Displaying publications 61 - 80 of 318 in total

  1. Wan Shahrazad WS, Ariffin Hj Z, Mohd AS
    Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia, 2010;olume 24:137-149.
    Isu kepuasan kerja telah menjadi fokus banyak kajian dalam psikologi industri dan organisasi kerana ia merupakan satu petunjuk kepada pencapaian tinggi. Banyak instrumen psikologi telah dibina untuk mengukur kepuasan kerja dan satu daripadanya ialah Job Descriptive Index (JDI). Kajian ini bertujuan menilai aspek psikometrik Job Descriptive Index (JDI) khususnya kesahan konvergen dan diskriminan. Sejumlah 366 responden dipilih dalam kalangan pegawai polis yang berkhidmat sebagai pegawai keselamatn di satu organisasi. Mereka diminta menjawab JDI. Analisis statistik yang digunakan ilah kolerasi Pearson, alfa Cronbach dan analisis multitret-multimetod menggunakan pekali W. Keputusan menunjukkan bahawa JDI mempunyai kesahan konvergen yang memuaskan dengan lima subskala Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ). Dapatan ini jelas menunjukkan bukti kesahan gagasan telah diperoleh dalam analisis matriks multitret-multimetod. Disamping itu, JDI juga menunjukkan kesahan kriteria dengan kolerasi signifikan di antara kepuasan kerja dan komitmen organisasi. Bukti-bukti kesahan gagasan dan kriteria ini disokong oleh keputusan alfa cronbach yang tinggi menunjukkan bahawa ia adalah satu instrumen yang mempunyai kesahan dan kebolehpercayaan untuk mengukur kepuasan kerja.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction
  2. Vasil'ev YL, Dydykin SS, Kashtanov AD, Molotok EV, Lyakisheva AA, Kytko OV, et al.
    Anat Sci Educ, 2023 Mar;16(2):196-208.
    PMID: 36571469 DOI: 10.1002/ase.2248
    Anatomy is increasingly taught using computer-assisted learning tools, including electronic interactive anatomy dissection tables. Anatomage was he first virtual anatomy dissection table introduced in Russian medical universities and gained popularity among lecturers and students. The Pirogov interactive anatomy table was recently released, but the strengths and weakness of each platform is currently unknown. The objective of this article is to survey lecturers in anatomy to understand their perspectives on the Pirogov versus Anatomage virtual dissection tables' application to teaching in medical universities. A total of 80 anatomy educators from 12 Russian universities, using Anatomage (n = 40) and Pirogov (n = 40) tables were surveyed regarding their satisfaction with the application of the respective tables. Using a five-point Likert scale, both tables were assessed, and responses were statistically analyzed. In addition, qualitative analysis was performed on free response comments provided by survey respondents. There was no significant difference in overall satisfaction ratings between Pirogov (4.38 ± 0.53) and Anatomage (3.94 ± 0.60) interactive tables (p > 0.05). The Anatomage table ranked significantly higher on the accuracy of displayed anatomical details, resolution of the images, and its suitability for teaching senior medical and postgraduate students. Pirogov table performed significantly better on survey items measuring ergonomics, ability to assess students' performance, and teaching basic anatomy to junior first- and second-year medical students. Thus, in summary, anatomists' responses indicated that while both tables are suitable for teaching anatomy, the Pirogov table was superior in undergraduate medical education and the Anatomage table was more beneficial for teaching more senior trainees.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction
  3. Rahman MK, Hoque MN, Yusuf SNS, Yusoff MNHB, Begum F
    PLoS One, 2023;18(1):e0280108.
    PMID: 36662905 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0280108
    This study aims to investigate the customers' perceptions of Islamic banking services and their impact on satisfaction and word of mouth (WOM) with others. This study designs the bootstrapping procedures using a partial least square method to test path coefficient results. Structured questionnaires were distributed among clients of Islamic banks in Dhaka city, where 377 responses were collected for data analysis. The findings revealed that there is a highly significant relationship between security and customers' perception. Ethical responsibility and religious value have a positive and significant impact on customers' perception whereas benefit has a negative significant impact on customers' perception. Findings from this study also indicated that customers' perceptions mediate the effect of ethical responsibility, religious value, benefit, and security on satisfaction. In addition, customers' satisfaction mediates the effect of customers' perception and WOM. These findings can promote managers of Islamic banks to build customer satisfaction and WOM with Islamic banking services, and attain competitive advantage that may lead Islamic banks to succeed in the competitive business. This study also provides new insights into customers' WOM with others about Islamic banking services. This knowledge could assist Islamic banks to understand the customers' perceptions that would increase satisfaction and in turn, contribute to WOM with others in determining where would be best to target marketing attention of Islamic banking services with limited resources.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction
  4. Lin X, Mamun AA, Yang Q, Masukujjaman M
    PLoS One, 2023;18(5):e0286382.
    PMID: 37256860 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0286382
