Displaying publications 541 - 560 of 617 in total

  1. Mohd Amnan MA, Pua TL, Lau SE, Tan BC, Yamaguchi H, Hitachi K, et al.
    PeerJ, 2021;9:e10879.
    PMID: 33614294 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.10879
    Drought is one of the severe environmental stresses threatening agriculture around the globe. Nitric oxide plays diverse roles in plant growth and defensive responses. Despite a few studies supporting the role of nitric oxide in plants under drought responses, little is known about its pivotal molecular amendment in the regulation of stress signaling. In this study, a label-free nano-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry approach was used to determine the effects of sodium nitroprusside (SNP) on polyethylene glycol (PEG)-induced osmotic stress in banana roots. Plant treatment with SNP improved plant growth and reduced the percentage of yellow leaves. A total of 30 and 90 proteins were differentially identified in PEG+SNP against PEG and PEG+SNP against the control, respectively. The majority of proteins differing between them were related to carbohydrate and energy metabolisms. Antioxidant enzyme activities, such as superoxide dismutase and ascorbate peroxidase, decreased in SNP-treated banana roots compared to PEG-treated banana. These results suggest that the nitric oxide-induced osmotic stress tolerance could be associated with improved carbohydrate and energy metabolism capability in higher plants.
    Matched MeSH terms: Agriculture
  2. Babji, A.S., Ghassem, M., Hong, P.K., Maizatul, S.M.S.
    ASM Science Journal, 2012;6(2):144-147.
    Research and development trends will continue to design innovative composite foods in which muscle proteins are combined with non-conventional animal products, non-meat proteins and functional food additives, many of which have lost their original inherent properties and characteristics. Composite food are products with meat, non-meat proteins, fats, carbohydrates and functional ingredients such as pre-emulsion, probiotics, enzymes, bioactives, peptides, hormones, emulsifiers, gelatin, animal fats/oils, alcohol and visceral tissues. Traceability of halal meat raw materials should start at the point of animal breeding, production to the stage of halal slaughter, processing operations and final point of consumption. Traceability of food additives used in the food industry remains a major hurdle for the Muslim community seeking halal food. The processes and technological advancements made in raw material processing, ingredient extractions, modifications, purification and resynthesized into many food ingredients make the question of traceability and solving of the materials and processes that are halal a monumental task. Food is only halal if the entire food chain from farm to table, is processed, handled and stored in accordance with the syariah and/or halal standards or guidelines, such as in the Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM): General guidelines, Malaysia Standards MS 1500:2009 and Codex Alimentarius (Food Labeling). Here lies the challenge and importance of traceability to verify the ‘wholesomeness’ of the sources of halal raw materials and final meat-based food products.
    Matched MeSH terms: Agriculture
  3. Adzitey F., Ali, G.R.R., Huda, N., Ting, S.L.
    Fifty five (n=55) isolates of Escherichia coli isolated from ducks in Penang, Malaysia were examined for their susceptibility to eleven different antibiotics and assayed for the presence of plasmid DNAs. All the 55 Escherichia coli isolates were resistant (100%) to vancomycin. Higher resistance (= 60) occurred for tetracycline 51 (92.7%), ampicillin 40 (72.7%), streptomycin 37 (67.3%), and sulfamethoxazole-trimethophrim 37 (67.3%). No and low resistance was observed for nitrofurantoin (0%) and gentamicin (1.8%), respectively. The isolates also showed some intermediate resistances to all antibiotics examined except for vancomycin. The 55 Escherichia coli isolates exhibited 23 different antibiotic resistant patterns with MAR index ranging from 0.09-0.82. Majority of the Escherichia coli isolates exhibited resistant pattern of VA-C-OFX-SXT-TE-AMP-NA-KF and VA-S-C-OFX-SXT-TE-AMP-NA-KF with MAR index of 0.73 and 0.82, respectively. The smallest plasmid DNA size was 1.2 kb and the largest plasmid DNA size was 81.5 kb. 51 (93%) of the duck Escherichia coli isolates harbored plasmids. The was no direct correlation between plasmid DNA sizes and antibiotic resistant among the duck Escherichia coli isolates. Thus, the antibiotic resistant of the Escherichia coli isolates could mostly be mediated by chromosomes instead of plasmids. This study also suggests that the use of antibiotics in duck farming in Penang, Malaysia needs to be controlled to prevent the spread of multiple antibiotic resistant Escherichia coli isolates.
