Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 240 in total

  1. Banerjee S, Ooi MC, Shariff M, Khatoon H
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2012;2012:130136.
    PMID: 22619583 DOI: 10.1100/2012/130136
    Salmonella and Vibrio species were isolated and identified from Litopenaeus vannamei cultured in shrimp farms. Shrimp samples showed occurrence of 3.3% of Salmonella and 48.3% of Vibrio. The isolates were also screened for antibiotic resistance to oxolinic acid, sulphonamides, tetracycline, sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim, norfloxacin, ampicillin, doxycycline hydrochloride, erythromycin, chloramphenicol, and nitrofurantoin. Salmonella enterica serovar Corvallis isolated from shrimp showed individual and multiple antibiotic resistance patterns. Five Vibrio species having individual and multiple antibiotic resistance were also identified. They were Vibrio cholerae (18.3%), V. mimicus (16.7%), V. parahaemolyticus (10%), V. vulnificus (6.7%), and V. alginolyticus (1.7%). Farm owners should be concerned about the presence of these pathogenic bacteria which also contributes to human health risk and should adopt best management practices for responsible aquaculture to ensure the quality of shrimp.
    Matched MeSH terms: Aquaculture*
  2. Lind CE, Ponzoni RW, Nguyen NH, Khaw HL
    Reprod. Domest. Anim., 2012 Aug;47 Suppl 4:255-63.
    PMID: 22827379 DOI: 10.1111/j.1439-0531.2012.02084.x
    To satisfy increasing demands for fish as food, progress must occur towards greater aquaculture productivity whilst retaining the wild and farmed genetic resources that underpin global fish production. We review the main selection methods that have been developed for genetic improvement in aquaculture, and discuss their virtues and shortcomings. Examples of the application of mass, cohort, within family, and combined between-family and within-family selection are given. In addition, we review the manner in which fish genetic resources can be lost at the intra-specific, species and ecosystem levels and discuss options to best prevent this. We illustrate that fundamental principles of genetic management are common in the implementation of both selective breeding and conservation programmes, and should be emphasized in capacity development efforts. We highlight the value of applied genetics approaches for increasing aquaculture productivity and the conservation of fish genetic resources.
    Matched MeSH terms: Aquaculture/methods*
  3. Garza M, Mohan CV, Rahman M, Wieland B, Häsler B
    Prev Vet Med, 2019 Jun 01;167:202-213.
    PMID: 29625785 DOI: 10.1016/j.prevetmed.2018.03.004
    The aquaculture sector in Bangladesh is an important employer and a significant source of foreign exchange. In addition, it contributes significantly to food security due to the role of fish in peoples' diets, the most important source of protein and micronutrients. However, infectious diseases represent an important barrier to sector development due to economic losses and vulnerability of smallholders. The aim of this study was to gain an overview of the impact of infectious diseases in the aquaculture sector, and to assess the usefulness and use of impact studies in decision making for animal health management and biosecurity governance in Bangladesh. A review of scientific and grey literature on infectious disease impact in different aquaculture systems was conducted and their methodologies and findings summarised. Subsequently, interviews with 28 stakeholders from the private and public sector were conducted to enquire about decision-making structures in animal health management. The data were analysed using the framework method to allow the development of themes, by using the information, experiences and opinions inductively obtained from interviewees, deductively through the reviewed literature. Results showed a substantial socio-economic impact of infectious diseases. The numerous stakeholders involved in the decision-making process explained that key barriers to effective aquaculture health management were insufficient resources to investigate and tackle infectious aquatic animal diseases, a dearth of legislation and capacity for disease surveillance, a reliance on reactive response, and a lack of impact and evidence-based approaches for prioritising problem-solving, commonly based on anecdotal evidence. Furthermore, communication among the multiple stakeholders involved was reported to be weak. This complex situation requires a multi-level response, which should span from strengthening the knowledge of farmers and professionals in the field to the improvement of surveillance and diagnostic systems. Improved systems along with evidence on disease impact could inform the prioritisation of diseases and resource allocation for disease control in Bangladesh. Further, this evidence needs to be used to advise decisions to have a true value, for which establishing and strengthening communication pathways and processes is critical to make systematic use of the information and improve animal health management. In the light of future threats to Bangladesh such as climate change, increasing population density and demand for animal source foods, it is crucial to strengthen animal health management systems to reduce livelihoods vulnerability, food insecurity and the likelihood of disease emergence.
