Displaying publications 41 - 60 of 161 in total

  1. Siri JG, Newell B, Proust K, Capon A
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2016 Mar;28(2 Suppl):15S-27S.
    PMID: 26219559 DOI: 10.1177/1010539515595694
    Extreme events, both natural and anthropogenic, increasingly affect cities in terms of economic losses and impacts on health and well-being. Most people now live in cities, and Asian cities, in particular, are experiencing growth on unprecedented scales. Meanwhile, the economic and health consequences of climate-related events are worsening, a trend projected to continue. Urbanization, climate change and other geophysical and social forces interact with urban systems in ways that give rise to complex and in many cases synergistic relationships. Such effects may be mediated by location, scale, density, or connectivity, and also involve feedbacks and cascading outcomes. In this context, traditional, siloed, reductionist approaches to understanding and dealing with extreme events are unlikely to be adequate. Systems approaches to mitigation, management and response for extreme events offer a more effective way forward. Well-managed urban systems can decrease risk and increase resilience in the face of such events.
    Matched MeSH terms: Urbanization*
  2. Sing KW, Dong H, Wang WZ, Wilson JJ
    Genome, 2016 Sep;59(9):751-61.
    PMID: 27314400 DOI: 10.1139/gen-2015-0192
    During 30 years of unprecedented urbanization, plant diversity in Shenzhen, a young megacity in southern China, has increased dramatically. Although strongly associated with plant diversity, butterfly diversity generally declines with urbanization, but this has not been investigated in Shenzhen. Considering the speed of urbanization in Shenzhen and the large number of city parks, we investigated butterfly diversity in Shenzhen parks. We measured butterfly species richness in four microhabitats (groves, hedges, flowerbeds, and unmanaged areas) across 10 parks and examined the relationship with three park variables: park age, park size, and distance from the central business district. Butterflies were identified based on wing morphology and DNA barcoding. We collected 1933 butterflies belonging to 74 species from six families; 20% of the species were considered rare. Butterfly species richness showed weak negative correlations with park age and distance from the central business district, but the positive correlation with park size was statistically significant (p = 0.001). Among microhabitat types, highest species richness was recorded in unmanaged areas. Our findings are consistent with others in suggesting that to promote urban butterfly diversity it is necessary to make parks as large as possible and to set aside areas for limited management. In comparison to neighbouring cities, Shenzhen parks have high butterfly diversity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Urbanization
  3. Md. Sadek Uddin Chowdhury, Faridah Othman, Wan Zurina Wan Jaafar, Nuzaima Che Mood, Md. Ibrahim Adham
    Sains Malaysiana, 2018;47:457-469.
    Sungai Selangor is very important from the viewpoint of water supply and multipurpose water use in Malaysia. The
    water quality of this river is degrading due to point and non-point sources of pollution. This study, focus on the water
    quality assessment and simulation the effect of the pollution sources from urbanization to the Sungai Selangor basin.
    Water quality Index (WQI) is used to define the status of river water quality and the QUAL2K was used as a simulation
    model. Water quality parameters DO, BOD and NH3
    -N have been chosen for modeling. In addition, five different model
    scenarios were simulated to observe the impacts of pollution sources on the Sungai Selangor water quality. WQI results
    showed that most of the stations in this river basin recorded water inferior to Class III. The water quality model presented
    different scenarios for changes of Sungai Selangor water quality. Simulation results for different scenarios showed
    that reduced levels of BOD and NH3
    -N at 51.10% and 66.18%, respectively, can be obtained if Scenario-5 is employed.
    The river water quality issue in the Rawang sub- basin within the study area is considered crucial to create significant
    improvement within the sub basin and in the downstream area of Sungai Selangor basin.
    Matched MeSH terms: Urbanization
  4. Rezaei AR, Ismail Z, Niksokhan MH, Dayarian MA, Ramli AH, Yusoff S
    Environ Monit Assess, 2021 Mar 31;193(4):241.