    For logistics service providers (LSPs), improving customer satisfaction and obtaining customer re-use intention are key to gaining sustainable competitive advantages and success. Logistics service quality (LSQ) is a concern for logistics service providers, retailers, and customers. The proposed model, which is based on the stimuli-organism-response theory and the logistics service quality framework, integrates operational quality, resource quality, information quality, personal contact quality, customization quality, and customer satisfaction to study logistics service re-use intentions. The data were obtained from an online survey using a structured questionnaire given to those with experience in logistics service. Using partial least squares structural equation modeling on 810 respondents who were adult Chinese customers, this study discovered that operational, resource, information, personal contact, and customization qualities positively affect the satisfaction of logistics service customers, while customer satisfaction positively affects re-use intention. Moreover, the results of the mediation analysis revealed that customer satisfaction mediated the connection between the five components of LSQ and the re-use intention of logistics services. The originality of the study lies in its comprehensive examination of the direct and indirect effects of service quality dimensions on customer satisfaction and logistics service re-use intention in the context of logistics services. This study provides valuable insights into the importance of customer satisfaction in the logistics industry and highlights the need for logistics companies to prioritize customer satisfaction and improve their overall performance and competitiveness.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction
  5. Lee D, Loh E, Kueh C, Poi J, Francis T, Koh KC, et al.
    Malays Orthop J, 2013 Jul;7(2):18-20.
    PMID: 25722820 MyJurnal DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1307.009
    We set out to assess the efficacy of radiofrequency-induced intradiscal nucleoplasty in reducing pain in symptomatic patients with MRI-defined lumbar disc herniation and their satisfaction with the procedure. We compared the patients' pain intensity and severity of disability scores before and after undergoing the procedure in a retrospective questionnaire. These patients reported statistically significant reduction of pain intensity and disability level after the procedure. We conclude that radiofrequencyinduced intradiscal nucleoplasty is an acceptable alternative minimally invasive procedure in relieving the symptoms of patients with lumbar disc herniation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction
  6. Dewi FD, Sudjana G, Oesman YM
    Dent Res J (Isfahan), 2011 Oct;8(4):172-7.
    PMID: 22135687 DOI: 10.4103/1735-3327.86032
    BACKGROUND: Transformation of health care is underway from sellers' market to consumers' market, where the satisfaction of the patients' need is a primary concern while defining the service quality. Hence, commitment to provide a high-quality service and achieving patients' satisfaction becomes an important issue for dental health care provider. The aim of this research is to investigate the quality of dental health care service based on empathy and responsiveness aspects.
    METHODS: A total of 90 questionnaires were completed by the dental patients who came to dental polyclinic located in Government Hospital, West Java, Indonesia. The questionnaire was concerned on two dimensions of service quality model, i.e. empathy and responsiveness. The obtained data were analyzed using inferential statistics (t test) and also descriptive statistics with importance-performance analysis.
    RESULTS: All the attributes tested by t test showed that perception and expectation differed significantly, except for responsiveness, i.e. ability of dental assistants in assisting the dentist (t test 0.505
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction
  7. Khor, Poy Hua, Lim, Khong Chiu, Radzliyana Radzuwan
    Sports tourism is an essential part of world tourism and is trendy in Malaysia. Malaysia recorded about 2 5 83 million tourist arrivals in 201 8 . Efficient delivery of hospitality services to the sports tourists will contribute to the multi billion dollar sports tourism business. In a competitive sports tourism market, offering sporting event requires being de e ply acknowledged with the reasons that attracts tourists’ choice of specific sporting event and the degree of satisfaction that these sports tourists perceived from the service provided. As so, this present study discusses on the sports event’s quality to w ards attendance of tourists at sports event hosted at northern zone of Malaysia. The objectives of this study are answered based on survey research conducted among 351 sports tourists at the sports event organized at northern zone of Malaysia . The study r e veals that the intangible aspect of sports event’s quality highly affects tourists’ attendance at sports event hosted in Northern Zone of Malaysia, compared to the tangible aspect. Growing economy plays an important role in ensuring the quality of sports e vent. Findings reveal dissimilarities on perception of quality towards sports event between the gender groups, with the male tourists displaying higher sensitivity. Further study on sports events hosted in other region of Malaysia could contribute to deve l opment of quality sports events in promoting Malaysia as an international sports tourism destination.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction
  8. Foong HF, Hamid TA, Ibrahim R, Haron SA
    Psychogeriatrics, 2020 Nov;20(6):891-899.
    PMID: 32985044 DOI: 10.1111/psyg.12614
    BACKGROUND: Little is known about gender differences in the relationship between religious orientation and life satisfaction in older adults living with chronic disease(s). Therefore, the purpose of this article was to examine the moderating effect of gender on the association between religious orientation and life satisfaction in older adults living with morbidity and multimorbidity.

