Displaying publications 61 - 80 of 166 in total

  1. Nor Azura Ahmad Tarmidzi, Wan Abdul Fattah Wan Ismail, Nik Salida Suhaila Nik Salleh, Mualimin Mochammad Sahid, Haslinda Ramli, Nalisha Mohamed Ramli, et al.
    The position of facial bones contribute great impact to the shape of the face. Shape
    of these underlying facial bones responsible for a person facial proportions, angles and contours.
    Facial deformity can either be congenital or acquired. Functional impairment related to facial
    deformity include chewing problems, breathing problems, speech impairments and
    temporomandibular joint pathology. Orthognathic surgery is a procedure involving incision and
    manipulation using instrument to align the jaws. Performing cosmetic surgery seems to change the
    creation of Allah and the original law of changing Allah creation is prohibited. (Copied from article).
    Matched MeSH terms: Face
  2. Nasir SH, Popat H, Richmond S
    Heliyon, 2020 Jun;6(6):e04093.
    PMID: 32514484 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e04093
    Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the influence of different morphological lip shape during lip movement.

    Method: A sample of 80 individuals with three-dimensional facial images at rest and during speech were recorded. Subjects were asked to pronounce four bilabial words in a relaxed manner and scanned using the 3dMDFace™ Dynamic System at 48 frames per second. Six lip landmarks were identified at rest and the landmark displacement vectors for the frame of maximal lip movement for all six visemes were recorded. Principal component analysis was applied to isolate relationship between lip traits and their registered coordinates. Eight specific resting morphological lip traits were identified for each individual. The principal component (PC) scores for each viseme were labelled by lip morphological trait and were graphically visualized as ellipses to discriminate any differences in lip movement.

    Results: The first five PCs accounted for up to 95% of the total variance in lip shape during movement, with PC1 accounting for at least 38%. There was no clear discrimination between PC1, PC2 and PC3 for any of the resting morphological lip traits.

    Conclusion: Lip shapes during movement are more uniform between individuals and resting morphological lip shape does not influence movement of the lips.

