Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 837 in total

  1. Aida Maziha Z, Imran A, Azlina I, Harmy MY
    Malays Fam Physician, 2018;13(2):19-25.
    PMID: 30302179 MyJurnal
    Introduction: Nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms are associated with higher rates of relapse. It has been shown that combining behavioral therapy and pharmacotherapy leads to a higher long-term abstinence rate in those who quit smoking. Al-Quran recitation has been proven to reduce anxiety among athletes before tournaments and pulse and heart rates among patients awaiting cardiac operations. As most of the patients who wish to stop smoking experience high-anxiety states, we postulate that Al-Quran recitation will also able to reduce craving among smokers attempting to quit smoking.

    Methods: Fifty smokers from an outpatient clinic were randomly assigned to control and intervention groups. They were taught different ways of coping with smoking urges, i.e., counseling using the 12'M' method (control group) versus Al-Quran recitation (intervention group). They met for four consecutive weeks of counselling and to fill out a withdrawal scale. Carbon monoxide (CO) levels were tested at baseline and at week 4. At week 12, the number of cigarettes smoked was measured again. The decrease in the number of cigarettes considered to be clinically significant for the calculation of sample size was based on expert opinion.

    Results: The reduction in the number of cigarettes smoked was 7 cigarettes in the counselling group and 9 cigarettes in Al-Quran recitation group over 12 weeks duration. There was a statistically significant difference in the number of cigarettes smoked between the groups. There was also a statistically significant difference in the change in cravings between the groups at week 4 (p-value = 0.005). However, the difference in the changes in CO levels between the two groups was not statistically significant.

    Conclusion: Al-Quran recitation produced a statistically significant reduction in the number of cigarettes smoked at week 12 and a significant change in cravings at week 4 among smokers attempting to quit. Difference in smoking abstinence rates was not measured in this study.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  2. Mohidin N, Abd Wahab N
    Sains Malaysiana, 2010;39(2):333-336.
    A retrospective study was carried out to determine the distribution of intraocular pressure in normal patients who came for vision problems at the Optometry Clinic, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) Kuala Lumpur Campus, and to determine the differences in intraocular pressure with respect to age, gender and race. The cohort consisted of 148 subjects divided into five groups with age ranged from 10 to 59 years. The inclusion criteria were, subjects had no sistemic or ocular disease, subjects were not taking any medication, visual acuity was 6/6 or better, refractive errors < ±6.00D, astigmatism < 2.00D, anisometropia <2.00D, and mean intraocular pressure measured using the X-PERT tonometer and taken between 9 am to 2 pm. Statistical analysis (ANOVA) showed the mean intraocular pressure without consideration for age, race or gender was 12.6 mmHg (SD ±2.5). There was no significant differences in intraocular pressure between right and left eyes, between different age groups and between different genders. However, the intraocular pressuse for the Chinese was found to be significantly higher than the Malays. It was found that the intraocular pressure of patients who came for vision problems at the Optometry Clinic UKM follows a normal distribution and there was no significant diference found between right and left eyes, between different age groups and genders. Race seemed to contribute to the differences in intraocular pressure. Keywords: Age; clinic population; genders; pressure; intraocular pressure; race
    Study site: Optometry clinic, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  3. Tan HS
    Family Practitioner, 1988;11(1):53-5.
    The Department of Primary Care Medicine was established in UHKL in 1987. This article examines the philosophy of primary care, the clinical services provided by UHKL Family Practice Clinic and the quality assurance activities.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  4. George J
    Family Practitioner, 1988;11(1):71-72.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  5. Lane MJ, Zulkifli A
    Family Physician, 1995;7:16-20.
    The aim of this study was first to analyse the prescribing habits of primary care doctors with a view to providing feedback which may help them to rationalise their prescribing. This analysis was helped by comparing the prescribing practices in two different settings and thus highlighting anomalous differences. The second aim of this study was to obtain data on the diagnoses being made in primary care settings in Malaysia as this information, though available from other countries, is limited here. Lists of the most commonly prescribed drugs and most common diagnoses made are provided, together with tables showing the most commonly prescribed drugs for the ten most common diagnoses. Differences in prescribing habits between the two settings are discussed and possible reasons are suggested.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  6. Chew BH, Vos RC, Fernandez A, Shariff Ghazali S, Shamsuddin NH, Ismail M, et al.
    Ther Adv Endocrinol Metab, 2019;10:2042018819853761.
    PMID: 31210922 DOI: 10.1177/2042018819853761
    Background: Diabetes distress (DD) is an increasingly important part of clinical medicine, diabetes self-management and research topic in people with diabetes mellitus. The present study evaluated the effectiveness of a value-based emotion-focused educational program in Malay adults with type 2 diabetes (VEMOFIT) at 12-month follow-up compared with a program with systematic attention to participants' emotions (attention-control).
    Methods: VEMOFIT consisted of four biweekly group sessions and a booster session after 3 months; the attention-control program consisted of three sessions over the same period. Intention-to-treat analysis with multilevel mixed modelling was done to estimate the intervention effect.
    Results: Participants (n = 124) randomized to VEMOFIT (n = 53) or attention-control (n = 71). Mean (SD) age 55.7 (9.7) years, median diabetes duration 7.0 (8.0) years and mean HbA1c level 9.7% (82 mmol/mol). The mean DD (DDS-17 scale) level decreased in both groups (from 3.4 to 3.3 versus 3.1-2.5, respectively), significantly more in the attention-control group [adjusted difference -0.6, 95% confidence interval (CI) -1.1, -0.2]. The VEMOFIT group had a significant improvement in self-efficacy (DMSES, range 0-200; adjusted difference 16.4, 99.4% CI 1.9, 30.9). Other outcomes did not differ.
    Conclusions: Because the attention-control program resulted in a decreased DD 1 year later, its implementation on a larger scale seems justified.
    Trial registration: NCT02730078; NMRR-15-1144-24803.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  7. Citation: Garispanduan pengendalian dan pengurusan rekod perubatan pesakit bagi hospital-hospital dan institusi perubatan. Putrajaya: Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia; 2010

