METHODS: As data on policy indicators were straightforward and fully available, we focused on studying 25 non-policy indicators: 23 GMFs and 2 PMIs. Gathering data availability of the target indicators was conducted among NCD surveillance experts from the six selected countries during May-June 2020. Our research team found information regarding whether the country had no data at all, was using WHO estimates, was providing 'expert judgement' for the data, or had actual data available for each target indicator. We triangulated their answers with several WHO data sources, including the WHO Health Observatory Database and various WHO Global Reports on health behaviours (tobacco, alcohol, diet, and physical activity) and NCDs. We calculated the percentages of the indicators that need improvement by both indicator category and country.
RESULTS: For all six studied countries, the health-service indicators, based on responses to the facility survey, are the most lacking in data availability (100% of this category's indicators), followed by the health-service indicators, based on the population survey responses (57%), the mortality and morbidity indicators (50%), the behavioural risk indicators (30%), and the biological risk indicators (7%). The countries that need to improve their NCD surveillance data availability the most are Cambodia (56% of all indicators) and Lao PDR (56%), followed by Malaysia (36%), Vietnam (36%), Myanmar (32%), and Thailand (28%).
CONCLUSION: Some of the non-policy GMF and PMI indicators lacked data among the six studied countries. To achieve the global NCDs targets, in the long run, the six countries should collect their own data for all indicators and begin to invest in and implement the facility survey and the population survey to track NCDs-related health services improvements once they have implemented the behavioural and biological Health Risks Population Survey in their countries.
METHODS: We searched related articles from January 1998 to December 2020 to obtain the prevalence and relative risks (or odds ratio) of GC associated with H. pylori in Asia. The burden of GC attributable to H. pylori infection was quantified by Population Attributable Fraction (PAF) and Disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs).
RESULTS: We quantified the burden of GC attributable to H. pylori infection with 415.6 thousand DALYs and 38.03% PAF through the five included Asian countries in 2019. The study found that the burden had obvious regional differences. The DALYs ranged from 298.9 thousand in China to 1.9 thousand in Malaysia, and the PAFs were between 58.00% in Japan and 30.89% in China. The average prevalence of H. pylori in the included general population was estimated to be 56.29%.
CONCLUSIONS: Helicobacter pylori poses a huge disease burden of GC to the population, and its eradication should receive attention, especially in the countries with high incidence of and mortality due to GC.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A systematic search of observational studies conducted in ASEAN countries between 1 January 2010 and 31 December 2020 was performed in the Medline, PubMed and Google Scholar databases. The quality of studies was evaluated based on The Joanna Briggs Institute Checklist. The analysis was performed with Review Manager software version 5.4. Metaanalysis of the estimates from primary studies was conducted by adjusting for possible publication bias and heterogeneity.
RESULTS: Twenty-five studies including 19924 postnatal mothers were included in this review. The pooled prevalence of PPD is 22.32% (95% CI: 18.48, 26.17). Thailand has the highest prevalence of PPD with a pooled prevalence of 74.1% (95% CI: 64.79, 83.41). The prevalence of PPD was highest when the assessment for PPD was conducted up to 6 weeks postpartum with a pooled prevalence of 25.24% (95% CI: 14.08, 36.41). The identified determinants of PPD were unplanned pregnancy, term pregnancy, lack of family support and physical violence. There were limited studies done and high heterogeneity in terms of quality, methodology, culture, screening method and time of PPD measurement.
CONCLUSIONS: Approximately one in five postpartum women in ASEAN countries had PPD. The risk factor that lowers the risk of PPD is unplanned and term pregnancies, while women with a lack of family support and experienced physical violence increase the risk of PPD. Robust prevalence studies are needed to assess the magnitude of this problem in ASEAN countries.
METHODS: Global IBD Visualization of Epidemiology Studies in the 21st Century (GIVES-21) is a population-based cohort of newly diagnosed persons with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis in Asia, Africa, and Latin America to be followed prospectively for 12 months. New cases were ascertained from multiple sources and were entered into a secured online system. Cases were confirmed using standard diagnostic criteria. In addition, endoscopy, pathology and pharmacy records from each local site were searched to ensure completeness of case capture. Validated environmental and dietary questionnaires were used to determine exposure in incident cases prior to diagnosis.
RESULTS: Through November 2022, 106 hospitals from 24 regions (16 Asia; 6 Latin America; 2 Africa) have joined the GIVES-21 Consortium. To date, over 290 incident cases have been reported. All patients have demographic data, clinical disease characteristics, and disease course data including healthcare utilization, medication history and environmental and dietary exposures data collected. We have established a comprehensive platform and infrastructure required to examine disease incidence, risk factors and disease course of IBD in the real-world setting.
CONCLUSIONS: The GIVES-21 consortium offers a unique opportunity to investigate the epidemiology of IBD and explores new clinical research questions on the association between environmental and dietary factors and IBD development in newly industrialized countries.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The development of the prognostic model utilized prospectively collected longitudinal data of adult TB patients who smoked in the state of Selangor between 2013 until 2017, which were obtained from the Malaysian Tuberculosis Information System (MyTB) database. Data were randomly split into development and internal validation cohorts. A simple prognostic score (T-BACCO SCORE) was constructed based on the regression coefficients of predictors in the final logistic model of the development cohort. Estimated missing data was 2.8% from the development cohort and was completely at random. Model discrimination was determined using c-statistics (AUCs), and calibration was based on the Hosmer and Lemeshow goodness of fit test and calibration plot.
