Displaying publications 561 - 580 of 966 in total

  1. Lim TO
    Med J Malaysia, 1991 Jun;46(2):155-62.
    PMID: 1839420
    Eight general practitioners participated in a survey of content of general practice. This is useful as an indicator or morbidity in the community as well as of workload of general practice. A total of 3164 consultations were recorded, of which 2764 (87%) were because of an illness and the rest (13%) for other reasons like medical examinations, antenatal check, family planning advice, pregnancy tests, pap smear and vaccination. The old and the young have high consultation rates for an illness, men consulted as often as women. The most common illness seen was upper respiratory tract infections, accounting for 37% of all illnesses. Other common minor illnesses were skin infections (6%), genito-urinary infections (5%), minor musculoskeletal (6%) and gastrointestinal (6%) complaints as well as minor injuries and cuts (4%). Major disorders form an unusually low proportion (18%) of all illnesses seen, in comparison with figures from United Kingdom. The common major disorders seen were hypertension, asthma, chronic rheumatic disorders and diabetes. Circulatory disorders were remarkably rare, accounting for only 1% of illnesses. Psychological disorders, both major and minor, were also rarely seen, accounting for only 1% of illnesses which is in marked contrast with figures from the United Kingdom. Factors contributing to these notable findings are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services
  2. Wadsworth GR
    Med J Malaysia, 1981 Sep;36(3):148-50.
    PMID: 7329371
    Matched MeSH terms: Community Health Services
  3. Roy RN
    Bull Int Union Tuberc, 1972 Aug;47 Suppl 2:162-4.
    PMID: 4145661
    Matched MeSH terms: School Health Services
  4. Ming Fung Ng, Hoe Tung Yew, Seng Kheau Chung, Syed Shajee Husain, Nelbon Giloi
    Introduction: Cardiovascular diseases remain as the principal cause of death in Malaysia. The rural areas in Sabah still suffer from shortage of doctors and specialists. Health Indicators 2018 from Ministry of Health Malaysia shows the ratio of doctor to population in Sabah is 1:1029. The lack of specialist care for the rural population is a major concern. To overcome the barrier of healthcare services, deployment of telecardiology system is necessary. The objective of this project is to develop a real-time telecardiology system that can transmit and guarantee the quality of the ECG signal. Methods: The proposed real-time telecardiology system used an ECG sensor AD8232 to collect the ECG signal. Arduino ESP32 as a main controller of the system. It uploads the collected ECG data to the online database in real-time through Wi-Fi or cellular network with MQTT protocol. A website is developed for displaying the real-time ECG signal. Results: The proposed system has successfully displayed the ECG signal in real-time with 10000 ECG raw data were tested and stored in online database with no package loss and package error during the data transmission. The online system able to display real-time ECG signal and BPM on webpage. The real-time BPM is extracted from the real-time ECG raw data. Conclusion: The proposed real-time telecardiology system has success-fully transmitted ECG in real-time with high data integrity. Telecardiology is one of the best solutions to resolve the issue of shortage of healthcare professionals in rural areas and improve the healthcare quality in rural areas.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services
  5. Jafari H, Raeisi AR, Yarmohammadian MH, Heidari M, Niknam N
    PMID: 30505864 DOI: 10.4103/jehp.jehp_54_18
    INTRODUCTION: In the Iranian Accreditation System, leadership and management standards have been almost ignored and not paid enough and necessary attention to the structural components and the infrastructures standards in management and leadership sections. Governing body, medical staff, chief executive officer (CEO), and nursing management standards are inadequate and lack accountability. These standards could lead to reform and finally provide the context for accomplishment of an appropriate accreditation program.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a descriptive, comparative, and qualitative study. It was done in two phases. The first phase included literature review of the standards of the selected countries followed by comparison of the standards of the board of trustees, medical staff, CEOs, and nursing management standards to develop the primary framework for Iranian hospitals. In phase two, the primary framework was validated true three rounds of Delphi technique.

    RESULTS: Surveying the accreditation system standards in selected countries included the USA, Egypt, Malaysia, and Iran. It was found that the management and leadership standards were classify as governing body, medical staff, CEOs, and nursing management standards. The result of this study provides a framework for improvement of the Iranian national accreditation program.

