Displaying publications 801 - 820 of 1933 in total

  1. Luthfi M, Oki AS, Indrawati R, Rifai M, Dachlan YP, Razak FA
    Eur J Dent, 2020 Jul;14(3):386-392.
    PMID: 32645730 DOI: 10.1055/s-0040-1713704
    OBJECTIVES:  To analyze CD35/CD89 expression ratio on the surface of neutrophils as an early detection marker for S-ECC.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS:  Saliva was collected from 4- to 6-year-old kindergarten students. Salivary neutrophils were obtained by instructing the subjects to rinse their mouth with 1 mL of sterile 1.5% NaCl for 30 seconds before expectorating it into a sterile glass. The expression of CFSE+CD35+ and CFSE+CD89+was measured and analyzed using flow cytometry.

    RESULTS: The expression of CFSE+CD89+ in the caries-free group (2.46 ± 0.39) was significantly lower than that in the S-ECC group (3.41 ± 1.11), with a p-value of 0.0001, while the expression of CFSE+CD35+ in the caries-free group was (2.35 ± 0.56) compared with (1.54 ± 0.35) (p = 0.0001) in the S-ECC group.

    CONCLUSIONS:  The expression ratio of CFSE+CD89+ and CFSE+CD35+constitutes a marker for S-ECC.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  2. Ismail N, Khalid MKA
    Adjustment among new students at the university plays an important role in determining their success at university. This study showed one of the reasons students fail to complete their study is due to adjustment problems. Students found to be unable to deal with the challenges and demands on campus and experience a variety of problems that some of them failed to proceed to the next semester. The population of the study consist of 143 First Semester Diploma students in the Faculty of Business and Management studies at Universiti Teknologi MARA Pahang Raub Campus. The instrument used is questionnaires. There are four subscales designed to measure the effectiveness of student adjustment to university that are academic adjustment, social adjustment, personal (emotional) adjustment and institutional commitment. The study shows that adaptability on campus has a relationship with psychosocial abilities possessed by the students. Among the psychosocial abilities have a positive and significant impact on student adjustment is emotional intelligence, coping, and social support. All three of these psychosocial capabilities found to play an important role in helping students adjust at the university. Thus, the university must take proactive steps to develop emotional intelligence, coping and social support among new students to improve their adaptability
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  3. Md Jais Ismail, Rorlinda Yusuf, Loo, Fung Chiat
    Previous studies approved that not all lesson activities are suitable for gifted and talented students.
    This study is designed to identify what are the proper musical activities that can fill the needs of gifted
    and talented students in Malaysia. The research sample is among gifted and talented students from the
    whole Malaysia who are studying in Pusat PERMATApintar Negara. Result in this study may be used
    as reference for educators who want to teach music on gifted and talented children, so that educators
    may choose the right and effective activities to implement on those children. Therefore, the researcher
    collects data using Focus Group Discussion Techique,and Indepth Interview on gifted and talented
    children who had experienced music in formal class. Observation is also conducted in music classes in
    Pusat PERMATApintar Negara to identify their behavioral on the musical activities conducted. Result
    reveals that all the students believe the most proper musical activities are playing musical instruments, performance, music theory and singing. Teachers may attract students’ attention by using interactive
    learning apparatus, relates theory and practical, and justify the importance of music study.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  4. Zakaria NS, Saripan MI, Subarimaniam N, Ismail A
    JMIR Serious Games, 2020 Aug 10;8(3):e18247.
    PMID: 32663153 DOI: 10.2196/18247
    BACKGROUND: Gamification has remarkable potential in the learning space. The process of creating a gamified system and its influence on human behavior reflect the interaction between educators and machines.

    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this pilot study was to present Ethoshunt as a gamification-based mobile app that can be used in teaching and learning ethics.

    METHODS: This study involved a mixed-methods research design. The researchers surveyed 39 undergraduate students who were introduced to Ethoshunt in order to examine the relationships between mobile app usability and positive emotions, ethical competency, and user experience. Affinity diagramming was used as a tool to organize the opinions and experiences of participants using featured gamification elements.

