Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 125 in total

  1. Biglari S, Hanafiah A, Ramli R, Mostafizur Rahman M, Mohd Nizam Khaithir T
    Pak J Med Sci, 2013 Apr;29(2):469-73.
    PMID: 24353558
    Acinetobacter spp. has emerged as an important opportunistic pathogen responsible for nosocomial infections in many health-care settings worldwide. The study describes the clinico-epidemiology and antimicrobial susceptibility of Acinetobacter spp. in a tertiary health-care institution. Methodology : Acinetobacter spp. were isolated from 141 specimens of the patients who reported to Universiti Kebangsaan Medical Centre (UKMMC). The sources of specimens were wound, skin and soft tissue, respiratory and urinary tract from patients in various wards. Clinio-epidemiological features of patients infected with Acinetobacter spp. were recorded. Standard bacteriological techniques with API 20NE kits and disk diffusion method were followed for identification and antibiotic sensitivity of the organisms.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Facilities
  2. Lim PS, Atan IK, Naidu A
    Case Rep Obstet Gynecol, 2012;2012:727146.
    PMID: 23320216 DOI: 10.1155/2012/727146
    Genitourinary tuberculosis is one of the common forms of extrapulmonary tuberculosis. We report a case of atypical genitourinary tuberculosis: massive uterovaginal prolapse with cervical lesion mimicking cervical carcinoma. This particular case highlights the problem of healthcare in most of the developing countries. Lack of patient education, awareness, and access to a healthcare system resulted in a complicated situation. In an endemic area or in an immunocompromised individual, a higher index of suspicion would allow early recognition and treatment institution to minimise its late consequences as well as spreading of the disease. Though anti-TB is the mainstay of treatment, surgical intervention might be needed in selected cases.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Facilities
  3. K C B, Heydon S, Norris P
    PMID: 31171973 DOI: 10.1186/s40545-019-0172-3
    Improving access to medicines is a major healthcare challenge for low-income countries because the problem traverses health systems, society and multiple stakeholders. The Annapurna region of Nepal provides a valuable case study to investigate the interplay between medicines, society and health systems and their effects on access to and use of medicines. Government health facilities and international aid organizations provide some healthcare in the region, communities participate actively in healthcare organization and delivery, there is an important tourism sector and a mostly rural society. This study investigates access to and use of medicines through health facility and household-based studies using standardised tools and through a series of structured key informant interviews with various stakeholders in health. Overall, access to essential medicines at public health facilities was good, but this was not benefitting households as much as it should. People were using the private sector for medicines because of their perception about the quality and limited numbers of government-supplied free medicines. They utilised money from remittances and tourism, and subsidised healthcare from non-government organizations (NGOs) to access healthcare and medicines. A pluralistic healthcare system existed in the villages. Inappropriate use of medicines was found in households and was linked to the inadequate health system, socioeconomic and sociocultural practices and beliefs. Nevertheless, the often disadvantaged Dalit users said that they did not face any discrimination in access to health services and medicines. The government as the main stakeholder of health was unable to meet people's health services and medicines needs; however, health aid agencies and the local community supported these needs to some extent. This study shows that the interconnectedness between medicines, society and health systems impacts the way people access and use medicines. Improving access to medicines requires an improvement in public's perception about quality, actual coverage and appropriate use of medicines and health services via collaborative contributions of all stakeholders.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Facilities
  4. Vadla, Pradeep Kumar, Kolla, Bhanu Prakash, Perumal, Thinagaran
    Cloud Computing provides a solution to enterprise applications in resolving their services at all level of Software, Platform, and Infrastructure. The current demand of resources for large enterprises and their specific requirement to solve critical issues of services to their clients like avoiding resources contention, vendor lock-in problems and achieving high QoS (Quality of Service) made them move towards the federated cloud. The reliability of the cloud has become a challenge for cloud providers to provide resources at an instance request satisfying all SLA (Service Level Agreement) requirements for different consumer applications. To have better collation among cloud providers, FLA (Federated Level Agreement) are given much importance to get consensus in terms of various KPI’s (Key Performance Indicator’s) of the individual cloud providers. This paper proposes an FLASLA Aware Cloud Collation Formation algorithm (FS-ACCF) considering both FLA and SLA as major features affecting the collation formation to satisfy consumer request instantly. In FS-ACCF algorithm, fuzzy preference relationship multi-decision approach was used to validate the preferences among cloud providers for forming collation and gaining maximum profit. Finally, the results of FS-ACCF were compared with S-ACCF (SLA Aware Collation Formation) algorithm for 6 to 10 consecutive requests of cloud consumers with varied VM configurations for different SLA parameters like response time, process time and availability.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Facilities, Proprietary
