Aspirasi bendasing boleh mengancam nyawa. Presentasi yang tidak tipikal dan kekurangan pengimejan diagnostik, telah membuatkan kecurigaan klinikal adalah penting. Kami ingin melaporkan kes aspirasi bendasing dalam seorang dewasa yang hadir ke Jabatan Kecemasan dalam keadaan yang tidak sedarkan diri. Lelaki berusia 31 tahun yang lumpuh disebabkan oleh keretakkan ‘cervical 7th fracture’ dihantar ke Jabatan Kecemasan selepas tidak sedarkan diri dan mengalami penurunan peratusan oksigen disebabkan oleh aspirasi bendasing. Ini adalah kes atipikal aspirasi bendasing pada pesakit yang berjaya didiagnosis dan dirawat menggunakan bronkoskopi fleksibel di Jabatan Kecemasan. Aspirasi bendasing pada orang dewasa sering diabaikan terutama jika ia tidak menyebabkan sesak nafas. Indeks kecurigaan yang tinggi diperlukan terutamanya untuk pesakit berisiko tinggi yang menunjukkan simptom atipikal. Bronkoskopi fleksibel dan ‘rigid’ adalah kaedah diagnosis dan rawatan pesakit yang disyaki aspirasi bendasing. Kesimpulannya, pelbagai jenis penemuan klinikal aspirasi bendasing yang tidak aspirasi dalam saluran udara pada orang dewasa telah dipaparkan. Faktor diagnostik yang paling penting adalah indeks klinikal curiga yang tinggi. Walaupun bronkoskopi ‘rigid’ terus menjadi instrumen pilihan untuk menghilangkan bendasing yang tidak aspisasi di saluran udara orang dewasa, tetapi bronkoskop optik gentian optik juga boleh digunakan dalam keadaan yang tertentu.
We conducted several aviary experiments to investigate the influence of colours in quantity judgments of two species of birds; house crow (Corvus splendens) and common myna (Acridotheres tristis). Different quantity (in seven different food proportions) of mealworms were presented nonsequentially to all birds using artificially coloured red mealworms, for experiment 1, and using artificially coloured green mealworms, for experiment 2. Both red and green coloured mealworms have no significant effect on house crow's quantity judgments (red:
Pepijat telah dikumpul dari seluruh Semenanjung Malaysia untuk melihat tahap kerintangan terhadap dua kelas racun serangga, piretroid dan karbamat. Dalam kajian ini, deltamethrin dan propoxur yang tersedia secara komersial digunakan untuk menguji status kerintangan pepijat tropika, Cimex hemipterus di Malaysia. Status kerintangan mereka dinilai dengan menggunakan kertas yang diresapi racun serangga, suatu kaedah bioesei yang disyorkan oleh Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO). Sepuluh pepijat dewasa dalam setiap populasi diletakkan di dalam setiap tiub dengan kertas yang diresapi 0.05% deltamethrin dan 0.1% propoxur. Pada mulanya, pepijat terdedah selama 24 jam, kemudian tempoh pendedahan dilanjutkan hingga 14 hari. Bioesei dilakukan dalam triplikat. Tahap kerintangan tertinggi dipamerkan oleh populasi AR dengan nilai masa maut (LT50) sebanyak 466.119 j di dalam tiub yang mengandungi deltametrin. Sebaliknya, propoxur sangat berkesan terhadap populasi IP (Ipoh) kerana nilai masa maut yang paling rendah, (LT50 = 153.032 j). Perbezaan yang signifikan (p < 0.005) didapati antara kelas racun serangga dan populasi pepijat. Purata kematian di kalangan populasi AR, SW, HM, PY, dan PC menunjukkan perbezaan yang signifikan apabila terdedah kepada deltametrin. Sebagai kesimpulan, propoxur menunjukkan keberkesanan yang tinggi dalam mengawal populasi pepijat. Walau bagaimanapun, keberkesanannya hanya di tempat tertentu. Sementara itu, rawatan menggunakan deltamethrin harus dielakkan oleh profesional kawalan perosak kerana keberkesanannya yang rendah.