    Guideline on the handling and management of medical records for hospitals and medical institutions. Putrajaya: Ministry of Health, Malaysia; 2010
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  8. Woon FC, Chin YS, Ismail IH, Batterham M, Abdul Latiff AH, Gan WY, et al.
    PLoS One, 2019;14(6):e0216439.
    PMID: 31233513 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0216439
    BACKGROUND: Despite perennial sunshine, vitamin D deficiency is prevalent among Malaysians especially pregnant women. This study determines the vitamin D status and its associated factors among third trimester pregnant women attending government health clinics in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

    METHODS: Information on socio-demographic characteristics, obstetrical history, and sun exposure were obtained through face-to-face interviews. Vitamin D intake was assessed using a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration was measured and classified as deficient (< 30 nmol/L), insufficient (30-50 nmol/L), and sufficient (≥ 50 nmol/L).

    RESULTS: Of the 535 pregnant women recruited, 42.6% were vitamin D deficient. They consumed an average of 8.7 ± 6.7 μg of vitamin D daily. A total of 80.4% of the vitamin D were obtained from the food sources, while 19.6% were from dietary supplements. Fish and fish products showed the highest contribution to vitamin D intake (35.8%). The multivariable generalized linear mixed models, with clinic as a random effect, indicates that higher intake of vitamin D is associated with lower odds of vitamin D deficiency among pregnant women (OR = 0.96; 95% CI = 0.93-0.99). The odds of having vitamin D deficiency was reduced by 87% in non-Malays (OR = 0.14; 95% CI = 0.05-0.41) compared to Malays. No associations were found between age, educational level, monthly household income, work status, gravidity, parity, pre-pregnancy body mass index, total hours of sun exposure, total percentage of body surface area, and sun exposure index per day with vitamin D deficiency.