    Matched MeSH terms: Agriculture
  4. Chai, L.C., Fatimah, A.B., Ghazali, F.M., Lee, H.Y., Tunung, R., Shamsinar, A.T., et al.
    Antibiotic resistance in campylobacter is an emerging global public health problem after MRSA and VRE. Fluoroquinolone and macrolide resistance have been found to be more common in this world leading foodborne pathogen. A total of fifty-six isolates of Campylobacter jejuni obtained from raw vegetables
    which are consumed as ulam (salad) in Malaysia, were tested with 12 antibiotics used clinically and
    agriculturally. The resistance was determined using the disk diffusion method. Results were determined
    by hierarchic numerical methods to cluster strains and antibiotics according to similarity profiles. Fifty
    five C. jejuni isolates from different isolation sites were all clustered together into ten groups. This indicates that the commodities (raw salad vegetables/ulam) where the isolates originated might share a similar source of cross-contamination along the production route. All antibiotics tested correlated and there were four groupings reflecting their mode of actions. Generally, C. jejuni isolates were found to be highly resistant to erythromycin (91.1%) and tetracycline (85.7%). Both agents are popular antibiotics used clinically to treat bacterial infections. On the other hand, the C. jejuni isolates showed high percentage (80.4%) of resistance towards enrofloxacin, an extensively used antimicrobial agent in agriculture practices. This study showed that C. jejuni isolates were highly multi-resistance to as many as 10 antibiotics. Therefore, in terms of biosafety, the presence of antibiotic resistance strains in the food chain has raised concerns that the treatment of human infections will be compromised.
    Matched MeSH terms: Agriculture
  5. Khor, G.L.
    Food and fuel prices have soared in recent years affecting most adversely the poor and those with fixed incomes. Since 2000, wheat price in the international market has more than tripled and maize prices have more than doubled. The price of rice, the staple of billions in Asia, has tripled in the past year. The surge of food prices has been blamed on multiple factors including higher energy and fertilizer costs, greater global demand, drought, the loss of arable land to biofuel crops and price speculation. In light of the spiraling rise in food prices, there is the prospect of increasing rates of under-nutrition worldwide. As it is, 800 million are estimated to be suffering from chronic malnourishment, with another 2.1 billion people living close to subsistence levels on less than US$2 a day. Some perspectives of the food production experience of Malaysia are shared here as a case of a country that has built up capabilities and resources through high level of foreign and domestic investment leading to a diversified economy. In response to the recent surge in the price of rice, the Malaysian government announced the setting up of a dedicated fund amounting to US$1.25 billion to increase production of food including fruits and vegetables, and targeting 100% self-sufficiency in rice, by growing rice on a massive scale in Sarawak. During the current five-year development plan for the period of 2006-2010, (Ninth Malaysia Plan), the role of the agriculture sector is considerably enhanced to be the third pillar of economic growth, after manufacturing and services. Among the measures taken, are those aimed at increasing incomes of smallholders and fishermen mainly through improving productivity. These measures include encouraging more rice farmers to participate in mini-estates and group farming, providing financial assistance to rehabilitate cocoa, pepper and sago smallholdings, enhancing the capabilities of coastal fishermen, and setting up of a special program to assist poor households in the agriculture sector to diversify their sources of income. The various socio-economic programs in Malaysia that have been put in place over the years may have cushioned to some extent so far the severity of the dramatic hikes in food prices.
