Displaying publications 61 - 80 of 157 in total

  1. Sanimah Simoh, Sew YS, Fazri Abd Rahim, Muhammad Aizuddin Ahmad, Alizah Zainal
    Sains Malaysiana, 2018;47:3031-3041.
    A comparative analysis of metabolites from different parts of Curcuma aeruginosa, i.e. leaves, stems, adventitious
    roots and rhizomes was performed by GC-MS/MS coupled with multivariate statistical analysis. The GC-MS/MS analysis
    confirmed the occurrence of 26 metabolites belonged to terpenoids in almost all the samples. The Principal Component
    Analysis (PCA) indicated that there was a clear distinction between rhizomes and other plant parts, i.e. stems, leaves,
    and adventitious roots that could be explained by relatively higher contents of terpenoids including curzerene, alphafarnesen, furanocoumarin, velleral, germacrone cineole, borneol, beta- and gamma- elemene and methenolone. The
    results of Hierarchical Clustering Analyses (HCA) corresponded with the PCA results where many terpenoids found
    abundantly high in rhizome were clustered together. This was supported by the Pearson correlation analysis that
    showed a significantly good relationship between those terpenoids. The adventitious roots demonstrated the strongest
    antioxidant activity as compared to the other plant parts which could be attributed to its highest Total Phenolic
    Contents (TPC). Total phenolic contents of all the plant parts were positively correlated with their antioxidant activities
    which indicate that phenolic compounds may play a role in the overall antioxidant activities of the plants. The results
    of the study highlighted the potential of this underexploited Curcuma species which could serve as a new source of
    important phytochemicals and natural antioxidant that could be incorporated in functional foods and nutraceuticals.
    In addition, chemical and biological evidence shown in the present work has rationalised the different uses of various
    plant parts of C. aeruginosa.
  2. Wan Mahmood ZU, Ahmad Z, Mohamed CAR
    Sains Malaysiana, 2010;39(1):13-20.
    Sediment cores were taken at eight stations along Sarawak and Sabah coastal waters using a gravity box corer on July 2004. The sediment cores were cut into 2 cm interval for measurement of Mn and Fe concentration using the Inductive Couple Plasma-Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS). Overall, the sediment cores contained much mud which include a mixture of silt (46 – 67%) and clay (18 – 53%) compared to sand (0.4 – 16%). The concentrations of Mn and Fe were in the range of 154 – 366 µg/g and 0.9 – 3.4%, respectively. The variation was studied by ANOVA, which showed a significant difference (p = 0.000) for both of Mn and Fe concentrations at all sampling stations. In those ranges, Fe concentration was higher compared to Mn. It is believed that dissolving and diluting process influenced the concentration of Mn in the water column and sediment. Fe showed a significant correlation (r > 0.5, p < 0.01) with Mn at all stations except SR 03, indicating the natural occurrence of Mn and Fe in the water column. Meanwhile, Müller classification proved that sediment cores taken at 8 stations along Sarawak and Sabah coastal waters were not polluted with Fe and Mn with geoaccumulation index, Igeo < 1 and classification 0 – 1.
    Keywords: Fe; Mn; Müller classification; organic carbon; particle size; sediment core
  3. Nour El Huda Abd Rahim, Mohd Nabil Fikri Rahim, Norsidah Ku Zaifah, Hanisah Mohd Noor, Kartini Abdullah, Norlelawati A. Talib
    The dopamine hypothesis has earlier dominated the theories for the