    PMID: 33791871 DOI: 10.1007/s10661-021-09010-4
    Stormwater runoff is a major concern in urban areas which is mostly the result of vast urbanization. To reduce urban stormwater runoff and improve water quality, low impact development (LID) is used in urban areas. Therefore, it is vital to find the optimal combination of LID controls to achieve maximum reduction in both stormwater runoff and pollutants with optimal cost. In this study, a simulation-optimization model was developed by linking the EPA Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) to the Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization (MOPSO) using MATLAB. The coupled model could carry out multi-objective optimization (MOO) and find potential solutions to the optimization objectives using the SWMM simulation model outputs. The SWMM model was developed using data from the BUNUS catchment in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The total suspended solids (TSS) and total nitrogen (TN) were selected as pollutants to be used in the simulation model. Vegetated swale and rain garden were selected as LID controls for the study area. The LID controls were assigned to the model using the catchment characteristics. The target objectives were to minimize peak stormwater runoff, TSS, and TN with the minimum number of LID controls applications. The LID combination scenarios were also tested in SWMM to identify the best LID types and combination to achieve maximum reduction in both peak runoff and pollutants. This study found that the peak runoff, TSS, and TN were reduced by 13%, 38%, and 24%, respectively. The optimal number of LID controls that could be used at the BUNUS catchment area was also found to be 25.
    Matched MeSH terms: Urbanization
  5. Norzaida Abas, Rafidah Mohd Shamsuddin, Noor Shazwani Osman, Syafrina Abd. Halim
    Dengue fever is an endemic disease in many tropical and subtropical regions. In
    Malaysia, it is the leading public health challenge despite the extensive intervention
    programs by the related authorities. Distribution of dengue cases in Malaysia varies
    according to states and districts where cases are more distinct in urban and suburban
    areas. Preparedness strategies of dengue cases could be more successful with some
    comprehensive and technical analysis on disease incidences. Hence, the present study
    analyses dengue cases using mathematical modelling in the state of Penang, one of the
    more urbanised state. In particular, two time series models are fitted to the dengue
    data from the region in order to identify the mathematical model that best describe
    the data. Results show that both proposed models are able to represent the cases
    rather well; however numerical inspection revealed that Double Exponential
    Smoothing method is the better choice. Subsequently, the identified model is used to
    make forecasting on the number of expected cases. Results show that dengue cases in
    Penang are expected to increase gradually.
    Matched MeSH terms: Urbanization
  6. Mah, D.Y.S., Lau, J.T.
    Urbanisation increases the level of imperviousness in a catchment, and more runoff is converted from rainfall in urban areas. To mitigate this adverse situation, dispensed green infrastructure presents the best solution for delivering results in reducing stormwater impact. Green roofs and rain gardens are extensively studied and widely available in the literature, but this is not the case for green walls, which more often than not, are treated as ornaments. Thus, this study developed a computer-aided stormwater model that incorporates a green wall to investigate its effectiveness as an urban drainage system. The effectiveness of employing a green wall as a stormwater component is tested using USEPA SWMM 5.1 and the embedded bioretention cell interface. Four simulation models according to different conditions and precipitation input are tested, compared and discussed. The conditions include investigation of different soil types, average recurrence interval (ARI) and storm duration with design and observed rainfall. The results reveal that synthesis precipitation data, used in Scenario 1, 2 and 3, decreased runoff by more than half, at 55% on condition of one-year ARI and 5 minutes of storm duration. Meanwhile, Scenario 4 also shows a repetition of runoff reduction by half after the integration of the green wall using the observed rainfall data. Thus, it is verified that a green wall can be effectively used as an urban drainage system in reducing surface runoff.
    Matched MeSH terms: Urbanization
  7. Noni Harianti Junaidi, Dani Salleh
    The practice of development planning does not empower the local authority to prepare a development
    plan, as planning and development control is under the jurisdiction of the State Planning Authority
    (SPA). Rapid growth in the housing sector shows a positive indicator towards urbanization in Sarawak.
    This study showed that the current centralised process is fair to all parties, for it ensures equilibrium in
    all areas. Beside that, the study also found that there is some confusion in the roles played by the
    involved parties. The study also identified few problems that often occur, among them complicated
    procedures, slow approval process, bureaucracy, and risks in planning and marketing. However, the
    practice of development planning is concerned with aspects quality and quantity so as not to burden the
    purchaser. The state government, through the SPA, controls the price of housing to ensure equilibrium
    and to avoid the occurrence of abandoned housing projects.
    Matched MeSH terms: Urbanization
  8. Marzuki Ismail, Azrin Suroto, Nurul Ain Ismail, Mohd Talib Latif
    Sains Malaysiana, 2014;43:321-329.