    Matched MeSH terms: Agriculture
  6. Khoo, Gideon, Lim, Tit Meng, Phang, Violet Pan Eng
    Since the early 1950’s, Singapore is internationally known as the guppy-breeding centre. At least 40 different colour varieties of guppies are cultured in Singapore, with each farm specialising in 10 to 15 varieties. These fancy varieties have been developed by skilful farmers through intensive and continual selective breeding. Genes controlling background body pigmentation such as albino (a), blond (b), gold (g) and blue (r) are autosomally inherited and recessive to their wild-type alleles which produce drab olive-brown background coloration. Colour patterns which are superimposed onto wild-type background coloration are due to genes located on the sex chromosomes. These
    sex-linked colour genes are dominant and sex-limited to males as their expression requires male hormones. Y-linked colour pattern genes carried by males are inherited only along the paternal line while X-linked genes are present in both sexes. Among the guppy varieties produced locally, only two Y-linked genes, Ssb and Sst, that control snakeskin tail and body patterns, respectively, have been found in varieties with snakeskin-like reticulations. Single colour genes that are both X- and Y-linked produce red (Rdt), blue (Blt), green (Grt), black (Bt) and variegated (Var) patterns
    on the caudal fin. The black caudal-peduncle of the Tuxedo variety is the result of Bcp, a gene that is both X- and Ylinked. Different combinations of colour pattern genes and background pigmentation genes as well as interactions among them give rise to various colour phenotypes. For
    instance, the inclusion of Bcp in Snakeskin varieties causes black reticulations on the tail fin to be replaced by large, coarse black spots. Neon coloration is produced by interactions between the Ln (light turquoise) gene with Blt, Rdt and Bcp.
    Matched MeSH terms: Agriculture
  7. Mohd Shukor, N.
    Never in the history of modern Malaysia, the general population at all levels are being threatened by food security. Food becoming less available and more expensive. Many factors, both long- and short-term, have contributed to the shortage. At a global level, available data seems to indicate that we have been consuming more than what we produce. Then came the shortfall in global rice production caused by the impact of climate change such as the widespread drought in India and China in 2002, typhoons in the Philippines in 2006, and the major flooding in Bangladesh in 2007. This was followed by the returns of pests such as planthoppers, and the various virus diseases transmitted particularly at regions with growing seasons having abnormally higher temperatures caused by climate change. Since the crisis started, scientists particularly breeders all over the world were requested to strengthen and upgrade the breeding program and facilities for the development of new varieties with increased tolerance to drought, flooding, and salinity as well resistant to insects and diseases. An important pre-requisite for such activities is the free flow of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture (pgrfa). The adoption of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has drastically slowed down the movement of many plant genetic resources and this has threatened the future supply of food. The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resource for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA or the Treaty) is a global reaction to the rising tide of measures taken by many governments as a result CBD to extend their sovereign control over genetic resources. Many countries felt that those measures are inappropriate for food and agricultural crop genetic resources. The Treaty on the other hand recognizes that access and benefit sharing for agricultural biodiversity must be treated differently from the way it is generally treated under CBD. This paper discusses some of the key points and provisions from the treaty and some issues arising from its negotiation and future implementation in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Agriculture
  8. Sim, F.S., Mohd Irwan Lu, N.A.L., Lee, Z.E.T., Mohamed, M.
    In this study, agriculture biomass was used to remove dissolved organic matter from peat swamp runoff. The functional groups and morphological properties of 6 tropical agriculture biomasses (coconut husk, rice husk, empty fruit bunch, sago hampas, saw dust and banana trunk) in their raw and citric acid–treated states were examined. The Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra showed that various biomasses were typically characterised with lignocellulosic compounds. The spectra analysis further demonstrated that citric acid treatment resulted in the dissolution of lignin and hemicelluloses to various extents where carboxyl groups were also introduced. These changes hypothetically suggest improved adsorption ability. Treatment of peat swamp runoff with various untreated biomasses showed no adsorption. With the modified biomass, adsorption was evidenced, with rice husk illustrating the highest removal efficiency of 60% to 65%.The biosorbent can be used in the water treatment process especially for treating water with a high dissolved organic matter content. The spent sorbent can be subsequently applied as a soil conditioner as the dissolved organic fraction, commonly known as humic matter, possesses important agricultural value.
    Matched MeSH terms: Agriculture
  9. Zariyantey Abdul Hamid, Zaliha Harun, Syarif Husin Lubis, Nihayah Mohamed, Ismarulyusda Ishak, Hidayatul Fathi Othman, et al.
