Displaying publications 541 - 560 of 3549 in total

  1. Fairrul Kadir, Saffree Jeffree, Yusof Ibrahim, Tin Tin Aye, Syed Shajee Husain, Fredie Robinson, et al.
    Introduction: Hypertension is a condition where there is persistently raised pressure in the blood vessels. In Malay-sia, higher prevalence of hypertension could be explained by lifestyle factors such as higher rates of obesity, excess dietary intake of sodium and fat and lack of physical activity. The main objective of this study was to determine the prevalence, risk factors and co-morbidities of hypertension in villagers aged 18 years and above in Kampung Tajau Laut, Kudat, Sabah. Methods: Non-probability convenience sampling method was used to select a total of 210 villagers for interview, anthropometric examinations and blood pressure measurements. House to house and face to face interview by trained year four medical students done using a pretested validated questionnaire. The ques-tionnaire contained data on socioeconomic status, tobacco use, physical activity, diet, extra-salt use, family history of hypertension, co-morbidity, anthropometric measurements and blood pressure. Results: Respondents noted to be hypertensive were 67.6%, and out of this, 61.3% were undiagnosed. There was a significant association between hypertension and family history (Chi-squared test=38.280, p=0.000), hypertension and smoking status (Chi-squared test=7.673, p= 0.006), hypertension and obesity (Chi-squared test= 8.731, p=0.003), hypertension and gender (Chi-squared test=5.126, p=0.024), hypertension and age (Chi-squared test=26.110, p=0.000) of respondents. There was no significant association between hypertension with vegetable intake, fruit intake, physical activity, marital status, ethnicity, economic status, level of education, and occupational status of respondents. Half of the known hyperten-sive respondents have comorbidities with most commonly being dyslipidaemia and diabetes mellitus. Conclusion: Hypertension was found to have a significant association with family history, smoking status, obesity, age and gender among the studied population.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  2. Dg Marshitah Pg Baharuddin, Hatta Tarmizi, Nathira Abdul Majed, Sardiana Sarmidi, Rahmatia Ibrahim, Sabilah Mohd Tahir, et al.
    Introduction: Implantation is one of critical step in human reproductive processes. There are many factors that affect successful implantation. Good quality embryo or blastocyst is a prerequisite to successful implantation together with a receptive endometrium. The purpose of this study is to describe the patient clinical profile and to investigate the factors of interest association with implantation status. Methods: This is a cross sectional study involving patients planned for in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment in the hospital infertility clinic. All demographic data and clinical profile data of the patient in each visit was recorded. Among the data taken were, physical examination data, patient history, causes of infertility, hormonal investigation and outcome at the end of treatment (presence of fetal heart). Successful implantation is indicated by presence of fetal heart. Results: A total of 246 patients record were collected. Mean age of the patient was 34.2 (SD = 4.12) years old. Mean BMI was 24.5 kg/m2 (SD=4.70). Mean of infertility years among the patients was 5.9 years (SD= 3.40). Most cause of infertility was tubal issues 87 cases (35.4%). The prevalence of successful implantation was 12.8% ((95% CI 7.8%, 17.8%). None of the factors of interest (age, BMI, infertility duration, progesterone at baseline, progesterone at trigger day) were found associated with successful implantation. Out of 224 patients, 53 (21.5%) were having elevated progesterone level at trigger day. However, in this study, there is no conclusive evidence that level of progesterone is associated with successful implantation. Conclusion: The successful implantation in our setting is approximately 1/10 of IVF treatment. Implantation involved a complex mechanism, thus there is wide variety of etiologies to predict for successful implantation. Thus, further study on wide comprehensive of risk factors is warranted.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  3. Khor KH, Chin MX
    J Adv Vet Anim Res, 2020 Sep;7(3):501-508.
    PMID: 33005676 DOI: 10.5455/javar.2020.g446
    Objective: Annual health screening inclusive of heart workup is recommended for the detection of heart diseases, especially in asymptomatic patients (no clinical signs). This study determined the occurrences of the common heart disease and the risk factors in apparently healthy cats.

    Materials and methods: This prospective study that screened 59 healthy cats and the status of the heart were evaluated based on a combination of findings from physical examination, electrocardiography, blood pressure measurement, routine blood test, urinalysis, and total thyroid level.