    CONCLUSION: Vitamin D deficiency is prevalent among Malaysian pregnant women. Considering the possible adverse obstetric and fetal outcomes of vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy, future nutrition education should emphasise on vitamin D-fortified foods consumption among pregnant women by taking into consideration ethnic differences.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  9. Baharom N, Shamsul Azhar S, Rotina AB
    Medicine & Health, 2016;11(2):257-266.
    The uses of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) among patients with chronic diseases are becoming increasingly popular. This was a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted in 45 government health clinics across Negeri Sembilan. Respondents at diabetes clinics were selected via systematic random sampling and interviewed using structured questionnaire. CAM usage was divided into three groups; CAM use for diabetes (CAM-DM), CAM use for general health (CAM-G) and Non CAM user. The prevalent use of CAM among type II diabetes mellitus patients in Negeri Sembilan was 58.5% (CAM-DM: 40.6% and CAM-G: 17.9%). For CAM-DM group, bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) was the most popular CAM consumed to help control diabetes, while supplement milk was the most popular choice for the CAM-G group. In conclusion, the use of CAM among type II diabetes mellitus patients in Negeri Sembilan was common. Natural products are the main choice of CAM modality used to help with the management of diabetes. Majority of CAM users never informed their healthcare providers about their CAM use.
    Study site: 45 klinik kesihatan, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  10. Subramaniam Kalianan R, Woon YL, Hing YL, Leong CT, Lim WY, Loo CE, et al.
    BMC Health Serv Res, 2022 Feb 03;22(1):141.
    PMID: 35115006 DOI: 10.1186/s12913-021-07456-3
    INTRODUCTION: Evidence shows physical distancing of one metre or more is important to reduce person-to-person SARS-CoV-2 transmission. This puts the Malaysian public healthcare system to a test when overcrowding has always been an issue. A new clinical appointment structure was proposed in the Malaysian public healthcare system amidst the pandemic to reduce the transmission risk. We aim to explore the general public's view on the proposed clinic appointment structure.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional anonymous web-based survey was conducted between 10th September 2020 and 30th November 2020. The survey was open to Malaysian aged 18 years and older via various social media platforms. The questionnaire consists of sociodemographic, experience of utilising healthcare facilities, and views on clinic appointment structure.

    RESULTS: A total of 1,144 complete responses were received. The mean age was 41.4 ± 12.4 years and more than half of the respondents had a preference for public healthcare. Among them, 77.1% reported to have a clinical appointment scheduled in the past. Less than a quarter experienced off-office hour appointments, mostly given by private healthcare. 70.2% answered they would arrive earlier if they were given a specific appointment slot at a public healthcare facility, as parking availability was the utmost concern. Majority hold positive views for after office hour clinical appointments, with 68.9% and 63.2% agreed for weekend and weekday evening appointment, respectively. The top reason of agreement was working commitment during office hours, while family commitment and personal resting time were the main reasons for disagreeing with off-office hour appointments.

    CONCLUSION: We found that majority of our respondents chose to come early instead of arriving on time which disrupts the staggered appointment system and causes over crowdedness. Our findings also show that the majority of our respondents accept off-office hour appointments. This positive response suggests that off-office hour appointments may have a high uptake amongst the public and thus be a possible solution to distribute the patient load. Therefore, this information may help policy makers to initiate future plans to resolve congestions within public health care facilities which in turn eases physical distancing during the pandemic.

    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  11. Ameen Saleh Saleh Sherah, Mohd Hasni Jaafar
    Int J Public Health Res, 2015;5(2):597-605.
    Introduction An Analysis of a Survey Questionnaire on health care workers’ knowledge and practices regarding of infection control and complains them to apply universal precautions. Health care workers are at substantial risk of acquiring blood borne pathogen infections through exposure to blood or other products of patients. To assess of infection control among health care workers in Sana'a healthcare centers, Yemen.
    Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted in the health center to assess knowledge and practices regarding of infection control among 237 health workers in Sana,a city. A structured self-administered questionnaires were used and data was analyzed using SPSS version 20 and the associations were tested with chi-square, with p-value of < 0.05.
    Results The health care workers in public centers ware (51.1%) and (48.9%) of them works in private centers. One hundred and seventeen (49.4%) respondents had poor infection control knowledge, 113 (43.5%) had fair knowledge, and 17 (7.2%) had good knowledge. The knowledge was significantly associated with type of center (P < 0.018), such that the public center had the highest proportion with poor knowledge. And nurses and midwife having the highest proportion with fair knowledge of infection control. Eight (3.4%) respondents had a poor practice of universal precautions, 93 (39.2%) had fair practice, and 136 (57.4%) good practice. The practice was significantly associated with the profession, level of education and work experience (P < 0.001), (P < 0.006), (P < 0.001) respectively, and nurses and midwives as the profession with the highest proportion with good practice.
    Conclusion We conclude that the practices and knowledge of universal precautions were low and that's need for intensive programmes to educate health care workers on various aspects of standard precautions and infection control programmes and policies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  12. Salvaraji L, Shamsudin SB, Avoi R, Saupin S, Kim Sai L, Asan SB, et al.
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2022 Dec 19;19(24).
    PMID: 36554980 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph192417099
    INTRODUCTION: Persistent exposure to indoor hazards in a healthcare setting poses a risk of SBS. This study determines the prevalence of and risk factors for SBS among healthcare workers in health clinics.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted across four health clinics from February 2022 to May 2022. As part of the study, self-administered questionnaires were completed to determine symptoms related to SBS. An indoor air quality (IAQ) assessment was conducted four times daily for fifteen minutes at five areas in each clinic (laboratory, lobby, emergency room, pharmacy, and examination room).