Terumbu karang adalah ekosistem yang paling mempunyai kepelbagaian biologi di planet ini. Terumbu karang hanya dijumpai dalam lingkungan pengecilan parameter julat yang sempit, yang meletakkan terumbu karang berisiko di seluruh dunia. Terumbu karang dipengaruhi oleh kesan antropogenik dan alam sekitar yang mengubah taburan genera karang. Memahami di mana jenis karang yang berbeza terletak dan bagaimana setiap genus terjejas oleh tekanan tempatan dan global adalah penting untuk pemuliharaan. Teknik coral video transect mula digunakan pada bulan Mei 2016 untuk membandingkan taburan genera karang di tapak yang dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor yang berbeza. Tapak yang mempunyai impak paling sedikit mencatatkan pelitupan karang yang paling tinggi, tapak yang berkaitan dengan sedimen mencatatkan pelitupan yang paling rendah, dan tapak yang mempunyai aktiviti pelancongan yang tinggi mempunyai pelitupan alga yang paling besar. Acropora didapati dominan di Kepulauan Bidong dan Pulau Redang, manakala Favia, Fungia dan Porites mempunyai perlindungan karang yang agak tinggi di setiap tapak
The application of computer and machines for agricultural production has been one of the outstanding
developments in Malaysian agriculture, especially in overcoming labour shortages in Oil Palm plantations. The on-line automated weedicide sprayer system was developed at Universiti Putra
Malaysia to locate the existence and intensity of weeds in real-time environment and to spray the
weedicides automatically and precisely. During the start of the spraying operation, the web camera
will initially capture the image of weeds. The computer programme will compute the red, green, blue (RGB) values in the form of computer pixel. These values will be used as reference RGB values to be compared with the RGB values of the weeds captured real-time during the spraying operation. The sprayer nozzle will be turned ‘on’ or ‘off’, depending on the percentage or intensity of the green colour pixel value of weeds. The sprayer valve will open the nozzle/s when the camera detected the presence of weeds. The purpose is to reduce wastage, reduce labour, reduce cost, and control environment hazard.
Multi-feature methods are able to contribute to a more effective method compared to single-feature
methods since feature fusion methods will be able to close the gap that exists in the single-feature
methods. This paper presents a feature fusion method, which focuses on extracting colour and shape features for content-based image retrieval (CBIR). The colour feature is extracted based on the proposed Multi-resolution Joint Auto Correlograms (MJAC), while the shape information is obtained through the proposed Extended Generalised Ridgelet-Fourier (EGRF). These features are fused together through a proposed integrated scheme. The feature fusion method has been tested on the SIMPLIcity image database, where several retrieval measurements are utilised to compare the effectiveness of the proposed method with few other comparable methods. The retrieval results show that the proposed Integrated Colour-shape (ICS) descriptor has successfully obtained the best overall retrieval performance in all the retrieval measurements as compared to the benchmark methods, which include precision (53.50%), precision at 11 standard recall levels (52.48%), and rank (17.40).
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of xanthan gum and carrageenan on the
oil uptake and acceptability of banana (Musa acuminate) fritters during repeated deep fat
frying. Banana namely ‘Pisang Awak’ at maturity stage 6 were peeled, cut and dipped into 3
batter formulations containing 1% carrageenan, 1% xanthan gum and a control. The bananas
were deep fried at 170±5°C for 3 minutes in 2.5L cooking oil without oil replenishment for
3 consecutive days. The moisture, oil content, texture, colour and acceptability of the banana
fritters were evaluated at first and every 10th frying cycles. Results indicated that the oil and
moisture content of fried bananas were dependent on frying cycles. The oil content increased
while the moisture decreased with increased in frying cycles. There was significant reduction
(p0.05) in terms of overall acceptance between
treated and untreated. Hence, 1% xanthan gum was effective in reducing oil absorption of
banana fritters without affecting the overall sensory acceptability
In this study, physicochemical and sensory qualities of substituting jering seed flour into wheat chapatis (unleavened Indian flat bread) were evaluated at different proportions (5, 10, 15, 20 and 100% of jering seed flour). Chapati prepared with 100% of wheat flour was served as control. Results showed wheat-jering composite chapatis had significantly higher protein (12.68-15.55%), ash (1.78-2.32%) and carbohydrate contents (50.78-54.50%) than that of wheat chapatis which served as control (11.49, 1.77% and 51.62%, respectively). As for the fat content, this ranged from 1.19% to 1.03%, corresponding to the levels of jering seed flour substitution. In terms of physical characteristics, the puffed height and extensibility of the composite chapatis decreased progressively as the level of jering seed flour substitution increased. On the other hand, the peak load required to rupture chapatis showed an inverse trend. It increased significantly from 3.26 to 15.96 N. Further, the colour values of composite chapatis showed significant changes when the level of jering seed flour substitution was increased. The L* and b* values decreased while a* value increased. Regarding sensory properties, control wheat chapatis had better acceptability than the composite chapatis. However, all the composite chapatis had significantly higher nutritional values. Based on the generated results, novel chapatis could be formulated by substituting wheat with jering seed flour.
