Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 74 in total

  1. Teoh Wei Hern, Samihah Abdullah, Shabinar Abdul Hamid, Solahuddin Yusuf Fadhlullah
    ESTEEM Academic Journal, 2019;15(1):10-17.
    This study presented the implementation of a small-scale (50 W) solar energy harvesting system coupled with an electrolyzer and proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell. The energy from the solar panel would be utilized by the electrolyzer to produce hydrogen gas. The hydrogen gas would be used, in turn, by the PEM fuel cell to generate electricity which supports both DC and AC load. Excess energy from the solar panel is also used to charge the lead-acid backup battery. Analysis of the system showed that 400 mL of hydrogen gas could be produced within every 17 minutes in optimal conditions; between 11 am until 4 pm with bright sunlight. For every 400 mL of hydrogen gas, the PEM fuel cell could sustain continuous operation of a 5V 500 mA DC load for 95 seconds. Theoretically, more than 7000 mL of hydrogen gas could be produced within 5 hours in strong sunlight, which could power up a 50 mA and 500 mA load for 4.7 hours and 28 minutes respectively, during evening or night operations. The proposed system could complement the traditional battery-based storage system while remaining as a clean source of energy production.
    Matched MeSH terms: Solar Energy
  2. Yusoff, W. F. M., Sapian, A. R., Salleh, E., Adam, N. M., Hamzah, Z., Mamat, M. H. H.
    Stack ventilation in the hot and humid climate is inherently inefficient due to minimal air temperature differences between indoor and outdoor environment of a naturally ventilated building. Solar induced ventilation is a viable alternative in enhancing this stack ventilation. This paper aims to demonstrate investigations on the effective solar collector orientation and stack height for a solar induced ventilation prototype that utilizes roof solar collector and vertical stack. The orientation of the solar collector is significant as it determines the amount of solar radiation absorbed by the solar collector. Meanwhile, the height of the vertical stack influences the creation of the stack pressure in inducing air movement. Investigations were executed using a simulation modelling software called FloVENT. The validation of the simulation modelling against physical experiment indicated a good agreement between these two results. Analyses were executed on the air temperature increments inside the solar collector. A high increment of the air temperature resulted in the effective orientation. Meanwhile, the air temperature and mass flow rate of the various heights of the vertical stack were also analyzed. The findings concluded that the recommended orientation for the prototype’s solar collector is the west-facing orientation. It was also found that the higher the vertical stack, the lower the air temperature inside the stack would be, but with greater induced mass flow rate.
    Matched MeSH terms: Solar Energy
  3. Alam T, Islam MT, Ullah MA, Cho M
    Sensors (Basel), 2018 Jul 31;18(8).
    PMID: 30065233 DOI: 10.3390/s18082480
    One of the most efficient methods to observe the impact of geographical, environmental, and geological changes is remote sensing. Nowadays, nanosatellites are being used to observe climate change using remote sensing technology. Communication between a remote sensing nanosatellite and Earth significantly depends upon antenna systems. Body-mounted solar panels are the main source of satellite operating power unless deployable solar panels are used. Lower ultra-high frequency (UHF) nanosatellite antenna design is a crucial challenge due to the physical size constraint and the need for solar panel integration. Moreover, nanosatellite space missions are vulnerable because of antenna and solar panel deployment complexity. This paper proposes a solar panel-integrated modified planner inverted F antenna (PIFA) to mitigate these crucial limitations. The antenna consists of a slotted rectangular radiating patch with coaxial probe feeding and a rectangular ground plane. The proposed antenna has achieved a -10 dB impedance bandwidth of 6.0 MHz (447.5 MHz⁻453.5 MHz) with a small-sized (80 mm× 90 mm× 0.5 mm) radiating element. In addition, the antenna achieved a maximum realized gain of 0.6 dB and a total efficiency of 67.45% with the nanosatellite structure and a solar panel. The challenges addressed by the proposed antenna are to ensure solar panel placement between the radiating element and the ground plane, and provide approximately 55% open space to allow solar irradiance into the solar panel.
    Matched MeSH terms: Solar Energy
  4. Chen WL, Wong KL, Li YC
    Sains Malaysiana, 2015;44:1707-1714.
