Displaying publications 741 - 760 of 1069 in total

  1. Azizee MF, Hussin SA, Mohamad Jamali AA, Hussain AH, Mamat AZ, Marzuki A, et al.
    JACC Case Rep, 2025 Feb 19;30(4):102576.
    PMID: 39972715 DOI: 10.1016/j.jaccas.2024.102576
    Pulmonary stenosis can occur as an isolated valvular lesion associated with congenital structural cardiac anomalies. Rarely, patients may develop an acquired form of pulmonary stenosis. We report a case of a rare presentation of anterior mediastinal teratoma mimicking congenital valvular heart disease, with complete resolution of her symptoms postoperatively.
  2. Chan PJ, Nurul ZZ, Chuah JS, Nabil MMA, Isa NM, Sabarul AM, et al.
    DOI: 10.3923/rjom.2014.1.11
    Risk factors of osteoporosis need to be identified for prevention of osteoporosis. However, studies on the risk factors of osteoporosis in the Malaysian population are lacking. The study aimed to determine the relationship between potential risk factors of osteoporosis and hip BMD of postmenopausal women in a Malaysian tertiary hospital setting. A cross-sectional study was carried out on 76 postmenopausal women, who were scheduled for Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) scan at UKM Medical Centre (UKMMC) from February to May, 2014. Interview sessions using structured questionnaire were conducted to obtain information on social demographic and potential risk factors of osteoporosis. The DXA scan results of the hip BMD for all the respondents were recorded to determine the association between the potential risk factors of osteoporosis and hip BMD. In this study, 44.7% of patients had normal hip BMD measurement (T score >-1.0), while 55.3% had low hip BMD measurement (T score0.05) between hip BMD and family history of osteoporosis, lifestyle activities and smoking. Parity, habitual tea consumption and BMI were positively associated with hip BMD, whereas duration of sleep was negatively associated with hip BMD among postmenopausal women in UKMMC. © 2014 Asian Network for Scientific Information.
  3. Farah Fadwa Benbelgacem, Oualid Abdelkader Bellag, Adibah Parman, Ibrahim Ali Noorbatcha, Mohd Noor Mat Isa, Muhammad Alfatih Muddathir Abdelrahim, et al.
    Sains Malaysiana, 2018;47:2951-2960.
    Metagenomic DNA library from palm oil mill effluent (POME) was constructed and subjected to high-throughput screening
    to find genes encoding cellulose- and xylan-degrading enzymes. DNA of 30 positive fosmid clones were sequenced with next
    generation sequencing technology and the raw data (short insert-paired) was analyzed with bioinformatic tools. First,
    the quality of 64,821,599 reverse and forward sequences of 101 bp length raw data was tested using Fastqc and SOLEXA.
    Then, raw data filtering was carried out by trimming low quality values and short reads and the vector sequences were
    removed and again the output was checked and the trimming was repeated until a high quality read sets was obtained.
    The second step was the de novo assembly of sequences to reconstruct 2900 contigs following de Bruijn graph algorithm.
    Pre-assembled contigs were arranged in order, the distances between contigs were identified and oriented with SSPACE,
    where 2139 scaffolds have been reconstructed. 16,386 genes have been identified after gene prediction using Prodigal
    and putative ID assignment with Blastp vs NR protein. The acceptable strategy to handle metagenomic NGS-data in order
    to detect known and potentially unknown genes is presented and we showed the computational efficiency of de Bruijn
    graph algorithm of de novo assembly to 21 bioprospect genes encoding cellulose-degrading enzymes and 6 genes
    encoding xylan-degrading enzymes of 30.3% to 100% identity percentage.
  4. Isa, M.H., Shamsuriani, M.J., Afliza, A.B., Tan, T.L., Dazlin Masdiana, S., Fadzlon, M.Y., et al.
    Medicine & Health, 2019;14(2):180-188.
