Displaying publications 61 - 80 of 349 in total

  1. Islam MS, Phoungthong K, Ismail Z, Othman IK, Shahid S, Ishak DSM, et al.
    PMID: 36644961 DOI: 10.1080/10934529.2022.2148811
    The spreading of sewage sludge from wastewater treatment plants and various industries arouses the growing interest due to the contamination by trace elements. Sludges were collected from one sewage treatment plant and two industries in Dhaka City, Bangladesh to assess physicochemical parameters and total and fraction content of trace elements like Cr, Ni, Cu, As, Cd, Pb, Fe, Mn and Zn in sludges. We evaluated the bioavailability of theses metals by determining their speciation by sequential extraction, each metal being distributed among five fractions: exchangeable fraction, bound to carbonate fraction, Fe-Mn oxide bound fraction, organic matter bound fraction and residual fractions. We found that all the analyzed sludges had satisfactory properties from an agronomic quality point of view. The average concentration (mg/kg) of trace metals in sludge samples were in the following decreasing order Fe (12807) > Cr (200) > Mn (158) > Zn (132) > Cu (68.2) > Ni (42.5) > Pb (36.4) > As (35.1) > Cd (3.7). The results of the sequential extraction showed that Cr, Ni, Cu, Fe and Mn were largely associated with the residual fraction where As, Cd and Pb was dominantly associated with the exchangeable and carbonate bound fractions and Zn showed a considerable proportion in carbonate bound fraction. These results showed that regulations must take into account the bioavailability with regard to the characteristics of the agricultural soils on which sludge will be spread.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  2. Hassan MS, Islam MA, Sobhani FA, Hassan MM, Hassan MA
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2022 Nov 19;19(22).
    PMID: 36430018 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph192215302
    Advancement in technology has facilitated the shift toward new financial services. Numerous industries have undergone a digital transformation because of the expansion of cashless payment systems and other cutting-edge technologies. This study aimed to identify the factors that stimulate the patient's intention to adopt fintech services in the Bangladesh healthcare sector. To facilitate the study, data were collected through survey questionnaires from different hospitals and diagnostic centers patients. A total of 279 patients responded to the survey. The study employed structural equation modelling to analyze the data using SMART PLS 3.2.9. The results revealed that a significant relationship exists between perceived ease of use, social influence, facilitating conditions, personal innovativeness, and perceived trust in fintech services, and the adoption intention of the patients. The results of the study are beneficial to the healthcare sector and fintech companies who wish to make necessary arrangements to advance the growth of cashless fintech-based transactions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  3. Begum M, Masud MM, Alam L, Mokhtar MB, Amir AA
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2022 Dec;29(58):87923-87937.
    PMID: 35819668 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-022-21845-z
    Several studies have highlighted the significant impact of climate change on agriculture. However, there have been little empirical enquiries into the impact of climate change on marine fish production, particularly in Bangladesh. Hence, this study aims to investigate the impact of climate change on marine fish production in Bangladesh using data from 1961 to 2019. Data were obtained from the Food and Agriculture Organization, Bangladesh Meteorological Department, the World Development Indicators, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model was used to describe the dynamic link between CO2 emissions, average temperature, Sea Surface Temperature (SST), rainfall, sunshine, wind and marine fish production. The ARDL approach to cointegration revealed that SST (β = 0.258), rainfall (β =0.297), and sunshine (β =0.663) significantly influence marine fish production at 1% and 10% levels in the short run and at 1% level in the long run. The results also found that average temperature has a significant negative impact on fish production in both short and long runs. On the other hand, CO2 emissions have a negative impact on marine fish production in the short run. Specifically, for every 1% rise in CO2 emissions, marine fish production will decline by 0.11%. The findings of this study suggest that policymakers formulate better policy frameworks for climate change adaptation and sustainable management of marine fisheries at the national level. Research and development in Bangladesh's fisheries sector should also focus on marine fish species that can resist high sea surface temperatures, CO2 emissions, and average temperatures.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  4. Faruk MO, Haque S, Mozumder MK, Kadir M, Islam A, Gayen TK, et al.
    Lancet Psychiatry, 2024 Aug;11(8):588-589.