    Health awareness promotion among farming communities are important for a sustainable agriculture activities. A cross-sectional study was conducted to assess health status among farming communities in Cameron Highlands, Pahang (n = 61) and Bachok and Pasir Puteh, Kelantan (n = 143). Mobile Health Screening Programme composed of assessment of blood glucose, blood cholesterol, haemoglobin, blood pressure, pterygium, lung function and nerve conductive velocity was utilized. Our results indicate that the percentage of Cameron Highland’s farmers with hyperglycaemia, systolic hypertension, diastolic hypertension and anaemia were 8.2%, 14.8%, 11.5% and 8.2%, respectively. However, higher percentage of farmers in Bachok and Pasir Puteh, Kelantan with hyperglycaemia (32.8%), hypercholesterolaemia (83%), anaemia (24.2%) and systolic hypertension (41.9%) were observed. Pterygium was positive for 88.6% of farmers in Cameron Highlands and 94.4% in Bachok and Pasir Puteh. Lung function test shows that 61.7% and 11.4% of farmers in Cameron Highlands had restrictive and obstructive lung, respectively. In Bachok and Pasir Puteh, a total of 19.8%, 55.5% and 23.9% of farmers were found to have obstructive, restrictive and combined obstructive and restrictive lung, respectively. Current Perception Threshold (CPT) value which indicate nerve conductive velocity were significantly increased (p < 0.05) among Cameron Highland’s farmers for both median and peroneal nerve at all frequencies (5 Hz, 250 Hz and 2000 Hz). In Bachok and Pasir Puteh, the values of the CPT for median nerve was significantly increased (p < 0.05) for all frequencies (5, 250 and 2000 Hz). Meanwhile, a signifi cant increased (p < 0.05) was observed for the CPT values for peroneal nerve at the frequencies of 250 and 2000 Hz as compared to control groups. In conclusion, analysis revealed different health problem among the studied farming communities which could be influenced by the differences in farming practices. Thus, employed Mobile Health Screening Programme offers a monitoring approach that could highlight the need for suitable health services and awareness programmes for different farming communities.
    Matched MeSH terms: Agriculture
  10. Devendra, C.
    ASM Science Journal, 2011;5(2):139-150.
    The effects of anticipated climate change and the potential impact on animal production are discussed in the context of varying biophysical features, agro-ecological zones (AEZs), ecosystems, land use, and responses in animal genetic diversity and production. The AEZs in Asia have great diversity in their links to food production in crop-animal small farm systems, the poverty complex and livelihoods of the poor. In these environments. climate change effects on animals were mediated through heat stress, water availability, quantity and quality of the available feed resources, type of production system and productivity. The responses to heat stress are tabulated and they vary according to species, breeds within-species, AEZs, physiological and nutritional status, genetic potential and multifunctionality. Among ruminant production systems, dairy production was especially vulnerable to heat stress. Interestingly in India, buffalo numbers owned largely by the landless and small farmers in the semi-arid and arid regions have grown twice as fast as the buffalo population in the irrigated areas. The implications and strategies to cope with climate change involve mitigation, adaptation and policy. The principal strategy is targetting to the reduce on in greenhouse gas (GHG) emission from the agricultural sector from enteric fermentation and manure, and ways to intensify C sequestration. An important link is that of breeding and conserving indigenous animal genetic resources as a means to mitigate climate change, with associated benefits to the trade of live animals and animal products. Improved integrated tree crops-ruminant systems are an important pathway to enhance C sequestration. The opportunities for research and development (R&D) are enormous and they would need policy support and large investments to provide improved understanding of ways to ensure sustainable animal production systems. Coping with the totality of the effects and impact of climate change constitutes the challenges for agricultural R&D and the improved livelihood of the resource-poor in the future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Agriculture
  11. Sakeena MHF, Bennett AA, Jamshed S, Mohamed F, Herath DR, Gawarammana I, et al.
    BMC Infect Dis, 2018 05 08;18(1):209.