    Results: Approximately 40.7% (n = 24/59) of the apparently healthy cats were diagnosed with heart disease hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (62.5%) remains to be the most commonly diagnosed. The mean age was 4.9-year old (age range, 7-month-old to 19-year-old). The prevalence was higher in males (45.0%; n = 17/38) cats, especially the domestic shorthairs (46.0%; n = 11/24). Among the healthy cats with vertebral heart scale (VHS) > 8.0, only 52% (n = 12/23) of them were diagnosed with cardiomyopathy. However, 33% (n = 12/36) of the cats with normal VHS ≤ 7.9 were diagnosed with heart disease. Consistently, all healthy cats with abnormal heart sounds were diagnosed with heart disease. About 31.4% (n = 16/51) of these cats with typical heart sound had cardiomyopathy too.

    Conclusion: The occurrence of cardiomyopathy in apparently healthy cats has no association with the patient's age, sex, and VHS, except for the heart sound. Echocardiography remains the best diagnostic tool, as normal heart size and normal heart sound do not exclude cardiomyopathy in this group of apparently healthy cats.

    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  4. Andoy Galvan JA, Ramalingam PN, Patil SS, Bin Shobri MAS, Chinna K, Sahrir MS, et al.
    Heliyon, 2020 Oct;6(10):e05068.
    PMID: 33083595 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e05068
    Rising prevalence of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in the last decades has led research to focus on the diagnosis and identification of factors associated with ASD. This paper sought for possible factors that put children at risk for ASD. In this study, we investigated the association between ASD and parental ages, parental age gaps, birth order and birth delivery method in Malaysian population. In this school-based case control study, 465 children with ASD 464 controls participated. Questionnaires were distributed to the parents of the selected children through the respective principals. Among the tested variables, Caesarean section (OR = 1.63, 95% CI 1.20, 2.20), earlier order of birth in the family (OR = 0.68, 95% CI 0.59, 0.77) and increasing gap in parental ages (OR = 1.04, 95% CI 1.001, 1.07) were significantly associated with ASD. This study concludes that Caesarean section, earlier order of birth in the family and increasing gap in parental age are independent risk factors for developing autism among Malaysian children.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  5. Sushith S, Krishnamurthy HN, Reshma S, Janice D, Madan G, Ashok KJ, et al.
    Rep Biochem Mol Biol, 2020 Jul;9(2):241-249.
    PMID: 33178875 DOI: 10.29252/rbmb.9.2.241
    Background: The objective of this study was to determine the levels of serum ischemia-modified albumin (IMA), fibrinogen (FIB) and high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients with hypertension (HT) (DMT2HTN) and without HT (DMT2). Also, their association with certain biochemical and physical factors were studied to identify possible risk factors that lead to cardiovascular complications.

    Methods: Fasting blood samples were collected from 35 DMT2 or DMT2HTN patients each to analyze differences in serum and plasma levels of IMA, hs-CRP, FIB, total cholesterol (TC), high and low density lipoproteins (HDL and LDL), triglyceride (TG), hemoglobin A1c (HbA1C), glycated hemoglobin and creatinine.

    Results: In DMT2 and DMT2HTN patients, IMA, hs-CRP, FIB, TC, TG, HDL, LDL, glycated hemoglobin and creatinine levels, including body mass index (BMI) and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), were significantly higher relative to healthy controls. In addition, the levels of IMA, hs-CRP and FIB levels showed a strong link to BMI, WHR, TC, TG, LDL and glycated hemoglobin. Lastly, both DMT2 and DMT2HTN patients demonstrated a significant reduction in HDL.

    Conclusion: DMT2 and DMT2HTN patients have a greater risk of developing cardiovascular related complications. This study suggests that quantifying hs-CRP, IMA and FIB levels can help diagnose the risk of developing complications during the early stages of metabolic and cardiovascular disease. Overall, the specific risk factors may be used for early identification of cardiovascular complications to decrease mortality and morbidity in T2DM patients.

    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  6. Ciminelli G, Garcia-Mandicó S
    J Public Health (Oxf), 2020 11 23;42(4):723-730.
    PMID: 32935849 DOI: 10.1093/pubmed/fdaa165
    BACKGROUND: There are still many unknowns about COVID-19. We do not know its exact mortality rate nor the speed through which it spreads across communities. This lack of evidence complicates the design of appropriate response policies.