    Surface ozone or tropospheric ozone has been recognized as one of the major factors that can give adverse impact on crops including rice plants. Effects of ozone on rice plants could be seen in decreased of biochemical activities and physiological performance which contribute to yield reduction. In Malaysia, surface ozone is on the rise due to increment anthropogenic sources i.e. urbanization, transportation and also industrialization process. This condition is alarming due to the facts that rice is the major staple food to the majority of Malaysian population. In this study, exceedence of ozone exposure above an hourly threshold concentration of 40 ppb (AOT40) and ozone trends in four major rice growing areas in Malaysia were assessed using time series analysis of ozone data recorded in each area from January 2000 until December 2010 with a total of 132 readings. The results showed a steady increase in exceedence ozone of yearly AOT40 and statistical significant upward trend for ozone concentrations in each rice growing area in Malaysia. This finding was particularly alarming because ozone is able to inhibit production of rice yields. Preventive actions need to be implemented as soon as possible in order to alleviate ozone threat to our national food security agenda.
    Matched MeSH terms: Urbanization
  9. Thanapackiam P, Khairulmaini O, Fauza A
    Sains Malaysiana, 2012;41:1613-1620.
    In the last decade slope failure intensity and frequency has increased. This article investigates slope failure distribution and trend change and the tendency of spatial direction of slope failures in the Klang Valley Region (KVR) of Malaysia. The change in land cover especially for urbanization and population pressure has notably influenced spatial and temporal variations in slope failure occurrences in the KVR. This study recognized two significant impacts of slope failures: increase in intensity and frequency of slope failures from 1991 to November 2011 and spatial direction of slope failures in the KVR. Both of these effects create severe stresses on the population of the KVR. The study observed that the temporal and spatial advances of slope failures would continue to increase in intensity and frequency in the not so distant future as the environment would become more stressful as a result of urbanization. The knowledge generated from the work would be valuable to all stakeholders affected by slope failures in the KVR and lead the way towards achieving a more sustainable slope development planning in the future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Urbanization
  10. Ibrahim, M.N., Ismail, W.R., Najib, S.A.M.
    Merbok river catchment situated in the Kedah State receives its input from Bongkok River
    and Puntar River flowing down and joining Lalang River to flow down to the Merbok
    Estuary. The Merbok catchment (440 km2) is experiencing several degrees of complex
    land uses activities that poses some impact on the suspended sediment production of
    the Merbok river. A study was conducted to investigate the suspended sediment loading
    of rivers draining the Merbok catchment from January to December 2013. Suspended
    sediment budget of the Merbok catchment were estimated. The river suspended sediment
    concentrations (SSC) and suspended sediment (SS) load increased during wet season
    compared to dry season. The SS loads increases from upper catchment to river mouth. The
    sediment loadings were divided into three segments- the upstream, middle segment and
    lower segment. The SS loads increased from 10 t yr-1 in the upper part of Bongkok river
    to 3336 t yr-1 in upper segment. The sediment loading then increase to 4299 t yr-1 in the
    middle segment of the catchment (at Bongkok 4), and then exiting the Merbok Estuary, as
    the lower segment, with a total amount of sediment output estimated at 7156 t yr-1. From this
    total sediment output, most of the sediment
    source came from the tributaries; the
    Bongkok River at B3 (3337 t yr-1), Puntar
    River (2924 t yr-1) and Lalang River (1370
    t yr-1), which were much higher than its
    proportion in terms of its length and drainage
    area. As a conclusion, the inconsistence in
    SSC in the river were influenced by the
    various anthropogenic activities (especially
    agriculture and urbanization activities) in the catchment area which necessitate future land use and sediment control to avoid sediment
    and possible nutrient loading into the estuary.

    Matched MeSH terms: Urbanization
  11. Ozturk I, Al-Mulali U, Saboori B
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2016 Jan;23(2):1916-28.
    PMID: 26408117 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-015-5447-x
    The main objective of this study is to examine the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) hypothesis by utilizing the ecological footprint as an environment indicator and GDP from tourism as the economic indicator. To achieve this goal, an environmental degradation model is established during the period of 1988-2008 for 144 countries. The results from the time series generalized method of moments (GMM) and the system panel GMM revealed that the number of countries that have a negative relationship between the ecological footprint and its determinants (GDP growth from tourism, energy consumption, trade openness, and urbanization) is more existent in the upper middle- and high-income countries. Moreover, the EKC hypothesis is more present in the upper middle- and high-income countries than the other income countries. From the outcome of this research, a number of policy recommendations were provided for the investigated countries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Urbanization
  12. Lee HS, Arestis P, Chong SC, Yap S, Sia BK
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2022 Jan;29(1):1087-1105.
