MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 129 healthy blood donors and staffs of Penang General Hospital were recruited from June 2018-May 2019. Paired (morning and late-night) saliva samples were collected from individuals aged between 18 and 60 years old with no history of chronic medical illness. Salivary cortisol was assayed using electrochemiluminescence immunoassay technique. Non-parametric statistics were used for calculation of reference interval and 90% confidence intervals (90% CIs).
RESULTS: The reference interval for morning and latenight salivary cortisol was 2.09 - 22.63 nmol/L and <12.00 nmol/L, respectively.
CONCLUSION: The locally-derived adult reference intervals for morning and late-night salivary cortisol concentration was determined and varied with previous studies emphasising the need in establishing individual laboratory reference interval.
CASE REPORT: The patient is a 41-year-old lady who suffered first trimester miscarriages in all her thirteen pregnancies. The relevant clinical investigations revealed neither significant nor helpful findings in determining the cause of recurrent miscarriages. Histological findings in each except one of the submitted conceptual tissue showed similar features of histiocytic aggregates primarily within the intervillous spaces, a characteristic description of CHI. One of the samples showed degenerative changes.
DISCUSSION: Practicing pathologists are not familiar with the histological features of CHI and this may be a potential pitfall in routine examination of POCs. Recognising this entity allows for accurate diagnosis and hence better management. The aetiology remains unclear, although an immunopathological basis are being explored.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: We retrospectively assessed 107 cadavers that had undergone conventional autopsy and PMCT. We made 5 measurements from the PMCT that included cervical length (CL), thoracic length (TL), lumbosacral length (LS), total column length of the spine, excluding the sacrum and coccyx (TCL), and ellipse line measurement of the whole spine, excluding the sacrum and coccyx (EL). We compared these anthropometric PMCT measurements with AL and correlated them using linear regression analysis.
RESULTS: The results showed a significant linear relationship existed between TL and LS with AL, which was higher in comparison with the other parameters than the rest of the spine parameters. The linear regression formula derived was: 48.163 + 2.458 (TL) + 2.246 (LS).
CONCLUSIONS: The linear regression formula derived from PMCT spine length parameters particularly thoracic and lumbar spine gave a finer correlation with autopsy body length and can be used for accurate estimation of cadaveric height. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first ever linear regression formula for cadaveric height assessment using only post mortem CT spine length measurements.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the accuracy of pre-contrast abdominal MR imaging for lesion detection and characterization in pediatric oncology patients.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: We included 120 children (37 boys and 83 girls; mean age 8.94 years) referred by oncology services. Twenty-five had MRI for the first time and 95 were follow-up scans. Two authors independently reviewed pre-contrast MR images to note the following information about the lesions: location, number, solid vs. cystic and likely nature. Pre- and post-contrast imaging reviewed together served as the reference standard.
RESULTS: The overall sensitivity was 88% for the first reader and 90% for the second; specificity was 94% and 91%; positive predictive value was 96% and 94%; negative predictive value was 82% and 84%; accuracy of pre-contrast imaging for lesion detection as compared to the reference standard was 90% for both readers. The difference between mean number of lesions detected on pre-contrast imaging and reference standard was not significant for either reader (reader 1, P = 0.072; reader 2, P = 0.071). There was substantial agreement (kappa values of 0.76 and 0.72 for readers 1 and 2) between pre-contrast imaging and reference standard for determining solid vs. cystic lesion and likely nature of the lesion. The addition of post-contrast imaging increased confidence of both readers significantly (P