CASE REPORT: In this literature work, we reported on a particular case of MCC, as exhibited by an 84-year-old Chinese woman, and discussed the clinical features and management of MCC.
DISCUSSION: We highlighted that MCC cases have a link to the polyomavirus 5. Patients who were identified with the Polyomavirus 5, and underwent immunotherapy, were seen to depict much better prognosis.
METHOD: For this purpose, we employ fractal theory and analyze the variations of fractal dimension of GSR and EEG signals when subjects are exposed to different olfactory stimuli in the form of pleasant odors.
RESULTS: Based on the obtained results, the complexity of GSR signal changes with the complexity of EEG signal in case of different stimuli, where by increasing the molecular complexity of olfactory stimuli, the complexity of EEG and GSR signals increases. The results of statistical analysis showed the significant effect of stimulation on variations of complexity of GSR signal. In addition, based on effect size analysis, fourth odor with greatest molecular complexity had the greatest effect on variations of complexity of EEG and GSR signals.
CONCLUSION: Therefore, it can be said that human skin reaction changes with the variations in the activity of human brain. The result of analysis in this research can be further used to make a model between the activities of human skin and brain that will enable us to predict skin reaction to different stimuli.