    Bystander rate of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is still low worldwide because of inadequate skills and knowledge. Training the public on CPR is one of the methods to increase the bystander CPR rate. This study aimed to compare the efficacy in acquiring and retaining CPR skills and knowledge among secondary school students in Klang Valley trained by school teachers and medical students. We recruited five school teachers and five medical students as trainers. They were trained in several sessions by American Heart Association (AHA)-certified instructors using the video-assisted CPR training module. The recipients were 44 secondary school students divided between the teacher’s group and the medical student’s group. We compared knowledge and psychomotor skills between these two groups prior, immediately after and at three months after CPR training. Students in the teacher’s group showed a higher increase in knowledge comparable to the medical student’s group (median score difference 3 vs 2, p>0.05) and in psychomotor skill (median score difference 5 vs. 7, p
  5. Mat Alewi, N. A., Ibrahim, M., Md Isa, M. L., Abdull Rasad, M. S. B., Abdul Rafa, A. A., Anuar, M. N. N.
    The optimum combination of Baccaurea angulata fruit juice (X1: 15 - 85 ratio) and Trigona sp. honey (TH) (X2: 15 - 85 ratio) in developing a high antioxidant soft jelly was investigated based
    on the antioxidant capacity (Y1), phenolic (Y2), and flavonoid (Y3) content. Response surface
    methodology (RSM), via central composite design (CCD), was used to produce optimal combination effects of the two independent variables (B. angulata fruit juice and TH) for highest
    recovery of antioxidant capacity (AC), total phenolic content (TPC), and total flavonoid content
    (TFC). The polynomial models generated were satisfactory. The lack-of-fit test were higher
    than p > 0.05 for all three analyses, signifying the suitability of the models in accurately predicting the variations. Predicted values of the analysis agreed with those of the experimental values.
    An optimum combination of B. angulata fruit juice and TH was developed (ratio 40:40). The
    sample also exhibited significant FRAP and DPPH radical scavenging activities. Several
    polyphenols were identified for the samples through UHPLC-MS/MS. In conclusion, B. angulata and Trigona sp. honey have high potentials to be used in fortifying the soft jelly samples,
    making them prospective food supplements due to their nutritional and health benefits.
  6. Fatahyah, Yahya, Aqilah, Yusoff, Sarjit Singh, Darshan Singh, Ahmad Tarmizi, Talib, Abdul Hakim, Mohad, Nur Ayuni, Mohd Isa, et al.
    The research was aimed to study the relationship between attachment styles and marital quality between spouses. A total number of 52 spouses representing teachers from Sekolah Menengah Agama Daeratul Ma'arifil Wataniah 1 (SMA DMW 1), in Peninsular Malaysia's northwest coast, participated in this study. There were two sets of questionnaires used in this study: Experience in Close Relationship (ECR) and Marital Adjustment Test (MAT). The results showed that there was a significant relationship between attachment styles and spouses' styles. However, there is no relationship between marital satisfaction among spouses, and there is also no relationship between attachment styles and marital satisfaction among spouses. Future research is suggested to enhance the research by moving beyond self-report instruments to develop alternative methods of assessment as some of the questions should be more specifically suitable in Malaysian culture.
  7. Fatahyah, Yahya, Mohd Imamuddin, Nahar, Ahmad Tarmizi, Talib, Sarjit Singh, Darshan Singh, Abdul Hakim, Mohad, Nur Ayuni, Mohd Isa, et al.
    This study aims to identify parental attachment's effects on trainee counsellors' personality traits in the Universiti of Malaysia Sarawak UNIMAS. This research adopted a correlational research design. The respondents were 209 trainee counsellors from the Counselling Program, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak UNIMAS. Two questionnaires were used in this study: The Inventory of Parents and Peer Attachment (IPPA) and the Big Five Personality. The findings indicated a significant relationship between Parents Communication, Attachment and Extraversion and the Agreeableness Trait of Personality. It also showed a significant relationship between Parents Communication Attachment and Extraversion, Agreeableness and Conscientiousness. We also found a significant relationship between Parents' Alienation Attachment and Conscientiousness, Neuroticism and Openness. The study informs society about the need to increase awareness about the importance of knowing attachment styles and personality traits as both impact individuals' lives.