    Matched MeSH terms: Face
  3. Lee JKW, Janssen SMJ, Estudillo AJ
    Conscious Cogn, 2022 Oct;105:103400.
    PMID: 36030615 DOI: 10.1016/j.concog.2022.103400
    Studies have suggested that the holistic advantage in face perception is not always reported for the own face. With two eye-tracking experiments, we explored the role of holistic and featural processing in the processing and the recognition of self, personally familiar, and unfamiliar faces. Observers were asked to freely explore (Exp.1) and recognize (Exp.2) their own, a friend's, and an unfamiliar face. In Exp.1, self-face was fixated more and longer and there was a preference for the mouth region when seeing the own face and for the nose region when seeing a friend and unfamiliar faces. In Exp.2, the viewing strategies did not differ across all faces, with eye fixations mostly directed to the nose region. These results suggest that task demands might modulate the way that the own face is perceived and highlights the importance of considering the role of the distinct visual experience people have for the own face in the processing and recognition of the self-face.
    Matched MeSH terms: Face
  4. Zuhdi AS, Ahmad WA, Zaki RA, Mariapun J, Ali RM, Sari NM, et al.
    Singapore Med J, 2016 Apr;57(4):191-7.
    PMID: 26768171 DOI: 10.11622/smedj.2015145
    The elderly are often underrepresented in clinical trials for acute coronary syndrome (ACS), and cardiologists commonly face management dilemmas in the choice of treatment for this group of patients, particularly concerning the use of invasive revascularisation. This study analysed the characteristics of hospitalised elderly patients with ACS, and compared the outcomes of treatments.
    Matched MeSH terms: Face
  5. Sarkar MSK, Al-Amin AQ, Filho WL
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2019 Feb;26(6):6000-6013.
    PMID: 30612378 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-018-3947-1
    This article projects the social cost of carbon (SCC) and other related consequences of climate change by using Malaysia's intended nationally determined contribution (INDC) and climate vision 2040 (CV2040) by 2050. It compares the projections derived from the Dynamic Integrated Model of the Climate and Economy (DICME) based on the respective INDC and CV2040 scenario. The results reveal that industrial emissions would incur a substantial increase every 5 years under the scenario CV2040, while Malaysia would experience lower industrial emissions in the coming years under the scenario INDC. Emission intensity in Malaysia will be 0.61 and 0.59 tons/capita in 2030 for scenario CV2040 and scenario INDC respectively. Malaysia would face climate damage of MYR456 billion and MYR 49 billion by 2050 under CV2040 and INDC scenario respectively. However, climate damage could be much lower if the INDC regime were adopted, as this scenario would decrease climatic impacts over time. The estimated SSC per ton of CO2 varies between MYR74 and MYR97 for scenario CV2040 and MYR44 and MYR62 for scenario INDC in 2030 and 2050 respectively. Considering different aspects, including industrial emissions, damage cost, and social cost of carbon, INDC is the best policy compared to CV2040. Thus, Malaysia could achieve its emissions reduction target by implementing INDC by 2050.
    Matched MeSH terms: Face
  6. Hariri F, Malek RA, Abdullah NA, Hassan SF
    Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 2024 Apr;53(4):293-300.
    PMID: 37739816 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijom.2023.08.009
    Midface hypoplasia in syndromic craniosynostosis (SC) may lead to serious respiratory issues. The aim of this study was to analyse the morphometric correlation between midface and cranial base parameters in paediatric SC patients in order to formulate predictive regression models. The computed tomography scans of 18 SC patients and 20 control were imported into Materialise Mimics Medical version 21.0 software for the measurement of multiple craniofacial landmarks and correlation analysis. The results showed a strong correlation of anterior cranial base (SN), posterior cranial base (SBa), and total cranial base (NBa) (r = 0.935) to maxilla length and width (ZMR-ZML) (r = 0.864). The model of NBa = - 1.554 + 1.021(SN) + 0.753(SBa) with R2 = 0.875 is proposed to demonstrate the development of the cranial base that causes a certain degree of midface hypoplasia in SC patients. The formula is supported using a prediction model of ZMR-ZML = 5.762 + 0.920(NBa), with R2 = 0.746. The mean absolute difference and standard deviation between the predicted and true NBa and ZMR-ZML were 2.08 ± 1.50 mm and 3.11 ± 2.32 mm, respectively. The skeletal growth estimation models provide valuable foundation for further analysis and potential clinical application.
    Matched MeSH terms: Face
  7. Mohan K, Sivarajan S, Lau MN, Othman SA, Fayed MMS
    J Orofac Orthop, 2024 Mar;85(2):146-162.
    PMID: 35829730 DOI: 10.1007/s00056-022-00411-9
    PURPOSE: This review systematically evaluates the evidence related to comparisons between skeletal and conventional anchorage protocols in the treatment of bimaxillary proclination patients who underwent premolars extraction with respect to soft tissue profile changes, treatment duration and three-dimensional (3D) soft tissue changes.

    METHODS: Electronic database search and hand search with no language limitations were conducted in the Cochrane Library, PubMed, Ovid, Web of Science, Scopus and ClinicalTrials.gov. The selection criteria were set to include studies with patients aged 13 years and above requiring extractions of upper and lower first premolars to treat bimaxillary proclination with high anchorage demand. Risk of bias assessment was undertaken with Cochrane's Risk Of Bias tool 2.0 (ROB 2.0) for randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and ROBINS‑I tool for nonrandomised prospective studies. The Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) approach was used for quality assessment. Results were summarised qualitatively; no meta-analysis was conducted.

    RESULTS: Two RCTs and two nonrandomised prospective studies were included. According to the GRADE approach, there is low to very low quality of evidence that treatment using mini-implant anchorage may significantly change nasolabial angle, upper and lower lip procumbence, and facial convexity angle compared to treatment with conventional anchorage. Similarly, very low quality evidence exists showing no differences in treatment duration between treatments with skeletal or conventional anchorage.

    CONCLUSIONS: The overall existing evidence regarding the effect of anchorage protocols on soft tissue changes in patients with bimaxillary protrusion and premolar extraction treatment plans is of low quality.