    RESULTS: Game dynamics and game mechanics explained the functionality of Ethoshunt. In addition, the learning flow through Ethoshunt was discussed. Overall, the findings were positive, and mobile app usability had the strongest relationship with positive emotions (r=0.744, P

    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  5. R. Segaran, Mohd Amsyar Bacho, Asrani Yaco
    Organ transplant has become a main stream important medical procedure commonly used in hospitals. However, for organ transplant programme to be successful, it heavily relies on the public to voluntarily register for organ procurement. Effort to promote awareness and register public as organ donors has been ongoing, but public response to commit and register as donors has been lukewarm. Arguably, healthcare personnel and nurses are in a key position to educate and advocate for organ donation but often, ironically healthcare personal themselves are reluctant or unwilling to commit as organ donors. Thus, in the context of student nurses in Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS), the question arises, what is their stance and views regarding organ donation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Nursing
  6. Siti Norzaimalina Abd Majid
    The role of a mother alone is very challenging. With an additional role as a student or a worker add more burden to them. It is undeniable that Malaysian women in the 21st century has more roles than women in the pre-independent era. Nowadays, women have equal opportunities to work and pursue higher education like men. The need to provide quality life to the children has also encouraged women to contribute more in the family income. Despite the multiple roles play by women, the household tasks are still managed by them. For this phenomenological research, in-depth interviews were conducted with two participants who studied in public university in Malaysia. By using thematic analysis, four themes were emerged from this study. The themes were challenges, role management, assistance/support and coping strategies. In this study, the major challenge was to balance the role of mother and student. But whatever challenges they faced; family was their priority. Furthermore, spousal support also helped the mothers in managing their multiple roles. From the findings, it is hoped that it gives some insights on the type of support that student mother needs and ways of coping in challenging situation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  7. Fasya Sulaiman, Mohammad Mujaheed Hassan
    Academic procrastination is a behaviour which can be defined as putting off, delay, prolong, defer, stall, or postpone in performing tasks related to the academic. Academic procrastination is not a new phenomenon but it is a common behaviour especially among students as previous research has found that approximately 75% of students consider themselves as procrastinators. This issue is very much related to the “Student Syndrome” where student only starts to make themselves work in completing the task instantly right before the due date and leaving them with a very short period of time to complete it. There were many previous researchers that had investigated the factors that causing academic procrastination and one of the most common factors are parenting style. However, the pattern of the previous results was inconsistent. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate in deep on the relationship between the motivational aspects of parenting style to academic procrastination with focusing among the undergraduate students who are in their final year from Faculty of Human Ecology, Universiti Putra Malaysia. The research design of this study is a quantitative research and for that reason, a set of questionnaire was distributed to 148 respondents. Result shows that 52.7% of the final year students perceived at high level of academic procrastination. Apart from that, the result also shows that there is no significant relationship between gender and parenting styles to academic procrastination. As a conclusion, academic procrastination is a common behaviour among final year students. However, parenting styles does not affecting academic procrastination due to the students’ age which can be categorised as early adulthood which at this age, parenting style factors does not give an impact on academic procrastination.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  8. Foong AL, Sow CF, Ramasamy S, Yap PS
    Int J Med Educ, 2019 Jan 25;10:1-8.
    PMID: 30685752 DOI: 10.5116/ijme.5c30.988d
    Objectives: This study was aimed at determining whether the pre-tertiary education system and ethnicity have any association with the attitudes of medical undergraduates towards communication skills. It also sought to determine if attitudes should have any relationship with communication skills assessment outcomes.

    Methods: A cross-section survey design was performed with 323 participants from two cohorts of medical undergraduates, i.e., first-year (n = 153) and second-year students (n = 170) who completed the Communication Skills Attitude Scale. Participants comprised of the main ethnic groups in Malaysia, i.e., Malays, Chinese and Indians, from different language medium pre-tertiary education backgrounds. Attitude measurements were compared with OSCE outcomes.