    PMID: 34341929 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-021-15699-0
    The rise of urbanisation in Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) countries that contribute to the disruption of the ecosystem, which would affect global sustainability, is a pressing concern. This study provides new evidence of the impact of urbanisation and institutional quality on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the selected 48 BRI countries from the years 1984 to 2017. The models of this study are inferred by using panel regression model and panel quantile regression model to meet the objectives of our study as it contemplates unobserved country heterogeneity. From the panel regression model, the findings indicate that although urbanisation in BRI supports the 'life effect' hypothesis that could dampen the environment quality, this effect could be reduced through better institutional quality. Using the quantile regression method, this study concludes that one-size-fits-all strategies to reduce GHG emissions in countries with different GHG emissions levels are improbable to achieve success for all. Hence, GHG emissions control procedures should be adjusted differently across high-emission, middle-emission and low-emission countries. Based on these results, this study provides novel intuitions for policymakers to wisely plan the urbanisation blueprints to eradicate unplanned urbanisation and improve institutional quality in meeting pollution mitigation goals.
    Matched MeSH terms: Urbanization
  13. Tao H, Hashim BM, Heddam S, Goliatt L, Tan ML, Sa'adi Z, et al.
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2023 Mar;30(11):30984-31034.
    PMID: 36441299 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-022-24153-8
    Urban areas are quickly established, and the overwhelming population pressure is triggering heat stress in the metropolitan cities. Climate change impact is the key aspect for maintaining the urban areas and building proper urban planning because spreading of the urban area destroyed the vegetated land and increased heat variation. Remote sensing-based on Landsat images are used for investigating the vegetation circumstances, thermal variation, urban expansion, and surface urban heat island or SUHI in the three megacities of Iraq like Baghdad, Erbil, and Basrah. Four satellite imageries are used aimed at land use and land cover (LULC) study from 1990 to 2020, which indicate the land transformation of those three major cities in Iraq. The average annually temperature is increased during  30 years like Baghdad (0.16 °C), Basrah (0.44 °C), and Erbil (0.32 °C). The built-up area is increased 147.1 km2 (Erbil), 217.86 km2 (Baghdad), and 294.43 km2 (Erbil), which indicated the SUHI affects the entire area of the three cities. The bare land is increased in Baghdad city, which indicated the local climatic condition and affected the livelihood. Basrah City is affected by anthropogenic activities and most areas of Basrah were converted into built-up land in the last 30 years. In Erbil, agricultural land (295.81 km2) is increased. The SUHI study results indicated the climate change effect in those three cities in Iraq. This study's results are more useful for planning, management, and sustainable development of urban areas.
    Matched MeSH terms: Urbanization
  14. Abjani F, Madhavan P, Chong PP, Chinna K, Rhodes CA, Lim YAL
    Ann Hum Biol, 2023 Feb;50(1):137-147.
    PMID: 36650931 DOI: 10.1080/03014460.2023.2170464
    CONTEXT: The continuous rise in urbanisation and its associated factors has been reflected in the structure of the human gut ecosystem.

    OBJECTIVE: The main focus of this review is to discuss and summarise the major risk factors associated with urbanisation that affect human gut microbiota thus affecting human health.

    METHODS: Multiple medical literature databases, namely PubMed, Google, Google Scholar, and Web of Science were used to find relevant materials for urbanisation and its major factors affecting human gut microbiota/microbiome. Both layman and Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) terms were used in the search. Due to the scarcity of the data, no limitation was set on the publication date. Relevant materials in the English language which include case reports, chapters of books, journal articles, online news reports and medical records were included in this review.

    RESULTS: Based on the data discussed in the review, it is quite clear that urbanisation and its associated factors have long-standing effects on the human gut microbiota that result in alterations of gut microbial diversity and composition. This is a matter of serious concern as chronic inflammatory diseases are on the rise in urbanised societies.