    CONCLUSION: In regarded to the importance of the leadership and management standards in reform and change and promotion of the health services quality, efficiency, and effectiveness, the results of this study showed that the present standards of the Iranian accreditation assessment system and guidelines lack the necessary infrastructures for implementing a successful national accreditation program.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services
  6. Soh KL, Davidson PM, Leslie G, DiGiacomo M, Soh KG
    Contemp Nurse, 2019 8 14;55(2-3):221-236.
    PMID: 31403398 DOI: 10.1080/10376178.2019.1643751
    Background: Quality improvement projects have been widely adopted to prevent complications in the ICU. Objective: This paper describes nurses' perceptions of implementation strategies and the potential sustainability of a practice change intervention to prevent complications in a Malaysian ICU. Design: A participatory action research using five focus group discussions were undertaken with 19 nurses in a single ICU in regional Malaysia. Focus group transcripts were analysed using thematic analysis. Results: The main themes derived from the interviews were: [1] Empowering staff to embrace evidence-based practices; [2] Staff knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs that impact on behaviour; and [3] management support and leadership are influential in staff behaviours (acceptance & perseverance of change process). Discussion: Resistance to change was recognized as a barrier to adopting evidence based recommendations. There is a need to improve nurses' knowledge, attitude and awareness of the importance of assessment for VAP, CRBSI and PIs in the ICU.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services Research
  7. Makmor T., Khaled, T., Ahmad Farid O., Nurul Huda M.S.
    JUMMEC, 2018;21(1):28-33.
    Introduction: Providing adequate and equal access to healthcare is a key goal towards achieving universal health coverage. However, social and demographic inequalities in accessing health care services exist in both developed and developing countries. This study examined the demographic and socio-economic factors associated with the lack of access to public clinics in the Greater Kuala Lumpur area.
    Materials and Methods: The study employed a survey involving 1032 participants. Data were collected using self- administered questionnaires distributed between October and December 2015 in the Greater Kuala Lumpur area.
    Results: Of the 1032 participants, 535 were public clinic users. A quarter (25.8%) of the users stated that they did not have access to public clinics in their residential area. A multiple logistic analysis showed that the elderly, the women, those from ethnic minority groups, those of lower family income, and the private sector workers were more likely not to have access to public clinics than their counterparts.
    Conclusions: The existing level of accessibility to public clinics could be improved by increasing the number of clinics. Clinics should be established to focus more on reaching the elderly, the women, the ethnic minority groups, the poorer families, and the private sector employees.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services Accessibility
  8. Qudsiah Suliman, Salmiah Md. Said, Nor Afiah Mohd. Zulkefli, Lim Poh Ying, Tan Kit-Aun
    Introduction: Despite advancement of treatment modalities, Tuberculosis (TB) treatment interruption rate has glob- ally accelerating, calling for greater framework shifting towards psychosocial intervention. Similarly, Selangor state had reported the perturbing TB treatment interruption rate, which was figured persistently above 10% in the interval year of 2014 to 2018, thus signifies an empirical assessment on Information-Motivation-Behavioural skills (IMB) determinants of TB intensive phase treatment. This study aims to determine the time to intensive phase TB treatment interruption and its prognostic factors among newly diagnosed pulmonary Tuberculosis (PTB) smear positive patients in urban district Selangor. Methods: A multi-centric prospective cohort study will recruit 695 newly diagnosed PTB smear positive patients at treatment centres in urban districts, Selangor. This study will utilize validated self-admin- istered questionnaire and standardised data collection form (PROFORMA). At baseline, we will elicit information on IMB models constructs, additionally on socio-demographics, health service factors and clinical characteristics. Meanwhile, four points follow up will be executed to retrieve information on treatment status and time varying effects of body weight, treatment side effects, symptoms improvement and internalised stigma. Finally, survival analysis will be computed to identify the time to intensive phase treatment interruption and its prognostic factors. Conclusion: This study will enlighten IMB model determinants of intensive phase treatment interruption, hence to endeavour psychosocial elements in designing time relevant public health strategies in TB case management.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services
  9. Norsuzilawati Abdullah, Noor Hamizah Mohd Hassan, Mohd Muhaimin Kambali
    Q Bulletin, 2019;1(28):18-25.
    The platelet concentrates (PCs) is used for the treatment and prevention of bleeding in patients with reduced platelet number or function. The prepared platelet concentrates (PCs) must meet the specified quality control (QC) test standards. PCs that do not meet QC standards will reduce the efficacy of patient care and increase the need of repeated PC transfusion. According to the standards, at least 75% PCs tested should contain more than 60 x 109 per platelet count units. Hence, the objective of this study was to increase the percentage of PCs that meet the platelet count standard to more or equal to 75%.