    Results: There was a significant difference in Negative Attitude Scale between pre-tertiary education system with attitudes towards communication skills (F (3, 319) = 7.79, p = .001), but no significant difference with Positive Attitude Scale (F (3, 319) = 0.43, p = .649). There was no significant difference between ethnicity and attitudes towards communication skills with PAS (F (2, 320) = 0.66, p = .519) and NAS (F (2, 320) = 1.24, p = .291). Students from Chinese medium education system had stronger negative attitudes with a mean score of 14.7 (n = 56, SD = 3.6) for primary school levels and 15.9 (n = 17, SD = 3.0) for secondary school levels, compared with others. There was no significant prediction of student's attitudes towards assessments outcomes.

    Conclusions: Preliminary findings from the small data pool suggest indicative relationships requiring further studies with more participants and proportionate pre-tertiary education system backgrounds.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  9. Asrin Gili, Abdul Said Ambotang
    Isu pengangguran graduan kesan daripada kepesatan perubahan pasaran buruh yang disebabkan oleh ketidaktentuan sosioekonomi, perubahan organisasi serta kemajuan teknologi telah mendapat perhatian bukan sahaja di Malaysia, bahkan juga di peringkat global. Isu yang sangat sinonim dengan kebolehgajian ini perlu ditangani oleh semua pihak termasuklah institusi pendidikan tinggi, pihak industri yang menawarkan kolaborasi latihan serta individu pelajar sendiri. Justeru itu, kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti pengaruh pengalaman pembelajaran pelajar yang berkaitan dengan kualiti perkhidmatan institusi, kepuasan latihan industri, dan pembelajaran terarah kendiri (PTK) terhadap tanggapan kebolehgajian diri khususnya dalam kalangan pelajar kolej vokasional di Sabah, Malaysia. Antara teori dan model yang digunakan sebagai panduan kajian ialah Model SSPE (Students Self-Perceived Employability), Model HESQUAL, Model Kepuasan Internship dan Model PRO-SDL (Personal Responsibility Orientation of Self-Directed in Learning). Kajian kuantitatif yang mengaplikasikan kaedah tinjauan cross-sectional ini menggunakan satu set soal selidik berstruktur yang diadaptasi. Kajian rintis melibatkan 105 responden mendapati bahawa kesemua instrumen yang digunakan mempunyai kesahan dan kebolehpercayaan yang tinggi. Kajian ini diharap dapat membantu para pemegang taruh KV di semua peringkat khasnya di peringkat institusi, industri dan pelajar sendiri dalam menambah baik program pendidikan sekali gus memastikan matlamat serta objektif untuk meningkatkan kebolehgajian pelajar dapat dicapai dengan cemerlang melalui intervensi kualiti perkhidmatan, latihan industri dan gaya pembelajaran terarah kendiri.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  10. Ali NM, Husin IN, Ahmad MS, Hamzah SH
    Eur J Dent Educ, 2021 Feb;25(1):18-27.
    PMID: 32767612 DOI: 10.1111/eje.12573
    OBJECTIVES: Behavioural guidance (BG) training is an important component of preparing future dentists to manage paediatric patients, who often exhibit cooperation issues during treatment. This study investigated the acceptance of various BG techniques amongst dental students in a Malaysian institution.

    METHODOLOGY: A paper-based survey was conducted, classroom-style, on all dental students (Year 1 to Year 5, n = 336, response rate = 84.5%) using a validated questionnaire, developed from previous literature. For each BG technique, students used a visual analogue scale to mark their acceptability score; this figure was later categorised into different acceptance levels. Students' mean acceptability scores and acceptance of each BG technique were consecutively analysed via independent t test and chi-square test (significance level, P  0.01). Percentages of those who accepted communicative techniques involving parents demonstrated significant differences across subjects of different academic years, between pre-clinical and clinical groups of respondents and amongst clinical students. Other techniques with such significant differences, along with low acceptance, included modelling, voice control and disallowing the child to speak.

    CONCLUSION: The findings of this study provide useful information for curricular enhancement aimed at equipping dental students with the ability to apply appropriate and effective BG techniques during patient care.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  11. Baharin SA, Omar SH
    Eur J Dent Educ, 2021 Feb;25(1):168-174.
    PMID: 32808711 DOI: 10.1111/eje.12587
    AIM: Online survey was conducted to investigate the state of undergraduate endodontic clinical training in Malaysian dental schools.