    PMID: 29739360 DOI: 10.1186/s12879-018-3107-8
    BACKGROUND: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major challenge for global health care. Pharmacists play a key role in the health care setting to help support the quality use of medicines. The education, training, and experiences of pharmacy students have the potential to impact on patterns of antibiotic use in community and hospital settings. The aim of this study was to investigate antibiotic use, knowledge of antibiotics and AMR among undergraduate pharmacy students at Sri Lankan universities and to compare this between junior and senior pharmacy student groups.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted at the six universities in Sri Lanka that offer pharmacy undergraduate programmes. All pharmacy students in each university were invited to participate in this study using a self-administered questionnaire with ethics approval. The study instrument comprised five major sections: demographic information, self-reported antibiotic use, knowledge of antibiotic uses in human health, knowledge of AMR and antibiotic use in agriculture. Descriptive data analyses were conducted and Chi-squared analysis was used to explore associations between different variables and level of pharmacy education.

    RESULTS: Four hundred sixty-six pharmacy students completed the questionnaire. A majority of participants (76%) reported antibiotic use in the past year. More than half (57%) of the junior pharmacy students incorrectly indicated that antibiotic use is appropriate for the management of cold and flu conditions. Senior pharmacy students (n = 206) reported significantly better antibiotic knowledge than junior students (n = 260), p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Agriculture
  12. Hamsan H, Ho YB, Zaidon SZ, Hashim Z, Saari N, Karami A
    Sci Total Environ, 2017 Dec 15;603-604:381-389.
    PMID: 28633115 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.06.096
    Tanjung Karang, Selangor, is widely known for its paddy cultivation activity and hosts the third largest paddy field in Malaysia. Pesticides contamination in agriculture fields has become an unavoidable problem, as pesticides are used to increase paddy productivity and reduce plant disease. Human exposure to agrichemicals is common and could results in both acute and chronic health effects, such as acute and chronic neurotoxicity. This study aims to determine the concentrations of commonly used pesticides (azoxystrobin, buprofezin, chlorantraniliprole, difenoconazole, fipronil, imidacloprid, isoprothiolane, pretilachlor, propiconazole, pymetrozine, tebuconazole, tricyclazole, and trifloxystrobin) in personal air samples and their associated health risks among paddy farmers. Eighty-three farmers from Tangjung Karang, Selangor were involved in this study. A solid sorbent tube was attached to the farmer's breathing zone with a clip, and an air pump was fastened to the belt to collect personal air samples. Pesticides collected in the XAD-2 resin were extracted with acetone, centrifuged, concentrated via nitrogen blowdown and reconstituted with 1mL of 3:1 ultrapure water/HPLC-grade methanol solution. The extract was analyzed using ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS). The target compounds were detected with a maximum concentration reaching up to 462.5ngm-3 (fipronil). The hazard quotient (HQ) was less than 1 and the hazard index (HI) value was 3.86×10-3, indicating that the risk of pesticides related diseases was not significant. The lifetime cancer risk (LCR) for pymetrozine was at an acceptable level (LCR<10-6) with 4.10×10-8. The results reported in this study can be beneficial in terms of risk management within the agricultural community.
    Matched MeSH terms: Agriculture
  13. Law LS, Norhasmah S, Gan WY, Siti Nur'Asyura A, Mohd Nasir MT
    Nutrients, 2018 Oct 08;10(10).
    PMID: 30297599 DOI: 10.3390/nu10101455
    Over the course of 16 years, a high percentage of Orang Asli (OA) households in Malaysia has been found to be burdened with food insecurity. Therefore, a study was conducted to improve the understanding of the challenges faced by the OA in Peninsular Malaysia to achieve food security under traditional food systems. In this study, in-depth interview sessions, which were assisted by an interview protocol, were conducted with 61 OA women from nine villages that were selected purposefully across three states (Kelantan, Pahang, and Perak) in Peninsular Malaysia. Furthermore, thematic analysis was performed during data analysis. As a result, four themes were identified, namely (i) the failure in agriculture (sub-themes: threats from wild animals and insufficient land supply), (ii) ineffectiveness of traditional food-seeking activities (sub-themes: exhausting, tiring, dangerous, and time-consuming journey for food-seeking activities, depletion of natural commodities, reduced demands of natural commodities, and lack of equipment), (iii) weather (sub-themes: rainy and dry seasons), and (iv) water issues (subthemes: continuity of water supply and cleanliness of water). The identified modifiable factors of this issue should be incorporated into future schemes of food security intervention in order to efficiently manage the food shortage among the OA.