    A cross sectional study was conducted from May 2015 to March 2016. Data were collected and analysed through monthly PCs QC test results. A retrospective QC data review in March and April 2015 showed only 30% PCs achieved the platelet count standard for QC tests. Intervention package was implemented to tackle the identified risk factors that lead to platelet count problems that do not meet the standards.
    The post remedial results showed an increase to 90% of PCs that meet platelet count standards in January to February 2016. The study also found that the rate of platelet count increment in patients after PCs transfusion increased from 5 x 109 per ml to 9 x 109 per ml after the study. Additionally, the repeated PC transfusion rate decreased from 22% to 18%. Achievements were successfully maintained after the study which was 89% in March to April 2017. Continuous monitoring need to be carried out to ensure the achievement remains in compliance with the established standards. This quality improvement method has facilitated successful platelet transfusion to patient by improving the quality and performance of PCs. The improvement strategies of this study have the potential to be implemented at other blood collection centers in order to improve the quality of healthcare services.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services
  10. Shahrizaila N, Lehmann HC, Kuwabara S
    Lancet, 2021 03 27;397(10280):1214-1228.
    PMID: 33647239 DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(21)00517-1
    Guillain-Barré syndrome is the most common cause of acute flaccid paralysis worldwide. Most patients present with an antecedent illness, most commonly upper respiratory tract infection, before the onset of progressive motor weakness. Several microorganisms have been associated with Guillain-Barré syndrome, most notably Campylobacter jejuni, Zika virus, and in 2020, the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. In C jejuni-related Guillain-Barré syndrome, there is good evidence to support an autoantibody-mediated immune process that is triggered by molecular mimicry between structural components of peripheral nerves and the microorganism. Making a diagnosis of so-called classical Guillain-Barré syndrome is straightforward; however, the existing diagnostic criteria have limitations and can result in some variants of the syndrome being missed. Most patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome do well with immunotherapy, but a substantial proportion are left with disability, and death can occur. Results from the International Guillain-Barré Syndrome Outcome Study suggest that geographical variations exist in Guillain-Barré syndrome, including insufficient access to immunotherapy in low-income countries. There is a need to provide improved access to treatment for all patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome, and to develop effective disease-modifying therapies that can limit the extent of nerve injury. Clinical trials are currently underway to investigate some of the potential therapeutic candidates, including complement inhibitors, which, together with emerging data from large international collaborative studies on the syndrome, will contribute substantially to understanding the many facets of this disease.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services Accessibility
  11. Muhammad Zubir Yusof, Nik Ahmad Kamal Nik Mahmod, Nor Azlina A. Rahman, Ailin Razali, Niza Samsuddin, Nik Mohamed Nizan Nik Mohamed, et al.
    Occupational diseases are one of the major health problems related to workplace hazards.
    However, the epidemiological data for this problem is scarce especially among Small and
    Medium Industry (SMI) workers. These workers are vulnerable to occupational health problem
    due to lack of knowledge and implementation of health and safety in the workplace. In Malaysia,
    most of the SMI workers have limited coverage for basic occupational health services which
    may worsen their health. Thus, this article aims to provide a review on the burden of
    occupational health problems among them. The electronic and library searches were used to
    extract the information from both published and unpublished articles that were not limited to any
    year of publication until 2017. One hundred and ninety-six published articles and 198
    unpublished articles were retrieved from the database. Only 19 published articles and 25
    unpublished articles met the eligibility criteria. Prevalence data of occupational
    diseases/poisoning, including overall and body specific (musculoskeletal disorders) was
    extracted in raw data from the eligible studies. Prevalent statistics on occupational
    musculoskeletal diseases (1.3% - 97.6%), noise-induced hearing loss (29.4% - 73.3%),
    occupational skin diseases (10.5% - 84.3%), respiratory (1.9% - 92.2%) and occupational
    poisoning (14.9% - 17.7%) among the working population is different within published papers
    compared to unpublished ones. In Malaysia, there are no specific statistic that give a true picture
    of the burden of occupational diseases in the SMI. However, this review concludes that
    musculoskeletal diseases are significant occupational problems among SMI workers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Occupational Health Services
  12. A Razak NF, Abd Karim RH, Jamal JA, Said MM
    J Pharm Bioallied Sci, 2020 Nov;12(Suppl 2):S752-S757.
    PMID: 33828373 DOI: 10.4103/jpbs.JPBS_364_19
    Introduction: The appendage of "halal" to a product is not just a guarantee that the product is permitted for Muslims, but it has also become favorable lifestyle choice globally. However, the expansion of halal pharmaceutical market was hindered by lack of global halal standards for pharmaceutical ingredients and product integrity analytical methodology.

