Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 144 in total

  1. Shaw G, Atkinson B, Meredith W, Snape C, Steven M, Hoch A, et al.
    J Environ Radioact, 2014 Jul;133:18-23.
    PMID: 23958331 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2013.07.006
    Following gas generation in a Geological Disposal Facility (GDF), (14)C-containing gases could migrate through the geosphere, eventually diffusing into soils at the Earth's surface. This paper reports summary results from laboratory and field experiments to obtain information on the probable rates of a) diffusive transport and b) oxidation of (12/13)CH(4) (as a surrogate for (14)CH4) in a typical agricultural soil in the UK. Rates of CH(4) oxidation were generally low in the field and undisturbed soil columns, though a re-packed column of homogenised topsoil oxidised ambient atmospheric CH(4) 20× faster than an undisturbed soil column. In contrast to low observed rates of CH(4) oxidation, the effective diffusion of CH(4) through the soil was rapid. Isotopically labelled CH(4) injected at a depth of 45 cm in the field diffused to the surface and exited the soil over a time period ranging from 8 to 24 h. The rate of CH(4) diffusion through the soil was increased by the presence of ryegrass roots which increased soil porosity and decreased water content. δ(13)C values for laboratory column soils after labelled CH(4) injection experiments showed no sign of residual (13)C, despite the extremely high δ(13)C values of the injected (12/13)CH(4). If laboratory observations are confirmed by measurements in field samples it can be concluded that the majority of (14)CH(4) from a GDF which enters a soil with low methanotrophic activity will be lost to the free atmosphere after diffusing rapidly through the soil column.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane/analysis*
  2. Ahmad A, Ghufran R, Abd Wahid Z
    J Hazard Mater, 2011 Dec 30;198:40-8.
    PMID: 22047724 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2011.10.008
    The granulation process in palm oil mill effluent using calcium oxide-cement kiln dust (CaO-CKD) provides an attractive and cost effective treatment option. In this study the efficiency of CaO-CKD at doses of 1.5-20 g/l was tested in batch experiments and found that 10 g of CaO/l caused the greatest degradation of VFA, butyrate and acetate. An upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor was operated continuously at 35°C for 150 days to investigate the effect of CaO-CKD on sludge granulation and methanogenesis during start-up. The treatment of POME emphasized the influence of varying organic loading rates (OLR). Up to 94.9% of COD was removed when the reactor was fed with the 15.5-65.5 g-CODg/l at an OLR of 4.5-12.5 kg-COD/m(3)d, suggesting the feasibility of using CaO in an UASB process to treat POME. The ratio of volatile solids/total solids (VS/TS) and volatile fatty acids in the anaerobic sludge in the UASB reactor decreased significantly after long-term operation due to the precipitation of calcium carbonate in the granules. Granulation and methanogenesis decreased with an increase in the influent CaO-CKD concentration.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane/biosynthesis*
  3. Abushammala MF, Noor Ezlin Ahmad Basri, Basri H, Ahmed Hussein El-Shafie, Kadhum AA
    Waste Manag Res, 2011 Aug;29(8):863-73.
    PMID: 20858637 DOI: 10.1177/0734242X10382064
    The decomposition of municipal solid waste (MSW) in landfills under anaerobic conditions produces landfill gas (LFG) containing approximately 50-60% methane (CH(4)) and 30-40% carbon dioxide (CO(2)) by volume. CH(4) has a global warming potential 21 times greater than CO(2); thus, it poses a serious environmental problem. As landfills are the main method for waste disposal in Malaysia, the major aim of this study was to estimate the total CH(4) emissions from landfills in all Malaysian regions and states for the year 2009 using the IPCC, 1996 first-order decay (FOD) model focusing on clean development mechanism (CDM) project applications to initiate emission reductions. Furthermore, the authors attempted to assess, in quantitative terms, the amount of CH(4) that would be emitted from landfills in the period from 1981-2024 using the IPCC 2006 FOD model. The total CH(4) emission using the IPCC 1996 model was estimated to be 318.8 Gg in 2009. The Northern region had the highest CH(4) emission inventory, with 128.8 Gg, whereas the Borneo region had the lowest, with 24.2 Gg. It was estimated that Pulau Penang state produced the highest CH(4) emission, 77.6 Gg, followed by the remaining states with emission values ranging from 38.5 to 1.5 Gg. Based on the IPCC 1996 FOD model, the total Malaysian CH( 4) emission was forecast to be 397.7 Gg by 2020. The IPCC 2006 FOD model estimated a 201 Gg CH(4) emission in 2009, and estimates ranged from 98 Gg in 1981 to 263 Gg in 2024.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane/analysis*
  4. Muraoka M, Susuki N, Yamaguchi H, Tsuji T, Yamamoto Y
    J Vis Exp, 2016 Mar 21.