    development of schizophrenia based on the early pharmacologic evidence. The
    antipsychotic drugs, among others, is thought to interfere with the function of the
    dopamine D2 receptor (DRD2) resulting in clinical improvement. Accumulating evidence
    suggest the role of epigenetic mechanisms in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia.
    Despite this, specific evidence linking the DRD2 DNA methylation with schizophrenia is
    insufficient mainly due to the poor accessibility and limited brain samples. Of late, new
    data has suggested the global impact of DNA methylation in the development of
    schizophrenia, thus methylation in the peripheral blood could infer changes in the brain.
    The aim of this study was to assess the DRD2 DNA methylation in the peripheral blood of
  4. Ab. Razak Othman, Zuroni Md. Jusoh, Husniyah Abd. Rahim@Abdul Wahab, Wan Arnidawati Wan Abdullah, Laily Paim
    The informal sector is a major part of the Malaysian economy, and there is still insufficient information about the informal economic activities in Malaysia. In the term, 'informal economy' became current as a label for economic activities which take place outside the framework of corporate public and private sector establishments. According to International Labor Organization (ILO), the common characteristics of the informal enterprise includes the ease of entry, reliance on an indigenous resource, family ownership, small scale operations, labour-intensive and adaptive technology, skills acquired outside of the formal sector, unregulated and competitive markets. The objective of this paper is to identify the participation of informal sector among women in Malaysia. How much females participate in the informal sector and why they participate. This paper also discusses the challenges and opportunities of women participating in the informal sector in Malaysia to explain why females participate in the informal sector and the policy implications of their participation. The study found that the major challenges of women involved in informal activities which are financial difficulties, social security protection, low income, and low productivity activities with no rules/regulation. Despite all these challenges, these women are very positive about their employment and business. While informality offers greater labour flexibility, it can also exacerbate economic inefficiency and labour vulnerability. There are separate policy options for formalising workers and firms. To maximise the positive and minimise the negative, indiscriminate formalisation is ill-advised. The importance of local context in policy design is also highlighted.
  5. Zal Uyun Wan Mahmood, Yii, Mei-Wo, Che Abd. Rahim Mohamed, Norfaizal Mohamed @ Mohamad, Abdul Kadir Ishak
    The most commonly used techniques of alpha and gamma spectrometry were performed to measure
    210Pb activity in marine sediment core as a comparison. Alpha analytical technique measured the
    activity of 210Pb from it’s in-grow grand-daughter 210Po after a chemical separation, assuming
    radioactive equilibrium between the two radionuclides. Meanwhile, gamma analysis technique
    allows direct measurement, non-destructive and no preliminary chemical separation. Through the
    comparison, it is found that both alpha and gamma analysis techniques were slightly difference.
    Overall, the results from alpha analytical technique were basically higher than those from the
    gamma analytical techniques. Some logical argument had been discussed to explain this situation.