    PMID: 39025628 DOI: 10.1016/S2215-0366(24)00185-8
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  5. Rahman MM, Dutta MJ
    PMID: 36834082 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph20043385
    Being persecuted and expelled from Myanmar, Rohingya refugees are now distributed throughout the world. The Southeast Asian nation of Malaysia has been a preferred destination for Rohingyas fleeing Myanmar's state-sponsored genocide and more recently in a bid to change their fates from the refugee camps in Bangladesh. Refugees are one of the most vulnerable groups in Malaysia and often face dire circumstances, in which their health and wellbeing are compromised. Amidst a plethora of structural challenges, Rohingya refugees try to claim some of their rights with the aid of the UN card (UNHCR ID cards) in Malaysia. Guided by the culture-centered approach (CCA), this study examined the perspectives and experiences of healthcare among Rohingya refugees while living in Malaysia, now resettled in Aotearoa, New Zealand. The participants' narratives showed that the UN card not only materialized their refugee status in Malaysia but also offered them a way of living in a world where documents anchor the materiality of health.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  6. Rahman MK, Hoque MN, Yusuf SNS, Yusoff MNHB, Begum F
    PLoS One, 2023;18(1):e0280108.
    PMID: 36662905 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0280108
    This study aims to investigate the customers' perceptions of Islamic banking services and their impact on satisfaction and word of mouth (WOM) with others. This study designs the bootstrapping procedures using a partial least square method to test path coefficient results. Structured questionnaires were distributed among clients of Islamic banks in Dhaka city, where 377 responses were collected for data analysis. The findings revealed that there is a highly significant relationship between security and customers' perception. Ethical responsibility and religious value have a positive and significant impact on customers' perception whereas benefit has a negative significant impact on customers' perception. Findings from this study also indicated that customers' perceptions mediate the effect of ethical responsibility, religious value, benefit, and security on satisfaction. In addition, customers' satisfaction mediates the effect of customers' perception and WOM. These findings can promote managers of Islamic banks to build customer satisfaction and WOM with Islamic banking services, and attain competitive advantage that may lead Islamic banks to succeed in the competitive business. This study also provides new insights into customers' WOM with others about Islamic banking services. This knowledge could assist Islamic banks to understand the customers' perceptions that would increase satisfaction and in turn, contribute to WOM with others in determining where would be best to target marketing attention of Islamic banking services with limited resources.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  7. Islam A, Teo SH, Ahmed MT, Khandaker S, Ibrahim ML, Vo DN, et al.
    Chemosphere, 2021 Jun;272:129653.
    PMID: 33486455 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.129653
    The contamination of groundwater by arsenic (As) in Bangladesh is the biggest impairing of a population, with a large number of peoples affected. Specifically, groundwater of Gangetic Delta is alarmingly contaminated with arsenic. Similar, perilous circumstances exist in many other countries and consequently, there is a dire need to develop cost-effective decentralized filtration unit utilizing low-cost adsorbents for eliminating arsenic from water. Morphological synthesis of carbon with unique spherical, nanorod, and massive nanostructures were achieved by solvothermal method. Owing to their intrinsic adsorption properties and different nanostructures, these nanostructures were employed as adsorption of arsenic in aqueous solution, with the purpose to better understanding the morphological effect in adsorption. It clearly demonstrated that carbon with nanorods morphology exhibited an excellent adsorption activity of arsenite (about 82%) at pH 3, remarkably superior to the two with solid sphere and massive microstructures, because of its larger specific surface area, enhanced acid strength and improved adsorption capacity. Furthermore, we discovered that iron hydroxide radicals and energy-induced contact point formation in nanorods are the responsible for the high adsorption of As in aqueous solution. Thus, our work provides insides into the microstructure-dependent capability of different carbon for As adsorption applications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  8. Siraz MMM, Al Mahmud J, Alam MS, Rashid MB, Hossain Z, Osman H, et al.
    Environ Monit Assess, 2024 Jan 23;196(2):192.
