Materials and method: The cross-cultural adaptation was conducted based on standard guidelines to produce the Malay version of the Identification of Functional Ankle Instability (IdFAI-M) questionnaire. The reliability and validity testing were then performed among one hundred and twenty-three physically active University of Malaya students. Among them, twenty-two students also participated in the second return of the questionnaire over a two-week interval, which was then evaluated for test-retest reliability testing.
Results: The content validity for item-level (I-CVI) and Kappa values for all items were more than 0.7, respectively and the all scales-level (S-CVI) values were 0.983 (consistency), 0.967 (representativeness), 1.00 (relevance) and 0.983 (clarity). The questionnaire also demonstrated excellent reliability with an intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC2.1) above 0.850 for all items. It was observed that outer loading of most items were more than the minimum acceptable value (0.7). Fornell-Larcker criterion demonstrate all values for each reflective construct was larger than the correlations with other constructs, indicating discriminant. The cross-loading values of each item has shown a weak correlation with all other constructs, except for the one to which it was theoretically associated.
Conclusions: The Malay version of the IdFAI (IdFAI-M) is a reliable and valid instrument that can be readily utilised to subjectively assess ankle instability.
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to translate and validate the English version of MAUQ (standalone for patients) into a Malay version of MAUQ (M-MAUQ) for mHealth app research and usage in future in Malaysia.
METHODS: Forward and backward translation and harmonization of M-MAUQ were conducted by Malay native speakers who also spoke English as their second language. The process began with a forward translation by 2 independent translators followed by harmonization to produce an initial translated version of M-MAUQ. Next, the forward translation was continued by another 2 translators who had never seen the original MAUQ. Lastly, harmonization was conducted among the committee members to resolve any ambiguity and inconsistency in the words and sentences of the items derived with the prefinal adapted questionnaire. Subsequently, content and face validations were performed with 10 experts and 10 target users, respectively. Modified kappa statistic was used to determine the interrater agreement among the raters. The reliability of the M-MAUQ was assessed by 51 healthy young adult mobile phone users. Participants needed to install the MyFitnessPal app and use it for 2 days for familiarization before completing the designated task and answer the M-MAUQ. The MyFitnessPal app was selected because it is one among the most popular installed mHealth apps globally available for iPhone and Android users and represents a standalone mHealth app.
RESULTS: The content validity index for the relevancy and clarity of M-MAUQ were determined to be 0.983 and 0.944, respectively, which indicated good relevancy and clarity. The face validity index for understandability was 0.961, which indicated that users understood the M-MAUQ. The kappa statistic for every item in M-MAUQ indicated excellent agreement between the raters (κ ranging from 0.76 to 1.09). The Cronbach α for 18 items was .946, which also indicated good reliability in assessing the usability of the mHealth app.
CONCLUSIONS: The M-MAUQ fulfilled the validation criteria as it revealed good reliability and validity similar to the original version. M-MAUQ can be used to assess the usability of mHealth apps in Malay in the future.