The combination of irradiation and biological technique was chosen to study COD, BOD5 and colour removal from textiles effluent in the presence of food industry wastewater. Two biological treatments, the first consisting a mix of non irradiated textile and food industry wastewater and the second a mix of irradiated textiles wastewater and food industry wastewater were operated in parallel. Reduction percentage of COD in textiles wastewater increased from 29.4% after radiation to 62.4% after further undergoing biological treatment. After irradiation, the BOD5 of textiles wastewater was reduced by 22.1%, but reverted to the original value of 36mg/1 after undergoing biological treatment. Colour had decreased from 899.5 ADMI to 379.3 ADM1 after irradiation and continued to decrease to 109.3 ADMI after passing through biological treatment.
The objective of this study was to examine the effect of different ratios of fish to tapioca flour on the linear expansion, oil absorption, colour, and crispiness of fish crackers. Four different ratios of fish to tapioca flour were used in the formulation of the fish crackers. The results showed that protein and fat content increased with the increase in the ratio of the fish. On the other hand, linear expansion and oil absorption decreased with an increase in the ratio of the fish. Hardness also increased with the increase in the ratio of the fish. The colour measurement showed that the lightness value decreased with an increase in the ratio of fish and this decrease is seen more clearly with the fried fish crackers.
Changes of physico-chemical properties such as size, weight, moisture content, total soluble solid
(TSS), colour, pH, total acidity and sugar content of red seedless watermelon during storage at room temperature (± 28ºC; 70-80% RH) were investigated. The average weight, diameter and length of red seedless watermelon were 5.94 kg, 22.0 cm and 21.8 cm respectively. The length to diameter ratio was 1.02. The statistical analysis indicated that total soluble solids of fruit decreased significantly (p
A study was done on the feasibility of inulin, a fructooligosaccharides with the health benefits of prebiotic, as partial sugar replacer in “kaya” by investigating the effects of different substitution levels (0%; control, 10%, 30% and 50%) on the sensory properties. The samples were investigated by 10 descriptive panelists for colour, sweetness, smoothness, firmness, adhesiveness and spreadability attributes before further evaluated by 100 consumers for acceptance levels. Consistent with the descriptive panel, the evaluation by the consumers showed formulated samples at 10% and 30% were comparable to the commercial “kaya” being no significant difference (p>0.05) found in acceptability scores. 50% substitution received lower acceptability scores and was significantly different (p
Magnesol XL concentration (0.5, 1, 3 and 5%), heating temperature (25, 50, 70 and 90 ˚C) and time (5, 10, 15 and 20 mnt) during purification to the color properties (Lightness L*, redness a* and yellowness b*) of Sardinella lemuru oil were evaluated. Purification using Magnesol XL in any condition effectively increase the L* and a* value but reduced the b* value of the lemuru oil. Highest L* value (96.57) was achieved at the treatment temperature 90 ˚C, 5 % level of Magnesol XL concentration and 5 minutes process. Lowest a* value (more green color) was obtained at treatment 70 ˚C temperature, 5% level of concentration and 15 minutes, then lowest b* value was obtained at treatment 90 ˚C temperature, 5 % concentration and 5 minutes process. All the refined lemuru oil’s result had a hue angle higher than 90˚ representing the light greenish-yellow color.
Road sign recognition is a driver support function that can be used to notify and warn the driver by showing the restrictions that may be effective on the current stretch of road. Examples for such regulations are 'traffic light ahead' or 'pedestrian crossing' indications. The present investigation targets the recognition of Malaysian road and traffic signs in real-time. Real-time video is taken by a digital camera from a moving vehicle and real world road signs are then extracted using vision-only information. The system is based on two stages, one performs the detection and another one is for recognition. In the first stage, a hybrid color segmentation algorithm has been developed and tested. In the second stage, an introduced robust custom feature extraction method is used for the first time in a road sign recognition approach. Finally, a multilayer artificial neural network (ANN) has been created to recognize and interpret various road signs. It is robust because it has been tested on both standard and non-standard road signs with significant recognition accuracy. This proposed system achieved an average of 99.90% accuracy with 99.90% of sensitivity, 99.90% of specificity, 99.90% of f-measure, and 0.001 of false positive rate (FPR) with 0.3 s computational time. This low FPR can increase the system stability and dependability in real-time applications.