    PMID: 38263472 DOI: 10.1007/s10661-024-12328-4
    Miners, factory workers, traders, end-users, and foodstuff consumers all run the risk of encountering health hazards derived from the presence of elevated levels of radiation in fertilizers, as these groups often come into direct or indirect contact with fertilizers as well as raw materials throughout various linked processes such as mineral extractions, fertilizer production, agricultural practices. A total of 30 samples of various kinds of fertilizer produced in different factories in Dhaka megacity were analyzed to quantify the concentrations of primordial radionuclides using HPGe detector. Among the analyzed samples, average (range) concentration of 40K was found to be 9920 ± 1091 (8700 ± 957-11,500 ± 1265), 9100 ± 1001 (8600 ± 946-9600 ± 1056), 2565 ± 282 (2540 ± 279-2590 ± 285), and 3560 ± 392 (2620 ± 288-4500 ± 495) Bq/kg in the samples of Muriate of Potash Fertilizer, Sulphate of Potash Fertilizer, Humic Acid Fertilizer, and NPKS Fertilizer, respectively. Elevated concentration of 226Ra was found in Triple Super Phosphate Fertilizer with a mean (range) of 335 ± 37 (290 ± 32-380 ± 42) Bq/kg. The higher activity of 40K can be linked to the greater levels of elemental potassium in phosphate fertilizer. Elevated concentrations of radionuclides may also result from variations in chemical processes as well as the local geology of the mining areas where the raw materials were extracted for fertilizer production. Numerous fertilizer brands surpass prescribed limits for various hazardous parameters, presenting significant health risks to factory workers, farmers, and consumers of agricultural products. This study provides baseline information on the radioactivity of fertilizers, which could be used to develop mitigation methods, establish national fertilizer usage limits, justify regulatory frameworks, and raise public awareness of fertilizer overuse. The findings of the study could potentially help to explore the impact of fertilizer on the food chain.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  9. Barnett-Itzhaki Z, Esteban López M, Puttaswamy N, Berman T
    Environ Int, 2018 07;116:156-164.
    PMID: 29684824 DOI: 10.1016/j.envint.2018.03.046
    Rapid development and industrialization in Southeast (SE) Asia has led to environmental pollution, potentially exposing the general population to environmental contaminants. Human biomonitoring (HBM), measurement of chemical and/or their metabolites in human tissues and fluids, is an important tool for assessing cumulative exposure to complex mixtures of chemicals and for monitoring chemical exposures in the general population. While there are national HBM programs in several developed countries, there are no such national programs in most of the SE Asian countries. However, in recent years there has been progress in the field of HBM in many of the SE Asian countries. In this review, we present recent HBM studies in five selected SE Asian countries: Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar and Thailand. While there is extensive HBM research in several SE Asian countries, such as Thailand, in other countries HBM studies are limited and focus on traditional environmental pollutants (such as lead, arsenic and mercury). Further development of this field in SE Asia would be benefited by establishment of laboratory capacity, improving quality control and assurance, collaboration with international experts and consortiums, and sharing of protocols and training both for pre-analytical and analytical phases. This review highlights the impressive progress in HBM research in selected SE Asian countries and provides recommendations for development of this field.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  10. Ahsan A, Alamgir M, Imteaz M, Nik Daud N, Islam R
    Iran J Public Health, 2012;41(6):27-38.
    PMID: 23113191
    Developing cities like Khulna, the third largest metropolitan city in Bangladesh, have now begun to confess the environmental and public health risks associated with uncontrolled dumping of solid wastes mainly due to the active participation of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and community-based organizations (CBOs) in municipal solid waste (MSW) management.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  11. Haque SE, Ahsan H
    Am J Prev Med, 2014 Feb;46(2):216-7.
    PMID: 24439357 DOI: 10.1016/j.amepre.2013.10.013
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  12. Wacharapluesadee S, Samseeneam P, Phermpool M, Kaewpom T, Rodpan A, Maneeorn P, et al.
    Virol J, 2016;13(1):53.
    PMID: 27016237 DOI: 10.1186/s12985-016-0510-x
    Nipah virus (NiV) first emerged in Malaysia in 1998, with two bat species (Pteropus hypomelanus and P. vampyrus) as the putative natural reservoirs. In 2002, NiV IgG antibodies were detected in these species from Thailand, but viral RNA could not be detected for strain characterization. Two strains of NiV (Malaysia and Bangladesh) have been found in P. lylei in central Thailand, although Bangladesh strain, the causative strain for the outbreak in Bangladesh since 2001, was dominant. To understand the diversity of NiV in Thailand, this study identified NiV strain, using molecular characterizations, from P. hypomelanus in southern Thailand.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  13. Masum AK, Azad MA, Hoque KE, Beh LS
    PLoS One, 2015;10(7):e0121017.
    PMID: 26221727 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0121017
    The paper aims to examine the influence of human resource management (HRM) practices on bank efficiency using Malmquist index of total factor productivity. The model comprises HRM index that represents the quality of HRM practices. The results are decomposed into three efficiency scores, namely, technical efficiency, pure efficiency, and scale efficiency. In this study, panel data for 44 banks in Bangladesh are used for the period 2008-2013. This paper reveals that foreign banks are ahead in converting the influence of HRM practices into efficiency scores (0.946>0.833). On the other hand, domestic banks performed better than foreign banks in terms of pure efficiency and scale efficiency. But, in terms of technical efficiency, the domestic banks are regressed by 6.7% annually whereas foreign banks are progressed with a yearly value of 5.8%. The results are robust, because the Mann-Whitney test and Kruskall-Wallis test (non-parametric tests) also confirm the same results. This study emphasizes HRM practices in the banking industry to ensure efficiency in the long-term scenario. Domestic banks are suggested to ensure continuous development in HRM practices in order to compete with foreign banks.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  14. Rahman K, Abdul Ghani N, Kamil AA, Mustafa A, Chowdhury MA
    PLoS One, 2015;10(7):e0133229.
