Performance of the sequencing batch reactor (SBR) treating synthetic phenolic wastewater at influent phenol concentrations from 100 to 1000 mg/L was evaluated. Two identical SBRs were built and operated with FILL, REACT, SETTLE and DRAW periods in the ratio of 4:6:1:1 for a cycle time of 12h. One of the reactors was operated with aerated FILL (R1) and the other with unaerated FILL (R2). The treated effluent quality and the rate of degradation during REACT were the criteria for evaluating performance of the two reactors. The results showed that the FILL mode had no significant influence on the treatment efficiency of phenol and COD for the entire range of influent phenol concentrations investigated. However, reactor R1 required a relatively shorter REACT time for phenol removal as compared to R2. This meant that R1 had the advantage of providing treatment at a higher organic loading rate.
The mechanistic modeling of the sulfation reaction between fly ash-based sorbent and SO2 is a challenging task due to a variety reasons including the complexity of the reaction itself and the inability to measure some of the key parameters of the reaction. In this work, the possibility of modeling the sulfation reaction kinetics using a purely data-driven neural network was investigated. Experiments on SO2 removal by a sorbent prepared from coal fly ash/CaO/CaSO4 were conducted using a fixed bed reactor to generate a database to train and validate the neural network model. Extensive SO2 removal data points were obtained by varying three process variables, namely, SO2 inlet concentration (500-2000 mg/L), reaction temperature (60-80 degreesC), and relative humidity (50-70%), as a function of reaction time (0-60 min). Modeling results show that the neural network can provide excellent fits to the SO2 removal data after considerable training and can be successfully used to predict the extent of SO2 removal as a function of time even when the process variables are outside the training domain. From a modeling standpoint, the suitably trained and validated neural network with excellent interpolation and extrapolation properties could have immediate practical benefits in the absence of a theoretical model.
A batch adsorption system was applied to study the adsorption of Fe(II) and Fe(III) ions from aqueous solution by chitosan and cross-linked chitosan beads. The adsorption capacities and rates of Fe(II) and Fe(III) ions onto chitosan and cross-linked chitosan beads were evaluated. Chitosan beads were cross-linked with glutaraldehyde (GLA), epichlorohydrin (ECH) and ethylene glycol diglycidyl ether (EGDE) in order to enhance the chemical resistance and mechanical strength of chitosan beads. Experiments were carried out as function of pH, agitation period, agitation rate and concentration of Fe(II) and Fe(III) ions. Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption models were applied to describe the isotherms and isotherm constants. Equilibrium data agreed very well with the Langmuir model. The kinetic experimental data correlated well with the second-order kinetic model, indicating that the chemical sorption was the rate-limiting step. Results also showed that chitosan and cross-linked chitosan beads were favourable adsorbers.
Although the kinetic behaviour of tramadol has been described, the present study is the first to our knowledge, to report specifically on the population pharmacokinetic modelling of tramadol hydrochloride.
A laboratory-scale study was undertaken to evaluate the liquid state bioconversion (LSB) in terms of biodegradation of microbially treated domestic wastewater sludge (biosolids) as well as its kinetics. The potential fungal strains and process factors developed from previous studies were used throughout the study. The results presented in this study showed that an effective biodegradation occurred with the biosolids (sludge cake) accumulated. The maximum biosolids (sludge cake) accumulated (93.8 g/kg of liquid sludge) enriched with the biomass protein (30.2 g/kg of dry biosolids), was achieved which improved the effluent quality by enhancing the removal of chemical oxygen demand (COD), reducing sugar (RS), soluble protein (SP), total dissolved solids (TDS), and total suspended solids (TSS). The higher reduction of specific resistance to filtration (SRF) was observed during bioconversion process. The kinetics results showed that the experimental data were better fitted for the biodegradation efficiency, and biosolids accumulation and biodegradation rate.