    PMID: 27023374 DOI: 10.3791/53956
    Methane hydrates (MHs) are present in large amounts in the ocean floor and permafrost regions. Methane and hydrogen hydrates are being studied as future energy resources and energy storage media. To develop a method for gas production from natural MH-bearing sediments and hydrate-based technologies, it is imperative to understand the thermal properties of gas hydrates. The thermal properties' measurements of samples comprising sand, water, methane, and MH are difficult because the melting heat of MH may affect the measurements. To solve this problem, we performed thermal properties' measurements at supercooled conditions during MH formation. The measurement protocol, calculation method of the saturation change, and tips for thermal constants' analysis of the sample using transient plane source techniques are described here. The effect of the formation heat of MH on measurement is very small because the gas hydrate formation rate is very slow. This measurement method can be applied to the thermal properties of the gas hydrate-water-guest gas system, which contains hydrogen, CO2, and ozone hydrates, because the characteristic low formation rate of gas hydrate is not unique to MH. The key point of this method is the low rate of phase transition of the target material. Hence, this method may be applied to other materials having low phase-transition rates.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane/chemistry*
  5. Abualqumboz MS, Malakahmad A, Mohammed NI
    J Air Waste Manag Assoc, 2016 06;66(6):597-608.
    PMID: 27249105 DOI: 10.1080/10962247.2016.1154115
    Landfills throughout the world are contributing to the global warming problem. This is due to the existence of the most important greenhouse gases (GHG) in landfill gas (LFG); namely, methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2). The aim of this paper is quantifying the total potential emissions, as well as the variation in production with time of CH4 from a proposed landfill (El Fukhary landfill) in the Gaza Strip, Palestine. Two different methods were adopted in order to quantify the total potential CH4 emissions; the Default methodology based on the intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC) 1996 revised guidelines and the Landfill Gas Emissions model (LandGEM V3.02) provided by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The second objective of the study has been accomplished using the Triangle gas production model. The results obtained from both Default and LandGEM methods were found to be nearly the same. For 25 years of disposing MSW, El Fukhary landfill expected to have potential CH4 emissions of 1.9542 ± 0.0037 ×109 m3. Triangle model showed that the peak production in term of CH4 would occur in 2043; 28 years beyond the open year. Moreover, the model shows that 50 % of the gas will be produced approximately at the middle of the total duration of gas production. Proper control of Methane emissions from El Fukhary landfill is highly suggested in order to reduce the harmful effects on the environment.

    IMPLICATIONS: Although, GHG emissions are extensively discussed in the developed countries throughout the world, it has gained little concern in the developing countries because they are forced most of the time to put environmental concerns at the end of their priority list. The paper shows that developing countries have to start recognizing their fault and change their way of dealing with environmental issues especially GHG emissions (mainly Methane and carbon dioxide). The authors estimated the potential methane emissions from a proposed central landfill that has been approved to be built in Palestine, a country that is classified as a developing country.

    Matched MeSH terms: Methane/analysis*
  6. Eggleton P, Homathevi R, Jones DT, MacDonald JA, Jeeva D, Bignell DE, et al.
    Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci, 1999 Nov 29;354(1391):1791-802.
    PMID: 11605622
    A synthesis is presented of sampling work conducted under a UK government-funded Darwin Initiative grant undertaken predominantly within the Danum Valley Conservation Area (DVCA), Sabah, East Malaysia. The project concerned the assemblage structure, gas physiology and landscape gas fluxes of termites in pristine and two ages of secondary, dipterocarp forest. The DVCA termite fauna is typical of the Sunda region, dominated by Termes-group soil-feeders and Nasutitermitinae. Selective logging appears to have relatively little effect on termite assemblages, although soil-feeding termites may be moderately affected by this level of disturbance. Species composition changes, but to a small extent when considered against the background level of compositional differences within the Sunda region. Physiologically the assemblage is very like others that have been studied, although there are some species that do not fit on the expected body size-metabolic rate curve. As elsewhere, soil-feeders and soil-wood interface-feeders tend to produce more methane. As with the termite assemblage characteristics, gross gas and energy fluxes do not differ significantly between logged and unlogged sites. Although gross methane fluxes are high, all the soils at DVCA were methane sinks, suggesting that methane oxidation by methanotrophic bacteria was a more important process than methane production by gut archaea. This implies that methane production by termites in South-East Asia is not contributing significantly to the observed increase in levels of methane production worldwide. Biomass density, species richness, clade complement and energy flow were much lower at DVCA than at a directly comparable site in southern Cameroon. This is probably due to the different biogeographical histories of the areas.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane/metabolism
  7. Muhammad Nasir I, Mohd Ghazi TI, Omar R
    Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 2012 Jul;95(2):321-9.
