RESULT: By combining SNP information from literatures, GWAS study and NCBI ClinVar, 18 unique SNPs were selected for further analysis. From these 18 SNPs, 10 SNPs came from previous study of Helicobacter pylori infection among Malay patients, 6 SNPs were from NCBI ClinVar and 2 SNPs from GWAS studies. The analysis reveals that both Royal Kelantan Malay genomes shared all the 10 SNPs identified by Maran (Single Nucleotide Polymorphims (SNPs) genotypic profiling of Malay patients with and without Helicobacter pylori infection in Kelantan, 2011) and one SNP from GWAS study. In addition, the analysis also reveals that both Royal Kelantan Malay genomes shared 3 SNP markers; HBG1 (rs1061234), HBB (rs1609812) and BCL11A (rs766432) where all three markers were associated with beta-thalassemia.
CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that the Royal Kelantan Malays carry the SNPs which are associated with protection to Helicobacter pylori infection. In addition they also carry SNPs which are associated with beta-thalassemia. These findings are in line with the findings by other researchers who conducted studies on thalassemia and Helicobacter pylori infection in the non-royal Malay population.
Methods: This cross-sectional study recruited blood donors at selected public hospitals in the Malaysian State of Sarawak in 2019. A structured questionnaire was developed based on the review of relevant literature. It gathered information on socio-demographic characteristics, knowledge, attitude, subjective norm and self-efficacy on the intention to donate HSC. Variables with a p value <0.200 in bivariate analysis were included in the variable selection for regression modeling to examine their associations with the intention to donate HSC.
Results: A total of 569 blood donors participated (94.5% response rate). Overall, 87.1% reported a positive intention to donate HSC. In the regression model, the factor with the greatest association with intention to donate HSC was subjective norms about HSC donation (β = 0.35, 95% CI 0.27-0.42), followed by attitude about regulations of HSC donation (β= 0.21, 95% CI 0.13-0.35), self-efficacy on HSC donation (β = 0.15, 95% CI 0.09-0.32), attitude about the potential side effects of HSC donation (β = 0.14, 95% CI 0.02-0.10) and highest education level (β = 0.10, 95% CI 0.03-0.44).
Conclusions: The findings can be used to formulate a better strategy in promoting HSC donation among blood donors in the region.
METHODS: In this three-year longitudinal study, 125 subjects (77 PD patients and 48 spousal/sibling controls) underwent clinical, biochemical and body composition assessments using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry.
RESULTS: Patients were older than controls (65.6 ± 8.9 vs. 62.6 ± 7.1, P = 0.049), with no significant differences in gender, comorbidities, dietary intake and physical activity. Clinically significant weight loss (≥5% from baseline weight) was recorded in 41.6% of patients, with a doubling of cases (6.5 to 13.0%) classified as underweight at study end. Over three years, patients demonstrated greater reductions in BMI (mean -1.2 kg/m2, 95%CI-2.0 to -0.4), whole-body fat percentage (-2.5% points, 95%CI-3.9 to -1.0), fat mass index (FMI) (-0.9 kg/m2, 95%CI-1.4 to -0.4), visceral fat mass (-0.1 kg, 95%CI-0.2 to 0.0), and subcutaneous fat mass (-1.9 kg, 95%CI-3.4 to -0.5) than in controls, with significant group-by-time interactions after adjusting for age and gender. Notably, 31.2% and 53.3% of patients had FMI<3rd (severe fat deficit) and <10th centiles, respectively. Muscle mass indices decreased over time in both groups, without significant group-by-time interactions. Multiple linear regression models showed that loss of body weight and fat mass in patients were associated with age, dyskinesia, psychosis and constipation.
CONCLUSIONS: We found progressive loss of weight in PD patients, with greater loss of both visceral and subcutaneous fat, but not muscle, compared to controls. Several associated factors (motor and non-motor disease features) were identified for these changes, providing insights on possible mechanisms and therapeutic targets.
METHODS: A cross sectional survey was conducted among staff from a tertiary education centre. Subjects were contacted to ascertain their medical history. A total of 320 subjects were interviewed and 195 subjects were eligible and subsequently recruited on a suitable date for taking blood and administration of the questionnaires. The subjects completed questionnaires pertaining to demographic details and coping styles. Pearson's correlation coefficient was used to measure the strength of association between lipid profile and coping styles.