  5. S Maria Awaluddin, Nurhuda Ismail, Siti Munira Yasin, Yuslina Zakaria, Norzila Mohamed Zainudin, Faridah Kusnin, et al.
    Introduction: Parents play an essential role in their children’s tuberculosis (TB) treatment
    success despite many challenges from the beginning of their children’s symptoms until
    completion of the TB treatment. The challenges can be described as perceived barriers,
    according to the Health Belief Model, a theory of behaviour change. This study aims to explore
    parents’ experiences on the challenges in achieving a successful TB treatment for their child
    in two districts of Selangor state, Malaysia. Methods: The research was carried out using a
    phenomenology study design. In-depth interviews were conducted among purposively
    sampled parents of children with TB disease who have completed TB treatment or still
    undergoing treatment from MyTB version 2.1, a national TB surveillance database. The
    collected data was considered as achieving its saturation level if no new themes arise from
    the latest interviews’ session. The R-based Qualitative Data Analysis (RQDA) package
    version 0.2-8 was used for the thematic data analysis. Results: The total number of
    participants in this study was 15 mothers of children with TB disease; 12 (80%) of the children
    had completed TB treatment. There were six subthemes identified from this study focusing on
    the theme of multiple challenges, such as health symptoms challenges, TB investigation
    challenges, personal challenges, healthcare facilities challenges, administration medication
    challenges, and community challenges. Conclusions: Parents highlighted many challenges
    during the child’s illness phase, and they should be given adequate education and appropriate
    support to ensure TB treatment adherence. TB program managers should take action
    following the relevant parents’ feedback regarding the quality of TB care in a healthcare
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Facilities
  6. Nayef Shabbab Almutairi, Shamsul Bahri Bin Md Tamrin, Ng Yee Guan, Vivien How
    Laboratory workers exposed to diverse occupational exposures to accidents. Evidently, extant, yet very limited em- pirical underpinnings suggest that knowledge, practices and awareness of safety precautions are uncharacteristically poor among laboratory workers. As such, their demonstration of safety-related attitudes and practices have remained questionable. This paper, thus presents a systematic search of the literature on laboratory workers’ safety-related knowledge, attitudes, and practices. Specifically, literature published between 2007 and 2017 that characteristically attempted to evaluate knowledge, attitudes and practices among laboratory workers on Occupational Safety and Health were reviewed. Evidently, results from the review indicate poor knowledge, attitude and practice among the laboratory workers. It is critical that strategies be put in place by the management of the health facilities to institute and undertake activities in the form of training, improved safety management practices, organizational commitment and improved safety culture.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Facilities
  7. Sukhbeer KaurDarsin Singh, Khatijah Lim Abdullah3, Imran Zainal Abidin, Abqariyah Yahya
    Introduction: Cardiac rehabilitation is one of the secondary prevention programme to reduce morbidity and mortal- ity in cardiac patients. However, adherence towards this programme is still sub optimal. The objective of this study isto determine the perceived barriers on cardiac rehabilitation programme among cardiac patients and its association with the sociodemographiccharacteristics. Methods: A preliminary study using the Cardiac Rehabilitation Barrier Scale (CRBS) was conducted in a tertiary hospital among 40 patients. The CRBS tool was validated and tested for reliability.Convenience sampling method was used among those who have attended the cardiac rehabilitation pro- gramme. Ethical approval was obtained from the institution ethical committee. There were total of 22 items in the CRBS except for the last item (22nd) being an open-ended item to enable the patients to share their opinion on any other barriers towards attendance to cardiac rehabilitation programme. The 21 items assessed on patients’ opinion on the perceived barriers during their attendance to the cardiac rehabilitation programme in a form of Likert scale. Results: The overall mean (SD) score for the 21 items was 60.70 (8.77) showed that the patients were able to un- derstand gave their best options on the opinions towards CRBS. The highest mean on item 11 on ‘time constraints’ at 3.58 (0.75). Thus, the majority of the patients scored the item “time constraints’ as the highest perceived barrier during attendance in the cardiac rehabilitation programme. The association of the sociodemographic status had sig- nificance difference (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Facilities