    In routine analysis, the analytical technique used should be chosen carefully based on advantages
    and disadvantages of the each technique and analysis requirements. Therefore, it is recommended to
    determine exactly the needs and purpose of analysis and to know the sample history before decide
    the appropriate analytical technique
  6. Ligam, Alfred Sanggau, Zarina Masood, Mohd Fairus Abdul Farid, Ahmad Nabil Abd Rahim, Nurhayati Ramli, Mohammad Suhaimi Kassim
    Radiation Monitoring System aims to limit the exposure dose to personnel to the lowest level
    referring to the concept of ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable). Atomic Energy Licensing
    (Basic Safety Radiation Protection) Regulations 2010 is useful to control employee and public
    radiation protection program and guideline. This paper discussed the methodology and
    implementation of the radiation protection program at PUSPATI TRIGA Reactor (RTP) which is
    implemented in Nuklear Malaysia, Complex Bangi.
  7. Nour El Huda Abd Rahim, Mohd Nabil Fikri Rahim, Norsidah Ku Zaifah, Hanisah Mohd Noor, Kartini Abdullah, Norlelawati A. Talib
    The dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia is based on the fact that hyperdopaminergic
    state is involved in causing psychosis and antipsychotic drugs block the
    dopamine receptor. COMT regulates the homeostatic levels of neurotransmitter
    dopamine in the synapses and plays a role in the neurocognitive function. The
    dysregulation of dopamine in the prefrontal cortex influences the cognitive function and
    the severity of the psychotic symptoms in schizophrenia. During epigenetic event,
    methylated COMT gene may cause reduction in its expression and contribute to the
    clinical presentation of schizophrenia. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the
    feasibility of using COMT DNA methylation for the prediction of specific psychotic
    presentation of schizophrenia. (Copied from article).
  8. Siti Fadhilah Abd. Rahim, Normala Masrom, Muhamad Cyrill Kamal, Noor Azmi Shaharuddin, Khairul Basyar Baharudin, Norliza Abu Bakar
    Water contamination by herbicides and chelating agents is increasing mainly due to the
    increasing agricultural activities. Water contamination by these compounds has become a
    concern due to their adverse effects to the environment and humans. Seven sampling sites of
    water sources in Selangor and Johor were chosen for the study. Contamination level of
    Mecoprop (MCCP), Nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) and Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) in
    these water body areas was determined by using Gas Chromatography-Electron Capture
    Detector (GC-ECD). Our results indicated that water samples of Sungai Melot in Selangor
    showed the highest presence of EDTA. MCCP was detected at a high level at Sungai Sarang
    Buaya, Johor while NTA showed similar level of concentration at three different sites, Ladang
    10, Ladang Sayur and Mardi, Selangor.
  9. Sahibin Abd Rahim, Wan Mohd Razi Idris, Zulfahmi Ali Rahman, Tukimat Lihan, Ramilan Omar, Liew KY
    Sains Malaysiana, 2012;41:11-21.