    Matched MeSH terms: Agriculture
  14. Mat Jalaluddin NS, Othman RY, Harikrishna JA
    Crit Rev Biotechnol, 2018 Sep 09.
    PMID: 30198341 DOI: 10.1080/07388551.2018.1496064
    It has only been about 20 years since the first Nobel Prize-winning work on RNA interference (RNAi) in Caenorhabditis elegans was published in the journal Nature. Fast forward to today, and the use of RNA molecules as gene-silencing elements in crops has helped scientists to unveil possible solutions to the global problems of agricultural losses due to pests, viruses, pathogens, and to other abiotic and biotic stresses. The recent proliferation of publications suggests that the technology has gained significant attention and received ample funding support. In this article, an attempt has been made to visualize recent trends in Research & Development (R&D) investment in this field by analyzing top cited scholarly articles, patent trends, and commercialization activity. The publication and citation analysis identified that the development of RNAi-based crops conferring resistance against viruses, fungi, and pests are at the forefront of RNAi research and that Chinese and US institutions are the leaders in this field. The patent landscape analysis for RNAi technology over all aspects related to RNAi-derived crops provides an overview of patenting activity from a geographical, organizational, and legal perspective. Such an exercise is pivotal to industry players and public institutions aiming at creating intellectual property that is commercially appealing. An upswing in commercial interests in this technology in recent years is reflected by a consistent number of patent filings in US, European, and Chinese patent offices, with multinational giant firms as the most prolific patent filers. The expanding RNAi commercialization landscape is supported by a series of strategic partnerships, licensing agreements, and acquisitions created between agribusinesses, public research institutions, and startup companies. From key observations, we would like to highlight that such investments have very positive impacts on the development of RNAi technology. Nonetheless, the success of this technology is dependent on several factors, such as financial requirements, the complexity, and timeframe of the entire development process, as well as stringent regulations imposed by the relevant authorities. In most countries, RNAi-based transgenic crops are still considered as a genetically modified (GM) product, which necessitates the crops to undergo rigorous evaluation before approval is granted. Recent advancements in exogenous RNAi-derived biopesticides have provided a nontransgenic alternative to GM crops. However, challenges still remain in the form of technical hurdles and regulatory ambiguities surrounding this emerging technology. Its full potential remains to be realized.
    Matched MeSH terms: Agriculture
  15. Baghdadi A, Halim RA, Ghasemzadeh A, Ramlan MF, Sakimin SZ
    PeerJ, 2018;6:e5280.
    PMID: 30386686 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.5280
    Background: Corn silage is an important feed for intense ruminant production, but the growth of corn relies heavily on the use of chemical fertilizers. Sustainable crop production requires careful management of all nutrient sources available on a farm, particularly in corn-based cropping systems.

    Methods: Experiments were conducted to determine the appropriate technique of corn-legume intercropping in conjunction with the supplemental use of chemical fertilizers, organic manure, and biofertilizers (BFs). Acetylene reduction assays (ARAs) were also performed on corn and soybean roots.

    Results: Combining chemical fertilizers with chicken manure (CM) in a 50:50 ratio and applying 50% NPK+50% CM+BF produced fresh forage and dry matter (DM) yields that were similar to those produced in the 100% nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K) treatment. Among the lone fertilizer treatments, the inorganic fertilizer (100% NPK) treatment produced the highest DM yield (13.86 t/ha) of forage and outyielded the 100% CM (9.74 t/ha) treatment. However, when CM was combined with NPK, the resulting DM yield of forage (13.86 t/ha) was the same as that resulting from 100% NPK (13.68 t/ha). Compared with CM applications alone, combinations of NPK and CM applications resulted in increased plant height, crop growth rates (CGRs) and leaf area index (LAI), but the values of these parameters were similar to those resulting from 100% NPK application. Fertilizers in which the ratio was 50% CM+50% NPK or 50% CM+50% NPK+BF resulted in protein yields that were similar to those resulting from conventional fertilizers. Similarly, the CP content did not significantly differ between applications of the 100% NPK and 50% CM+50% NPK fertilizers. The use of BFs had no significant impact on improving either the yield or quality of forage fertilized with inorganic or organic fertilizer. Lactic acid responded differently to different fertilizer applications and was significantly higher in the fertilized plots than in the unfertilized plots. Compared with treatments of lone chemical and lone organic manure fertilizers, treatments involving applications of BF and a combination of BF and NPK or CM resulted in higher ARA values.