    Tropical or subtropical countries are very suitable for the development of solar and heat pump technology. This paper
    proposed the integration of air conditioners that exhaust heat with solar energy to enhance the overall efficiency of thermal
    energy conversion. The analysis of thermal storage tanks of different volumes showed that a two-ton air conditioner
    operating for an hour produced double energy than normal sunshine for a day. With thermal storage tanks of fixed
    volume, the integration of air conditioners of different tons with solar energy indicated that air conditioners of less tons
    produced faster and more efficient energy conversion. Therefore, this paper proposed that the modification of condenser
    in domestic air conditioner into water-cooled condenser not only enhance the energy efficiency of air conditioners but
    also increased hot water supplies since hot water from air conditioners could be integrated into solar water heaters. By
    doing so, energy conservation and carbon reduction could be achieved.
    Matched MeSH terms: Solar Energy
  5. Zhou H, Wang X, Li Y, Han F, Hu D
    Sains Malaysiana, 2016;45:689-697.
    The soil temperature near four external walls with different orientations was investigated in spring and summer. In both
    seasons, the soil temperature was higher in the positions closest to the buildings, suggesting that the buildings were a
    heat source for the soil surrounding them. Therefore, it could be confirmed that there was lateral heat transfer between
    the soil and the buildings. Based on this, a soil heat flux plate was set between the soil and the buildings to investigate the
    horizontal heat flux. The data showed diurnal variations of the horizontal heat flux in both spring and summer. In order
    to determine the factors that influenced the horizontal heat flux and to provide a basis to understand its mechanism, the
    correlations between the data of several meteorological factors and the horizontal heat flux were analysed. The results
    showed that solar radiation was significantly correlated with the horizontal heat flux (p<0.0001) in any single season and
    in the two seasons that were studied. Additionally, other meteorological factors (net radiation, air temperature, relative
    humidity and soil temperature and moisture) showed strong correlations with the horizontal heat flux on a diurnal scale
    only. On a seasonal time scale, the correlation might be significant (p<0.0001) as well, but the correlation coefficients
    decreased too significantly, such as those for soil temperature, air temperature and relative humidity. Alternatively, the
    correlation might not be significant (p>0.05), such as that for soil moisture. The stepwise regression results indicated
    that the relative importance of these meteorological factors was 48.63, 21.94, 14.44, 8.12 and 6.87% for solar radiation,
    soil temperature, air temperature, relative humidity and soil moisture, respectively, on a diurnal scale.
    Matched MeSH terms: Solar Energy
  6. Hedzlin Zainuddin, Maisarah Ismail, Nurul Hidayah Bostamam, Muhamad Mukhzani Muhamad Hanifah, Mohamad Fariz Mohamad Taib, Mohamad Zhafran Hussin
    Science Letter, 2016;10(2):23-25.
    The study is conducted to evaluate the significance of solar irradiance, ambient temperature and relative humidity as predictors and to quantify the relative contribution of these ambient parameters as predictors for photovoltaic module temperature model. The module temperature model was developed from experimental data of mono-crystalline and poly-crystalline PV modules retrofitted on metal roof in Klang Valley. The model was developed and analyzed using Multiple Linear Regressions (MLR) and Principle Component Analysis (PCA) Techniques. Solar irradiance, ambient temperature and relative humidity have been proven to be the significant predictors for module temperature. For poly-crystalline PV module, the relative contribution of solar irradiance, ambient temperature and relative humidity are 64.28 %, 17.45 % and 12.64 % respectively. For mono-crystalline PV module, the relative contribution of solar irradiance, ambient temperature and relative humidity are 66.12 %, 17.46 % and 12.48 % respectively. Thus, there is no significant difference in terms of relative contribution of these ambient parameters towards photovoltaic module temperature between poly-crystalline and mono-crystalline PV module technologies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Solar Energy
  7. Lim SP, Pandikumar A, Lim HN, Ramaraj R, Huang NM
    Sci Rep, 2015;5:11922.