  8. Lim Jac Fang
    Needle Stick Injury is injuries caused by suture needle and hollow bore needle and does not include injuries via scalpel blades, lancet and glass pieces or by other means for the purpose of this training program. This problem needs to be prevented or minimized by embarking on an effective training program. The applicability of this program will be determined by the response of the participants to the contents and teaching methods which will in future effect the long term out come and the success of the Needle Stick Injury prevention and Universal Precautions training program. This Health Education program was designed to be used for the induction training of new workers as well as those already in service and is applicable to all levels of Health Care Workers especially those directly dealing with or handling syringes and needles. This Needle Stick Injury and Universal Precautions Training Program was carried out in one of the health facility under the Ministry of Health in Sabah and the outcome evaluation and analysis using paired t-test has shown a significant difference in their effectiveness in increasing the knowledge of the Health Care Workers after being exposed to the program (p < 0.01). The process evaluation was able to show that this approach was instrumental in creating awareness among the Health Care Workers who had attended this program. From the study, 98% (49) had not attended any formal training since joining the service, followed by 90% who had given a good overall rating for the program. For the lecture and its relevance, 90% and 74% for the hands–on training. About 77% of the participant was satisfied with the discussion. The program can be developed further and with it a comprehensive training module can be produced. The long-term benefits of such a training program will need to be evaluated in a future study.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Facilities
  9. Mohamad Mahathir Amir Sultan, Goh CT, Peterson PJ, Sharifah Ezat Wan Puteh, Mazlin Mokhtar
    The risks of mercury use have prompted the establishment of Minamata Convention on Mercury which placed strong emphasis on management of mercury-added products. This convention aims to reduce and phase out the use, manufacturing and trade of mercury-added products including batteries, switches and non-electronic measuring devices. This commitment will cause significant impacts especially in the developing countries in designing the right approach to achieve it. This is also true for medical industry which is well known for the utilization of mercury-added devices and dental amalgam in its services but had embarked on efforts in eliminating mercury for many years. The experiences learned within a medical facility can be useful in efforts to meet this global ambition of mercury phase out. This paper aims to provide conceptual discussion on the challenges faced by developing countries and lessons learned from medical facility that can helps the formulation of appropriate approaches to manage mercury-added products. The paper adopted medical industry as a case study and used document analysis to discuss the issue. The main challenges identified for developing countries include lacks of capacity, funding, data and newer technologies. Based on analysis of previous studies, this study proposed a mercury management framework in medical facility and identified the recommended practices, namely technological application, policy instrument, capacity building and guidelines development. These identified approaches are found to have specific relationships between cost and potential impacts, hence giving flexibility for adoption based on the available resources in promoting better mercury management system.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Facilities
  10. Mubarak AI, Wan Mohd Shukri WNA, Ismail AK
    Int Marit Health, 2021 7 3;72(2):93-98.
    PMID: 34212348 DOI: 10.5603/IMH.2021.0017
    BACKGROUND: Jellyfish stings are one of the commonest causes of marine animal related injuries in human. Despite mostly being harmless, box jellyfish species can cause major stings with fatalities or systemic envenoming symptoms. There are 15-20 species identified to be life-threatening. There are few reported cases that suggest the presence of deadly box jellyfish in the Malaysian coast. However, numbers of stings around Malaysia are still under reported.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This observational study was conducted in Manjung, Perak and Langkawi Island to look at the pattern and incidence of jellyfish stings which occur within 1 year.