    Matched MeSH terms: Aquaculture/organization & administration*
  4. Okomoda VT, Koh ICC, Shahreza MS
    Zygote, 2017 Aug;25(4):443-452.
    PMID: 28635581 DOI: 10.1017/S0967199417000259
    Breeding and larval performance of novel hybrids from reciprocal crosses of Asian catfish Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (Sauvage, 1878) and African catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) were investigated in this study. Spawning was by hormonal injection of brood fish, artificial fertilization, and incubation in triplicate aquarium tanks (0.5 × 0.5 × 0.5 m3) with continuous aeration. Reciprocal crosses (♀C. gariepinus × ♂P. hypophthalmus and ♀P. hypophthalmus × ♂C. gariepinus) had lower hatchability (≤50%) than their pure siblings (≥75%). Fish from all crosses survived until the juvenile stage but survival at 35 days post hatching (dph) was higher for pure C. gariepinus sib. ♀C. gariepinus × ♂P. hypophthalmus was observed to be less resistant to degradation of water quality than the other crosses, however it had higher body weight compared with the other crosses that showed similar performance. Morphological comparison of surviving juvenile at 35 dph, showed that all ♀P. hypophthalmus × ♂C. gariepinus and 13% of the ♀C. gariepinus × ♂P. hypophthalmus exhibited the very same morphology as that of their maternal parent species, while the other portion of the ♀C. gariepinus × ♂P. hypophthalmus cross exhibited morphological traits that were intermediate between those of both parent species. This study been the first successful attempt to hybridize both species and therefore, laid the groundwork for further studies on the aquaculture potentials of the novel hybrids.
    Matched MeSH terms: Aquaculture/methods
  5. Apandi NM, Mohamed RMSR, Al-Gheethi A, Kassim AHM
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2019 Feb;26(4):3226-3242.
    PMID: 30565116 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-018-3937-3
    Microalgal biomass produced from the phycoremediation of wastewater represents an important protein source, lipids, and natural antioxidants and bioproducts. Therefore, the microalgal biomass and their derived compounds are used in animal and aquaculture feed as well as human nutrition and health products. Many microalgal species have shown promising potential for many bioproducts. However, significant processes to find the optimum quality and quantity of microalgal biomass are still required especially when it is used as a replacement for aquaculture feed. The limitations lie in the selection of microalgal species and their production. The present review discusses the potential generation of bioproducts from microalgal biomass resulting from the phycoremediation of wet market wastewater. The consortium approach in wastewater treatment and the comparison between biomass production and available common feeds for aquaculture were reviewed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Aquaculture/methods*
  6. Troell M, Naylor RL, Metian M, Beveridge M, Tyedmers PH, Folke C, et al.
    Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2014 Sep 16;111(37):13257-63.