    PMID: 22622840 DOI: 10.1007/s00253-012-4152-7
    Anaerobic digestion treatments have often been used for biological stabilization of solid wastes. These treatment processes generate biogas which can be used as a renewable energy sources. Recently, anaerobic digestion of solid wastes has attracted more interest because of current environmental problems, most especially those concerned with global warming. Thus, laboratory-scale research on this area has increased significantly. In this review paper, the summary of the most recent research activities covering production of biogas from solid wastes according to its origin via various anaerobic technologies was presented.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane/metabolism
  8. Musa MA, Idrus S, Hasfalina CM, Daud NNN
    PMID: 30314290 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph15102220
    In this study, the performance of a laboratory scale upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor operating at mesophilic temperature (35 °C) was examined. Cattle slaughterhouse wastewater (CSWW) was used as the main substrate. The total and effective volumes of the reactor were 8 L and 6 L, respectively. Twelve different organic loading rates (OLR) were applied and the performance was evaluated. The chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiency was more than 90% during batch study. In the continuous study, COD removal was also approximately 90% at OLR 0.4 g/L d-1 which subsequently dropped to below 50% when the loading rate increased to 15 g/L d-1. Approximately 5 L/d of biogas was obtained with high methane concentration at stages VI and XI corresponding to OLR of 2 and 10 g/L d-1, respectively. It was observed that the concentration of volatile fatty acids was low and that the alkalinity of the wastewater was sufficient to avoid acidification. Specific methane yields of 0.36 and 0.38 LCH₄/g COD added were achieved at OLR 7 and 10 g/L d-1. A hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 1 day was sufficient to remove greater than 70% of COD which correspond to 89% methane concentration. Parameters like soluble COD, NH₃-N, pH, alkalinity, total suspended solid (TSS), fats, oil, and grease were also investigated. The results show that the UASB reactor could serve as a good alternative for anaerobic treatment of CSWW and methane production.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane/analysis*
  9. Kadier A, Kalil MS, Chandrasekhar K, Mohanakrishna G, Saratale GD, Saratale RG, et al.
    Bioelectrochemistry, 2018 Feb;119:211-219.
    PMID: 29073521 DOI: 10.1016/j.bioelechem.2017.09.014
    Microbial electrolysis cells (MECs) are perceived as a potential and promising innovative biotechnological tool that can convert carbon-rich waste biomass or wastewater into hydrogen (H2) or other value-added chemicals. Undesired methane (CH4) producing H2 sinks, including methanogens, is a serious challenge faced by MECs to achieve high-rate H2 production. Methanogens can consume H2 to produce CH4 in MECs, which has led to a drop of H2 production efficiency, H2 production rate (HPR) and also a low percentage of H2 in the produced biogas. Organized inference related to the interactions of microbes and potential processes has assisted in understanding approaches and concepts for inhibiting the growth of methanogens and profitable scale up design. Thus, here in we review the current developments and also the improvements constituted for the reduction of microbial H2 losses to methanogens. Firstly, the greatest challenge in achieving practical applications of MECs; undesirable microorganisms (methanogens) growth and various studied techniques for eliminating and reducing methanogens activities in MECs were discussed. Additionally, this extensive review also considers prospects for stimulating future research that could help to achieve more information and would provide the focus and path towards MECs as well as their possibilities for simultaneously generating H2 and waste remediation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane/biosynthesis*
  10. Rosid SJM, Toemen S, Iqbal MMA, Bakar WAWA, Mokhtar WNAW, Aziz MMA
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2019 Dec;26(36):36124-36140.