    METHODS: We source daily death registry data for 4100 municipalities in Italy's north and match them to Census data. We augment the dataset with municipality-level data on a host of co-factors of COVID-19 mortality, which we exploit in a differences-in-differences regression model to analyze COVID-19-induced mortality.

    RESULTS: We find that COVID-19 killed more than 0.15% of the local population during the first wave of the epidemic. We also show that official statistics vastly underreport this death toll, by about 60%. Next, we uncover the dramatic effects of the epidemic on nursing home residents in the outbreak epicenter: in municipalities with a high share of the elderly living in nursing homes, COVID-19 mortality was about twice as high as in those with no nursing home intown.

    CONCLUSIONS: A pro-active approach in managing the epidemic is key to reduce COVID-19 mortality. Authorities should ramp-up testing capacity and increase contact-tracing abilities. Adequate protective equipment should be provided to nursing home residents and staff.

    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  7. Rashid NH, Zaghi S, Scapuccin M, Camacho M, Certal V, Capasso R
    Laryngoscope, 2021 02;131(2):440-447.
    PMID: 32333683 DOI: 10.1002/lary.28663
    OBJECTIVES: Intermittent hypoxemia is a risk factor for developing complications in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) patients. The objective of this systematic review was to identify articles evaluating the accuracy of the oxygen desaturation index (ODI) as compared with the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) and then provide possible values to use as a cutoff for diagnosing adult OSA.

    STUDY DESIGN: Systematic Review of Literature.

    METHODS: PubMed, the Cochrane Library, and SCOPUS databases were searched through November 2019.

    RESULTS: Eight studies (1,924 patients) met criteria (age range: 28-70.9 years, body mass index range: 21.9-37 kg/m2 , and AHI range: 0.5-62 events/hour). Five studies compared ODI and AHI simultaneously, and three had a week to months between assessments. Sensitivities ranged from 32% to 98.5%, whereas specificities ranged from 47.7% to 98%. Significant heterogeneity was present; however, for studies reporting data for a 4% ODI ≥ 15 events/hour, the specificity for diagnosing OSA ranged from 75% to 98%, and only one study reported the positive predictive value, which was 97%. Direct ODI and AHI comparisons were not made because of different hypopnea scoring, different oxygen desaturation categories, and different criteria for grading OSA severity.

    CONCLUSION: Significant heterogeneity exists in studies comparing ODI and AHI. Based on currently published studies, consideration should be given for diagnosing adult OSA with a 4% ODI of ≥ 15 events/hour and for recommending further evaluation for diagnosing OSA with a 4% ODI ≥ 10 events/hour. Screening with oximetry may be indicated for the detection of OSA in select patients. Further study is needed before a definitive recommendation can be made. Laryngoscope, 131:440-447, 2021.