    METHODS: The study involved 1790 community-dwelling older adults aged 60 and above living with at least one chronic medical condition. The Satisfaction with Life Scale and Revised Intrinsic/Extrinsic Religious Orientation Scale were used to measure life satisfaction and religious orientation. Moderated hierarchical multiple regression was used to test the moderation effect.

    RESULTS: Results showed that while intrinsic religiosity was positively associated with life satisfaction, extrinsic religiosity was found to have a negative relationship with life satisfaction. Gender moderated the association between intrinsic religiosity and life satisfaction.

    CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggested that the positive impact of intrinsic religiosity on life satisfaction was stronger in older women living with morbidity and multimorbidity. Healthcare practitioners can help disadvantaged older women in identifying their religious values and practices to improve their subjective wellbeing.

    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction
  9. Saeed M, Isnani AC, Khan SA, Khamis N
    Pak J Med Sci, 2020 11 26;36(7):1698-1702.
    PMID: 33235600 DOI: 10.12669/pjms.36.7.1778
    Objective: A paradigm shift towards a PBL bidirectional dialogic feedback can enhance learners' performance. This study aimed to investigate undergraduate medical students' perceptions of their PBL feedback.

    Methods: We sent e-mail invitations to a web-based survey to year one and two students at College of Medicine, King Saud University. Items included the process, content, and benefits of PBL feedback.

    Results: Of 209 respondents, 110 (53%) were first and 99 (47%) were second-year students. About 50% agreed that the feedback was regularly provided at scheduled timing and 72% perceived feedback environment as non-threatening. Agreement rates that the tutors asked students first to assess their performance, tell them what went well, what the areas for improvement are and develop with them an improvement plan were 59%, 61%, 61% and 52%, respectively. 61% agreed that tutors judged performance not personality. More year one students significantly agreed that the PBL feedback helped them to improve their knowledge acquisition and non-technical skills.

    Conclusion: Many of our PBL tutors have started the shift to a dialogic bi-directional feedback. We recommend continuing the faculty development efforts, peer-reviewing, and seeking student's feedback within the academic quality satisfaction surveys.

    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction
  10. Norsyafiqah Mohamad, Masnita Misiran, Zahayu Md Yusof
    Businesses adopt queuing mechanism as it can improve efficiency and provide economic use of
    resources. Some business segment that normally adapted queuing theory include assessing staff
    scheduling, productivity, performance, and customers waiting time. This article will adopt queuing
    theory to current service provided by Department of Labour, Kuala Terengganu. As the department is
    committed to provide quality services to its customer, the level of satisfaction and current queueing
    time need to be investigated. To achieve this, four elements in queueing theory – arrival rate, the
    queuing discipline, the service and also the cost structure are utilized. Arrival rate is measured as way
    in which customer arrives at this department and entered for receiving a service. Single server queuing
    model is known as infinite queue length model (exponential service) was used in this study. This model
    is based on certain assumptions about queuing, as the arrivals are described by Poisson probability
    distribution and arrive from infinite population. This study has demonstrated that, majority of the
    customers are dissatisfied with services offered and the major cause of dissatisfaction is the long waiting
    time. Sunday shows the busiest day at Department of Labour, Kuala Terengganu when there are too
    many customers and duty officer faced a hectic day on Sunday, followed by Thursday and Wednesday.
    Department of Labour, Kuala Terengganu needed to do the other internal procedures for reducing
    waiting times and thus ensuring an effective services system. This study recommended of adding a new
    checkout counter and hiring another employee to help duty officer improve the operation at Department
    of Labour, Kuala Terengganu.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction
  11. Yusoff MSB
    Oman Med J, 2020 Nov;35(6):e199.
    PMID: 33214913 DOI: 10.5001/omj.2020.90
    Objectives: This study investigated the outcomes of multiple mini interviews and personal interview on personality traits, emotional intelligence, perceived educational environment, and stressors.