    Kajian ini dijalankan di kawasan tanih ultrabes di Felda Rokan Barat (FRB), Negeri Sembilan. Sebanyak dua puluh sampel cili, kunyit, pandan dan serai serta substratnya telah diambil secara rawak untuk penentuan kandungan logam berat Fe, Cd, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Cr dan Zn. Kandungan logam berat dalam tumbuhan diekstrak secara penghadaman basah, manakala kandungan logam berat resistan dan tersedia dalam tanih diekstrak dengan kaedah pengekstrakan berjujukan. Kandungan logam berat jumlah diperoleh dengan menjumlahkan kandungan logam berat rintang dan tersedia. Kandungan logam berat di dalam larutan ekstrak tanih dan tumbuhan ditentukan dengan menggunakan Spektrofotometer Penyerapan Atom Nyalaan (FAAS). Hasil kajian menunjukkan logam Fe adalah dominan di dalam tanih di kawasan kajian manakala kepekatan logam Cd paling rendah dengan nilai < 10 mg/kg. Sela kepekatan logam-logam berat dalam tanih ialah Fe (2618.4 hingga 4248 mg/kg), Mn (240.9 hingga 741.9 mg/kg), Zn (81.9 hingga 324.8 mg/kg), Cr (46.8 hingga 438.7 mg/kg), Cu (15.7 hingga 81.7 mg/kg), Pb (14.9 hingga 116.8 mg/kg), Ni (10.1 hingga 545.6 mg/kg), Cd (5.6 hingga 10.6 mg/kg) dan Co (0.8 hingga 126.1 mg/kg). Nilai kepekatan Fe tersedia mencatatkan nilai tertinggi bagi semua substrat tumbuhan, diikuti oleh Mn, Zn, Pb, Ni, Cr, Cu, Co dan Cd. Berdasarkan peratusan tersedia Mn, Pb dan Zn merupakan logam berat yang paling banyak tersedia diambil oleh tumbuhan dengan nilai 8 hingga 10%. Kepekatan Fe, Mn, Ni dan Zn menunjukkan purata kepekatan yang tinggi pada bahagian tumbuhan yang dikaji berbanding dengan logam lain. Nilai koefisien penyerapan biologi (BAC) bagi cili, kunyit, pandan dan serai masing-masing dalam julat 0.02-0.36, 0.03-0.41, 0.03-0.63 dan 0.03-1.15. Boleh disimpulkan bahawa penyerapan logam berat oleh tumbuhan adalah normal walaupun kepekatan logam berat dalam tanih ultrabes adalah tinggi.
  10. Sahibin Abd. Rahim, Tukimat Lihan, Zulfahmi Ali Rahman, Wan Mohd. Razi Idris, Azman Hashim, Sharilnizam M. Yusof, et al.
    Sains Malaysiana, 2007;36:9-13.
    Kandungan logam berat Fe, Cu dan Mn dalam tanih serta tumbuhan Nepenthes sp yang diambil daripada kawasan bekas lombong bijih timah dan besi di Lombong Pelepah Kanan, Kota Tinggi, Johor telah dikaji. Kandungan logam berat telah ditentukan di dalam empat bahagian tumbuhan Nepenthes sp. iaitu di dalam akar, batang, daun dan periuk. Sebanyak 15 sampel tumbuhan Nepenthes sp dan tanih dikumpul untuk dianalisis. Komposisi logam-logam berat dalam sampel tanih diekstrak dengan menggunakan campuran asid nitrik dan asid perklorik. Kandungan logam berat dalam tumbuhan pula diekstrak melalui kaedah penghadaman basah. Kandungan logam berat di dalam larutan ekstrak tanih dan tumbuhan ditentukan dengan menggunakan alat Spektrofotometer Serapan Atom Kaedah Nyalaan (FAAS). Nilai Koefisien Penyerapan Biologi (BAC) dikira sebagai nisbah kandungan logam berat dalam tumbuhan kepada kandungan logam berat dalam tanih. Analisis tanih menunjukkan kawasan bekas lombong didominasi oleh pasir dan bersifat asid. Ia juga mempunyai kandungan bahan organik dan nilai kekonduksian elektrik yang rendah. Logam Fe mencatatkan kepekatan purata paling tinggi di dalam tanih diikuti oleh Mn dan Cu. Tumbuhan Nepenthes sp boleh dijadikan sebagai pengumpul biologi untuk logam Fe kerana nilai BACnya adalah tinggi.
  11. Mohamed Ismail NA, Wan Abd Rahim WE, Salleh SA, Neoh HM, Jamal R, Jamil MA
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2014;2014:436975.
    PMID: 25587564 DOI: 10.1155/2014/436975
    Malaysia a dengue endemic country with dengue infections in pregnancy on the rise. The present study was aimed at determining dengue seroprevalence (IgG or IgM) during pregnancy and its neonatal transmission in dengue seropositive women.
  12. Jameel RA, Khan SS, Kamaruddin MF, Abd Rahim ZH, Bakri MM, Abdul Razak FB
    J Coll Physicians Surg Pak, 2014 Oct;24(10):757-62.
    PMID: 25327922 DOI: 10.2014/JCPSP.757762