RESULTS: The model highlights several variables with different T-BACCO SCORE values as predictors for LTFU among TB patients who smoke (e.g., age group, ethnicity, locality, nationality, educational level, monthly income level, employment status, TB case category, TB detection methods, X-ray categories, HIV status, and sputum status). The prognostic scores were categorized into three groups that predict the risk for LTFU: low-risk (<15 points), medium-risk (15 to 25 points) and high-risk (> 25 points). The model exhibited fair discrimination with a c-statistic of 0.681 (95% CI 0.627-0.710) and good calibration with a nonsignificant chi-square Hosmer‒Lemeshow's goodness of fit test χ2 = 4.893 and accompanying p value of 0.769.
CONCLUSION: Predicting LTFU among TB patients who smoke in the early phase of TB treatment is achievable using this simple T-BACCO SCORE. The applicability of the tool in clinical settings helps health care professionals manage TB smokers based on their risk scores. Further external validation should be carried out prior to use.
METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted among patients with MetS attending a university primary care clinic in Selangor, Malaysia. The usability score was measured using a previously translated and validated EMPOWER-SUSTAIN Usability Questionnaire (E-SUQ) with a score of > 68 indicating good usability. Multiple logistic regressions determined the factors associated with its usability.
RESULTS: A total of 391 patients participated in this study. More than half (61.4%) had a good usability score of > 68, with a mean (± SD) usability score of 72.8 (± 16.1). Participants with high education levels [secondary education (AOR 2.46, 95% CI 1.04, 5.83) and tertiary education (AOR 2.49, 95% CI 1.04, 5.96)], those who used the booklet at home weekly (AOR 2.94, 95% CI 1.63, 5.33) or daily (AOR 2.73, 95% CI 1.09, 6.85), and those who had social support to use the booklet (AOR 1.64, 95% CI 1.02, 2.64) were significantly associated with good usability of the booklet.
CONCLUSIONS: The usability of the EMPOWER-SUSTAIN Global Cardiovascular Risks Self-Management Booklet© was good among patients with MetS in this primary care clinic, which supports its widespread use as a patient empowerment tool. The findings of this study also suggest that it is vital to encourage daily or weekly use of this booklet at home, with the support of family members. The focus should also be given to those with lower education to improve the usability of this booklet for this group of patients.
AIM: We compared different demographic, clinical, and echocardiographic characteristics between patients with AF+HF and patients with AF only. Furthermore, we explored whether concurrent HF independently predicts several outcomes (all-cause mortality, cardiovascular mortality, ischemic stroke/systemic embolism (IS/SE), major bleeding, and clinically relevant non-major bleeding (CRNMB)).
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Comparisons between the AF+HF and the AF-only group were carried out. Multivariable Cox proportional hazard models were constructed for each outcome to assess whether HF was predictive of any of them while controlling for possible confounding factors.
RESULTS: A total of 2020 patients were included in this study: 481 had AF+HF; 1539 had AF only. AF+HF patients were older, more commonly males, and had a higher prevalence of diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, coronary artery disease, and chronic kidney disease (p≤0.05). Furthermore, AF+HF patients more commonly had pulmonary hypertension and low ejection fraction (p≤0.001). Finally, HF was independently predictive of all-cause mortality (adjusted HR 2.17, 95% CI (1.66-2.85) and cardiovascular mortality (adjusted HR 2.37, 95% CI (1.68-3.36).
CONCLUSION: Coexisting AF+HF was associated with a more labile and higher-risk population among Jordanian patients. Furthermore, coexisting HF independently predicted higher all-cause mortality and cardiovascular mortality. Efforts should be made to efficiently identify such cases early and treat them aggressively.
METHODS AND RESULTS: A healthy diet score was developed in 147 642 people from the general population, from 21 countries in the PURE study, and the consistency of the associations of the score with events was examined in five large independent studies from 70 countries. The healthy diet score was developed based on six foods each of which has been associated with a significantly lower risk of mortality [i.e. fruit, vegetables, nuts, legumes, fish, and dairy (mainly whole-fat); range of scores, 0-6]. The main outcome measures were all-cause mortality and major cardiovascular events [cardiovascular disease (CVD)]. During a median follow-up of 9.3 years in PURE, compared with a diet score of ≤1 points, a diet score of ≥5 points was associated with a lower risk of mortality [hazard ratio (HR) 0.70; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.63-0.77)], CVD (HR 0.82; 0.75-0.91), myocardial infarction (HR 0.86; 0.75-0.99), and stroke (HR 0.81; 0.71-0.93). In three independent studies in vascular patients, similar results were found, with a higher diet score being associated with lower mortality (HR 0.73; 0.66-0.81), CVD (HR 0.79; 0.72-0.87), myocardial infarction (HR 0.85; 0.71-0.99), and a non-statistically significant lower risk of stroke (HR 0.87; 0.73-1.03). Additionally, in two case-control studies, a higher diet score was associated with lower first myocardial infarction [odds ratio (OR) 0.72; 0.65-0.80] and stroke (OR 0.57; 0.50-0.65). A higher diet score was associated with a significantly lower risk of death or CVD in regions with lower than with higher gross national incomes (P for heterogeneity <0.0001). The PURE score showed slightly stronger associations with death or CVD than several other common diet scores (P < 0.001 for each comparison).
CONCLUSION: A diet comprised of higher amounts of fruit, vegetables, nuts, legumes, fish, and whole-fat dairy is associated with lower CVD and mortality in all world regions, especially in countries with lower income where consumption of these foods is low.