    Objective: This work aimed to explore the possibility of using Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and chemometrics to develop multivariate models to authenticate the "halal-ity" of pharmaceutical excipients with controversial halal status (e.g., magnesium stearate).

    Materials and Methods: The FTIR spectral fingerprints of the substance were used to build principal component analysis (PCA) models. The effects of different spectral pretreatment processes such as auto-scaling, baseline correction, standard normal variate (SNV), first, and second derivatives were evaluated. The optimization of the model performance was established to ensure the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of the predicted models.

    Results: Significant peaks corresponding to the properties of the compound were identified. For both bovine and plant-derived magnesium stearate, the peaks associated can be seen within the regions 2900cm-1 (C-H), 2800cm-1 (CH3), 1700cm-1 (C=O), and 1000-1300cm-1 (C-O). There was not much difference observed in the FTIR raw spectra of the samples from both sources. The quality and accuracy of the classification models by PCA and soft independent modeling classification analogy (SIMCA) have shown to improve using spectra optimized by first derivative followed by SNV smoothing.

    Conclusion: This rapid and cost-effective technique has the potential to be expanded as an authentication strategy for halal pharmaceuticals.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services
  13. Vicknasingam B, Mohd Salleh NA, Chooi WT, Singh D, Mohd Zaharim N, Kamarulzaman A, et al.
    Front Psychiatry, 2021;12:630730.
    PMID: 33854449 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.630730
    Background: Restrictive orders and temporary programmatic or ad hoc changes within healthcare and other supportive systems that were implemented in response to the COVID-19 epidemic in Malaysia may have created hindrances to accessing healthcare and/or receiving other supportive services for people who use drugs (PWUDs). Design: A primarily qualitative study has been conducted to evaluate how service providers and recipients were adapting and coping during the initial periods of the COVID-19 response. Settings: The study engaged several healthcare and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the peninsular states of Penang, Kelantan, Selangor, and Melaka. Participants: Medical personnel of methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) programs (n = 2) and HIV clinics (n = 3), staff of NGO services (n = 4), and MMT patients (n = 9) were interviewed using a semi-structured format. Results: Interviewed participants reported significant organizational, programmatic, and treatment protocols related changes implemented within the healthcare and support services in addition to nationally imposed Movement Control Orders (MCOs). Changes aimed to reduce patient flow and concentration at the on-site services locations, including less frequent in-person visits, increased use of telemedicine resources, and greater reliance on telecommunication methods to maintain contacts with patients and clients; changes in medication dispensing protocols, including increased take-home doses and relaxed rules for obtaining them, or delivery of medications to patients' homes or locations near their homes were reported by the majority of study participants. No significant rates of COVID-19 infections among PWUDs, including among those with HIV have been reported at the study sites. Conclusions: Although the reported changes presented new challenges for both services providers and recipients and resulted in some degree of initial disruption, generally, all participants reported successful implementation and high levels of compliance with the newly introduced restrictions, regulations, and protocols, resulting in relatively low rates of treatment disruption or discontinuation at the study sites.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services Accessibility
  14. Gendeh HS, Abdullah AB, Goh BS, Hashim ND
    Ear Nose Throat J, 2019 Aug;98(7):416-419.
    PMID: 31018687 DOI: 10.1177/0145561319840166
    Intracranial complications secondary to chronic otitis media (COM) include otogenic brain abscess and sinus thrombosis. Intravenous antibiotics and imaging have significantly reduced the incidence of intracranial complications secondary to COM. However, the same does not apply to a developing country like Malaysia, which still experiences persisting otogenic complications. This case series describes 3 patients with COM and intracranial complications. All 3 patients had COM with mastoiditis, with 1 of the 3 having a cholesteatoma. Postulated reasons for the continued occurrence include poor access to health care, poor compliance with medication, and the lack of pneumococcal vaccination during childhood. In conclusion, public awareness and a timely specialty referral can reduce the incidence of intracranial complications of COM.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services Accessibility
  15. Wang E, Real I, David-Wang A, Rubio DA, Gaston CL, Quintos AJ, et al.
    Malays Orthop J, 2021 Mar;15(1):12-15.
    PMID: 33880142 DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.2103.002
    A series of mortalities among musculoskeletal tumour patients secondary to medical illnesses during the first few months of the pandemic highlighted the need to review our methods of communication with patients. Prominent among patients' concerns had been a fear of consulting at hospitals and a lack of ready access to health care. Recommendations are made for proactive consultation and patient education, identifying at-risk patients for follow-up and probing for possible co-morbidities. Telemedicine use is encouraged bearing in mind its inherent limitations. A network of physicians and pharmaceutical representatives is an added help we can offer our patients who may be isolated by community quarantine.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services Accessibility
  16. Lombe D, Sullivan R, Caduff C, Ali Z, Bhoo-Pathy N, Cleary J, et al.
    Ecancermedicalscience, 2021;15:1202.
    PMID: 33889211 DOI: 10.3332/ecancer.2021.1202
    Introduction: Public health emergencies and crises such as the current COVID-19 pandemic can accelerate innovation and place renewed focus on the value of health interventions. Capturing important lessons learnt, both positive and negative, is vital. We aimed to document the perceived positive changes (silver linings) in cancer care that emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic and identify challenges that may limit their long-term adoption.