    RESULT: Most of the areas illustrated poor air movement (<0.15 m/s), except for the laboratory. The total bacterial count (TBC) was above the standard limit in both the lobby and emergency room (>500 CFU/m3). The prevalence of SBS was 24.84% (77) among the healthcare workers at the health clinics. A significant association with SBS was noted for those working in the examination room (COR = 2.86; 95% CI = 1.31; 6.27) and those experiencing high temperature sometimes (COR = 0.25; 95% CI = 0.11; 0.55), varying temperature sometimes (COR = 0.31; 95% CI = 0.003), stuffy air sometimes (COR = 0.17; 95% CI = 0.005; 0.64), dry air sometimes (COR = 0.20; 95% CI = 0.007; 0.64), and dust sometimes (COR = 0.25; 95% CI = 0.11; 0.60) and everyday (COR = 0.34; 95% CI = 0.14; 0.81). Only healthcare workers in the examination room (AOR = 3.17; 95% CI = 1.35; 7.41) were found to have a significant risk of SBS when controlling for other variables.

    CONCLUSION: SBS is prevalent among healthcare workers at health clinics.

    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  13. Wan Mahmud WM, Awang A, Herman I, Mohamed MN
    Malays J Med Sci, 2004 Jul;11(2):19-25.
    PMID: 22973123
    Increased international collaboration in clinical trials has created a need for cross culturally valid instruments to assess the quality of life and behavioural disorders. Cross cultural studies of depressive symptomatology, in particular, must be preceded by an exhaustive study of the psychometric properties of the instruments to ensure the validity of the comparison. In this article, we examined the validity, reliability and factor structure of the Malay version of the Beck Depression Inventory II (BDI-II) among Malay postpartum women attending selected health centres in Kedah, North West of Peninsular Malaysia. Our findings indicated that the current version of the BDI-II is psychometrically strong and appropriate for use in assessing depressive symptomatology among this group of women.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities
  14. Chin CK, Kang BH, Liew BK, Cheah PC, Nair R, Lam SK
    J Trop Med Hyg, 1993 Aug;96(4):259-63.
    PMID: 8345549
    A prospective study on the practicality of an out-patient management protocol for dengue infection in adults was carried out during a 2-month period. Doctors were requested to follow the protocol and assessment was done on the patients' outcome, the admission rate, and the compliance to the protocol by doctors and patients. One hundred and sixty-two patients (mean age 27.3 years) were clinically diagnosed to have dengue illness. Among them, 82.7% had dengue fever (DF); 13.0% had dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) and 4.3% had dengue shock syndrome (DSS). Dengue aetiology was confirmed in 69.4% of the DF group and 85.7% of the DHF and DSS groups. There were no deaths among the 162 patients. The admission rate was 43.8%. A high compliance rate of 86.4% by the doctors and a low patient default rate of 16.4% showed that the protocol was practical.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care*; Ambulatory Care Facilities
  15. Chin CK
    Malays J Pathol, 1993 Jun;15(1):21-3.
    PMID: 8277784
    Dengue fever is endemic in Malaysia with frequent epidemics especially in urban areas. This infection can present in a wide range of severity, from a nonspecific febrile illness to life threatening dengue haemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome. It is worth noting that dengue haemorrhagic fever comprised 11.2% of all reported cases in Malaysia in 1991.Patients tend to consult their primary care physicians early. It is the duty of the primary care physicians to make an accurate diagnosis and to detect the complications. However, there has not been any known reliable predictor for the occurrence of complications during the early stage of the illness. Hence, primary care physicians often face the problem of having to deal with this uncertainty. Referring all these patients to the hospitals for admission is obviously not practical but managing them at home may involve high risks. In order to assist primary care physicians, the Primary Care Unit in the University Hospital uses a set of guidelines for the outpatient management of the infection. These guidelines and their assessment will be discussed.
    Study site: Primary Care clinic, University Malaya Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care*; Ambulatory Care Facilities
  16. Jiamsakul A, Kerr SJ, Kiertiburanakul S, Azwa I, Zhang F, Chaiwarith R, et al.
    AIDS Care, 2018 12;30(12):1560-1566.
    PMID: 30021450 DOI: 10.1080/09540121.2018.1499859