    PMID: 25136111 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1404067111
    Aquaculture is the fastest growing food sector and continues to expand alongside terrestrial crop and livestock production. Using portfolio theory as a conceptual framework, we explore how current interconnections between the aquaculture, crop, livestock, and fisheries sectors act as an impediment to, or an opportunity for, enhanced resilience in the global food system given increased resource scarcity and climate change. Aquaculture can potentially enhance resilience through improved resource use efficiencies and increased diversification of farmed species, locales of production, and feeding strategies. However, aquaculture's reliance on terrestrial crops and wild fish for feeds, its dependence on freshwater and land for culture sites, and its broad array of environmental impacts diminishes its ability to add resilience. Feeds for livestock and farmed fish that are fed rely largely on the same crops, although the fraction destined for aquaculture is presently small (∼4%). As demand for high-value fed aquaculture products grows, competition for these crops will also rise, as will the demand for wild fish as feed inputs. Many of these crops and forage fish are also consumed directly by humans and provide essential nutrition for low-income households. Their rising use in aquafeeds has the potential to increase price levels and volatility, worsening food insecurity among the most vulnerable populations. Although the diversification of global food production systems that includes aquaculture offers promise for enhanced resilience, such promise will not be realized if government policies fail to provide adequate incentives for resource efficiency, equity, and environmental protection.
    Matched MeSH terms: Aquaculture*
  7. Brunton LA, Desbois AP, Garza M, Wieland B, Mohan CV, Häsler B, et al.
    Sci Total Environ, 2019 Oct 15;687:1344-1356.
    PMID: 31412468 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.06.134
    Aquaculture systems are highly complex, dynamic and interconnected systems influenced by environmental, biological, cultural, socio-economic and human behavioural factors. Intensification of aquaculture production is likely to drive indiscriminate use of antibiotics to treat or prevent disease and increase productivity, often to compensate for management and husbandry deficiencies. Surveillance or monitoring of antibiotic usage (ABU) and antibiotic resistance (ABR) is often lacking or absent. Consequently, there are knowledge gaps for the risk of ABR emergence and human exposure to ABR in these systems and the wider environment. The aim of this study was to use a systems-thinking approach to map two aquaculture systems in Vietnam - striped catfish and white-leg shrimp - to identify hotspots for emergence and selection of resistance, and human exposure to antibiotics and antibiotic-resistant bacteria. System mapping was conducted by stakeholders at an interdisciplinary workshop in Hanoi, Vietnam during January 2018, and the maps generated were refined until consensus. Thereafter, literature was reviewed to complement and cross-reference information and to validate the final maps. The maps and component interactions with the environment revealed the grow-out phase, where juveniles are cultured to harvest size, to be a key hotspot for emergence of ABR in both systems due to direct and indirect ABU, exposure to water contaminated with antibiotics and antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and duration of this stage. The pathways for human exposure to antibiotics and ABR were characterised as: occupational (on-farm and at different handling points along the value chain), through consumption (bacterial contamination and residues) and by environmental routes. By using systems thinking and mapping by stakeholders to identify hotspots we demonstrate the applicability of an integrated, interdisciplinary approach to characterising ABU in aquaculture. This work provides a foundation to quantify risks at different points, understand interactions between components, and identify stakeholders who can lead and implement change.
    Matched MeSH terms: Aquaculture*
  8. Bognár A, Borkhanuddin MH, Nagase S, Sellyei B
    PeerJ, 2024;12:e18288.
    PMID: 39553726 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.18288
    Ectoparasites cause serious problems during the aquaculture production of food fishes. In this study, we set out to develop and test protocols for maintenance and sampling European catfish (Silurus glanis L., 1758) stocks infected with a gill monogenean, Thaparocleidus vistulensis (Siwak 1932) Lim 1996. When we compared the feasibility of two cohabitation-based parasite culture systems (i.e., static vs. flow-through), we found that the life cycle of T. vistulensis was completed in both habitats. In our experience, static tank systems with regular water exchange allowed better daily quality control of the parasite culture than continuous flow-through systems. We investigated the microhabitat preference of T. vistulensis on the gills of infected European catfish. A balanced distribution on the two lateral gill sets and a decreasing trend in parasite numbers from anterior gill holobranches towards the posterior ones was observed. Using these results, we developed a minimally invasive sampling protocol to estimate the parasite load of individuals. The biopsy aimed at four sectors (#6, #7, #10, and #11) situated within the distal and middle zones of the first holobranch on the left side, encompassing both rows of filaments. Biopsy-based estimates of parasite loads were validated by comparing them to full parasite counts of the same individuals and showed statistically significant correlations. Our biopsy-based method is designed to identify experimental animals with similar parasite loads and create groups of hosts with comparable burdens. This setup is expected to generate reduced between-group differences for expensive experiments (e.g., high throughput transcriptomic or epigenetic studies). We propose that the biopsy-based pre-sorting procedure should be considered in similar experiments with other cultured fish species and their gill monogeneans following a thorough fine-tuning of the experimental conditions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Aquaculture/methods
  9. Adam RI, Rajaratnam S, Sufian FD, Njogu L
    PLoS One, 2025;20(1):e0314284.