    Matched MeSH terms: Face
  8. Lim T
    Dermatol Clin, 2024 Jan;42(1):121-128.
    PMID: 37977678 DOI: 10.1016/j.det.2023.06.007
    Facial overfilled syndrome is an underdiagnosed aesthetic complication due to multiple incorrect placements of fillers. Facial distortion due to the overfilled syndrome can be exaggerated by facial expressions and movements and worsens with tissue ptosis due to aging. Commonly "produced" by practitioners depending solely on fillers as a single modality for treatment, the overfilled syndrome can be seen among those who had volume overload in the midface, forehead, chin, and nose. Incorrectly placed dermal fillers, poor selection of filler products, overzealous attempts by the injectors, and overly enthusiastic clients who "chase the lines" are the common causes of this phenomenon.
    Matched MeSH terms: Face
  9. Nayak SB, Vasudeva SK, Pamidi N, Sirasanagandla SR
    J Craniofac Surg, 2020 Oct;31(7):2015-2016.
    PMID: 32472879 DOI: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000006539
    Knowledge of variant course and branching pattern of the facial artery gains importance in the surgeries of upper neck and face. The authors report a unilateral anomalous course and a redundant loop of right facial artery as seen in an adult male cadaver. The right facial artery had its origin from the external carotid artery. It pierced through the submandibular salivary gland and formed a redundant loop at the base of the mandible. Its further course and branching pattern was normal. This case could be important for radiologists, plastic surgeons and craniofacial surgeons.
    Matched MeSH terms: Face/blood supply*; Face/surgery*
  10. Kanneppady SK, Balamanikandasrinivasan, Kumaresan R, Sakri SB
    Dent Res J (Isfahan), 2013 May;10(3):353-8.
    PMID: 24019804
    The patterns of facial growth, jaw and tooth size are inherited and are likely to differ among population and races. Aim of this study is to evaluate and compare the pattern of third molar (3M) impaction among three different ethnic groups (Chinese, Indian, Malay) of patients attending AIMST Dental Institute, Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Face
  11. Md Ghani NA, Liong CY, Jemain AA
    Forensic Sci Int, 2010 May 20;198(1-3):143-9.
    PMID: 20211535 DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2010.02.011
    The task of identifying firearms from forensic ballistics specimens is exacting in crime investigation since the last two decades. Every firearm, regardless of its size, make and model, has its own unique 'fingerprint'. These fingerprints transfer when a firearm is fired to the fired bullet and cartridge case. The components that are involved in producing these unique characteristics are the firing chamber, breech face, firing pin, ejector, extractor and the rifling of the barrel. These unique characteristics are the critical features in identifying firearms. It allows investigators to decide on which particular firearm that has fired the bullet. Traditionally the comparison of ballistic evidence has been a tedious and time-consuming process requiring highly skilled examiners. Therefore, the main objective of this study is the extraction and identification of suitable features from firing pin impression of cartridge case images for firearm recognition. Some previous studies have shown that firing pin impression of cartridge case is one of the most important characteristics used for identifying an individual firearm. In this study, data are gathered using 747 cartridge case images captured from five different pistols of type 9mm Parabellum Vektor SP1, made in South Africa. All the images of the cartridge cases are then segmented into three regions, forming three different set of images, i.e. firing pin impression image, centre of firing pin impression image and ring of firing pin impression image. Then geometric moments up to the sixth order were generated from each part of the images to form a set of numerical features. These 48 features were found to be significantly different using the MANOVA test. This high dimension of features is then reduced into only 11 significant features using correlation analysis. Classification results using cross-validation under discriminant analysis show that 96.7% of the images were classified correctly. These results demonstrate the value of geometric moments technique for producing a set of numerical features, based on which the identification of firearms are made.
    Matched MeSH terms: Face
  12. Kattimani V, Tiwari RVC, Gufran K, Wasan B, Shilpa PH, Khader AA
    J Int Soc Prev Community Dent, 2019 04 12;9(2):99-105.
    PMID: 31058058 DOI: 10.4103/jispcd.JISPCD_430_18
    Background: Ever-changing perception of beauty from childhood to old age is changing with the revolution in cosmeceuticals science. Esthetics is an individual's perception since time immemorial. Standards of beauty have changed through centuries with increased awareness about esthetics. The face remains main source of information for identification and discrimination. It constitutes a structural ground for many nonverbal messages including the emotional state of a person, so the proverb "Face is an index of mind" holds good. The wrinkles and laxity are considered to be one of the factors for aging. Hence, escalating demand for cosmetic treatment to reduce facial wrinkles and laxity has stimulated us to search for published literature for nonsurgical techniques for enhancement of facial beauty. The review analyzed the published data to provide narrative basic review in a concise way to the beginners, clinicians, and students.