RESULTS: Majority of the subjects were non-academic staff (60.0%), female (67.2%), Malay (91.8%), married (52.3%) and educated until Diploma level (34.9%). Academic staff scored significantly higher mean scores in task-oriented coping styles (Mean = 64.12). Non-academic staff scored significantly higher mean scores in emotion (Mean = 48.05) and avoidance-oriented coping styles (Mean = 57.61). Malay subjects had significantly higher mean scores in emotion (Mean = 47.14) and avoidance-oriented coping styles (Mean = 55.23). Non-malay subjects (Mean = 66.00) attained significantly higher mean scores in task-oriented coping styles. Single/divorced/widowed individuals scored significantly higher mean scores in emotion (Mean = 48.13) and avoidance-oriented coping styles (Mean = 56.86). There was a significant negative correlation between TC (r = -0.162) and LDL (r = -0.168) with avoidance-oriented coping styles (p = 0.023, p = 0.019 respectively).
CONCLUSION: Avoidance-oriented coping style was more likely to engender favourable lipid profile. Hence, assessment of coping styles would certainly assist health care practitioners in predicting subjects who would be at a greater risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.
AIM: To assess the level of job satisfaction and perception of Provisionally Registered Pharmacists (PRP) towards the internship training provided.
METHODS: A cross-sectional nationwide survey was conducted amongst all PRPs undergoing training between December 2015 and February 2016 to assess their level of job satisfaction and perception towards the training requirements stipulated by the Pharmacy Board of Malaysia.
RESULTS: A total of 733 PRPs participated in the survey and the response rate was 95.8%. On the basis of the response received, 92.5% (n = 678) felt that the one year training period was 'just nice', 30.5% (n = 223) felt that the logbooks were 'too complicated', and 33.2% (n = 241) said the targets set by the Pharmacy Board of Malaysia were 'too high'. On a scale of 1 to 5, respondents rated 3.32 (SD 0.54) for mean score of job satisfaction. Significant factors influencing mean score of job satisfaction were: perceived fairness at the work place; perceived self-competence after one year of training; preceptors' competence; and pharmacy as a chosen career pathway.
CONCLUSION: Intern pharmacists were fairly satisfied with the internship training in government facilities in the Ministry of Health, Malaysia. A review of the internship logbooks and the practicality of targets set by the Pharmacy Board warrant further improvement.
METHODS: The dengue infection in mouse model was established by inoculation of non-mouse adapted New Guinea C strain dengue virus (DEN-2) in AG129 mice. The freeze-dried CPLJ compounds were identified by Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography High Resolution Accurate Mass Spectrometry analysis. The infected AG129 mice were orally treated with 500 mg/kg/day and 1000 mg/kg/day of freeze-dried CPLJ, starting on day 1 post infection for 3 consecutive days. The blood samples were collected from submandibular vein for plasma NS1 assay and quantitation of viral RNA level by quantitative reverse transcription PCR.
RESULTS: The AG129 mice infected with dengue virus showed marked increase in the production of plasma NS1, which was detectable on day 1 post infection, peaked on day 3 post-infection and started to decline from day 5 post infection. The infection also caused splenomegaly. Twenty-four compounds were identified in the freeze-dried CPLJ. Oral treatment with 500 mg/kg/day and 1000 mg/kg/day of freeze-dried CPLJ did not affect the plasma NS1 and dengue viral RNA levels. However, the morbidity level of infected AG129 mice were slightly decreased when treated with freeze-dried CPLJ.
CONCLUSION: Oral treatment of 500 mg/kg/day and 1000 mg/kg/day of freeze-dried CPLJ at the onset of viremia did not affect the plasma NS1 and viral RNA levels in AG129 mice infected with non-mouse adapted New Guinea C strain dengue virus.
PATIENTS AND METHODS: We established a multi-national, longitudinal, observational registry of patients with prostate cancer presenting to participating tertiary care hospitals in eight Asian countries. A total of 3636 eligible patients with existing or newly diagnosed high-risk localised prostate cancer (HRL), non-metastatic biochemically recurrent prostate cancer (M0), or metastatic prostate cancer (M1), were consecutively enrolled and are being followed-up for 5 years. Patient history, demographic and disease characteristics, treatment and treatment decisions, were collected at first prostate cancer diagnosis and at enrolment. Patient-reported quality of life was prospectively assessed using the European Quality of Life-five Dimensions, five Levels (EQ-5D-5L) and Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy for Prostate Cancer questionnaires. In the present study, we report the first interim analysis of 2063 patients enrolled from study start (15 September 2015) until 18 May 2017.