    Methods: This is a comparative cross-sectional study on two cohorts of pre-clinical medical students who were selected by multiple mini interviews and personal interview, respectively. Their personality traits, emotional intelligence, perceived educational environment, and perceived stressors were measured using different measurement tools.

    Results: Multiple mini interviews and personal interview demonstrated a similar ability to recruit medical students with a high level of emotional intelligence. The main advantage of personal interviews over multiple mini interviews in terms of personality traits is that it recruited candidates who had a higher level of conscientiousness trait. The main advantage of multiple mini interviews over personal interview on the educational environment is that medical students chosen by multiple mini interviews had a higher level of satisfaction with social aspects of medical training. Regardless of admission processes, the medical students were equally vulnerable to psychological distress due to various stressful events throughout medical training particularly related to academic loads.

    Conclusions: This study provided evidence to support the outcomes that multiple mini interviews and personal interview have on medical students' emotional intelligence, personality traits, perceived educational environment, and perceived stressors during the pre-clinical medical training. Interestingly, personal interview had a better outcome on conscientiousness while multiple mini interviews had a better outcome on the social aspect.

    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction
  12. Wee SC, Choong WW
    J Environ Manage, 2019 Mar 01;233:97-106.
    PMID: 30572268 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2018.11.127
    This research predicted the effectiveness of variety game design elements in enhancing the intrinsic motivation of users on energy conservation behaviour prior to its actual implementation to ensure cost-effective. Face-to-face questionnaire surveys were conducted at the five recognized Malaysian research universities and obtained a total of 1500 valid survey data. The collected data was run with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis using SmartPLS 3 software. The results predicted the positive effect of gamification on intrinsically motivate the users based on Self-Determination Theory (SDT). The identified nine core game design elements were found to be useful in satisfying users' autonomy, competence and relatedness need satisfactions specified by SDT. This research is useful to guide the campaign organizer in designing a gamified design energy-saving campaign and provide understanding on the causal relationships between game design elements and users' intrinsic motivation to engage on energy conservation. A game-like campaign environment is believed to be created to users by implementing the game design elements in energy-saving campaign, and subsequently users' intrinsic motivation to engage on energy conservation behaviour can be enhanced.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction
  13. Nor Hasnul Azirah Abdul Hamid, Normalina Ibrahim@Mat, Nurul Najihah Mustopa
    ESTEEM Academic Journal, 2020;16(2):51-64.
    Student Information Management System (SIMS) is a computerized system for education that can be used to manage student information and data. PASTI An-Nur is chosen as a case study in developing the system. Thus, several problems are identified that PASTI An-Nur faces due to the
    implementation of a manual system in the admission process. The first problem is the paper-based registration form that is prone to lose, misplaced and less secure. As for the payment process, arise a problem in term of higher error rate when checking and calculating the payments. The biggest downfall for PASTI An-Nur is the amount of space used to store all the students' files.
    These problems bring inefficiency since the world is changing to computerized, where data management become one of the most significant issues nowadays. So, the aim of developing the Preschool Management System (PRESIMS) is for helping the staffs and teachers in managing the
    students' information. The Adapter Waterfall model was used in developing this system. Additionally, usability heuristics was used also as a theory to guide the development of this system. The system has been tested with the four (4) users and two (2) experts. The testing method is the ISO/IEC 9126- 4 approach to measure usability metrics, including efficiency, effectiveness, and satisfaction. Whereas, for the experts, heuristic evaluation is used to bring six (6) usability principles into implementation for testing. The result of the testing is very satisfying, which shows 75.5% of efficiency, 83.33% of effectiveness and three (3) out of four (4) users very satisfied with the system. The result of heuristic evaluation also shows a successful implementation of the system. The details of the result are discussed in this paper and expected to meet the users' specification and it is ready to go live.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction
  14. Hammad Farhi Mohd Saudi, Jamal Abdul Nassir Shaari
    The purpose of this case study is to look at how “Lean Techniques and Principles” can be successfully introduce and implement in the higher education institution or university context. In the last two decades, Lean techniques and principle has been applied to improve production system in manufacturing processes. Lean was introduced in the 1950s by Womack and Jones known as the Toyota Production System (TPS) by the legendary car manufacturer Toyota, the world’s most profitable automaker and have spent decades perfecting lean practices in the production. The method used was to produce more productivity while using fewer resources and identifying activities which creates value for customers, activities which do not create value but are required and actions which do not create value and can be eliminated. This case study demonstrates how “Lean Principles” can be adopted to the administration services particularly in the registration process for new student intake in USIM. The objective of this case study includes : to identify the needs of improving the registration process by eliminating the waste (Muda) such as time wastage, human resource wastage, to introduce the apparatus required to reduce and eliminate waste, to redesign the process using the lean techniques and principles to eliminate waste and to continually improve the process with the goal to achieve perfection for customer satisfaction and university’s reputation. How Lean Principles can transform the work process in the registration procedure, process efficiency, the reasons for implementing Lean in the process, minimize the lead time, minimize the financial cost and the role of management. This paper contains a comprehensive discussion and findings of the development of Lean principles and management through one of the models, namely; Value Stream Mapping (VSM) process which can enhance the operational process in the university environment to improve the process, particularly in the new student registration process.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction
  15. Uzir MUH, Jerin I, Al Halbusi H, Hamid ABA, Latiff ASA
    Heliyon, 2020 Dec;6(12):e05710.
    PMID: 33367128 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e05710
    Customer is considered as the king in the world of business. The issue of customer satisfaction in electronics home appliances has received greater attention from academics and practitioners. In other words, customer satisfaction is a vital consideration in marketing. With the development of technology, new and innovative electronic home appliances are available in the market. Customers purchase and use the costly electronic home appliances where the satisfaction issue is an important concern. In Bangladesh, working families find the electronic home appliance very necessary. Companies offer state-of- the-art appliances for customers' household works. Therefore, the study intends to investigate the effect of product quality (PQ), quality of service (SQ) and perceived value on customer satisfaction (CS). In addition, this study also seeks this relationship shaped by customer's perceived value (CPV) as a key mechanism and interacted by social media usage. A total of 300 households were selected on a judgmental basis from Dhaka city in Bangladesh using a structured questionnaire. Collected data were CB-SEM (AMOS-v24) and SPSS. The findings showed PQ and SQ have positive effects on CS; SQ affects, but PQ does not affect CPV. CPV has a mixing mediating effect on SQ and CS relationship and PQ and CS relationship. Importantly, the positive impact of PQ, SQ and CPV is greater on customers who exhibit higher social media use. The conceptual framework was buttressed by EDT theory. The study contributed to contextual and theoretical knowledge in regards to home appliances. The practicing managers can collect an insight of customer satisfaction for their business.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction
  16. Iqbal MS, Kassab YW, Al-Saikhan FI, Almalki ZS, Haseeb A, Iqbal MZ, et al.
    Saudi Pharm J, 2020 Aug;28(8):936-942.
    PMID: 32792838 DOI: 10.1016/j.jsps.2020.06.014
    Background and aim: The effect of anticoagulation control on overall Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) in patients taking warfarin in Malaysia has not been explored yet. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate HRQoL among patients on warfarin in Malaysia.

    Methods: HRQoL among patients on warfarin was measured using WHOQOL-BREF (World Health Organization Quality of life Assessment: Brief Version). Descriptive and inferential statistical analysis was done using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22.