    PMID: 39792835 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0314284
    Gender equality and women's empowerment have been increasingly emphasised in food production systems, including fisheries and aquaculture. Accurate assessment and understanding of the state, progress and changes in women's empowerment in the sub-sectors is required. We applied the project level Women's Empowerment in Fisheries and Aquaculture Index (pro-WEFI), which is based on the project-level women's empowerment in agriculture index (pro-WEAI) to standardize the measurement of women's agency and empowerment in fisheries and aquaculture. Drawing on a survey conducted in north-western Bangladesh, we examined quantitative pro-WEFI data collected from 217 households engaged in aquaculture. Only 33% of the women and 48% of the men in the sample achieved empowerment in aquaculture, attaining scores of 0.75 and above. The mean disempowerment score (1-3DE) revealed that both women and men failed to achieve adequacy on average in nearly 28% of the indicators. Nearly 40% of the dual adult households did not attain gender parity with women achieving lower adequacy scores than men from the same household. Women's disempowerment was primarily driven by lack of autonomy in their use of income (18.5%), inability to visit important locations (17.4%), and inadequate access to and decision making on financial services (13.4%). Our findings emphasize the significance of conducting comprehensive assessments of women's empowerment in aquaculture initiatives and its various domains and indicators inform the development of targeted and effective interventions. By identifying domains where gender inequality is most pronounced, projects can better design interventions to create targeted impacts in critical areas.
    Matched MeSH terms: Aquaculture*
  10. Chen A, Zhang H, Zi Y, Gao Y, Lee CT, Li C
    J Environ Manage, 2025 Jan;373:123709.
    PMID: 39724672 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2024.123709
    Nutrient recovery from aquaculture sludge is vital for promoting hydroponic plant growth and achieving near-zero solid waste discharge in aquaponic systems. Modified biological aerated filters (MBAFs) are promising because of the dual capabilities of aquaculture sludge collection and aerobic mineralization. However, the bioconversion kinetics, which is indirectly related to the packed media, need to be improved. In this study, a novel polyhedral hollow sphere (PHS) medium was used in an MBAF (MBAF-PHS) to overcome the shortcomings of the current medium, facilitating fish sludge retention and enhancing subsequent bioconversion kinetics for nutrient recovery. An average rate of 36.9 g/d for dry weight of fish sludge was achieved during 29 d of filtration and an average reduction rate of 31.30 g/d during 26 d of bioconversion. The total mass of fish sludge was converted by 76.2% via the co-action of the solubilization of organic solids and degradation of dissolved organic matter. MBAF-PHS was competitive for macronutrient recovery compared with the MBAF-sponge previously used. The ratios of the final concentrations of the macronutrients (P, Mg, and S) to the concentrations in Hoagland solution (Cf/CH, %) were 278.1, 162.8, and 200.9%, respectively, whereas the ratios of N, K, and Ca were 65.9, 37.1, and 51.0%, respectively. High bioconversion kinetics of NO3--N and PO43--P were obtained within 7 d with an MNO3-N/MTN of 79.9% and MPO4-P/MDTP of 80.3%. The nutrient bioconversion of fish sludge was associated with the diversity of the microbial community in the MBAF-PHS, especially the population of nitrogen-removing microbial species that developed after 9 d of mineralization.