    The aim of the review was to critically appraise the various pros and cons of the synthetic and herbal agents used in mouthwashes against halitosis and facilitate users to choose appropriate mouthwashes according to their need. Oral Malodour (OMO) or halitosis is a global epidemic with social and psychological impact. Use of mouthwash has been adopted worldwide to control halitosis within a past few decades. Alcohol and Chlorhexidine are common agents in synthetic mouthwashes, while Tannins and Eugenol are derived traditional herbal extracts. Each agent signifies some unique properties distinguishing them from others. Herbal ingredients are gaining the attention of the profession due to its mild side effects and competitive results. Herbal mouthwashes can be a safer choice in combating OMO, as an alternate to synthetic mouthwashes.
  13. Yary T, Soleimannejad K, Abd Rahim F, Kandiah M, Aazami S, Poor SJ, et al.
    Lipids Health Dis, 2010;9:133.
    PMID: 21087475 DOI: 10.1186/1476-511X-9-133
    BACKGROUND: Despite significant improvements in the treatment of coronary heart disease (CHD), it is still a major cause of mortality and morbidity among the Iranian population. Epidemiological studies have documented that risk factors including smoking and the biochemical profile are responsible for the development of acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Psychological factors have been discussed as potential risk factors for coronary heart disease. Among emotional factors, depression correlates with coronary heart disease, particularly myocardial infarction.
    METHODS: This case-control study was conducted on 120 cases (69 males and 51 females) of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and 120 controls, with a mean age of 62.48 ± 15.39 years. Cases and controls were matched by age, residence and sex.
    RESULTS: The results revealed that severe depression was independently associated with the risk of AMI (P = 0.025, OR = 2.6, 95% CI 1.1-5.8). The analysis of variables indicated that risk factors for developing depression were unmarried, low levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), total dietary fiber (TDF) and carbohydrates. The levels of these dietary factors were lowest in severely depressed patients compared to those categorised as moderate or mild cases. Furthermore, severely depressed subjects were associated with higher levels of total cholesterol, high systolic blood pressure (SBP) and WHR. Age, income, a family history of coronary heart disease, education level, sex, employment and smoking were not associated with severe depression.
    CONCLUSION: The present study demonstrated that severe depression symptoms are independent risk factors for AMI. Furthermore, severe depression was associated with an unhealthy diet and AMI risk factors.
    Study site: Mostafa Hospital, Ilam Province, Iran
  14. Abd Rahim MR, Kho SL, Kuppusamy UR, Tan JA
    Clin. Lab., 2015;61(9):1325-30.
    PMID: 26554253
    BACKGROUND: Beta-thalassemia is the most common genetic disorder in Malaysia. Confirmation of the β-globin gene mutations involved in thalassemia is usually carried out by molecular analysis of DNA extracted from leukocytes in whole blood. Molecular analysis is generally carried out when affected children are around 1 - 2 years as clinical symptoms are expressed during this period. Blood taking at this age can be distressing for the child. High yield and pure DNA extracted from non-invasive sampling methods can serve as alternative samples in molecular studies for genetic diseases especially in pediatric cases.