    CONCLUSION: A better understanding of the factors associated with urbanisation will help us to identify and implement new biological and social approaches to prevent and treat diseases and improve health globally by deepening our understanding of these relationships and increasing studies across urbanisation gradients.HIGHLIGHTSHuman gut microbiota have been linked to almost every important function, including metabolism, intestinal homeostasis, immune system, biosynthesis of vitamins, brain processes, and behaviour.However, dysbiosis i.e., alteration in the composition and diversity of gut microbiota is associated with the pathogenesis of many chronic conditions.In the 21st century, urbanisation represents a major demographic shift in developed and developing countries.During this period of urbanisation, humans have been exposed to many environmental exposures, all of which have led to the dysbiosis of human gut microbiota.The main focus of the review is to discuss and summarise the major risk factors associated with urbanisation and how it affects the diversity and composition of gut microbiota which ultimately affects human health.

    Matched MeSH terms: Urbanization
  15. Nurgazina Z, Ullah A, Ali U, Koondhar MA, Lu Q
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2021 Nov;28(42):60195-60208.
    PMID: 34155588 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-021-14930-2
    Globally, the rising concentration of anthropogenic greenhouse gases emission in the atmosphere is extremely detrimental to the environment. The high concentration among all greenhouse gases is carbon dioxide emission. Therefore, this study explores the linkages between energy consumption, trade openness, globalization, urbanization, and carbon dioxide emission for Malaysia over the spans from 1978 to 2018. ARDL bound testing model was employed to investigate involvement in the elevation of carbon dioxide emissions in the economy. The study illustrates that a 1% growth in energy consumption, trade openness, and urbanization will deteriorate the environment by 0.18%, 0.03%, and 2.51% respectively. Further, variance decomposition analysis predicts that all the determinants in the study have significantly caused carbon dioxide emission in Malaysia. The paper presents scientific support for further studies and argues for the use of innovation shocks as a policy instrument for a prosperous future by formulating more successful environmental policies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Urbanization
  16. Sing KW, Wang WZ, Wan T, Lee PS, Li ZX, Chen X, et al.
    Genome, 2016 Oct;59(10):827-839.
    PMID: 27327818
    Urbanization requires the conversion of natural land cover to cover with human-constructed elements and is considered a major threat to biodiversity. Bee populations, globally, are under threat; however, the effect of rapid urban expansion in Southeast Asia on bee diversity has not been investigated. Given the pressing issues of bee conservation and urbanization in Southeast Asia, coupled with complex factors surrounding human-bee coexistence, we investigated bee diversity and human perceptions of bees in four megacities. We sampled bees and conducted questionnaires at three different site types in each megacity: a botanical garden, central business district, and peripheral suburban areas. Overall, the mean species richness and abundance of bees were significantly higher in peripheral suburban areas than central business districts; however, there were no significant differences in the mean species richness and abundance between botanical gardens and peripheral suburban areas or botanical gardens and central business districts. Urban residents were unlikely to have seen bees but agreed that bees have a right to exist in their natural environment. Residents who did notice and interact with bees, even though being stung, were more likely to have positive opinions towards the presence of bees in cities.
    Matched MeSH terms: Urbanization
  17. Hosen, MD Sabuj, Mariatul Fadzillah Mansor, Alam, MD Zahangir
    Biogas is an economical and environmentally friendly renewable energy which can be produced by anaerobic digestion (AD). This biochemical method converts organic compounds (mainly from wastes) into a sustainable source of energy. Anaerobic co-digestion (AcoD) is a method combining more than one substrate to resolve the difficulties faced in a single substrate AD system. Solid wastes increases as the population increase so do the urbanization and industrial industries. Food waste and sewage sludge are examples of one of the solid wastes. Co-digesting of both substrates may improve process stabilization to increase biogas production and overcome the nutrients imbalance. Thus, anaerobic co-digestion has been recognized as a technology that could provide a clean renewable energy source and helps reduce the landfill problem. The objective of this paper is to investigate the recent achievements and perspectives on the interaction of co-digestion between food waste and sewage sludge to improve biogas production. This may provide valuable information on the optimization of combinations of substrates: food waste and sewage sludge and prediction of bioreactor performance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Urbanization
  18. Hosen, Md Sabuj, Mariatul Fadzillah Mansor, Ainoor Mariana Mohd Ali, Alam, Md. Zahangir