    PMID: 31748998 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-019-06607-8
    A rapid growth in the development of power generation and transportation sectors would result in an increase in the carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration in the atmosphere. As it will continue to play a vital role in meeting current and future needs, significant efforts have been made to address this problem. Over the past few years, extensive studies on the development of heterogeneous catalysts for CO2 methanation have been investigated and reported in the literatures. In this paper, a comprehensive overview of methanation research studies over lanthanide oxide catalysts has been reviewed. The utilisation of lanthanide oxides as CO2 methanation catalysts performed an outstanding result of CO2 conversion and improvised the conversion of acidity from CO2 gas to CH4 gas. The innovations of catalysts towards the reaction were discussed in details including the influence of preparation methods, the structure-activity relationships as well as the mechanism with the purpose of outlining the pathways for future development of the methanation process.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane/analysis*
  11. Chai A, Wong YS, Ong SA, Lutpi NA, Sam ST, Wirach T, et al.
    Bioprocess Biosyst Eng, 2023 Jul;46(7):995-1009.
    PMID: 37160769 DOI: 10.1007/s00449-023-02879-0
    Anaerobic co-digestion (co-AD) of agro-industrial waste, namely, palm oil mill effluent (POME) and sugarcane vinasse (Vn), with water hyacinth (WH) as co-substrate was carried out in two separate Anaerobic Suspended Growth Closed Bioreactors (ASGCBs) under thermophilic (55 °C) conditions. The highest chemical oxygen demand (COD) and soluble COD reduction in co-AD of POME-WH (78.61%, 78.86%) is slightly higher than co-AD of Vn-WH (75.75%, 78.24%). However, VFA reduction in co-AD of POME-WH (96.41%) is higher compared to co-AD of Vn-WH (85.94%). Subsequently, biogas production peaked at 13438 mL/day values and 16122 mL/day for co-AD of POME-WH and Vn-WH, respectively. However, the methane content was higher in the co-AD of POME-WH (72.04%) than in the co-AD of Vn-WH (69.86%). Growth yield (YG), maximum specific substrate utilization rate (rx,max) and maximum specific biomass growth rate (μmax) are higher in co-AD of POME-WH, as supported by the higher mixed liquor volatile suspended solids (MLVSS) and COD reduction efficiency compared to co-AD of Vn-WH. However, methane yield ([Formula: see text]) reported in the co-AD of POME-WH and Vn-WH are 0.2748 and 0.3112 L CH4/g CODreduction, respectively, which suggests that WH is a more suitable co-substrate for Vn compared to POME.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane/metabolism
  12. Shafiullah M, Khalid U, Shahbaz M
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2021 Mar;28(9):11415-11429.
    PMID: 33118073 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-020-11331-9
    This study empirically investigates the effect of meat consumption on greenhouse gas emissions (carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide) in the USA. The impact of meat consumption on greenhouse gas emissions is examined by controlling for economic growth and energy consumption. The empirical analysis finds that all these variables are cointegrated for the long run. Moreover, meat consumption aggravates greenhouse gas emissions. Specifically, meat consumption (except for beef) has a U-shaped relationship with carbon emissions and an inverted U-shaped relationship with methane and nitrous oxide emissions. The causality analysis indicates a unidirectional causality running from meat consumption to greenhouse gas emissions. These empirical findings indicate that the US livestock sector has the potential to become more environmentally friendly with careful policy formulation and implementation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane/analysis
  13. Faseleh Jahromi M, Liang JB, Mohamad R, Goh YM, Shokryazdan P, Ho YW
    Biomed Res Int, 2013;2013:397934.
    PMID: 23484116 DOI: 10.1155/2013/397934
    The primary objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that solid state fermentation (SSF) of agro-biomass (using rice straw as model); besides, breaking down its lignocellulose content to improve its nutritive values also produces lovastatin which could be used to suppress methanogenesis in the rumen ecosystem. Fermented rice straw (FRS) containing lovastatin after fermentation with Aspergillus terreus was used as substrate for growth study of rumen microorganisms using in vitro gas production method. In the first experiment, the extract from the FRS (FRSE) which contained lovastatin was evaluated for its efficacy for reduction in methane (CH4) production, microbial population, and activity in the rumen fluid. FRSE reduced total gas and CH4 productions (P < 0.01). It also reduced (P < 0.01) total methanogens population and increased the cellulolytic bacteria including Ruminococcus albus, Fibrobacter succinogenes (P < 0.01), and Ruminococcus flavefaciens (P < 0.05). Similarly, FRS reduced total gas and CH4 productions, methanogens population, but increased in vitro dry mater digestibility compared to the non-fermented rice straw. Lovastatin in the FRSE and the FRS significantly increased the expression of HMG-CoA reductase gene that produces HMG-CoA reductase, a key enzyme for cell membrane production in methanogenic Archaea.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane/metabolism*
  14. Al-Doghachi FA, Islam A, Zainal Z, Saiman MI, Embong Z, Taufiq-Yap YH
    PLoS One, 2016;11(1):e0145862.