    PMID: 26146362 DOI: 10.1038/srep11922
    A silver nanoparticle-decorated N,S-co-doped TiO2 nanocomposite was successfully prepared and used as an efficient photoanode in high-performance dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) with N719 dye. The DSSCs assembled with the N,S-TiO2@Ag-modified photoanode demonstrated an enhanced solar-to-electrical energy conversion efficiency of 8.22%, which was better than that of a DSSC photoanode composed of unmodified TiO2 (2.57%) under full sunlight illumination (100 mWcm(-2), AM 1.5 G). This enhanced efficiency was mainly attributed to the reduced band gap energy, improved interfacial charge transfer, and retarded charge recombination process. The influence of the Ag content on the overall efficiency was also investigated, and the optimum Ag content with N,S-TiO2 was found to be 20 wt%. Because of the enhanced solar energy conversion efficiency of the N,S-TiO2@Ag nanocomposite, it should be considered as a potential photoanode for high-performance DSSCs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Solar Energy
  8. El-Sheikh MA, Hadibarata T, Yuniarto A, Sathishkumar P, Abdel-Salam EM, Alatar AA
    Chemosphere, 2020 Nov 04.
    PMID: 33220978 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.128873
    Since a few centuries ago, organochlorine compounds (OCs) become one of the threatened contaminants in the world. Due to the lipophilic and hydrophobic properties, OCs always discover in fat or lipid layers through bioaccumulation and biomagnification. The OCs are able to retain in soil, sediment and water for long time as it is volatile, OCs will evaporate from soil and condense in water easily and frequently, which pollute the shelter of aquatic life and it affects the function of organs and damage system in human body. Photocatalysis that employs the usage of semiconductor nanophotocatalyst and solar energy can be the possible alternative for current conventional water remediation technologies. With the benefits of utilizing renewable energy, no production of harmful by-products and easy operation, degradation of organic pollutants in rural water bodies can be established. Besides, nanophotocatalyst that is synthesized with nanotechnology outnumbered conventional catalyst with larger surface area to volume ratio, thus higher photocatalytic activity is observed. In contrast, disadvantages particularly no residual effect in water distribution network, requirement of post-treatment and easily affected by various factors accompanied with photocatalysis method cannot be ignored. These various factors constrained the photocatalytic efficiency via nanocatalysts which causes the full capacity of solar photocatalysis has yet to be put into practice. Therefore, further modifications and research are still required in nanophotocatalysts' synthesis to overcome limitations such as large band gaps and photodecontamination.
    Matched MeSH terms: Solar Energy
  9. Joseph CG, Taufiq-Yap YH, Musta B, Sarjadi MS, Elilarasi L
    Front Chem, 2020;8:568063.
    PMID: 33628762 DOI: 10.3389/fchem.2020.568063
    Over the last decade, interest in the utilization of solar energy for photocatalysis treatment processes has taken centre-stage. Researchers had focused on doping TiO2 with SiO2 to obtain an efficient degradation rate of various types of target pollutants both under UV and visible-light irradiation. In order to further improve this degradation effect, some researchers resorted to incorporate plasmonic metal nanoparticles such as silver and gold into the combined TiO2-SiO2 to fully optimize the TiO2-SiO2's potential in the visible-light region. This article focuses on the challenges in utilizing TiO2 in the visible-light region, the contribution of SiO2 in enhancing photocatalytic activities of the TiO2-SiO2 photocatalyst, and the ability of plasmonic metal nanoparticles (Ag and Au) to edge the TiO2-SiO2 photocatalyst toward an efficient solar photocatalyst.
    Matched MeSH terms: Solar Energy
  10. Javaid, Anam, Mohd. Tahir Ismail, Ali, Majid Khan Majahar
    There are many variables involved in the real life problem so it is difficult to choose an efficient model out of all possible models relating to analytical factors. Interaction terms affecting the model also need to be addressed because of its vital role in the actual dataset. The current study focused on efficient model selection for collector efficiency of solar dryer. For this purpose, collector efficiency of solar dryer was used as a dependent variable with time, inlet temperature, collector average temperature and solar radiation as independent variables. Hybrid of the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) and robust regression were proposed for the identification of efficient model selection. The comparison was made with the ordinary least square (OLS) after performing a multicollinearity and coefficient test and with a ridge regression analysis. The final selected model was obtained using eight selection criteria (8SC). To forecast the efficient model, the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) was used. As compared to other methods, the proposed method provides a more efficient model with minimum MAPE.
    Matched MeSH terms: Solar Energy
  11. Kee SY, Munusamy Y, Ong KS, Lai KC
    Polymers (Basel), 2017 Jun 18;9(6).