    PMID: 26196124 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0133229
    Pedestrian overflow causes queuing delay and in turn, is controlled by the capacity of a facility. Flow control or blocking control takes action to avoid queues from building up to extreme values. Thus, in this paper, the problem of pedestrian flow control in open outdoor walking facilities in equilibrium condition is investigated using M/M/c/K queuing models. State dependent service rate based on speed and density relationship is utilized. The effective rate of the Poisson arrival process to the facility is determined so as there is no overflow of pedestrians. In addition, the use of the state dependent queuing models to the design of the facilities and the effect of pedestrian personal capacity on the design and the traffic congestion are discussed. The study does not validate the sustainability of adaptation of Western design codes for the pedestrian facilities in the countries like Bangladesh.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  15. Sultana S, Hossain Z
    Dental Press J Orthod, 2019 Aug 01;24(3):44.e1-44.e9.
    PMID: 31390447 DOI: 10.1590/2177-6709.24.3.44.e1-9.onl
    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the present study was to assess the prevalence of normative and perceived orthodontic treatment need in schoolchildren and adolescents, related risk factors, and children/parent's aesthetic perception, compared to orthodontist's opinion, in Dhaka city, Bangladesh.

    METHODS: A random sample of 800 schoolchildren aging 11-15 years was selected from different schools in the city of Dhaka, Bangladesh. The Dental Health Component (DHC) and Aesthetic Component (AC) of the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN) were assessed as normative treatment need. The Decayed, Missing, Filled Teeth (DMFT) index was used to record caries experience. Children were interviewed on the perception of orthodontic treatment need. Parents also completed a questionnaire on the perception of their child's orthodontic treatment need, assessed by AC/ IOTN.

    RESULTS: According to the DHC/IOTN, only 24.7% were in the category of definite need (grade 4-5) for orthodontic treatment. A significant difference was found between the clinician/children and clinician/parents perceived AC score of IOTN (p= 0.0001). Multiple logistic regression showed children with a higher DMFT were significantly more likely to need orthodontic treatment, according to the DHC of IOTN.

    CONCLUSION: A low proportion of schoolchildren needs normative orthodontic treatment in the city of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Children with a higher DMFT score were significantly more likely to need orthodontic treatment, according to the DHC of IOTN.

    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  16. Islam R, Nazifa TH, Yuniarto A, Shanawaz Uddin ASM, Salmiati S, Shahid S
    Waste Manag, 2019 Jul 15;95:10-21.
    PMID: 31351595 DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2019.05.049
    Associated with the continuing increase of construction activities such as infrastructure projects, commercial buildings and housing programs, Bangladesh has been experiencing a rapid increase of construction and demolition (C&D) waste. Till now, the generation rate of C&D waste has not been well understood or not explicitly documented in Bangladesh. This study aims to provide an approach to estimate C&D waste generation using waste generation rates (WGR) through regression analysis. Furthermore, analyses the economic benefit of recycling C&D waste. The results revealed that WGR 63.74 kg/m2 and 1615 kg/m2 for construction and demolition activities respectively. Approximately, in financial year (FY) 2016, 1.28 million tons (0.149 construction and 1.139 demolition) waste were generated in Dhaka city, of which the three largest proportions were concrete (60%), brick/block (21%) and mortar (9%). After collection they were dumped in either landfills or unauthorized places. Therefore, it can be summarized as: waste is a resource in wrong place. The results of this study indicate that rapid urbanization of Dhaka city would likely experience the peak in the generation of C&D waste. This paper thus designates that C&D waste recycling is an entrepreneurial activity worth venturing into and an opportunity for extracting economic and environmental benefits from waste. The research findings also show that recycling of concrete and brick waste can add economic value of around 44.96 million USD. In addition, recycling of C&D waste leads to important reductions in CO2 emissions, energy use, natural resources and illegal landfills. Therefore, the findings of WGR and economic values provide valuable quantitative information for the future C&D waste management exercises of various stakeholders such as government, industry and academy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  17. Aye AMM, Bai X, Borrow R, Bory S, Carlos J, Caugant DA, et al.