    Methods: This study employed a qualitative design. Semi-structured interviews (n = 20) were conducted with key opinion leaders from 14 countries. The participants were predominantly members of the International COVID-19 and Cancer Taskforce, who convened in March 2020 to address delivery of cancer care in the context of the pandemic. The Framework Method was employed to analyse the positive changes of the pandemic with corresponding challenges to their maintenance post-pandemic.

    Results: Ten themes of positive changes were identified which included: value in cancer care, digital communication, convenience, inclusivity and cooperation, decentralisation of cancer care, acceleration of policy change, human interactions, hygiene practices, health awareness and promotion and systems improvement. Impediments to the scale-up of these positive changes included resource disparities and variation in legal frameworks across regions. Barriers were largely attributed to behaviours and attitudes of stakeholders.

    Conclusion: The COVID-19 pandemic has led to important value-based innovations and changes for better cancer care across different health systems. The challenges to maintaining/implementing these changes vary by setting. Efforts are needed to implement improved elements of care that evolved during the pandemic.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services
  17. Tan CE, Jaffar A, Tohit N, Hamzah Z, Hashim SM
    Perspect Med Educ, 2017 Jun;6(3):182-188.
    PMID: 28386758 DOI: 10.1007/s40037-017-0353-1
    INTRODUCTION: Direct contact with patients for medical education is essential in healthcare professional training. Patients who were recruited for a medical education home visit program in Malaysia did so on a voluntary basis without remuneration. This paper aims to explore their reasons for participation in this program.

    METHODS: An exploratory qualitative study was conducted on patients who had been visited during the 2012/2013 academic session. Purposive sampling was done to select adult participants from varying ethnicities and ages from the list of patients. In-depth interviews were conducted at the participants' homes and were audio recorded. The transcripts of these interviews were analyzed using thematic analysis.

    RESULTS: A total of nine in-depth interviews were conducted. Four main themes were identified from thematic analysis: 1) Perceived meaning of the visit; 2) Perceived benefits and risks; 3) Past healthcare experiences; 4) Availability for visits. The home visits meant different things to different participants, including a teaching-learning encounter, a social visit, a charitable deed or a healthcare check-up. The benefits and risks of accepting unknown students to their homes and sharing their health issues with them had been weighed prior to participation. Prior experience with healthcare services such as gratitude to healthcare providers or having a relative in the healthcare profession increased their receptivity for involvement. Lastly, enabling factors such as availability of time would determine their acceptance for home visits.