  8. Muhammad Darwish Asyraf Mohd Isa, Fiona Jie Wei Lai, Shen Yi Chong, Nur Amrina Rasyada Ismail, Kar Fei Chan, Yoke Mun Chan
    Introduction: Hyperphosphatemia is common among hemodialysis patients, often accompanies with unfavourable clinical outcomes. Several factors affect phosphate compliance among hemodialysis patients, with lack of such infor- mation at the local context. Thus, this cross-sectional study aimed to determine the associations of sociodemographic factors, knowledge on optimal control of serum phosphate, perceived social support from family, dietary phospho- rus intake and phosphate compliance among hemodialysis patients. Methods: Structured questionnaire was used to obtain information on socioeconomic factors, knowledge, family social support and dietary phosphorus intakes of hemodialysis patients, with serum phosphate level was used as the surrogate marker for phosphate compliance. Results: A total of 76 patients (Mean age of 52 years old) were recruited. Hyperphosphatemia was prevalent with ap- proximately 60% of the patients failed to achieve the target. Approximately 90% of the patients perceived low level of family social support. Young patients had significant higher serum phosphate compared to their older counterparts (r = -0.297, p =0.009). Serum phosphate was positively correlated with dietary intake of phosphorus, dialysis vintage (r = 0.301, p = 0.006) and comorbidity score (r = 0.325, p = 0.008) while negatively correlated with dialysis dose (r = -0.582, p = 0.002) and family social support (r = -0.263, p = 0.024). Conclusion: The promising role of dietary phosphorus intake in managing hyperphosphatemia deserves further attention. Innovative approaches are needed to promote self-adherence on serum phosphate especially the younger patients. It is imperative to promote family social support in the management of hyperphosphatemia among hemodialysis patients.
  9. Redzuan Abd Razak, Lokman Md Isa, Afzan Mat Yusuf, Syamsul Ahmad Ariffin, Refaudeen Muhammad Razali, Azantee Yazmie Abd Wahab, et al.
    IIUM Medical Journal Malaysia, 2018;17(102):143-148.
    The expression product of VASA gene is widely conserved germ line marker and participates to regulate the development of reproductive system and spermatogenesis in healthy man. Azoospermic is a condition which the man is unable to produce any sperm cells for reproduction activity. This condition produced has bad impact to the man since the ability to produce their own progeny will be interrupted or blocked forever. Not only the family bloodline of the man would be ended, the psychological issue like shamefulness and low self-esteem occurs. In Islam, seeking knowledge is an obligatory to Muslims in order to solve problems and improve lives. Thus to unveil the problem of azoospermic man we aimed to determine the level of VASA gene expression in samples of testes cells of non-obstructive azoospermic (NOA) and compare it with sperms of healthy man. Samples were taken from three NOA patients by testicular sperm extraction (TESE) to obtain testicular biopsies. Testicular cells were isolated and cultured in supplemented knockout DMEM media. VASAgene expression was determined by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). The VASA gene expression from sperm of healthy man was also determined for comparison purpose. It was demonstrated that the addition of growth factor significantly increased SSC-like cells colony formation in tissues obtained from NOA patients. No VASA expression was detected in spermatogonial-like stem cells culture on day 1, 7, 14 and 21 in each of the azoospermic samples. Our findings shown VASA gene was not expressed in spermatogenesis in vitroculture that might be associated with the abnormal differentiation of primordial germ cells that lead to male infertility. Islam also teaches us to not have feelings of despair and for problems that we are facing but to find the solution and consider the problem as a test from the Almighty. All the tests should be handled with strong believe since only Allah (SWT) knows what the best for us and each of the tests will have justified wisdom and benefits which we as human being are unable to realise thoroughly.
  10. Azantee Yazmie Abdul Wahab, Roszaman Ramli, Syamsul Ahmad Ariffin, Afzan Mat Yusuf, Redzuan Abd Razak, Lokman Md Isa, et al.
    IIUM Medical Journal Malaysia, 2018;17(102):149-156.