In this work, preparation of granular activated carbon from oil palm biodiesel solid residue, oil palm shell (PSAC) by microwave assisted KOH activation has been attempted. The physical and chemical properties of PSAC were characterized using scanning electron microscopy, volumetric adsorption analyzer and elemental analysis. The adsorption behavior was examined by performing batch adsorption experiments using methylene blue as dye model compound. Equilibrium data were simulated using the Langmuir, Freundlich and Temkin isotherm models. Kinetic modeling was fitted to the pseudo-first-order, pseudo-second-order and Elovich kinetic models, while the adsorption mechanism was determined using the intraparticle diffusion and Boyd equations. The result was satisfactory fitted to the Langmuir isotherm model with a monolayer adsorption capacity of 343.94mg/g at 30°C. The findings support the potential of oil palm shell for preparation of high surface area activated carbon by microwave assisted KOH activation.
The effects of organic solvents and their binary mixture in the glucose functionalization of bacterial poly-3-hydroxyalkanoates catalyzed by Lecitase™ Ultra were studied. Equal volume binary mixture of DMSO and chloroform with moderate polarity was more effective for the enzyme catalyzed synthesis of the carbohydrate polymer at ≈38.2 (±0.8)% reactant conversion as compared to the mono-phasic and other binary solvents studied. The apparent reaction rate constant as a function of medium water activity (aw) was observed to increase with increasing solvent polarity, with optimum aw of 0.2, 0.4 and 0.7 (±0.1) observed in hydrophilic DMSO, binary mixture DMSO:isooctane and hydrophobic isooctane, respectively. Molecular sieve loading between 13 to 15gL(-1) (±0.2) and reaction temperature between 40 to 50°C were found optimal. Functionalized PHA polymer showed potential characteristics and biodegradability.
Oil palm shell, a waste from palm oil industry, was cleaned and utilized as adsorbent. Its particle size distribution gave the uniformity coefficient of approximately two indicating that it can be used as filter bed media for continuous operation without resting. Its measured pH(pzc) of 4.1 is below the common pH of constructed wetland water body suggesting positive adsorption for heavy metal. The effect of various parameters on its adsorption was studied via batch experiments. The adsorption of Cu(II) and Pb(II) ions by oil palm shell showed a slightly better fit with the Freundlich compared to Langmuir. Its monolayer adsorption capacities were found to be 1.756 and 3.390mg/g for Cu(II) and Pb(II), respectively. High correlation coefficient of over 0.99 given by the pseudo-second-order model suggests that the rate limiting factor may be chemisorption. These findings suggest its potential application as constructed wetland media for the removal of heavy metal.
A lipase catalysed enantioselective hydrolysis process under in situ racemization of the remaining (R)-ibuprofen ester substrate with sodium hydroxide as the catalyst was developed for the production of S-ibuprofen from (R,S)-ibuprofen ester in isooctane. Detailed investigations on parameters study indicated that 0.5 M NaOH, addition of 20% (v/v) co-solvent (dimethyl sulphoxide), operating temperature of 45 degrees C, and 40 mmol/L substrate gave 86% conversion and 99.4% optical purity of S-ibuprofen in dynamic kinetic resolution. Meanwhile, in common enzymatic kinetic resolution process, only 42% conversion of the racemate and 93% enantiomeric excess of the product was obtained which are of lower values as compared to dynamic kinetic resolution. The S-ibuprofen produced during each process was evaluated and approximately 50% increment in concentration of S-acid product was produced when dynamic kinetic resolution was applied into the process.
Kinetics of production of biodiesel by enzymatic methanolysis of vegetable oils using lipase has been investigated. A mathematical model taking into account the mechanism of the methanolysis reaction starting from the vegetable oil as substrate, rather than the free fatty acids, has been developed. The kinetic parameters were estimated by fitting the experimental data of the enzymatic reaction of sunflower oil by two types of lipases, namely, Rhizomucor miehei lipase (RM) immobilized on ion-exchange resins and Thermomyces lanuginosa lipase (TL) immobilized on silica gel. There was a good agreement between the experimental results of the initial rate of reaction and those predicted by the proposed model equations, for both enzymes. From the proposed model equations, the regions where the effect of alcohol inhibition fades, at different substrate concentrations, were identified. The proposed model equation can be used to predict the rate of methanolysis of vegetable oils in a batch or a continuous reactor and to determine the optimal conditions for biodiesel production.