    RESULTS: There were 45 sting incidents reported with the highest number of cases occurred in December and February. Cases mainly involved young adults aged 10 to 29 years old. The most common clinical symptom that presented was sudden and persistent pain. Vinegar was applied as first aid in 53.3% of reported stings. All patients were treated symptomatically and discharged well. Stings occurred at mean sea surface temperature of 29.38°C and the wind speed of 7.6 knots. All cases were mild and did not require antivenom.

    CONCLUSIONS: The study showed that the occurrence of jellyfish stings are affected by weather conditions. Jellyfish stings occur seasonally, thus making it predictable and easily preventable with public awareness, early first aid application and use of jellyfish nets.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Facilities
  11. Wagner NN, Adiseshan N
    Med J Aust, 1968 Mar 9;1(10):422.
    PMID: 5645273
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Facilities
  12. Asmuri SN, Kadar M, Razaob NA, Chui CS, Mohd Rasdi HF
    PLoS One, 2024;19(4):e0301544.
    PMID: 38568914 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0301544
    BACKGROUND: The Compeer Model, which was originally designed to match individuals recovering from mental illness with volunteers from their community, served as the basis for the development of the buddy program. However, limited research was available related to the buddy program among older adults in a Malaysian context.

    AIM: The study aimed to identify the effectiveness of the buddy program training module to enhance the daily living function, social participation and emotional status of older adults in residential aged care homes.

    METHODS: A quasi-experimental study was conducted with 30 pairs of buddies and older adults for both the experimental group and control group in two randomly selected residential aged care homes. The buddies in the experimental group received the buddy program training module related to activities of daily living (basic and instrumental) while the buddy-older adults pairs in the control group continued to perform their usual daily life activities in residential aged care homes. Baselines were performed before intervention and at eight weeks post-intervention.

    RESULTS: Over the eight weeks, for the older adults in the experimental group, there was a significant main effect of time after the intervention on BADL (p = 0.010). There were no significant interaction effects for the experiment group and control group on IADL and social participation. Also, there were no significant interaction effects for all domains in emotional status: depression, anxiety and stress. For buddies, there was a significant interaction effect for depression (p = 0.045) in the control group.

    CONCLUSIONS: The buddy program training module can be used as a guideline for older adults with more significant disabilities in residential aged care homes in managing activities of daily living. Future studies could be implemented to explore the intergenerational buddy program among older adults and young children in the community.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Facilities
  13. Manoharan A, Siti Nur Farhana H, Manimaran K, Khoo EM, Koh WM
    BMC Infect Dis, 2023 Sep 22;23(1):624.
    PMID: 37740196 DOI: 10.1186/s12879-023-08612-2
    BACKGROUND: Various factors influence tuberculosis preventive treatment (TPT) decisions thus it is important to understand the health beliefs and concerns of patients before starting TPT to ensure treatment compliance. This study aims to explore facilitators and barriers for TPT among patients diagnosed with Latent Tuberculosis infection (LTBI) attending six primary healthcare clinics in Selangor, Malaysia.

    METHOD: In-depth interviews were conducted face-to-face or via telephone among patients with a clinical diagnosis of LTBI using a semi-structured topic guide developed based on the common-sense model of self-regulation and literature review. Audio recordings of interviews were transcribed verbatim and analysed thematically.

    RESULTS: We conducted 26 In-depth interviews; Good knowledge of active tuberculosis (TB) and its associated complications, including the perceived seriousness and transmissibility of active TB, facilitates treatment. LTBI is viewed as a concern when immune status is compromised, thus fostering TPT. However, optimal health is a barrier for TPT. Owing to the lack of knowledge, patients rely on healthcare practitioners (HCPs) to determine their treatment paths. HCPs possessing comprehensive knowledge play a role in facilitating TPT whereas barriers to TPT encompass misinterpretation of tuberculin skin test (TST), inadequate explanation of TST, and apprehensions about potential medication side effects.