RESULTS: Of the 2063 enrolled patients, 357 (17%), 378 (19%), and 1328 (64%) had HRL, M0 or M1 prostate cancer, respectively. The mean age at first diagnosis was similar in each group, 56% of all patients had extracapsular extension of their tumour, 28% had regional lymph node metastasis, and 53% had distant metastases. At enrolment, 62% of patients had at least one co-morbidity (mainly cardiovascular disease or diabetes), 91.8% of M1 patients had an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance score of <2 and the mean EQ-5D-5L visual analogue score was 74.6-79.6 across cohorts. Treatment of M1 patients was primarily with combined androgen blockade (58%) or androgen-deprivation therapy (either orchidectomy or luteinising hormone-releasing hormone analogues) (32%). Decisions to start therapy were mainly driven by treatment guidelines and disease progression. Decision to discontinue therapy was most often due to disease progression (hormonal drug therapy) or completion of therapy (chemotherapy).
CONCLUSION: In the UFO registry of advanced prostate cancer in Asia, regional differences exist in prostate cancer treatment patterns that will be explored more deeply during the follow-up period; prospective follow-up is ongoing. The UFO registry will provide valuable descriptive data on current disease characteristics and treatment landscape amongst patients with prostate cancer in Asia.
METHODS: The AG129 mice were fed orally with FCPLJ for 3 consecutive days after 24 h of dengue virus inoculation. Plasma cytokines were screened by using ProcartaPlex immunoassay. The gene expression in the liver was analyzed by using RT2 Profiler PCR Array.
RESULTS: The results showed that FCPLJ treatment has increased the plasma CCL2/MCP-1 level during peak of viremia. Gene expression study has identified 8 inflammatory cytokine genes which were downregulated in the liver of infected AG129 mice treated with FCPLJ. The downregulated inflammatory cytokine genes were CCL6/MRP-1, CCL8/MCP-2, CCL12/MCP-5, CCL17/TARC, IL1R1, IL1RN/IL1Ra, NAMPT/PBEF1 and PF4/CXCL4.
CONCLUSION: The findings indicated the possible immunomodulatory role of FCPLJ during dengue virus infection in AG129 mice.
METHODS: This was a real-world study of a fixed-dose combination of netupitant and palonosetron (NEPA) to inhibit CINV in adult patients receiving moderately (MEC) or highly emetogenic chemotherapy (HEC) for solid/hematological malignancies at eight Malaysian centers. Each HEC/MEC cycle received one dose of NEPA + dexamethasone for CINV prevention. Complete response (no emesis, no rescue medication) (CR), no more than mild nausea (severity score ≤ 2.5), and complete control (CR) (no more than mild nausea) during the acute (0-24 h), delayed (25-120 h), and overall (0-120 h) phases post-chemotherapy were measured. Treatment-related adverse events (AEs) were recorded.
RESULTS: During March 2016-April 2018 (NMRR-17-3286-38282), NEPA + dexamethasone was administered to 54 patients (77.8% solid, 22.2% hematological malignancies). Note that 59.3% received HEC, while 40.7% received MEC regimen. During the overall phase of the first cycle, the majority had CR (77.8%), no more than mild nausea (74.1%), and complete control (61.1%). Seventeen patients received two consecutive cycles at any point of chemotherapy cycles. During the overall phases across two consecutive cycles, all patients achieved CR, and the majority reported no more than mild nausea and complete control. No grades 3-4 AEs were reported.
CONCLUSIONS: NEPA had sustained efficacy and tolerability at first administration and across two cycles of MEC/HEC for CINV prevention.
METHODS: A total of 30 eligible archived paraffin-embedded tissue blocks from 61 EEC cases (January 2015-December 2017) were retrieved from the Histopathology Laboratory in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC) following institutional ethic approval. For PTEN protein detection, immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining was performed and the data was correlated with clinicopathologic parameters.
RESULTS: Fourteen samples (46.7%) showed positive PTEN protein expression, while 16 (53.3%) were negative. The mean age was 62.00 ± 9.51 years old, while the mean Body Mass Index (BMI) was 27.28 ± 7.16 kg/m2. There was no significant difference between age (p=0.27, 95% CI: -10.98 to 3.21) and BMI (p=0.67, 95% CI: -4.30 to 6.58) with PTEN protein expression. There were significant correlation between PTEN protein expression with myometrial invasion (p=0.010), but not with lymphovascular space invasion (p=0.743), grade (p=0.532), stage (p=0.733) and CA-125 level (p=0.47). The higher stage correlates with the presence of LVSI (p=0.002). PTEN positive associated with longer disease-free-interval (p=0.025), but not improving the overall survival (p=0.38).
CONCLUSIONS: Positive PTEN protein expression correlates with less myometrial invasion.