    PMID: 30970908 DOI: 10.3390/polym9060230
    In this study, reduced graphene oxide (RGO)/polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) nanocomposites were prepared by employing in situ polymerization and solution blending methods. In terms of mechanical properties, RGO loading increased the Young's modulus but decreased the elongation at break for RGO/PMMA nanocomposites. Tensile strength for solution blended RGO/PMMA nanocomposites increased after adding 0.5 wt % RGO, which was attributed to the good dispersion of RGO in the nanocomposites as evidenced from SEM and TEM. Solar energy conversion efficiency measurement results showed that the optimum concentration of RGO in the RGO/PMMA nanocomposites was found to be 1.0 wt % in order to achieve the maximum solar energy conversion efficiency of 25%. In the present study, the solution blended nanocomposites exhibited better overall properties than in situ polymerized nanocomposites owing to the better dispersion of RGO in solution blending. These findings would contribute to future work in search of higher conversion efficiency using nanocomposites.
    Matched MeSH terms: Solar Energy
  12. Tan KH, Chen YW, Van CN, Wang H, Chen JW, Lim FS, et al.
    ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 2019 Jan 09;11(1):1655-1664.
    PMID: 30561192 DOI: 10.1021/acsami.8b17758
    The ability of band offsets at multiferroic/metal and multiferroic/electrolyte interfaces in controlling charge transfer and thus altering the photoactivity performance has sparked significant attention in solar energy conversion applications. Here, we demonstrate that the band offsets of the two interfaces play the key role in determining charge transport direction in a downward self-polarized BFO film. Electrons tend to move to BFO/electrolyte interface for water reduction. Our experimental and first-principle calculations reveal that the presence of neodymium (Nd) dopants in BFO enhances the photoelectrochemical performance by reduction of the local electron-hole pair recombination sites and modulation of the band gap to improve the visible light absorption. This opens a promising route to the heterostructure design by modulating the band gap to promote efficient charge transfer.
    Matched MeSH terms: Solar Energy
  13. Almaktar M, Elbreki AM, Shaaban M
    J Clean Prod, 2021 Jan 10;279:123647.
    PMID: 32834572 DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.123647
    The political upheaval and the civil war in Libya had a painful toll on the operational reliability of the electric energy supply system. With frequent power cuts and crumbling infrastructure, mainly due to the damage inflicted upon several power plants and grid assets as well as the lack of maintenance, many Libyans are left without electricity for several hours a day. As the country has a staggeringly immense potential of solar energy, it is inevitable to exploit such potential, to avert system-wide blackouts. This paper investigates the use of small-scale PV systems in local communities as non-wires alternative (NWA), offering excess energy exchange within local/neighboring microgrids (MGs) for reliable electric power supply. Different combinations of PV/storage/diesel distributed generations (DGs), with grid-interface options, were applied on a case study of a typical dwelling in the Eastern Libyan city of Benghazi. Technical and financial feasibility assessments were carried out to contrast between various supply combinations. Sensitivity analysis of the PV-grid system was also conducted using Net Present Value (NPV) and the payback time indicators to determine the impacts of Feed-in Tariff (FiT) rates, financial incentives, electricity tariff, and inflation rate on the economic viability of the PV grid system. Results show that the PV-grid system has a promising potential under reasonable set of varying system parameters. On top of its social and environmental-friendly advantages, the PV-battery system is found to be more economical when adopted as a standalone NWA solution as compared to the diesel generator option, even at the lowest diesel price. The PV-grid system does not only provide a short-term remedy to the rolling blackouts in Libya but also enhances system operational reliability by providing a NWA to rundown or shattered grid infrastructure, thus bolstering energy provision in residential neighborhoods.
    Matched MeSH terms: Solar Energy
  14. Vaka M, Walvekar R, Rasheed AK, Khalid M
    J Clean Prod, 2020 Nov 10;273:122834.
    PMID: 32834565 DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.122834
    COVID'19 pandemic has devastated several industries and solar energy is no exception. In its economic relief package, Malaysia has announced approximately US$ 2.9 billion in expenditure for the installation of new grids, LED street lights and rooftop solar panels. The Government will also open the tender for a 1400 MW solar power project in the year 2020, which is expected to generate 5 billion ringgit (US$1.1 billion) in investments. As these measures are intended to sustain the existing growth of solar energy potential in the country, it is vital to assess its status quo. Hence, this paper aims to review the current status of renewable energy in Malaysia as well as the initiatives taken before the pandemic to promote solar photovoltaic (PV) technology to meet the energy demands through the low-carbon pathway.