    Azoospermia is present in 15% of infertile cases and it is a major concern due to inability to produce sperm. Most of IVF (in-vitro fertilization) clinics abroad has been using sperm donation via sperm bank facilities as a solution for infertile couple to have their own offspring. In Islam, it is forbidden to use sample from male other than their spouse. It is according to maqasid syari’ah to ensure the heredity of the human being. Based on the latest technology, one approach of stem cell differentiation process had been established to produce mature cells from primitive or immature cells (stem cells). This technology is in line with the concept of maqasid syari’ah since we are using the cells from one person. We try to adopt this technology to study the potential of testicular cells from non-obstructive azoospermic (NOA) patient to undergo in vitrospermatogenesis.Samples were cultured in modified human embryonic stem cells (HESC) media with specific growth factors; basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF). Protein expressions were analyzed by immunofluorescent staining on day 49 and 90 of culture. Results show spermatogonial stem cell-like cells (SSC-like cells) colonies formed after 14 to 21 days, the cells were expanding successfully and were stable for 49 days duration. Then SSCs differentiated into later stage of spermatogenesis on day 90. Four specifics SSCs protein markers were identified on day 49; ITGA1, ITGB1, CD9 and GFRA1 whereas SCP3 and TP1 proteins were expressed on day 90. This in vitrospermatogenesis suggests a possible approach for future for Muslim NOA patients in order to have their own children.
  11. Faridah Ismail, Azantee Yazmie Abdul Wahab, Raja Arif Shah Raja Ismail, Muhammad Lokman Md Isa, Redzuan Nul Hakim Abdul Razak, Hussin Muhammad
    Oxidative stress induced by excessive and unopposed levels of reactive oxygen species in male reproductive system results in impaired sperm quality, fertilization capacity and poor embryo development. Our goal is to assess the potential effects of Aquilaria malaccensis(AM) leaves, a plant with strong antioxidant property on early embryo development in vitroand embryo quality following fertilization with cyclophosphamide (CP) exposed rat sperm. Materials and Methods:Twenty four male Sprague Dawley rats were allocated into eight groups of three rats (n = 3): control, CP only (200 mg/kg), AM only (100 mg/kg, 300 mg/kg and 500 mg/kg) and CP + AM (100 mg/kg, 300 mg/kg and 500 mg/kg). Animals were sacrificed after 63 days of treatment and sperm from caudal epididymis were taken for in vitrofertilization (IVF) with oocytes from untreated female. Fertilization, embryo division and embryo morphology were examined at 8 and 48 hours post insemination and compared between groups. Statistical evaluations were performed using Chi-Square test and Fisher’s exact test and p-value
  12. Husaini Salleh, Supian Samat, Mohd Khalid Matori, Muhammad Jamal Md Isa, Mohd Ramli Arshad, Shahrul Azlan Azizan, et al.
    Heel Effect is the well known phenomena in x-ray production. It contributes the effect to image
    formation and as well as scattered radiation. But there is paucity in the study related to heel effect.
    This study is for mapping and profiling the dose on the surface of water phantom by using mobile
    C-arm unit Toshiba SXT-1000A. Based on the result the dose profile is increasing up to at least
    about 57% from anode to cathode bound of the irradiated area. This result and information can be
    used as a guide to manipulate this phenomenon for better image quality and radiation safety for
    this specific and dedicated fluoroscopy unit.
  13. Ahmad Firdaus Mohd Salleh, Anita Talib, Mohamed Abdullah Marwi, Noor Hayati Mohd Isa, Syamsa Rizal Abdullah, Raja Muhammad Zuha Raja Kamal Bashah, et al.
    Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius) dan Chrysomya rufifacies (Macquart) adalah merupakan dua spesies lalat penting yang boleh dijadikan sebagai penunjuk terbaik untuk menganggarkan selang masa kematian atau Post Mortem Interval (PMI) untuk kegunaan dalam sains forensik. Penentuan PMI adalah berdasarkan kepada saiz dan peringkat perkembangan larva. Kajian perkembangan telur, larva dan pupa lalat Ch. megacepahala dan Ch. rufifacies dijalankan di bawah suhu 27ºC, 30ºC dan 33ºC di makmal dengan menggunakan kebuk pertumbuhann serangga. Data daripada kajian digunakan untuk menghasilkan satu graf pertumbuhan dan Jam Darjah Terkumpul (ADH) bagi kedua-dua spesies. Ch. megacephala mengambil masa selama 9.15 hari pada suhu 27ºC, 8.54 hari (30ºC) dan 6.76 hari (33ºC) untuk melengkapkan satu kitar hidup. Pada C. rufifacies pula, kitar hidupnya lebih lama berbanding Ch. megacephala iaitu 9.92 hari pada suhu 27ºC, 9.13 hari (30ºC) dan 7.44 hari (33ºC). Telur bagi kedua-dua spesies menetas lebih cepat pada suhu 33ºC berbanding dua suhu yang lainnya. Nilai ADH yang rendah pada sesuatu suhu, menunjukkan sesuatu spesies lebih cepat melengkapkan suatu kitar hidup. Penemuan ini berguna dalam menganggarkan selang masa kematian bagi mayat yang dijumpai pada suhu persekitaran yang berlainan.
  14. Mohd Yusoff, N., Choo, K.E., Ghazali, S., Ibrahim, I., Mohd Hussin, Z.A., Mohd Yunus, et al.
    Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency is an X-linked red blood cell enzymopathy common in malaria endemic areas. Individuals affected by this disease show a wide variety of clinical signs including neonatal jaundice. In this preliminary report we describe the heterogeneity of G6PD deficient gene in neonatal jaundice in the Malay population in Kelantan. Thirteen G6PD deficient Malay neonates with hyperbilirubinemia were subjected to mutation analysis of the G6PD gene for known candidate mutations. Molecular defects were identified in the 13 patients studied. Though all of these were mis-sense mutations, identified nucleotide changes were heterogeneous. Six patients were found to have a C to T nucleotide change at nucleotide 563 of the G6PD gene (C563T), corresponding to G6PD Mediterranean; three cases had a single nucleotide change at T383C (G6PD Vanua Lava), two cases had G487A (G6PD Mahidol) and two cases had G1376T (G6PD Canton). These findings suggest that there are heterogeneous mutations of the G6PD gene associated with neonatal jaundice in the Malay population in Kelantan.
  15. Abdus Salam, Ahmad Faizal Mohd Perdaus, Siti Harnida Md Isa, Zulkifli Zainuddin, Azian Abdul Latiff, Ng, Soon Pheng, et al.
    Medicine & Health, 2008;3(1):54-58.
    The art of talking to patients and their relatives does not come naturally to most of us and the ability to put oneself in the patients’ predicament is difficult particularly for the young doctors. To identify the communication abilities of the young doctors, a cross sectional study was carried out on 32 house officers who graduated from UKM in 2004 during their house jobs at different hospitals in Malaysia. A standardized questionnaire was used to collect the data. Fifty nine percent respondents claimed that they had communicated very well with patients while 69% with support staff and 88% with peers. On the other hand 38% and 41% of the respondents claimed they communicated very well with their superiors and families of patients. Only 22% of the graduates’ skills of communication in breaking bad news were very well, while 50% and 81% were very well in counselling patients and taking consent for procedures. Curriculum planners need to emphasize the importance ofdeveloping good communication skills in all aspects for the future doctors.