    METHODS: In this study, mouthwash, saliva, and buccal cytobrush samples were collected from β-thalassemia major patients who had previously been characterized using DNA extracted from peripheral blood. DNA was extracted from mouthwash, saliva, and buccal cytobrush samples using the conventional inexpensive phenol-chloroform method and was measured by spectrophotometry for yield and purity. Molecular characterization of β-globin gene mutations was carried out using the amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS).

    RESULTS: DNA extracted from mouthwash, saliva, and buccal cytobrush samples produced high concentration and pure DNA. The purified DNA was successfully amplified using ARMS. Results of the β-globin gene mutations using DNA from the three non-invasive samples were in 100% concordance with results from DNA extracted from peripheral blood.

    CONCLUSIONS: The conventional in-house developed methods for non-invasive sample collection and DNA extraction from these samples are effective and negate the use of more expensive commercial kits. In conclusion, DNA extracted from mouthwash, saliva, and buccal cytobrush samples provided sufficiently high amounts of pure DNA suitable for molecular analysis of β-thalassemia.

  15. Muhamad MH, Sheikh Abdullah SR, Abu Hasan H, Abd Rahim RA
    J Environ Manage, 2015 Nov 1;163:115-24.
    PMID: 26311084 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2015.08.012
    The complexity of residual toxic organics from biologically treated effluents of pulp and paper mills is a serious concern. To date, it has been difficult to choose the best treatment technique because each of the available options has advantages and drawbacks. In this study, two different treatment techniques using laboratory-scale aerobic sequencing batch reactors (SBRs) were tested with the same real recycled paper mill effluent to evaluate their treatment efficiencies. Two attached-growth SBRs using granular activated carbon (GAC) with and without additional biomass and a suspended-growth SBR were used in the treatment of real recycled paper mill effluent at a chemical oxygen demand (COD) level in the range of 800-1300 mg/L, a fixed hydraulic retention time of 24 h and a COD:N:P ratio of approximately 100:5:1. The efficiency of this biological treatment process was studied over a 300-day period. The six most important wastewater quality parameters, namely, chemical oxygen demand (COD), turbidity, ammonia (expressed as NH3-N), phosphorus (expressed as PO4(3)-P), colour, and suspended solids (SS), were measured to compare the different treatment techniques. It was determined that these processes were able to almost completely and simultaneously eliminate COD (99%) and turbidity (99%); the removals of NH3-N (90-100%), PO4(3)-P (66-78%), colour (63-91%), and SS (97-99%) were also sufficient. The overall performance results confirmed that an attached-growth SBR system using additional biomass on GAC is a promising configuration for wastewater treatment in terms of performance efficiency and process stability under fluctuations of organic load. Hence, this hybrid system is recommended for the treatment of pulp and paper mill effluents.
  16. Devang Divakar D, Mavinapalla S, Al Kheraif AA, Ramakrishnaiah R, Abd Rahim MF, Khan AA
    Med Sci Law, 2016 Jul;56(3):230-2.
    PMID: 26271077 DOI: 10.1177/0025802415599567
    Susuk, or charm needles, are small, metallic needles inserted under the skin, considered to enhance beauty, health and luck. This hidden secret of inserting susuk is a traditional superstitious ritual, widely practiced among women of Southeast Asia. Here, we present an interesting case of incidental radiographic finding of the concealed art of susuk, which was exposed on a panoramic radiograph taken on a routine basis as a part of diagnostic work up at our centre. An orthopantomogram revealed bilateral metallic foreign bodies in the maxillo-facial region. Anamnestic data affirmed the practice of the body art of susuk. The charm needles were present in the orofacial region without the patient experiencing any pathological signs or symptoms.
  17. Oyeleye AO, Mohd Yusoff SF, Abd Rahim IN, Leow ATC, Saidi NB, Normi YM
    PLoS One, 2020;15(10):e0241074.
    PMID: 33091044 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0241074
    Conventional refolding methods are associated with low yields due to misfolding and high aggregation rates or very dilute proteins. In this study, we describe the optimization of the conventional methods of reverse dilution and affinity chromatography for obtaining high yields of a cysteine rich recombinant glycoside hydrolase family 19 chitinase from Streptomyces griseus HUT6037 (SgChiC). SgChiC is a potential biocontrol agent and a reference enzyme in the study and development of chitinases for various applications. The overexpression of SgChiC was previously achieved by periplasmic localization from where it was extracted by osmotic shock and then purified by hydroxyapatite column chromatography. In the present study, the successful refolding and recovery of recombinant SgChiC (r-SgChiC) from inclusion bodies (IB) by reverse dilution and column chromatography methods is respectively described. Approximately 8 mg of r-SgChiC was obtained from each method with specific activities of 28 and 52 U/mg respectively. These yields are comparable to that obtained from a 1 L culture volume of the same protein isolated from the periplasmic space of E. coli BL21 (DE3) as described in previous studies. The higher yields obtained are attributed to the successful suppression of aggregation by a stepwise reduction of denaturant from high, to intermediate, and finally to low concentrations. These methods are straight forward, requiring the use of fewer refolding agents compared with previously described refolding methods. They can be applied to the refolding of other cysteine rich proteins expressed as inclusion bodies to obtain high yields of actively folded proteins. This is the first report on the recovery of actively folded SgChiC from inclusion bodies.
  18. Teo SH, Ng WM, Abd Rahim MR, Al-Fayyadh MZM, Ali MRM
    Indian J Orthop, 2020 Apr;54(2):168-173.
    PMID: 32257034 DOI: 10.1007/s43465-019-00024-2
    Introduction: This study aims to compare the biomechanical properties and ease of learning and tying of our novel knot (UM Knot) with other commonly used arthroscopic sliding knots.

