OBJECTIVE: The aim was to understand the local prevalence and factors associated with returning to work in Malaysia after a cardiac event.
METHODS: A cross sectional design was used. All patients attending the cardiac rehabilitation program after major cardiac event during an 11-months period (2011-2012) were included. Data relating to socio-demographic, work-related, risk factors and acute myocardial infarction were collected. The SF-36 questionnaire was used to assess quality of life. Regression analysis was used to determine the predicting factors to return to work.
RESULTS: A total of 398 files were screened, 112 respondents agreed to participate giving a response rate of 47.3%. The prevalence of returned to work (RTW) was 66.1% [95% CI: 57.2-75.0]. Factors associated with work resumption were age (Adj. OR: 0.92 (95% CI: 0.84-0.99), diabetes mellitus (Adj. OR: 3.70, 95% CI: 1.35-10.12), Mental Component Summary (MCS) score (Adj. OR: 1.05 (95% CI: 1.01-1.09) and baseline angiography findings. Patients with single vessel and two vessel disease were 8.9 times and 3.78 times more likely to return to work compared to those with 3 vessels (Adj. OR: 8.90 (95% CI: 2.29-34.64) and Adj. OR: 3.78, (95% CI: 1.12, 12.74).
CONCLUSIONS: We proposed a cardiac rehabilitation program to emphasize mental health as it may improve successful return to work after cardiac event.
METHODS: This was a cross-sectional validation study among 159 T2DM patients attending a public primary care clinic in Selangor. The DMOQ English version underwent adaptation, translation, face validation and field testing to produce the Malay version. Psychometric analysis was performed using Exploratory Factor Analysis, internal consistency and testretest reliability.
RESULTS: The DMOQ domains were conceptually equivalent between English and Malay language. A total of 13 items and two domains were removed during the validation process (three items during the content validation, three items due to poor factor loadings, five items as they loaded onto two domains which were not interpretable, one item as it did not fit conceptually into the factor it loaded onto and one openended question as it did not fit into the retained domains). Therefore, the final DMOQ Malay version consisted of 21- items within five domains. The Cronbach alpha was 0.714 and the intraclass-correlation coefficient was 0.868.
CONCLUSION: The DMOQ Malay version is a valid and reliable tool which is consistent over time. It can be used to examine the perception of T2DM patients towards the risk of their offspring developing diabetes and possibility of intervention in Malay-speaking patients.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The communities were selected from rural and urban populations in four peninsular states (Selangor, Kelantan, Perak, and Johor). Following a multistage sampling approach, communities in each stratum were selected according to probability proportional to the size and identified based on national census data by the community and administrative registers. Households were randomly selected. Eligible individuals were those aged between 35 and 70 years old, self-reported or identified as hypertensive at screening. Informed consent was taken. A survey using validated questionnaires was conducted.
RESULTS: The total number of respondents was 579. The mean age was 59.0 (95%: 58.4, 59.7) and more were women (71.5%) than men (28.5%). Regarding respondents selfreported level of hypertension knowledge, 2.9% reported having no knowledge at all, 80.1% had little knowledge, and 17.9% were very familiar. Among all respondents, 56.2% (95% CI: 50.7, 61.6) correctly answered at least four out of five objective knowledge questions.Almost all (91.5%) were aware that hypertension could cause a stroke. However, one-fifth believed it could cause cancer. Almost threequarters said that people with high blood pressure generally felt well (72.1%) and recognized that they should not stop taking their medication (70.7%). Most of the respondents knew that people should take their medication even if they feel well (73.6%). Although more than half (66.0%) of the respondents rated their health as poor. Interestingly, most did not perceive themselves as having a long-term illness (95.0%).
CONCLUSION: This study provides reassurance that individuals with hypertension in disadvantaged communities in Malaysia have a relatively good understanding of hypertension. Further research should explore the challenges they face on their therapeutic journeys.
METHODS: This study was conducted in three phases: (1) pre-production, (2) production and (3) post-production. The pre-production phase involved designing the storyboard and scripts, which underwent content validation by content experts and subsequently by patients with hypertension. Once the storyboards and scripts achieved acceptable consensus, the videos were recorded (production phase). The post-production phase included video editing and face validation among patients with hypertension. Statistical analysis included the calculation of the item-level content validation index (I-CVI) and item-level face validation index (I-FVI) during content and face validation, respectively.
RESULTS: The storyboards and scripts for five videos were developed. The I-CVI of all videos was 1.0 after two rounds of content validation among six content experts. The I-CVI of all videos was 1.0 among five patients with hypertension. Five videos were recorded and edited, achieving an I-FVI of 1.0 during face validation among 10 patients.
CONCLUSION: A VBI series consisting of five videos was developed and validated for use among patients with hypertension in primary care settings to improve their knowledge of self-care practices.