A novel preparation method of magnetized palm shell waste-based powdered activated carbon (MPPAC, avg. size 112 μm) was developed. The prepared MPPAC was assessed by several physicochemical analyses, and batch tests were performed for ibuprofen (IBP) removal. Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) and N2 gas isotherms revealed that magnetite and maghemite were homogeneous and deposited mostly on the surface of PPAC without a significant clogging effect on the micropores. Isotherm results showed that 3.8% Fe (w/w) impregnated PPAC [MPPAC-Fe(3.8%)] had about 2.2-fold higher maximum sorption capacity (157.3 mg g-1) and a 2.5-fold higher sorption density (0.23 mg m-2) than pristine PPAC. Both Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and isotherm data indicated that the high sorption capacity and density of IBP by MPPAC was primarily attributable to donor-acceptor complexes with the C = O group and dispersive π-π interactions with the carbon surface. Based on kinetic and repeated adsorption tests, pore diffusion was the rate-limiting step, and MPPAC-Fe(3.8%) had about 1.9~2.8- and 9.1~15.8-fold higher rate constants than MPPAC-Fe(8.6%) and palm shell-waste granular activated carbon (PGAC, avg. size 621 μm), respectively. MPPAC showed almost eight fold greater re-adsorption capacity than PPAC due to a thermal catalytic effect of magnetite/maghemite.
In this study, durian (Durio zibethinus Murray) skin was examined for its ability to remove methylene blue (MB) dye from simulated textile wastewater. Adsorption equilibrium and kinetics of MB removal from aqueous solutions at different parametric conditions such as different initial concentrations (2-10 mg/L), biosorbent dosages (0.3-0.7 g) and pH solution (4-9) onto durian skin were studied using batch adsorption. The amount of MB adsorbed increased from 3.45 to 17.31 mg/g with the increase in initial concentration of MB dye; whereas biosorbent dosage increased from 1.08 to 2.47 mg/g. Maximum dye adsorption capacity of the durian skin was found to increase from 3.78 to 6.40 mg/g, with increasing solution pH. Equilibrium isotherm data were analyzed according to Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models. The sorption equilibrium was best described by the Freundlich isotherm model with maximum adsorption capacity of 7.23 mg/g and this was due to the heterogeneous nature of the durian skin surface. Kinetic studies indicated that the sorption of MB dye tended to follow the pseudo second-order kinetic model with promising correlation of 0.9836 < R(2) < 0.9918.
Biosorption process is a promising technology for the removal of heavy metals from industrial wastes and effluents using low-cost and effective biosorbents. In the present study, adsorption of Pb(2+), Cu(2+), Fe(2+), and Zn(2+) onto dried biomass of red seaweed Kappaphycus sp. was investigated as a function of pH, contact time, initial metal ion concentration, and temperature. The experimental data were evaluated by four isotherm models (Langmuir, Freundlich, Temkin, and Dubinin-Radushkevich) and four kinetic models (pseudo-first-order, pseudo-second-order, Elovich, and intraparticle diffusion models). The adsorption process was feasible, spontaneous, and endothermic in nature. Functional groups in the biomass involved in metal adsorption process were revealed as carboxylic and sulfonic acids and sulfonate by Fourier transform infrared analysis. A total of nine error functions were applied to validate the models. We strongly suggest the analysis of error functions for validating adsorption isotherm and kinetic models using linear methods. The present work shows that the red seaweed Kappaphycus sp. can be used as a potentially low-cost biosorbent for the removal of heavy metal ions from aqueous solutions. Further study is warranted to evaluate its feasibility for the removal of heavy metals from the real environment.