    Matched MeSH terms: Solar Energy
  15. Chowdhury M, Vohra M
    Sains Malaysiana, 2016;45:477-487.
    The present study investigated the use of modified titanium dioxide (TiO2) based photocatalytic degradation (PCD) process for the removal of some critical charged aqueous phase pollutants. First of all, the use of Nafion TiO2 (Nf-TiO2) and silica TiO2 (Si-TiO2) for the removal of aqueous phase ammonia (NH4+/NH3) species employing near UV lamp as energy source was studied. The use of Nf-TiO2 enhanced NH4+/NH3 PCD with optimum removal noted for 1 mL of Nafion solution coating per g of TiO2 and respective overall NH4+/NH3 removal was about 1.7 times higher compared to plain TiO2 at 6 h reaction time. Similarly the 0.5 mL silica solution coating per g TiO2 sample, also enhanced NH4+/NH3 removal with optimum efficiency similar to Nf-TiO2. The results from effect of ammonia concentration on to its PCD using Nf-TiO2 indicated that overall mass based NH4+/NH3 removal was higher at greater NH4+/NH3 amounts indicating high efficiency of Nf-TiO2. Similar trends were noted for Si-TiO2 as well. Furthermore, the results from modified TiO2 and mixed NH4+/NH3 and cyanide (CN-) systems indicated successful removal of co-pollutant CN- along with simultaneous degradation of NH4+/NH3 species at rates that were still higher than plain TiO2. Nevertheless application of Nf-TiO2 for the treatment of cationic dye methylene blue (MB) indicated slower MB removal compared to plain TiO2 though significant MB degradation using Nf-TiO2 could still be achieved at pH3. Additionally the results from solar radiation energized PCD process indicated positive role of solar radiation for the removal of NH4+/NH3 species under a varying set of conditions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Solar Energy
  16. Alhamami AH, Falude E, Ibrahim AO, Dodo YA, Daniel OL, Atamurotov F
    Water Sci Technol, 2024 Apr;89(8):2149-2163.
    PMID: 38678415 DOI: 10.2166/wst.2024.092
    This study employs diverse machine learning models, including classic artificial neural network (ANN), hybrid ANN models, and the imperialist competitive algorithm and emotional artificial neural network (EANN), to predict crucial parameters such as fresh water production and vapor temperatures. Evaluation metrics reveal the integrated ANN-ICA model outperforms the classic ANN, achieving a remarkable 20% reduction in mean squared error (MSE). The emotional artificial neural network (EANN) demonstrates superior accuracy, attaining an impressive 99% coefficient of determination (R2) in predicting freshwater production and vapor temperatures. The comprehensive comparative analysis extends to environmental assessments, displaying the solar desalination system's compatibility with renewable energy sources. Results highlight the potential for the proposed system to conserve water resources and reduce environmental impact, with a substantial decrease in total dissolved solids (TDS) from over 6,000 ppm to below 50 ppm. The findings underscore the efficacy of machine learning models in optimizing solar-driven desalination systems, providing valuable insights into their capabilities for addressing water scarcity challenges and contributing to the global shift toward sustainable and environmentally friendly water production methods.
    Matched MeSH terms: Solar Energy
  17. Suraparaju SK, Aljaerani HA, Samykano M, Kadirgama K, Noor MM, Natarajan SK
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2024 Aug;31(38):50166-50178.
    PMID: 38625473 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-024-33151-x
    Molten salts are the operational fluid for most concentrated solar power (CSP) systems, which has attracted more attention among the scientific community due to the augmentation of their properties with the doping of nanoparticles. Hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) nanoparticles were dispersed in HITEC molten salt to create a novel nanofluid and evaluate the h-BN nanoparticles' influence on HITEC thermophysical properties. The influence of nanoparticle concentration (0.1, 0.5, and 1wt.%) of h-BN and HITEC was studied in this research. HITEC and nano-enhanced HITEC molten salt (NEHMS) were characterized using energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). Specific heat capacity, latent heat, and melting temperature were assessed using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The maximum working temperature was evaluated with thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The ideal nanoparticle concentration is 0.1 wt.% h-BN, which results in a 27% increase in heat capacity, a 72% increase in latent heat, and a 7% enhancement in thermal stability. The thermal cycling stability test proved the stability of the enhanced thermophysical properties. The material characterization revealed that the samples with improved thermophysical properties have a homogeneous dispersion of nanoparticles with minor nanoparticle agglomeration. The system advisor model (SAM) simulation comparison of the optimum sample with solar salt and HITEC salt revealed that using the optimum sample increases CSP plant efficiency by 0.4% and reduces power costs by 0.13¢/kWh.