    PMID: 26745623 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0145862
    A highly active and stable nano structured Pt/Mg1-xNixO catalysts was developed by a simple co-precipitation method. The obtained Pt/Mg1-xNixO catalyst exhibited cubic structure nanocatalyst with a size of 50-80 nm and realized CH4 and CO2 conversions as high as 98% at 900°C with excellent stability in the dry reforming of methane. The characterization of catalyst was performed using various kinds of analytical techniques including XRD, BET, XRF, TPR-H2, TGA, TEM, FESEM, FT-IR, and XPS analyses. Characterization of spent catalyst further confirms that Pt/Mg1-xNixO catalyst has high coke-resistance for dry reforming. Thus, the catalyst demonstrated in this study, offers a promising catalyst for resolving the dilemma between dispersion and reducibility of supported metal, as well as activity and stability during high temperature reactions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane
  15. Hoo PY, Hashim H, Ho WS, Yunus NA
    J Environ Manage, 2019 Jul 01;241:603-611.
    PMID: 30616893 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2018.11.092
    Energy is widely used in industry for heating and cooling, with natural gas (NG) being the largest primary energy source in Malaysia, closely followed by coal. Renewable energy, such as biogas upgrading to biomethane, could cut the use of fossil fuels by supplementing NG usage due to their similar physicochemical and thermochemical characteristics. Biogas production plants in Malaysia are more commonly seen in waste-to-energy scenarios, with the technology anaerobic digestion, and their deployment is supported via feed-in tariffs (FiT) for power generation. Other potential applications such as the conversion of biogas into biomethane, injection into the natural gas grid or transportation through a virtual pipeline may still need further technical development. This paper presents spatial techno economic optimisation modelling using BeWhere to determine decentralised biomethane production plants using feedstock from multiple sources of biogas, including palm oil mill effluent (POME), food waste, cattle manure and chicken manure. This model considered potential configurations and sizes of the biomethane plants, the transportation of biomethane using a virtual pipeline (at 250 psig) and demand in one of the states in Malaysia, namely Johor. It was found that two to four biomethane plants with capacities ranging between 125 and 700 m3/h were located in densely populated areas or heavier industrial consumers when the carbon tax was implemented at 167.71 EUR/tCO2 (800 MYR/tCO2). Sensitivity analysis suggested that biomethane production increases with the increasing country renewable energy share target to beyond 2080 MW. It is recommended that specific policy regulations and Feed-in Tariff (FiT) mechanisms are used to expand the biomethane market share in the country.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane
  16. Mohamad Shukri Sirat, Edhuan Ismail, Hadi Purwanto, Mohd Hanafi Ani, Mohd Asyadi Azam Mohd Abid
    Sains Malaysiana, 2017;46:1033-1038.
    The fabrication of high quality graphene has become the main interest in current chemical vapour deposition (CVD) method due to the scalability for mass production of graphene-based electronic devices. The quality of graphene is determined by defect density, number of layers and properties changed such as electron mobility, transparency and conductivity as compared to the pristine graphene. Here, we did a study on the effects of reaction conditions such as methane, CH4 concentration and deposition time towards the quality of graphene produced. We found that by lowering both CH4 concentration down to 20% and deposition time to 5 min, a better quality graphene was produced with higher I2D/IG ratio of 0.82 compared to other reaction condition. Through the analysis, we concluded that there are two important parameters to be controlled to obtain high quality graphene.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane
  17. Teh AA, Ahmad R, Kara M, Rusop M, Awang Z
    J Nanosci Nanotechnol, 2012 Oct;12(10):8201-4.
    PMID: 23421197
    We report the use of a new precursor as active agents to promote the growth of carbon nanotubes (CNT) in methane ambient using a simple thermal chemical vapour deposition method. The agents consist of ammonia and methanol mixed at different ratios and was found to enhance the growth of CNTs. The optimum methanol to ammonia ratio was found to be 8 to 5, whereby longer and denser CNTs were produced compared to other ratios. The result was found otherwise when the experiment was done solely in methane ambient. In addition, CNT growth on substrates coated with double layer Ni catalyst was improved in terms of quality and density compared to a single coated substrates. This finding is supported by Raman spectrometry analysis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane
  18. Kumari K, Suresh S, Arisutha S, Sudhakar K
    Waste Manag, 2018 Jul;77:545-554.