    CONCLUSIONS: Knowledge of LTBI can influence TPT uptake and patients often entrust their HCPs for treatment decisions. Improving knowledge of LTBI both among patients and HCPs can lead to more effective doctor-patient consultation and consequently boost the acceptance of TPT. Quality assurance should be enhanced to ensure the effective usage of TST as a screening tool.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Facilities
  14. Heston TF, Pahang JA
    F1000Res, 2019;8:1193.
    PMID: 38435121 DOI: 10.12688/f1000research.19754.4
    Healthcare providers experience moral injury when their internal ethics are violated. The routine and direct exposure to ethical violations makes clinicians vulnerable to harm. The fundamental ethics in health care typically fall into the four broad categories of patient autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and social justice. Patients have a moral right to determine their own goals of medical care, that is, they have autonomy. When this principle is violated, moral injury occurs. Beneficence is the desire to help people, so when the delivery of proper medical care is obstructed for any reason, moral injury is the result. Nonmaleficence, meaning do no harm, has been a primary principle of medical ethics throughout recorded history. Yet today, even the most advanced and safest medical treatments are associated with unavoidable, harmful side effects. When an inevitable side effect occurs, the patient is harmed, and the clinician is also at risk of moral injury. Social injustice results when patients experience suboptimal treatment due to their race, gender, religion, or other demographic variables. While minor ethical dilemmas and violations routinely occur in medical care and cannot be eliminated, clinicians can decrease the prevalence of a significant moral injury by advocating for the ethical treatment of patients, not only at the bedside but also by addressing the ethics of political influence, governmental mandates, and administrative burdens on the delivery of optimal medical care. Although clinicians can strengthen their resistance to moral injury by deepening their own spiritual foundation, that is not enough. Improvements in the ethics of the entire healthcare system are necessary to improve medical care and decrease moral injury.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Facilities
  15. Kim SA, Babazono A, Jamal A, Li Y, Liu N
    BMJ Open, 2021 Apr 14;11(4):e041964.
    PMID: 33853793 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-041964
    OBJECTIVES: We compared the care services use and medical institutional deaths among older adults across four home care facility types.

    DESIGN: This was a retrospective cohort study.

    SETTING: We used administrative claims data from April 2014 to March 2017.

    PARTICIPANTS: We included 18 347 residents of Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan, who received home care during the period, and aged ≥75 years with certified care needs of at least level 3. Participants were categorised based on home care facility use (ie, general clinics, Home Care Support Clinics/Hospitals (HCSCs), enhanced HCSCs with beds and enhanced HCSCs without beds).

    PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: We used generalised linear models (GLMs) to estimate care utilisation and the incidence of medical institutional death, as well as the potential influence of sex, age, care needs level and Charlson comorbidity index as risk factors.

    RESULTS: The results of GLMs showed the inpatient days were 54.3, 69.9, 64.7 and 75.0 for users of enhanced HCSCs with beds, enhanced HCSCs without beds, HCSCs and general clinics, respectively. Correspondingly, the numbers of home care days were 63.8, 51.0, 57.8 and 29.0. Our multivariable logistic regression model estimated medical institutional death rate among participants who died during the study period (n=9919) was 2.32 times higher (p<0.001) for general clinic users than enhanced HCSCs with beds users (relative risks=1.69, p<0.001).

    CONCLUSIONS: Participants who used enhanced HCSCs with beds had a relatively low inpatient utilisation, medical institutional deaths, and a high utilisation of home care and home-based end-of-life care. Findings suggest enhanced HCSCs with beds could reduce hospitalisation days and medical institutional deaths. Our study warrants further investigations of home care as part of community-based integrated care.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Facilities
  16. Abd Rahman NH, Ibrahim AK, Hasikin K, Abd Razak NA
    J Healthc Eng, 2023;2023:3136511.
    PMID: 36860328 DOI: 10.1155/2023/3136511
    Medical device reliability is the ability of medical devices to endure functioning and is indispensable to ensure service delivery to patients. Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) technique was employed in May 2021 to evaluate existing reporting guidelines on medical device reliability. The systematic searching is conducted in eight different databases, including Web of Science, Science Direct, Scopus, IEEE Explorer, Emerald, MEDLINE Complete, Dimensions, and Springer Link, with 36 articles shortlisted from the year 2010 to May 2021. This study aims to epitomize existing literature on medical device reliability, scrutinize existing literature outcomes, investigate parameters affecting medical device reliability, and determine the scientific research gaps. The result of the systematic review listed three main topics on medical device reliability: risk management, performance prediction using Artificial Intelligence or machine learning, and management system. The medical device reliability assessment challenges are inadequate maintenance cost data, determining significant input parameter selection, difficulties accessing healthcare facilities, and limited age in service. Medical device systems are interconnected and interoperating, which increases complexity in assessing their reliability. To the best of our knowledge, although machine learning has become popular in predicting medical device performance, the existing models are only applicable to selected devices such as infant incubators, syringe pumps, and defibrillators. Despite the importance of medical device reliability assessment, there is no explicit protocol and predictive model to anticipate the situation. The problem worsens with the unavailability of a comprehensive assessment strategy for critical medical devices. Therefore, this study reviews the current state of critical device reliability in healthcare facilities. The present knowledge can be improved by adding new scientific data emphasis on critical medical devices used in healthcare services.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Facilities
  17. Rahman M, Ahmad Shariff A, Shafie A, Saaid R, Md Tahir R
    Iran J Public Health, 2014 Jan;43(1):16-27.
    PMID: 26060675
    Caesarean section (c-section) rates have been increasing dramatically in the past decades around the world. This increase has been attributed to multiple factors such as maternal, socio-demographic and institutional fac-tors. Therefore, this study examines the impact of maternal, socio-demographic and relevant characteristics on caesar-ean delivery in the northern region of Bangladesh.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Facilities
  18. Ganasegeran K, Selvaraj K, Rashid A
    Malays J Med Sci, 2017 Aug;24(4):39-46.
    PMID: 28951688 DOI: 10.21315/mjms2017.24.4.5
    BACKGROUND: The six item Confusion, Hubbub and Order Scale (CHAOS-6) has been validated as a reliable tool to measure levels of household disorder. We aimed to investigate the goodness of fit and reliability of a new Malay version of the CHAOS-6.

