangor, Kelantan, Perak, and Johor). Following a multistage sampling approach, communities in each stratum were selected according to probability proportional to the size and identified based on national census data by the community and administrative registers. Households were randomly selected. Eligible individuals were those aged between 35 and 70 years old, self-reported or identified as hypertensive at screening. Informed consent was taken. A survey using validated questionnaires was conducted.
RESULTS: The total number of respondents was 579. The mean age was 59.0 (95%: 58.4, 59.7) and more were women (71.5%) than men (28.5%). Regarding respondents selfreported level of hypertension knowledge, 2.9% reported having no knowledge at all, 80.1% had little knowledge, and 17.9% were very familiar. Among all respondents, 56.2% (95% CI: 50.7, 61.6) correctly answered at least four out of five objective knowledge questions.Almost all (91.5%) were aware that hypertension could cause a stroke. However, one-fifth believed it could cause cancer. Almost threequarters said that people with high blood pressure generally felt well (72.1%) and recognized that they should not stop taking their medication (70.7%). Most of the respondents knew that people should take their medication even if they feel well (73.6%). Although more than half (66.0%) of the respondents rated their health as poor. Interestingly, most did not perceive themselves as having a long-term illness (95.0%).
CONCLUSION: This study provides reassurance that individuals with hypertension in disadvantaged communities in Malaysia have a relatively good understanding of hypertension. Further research should explore the challenges they face on their therapeutic journeys.