Triazine-2-(14)C metsulfuron-methyl is a selective, systemic sulfonylurea herbicide. Degradation studies in soils are essential for the evaluation of the persistence of pesticides and their breakdown products. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the degradation of triazine-2-(14)C metsulfuron-methyl in soil under laboratory conditions. A High Performance Liquid Chromatograph (HPLC) equipped with an UV detector and an on-line radio-chemical detector, plus a Supelco Discovery column (250 x 4.6 mm, 5 μm), and PRP-1 column (305 x 7.0 mm, 10 μm) was used for the HPLC analysis. The radioactivity was determined by a Liquid Scintillation Counter (LSC) in scintillation fluid. The soil used was both sterilized and non-sterilized in order to observe the involvement of soil microbes. The estimated DT50 and DT90 values of metsulfuron-methyl in a non-sterile system were observed to be 13 and 44 days, whereas in sterilized soil, the DT50 and DT90 were 31 and 70 days, respectively. The principal degradation product after 60 days was CO2. The higher cumulative amount of (14)CO2 in (14)C-triazine in the non-sterilized soil compared to that in the sterile system suggests that biological degradation by soil micro-organisms significantly contributes to the dissipation of the compound. The major routes of degradation were O-demethylation, sulfonylurea bridge cleavage and the triazine "ring-opened."
In this work, the potential of CO₂ mineral carbonation of brucite (Mg(OH)2) derived from the Mount Tawai peridotite (forsterite based (Mg)₂SiO4) to produce thermodynamically stable magnesium carbonate (MgCO3) was evaluated. The effect of three main factors (reaction temperature, particle size, and water vapor) were investigated in a sequence of experiments consisting of aqueous acid leaching, evaporation to dryness of the slurry mass, and then gas-solid carbonation under pressurized CO2. The maximum amount of Mg converted to MgCO₃ is ~99%, which occurred at temperatures between 150 and 175 °C. It was also found that the reduction of particle size range from >200 to <75 µm enhanced the leaching rate significantly. In addition, the results showed the essential role of water vapor in promoting effective carbonation. By increasing water vapor concentration from 5 to 10 vol %, the mineral carbonation rate increased by 30%. This work has also numerically modeled the process by which CO₂ gas may be sequestered, by reaction with forsterite in the presence of moisture. In both experimental analysis and geochemical modeling, the results showed that the reaction is favored and of high yield; going almost to completion (within about one year) with the bulk of the carbon partitioning into magnesite and that very little remains in solution.
Mefenamic acid (Mfe) is one of the most frequently detected nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the environment. This study investigated the kinetics and the transformation by-products of Mfe during aqueous chlorination. The potential ecotoxicity of the transformation by-products was also evaluated. In the kinetic study, the second-order rate constant (kapp) for the reaction between Mfe and free available chlorine (FAC) was determined at 25 ± 0.1 °C. The result indicated that the degradation of Mfe by FAC is highly pH-dependent. When the pH was increased from 6 to 8, it was found that the kapp for the reaction between Mfe and FAC was decreased from 16.44 to 4.4 M(-1) s(-1). Characterization of the transformation by-products formed during the chlorination of Mfe was carried out using liquid chromatography-quadrupole time-of-flight accurate mass spectrometry. Four major transformation by-products were identified. These transformation by-products were mainly formed through hydroxylation, chlorination and oxidation reactions. Ecotoxicity assessment revealed that transformation by-products, particularly monohydroxylated Mfe which is more toxic than Mfe, can be formed during aqueous chlorination.