    Matched MeSH terms: Solar Energy
  18. Low FW, Chin Hock G, Kashif M, Samsudin NA, Chau CF, Indah Utami AR, et al.
    Molecules, 2020 Oct 21;25(20).
    PMID: 33096759 DOI: 10.3390/molecules25204852
    Renewable solar energy is the key target to reduce fossil fuel consumption, minimize global warming issues, and indirectly minimizes erratic weather patterns. Herein, the authors synthesized an ultrathin reduced graphene oxide (rGO) nanosheet with ~47 nm via an improved Hummer's method. The TiO2 was deposited by RF sputtering onto an rGO nanosheet with a variation of temperature to enhance the photogenerated electron or charge carrier mobility transport for the photoanode component. The morphology, topologies, element composition, crystallinity as well as dye-sensitized solar cells' (DSSCs) performance were determined accordingly. Based on the results, FTIR spectra revealed presence of Ti-O-C bonds in every rGO-TiO2 nanocomposite samples at 800 cm-1. Besides, XRD revealed that a broad peak of anatase TiO2 was detected at ~25.4° after incorporation with the rGO. Furthermore, it was discovered that sputtering temperature of 120 °C created a desired power conversion energy (PCE) of 7.27% based on the J-V plot. Further increase of the sputtering temperature to 160 °C and 200 °C led to excessive TiO2 growth on the rGO nanosheet, thus resulting in undesirable charge recombination formed at the photoanode in the DSSC device.
    Matched MeSH terms: Solar Energy*
  19. Reshak AH, Shahimin MM, Shaari S, Johan N
    Prog Biophys Mol Biol, 2013 Nov;113(2):327-32.
    PMID: 24139943 DOI: 10.1016/j.pbiomolbio.2013.10.002
    The potential of solar cells have not been fully tapped due to the lack of energy conversion efficiency. There are three important mechanisms in producing high efficiency cells to harvest solar energy; reduction of light reflectance, enhancement of light trapping in the cell and increment of light absorption. The current work represent studies conducted in surface modification of single-crystalline silicon solar cells using wet chemical etching techniques. Two etching types are applied; alkaline etching (KOH:IPA:DI) and acidic etching (HF:HNO3:DI). The alkaline solution resulted in anisotropic profile that leads to the formation of inverted pyramids. While acidic solution formed circular craters along the front surface of silicon wafer. This surface modification will leads to the reduction of light reflectance via texturizing the surface and thereby increases the short circuit current and conversion rate of the solar cells.
    Matched MeSH terms: Solar Energy*
  20. Rouhi J, Mamat MH, Ooi CH, Mahmud S, Mahmood MR
    PLoS One, 2015;10(4):e0123433.
    PMID: 25875377 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0123433
    High-density and well-aligned ZnO-ZnS core-shell nanocone arrays were synthesized on fluorine-doped tin oxide glass substrate using a facile and cost-effective two-step approach. In this synthetic process, the ZnO nanocones act as the template and provide Zn2+ ions for the ZnS shell formation. The photoluminescence spectrum indicates remarkably enhanced luminescence intensity and a small redshift in the UV region, which can be associated with the strain caused by the lattice mismatch between ZnO and ZnS. The obtained diffuse reflectance spectra show that the nanocone-based heterostructure reduces the light reflection in a broad spectral range and is much more effective than the bare ZnO nanocone and nanorod structures. Dye-sensitized solar cells based on the heterostructure ZnO-ZnS nanocones are assembled, and high conversion efficiency (η) of approximately 4.07% is obtained. The η improvement can be attributed primarily to the morphology effect of ZnO nanocones on light-trapping and effectively passivating the interface surface recombination sites of ZnO nanocones by coating with a ZnS shell layer.
    Matched MeSH terms: Solar Energy*
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