    METHODS: The original English version of the CHAOS-6 underwent forward-backward translation into the Malay language. The finalised Malay version was administered to 105 myocardial infarction survivors in a Malaysian cardiac health facility. We performed confirmatory factor analyses (CFAs) using structural equation modelling. A path diagram and fit statistics were yielded to determine the Malay version's validity. Composite reliability was tested to determine the scale's reliability.

    RESULTS: All 105 myocardial infarction survivors participated in the study. The CFA yielded a six-item, one-factor model with excellent fit statistics. Composite reliability for the single factor CHAOS-6 was 0.65, confirming that the scale is reliable for Malay speakers.

    CONCLUSION: The Malay version of the CHAOS-6 was reliable and showed the best fit statistics for our study sample. We thus offer a simple, brief, validated, reliable and novel instrument to measure chaos, the Skala Kecelaruan, Keriuhan & Tertib Terubahsuai (CHAOS-6), for the Malaysian population.

    Matched MeSH terms: Health Facilities
  19. Shakeel S, Ahmed Hassali MA, Abbas Naqvi A
    Malays J Med Sci, 2020 Mar;27(2):159-164.
    PMID: 32788851 MyJurnal DOI: 10.21315/mjms2020.27.2.16
    The World Health Organization (WHO) has termed the novel coronavirus infection a pandemic based on number of confirmed cases in more than 195 countries and with risk of further spread. The infection has had drastic impact on global trade and stock markets. The Malaysian authorities realised the need to ensure availability of health resources and facilities in the country so that the healthcare professionals could treat serious cases on priority basis. Steps have been taken to ensure that health facilities are not overwhelmed with cases and do not become the source of virus spread to other healthcare staff and patients.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Facilities
  20. Ahmad R, Mohamad Z, Noh AY, Mohamad N, Hamzah MS, Mohammed NA, et al.
    Malays J Med Sci, 2008 Apr;15(2):47-51.
    PMID: 22589626 MyJurnal
    Disaster is a sudden event that associated with ecological changes, disruption of normal daily activities, destruction of infrastructures, loss of properties, and medical disabilities. In disaster, there is a mismatch between available resources and patients need for healthcare service. During flood disaster, the victims were predisposed to different type of illnesses for various reasons such as inadequate supply of clean water, poor sanitation or drainage system, unhealthy foods, and over-crowded relief centers. Mobile clinic is an option for delivering medical care for the disaster victims who often have a difficulty to access to the medical facilities. In this article we would like to share our experiences during the provision of humanitarian services for flood victims at District of Muar Johor. Common illnesses among the flood victims at visited relief centers and advantages of Mobile Medical Relief Team were also highlighted and discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Health Facilities
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