    Materials and methods: The Duncan, HU, SMC, Pretzel, Nicky's and square knots were selected for comparisons with UM knot. All knots were prepared with size 2 HiFi® suture by a single experienced surgeon and tested with cyclic loading and load to failure tests. The ease of learning was assessed objectively by recording the time to learn the first correct knot and the total number of knots completed in 5 min by surgeons and trainees.

    Results: The UM knot average failure load is significantly superior to the HU knot (p 

  19. Hasan H, Abd Rahim MH, Campbell L, Carter D, Abbas A, Montoya A
    N Biotechnol, 2019 Sep 25;52:19-24.
    PMID: 30995533 DOI: 10.1016/j.nbt.2019.04.003
    Lovastatin is widely prescribed to reduce elevated levels of cholesterol and prevent heart-related diseases. Cultivation of Aspergillus terreus (ATCC 20542) with carbohydrates or low-value feedstocks such as glycerol produces lovastatin as a secondary metabolite and (+)-geodin as a by-product. An A. terreus mutant strain was developed (gedCΔ) with a disrupted (+)-geodin biosynthesis pathway. The gedCΔ mutant was created by inserting the antibiotic marker hygromycin B (hyg) within the gedC gene that encodes emodin anthrone polyketide synthase (PKS), a primary gene responsible for initiating (+)-geodin biosynthesis. The effects of emodin anthrone PKS gene disruption on (+)-geodin and lovastatin biosynthesis and the production of the precursors acetyl-CoA and malonyl-CoA were investigated with cultures based on glycerol alone and in combination with lactose. The gedCΔ strain showed improved lovastatin production, particularly when cultivated on the glycerol-lactose mixture, increasing lovastatin production by 80% (113 mg/L) while simultaneously inhibiting (+)-geodin biosynthesis compared to the wild-type strain. This study thus shows that suppression of the (+)-geodin pathway increases lovastatin yield and demonstrates a practical approach of manipulating carbon flux by modulating enzyme activity.
  20. Md Ralib A, Mohd Hanafiah FN, Abd Rashid I, Abd Rahim MS, Dzaharudin F, Mat Nor MB
    Int J Nephrol, 2021;2021:3465472.
    PMID: 34540290 DOI: 10.1155/2021/3465472
    Introduction: Accurate assessment of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is very important for diagnostic and therapeutic intervention. Clinically, GFR is estimated from plasma creatinine using equations such as Cockcroft-Gault, Modification of Diet in Renal Disease, and Chronic Kidney Disease-Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) equations. However, these were developed in the Western population. To the best of our knowledge, there was no equation that has been developed specifically in our population.

    Objectives: We developed a new equation based on the gold standard of 99mTc-DTPA imaging measured GFR. We then performed an internal validation by comparing the bias, precision, and accuracy of the new equation and the other equations with the gold standard of 99mTc-DTPA imaging measured GFR.

    Methods: This was a cross-sectional study using the existing record of patients who were referred for 99mTc-DTPA imaging at the Nuclear Medicine Centre, International Islamic University Malaysia. As this is a retrospective study utilising routinely collected data from the existing pool of data, the ethical committee has waived the need for informed consent.

    Results: Data of 187 patients were analysed from January 2016 to March 2021. Of these, 94 were randomised to the development cohort and 93 to the validation cohort. A new equation of eGFR was determined as 16.637 ∗ 0.9935Age ∗ (SCr/23.473)-0.45159. In the validation cohort, both CKD-EPI and the new equation had the highest correlation to 99mTc-DTPA with a correlation coefficient of 0.81 (p < 0.0001). However, the new equation had the least bias and was the most precise (mean bias of -3.58 ± 12.01) and accurate (P30 of 64.5% and P50 of 84.9%) compared to the other equations.

    Conclusion: The new equation which was developed specifically using our local data population was the most accurate and precise, with less bias compared to the other equations. Further study validating this equation in the perioperative and intensive care patients is needed.

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