    Missed clinic visits can lead to poorer treatment outcomes in HIV-infected patients. Suboptimal antiretroviral therapy (ART) adherence has been linked to subsequent missed visits. Knowing the determinants of missed visits in Asian patients will allow for appropriate counselling and intervention strategies to ensure continuous engagement in care. A missed visit was defined as having no assessments within six months. Repeated measures logistic regression was used to analyse factors associated with missed visits. A total of 7100 patients were included from 12 countries in Asia with 2676 (37.7%) having at least one missed visit. Patients with early suboptimal self-reported adherence <95% were more likely to have a missed visit compared to those with adherence ≥95% (OR = 2.55, 95% CI(1.81-3.61)). Other factors associated with having a missed visit were homosexual (OR = 1.45, 95%CI(1.27-1.66)) and other modes of HIV exposure (OR = 1.48, 95%CI(1.27-1.74)) compared to heterosexual exposure; using PI-based (OR = 1.33, 95%CI(1.15-1.53) and other ART combinations (OR = 1.79, 95%CI(1.39-2.32)) compared to NRTI+NNRTI combinations; and being hepatitis C co-infected (OR = 1.27, 95%CI(1.06-1.52)). Patients aged >30 years (31-40 years OR = 0.81, 95%CI(0.73-0.89); 41-50 years OR = 0.73, 95%CI(0.64-0.83); and >50 years OR = 0.77, 95%CI(0.64-0.93)); female sex (OR = 0.81, 95%CI(0.72-0.90)); and being from upper middle (OR = 0.78, 95%CI(0.70-0.80)) or high-income countries (OR = 0.42, 95%CI(0.35-0.51)), were less likely to have missed visits. Almost 40% of our patients had a missed clinic visit. Early ART adherence was an indicator of subsequent clinic visits. Intensive counselling and adherence support should be provided at ART initiation in order to optimise long-term clinic attendance and maximise treatment outcomes.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care; Ambulatory Care Facilities/organization & administration
  17. Naim NM, Mahdy ZA, Ahmad S, Razi ZR
    Aust N Z J Obstet Gynaecol, 2007 Apr;47(2):132-6.
    PMID: 17355303 DOI: 10.1111/j.1479-828X.2007.00699.x
    OBJECTIVE: To compare the effectiveness of the Vabra aspirator and the Pipelle device as an outpatient endometrial assessment tool.
    METHOD: This was a randomised, prospective trial conducted for a period of one year.
    RESULTS: A total of 147 patients were recruited, of which 71 were in the Vabra group and 76 were in the Pipelle arm. The procedure success rate in the Pipelle group was significantly higher than the Vabra arm (98.7 vs 88.7%, P=0.02). Adequate tissue yield was also significantly more in the Pipelle arm (73.3 vs 52.4%, P=0.02). Cost-benefit analysis revealed a higher average cost per patient in the Vabra group compared to the Pipelle arm.
    CONCLUSION: This study proved that the Vabra aspirator was not as effective as the Pipelle device in obtaining endometrial tissue for histological diagnosis. Despite its higher price per unit, the Pipelle device was a more cost-effective tool for outpatient endometrial assessment.
    Study site: Medical clinic, Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (PPUKM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care/economics; Ambulatory Care/methods*
  18. Chua BS, Song LH, Chang CT, Lim XJ, Nachiappan J
    J Paediatr Child Health, 2021 01;57(1):12-14.
    PMID: 33078471 DOI: 10.1111/jpc.15226
    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases was on an increasing trend, including in Malaysia. The Malaysian Ministry of Health had implemented a range of measures, such as the use of masks and social distancing, to reduce the risk of transmission. Traditionally, newborns are evaluated for neonatal jaundice using visual assessment, a capillary heel prick and serum bilirubin (SB) sampling in primary health-care clinics. This approach requires the physical presence of both parents and their newborns in the primary health-care clinics, causing crowding and increasing the risk of COVID-19 infections. To alleviate crowding, we implemented the transcutaneous bilirubin drive-through (DT) service, which is an established, non-invasive, painless and rapid method to determine the bilirubin levels. Throughout the screening, both parents and baby will be confined to their car. A total of 1842 babies were screened in our DT setting from April to July 2020. Of the total babies, 298 (16.1%) required venesection for SB measurement and 85 required admission for phototherapy. None with severe jaundice were missed since the implementation of this service. The average test duration per neonate was less than 5 min, while conventional venous bilirubin laboratory testing required an average of 1.5 h per neonate. The cost of the SB laboratory test and consumables was approximately USD 5 per test, with an estimated cost savings of USD 7720. DT screening may be introduced in health-care settings to reduce crowding and eliminate the need of painful blood sampling in newborns.
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care/methods*; Ambulatory Care/organization & administration
  19. Ong SM, Lim YMF, Sivasampu S, Khoo EM
    BMC Geriatr, 2018 02 23;18(1):59.
    PMID: 29471806 DOI: 10.1186/s12877-018-0750-2
    BACKGROUND: Polypharmacy is particularly important in older persons as they are more likely to experience adverse events compared to the rest of the population. Despite the relevance, there is a lack of studies on the possible association of patient, prescriber and practice characteristics with polypharmacy. Thus, the aim of this study was to determine the rate of polypharmacy among older persons attending public and private primary care clinics, and its association with patient, prescriber and practice characteristics.