In this study, the catalase-like activity of monomeric tau protein was reported in the presence of of zinc (Zn(II)) ions at low pH value. Monomeric tau protein contains two SH groups that are a target of disulfide bond formation. However these SH groups are able to interact with Zn(II) ion at pH 7.2 which creates a thiol bond as a mimetic model of chloroperoxidase active site which performs catalase like activity at low pH. Zn(II)/tau protein complex decomposed H2O2 with a high rate (Vm) as well as an efficient turn oven number (kcat) at pH 3. This remarkable catalase like activity is may be attributed to the conformational reorientation of protein at low pH. Circular dichroism (CD) studies did not demonstrate any secondary structural changes of tau protein after addition of Zn(II) ions at pH 7.2. In addition, tau protein shows identical CD bands at pH 7.2 and 3. Moreover, fluorescence quenching of tau by Zn(II) at pH 7.2 was initiated by complex formation rather than by dynamic collision. A significant red shift (6nm) was observed in the emission maximum of the fluorescence spectra when the protein was dissolved at pH 3 compared to pH 7.2. This conformational change can provide information regarding the rearrangements of the protein structure and exposure of Cys-Zn(II) group to the solvent which induces easy access of active site to H2O2 molecules and corresponding enhanced catalytic activity of Zn(II)/tau protein complex. This study introduces tau protein as a bio-inspired high performing scaffold for transition metal encapsulation and introducing an engineered apoprotein-induced biomimetic enzyme.
The adsorption behavior of chitosan (CS) beads modified with 3-aminopropyl triethoxysilane (APTES) for the removal of reactive blue 4 (RB4) in batch studies has been investigated. The effects of modification conditions, such as the APTES concentration, temperature and reaction time on RB4 removal, were studied. The adsorbent prepared at a concentration of 2 wt% APTES for 8h at 50 °C was the most effective one for RB4 adsorption. The adsorption capacity of modified CS beads (433.77 mg/g) was 1.37 times higher than that of unmodified CS beads (317.23 mg/g). The isotherm data are adequately described by a Freundlich model, and the kinetic study revealed that the pseudo-second-order rate model was in better agreement with the experimental data. The negative values of the thermodynamic parameters, including ΔG° (-2.28 and -4.70 kJ/mol at 30 ± 2 °C), ΔH° (-172.18 and -43.82 kJ/mol) and ΔS° (-560.71 and -129.08 J/mol K) for CS beads and APTES modified beads, respectively, suggest that RB4 adsorption is a spontaneous and exothermic process.
Recently noted that the methylene blue cause severe central nervous system toxicity. It is essential to optimize the methylene blue from aqueous environment. In this study, a comparison of an optimization of methylene blue was investigated by using modified Ca(2+) and Zn(2+) bio-polymer hydrogel beads. A batch mode study was conducted using various parameters like time, dye concentration, bio-polymer dose, pH and process temperature. The isotherms, kinetics, diffusion and thermodynamic studies were performed for feasibility of the optimization process. Freundlich and Langmuir isotherm equations were used for the prediction of isotherm parameters and correlated with dimensionless separation factor (RL). Pseudo-first order and pseudo-second order Lagegren's kinetic equations were used for the correlation of kinetic parameters. Intraparticle diffusion model was employed for diffusion of the optimization process. The Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) shows different absorbent peaks of Ca(2+) and Zn(2+) beads and the morphology of the bio-polymer material analyzed with Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The TG & DTA studies show that good thermal stability with less humidity without production of any non-degraded products.
The impact of ionic strength (from 0.003 to 500mM) and salt type (NaCl vs MgCl2) on transport and retention of titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles (NPs) in saturated limestone porous media was systematically studied. Vertical columns were packed with limestone grains. The NPs were introduced as a pulse suspended in aqueous solutions and breakthrough curves in the column outlet were generated using an ultraviolent-visible spectrometry. Presence of NaCl and MgCl2 in the suspensions were found to have a significant influence on the electrokinetic properties of the NP aggregates and limestone grains. In NaCl and MgCl2 solutions, the deposition rates of the TiO2-NP aggregates were enhanced with the increase in ionic strength, a trend consistent with traditional Derjaguin-Landau-Verwey-Overbeek (DLVO) theory. Furthermore, the NP aggregates retention increased in the porous media with ionic strength. The presence of salts also caused a considerable delay in the NPs breakthrough time. MgCl2 as compared to NaCl was found to be more effective agent for the deposition and retention of TiO2-NPs. The experimental results followed closely the general trends predicted by the filtration and DLVO calculations. Overall, it was found that TiO2-NP mobility in the limestone porous media depends on ionic strength and salt type.