    Matched MeSH terms: Aquaculture*
  11. Xie S, Hamid N, Zhang T, Zhang Z, Peng L
    J Hazard Mater, 2024 Jun 05;471:134324.
    PMID: 38640666 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2024.134324
    In recent years, aquaculture has expanded rapidly to address food scarcity and provides high-quality aquatic products. However, this growth has led to the release of significant effluents, containing emerging contaminants like antibiotics, microplastics (MPs), and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs). This study investigated the occurrence and interactions of these pollutants in aquaculture environment. Combined pollutants, such as MPs and coexisting adsorbents, were widespread and could include antibiotics, heavy metals, resistance genes, and pathogens. Elevated levels of chemical pollutants on MPs could lead to the emergence of resistance genes under selective pressure, facilitated by bacterial communities and horizontal gene transfer (HGT). MPs acted as vectors, transferring pollutants into the food web. Various technologies, including membrane technology, coagulation, and advanced oxidation, have been trialed for pollutants removal, each with its benefits and drawbacks. Future research should focus on ecologically friendly treatment technologies for emerging contaminants in aquaculture wastewater. This review provided insights into understanding and addressing newly developing toxins, aiming to develop integrated systems for effective aquaculture wastewater treatment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Aquaculture*
  12. Ramli NM, Verreth JAJ, Yusoff FM, Nurulhuda K, Nagao N, Verdegem MCJ
    PMID: 33015002 DOI: 10.3389/fbioe.2020.01004
    This review investigates the performance and the feasibility of the integration of an algal reactor in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). The number of studies related to this topic is limited, despite the apparent benefit of algae that can assimilate part of the inorganic waste in RAS. We identified two major challenges related to algal integration in RAS: first, the practical feasibility for improving nitrogen removal performance by algae in RAS; second, the economic feasibility of integrating an algal reactor in RAS. The main factors that determine high algal nitrogen removal rates are light and hydraulic retention time (HRT). Besides these factors, nitrogen-loading rates and RAS configuration could be important to ensure algal performance in nitrogen removal. Since nitrogen removal rate by algae is determined by HRT, this will affect the size (area or volume) of the algal reactor due to the time required for nutrient uptake by algae and large surface area needed to capture enough light. Constraints related to design, space, light capture, and reactor management could incur additional cost for aquaculture production. However, the increased purification of RAS wastewater could reduce the cost of water discharge in places where this is subject to levees. We believe that an improved understanding of how to manage the algal reactor and technological advancement of culturing algae, such as improved algal reactor design and low-cost artificial light, will increase the practical and economic feasibility of algal integration in RAS, thus improving the potential of mass cultivation of algae in RAS.
    Matched MeSH terms: Aquaculture
  13. Belton B, Little DC, Zhang W, Edwards P, Skladany M, Thilsted SH
    Nat Commun, 2020 11 16;11(1):5804.
    PMID: 33199697 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-19679-9
    Recent literature on marine fish farming brands it as potentially compatible with sustainable resource use, conservation, and human nutrition goals, and aligns with the emerging policy discourse of 'blue growth'. We advance a two-pronged critique. First, contemporary narratives tend to overstate marine finfish aquaculture's potential to deliver food security and environmental sustainability. Second, they often align with efforts to enclose maritime space that could facilitate its allocation to extractive industries and conservation interests and exclude fishers. Policies and investments that seek to increase the availability and accessibility of affordable and sustainable farmed aquatic foods should focus on freshwater aquaculture.
    Matched MeSH terms: Aquaculture
  14. Yong CY, Ong HK, Tang HC, Yeap SK, Omar AR, Ho KL, et al.
    PeerJ, 2019;7:e7151.