    Materials and Methods: We have adopted search criteria using keywords: Botox, Botulinum toxin, incobotulinumtoxinA, esthetics, face, uses of Botox, with various Boolean operators and or in title, and abstract using PubMed search engine. The database search limited to PubMed only from January 2013 to June 2018.

    Results: Various search results have been appended as annexures at the end of the article for further reference for the readers. Finally, 17 references were selected to write narrative review to meet our objectives.

    Conclusion: The advancing front in the use of toxins is an emerging science for the beautification of a face. Botox exploded in to market because of efficacy, tolerability, and minimally invasive nature. The present review gives brief about the history of Botulinum toxin, types, mechanism of action, clinical indications, preparations, storage, and technique for various uses with a brief note on patient selection, contraindications, and complications.

    Matched MeSH terms: Face
  13. Sayfaldeen Kashmoola, Tengku Fazrina Tengku Mohd Ariff, Hazmyr Abdul Wahab
    ESTEEM Academic Journal, 2020;16(1):27-37.
    Anthropometry is defined as the scientific study of the measurements and proportions of the human body. To date, the most used methods for the acquisition of facial anthropometric parameters are direct method employing calipers and protractors tools, which are time-consuming, or indirect methods employing three-dimensional (3D) imaging systems, which are expensive. Despite the possible advantages of two-dimensional (2D) photography, it is not widely explored due to complications such as resolution and distortion of digital photos. The objective of this study is to
    assess the accuracy of the Digital Single-Lens Reflector (DSLR) camera as an indirect method against direct method at different aperture and distance to subject. Adults aged 20-45 years were voluntarily recruited in this study (n=24). Twelve facial anthropometric parameters were measured for each participant using direct anthropometry (sliding caliper), and indirect anthropometry (DSLR camera). When placing the DSLR camera at 2.0 meters from subjects with f/6.3 aperture, nine facial anthropometric parameters were obtained accurately (p> .05). The findings suggested that
    the accuracy of the DSLR camera as an indirect method for the acquisition of facial anthropometric parameters was established at the aperture setting of f/6.3 and the object distance at 2.0 meters. Therefore, it can be recommended as a facial anthropometry acquisition technique.
    Matched MeSH terms: Face
  14. Shamim R., Yahia F.H., Wan Islah L., Raman R.
    We report a child with Proboscis Lateralis with nasal aplasia and complete agenesis of maxillary and
    ethmoidal sinuses. This is a rare congenital malformation. Embryological basis has not been proven, and it is often associated with facial malformation. However, no such abnormality was noted in our patient. This condition is diagnosed clinically and confirmed radiologically of which CT scan plays a pivotal role. Reconstructive surgery is planned at the age of fifteen years.
    Matched MeSH terms: Face
  15. Fasihah Zulkiflee, Ahmad Qushairi Mohamad, Sharidan Shafie, Arshad Khan
    MATEMATIKA, 2019;35(2):117-127.
    Free convection flow in a boundary layer region is a motion that results from the interaction of gravity with density differences within a fluid. These differences occur due to temperature or concentration gradients or due to their composition. Studies per- taining free convection flows of incompressible viscous fluids have received much attention in recent years both theoretically (exact or approximate solutions) and experimentally. The situation where the heat be transported to the convective fluid via a bounding sur- face having finite heat capacity is known as Newtonian heating (or conjugate convective flows). In this paper, the unsteady free convection flow of an incompressible viscous fluid between two parallel plates with Newtonian heating is studied. Appropriate non- dimensional variables are used to reduce the dimensional governing equations along with imposed initial and boundary conditions into dimensionless forms. The exact solutions for velocity and temperature are obtained using the Laplace transform technique. The corresponding expressions for skin friction and Nusselt number are also calculated. The graphical results are displayed to illustrate the influence of various embedded parameters such as Newtonian heating parameter and Grashof number. The results show that the effect of Newtonian heating parameter increases the Nusselt number but reduces the skin friction.
    Matched MeSH terms: Face
  16. Estudillo AJ, Wong HK
    PeerJ, 2021;9:e10629.
    PMID: 33510971 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.10629