In this studies gamma and electron beam irradiation was used to treat textile waste water. Comparisons between both types of irradiation in terms of effectiveness to degrade the pollutants present in textile waste water were done. Prior to irradiation, the raw wastewater was diluted using distilled water to a target concentration of COD 400 mg/l. The sample was irradiated at selected doses between the ranges of 10 kGy to 100 kGy. The results showed that irradiation has significantly contributed in the reduction of the highly colored refractory organic pollutants. The COD removal at the lowest dose, 10 kGy was reduced to 390 mg/l for gamma and 400 mg/l for electron beam. Meanwhile, at the highest dose, 100 kGy, the COD was reduced to 125 mg/l for gamma and 144 mg/l for electron beam. The degree of removal is influenced by the dose introduced during the treatment process. As the dose increased, the higher the removal of organic pollutant was recorded. However, gamma irradiation is more effective although the differences are not significant between gamma and electron beam irradiation. On the other hand, other properties of the wastewater such as pH, turbidity, suspended solid, BOD and color also shows a gradual decrease as the dose increases for both types of irradiation.
The physical attributes (pH and colour), cooking yield, textural and mechanical properties (firmness, tensile and texture profiles analyses) and structural breakdown properties (multiple extrusion cell with added artificial saliva) of five yellow alkaline noodle (YAN) formulations were studied. Samples used were noodles with (a) typical formulation (control), (b) soy protein isolate (SPI), (c) soy protein isolate plus microbial transglutaminase enzyme (SPI/MTGase), (d) green banana pulp flour (GBPu) and (e) green banana peel flour (GBPe). Compared to other noodles SPI/MTGase noodle showed significantly (P < 0.05) higher values in terms of textural, mechanical and breakdown properties. Incorporating SPI, banana pulp and peel flours into the noodles had imposed some differences on most of the mechanical and textural parameters from the control YAN. However, these noodles could not be clearly distinguished in term of structural breakdown properties.
Extract of mengkudu was heated using a bench-top tube heat exchanger at 30, 50, 70 and 90 o C for 0, 5, 10 and 15 min residence time. The treated mengkudu extract was then measured for pH, L * , a * , b * color parameters, clarity, viscosity and total polyphenol content. Results show that heating using temperature of 30 to 90 o C for 5 to 15 mins significantly (p
This paper studies the use of gamma irradiation for textile waste water treatment. Prior to irradiation, the raw wastewa ter was diluted using tap water to targeted concentration of COD 400 mg/l. The sample was irradiated at selected dose between the ranges of 2kGy to 100kGy. The results showed that Irradiation was effective in removing the highly colored refractory organic pollutants. The COD removal at lowest dose, 2kGy is about 310 mg/l. Meanwhile, at highest dose, 1 00kGy the COD reduced to 100mg/l. The degree of removal influenced by the dose introduced during the treatment pro cess. As the dose increased, higher removal of organic pollutant was recorded. On the other hand, other properties of t he wastewater such as pH, turbidity, suspended solid, BOD and color shows tremendous changes as the dose increases. This shows the concentration of pollutants and dose of irradiation applied are directly proportional to each other.
Spatio-temporal datasets are a collection of datasets where data can vary in both space and time. Theoretically, such datasets can be considered as continuous and discrete. For example, specification of the function, F: Ed T Rn, where Ed denotes d-dimensional Euclidean space, T = R* ∩ {} the domain of time and Rn an n-dimensional scalar field. Examples of such data sets include time-varying simulation results, film and videos, time-varying medical datasets, geometry models with motion or deformation, meteorological measurements, and many more. It is therefore highly desirable to use visualisation to summarize meaningful information in higher dimensional spatio-temporal datasets. Our aim is to conceive an efficient visual study to facilitate scientists in identifying temporal association among complex and chaotic atom movements in ion trajectories. An application that uses a streamline for spatial motion of ion trajectories and Colour Number Coding Scheme for temporal encoding of high degree of timeline events among mobile ions is proposed. With an anthology of the visual examples, it was revealed that this application would be beneficial for scientists to visually mine any 3D spatio-temporal dataset.
Data from heavy ion collisions suggest that the evolution of a parton shower is modified by interactions with the color charges in the dense partonic medium created in these collisions, but it is not known where in the shower evolution the modifications occur. The momentum ratio of the two leading partons, resolved as subjets, provides information about the parton shower evolution. This substructure observable, known as the splitting function, reflects the process of a parton splitting into two other partons and has been measured for jets with transverse momentum between 140 and 500 GeV, in pp and PbPb collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV per nucleon pair. In central PbPb collisions, the splitting function indicates a more unbalanced momentum ratio, compared to peripheral PbPb and pp collisions.. The measurements are compared to various predictions from event generators and analytical calculations.