    PMID: 31341728 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.7151
    The aquaculture of salmonid fishes is a multi-billion dollar industry with production over 3 million tons annually. However, infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV), which infects and kills salmon and trout, significantly reduces the revenue of the salmon farming industry. Currently, there is no effective treatment for IHNV infected fishes; therefore, early detection and depopulation of the infected fishes remain the most common practices to contain the spread of IHNV. Apart from hygiene practices in aquaculture and isolation of infected fishes, loss of fishes due to IHNV infection can also be significantly reduced through vaccination programs. In the current review, some of the diagnostic methods for IHNV, spanning from clinical diagnosis to cell culture, serological and molecular methods are discussed in detail. In addition, some of the most significant candidate vaccines for IHNV are also extensively discussed, particularly the DNA vaccines.
    Matched MeSH terms: Aquaculture
  15. Mohd Nasir N, Mohd Yunos FH, Wan Jusoh HH, Mohammad A, Lam SS, Jusoh A
    J Environ Manage, 2019 Nov 01;249:109373.
    PMID: 31415924 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.109373
    Microalgae have been increasingly used to generate biofuel, thus a sustainable technique should be implemented to harvest the biomass to ensure its existence in the environment. Aspergillus niger was used as bio-flocculant to harvest microalgae from aquaculture wastewater via flocculation technique over a range of pH and mixing rate. The bio-flocculant showed ability to adapt at a wide range of pH from 3.0 to 9.0 and at a mixing rate of 100-150 rpm, producing a harvesting efficiency of higher than 90%. The treated water possessed low concentration of chlorophyll-a (0.3-0.6 mg L-1) and cell density (2 × 106-3 × 106 cell mL-1). These indicate that Aspergillus niger is a promising bio-flocculant to be used in harvesting microalgae, thus promoting the use of flocculation as a green technology in aquaculture wastewater treatment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Aquaculture
  16. Zainol Z, Akhir MF, Zainol Z
    Mar Pollut Bull, 2021 Mar;164:112011.
    PMID: 33485016 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2021.112011
    Setiu Wetland is rapidly developing into an aquaculture and agriculture hub, causing concern about its water quality condition. To address this issue, it is imperative to acquire knowledge of the spatial and temporal distributions of pollutants. Consequently, this study applied combinations of hydrodynamic and particle tracking models to identify the transport behaviour of pollutants and calculate the residence time in Setiu Lagoon. The particle tracking results indicated that the residence time in Setiu Lagoon was highly influenced by the release location, where particles released closer to the river mouth exhibited shorter residence times than those released further upstream. Despite this fact, the pulse of river discharges successfully reduced the residence time in the order of two to twelve times shorter. Under different tidal phases, the residence time during the neap tide was longer regardless of heavy rainfalls, implying the domination of tidal flow in the water renewal within the lagoon.
    Matched MeSH terms: Aquaculture
  17. Wei, Kang Chor, Victor Charlie Andin, Chitra Devi Gopalakrishnan, Amierah Amer, Shaheera Mohamed, Hiroyoshi Matsumoto, et al.
    A 25-week feeding trial was conducted to assess the growth performance, organoleptic quality, and to estimate the viability of nourishing hybrid grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus x Epinephelus lanceolatus) with low-cost fish (LCF) and commercially compound feed (CCF). A group of 3600 juvenile fish (182g) were released in four sea cages and fed with either LCF or CCF in duplicate. At the end of the trial, the hybrid grouper provided LCF attained a significantly higher (P0.05). Although technicalities of fish fed with LCF suggest that LCF is more efficient than CCF, feeding LCF to high-value fish is an unsustainable practice as LCF is usually obtained through trawling – a destructive fishing method for the marine ecosystem. Therefore, feeding with CCF without the use of LCF as the source of protein for its fishmeal will contribute to sustainable aquaculture. In order to convince the local farmers in Sabah to adopt the practice of feeding CCF, future research should focus on completing the species-specific diet formulation to promote optimum growth, and find ways to reduce the CCF local selling price.