    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  8. Abdul Kadir A, Nordin R, Ismail SB, Yaacob MJ, Wan Mahmud WMR
    Objective: To determine the prevalence of postnatal depression (PND), and associated risk factors among women in Kota Bharu District, Kelantan. Design: A cohort study Methods: A study involving four hundred and twenty one pregnant women attending primary health care facilities in Kota Bharu between February and September 2000 were screened for depression at 36-42 weeks of pregnancy, 1 week postpartum and 4-6 weeks postpartum using validated Malay version of Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS). Results: Three hundred and seventy seven women successfully completed the EPDS (response rate = 89.8%). The prevalence of PND at 4-6 weeks postpartum, based on an EPDS score of 12 and above, was 20.7%. Depressive symptoms at the end of pregnancy (p<0.05) and one week postnatal (p<0.05) were significantly associated with PND. Conclusions: PND among women in Kota Bharu was 20.7%, which was higher than previously reported studies. Onset of depressive symptoms towards the end of pregnancy and early postnatal period independently predicted postnatal depression. © 2005 Japan International Cultural Exchange Foundation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  9. Wan Mahmud WMR, Hayati MR, Bashah B, Amir A, Mahmood NM
    Background: Community based epidemiological data on postpartum depression in Malaysia is scarce. Aim: To determine the prevalence and risk factors for developing postpartum depression among Malay women from a rural area in Kedah, North West of Peninsular Malaysia. Method: We screened 185 women at 4-12 weeks postpartum attending the selected health centers using the Malay versions of Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) and Beck Depression Inventory II (BDI-11). Those scoring 12 and / or 9/10 on BDI-11 were interviewed using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) and the 17-items Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HDRS-17). All diagnoses were based on the Tenth Edition of the International Classification for Disease: Diagnostic Criteria for Research (ICD-I0: DCR-10). Results: The prevalence of postpartum depression was 21.08%. The condition was found to be significantly linked to polygamous marriages, high number of life events and financial problems over the last one year prior to delivery, and low scores on the Malay version of the MOS Social Support Survey and all its components (overall support index, informational support, affectionate support/ positive social interactions and instrumental support). Conclusions: Postpartum depression is indeed a reality among Malay women in rural areas In Kedah, North West of Peninsular Malaysia. These findings have implications for policies regarding maternal and childcare programs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  10. Abdul Kadir A, Mohammad Daud MN, Yaacob MJ, Nik Hussain NH
    Objective: To determine the prevalence of depressive symptomatology in early postnatal period and its relationship with obstetric risk factors. Material and Methodology: This is a cross sectional study involving 293 women from postnatal ward Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM), Malaysia. They were screened for depression at day 1 to day 5 postpartum and 4 to 6 weeks postpartum using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS). At the first visit, the women completed questionnaires on socio-demography and obstetric risk factors and Brief Patient Health Questionnaire (BPHQ-9). At the second visit which is 4-6 weeks postpartum, they only completed EPDS. Results: Two hundred and ninety-three women successfully completed the study (100% response rates). The prevalence of PND at 4-6 weeks postpartum using the EPDS score of 12 or more was 27.3%. Women with the history of abortion (p < 0.05) and early postnatal depression (p < 0.05) was significantly associated with PND. Conclusion: Postnatal depression among women in Hospital USM was more common compared to previously reported series in Malaysia. Women with the history of abortion and early postnatal depression were significantly associated with PND. © 2009 Japan International Cultural Exchange Foundation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  11. Grace Kho WF, Cheah WL, Hazmi H
    Cent. Eur. J. Public Health, 2018 Mar;26(1):16-21.
    PMID: 29684292 DOI: 10.21101/cejph.a5186
    OBJECTIVES: Hypertension is a health issue affecting adolescents. Accumulating evidence affirms that elevated blood pressure begins in childhood and tracks into adulthood. This cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the prevalence of elevated blood pressure and its predictors among secondary school students in Sarawak, Malaysia.

    METHODS: A total of 2,461 secondary school students aged 12-17 years from 19 schools in Sarawak participated in the study. Questionnaire was used to obtain socio-demographic data, parental history of hypertension, and self-reported physical activity. Anthropometric and blood pressure measurements were taken. Data was entered and analysed using SPSS version 23.0.

    RESULTS: The prevalence of adolescents with elevated blood pressure, overweight, central obesity, and overfat were 30.1%, 24.3%, 13.5%, and 6.7%, respectively. Multivariate logistic regression demonstrated the predictors significantly associated with elevated blood pressure among respondents: overweight (adjusted odds ratio=3.144), being male (adjusted odds ratio=3.073), being Chinese (adjusted odds ratio=2.321) or Iban (adjusted odds ratio=1.578), central obesity (adjusted odds ratio=2.145), being overfat (adjusted odds ratio=1.885), and being an older adolescent (adjusted odds ratio=1.109). Parental history of hypertension, locality, and physical activity showed no significant associations.

    CONCLUSION: The obesity epidemic must be tackled at community and school levels by health education and regulation of school canteen foods.

    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  12. Suhaily, M.H., Ismail, A.A., Najib, M.Y.
    Introduction: Dyslipidaemia is one of the risk factors contributing to the pathogenesis of cardiovascular
    diseases (CVDs). This study was conducted to investigate the effect of wet cupping on lipid profile.

    Methods: This randomized controlled trial was conducted in 2012 at the School of Medical Sciences,
    Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia. Sixty-two healthy volunteers ranging from 30 to 60 years old were
    randomized into control and intervention groups. Subjects in the intervention group were assigned to two
    sessions of wet cupping at the beginning of the study and at the third month; individuals in the control group
    did not undergo any cupping procedure. Venous blood sample was collected for serum lipid profile: Total
    Cholesterol (TC), High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (HDL-C), Low Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (LDL-C),
    and triglycerides; measured at baseline, first, third and fourth month.