    J Infect, 2020 11;81(5):698-711.
    PMID: 32730999 DOI: 10.1016/j.jinf.2020.07.025
    The degree of surveillance data and control strategies for invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) varies across the Asia-Pacific region. IMD cases are often reported throughout the region, but the disease is not notifiable in some countries, including Myanmar, Bangladesh and Malaysia. Although there remains a paucity of data from many countries, specific nations have introduced additional surveillance measures. The incidence of IMD is low and similar across the represented countries (<0.2 cases per 100,000 persons per year), with the predominant serogroups of Neisseria meningitidis being B, W and Y, although serogroups A and X are present in some areas. Resistance to ciprofloxacin is also of concern, with the close monitoring of antibiotic-resistant clonal complexes (e.g., cc4821) being a priority. Meningococcal vaccination is only included in a few National Immunization Programs, but is recommended for high-risk groups, including travellers (such as pilgrims) and people with complement deficiencies or human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Both polysaccharide and conjugate vaccines form part of recommendations. However, cost and misconceptions remain limiting factors in vaccine uptake, despite conjugate vaccines preventing the acquisition of carriage.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  18. Uzir MUH, Jerin I, Al Halbusi H, Hamid ABA, Latiff ASA
    Heliyon, 2020 Dec;6(12):e05710.
    PMID: 33367128 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e05710
    Customer is considered as the king in the world of business. The issue of customer satisfaction in electronics home appliances has received greater attention from academics and practitioners. In other words, customer satisfaction is a vital consideration in marketing. With the development of technology, new and innovative electronic home appliances are available in the market. Customers purchase and use the costly electronic home appliances where the satisfaction issue is an important concern. In Bangladesh, working families find the electronic home appliance very necessary. Companies offer state-of- the-art appliances for customers' household works. Therefore, the study intends to investigate the effect of product quality (PQ), quality of service (SQ) and perceived value on customer satisfaction (CS). In addition, this study also seeks this relationship shaped by customer's perceived value (CPV) as a key mechanism and interacted by social media usage. A total of 300 households were selected on a judgmental basis from Dhaka city in Bangladesh using a structured questionnaire. Collected data were CB-SEM (AMOS-v24) and SPSS. The findings showed PQ and SQ have positive effects on CS; SQ affects, but PQ does not affect CPV. CPV has a mixing mediating effect on SQ and CS relationship and PQ and CS relationship. Importantly, the positive impact of PQ, SQ and CPV is greater on customers who exhibit higher social media use. The conceptual framework was buttressed by EDT theory. The study contributed to contextual and theoretical knowledge in regards to home appliances. The practicing managers can collect an insight of customer satisfaction for their business.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  19. Far Abid Hossain S, Nurunnabi M, Sundarasen S, Chinna K, Kamaludin K, Baloch GM, et al.
    J Public Health Res, 2020 Nov 17;9(Suppl 1):1911.
    PMID: 33575227 DOI: 10.4081/jphr.2020.1911
    Background: The socio-psychological impact of COVID-19 has affected the whole world. Bangladesh, one of the most dangerous places as stated by WHO, was first infected at the beginning of March 2020, later than other countries. Bangladesh is now one of the 20 most affected countries in the world, but the psychological effects for university students during the epidemic period are not researched. Design and methods: To address this gap, the present study attempts to discover the socio-psychological impact of COVID-19 on university students in Bangladesh. We conducted an online survey using a questionnaire with a simple random sampling technique and we received 474 responses. Results: In this study, numerous psychological concerns were reported. The study is limited to university students, which may affect the generalizability of the research. Conclusions: Our findings suggest a need to build awareness of the mental health implications of the pandemic for university students.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  20. Md Galam, H., Md Saimul, I., Kazi Enamul, H., Md Ashraful, I., Asma, Mamun, Kamruzzaman, M., et al.
    Malays J Nutr, 2014;20(1):71-81.
    Introduction: The high prevalence of underweight among children is a serious health concern in Bangladesh. Nutritional status influences students' academic performance directly or indirectly. This study aimed to determine factors that affect the academic performance of students in primary schools. Methods: Data were collected from several schools and madrasahs in Chapainawabganj district, Bangladesh using multistage stratified sampling with proportional allocation technique. Results: The prevalence of underweight children was 32.3%, with 43.0% of them being girls and 21.4% boys. Multiple logistic regression analysis demonstrated that normal weight children were more likely (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
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