  16. Indah Mohd Amin, Siti Hamimah Sheikh Abdul Kadir, Mohamad Rodi Isa, Nik Mohd Mazuan Nik Mohd Rosdy, Narimah Abdul Hamid Hasani
    The objective of this research is to investigate the regulation of apoptotic associated-genes and proteins expression of aloe emodin on oestrogen receptor (ER)-positive (MCF-7). Oestrogen receptor (ER)-positive (MCF-7) cells were cultured in complete RPMI media. Cells were treated with aloe emodin at its IC50 of 80uM. Maximum treatment time was set for 72 hours in all assays. Both genes and proteins involved in the regulation of apoptosis (Fas, FADD, Caspase-3, Caspase-8, Caspase-9, Bax, Bcl-2, and Cytochrome c) in aloe emodin-treated MCF-7 were determined using Quantigene 2.0 Plex and protein ELISA assays respectively. Aloe emodin, previously reported as anti-cancer agent, was found to act as an apoptotic inducer on MCF-7 cells. In intrinsic apoptosis signalling, Bax, Cytochrome c and Caspase-9 proteins were upregulated (54.11% ± 4.51, 25.17% ± 4.13 and 36.05% ±11.75); while no change was observed in Bcl-2 protein. Except for Caspase-9, these results are in accordance with gene expression. In extrinsic apoptosis, Fas and Caspase-8 were upregulated (133.82% ± 2.85 and 26.44% ± 2.48), contrary to gene expression. These findings indicate that aloe emodin activates both extrinsic and intrinsic apoptosis pathways. The data suggests (i) aloe emodin has the potential to be a selective apoptotic inducer in ER+-breast cancer management; and (ii) the present study could be used as a basis for in vivo experiment.
  17. Mot, Yee Yik, Siti Fatimah Ramli, Nazlina Mohamad Isa, Ruzzieatul Akma Razali, Abdul Rahman Azhari, Abdul Razak Abdul Khalid, et al.
    Chromosomal abnormalities (CA) can affect numerical or structural compositions of chromosomosal DNA leading to a diversity of clinical phenotypic presentations. Awareness of prenatal diagnosis and genetic counselling have improved with advancing medical research but CA remain prevalent as its aetiology is unknown. The objective of this study is to determine the frequencies of various CA in the principle region of north-western Malaysia and compare this data to previous reports to ascertain if statistical differences exist. Karyotype analyses performed at the Genetics Laboratory, Advanced Diagnostic Laboratory (ADL) during the first 5-years of cytogenetic services, totalling 1461 cases, were assessed in this report. Cases suspected of CA were initially diagnosed by clinicians and detailed clinical and family histories were recorded. Peripheral blood lymphocytes of patients were collected and cultured in vitro for acquisition of karyotype by standardized G-banding technique. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was conducted in cases suspected of to be DiGeorge, Prader-Willi, Angelman and Williams syndrome. Of the total samples (1805) received and cultured, 1669 (92.46%) successfully yielded results. Abnormal outcomes were observed in 495 cases (29.66%) whereby pronounced majority of cases 299 (68.42%) were Down syndrome. This is followed by Edward, Turner and Patau syndrome, in order of frequency. Numerical CA appears to be prevalent accounting for 85.86% of cases. Structural CA accounted for 14.14% of total positive cases whereby the most common was deletions (34.29%) followed by translocations (20%), ring chromosomes (5.71%), Fragile X syndrome (4.29%), duplications (5.71%) and marker chromosomes (7.14%). The remainder of cases (22.86%) consisted of derivative chromosomes and other complex aberrations. The number of polymorphic variant cases were 27 (1.62%). The number of peripheral blood samples received has significantly increased from 14.3 per month in 2006 to 32.17 per month in 2011. Comparative analysis of our study to previous reports reveal statistical differences in the occurrence of several CA including Edward, Patau, Klinefelter and Fragile-X syndrome. Our experience with peripheral blood samples for cytogenetic analysis demonstrated a success rate of 92.46%. This showed an increase in clinicians validating patients’ diagnoses with karyotyping which is essential in confirming genetic anomalies with the goal to substantiate genetic counselling.
    Sains Malaysiana, 2013;42:1819-1826.