    Discussion: There is no simple and easy approach to increase biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) in grain legumes grown as part of a cropping system under realistic farm field conditions. Overall, evidence recorded from this study proves that, compared with corn monocrops combined with CM and chemical fertilizers, corn-soybean intercrops could increase forage yields and quality, produce higher total protein yields, and reduce the need for protein supplements and chemical fertilizers.

    Matched MeSH terms: Agriculture
  16. Yavari S, Sapari NB, Malakahmad A, Razali MAB, Gervais TS, Yavari S
    Bull Environ Contam Toxicol, 2020 Jan;104(1):121-127.
    PMID: 31807794 DOI: 10.1007/s00128-019-02759-y
    Analysis of herbicides sorption behavior in soil is critical in predicting their fate and possible harmful side effects in the environment. Application of polar imidazolinone herbicides is growing in tropical agricultural fields. Imidazolinones have high leaching potential and are persistent. In this study, adsorption-desorption of imazapic and imazapyr herbicides were evaluated in different types of Malaysian agricultural soils. Effects of soil parameters were also investigated on the soils' sorption capacities. The adsorption data fitted best to Freundlich isotherm (R2 > 0.991). The herbicides adsorptions were physical and spontaneous processes as ΔG values were negative and below 40 kJ/mol. The adsorption correlated positively with clay content, total organic carbon (TOC) content, and cation exchange capacity (CEC). There were strong negative correlations between hysteresis index and these factors indicating their importance in imidazolinones immobilization and, thus, their pollution reduction in the environment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Agriculture
  17. Ahmad Rohi Ghazali, Maziani Abdullah, Asmah Hamid, Asmariah Ahmad, Tava Shelan Nagapan, Ismarulyusda Ishak, et al.
    Pesticides and chemical fertilizers are widely used in agriculture to increase crop productivity among farmers. However, exposure to pesticides will give potential risk to human health. The aim of this study was to analyze the frequency of micronucleus (MN) and binucleus (BNu) formation in buccal cells from farmers who were exposed to pesticides using the MN assay. Buccal swabs were collected from the farmers in Tanjung Karang (n = 32) and Kelantan (n = 43) using wooden tongue depressor. A structured questionnaire was used to obtain demographic data of the farmers. Cytogenetic analysis was carried out by Acridin Orange (AO) staining 0.0025% (w/v). The frequency of MN and BNu as the biomarkers for cytogenetic damage was observed by using a fluorescence microscope. Comparison of frequency of MN and BNu is conducted in two areas namely Tanjung Karang, Selangor and Kelantan because of the agricultural activity and the type of pesticides used are different. Results showed that the frequencies of both MN and BNu among farmers in Tanjung Karang were significantly higher (p < 0.05) compared to farmers in Kelantan. Meanwhile, for the socio-demographic factors (age, smoking status, working period), MN and BNu frequencies among farmers in Tanjung Karang were also significantly higher (p < 0.05) as compared to farmers in Kelantan. While in the aspect of pesticide exposure, the frequencies of MN and BNu showed no significant difference between the frequency of pesticide spraying (p > 0.05) and the practices of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) (p > 0.05). This may suggests that cytogenetic changes were not influenced by these factors. In addition, correlation study shows positive correlation between the frequency of MN with the pesticide exposure of farmers in Tanjung Karang (p > 0.05, r = 0.015) and Kelantan (p > 0.05, r = 0.0158). Besides, the frequency of BNu also has a positive correlation with the pesticide exposure among farmers in Tanjung Karang (p > 0.05, r = 0.036) and farmers in Kelantan (p > 0.05, r = 0.013). Hence, this present study demonstrated that exposure to pesticides increased the formation of MN and BNu among farmers and the prolonged use of pesticides may induce genotoxicity and DNA damage to human
    Matched MeSH terms: Agriculture
  18. Abu Hassan MR, Aziz N, Ismail N, Shafie Z, Mayala B, Donohue RE, et al.
    PLoS Negl Trop Dis, 2019 03;13(3):e0007243.
