METHOD: Papers were identified through five electronic databases based on 15 keywords and were included if they met the following criteria: published in English, described the implementation of parent-report instruments, and included children with neurological impairments (either in the report or a related study population).
RESULTS: In total, 1220 relevant abstracts were screened and 22 full-text articles were evaluated. The following six parent-report instruments met the inclusion criteria: (1) Screening Tool of Feeding Problems applied to children, (2) Paediatric Eating Assessment Tool, (3) Paediatric Assessment Scale for Severe Feeding Problems, (4) Montreal Children's Hospital Feeding Scale, (5) Children's Eating Behaviour Inventory, and (6) Behavioural Paediatric Feeding Assessment Scale (BPFAS). Based on comprehensive psychometric testing and consistently good results, the BPFAS was considered the most valid and reliable instrument. The BPFAS also showed good clinical applicability because it was readily available, required a short administration time, and used a simple scoring system.
INTERPRETATION: We reviewed the available parent-report instruments for assessing feeding difficulties in children with neurological impairments. The BPFAS had the best psychometric properties and clinical applicability.
WHAT THIS PAPER ADDS: Six parent-report instruments were suitable for assessing feeding in children with neurological impairments. The Behavioural Paediatric Feeding Assessment Scale (BPFAS) has the strongest psychometric properties. The BPFAS also has good clinical applicability.
Methods: A systematic review process was conducted through four academic databases namely Scopus, Wiley Online Library, Emerald and Web of Science of no limitation for date. Overall, 3443 titles were identified and after several screening and reviewing processes, only 27 studies were included.
Results: The results of the review demonstrated mixed findings between subjective norm and risky driving behavior, whereas the relationship between group norm, moral norm, injunctive norm, descriptive norm and risky driving behavior were observed significant.
Conclusion: Appropriate educational awareness is required to educate the society in practicing good norms for mutual benefit of the society. Parents also need to set a good example for their children by abiding the traffic rules and regulation.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Systematic searches of PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science databases were conducted. Independent reviewers screened the title, abstract and full texts according to predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Articles published in English from January 2012 to March 2022 reporting the QoL of non-syndromic young patients aged 7-18 years with CL/P were included. Review articles and articles reporting the psychological adjustment of parents or other family members with CL/P were excluded.
RESULTS: 975 publications were identified, of which 20 studies met our inclusion criteria. The majority of studies reported that the CL/P condition has a negative impact on the QoL. Psychological health, functional well-being, socialemotional well-being and school environment are domains that are affected. Compared with typically developing young patients, those with CL/P had lower QoL scores even though QoL was assessed using different instruments across studies. The impact of CL/P on overall QoL scores varied by age but not gender or cleft type.
CONCLUSION: Our reviews had shown the presence of CL/P negatively affects the QoL of young patients. Psychological health is the most affected QoL domain. Understanding the impacted domain will help in planning and delivering better health care for individuals with CL/P and reducing the stigma commonly associated with CL/P. Future studies should target intervention on psychological health and consider resilience factors towards positive adjustment.
DESIGN: This is a qualitative study conducted among children with asthma and their parents. We used purposive sampling and conducted focus groups and interviews using a semi-structured topic guide in the participants' preferred language. All interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim, entered into NVivo and analysed using a grounded theory approach.
SETTINGS: We identified children aged 7-12 years with parent-reported, physician-diagnosed asthma from seven suburban primary schools in Malaysia. Focus groups and interviews were conducted either at schools or a health centre.
RESULTS: Ninety-nine participants (46 caregivers, 53 children) contributed to 24 focus groups and 6 individual interviews. Children mirrored their parents' management of asthma but, in parallel, learnt and gained confidence to independently self-manage asthma from their own experiences and self-experimentation. Increasing independence was more apparent in children aged 10 years and above. Cultural norms and beliefs influenced children's independence to self-manage asthma either directly or indirectly through their social network. External influences, for example, support from school and healthcare, also played a role in the transition.
CONCLUSION: Children learnt the skills to self-manage asthma as early as 7 years old with growing independence from the age of 10 years. Healthcare professionals should use child-centred approach and involve schools to facilitate asthma self-management and support a smooth transition to independent self-management.
TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: Malaysian National Medical Research Register (NMRR-15-1242-26898).
CONCLUSION: This report tries to briefly discuss the current concepts regarding the etiology of LCH. An attempt has been made to emphasis the need for a through systemic examination. The protocol of investigative procedures to be adopted in LCH is also discussed.