    METHODS: We used data from The National Medical Care Survey (NMCS), a national cross-sectional survey of patients' visits to primary care clinics in Malaysia. A weighted total of 22,832 encounters of patients aged ≥65 years were analysed. Polypharmacy was defined as concomitant use of five medications and above. Multilevel logistic regression was performed to examine the association of polypharmacy with patient, prescriber and practice characteristics.

    RESULTS: A total of 20.3% of the older primary care attenders experienced polypharmacy (26.7%% in public and 11.0% in private practice). The adjusted odds ratio (OR) of polypharmacy were 6.37 times greater in public practices. Polypharmacy was associated with patients of female gender (OR 1.49), primary education level (OR 1.61) and multimorbidity (OR 14.21). The variation in rate of polypharmacy was mainly found at prescriber level.

    CONCLUSION: Polypharmacy is common among older persons visiting primary care practices. Given the possible adverse outcomes, interventions to reduce the burden of polypharmacy are best to be directed at individual prescribers.

    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care Facilities/standards; Ambulatory Care Facilities/trends
  20. Leong HS, Heng R, Emmanuel SC
    Singapore Med J, 2007 Jan;48(1):34-40.
    PMID: 17245514
    INTRODUCTION: Breast cancer is the commonest female cancer in Singapore. It is steadily rising with an incidence of 53.1 cases per 100,000 persons per year among women. Screening for detection of early lesions which are highly curable helps to reduce mortality.
    METHODS: Over three afternoon sessions in December 2003, 224 female patients aged 40-65 years, participated in interviews conducted by the National Healthcare Group Polyclinics, Singapore. The survey sought information on mammographic screening history, the time interval since the previous mammographic screening, and the reasons for not going for the screening.
    RESULTS: The survey found that only 26.4 percent (28 out of 106) among those aged 40 to 49 years had mammographic screening done within the past one year, and 43.2 percent (51 out of 118) among those aged 50 to 65 years had screening done within the last two years. Chinese women were twice more likely than Malay women to have a mammogram done. The commonest reasons for not wanting to have mammographic screening among women who did not have a mammogram done or had mammogram done more than two years ago, were lack of time (42.5 percent), fear of pain during the procedure (26.9 percent), and the belief that cancer would not happen to them (24.6 percent).
    CONCLUSION: Despite publicity on breast cancer being the commonest cancer among women in Singapore and cure being possible if the malignancy was detected early, close to half of the women aged 40-65 years old who attended the National Healthcare Group Polyclinics did not have mammographic screening done. One-quarter of the women who did not have mammogram screening did not do so as they did not think cancer would happen to them.
    Study site: NHG Polyclinics, Singapore
    Matched MeSH terms: Ambulatory Care/methods*; Ambulatory Care Facilities
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