    Results: Out of 319 patients, more female patients were observed than the males (n = 221, 69.3%, and n = 98, 30.7% respectively). Mean scores for the physical (61.14 ± 15.96), psychological (68.58 ± 16.11), social (63.55 ± 27.06) and environmental domains (62.78 ± 17.58) were observed. Statistically, a significant association was found between the comorbidities other than CVDs with health satisfaction (p = 0.002), physical (p = 0.001), psychological (p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction
  17. Stieger S, Aichinger I, Swami V
    PMID: 32777941 DOI: 10.1080/09603123.2020.1803805
    Exposure to nature is associated with improved psychological well-being and positive body image. Here, we examined whether everyday exposure to natural environments is associated with state body image outcomes (and, for comparative reasons, state happiness) using an experience sampling method. One-hundred-and-seven participants completed a 30-day experience sampling phase in which they reported their state body image (body weight, body shape, and physical appearance satisfaction), state happiness, and features of the surrounding environment (total = 6,025 responses) at three random time-points each day. Results indicated that being outdoors was associated with significantly higher state body image on all three indicators, but effect sizes were lower compared to effects on state happiness. Specific environment type was also important, with blue-spaces and wood- and grasslands, respectively, having stronger effects than other environments. These results provide evidence that everyday exposure to natural environments is associated with more positive state body image and greater happiness.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction
  18. Nurcahyo R, Zulfadlillah, Habiburrahman M
    Heliyon, 2021 Jan;7(1):e05537.
    PMID: 33506119 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e05537
    Previous research has emphasized the need to further investigate the impact of ISO 9001 on company performance in the manufacturing sector of developing countries. Indonesia is one of those developing countries where the implementation of ISO 9001 is yet to be adequately researched. The Indonesian automotive manufacturing industry is still unable to compete with Malaysia and Thailand even though many companies have implemented ISO 9001. This study aimed to examine the relationship between ISO 9001 and operational (productivity, customer satisfaction, and product quality) and business (sales growth, profit rate, and market share) performance of Indonesian automotive component manufacturing industries. It also aimed to identify major obstacles in the effective implementation of ISO 9001. Multiple linear regression analyses about operational and business performance were employed for this purpose. The sample size comprised 50 automotive component manufacturing industries located in the Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang, and Bekasi region of Indonesia. The study demonstrates that the implementation of the ISO 9001:2015 quality management system has a significant positive impact on the operational performance as well as the business performance. Additionally, the operational performance has a significant positive impact on the business performance. This study also reveals the major obstacles in the effective implementation of ISO 9001 in the manufacturing industry, which include a lack of qualified personnel, inadequate training, employee resistance, and lack of commitment among top-level management executives. It offers clear implications for managers who focus on elements that will enhance the effectiveness of ISO 9001 implementation by choosing the correct strategies, allocating sufficient resources, and improving their firm's performance. The novelty of this study lies in filling the existing research gap, which involves a detailed examination of the relationship between the implementation of ISO 9001 and the company's performance, particularly in manufacturing industries of developing countries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction
  19. MyJurnal
    Keropok Lekor or frankfurter-like snack has long existed in Malaysia and has been sold in commercial retail shops as well as on the streets. The aims of this study were to analyze consumer’s perception and attitude towards keropok lekor and to determine consumer’s behavior on the product. Survey questionnaire was employed as a data collection tool. A total of 212 respondents from a university participated in this study. Results showed that more than 70% of the respondents chose to eat keropok lekor because of the taste. Half of the respondents chose black pepper as an innovative supplementary flavor of keropok lekor. This study also explores and analyses preliminary consumer behavior about keropok lekor such as satisfaction level, factors that drive consumption, product’s image from consumer perspectives and etc.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction
  20. Pau, J.S., Pao, William K.S., Shaharin A. Sulaiman, Halawa, E.
    Unnecessary air conditioning for thermal comfort causeds energy over consumption. As air conditioning has become irreversible, one of the solutions is to run air conditioners at minimal energy without sacrificing the comfort of occupants in air conditioned space. The approach to thermal comfort is the key to successful thermal comfort research. Fanger's model has been adopted by ASHRAE and ISO standards but its universal applications have been debated. In recent decades, adaptive model that regards humans as adaptive beings has been accepted. The static and deterministic nature of Fanger's model has limited its application in hot, humid countries, such as Malaysia. This research aims to integrate the theories of Fanger and adaptive model into a new model which is applicable in Malaysia by taking the case in lecture halls. The new Fanger's Adaptive Model is established through normalization of the thermal sensation distribution obtained in thermal chamber by Fanger. The PMV range of 80% satisfaction has been widened to -1.3 to +1.3 which adopted the theories of adaptive model, where humans have the ability to adapt to environment. The research also includes field observations on Malaysian students clothing and activity levels in lecture halls. Previous field study results which proposed 25.3°C comfort temperature for lecture halls in Malaysia together with the field observation results were used to verify the new model. About 95% of PMV falls within the new range at this comfort temperature. It is proven that Fanger's model is semi-adaptive and probabilistic and the integration of Fanger's Adaptive Model is more accurate in predicting thermal comfort in hot and humid climate.
    Matched MeSH terms: Personal Satisfaction
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