    Results: Subjects in the cupping
    group had significant improvements from baseline to third and fourth month for TC (MD=-0.56, P=0.004),
    HDL-C (MD=-0.22, P
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  13. Parmin NA, Hashim U, Gopinath SCB, Nadzirah S, Rejali Z, Afzan A, et al.
    Int J Biol Macromol, 2019 Apr 01;126:877-890.
    PMID: 30597241 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2018.12.235
    Prognosis of early cancer detection becomes one of the tremendous issues in the medical health system. Medical debates among specialist doctor and researcher in therapeutic approaches became a hot concern for cervix cancer deficiencies early screening, risk factors cross-reaction, portability device, rapid and free labeling system. The electrical biosensing based system showed credibility in higher specificity and selectivity due to hybridization of DNA duplex between analyte target and DNA probes. Electrical DNA sensor for cervix cancer has attracted too many attentions to researcher notification based on high performance, easy to handle, rapid system and possible to miniaturize. This review explores the current progression and future insignificant for HPV E6 genobiosensing for early Detection Strategies of Cervical Cancer.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  14. Chan PJ, Nurul ZZ, Chuah JS, Nabil MMA, Isa NM, Sabarul AM, et al.
    DOI: 10.3923/rjom.2014.1.11
    Risk factors of osteoporosis need to be identified for prevention of osteoporosis. However, studies on the risk factors of osteoporosis in the Malaysian population are lacking. The study aimed to determine the relationship between potential risk factors of osteoporosis and hip BMD of postmenopausal women in a Malaysian tertiary hospital setting. A cross-sectional study was carried out on 76 postmenopausal women, who were scheduled for Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) scan at UKM Medical Centre (UKMMC) from February to May, 2014. Interview sessions using structured questionnaire were conducted to obtain information on social demographic and potential risk factors of osteoporosis. The DXA scan results of the hip BMD for all the respondents were recorded to determine the association between the potential risk factors of osteoporosis and hip BMD. In this study, 44.7% of patients had normal hip BMD measurement (T score >-1.0), while 55.3% had low hip BMD measurement (T score0.05) between hip BMD and family history of osteoporosis, lifestyle activities and smoking. Parity, habitual tea consumption and BMI were positively associated with hip BMD, whereas duration of sleep was negatively associated with hip BMD among postmenopausal women in UKMMC. © 2014 Asian Network for Scientific Information.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  15. Lee MS, 'Azmiyaty Amar Ma' Ruf C, Nadhirah Izhar DP, Nafisah Ishak S, Wan Jamaluddin WS, Ya'acob SNM, et al.
    Biomedicine (Taipei), 2019 Sep;9(3):18.
    PMID: 31453799 DOI: 10.1051/bmdcn/2019090318
    INTRODUCTION: The increasing rate of breast cancer (BC) incidence in Malaysia hints a lack of awareness among Malaysians. One (1) woman out of nineteen (19) is at risk with BC and almost up to fifty percent (50%) of women diagnosed with BC were reported to be under the age of fifty (50). Our main concern is to study the level of awareness among the women on risk factors, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, preventions and treatments.

    METHOD: A cross-sectional study was conducted exclusively among women in the public with total sample of three hundred and forty six (346), questionnaires were distributed using a simple random technique. Data was collected and analyzed by student T test in SPPS version 20.

    RESULTS: Our study reveals insufficient awareness on BC. Overall, awareness on risk factors is inadequate, but good knowledge on the importance of family history and diet as risk factors are discovered. Awareness on the cause and clinical manifestations of BC is required for improvement. As for treatment, alternatives especially surgery and chemotherapy are unclear to public, public is remotely unwitting on cessation of smoking to prevent BC at the early stage.

    CONCLUSION: Malaysian has spaces for improvement on awareness of BC in terms of risk factors, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Early detection can be achieved with good awareness because it leads to better prognosis and lower mortality.