    Increasing population, urbanization and industrial activities have increased the amount of solid waste worldwide. Food waste (FW) and sewage sludge (SS) are some of the solid wastes. Co-digesting of both substrates may improve process stabilization to increase biogas production and overcome the nutrients imbalance. Thus, anaerobic co-digestion has been recognized as a technology that could provide a clean renewable energy source and help reducing the landfill problem. In this study, the interaction between FW and SS as co-substrates in anaerobic digestion was studied under mesophilic temperature 36C (± 0.5). The experiments were conducted using five batch reactors with different ratios of substrates. There are four different analyses used to identify the characteristics of FW and SS, which are pH, reducing sugar (RS), total solid (TS), and total carbohydrate (TC). Water displacement method was used to record biogas yield. The experimental results showed that the highest biogas yield was from the composition of 50:50 (FW: SS) with a biogas volume of 1150.14 mL, while the least was the composition of 0:100 (FW: SS) with 170.47 mL biogas produced. The results for substrate degradation showed that the composition of 100:0 (FW: SS) has the highest percentage degradation for reducing sugar with the percentage of 56%, while the minimum was 0:100 (FW: SS) with a percentage of 35%. Besides, for TC, the highest percentage of degradation was the composition 50:50 (FW: SS) with 84%, and the least was 0:100 (FW: SS) with 44%. This study proves that using FW and SS enhanced biogas production as well as reducing the current issues of waste disposal.
    Matched MeSH terms: Urbanization
  19. Sajid MR, Muhammad N, Zakaria R, Bukhari SAC
    J Public Health Res, 2020 Oct 14;9(4):1893.
    PMID: 33244464 DOI: 10.4081/jphr.2020.1893
    Background: Modifiable risk factors are associated with cardiovascular mortality (CVM) which is a leading form of global mortality. However, diverse nature of urbanization and its objective measurement can modify their relationship. This study aims to investigate the moderating role of urbanization in the relationship of combined exposure (CE) of modifiable risk factors and CVM. Design and Methods: This is the first comprehensive study which considers different forms of urbanization to gauge its manifold impact. Therefore, in addition to existing original quantitative form and traditional two categories of urbanization, a new form consisted of four levels of urbanization was duly introduced. This study used data of 129 countries mainly retrieved from a WHO report, Non-Communicable Diseases Country Profile 2014. Factor scores obtained through confirmatory factor analysis were used to compute the CE. Age-income adjusted regression model for CVM was tested as a baseline with three bootstrap regression models developed for the three forms of urbanization. Results: Results revealed that the CE and CVM baseline relationship was significantly moderated through the original quantitative form of urbanization. Contrarily, the two traditional categories of urbanization could not capture the moderating impact. However, the four levels of urbanization were objectively estimated the urbanization impact and subsequently indicated that the CE was more alarming in causing the CVM in levels 2 and 3 urbanized countries, mainly from low-middle-income countries. Conclusion: This study concluded that the urbanization is a strong moderator and it could be gauged effectively through four levels whereas sufficiency of two traditional categories of urbanization is questionable.
    Matched MeSH terms: Urbanization
  20. Ho KC, Teow YH, Sum JY, Ng ZJ, Mohammad AW
    Sci Total Environ, 2021 Mar 15;760:143966.
    PMID: 33341611 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.143966
    Rapid urbanization and the rising global population have led to the generation of substantial volumes of laundry wastewater. Accordingly, treatment of laundry wastewater has been advocated to curb water pollution and achieve water sustainability. However, technological limitations in treating (specifically) laundry wastewater and the lack of regulations governing the levels of contaminants for such discharges have been perennial problems. This review bridges the knowledge gap by delineating the feasibility of current technologies in laundry wastewater treatment and the experiences of various countries in adopting different approaches. Besides, the feasible methods for collecting laundry wastewater are elaborated. The development of the treatment technologies is highlighted, in which the integrated-treatment processes (physicochemical, biological, and combination of both) are critically discussed based on their functions and methods. A judicious selection of the technologies not only improves the energy efficiency and quality of the treated wastewater, but also mitigates capitals and operational costs. This is projected to enhance public acceptance towards the reuse of laundry wastewater. Thus, the comprehensive assessment herein is envisioned to insightfully guide national policymakers in exploring the viability of the technologies and water-recycling projects. Future research should focus on the techno-economic aspects of the treatment processes, especially their industrial scale-up.
    Matched MeSH terms: Urbanization
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