    DISCUSSION: Patients agree to participate in medical education activities on a voluntary basis for various reasons. Providing good healthcare service and sufficient preparation are crucial to increase patient receptivity for such activities.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services
  18. Schratz A, Pineda MF, Reforma LG, Fox NM, Le Anh T, Tommaso Cavalli-Sforza L, et al.
    Adv Parasitol, 2010;72:79-107.
    PMID: 20624529 DOI: 10.1016/S0065-308X(10)72004-2
    Ethnic minority groups (EMGs) are often subject to exclusion, marginalization and poverty. These characteristics render them particularly vulnerable to neglected diseases, a diverse group of diseases that comprise bacteria, ecto-parasites, fungi, helminths and viruses. Despite the health policy relevance, only little is known of the epidemiological profile of neglected diseases among EMGs. We reviewed country data from Australia, Cambodia, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam and found several overlaps between regions with high proportions of EMG population and high prevalence rates of neglected diseases (infections with soil-transmitted helminths, filarial worms, schistosomes, food-borne trematodes and cestodes). While the links are not always clearly evident and it is impossible to establish correlations among highly aggregated data without control variables-such as environmental factors-there appear indeed to be important linkages between EMGs, socio-economic status and prevalence of neglected diseases. Some determinants under consideration are lack of access to health care and general health status, poverty and social marginalization, as well as education and literacy. Further research is needed to deepen the understanding of these linkages and to determine their public health and socio-economic significance. In particular, there is a need for more data from all countries in the Western Pacific Region that is disaggregated below the provincial level. Selected case studies that incorporate other control variables-such as risk factors from the physical environment-might be useful to inform policy makers about the feasibility of prevention and control interventions that are targeted at high-risk EMGs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services Accessibility
  19. Loo JL, Keng SL, Ramírez-Espinosa IG, Nor Hadi NM, Ramírez-Gutiérrez JA, Shoesmith W
    Asia Pac Psychiatry, 2021 Mar;13(1):e12437.
    PMID: 33188568 DOI: 10.1111/appy.12437
    BACKGROUND: Borderline personality disorder (BPD) contributes to suicide-related morbidity and mortality and requires more intensive psychotherapeutic resources due to its high mental health service usage. Accessibility to an evidence-based treatment program is a cornerstone to support patients with BPD and part of broader suicide prevention efforts as well as improving their quality of life.

    AIMS: In this article, the authors aim to discuss and review available dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) and DBT-informed services of selected countries in the Asia-Pacific Rim, namely Singapore, Malaysia, and Mexico.

    MATERIALS & METHODS: We contacted providers of different services and gathered information on the process of setting up the service and adapting the treatment, in addition to reviewing the available literature published in the countries.

    RESULTS: To date, there have been a pair of DBT-informed services in Singapore, four in Malaysia, and several in Mexico with a few of them offering standard DBT. Different efforts have been put in place to increase the accessibility to training and also the number of DBT practitioners.

    DISCUSSION: Important considerations during the process of setting up new services include the use of domestic examples and local language that are contextually appropriate for the local community. Selected challenges faced in common include shortage of workforce, affordability of training programs, and the need for language adaptation with or without translation.

    CONCLUSION: Further long-term evaluation of locally adapted DBT-informed mental health services will help to elucidate the effectiveness and efficacy of the program which will potentially serve as a guide for other resource-scarce regions.

    Matched MeSH terms: Mental Health Services
  20. Naing Oo Tha, Wendy Diana Shoesmith, Chrystalle B. Y. Tan, Mohd Yusof Ibrahim, Syed Shajee Hussein
    Borneo Epidemiology Journal, 2020;1(1):45-54.
    Introduction: One of the aims outlined in Malaysia’s Health Vision 2020 is to be a nation of healthy individuals, families, and communities through an equitable, affordable, efficient, environmentally adaptable, and consumer friendly healthcare system. Sabah faces tremendous challenges to provide the best care for patients. For example, Sabah's unique geographical location and landscape, such as steep hills and rivers, is one of the challenges that health staff faces. Objectives of this study aimed to examine the prevalence of geographical accessibility, types of healthcare services, and the types of health seeking behaviour in 2 northern rural areas of Sabah to assess the geographic accessibility and availability of healthcare services.
    Materials and Methods: A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted in two rural areas in Sabah—Kudat and Pitas. Data collection was done by using questionnaire and face–to-face interviews
    Results: It was found that 48% of the study population sought healthcare and they mainly chose healthcare services from hospitals and health clinics.
    Conclusion: Half of the population in the areas studied used healthcare in the last year. The choice of using a public hospital or community health clinics was determined by distance from residence
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Services
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