    Matched MeSH terms: Aquaculture
  18. Chu KB, Abdulah A, Abdullah SZ, Bakar RA
    Trop Life Sci Res, 2013 Dec;24(2):77-84.
    PMID: 24575250 MyJurnal
    The mass mortality of cobia (Rachycentron canadum) within 2-3 days was reported by 3 private farms in Bukit Tambun, Pulau Pinang, in February and March 2007. Only cobia with body weights of 3-4 kg were affected. Most diseased cobia swam on the surface and displayed flashing behaviour. All samples were positive for viral nervous necrosis (VNN) with low to medium levels of infection. Infestations by leeches (Zeylanicobdella arugamensis), body monogeneans (Benedenia sp.) and copepods (Caligus sp.) were also found, but no pathogenic bacteria were isolated. All water quality parameters monitored were within optimal ranges for culturing cobia. The main causes of high mortality in cobia remain unclear during the study. However, we believe that the mass mortality of cobia could be probably due to VNN infection and that the rate of mortality will increase further when cobia are subjected to aquaculture-related stresses (e.g., limited space). Traditional cages with a size of 2 (length) × 2 (width) × 1 m (depth) should only be used for rearing cobia below 1 kg in weight given the species' natural behaviours. In addition, cobia fingerlings should be screened for VNN prior to stocking them in cages.
    Matched MeSH terms: Aquaculture
  19. Chin JY, Teoh GH, Ahmad AL, Low SC
    Sci Total Environ, 2021 Nov 10;794:148657.
    PMID: 34198076 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.148657
    Surging growth of aquaculture industry has alarmed the public when the wastewater discharged had an adverse effect on the environment. This current study is a pioneer in the use of membrane distillation (MD) to treat real aquaculture wastewater. In addition to excellent hydrophobicity, the slippery surface of membrane used for MD is another key factor that enhances the performance of MD. The slippery surface of the membrane was tuned by layering high-viscosity and low-viscosity polypropylene (PP) polymers on the electrospun membrane by solvent-exchanged method. While the high-viscosity PP coating (PP/HV) rendered the membrane surface slippery, the low-viscosity PP coating (PP/LV) caused the fish farm wastewater to have stick-slip movement on the membrane surface. In the long-term 70-hour direct contact membrane distillation (DCMD) separation, PP/HV and PP/LV membranes can perfectly eliminate the undesirable components in the fish farm wastewater. The PP/HV membrane has registered a flux of 19.1 kg/m2·h, while the flux of PP/LV membrane was only 7.3 kg/m2·h. The PP/HV membrane also showed excellent anti-scaling properties in relative to the PP/LV membrane. This is because the PP/HV membrane promotes effortless gliding of the feed water along the surface of the membrane, while the surface of the PP/LV membrane has a static water boundary. Therefore, it can be concluded that the application of MD using the membrane coated with high-viscosity PP polymer is a feasible technology for the treatment of aquaculture wastewater.
    Matched MeSH terms: Aquaculture
  20. MyJurnal
    This study evaluates the sanitary and physico-chemical quality of Sg. Jarum Mas shellfish waters in order to establish its suitability as a model farm. Seawater and shellfish from nine stations (4 shellfish harvesting waters, 4 surrounding waters and 1 control site) were collected and analyzed monthly from September 2004 - September 2005. The results show that shellfish harvesting waters in Sg. Jarum Mas can be classified as ‘approved’ and ‘conditionally approved’. Hepatitis A virus was not detected in any of the shellfish examined. Dinophysis caudata and Pseuodonitzshia spp. were the most common harmful alga species observed. Harmful species that are known to produce toxins and cause shellfish poisoning such as Alexandrium spp., Gymnodinum spp., Pyrodinium sp. and Prorocentrum spp. were not detected. The physico-chemical characteristics of shellfish waters in Sg. Jarum Mas imply that they are suitable for aquaculture activity of moderately tolerant species such as shellfish.
    Matched MeSH terms: Aquaculture
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