    METHODS: An online questionnaire and a cover letter were emailed to the deans of 13 Malaysian dental schools. The questionnaire covers various aspects of endodontic clinical training including teaching methods, endodontic clinical procedures, minimum requirements, clinical sessions and teaching staff.

    RESULTS: The response rate was 69%. Similarities in teaching methods were observed in all responding schools. All schools taught contemporary root canal treatment procedures, including the utilisation of radiograph and electronic apex locator for working length determination, the crown-down approach for canal preparation and the cold lateral compaction for obturation. Sodium hypochlorite solution and non-setting calcium hydroxide medicament were used in most dental schools. Variations were observed in terms of the number of clinical requirements, supervisor: student ratio, and availability of endodontic specialists. The use of engine-driven instruments was observed mainly in government-funded dental schools.

    CONCLUSIONS: The majority of dental schools in Malaysia are adopting the European Society Endodontology recommendation for undergraduate endodontic training, particularly in relation to the surveyed aspects. Most of the government-funded dental schools have progressed towards engaging contemporary endodontics with their increasing application of engine-driven Ni-Ti instruments and 3D imaging techniques. Appointments of full-time endodontic specialists would further enhance the quality of endodontic teaching and permit the utilisation of contemporary endodontic materials.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  12. Far Abid Hossain S, Nurunnabi M, Sundarasen S, Chinna K, Kamaludin K, Baloch GM, et al.
    J Public Health Res, 2020 Nov 17;9(Suppl 1):1911.
    PMID: 33575227 DOI: 10.4081/jphr.2020.1911
    Background: The socio-psychological impact of COVID-19 has affected the whole world. Bangladesh, one of the most dangerous places as stated by WHO, was first infected at the beginning of March 2020, later than other countries. Bangladesh is now one of the 20 most affected countries in the world, but the psychological effects for university students during the epidemic period are not researched. Design and methods: To address this gap, the present study attempts to discover the socio-psychological impact of COVID-19 on university students in Bangladesh. We conducted an online survey using a questionnaire with a simple random sampling technique and we received 474 responses. Results: In this study, numerous psychological concerns were reported. The study is limited to university students, which may affect the generalizability of the research. Conclusions: Our findings suggest a need to build awareness of the mental health implications of the pandemic for university students.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  13. Syed,A,B,S,S,, Rahim,M, I,, Zainal,A,Dz,
    Jurnal Inovasi Malaysia, 2019;1(1):33-42.
    Many language learners face difficulties in applying and using the parts
    of speech in a given situation. It has become a challenge for teachers to
    navigate a grammar lesson in a creative way that can help learners to
    understand and apply the concepts most appropriately. Thus, POS-UP
    designed as a supplementary teaching tool to allow language learners to
    practice using the most suitable parts of speech in a sentence. Targeted at
    English language learners, POS-UP is a game which provides players with
    the opportunity to learn details of a lesson using poems written by local
    poets. In this game, language learners must complete a poem by using
    words with the correct parts of speech. In making sure that this game reaches
    its objectives and fulfils the needs of the students, a survey was carried out
    to find out the perceptions of English language learners towards POS-UP.
    The result shows that learners who play this game find it enjoyable and
    helpful in enhancing their understanding of parts of speech. It is hoped
    that POS-UP will be a useful supplementary teaching tool for teachers in
    the classroom. It is also expected that students will build an appreciation
    towards poems written by local poets.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  14. Noraniza Mohd Nor, Syed Mohamad Syed Abdullah, Siti Nur Hadis A Rahman