    PMID: 29778405 DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2018.05.007
    Anaerobic co-digestion has made a greater impact on the biogas production from mixing different type of waste. In this research, sewage sludge (SS) and cow manure (CM), was used as a primary waste along with kitchen waste (KW), yard waste (YW), floral waste (FW) and dairy wastewater (DWW) as co-substrate for anaerobic digestion. Mixtures with a ratio of 1:2 ratio is fed into a single stage up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor. Digestion was carried out in a mesophilic temperature range for 20 days. pH and VFA were measured and ranged from 5 to 7.5 and 3500-500 mg/L, respectively, for all the mixtures throughout the digestion period. Percentage of COD removal efficiency after 20 days was found to be in the range of 76-86%. The maximum biogas production rate was found to be 4500 mL/day. Characterization of the final residue from each of the digesters was carried out by Scanning Electron microscope, Energy dispersive, thermogravimetric, FTIR Spectra, and Atomic microscope. Thermal analysis reveals that spent sludge can be potential waste energy sources.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane
  19. Khadaroo SNBA, Grassia P, Gouwanda D, Poh PE
    J Environ Manage, 2020 Mar 01;257:109996.
    PMID: 31868647 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.109996
    An alternative method was proposed to optimize the treatment process of palm oil mill effluent (POME) in an effort to address the poor removal efficiencies in terms of the chemical and biological oxygen demand (COD and BOD), total suspended solids (TSS) as well as oil and grease (O&G) content in treated POME along with many environmental issues associated with the existing POME treatment process. The elimination of the cooling ponds and the insertion of a dewatering device in the treatment process were recommended. The dewatering device should enhance the anaerobic digestion process by conferring a means of control on the digesters' load. The objective of this study is to identify the optimum solid: liquid ratio (total solids (TS) content) that would generate the maximum amount of biogas with better methane purity consistently throughout the anaerobic digestion of POME, all while improving the treated effluent quality. It was established that a 40S:60L (4.02% TS) was the best performing solid loading in terms of biogas production and methane yield as well as COD, BOD, TSS, and O&G removal efficiencies. Meanwhile, at higher solid loadings, the biogas production is inhibited due to poor transport and mass transfer. It is also speculated that sulfate-reducing bacteria tended to inhibit the biogas production based on the significantly elevated H2S concentration recorded for the 75S:25L and the 100S loadings.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane
  20. Zaied BK, Nasrullah M, Siddique MNI, Zularisam AW, Singh L, Krishnan S
    Sci Total Environ, 2020 Mar 01;706:136095.
    PMID: 31862587 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.136095
    Lack of sufficient nitrogenous substrate and buffering potential have been acknowledged as impediments to the treatment of palm oil mill effluent through co-digestion processes. In this study, ammonium bicarbonate was used to provide the nitrogenous substrate and buffering potential. To regulate the impact of ammonium bicarbonate toxicity on the anaerobic co-digestion system, dosages from 0 to 40 mg/L were supplemented. The biogas yield was used to indicate the effects of NH4+ toxicity. In a solar-assisted bioreactor, solar radiation was first collected by a solar panel and converted into electricity, which was then used to heat a mixture of palm oil mill effluent and cattle manure to maintain the reactor in the mesophilic temperature range. This co-digestion operation was performed semi-continuously and was analyzed at a 50:50 mixing ratio of palm oil mill effluent and cattle manure. The results indicate that the additional dosing of ammonium bicarbonate can significantly enhance biogas production. Maximum cumulative biogas and methane productions of 2034.00 mL and 1430.51 mL, respectively, were obtained with the optimum addition of 10 mg/L ammonium bicarbonate; these values are 29.80% and 42.30% higher, respectively, than that obtained in the control co-digestion operation without addition of ammonium bicarbonate. Utilization of a mathematical equation (G = Gmk/t) to describe a kinetic analysis of the biogas yield also indicated that the optimum ammonium bicarbonate dose was 10 mg/L. The results of this study suggest that supplementation with ammonium bicarbonate doses of up to 40 mg/L can be used to provide nitrogenous substrates and buffering potential in anaerobic co-digestion processes. The determination of the optimal dose provides an alternative and efficient option for enhanced biogas production, which will have obvious economic advantages for feasible industrial applications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Methane
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