    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  16. Izadi E, Afshan G, Patel RP, Rao VM, Liew KB, Meor Mohd Affandi MMR, et al.
    Front Pharmacol, 2019;10:881.
    PMID: 31474853 DOI: 10.3389/fphar.2019.00881
    Counterfeit and substandard medicines are recognized as one of serious threats to public health. The product quality of antibacterial medicine will compromise patients' recovery and increase the chance of antibacterial resistance. The review aims to provide a summary of low quality levofloxacin issues and the risk factors as well as suggesting the aspects of product quality that need to be regulated strictly. Quality of the active ingredient, levofloxacin, has an important role to contribute to successful therapy. The poor quality of raw material, directly and indirectly, causes treatment failure as the presence of insufficient dose, mislabeled content, and poor dissolution characteristics can lead to lower bioavailability. Identifying and reporting these factors can potentially help in improving the quality of drug marketed in various developing countries and may also reduce the incidences of treatment failure. Dissolution test is used for testing the dissolution profiles and the rate of drug release from solid formulation such as oral formulations, thus providing information regarding the in vivo performance of a formulation and its bioequivalence. On the other hand, quality-testing procedures are used for comparing the quality of products.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  17. Liu Y, Uemura H, Ye D, Lee JY, Chiong E, Pu YS, et al.
    Prostate Int, 2019 Sep;7(3):108-113.
    PMID: 31485435 DOI: 10.1016/j.prnil.2018.12.001
    Background: The incidence of prostate cancer (PC) in Asian countries is increasing for reasons that are not clear. Data describing how PC is diagnosed and treated are fragmented across Asia, with marked intercountry and intracountry differences in outcome and knowledge gaps in clinical diagnostic and treatment practices. To address these knowledge gaps, we have established a PC disease registry with the aim of providing a comprehensive picture of PC diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and outcome, population characteristics, and comorbidities in real-world clinical practice in Asia.

    Methods: This is a multinational, multicenter, longitudinal, and observational registry of PC patients presenting to participating tertiary-care hospitals in eight Asian countries (www.clinicaltrials.gov NCT02546908. Registry Identifier: NOPRODPCR4001). Approximately 3500-4000 eligible patients with existing or newly diagnosed high-risk localized PC (cohort 1), nonmetastatic biochemically recurrent PC (cohort 2), or metastatic PC (cohort 3) will be consecutively enrolled and followed-up for 5 years. An enrollment cap of 600 patients each will be applied to cohorts 1 and 2. Disease status is collected at enrollment, and outcome variables captured at 3-monthly intervals include diagnostic/staging, treatments including reason for change, laboratory results, comorbidities, and concomitant medications. Treatments and survival outcomes will be captured real time until study end. Patient-reported quality-of-life will be measured every 6 months, and medical resource utilization summarized at study end. Data analysis will include exploratory analyses of potential associations between multiple risk factors and socioeconomic variables with disease progression and evaluation of various treatments for PC including novel therapies on clinical outcome and health-related quality-of-life outcomes.

    Results: 3636 men with PC were enrolled until July 2018; 416 in cohort 1, 399 in cohort 2 and 2821 in cohort 3.

    Discussion: A total of 3636 patients were enrolled until July 2018. The prospective disease registry will provide comprehensive and wide-ranging real-world information on how PC is diagnosed and treated in Asia. Such information can be used to inform policy development for best practice and direct clinical study design evaluating new treatments.