    The issue of aggressive behaviour is often the subject of serious discussion amongst discipline teachers and school counselors. From the Islamic perspective, aggressive behaviour is caused by the lack of Islamic values in aspects of student interaction at schools. Thus, the readiness of discipline teachers and school counselors to tap into the skills and knowledge of counseling using the Islamic approach is crucial in realizing the outlined educational development plan. This concept paper aims to enhance the effectiveness of Islamic counseling based on Abdullah Nasih Ulwan’s views in addressing aggressive behaviour among school students. The methodology of the study is in the form of literature reviews by examining books, journals and previous studies related to the topic of discussion. The study has found that there are 4 ways of dealing with aggressive behaviours among secondary school students based on Abdullah Nasih Ulwan’s view which are the responsibility of faith education, the responsibility of educating the mind, the responsibility of educating the mind awareness and the responsibility of educating the soul. The guidelines above should be utilized by school counselors in handling the issue of aggressive behaviours amongst school students.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  15. Halim ZA, Zolkefli MN, Kusairi S, Nor SM, Zawawi NHM, Sukemi MN
    Data Brief, 2021 Feb;34:106700.
    PMID: 33490327 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.106700
    Since the launch of the InvestSmart™ initiative in 2014, the government agencies in Malaysia have been actively engaging community and university students via their outreach programs to promote investment literacy. Given this background, the state of the investment literacy of Malaysian undergraduates and their readiness to invest is intriguing. Therefore, this article offers a dataset of Malaysian undergraduates' readiness to invest and the role that investment literacy and social influence play in their readiness to invest. Using a non-probability sampling technique, 500 undergraduate students in Malaysia were engaged to participate voluntarily in this survey. Descriptive statistics are presented in this paper. The dataset provides insights into the current state of investment literacy among Malaysian undergraduates, the sources of information on stock investment, and the readiness of these undergraduates to participate in the stock market.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  16. Anis Farhana Mohd Kassim, Azlina Mohd Khir, Mohd Ziyad Afiq Zaharim
    Kajian ini dilakukan untuk menentukan hubungan antara motivasi membaca, persekitaran membaca di rumah dan sikap membaca dalam kalangan pelajar Universiti Putra Malaysia. Seramai 214 pelajar UPM yang dipilih melalui kaedah persampelan pelbagai peringkat terlibat dalam kajian ini. Satu set borang soal selidik yang diedar kepada responden mengandungi tiga instrumen iaitu Survey of Adolescent Reading Attitudes, Motivations for Reading Questionnaire (MRQ) dan Students’s Reading Environments at Home: Exposure and Support. Hasil kajian menunjukkan sikap membaca bahan bacaan digital dan bercetak pelajar UPM berada pada tahap tinggi. Selain itu, kajian mendapati motivasi membaca intrinsik dan ekstrinsik serta persekitaran membaca di rumah pelajar UPM berada pada tahap sederhana. Keputusan menunjukkan terdapat hubungan positif secara signifikan antara motivasi membaca intrinsik, motivasi ekstrinsik dan persekitaran membaca di rumah dengan sikap membaca bahan bacaan digital dan bercetak. Kesimpulannya, motivasi membaca dan persekitaran membaca di rumah mempunyai hubungan signifikan dengan sikap membaca dalam kalangan pelajar UPM. Untuk melahirkan generasi yang mempunyai sikap membaca yang positif, pihak yang bertanggungjawab seperti ibu bapa terutamanya perlu mewujudkan persekitaran membaca yang kondusif di rumah agar dapat memupuk motivasi membaca dan sikap yang positif dalam kalangan anak-anak. Selain itu, pihak univerisiti dan pensyarah juga perlu mengambil langkah yang proaktif dalam mempromosi dan menggalakkan amalan membaca agar ia terus menjadi satu budaya dalam kalangan pelajar di institusi pengajian tinggi.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  17. Mohamed Rohani M, Mohd Nor NA
    J Dent Educ, 2021 May;85(5):690-698.
    PMID: 33476414 DOI: 10.1002/jdd.12528
    INTRODUCTION: The Special Care Dentistry (SCD) undergraduate program increasingly aims to address student attitudes toward people with disabilities (PWD). One of the efforts made by the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Malaya (FODUM), is to introduce Disability Equality Training (DET) as part of the learning activity in the SCD curriculum. This study aimed to explore students' perception about the DET program.