    PMID: 30883550 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0007243
    BACKGROUND: Melioidosis, a fatal infectious disease caused by Burkholderia pseudomallei, is increasingly diagnosed in tropical regions. However, data on risk factors and the geographic epidemiology of the disease are still limited. Previous studies have also largely been based on the analysis of case series data. Here, we undertook a more definitive hospital-based matched case-control study coupled with spatial analysis to identify demographic, socioeconomic and landscape risk factors for bacteremic melioidosis in the Kedah region of northern Malaysia.

    METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We obtained patient demographic and residential information and clinical presentation and medical history data from 254 confirmed melioidosis cases and 384 matched controls attending Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah (HSB), the main tertiary hospital of Alor Setar, the capital city of Kedah, during the period between 2005 and 2011. Crude and adjusted odds ratios employing conditional logistic regression analysis were used to assess if melioidosis in this region is related to risk factors connected with socio-demographics, various behavioural characteristics, and co-occurring diseases. Spatial clusters of cases were determined using a continuous Poisson model as deployed in SaTScan. A land cover map in conjunction with mapped case data was used to determine disease-land type associations using the Fisher's exact test deploying simulated p-values. Crude and adjusted odds ratios indicate that melioidosis in this region is related to gender (males), race, occupation (farming) and co-occurring chronic diseases, particularly diabetes. Spatial analyses of disease incidence, however, showed that disease risk and geographic clustering of cases are related strongly to land cover types, with risk of disease increasing non-linearly with the degree of human modification of the natural ecosystem.

    CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: These findings indicate that melioidosis represents a complex socio-ecological public health problem in Kedah, and that its control requires an understanding and modification of the coupled human and natural variables that govern disease transmission in endemic communities.

    Matched MeSH terms: Agriculture
  19. Lee JYN, Tan IKP
    Sains Malaysiana, 2018;47:243-251.
    Bacteria play an important roles in the soil ecosystem and in the rhizosphere, they are intricately linked to nutrient content
    and its accessibility to plants, plant protection and sometimes pathogenicity. Banana grows well in the tropics and it is
    popularly grown in Orang Asli (OA) (indigenous people) settlements. Banana is also grown in commercial plantations.
    In traditional planting practices, the OA do not add pesticide nor fertilizer to their crops which are planted for selfsustenance
    mainly. On the other hand, fertilizer and pesticide are added to commercial banana plantations to maximise
    yield. Rhizosphere bacteria from the banana plant, Pisang Nipah, grown in OA fields and commercial plantations were
    identified by clone library construction of the 16S rRNA gene. This was to determine whether farming practices influenced
    the bacterial community in the banana plant rhizosphere. Acidobacteria, Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria were found in
    all the soil. Other common phyla found in some soil (but not all) were Nitrospirae, Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Chloroflexi,
    Verrumicrobia, Gemmatimonadetes and Cyanobacteria. The bacterial diversity was a little more diverse in the OA fields
    than the commercial plantations. The latter had higher contents of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. These could
    have exerted selective pressure to reduce the bacterial diversity in the commercial plantations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Agriculture
  20. Sulaiman N, Chee Beng Y, Ahmad Bustamam FK, Khairuddin NSK, Muhamad H
    Drug Test Anal, 2020 Apr;12(4):504-513.
    PMID: 31898859 DOI: 10.1002/dta.2760
    Cypermethrin is a pyrethroid insecticide commonly used to control bagworm infestation in oil palm plantations. It is applied through spraying onto the leaves where the bagworms reside. This article reports the fate of cypermethrin used in a Malaysian oil palm plantation during a typical dry season through the analysis of cypermethrin residue in environmental and palm oil samples collected from a supervised field trial. Residues of cypermethrin were not detected in the soil samples collected at different depths, water samples collected at different points in the experimental plots, and oil samples extracted from fresh fruit bunches (FFB) harvested from each plot for both single and double dosages of treatment throughout the study interval. Analysis of leaf samples, however, revealed that cypermethrin residue was detected for both pesticide treatments up to day 2 after cypermethrin application.
    Matched MeSH terms: Agriculture
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