    The 20-Item Prosopagnosia Items (PI-20) was recently introduced as a self-report measure of face recognition abilities and as an instrument to help the diagnosis of prosopagnosia. In general, studies using this questionnaire have shown that observers have moderate to strong insights into their face recognition abilities. However, it remains unknown whether these insights are equivalent for the whole range of face recognition abilities. The present study investigates this issue using the Mandarin version of the PI-20 and the Cambridge Face Memory Test Chinese (CFMT-Chinese). Our results showed a moderate negative association between the PI-20 and the CFMT-Chinese. However, this association was driven by people with low and high face recognition ability, but absent in people within the typical range of face recognition performance. The implications of these results for the study of individual differences and the diagnosis of prosopagnosia are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Face
  17. Leal Filho W, Azeiteiro UM, Balogun AL, Setti AFF, Mucova SAR, Ayal D, et al.
    Sci Total Environ, 2021 Jul 20;779:146414.
    PMID: 33735656 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.146414
    Climate change is one of the major challenges societies round the world face at present. Apart from efforts to achieve a reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases so as to mitigate the problem, there is a perceived need for adaptation initiatives urgently. Ecosystems are known to play an important role in climate change adaptation processes, since some of the services they provide, may reduce the impacts of extreme events and disturbance, such as wildfires, floods, and droughts. This role is especially important in regions vulnerable to climate change such as the African continent, whose adaptation capacity is limited by many geographic and socio-economic constraints. In Africa, interventions aimed at enhancing ecosystem services may play a key role in supporting climate change adaptation efforts. In order to shed some light on this aspect, this paper reviews the role of ecosystems services and investigates how they are being influenced by climate change in Africa. It contains a set of case studies from a sample of African countries, which serve the purpose to demonstrate the damages incurred, and how such damages disrupt ecosystem services. Based on the data gathered, some measures which may assist in fostering the cause of ecosystems services are listed, so as to cater for a better protection of some of the endangered Africa ecosystems, and the services they provide.
    Matched MeSH terms: Face
  18. Balela, M.D.L., Lockman, Z., Azizan, A., Matsubara, E., Amorsolo , A.V. Jr.
    Monodispersed and size-tunable nanocrystalline cobalt (Co) particles in the range of 100 to 400 nm are prepared by the reduction of Co(II) species in propylene glycol. Control of the particle size is achieved by varying the initial Co(II) species concentration and by the addition of nucleating agents. Smaller Co particles are produced with increasing amounts of Co(II) species and in the presence of nucleating agents. X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) shows that the Co particles are predominantly face-centered cubic crystals of about 8-14 nm. The Co particles are also ferromagnetic at room temperature.
    Matched MeSH terms: Face
  19. Cheong, Lee Mei, Fariza Hann Abdul Razak
    This exploratory study is part of an on-going project about digital cultures on ageism, anonymity, and gendering. An avatar is the graphical representation of the online user. The study investigates the avatars drawn by a group of 76 young adults studying in a local university. A face-to-face interview was conducted to ascertain the features drawn. Results show that the avatars are more characterized by the sexual features related to the body, face, clothes, and a major number of context elements. The females tend to represent themselves in greater detail than the males. The former created gendered identities for themselves according to their offline gender identity and social contexts. The study illustrates that the hand drawing is an effective tool that analyses the online representation in an unobtrusive way. The expressions of gendering show that gender is consciously constructed. Gendering of avatars does permeate the virtual world. This study is a valuable addition to the growing body of work on social interaction in cyberspace.
    Matched MeSH terms: Face
  20. Ahmed M. Mbarib, Mohammad Hamiruce Marhaban, Abdul Rahman Ramli
    Skin colour is an important visual cue for face detection, face recogmtlon, hand segmentation for gesture analysis and filtering of objectionable images. In this paper, the adaptive skin color detection model is proposed, based on two bivariate normal distribution models of the skin chromatic subspace, and on image segmentation using an automatic and adaptive multi-thresholding technique. Experimental results on images presenting a wide range of variations in lighting condition and background demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed skin-segmentation algorithm.
    Matched MeSH terms: Face
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