    METHODS: This was a qualitative research project exploring students' perception toward DET in 2 cohorts of third-year dental students from FODUM (n = 100). The reflection notes were analyzed using Luborsky's method of thematic analysis. Identification of themes was based on statements that were most frequently reported by students.

    RESULTS: The majority of the students gave positive feedback for the training, which includes enhanced knowledge, attitudes, and skills about treating PWD. They also reflected that the DET improved their understanding of social and professional responsibility. In terms of learning experience, many reported that the training was useful and enjoyable. Students' suggestions for improvement included learning "sign language", visiting special needs centers, and providing simulation exercises involving real PWD.

    CONCLUSION: Students' comments on the DET were positive and they enjoyed the learning experience. The findings support the continuation of DET as part of the undergraduate dental curriculum. Dental institutions seeking to implement or refine the SCD curriculum are encouraged to include DET based on its potential benefits for undergraduate students.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Dental
  18. Ei KS, Shoesmith WD
    In this study parallel scales were constructed to use to measure the levels of HIV-related stigma towards people living with HIV (PLHIV) in populations with different backgrounds in Sabah. The study also explored the components of stigma within the population. We found that there were three principle components of HIV related stigma: “Interpersonal distancing,” “Shame and blame,” and “Positive opinions about PLHIV”. The scales constructed showed adequate internal consistency (Cronbach’s Alpha of 0.69 to 0.85) in all samples. The medical students and people with more knowledge about HIV had significantly lower levels of all three factors of personal stigma. Regarding HIV-related knowledge, the non-medical university students and the rural community group were found to have poor knowledge of HIV transmission and prevention. This scale can be used by researchers or public health officials who wish to study HIV related stigma or to evaluate the impact of stigma interventions in the local context.
    Study site: Universiti Malaysia Sabah; Rural Medical Education Centre, Sikuati, Kudat, Sabah, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  19. Mohd Said Nurumal, Mohammad Syafiq Mohamad Azizi, Muhammad Kamil Che Hasan
    Introduction: Simulation is widely practiced as learning strategies in many disciplines including nursing. It is con- sidered an updated technological approach towards providing safe and sound patients care. Thus, this study was conducted to assess the level of knowledge among nursing students using a simulated mannequin for cardiovascular assessment. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study design focusing Year 4 nursing students at Kulliyyah of Nurs- ing, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). A simulation mannequin was used for students performing a cardiovascular assessment. Level of knowledge was tested using an adapted questionnaire. The study was approved by the Kulliyyah of Nursing Postgraduate Research Committee (Ref: IIUM/313/DDAA/20/4/10) and IIUM Research Ethics Committee (Ref: IREC 2018-024). Results: A total of 57 nursing students involved in this study revealing good cardiovascular assessment knowledge. Majority of them reported that simulation exercise is one of the good learning strategies to enhance their capabilities and increase their confidence level. Conclusions: The results from this study could indicate that using technological simulation approach could provide a similar effect in performing cardiovas- cular assessment among nursing student IIUM. Future larger scale is needed including for any other disciplines in nursing to facilitate students’ preparation towards the real clinical setting.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Nursing
  20. Han Shiou Feng, Nur Aida Hashim, Nur Adila Kamaruddin, Nur Syahida Wadhihah Kamarudin, Norasmah Basari
    Dengue fever and dengue haemorrhagic fever are diseases caused by dengue virus transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes. Dengue fever has caused a high rate of mortalities among Malaysians every year. Even though many campaigns had been conducted by the government to reduce dengue cases, the number of infected people in this country is still high. We conducted this survey to determine the status of dengue fever awareness among residents in Kuala Terengganu. For data collection, face-to-face interviews were conducted, and a questionnaire was administered. There were three categories of respondents, namely urban area residents, rural area residents and university students. Results showed that respondents across the three groups were knowledgeable regarding dengue fever issues and there was no significant difference between the three categories of respondents in the number of residents who had been involved in dengue awareness programmes. However, most of the respondents regarded the dengue awareness programmes as moderately effective and could be overcome if prevention efforts and approaches were being carried out on a continuous basis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
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