    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  18. Liu X, Huang Y, Liu Y
    PLoS One, 2018;13(12):e0207823.
    PMID: 30566431 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0207823
    Suicide attempts are the most important known predictor of death by suicide. The aim of this study is to examine the prevalence, distribution, and associated factors of suicide attempts among young adolescents in 40 low-income and middle-income countries. We used data from the Global School-Based Student Health Survey (2009-2013) and a nationally representative study in China (2010), which are school-based surveys of students primarily aged 12-18 years that assess health behaviors using an anonymous, standardized, self-reported questionnaire. We calculated the prevalence of suicide attempts in young adolescents from 40 low-income and middle-income countries using the surveys. Multilevel logistic models were used to estimate the associations between suicide attempts and potential risk factors, adjusting for gender, age, school and survey year. Results show that the mean 12-month prevalence of suicide attempts was 17.2%, ranging from 6.7% in Malaysia to 61.2% in Samoa. The overall prevalence of suicide attempts was higher for girls than for boys (18.2% vs 16.2%, P<0.05). Among the suicide attempts, the proportion of suicide attempts with a plan was higher for girls than for boys (62.7% vs 53.2%, P<0.05). Both the prevalence of suicide attempts and the proportion of suicide attempts with a plan increased with age. Factors associated with suicide attempts included poor socioeconomic status, history of bullying, loneliness and anxiety, tobacco and alcohol use, and weak family and social relationships. In conclusion, suicide attempts are frequent among young adolescents in low-income and middle-income countries. Girls and older adolescents tend to make suicide attempts with a plan. The data demonstrate the need to strengthen suicide intervention and prevention programs for young adolescents in low-income and middle-income countries.
    Study name: Global School-Based Student Health Survey (GSHS)
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  19. Aziz FAA, Ahmad NA, Razak MAA, Omar M, Kasim NM, Yusof M, et al.
    BMC Public Health, 2018 Dec 11;18(1):1363.
    PMID: 30537956 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-018-6266-z
    BACKGROUND: Globally, diarrhoea is one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality among children under than 5 years of age. There is a scarcity of published data on acute gastroenteritis (AGE) prevalence in Malaysia among children. This study aims to determine factors associated with diarrhoea in children aged less than 5 years in Malaysia.

    METHOD: Data from the National Health and Morbidity Survey 2016 conducted by Ministry of Health was analysed. This nationwide survey involved 15,188 children below five years old. The survey was carried out using a two-stage stratified sampling design to ensure national representativeness. The Questionnaire from UNICEF's Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MCIS) was adapted to suit local requirements. Analysis was done using SPSS Version 23. Descriptive followed by multiple logistic regression were done to identify relevant factors.

    RESULT: The prevalence of diarrhoea among children under five in Malaysia was 4.4% (95% CI: 3.8,5.2). Analysis using logistic regression indicated that only ethnicity and usage of untreated water were significantly associated with diarrhoea among children after controlling for relevant factors. By ethnicity, children in the 'Other Bumiputera' group had 2.5 times the odds of having diarrhoea compared to children of Malay ethnicity. Children of Indian ethnicity were also at higher risk, at almost double the odds, as well as other ethnic groups (1.5 times). Children who used untreated water supply were two times more likely to develop diarrhoea.

    CONCLUSION: There is a higher risk of diarrhoea among children of 'Other Bumiputera' ethnicity, Indian ethnicities, and other ethnic groups and those who consume untreated water. Strategies to reduce diarrhoea among children should be targeted towards these at-risk populations. In addition, the Government must strive to ensure universal access to treated clean water in Malaysia and the Ministry of Health must focus on raising awareness on how to prevent diarrhoea.

    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  20. Sato S, Tojo B, Hoshi T, Minsong LIF, Kugan OK, Giloi N, et al.
    PMID: 31426380 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph16162954
    Plasmodium knowlesi (Pk) is a malaria parasite that naturally infects macaque monkeys in Southeast Asia. Pk malaria, the zoonosis transmitted from the infected monkeys to the humans by Anopheles mosquito vectors, is now a serious health problem in Malaysian Borneo. To create a strategic plan to control Pk malaria, it is important to estimate the occurrence of the disease correctly. The rise of Pk malaria has been explained as being due to ecological changes, especially deforestation. In this research, we analysed the time-series satellite images of MODIS (MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) of the Kudat Peninsula in Sabah and created the "Pk risk map" on which the Land-Use and Land-Cover (LULC) information was visualised. The case number of Pk malaria of a village appeared to have a correlation with the quantity of two specific LULC classes, the mosaic landscape of oil palm groves and the nearby land-use patches of dense forest, surrounding the village. Applying a Poisson multivariate regression with a generalised linear mixture model (GLMM), the occurrence of Pk malaria cases was estimated from the population and the quantified LULC distribution on the map. The obtained estimations explained the real case numbers well, when the contribution of another risk factor, possibly the occupation of the villagers, is considered. This implies that the occurrence of the Pk malaria cases of a village can be predictable from the population of the village and the LULC distribution shown around it on the map. The Pk risk map will help to assess the Pk malaria risk distributions quantitatively and to discover the hidden key factors behind the spread of this zoonosis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
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