    This study aims to describe the pattern of sexual behaviour among methamphetamine and heroin users. It describes the pattern of sexual behaviour based on aspects of sex such as desire, interest, drive and obsession in relation to the drug use. A cross-sectional study was carried out among attendees of drug rehabilitation programmes in Kota Kinabalu, Kota Bharu and Kuala Lumpur. All subjects were living in the community with satisfactory psychosocial functioning. This study was primarily based on a validated sexual behaviour self-rated questionnaire followed by face-to-face interview. A total of 227 subjects were included with 124 (54.6%) using methamphetamine while 103 (45.4%) using heroin. Majority (218; 96%) were heterosexuals with 104 (45.8%) reported having been involved in high risk sexual behaviour. More methamphetamine than heroin subjects agreed that their sexual thoughts, feelings and behaviours were often associated with the drug (p<0.05). Methamphetamine subjects agreed that the use of methamphetamine caused them to be more obsessed with sex and they found themselves to be preoccupied with sexual thoughts while being under the influence of the drug (p<0.05). Heroin subjects mainly reported on negative effects of the drug on their sexual behaviour. Methamphetamine subjects reported that the use of drug had positively affected their sexual interest and drive (p<0.05). Methamphetamine subjects were also 1.97 times more likely than heroin subjects to be involved in risky sexual behaviour. The results of this study can be utilized to improve the drug treatment and rehabilitation programme. Methamphetamine subjects were more likely than heroin subjects to be involved in risky sexual behaviour.
  19. Norazlanshah Hazali, Azizah Mohamed, Muhammad Ibrahim, Mashita Masri, Fazlyla Nadya Mohd Fadzlan, Khairil Anuar Md Isa, et al.
    Sains Malaysiana, 2014;43:649-654.
    Previously, researchers had initiated investigation to find an alternative drug that can treat diabetes mellitus without dragging patients into more complicated health problems. After many studies, they found a new and high potential plant-based drug named stevia that is able to reduce diabetic patients’ blood glucose. This study aimed to determine the effect of stevia on blood glucose of healthy subjects. The study was carried out by comparing the glycemic response between sucrose and stevia (500 and 1000 mg) among 32 subjects aged between 18 and 23 years old. Subjects were required to fast 8 to 10 h prior to each test which was done on different days. Finger prick test were done on 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 min to construct a blood sugar response curve for 2 h period. There is a significant difference between the glycemic response of sucrose and stevia 500 mg. Sucrose significantly increased the post prandial blood glucose while stevia 500 mg reduced blood glucose after 30 min of consumption. Sucrose also produced higher glycemic response at min-30 when compared with stevia 1000 mg. There is no significant difference between the glycemic response of stevia of different dose, 500 and 1000 mg. No dose-dependent effect was observed in this study. In conclusion, stevia does not raise blood glucose significantly when consumed in short period. Stevia is effective to be used by healthy people to maintain blood glucose even when consumed in short length of time.
  20. Nurhazni Khir Jauhari, Darina Ibrahim, Muhammad Ibrahim, Norazlanshah Hazali, Mohammad Nor Adros Yahya, Norazmir Md Nor, et al.
    Sains Malaysiana, 2013;42:129-134.
    Baccaurea angulata or locally known as ‘belimbing dayak’ or ‘belimbing hutan’ is an underutilized fruit indigenous to Borneo with its proximate analysis and antioxidant values are yet to be explored. Proximate analysis and antioxidative properties of oven-dried B. angulata fruits of three fractions; whole fruit, skins and berries were evaluated. From the analysis conducted, whole fruit, berries and skins fraction of B. angulata contained 2.83%, 5.15% and 0.28% of total fat; 3.11%, 3.43% and 3.89% of protein; 16.66%, 19.09% and 11.37% of moisture; 4.57%, 3.68% and 7.28% of total ash and water activity (Aw) of 0.41, 0.44 and 0.44, respectively. Evaluation of antioxidant activities using ferric reducing ability of plasma (FRAP), 1,1-diphenyl-2-pycrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and Trolox/ABTS equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) revealed that the skins fraction exhibits highest antioxidant activities (p<0.05) followed by whole fruit and berries fractions. The antioxidant activities were significantly correlated (p<0.05) with total phenolic and total flavonoid content but not to anthocyanins. Considering the nutritional values it contained, B. angulata is another good source of natural antioxidants with significant health benefits and high value for commercialization.
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