Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 3999 in total

  1. Noor Azmira Mohamed, Nor Azlili Hassan
    The Malaysian Constitution has set Malay language as the official language of the country and the
    medium of teaching and learning (Noraien Mansor & Noor Rohana Mansor, 2013). The usage of the Malay language should not be disturbed as it becomes an important medium in establishing and
    strengthening the harmonious and unity of the Malaysian society. However, it is found today that the
    solidification of Malay language has continuously been challenged and undermined it as a national and
    unity language as a result of the influence and development of the world's new order which shows that
    the usage of English language has been prioritised in the field of education, employment and
    communication (Nor Hashimah Jalaluddin, 2010). The emphasis on the importance of science and
    technology as well as English language has been resulted in losing confidence towards the Malay
    language among some individuals including the non-Malay students from the private universities and
    those who are using English language as their learning medium. Furthermore, there is a group of
    students who are more convenience in using their mother tongues languages than the Malay language.
    This study aims to discuss the issue of the usage of Malay language in the private higher education
    institutions and to analyse the weaknesses in the usage of Malay language among the private university
    students. Hence, a study was conducted on 100 private university students by using random sampling
    methods. The findings reveal that the level of strengthening of Malay language among the private
    university students is moderate. This is due to the issues of Malay language usage in the private
    universities including the students' priorities on the English language, lacking of fluency in Malay
    language, lacking of co-operation and efforts among the lecturers and university management, lacking
    of emphasis on constitutional meanings and lacking of confidence on the status of Malay language.
    Thus, the scenario in strengthening the Malay language among the private university students should
    not be undervalued but need to be strengthened prior to the threat of destruction as Malay language has
    the greatest potential in various fields and this generation is able to shape the stability of social
    relations as well as the continuity of the Malay language in the Malaysian civilization.
  2. Yazlin Yazid, Noor Ezailina Badarudin, Hasbullah Mohamad
    The ability for us to see is actually due to the reflection of light that serves as a proof of the greatest creations of our Creator as stated in the Holy Quran, “Allah is the Light of the heavens and the Earth” (24:35). There are limited references specifically focusing on Revelations related to visual function. Thus, this study aims to provide a compilation of Quranic verses (Juz 1 to 15) and hadiths of Sahih Al-Bukhari related to visual function supported by scientifically proven facts. This may invite readers to reflect upon the wonders of creations by Allah mentioned in these Revelations that lead to the discovery of our modern science. A website named“Search Truth” on http://www.searchtruth.com/ was used as a tool to ease the finding of the Quranic verses and hadiths that are related to visual function by searching for the keywords “eye/eyes”, “see”, “light”, “sight” and “vision” in the search boxes provided in the website. The translations of Revelations containing those keywords were verified and related to visual function supported by scientifically proven facts from other reading materials. Twenty-eight Quranic verses and 57 hadiths of Sahih Al-Bukhari can be related to visual function supported by scientifically proven facts. Twelve Quranic verses that have the word “eye/eyes”, 7 verses with the word “light”, 2 verses with the word “see”, 6 verses with the word "sight” and 1 verse with the word “vision” can be related to visual function. As for hadiths, 49 hadiths have the word “eye/eyes”, 3 with the word “light”, 1 with the word “see”, 2 with the word “sight” and 2 with the word “vision” in their translations can also be related to
    visual function. Some of the Quranic verses and hadiths are related to anatomy, physiology and
    pathophysiology of the eyes, treatments for eye diseases, and other interesting findings.
    Parser is aprocess of classifying sentence structuresof a language. Parser receives a sentence and breaks it up into correct phrases. The purpose of this research is to develop a Malay single sentence parser that can help primary school studentsto learn Malay language according to the correct phrases. Thisis because research in Malay sentenceparsinghasnot gottenenough attention from researchers tothe extent ofbuildingparserprototypes. This research used top-down parsing technique,and grammar chosen was context-free grammar (CFG) for Malay language. However, to parse a sentence with correct phrase was a difficult task due to lack of resourcesfor obtainingMalay lexicon. Malay lexicon is a database that storesthousands of words with their correct phrases. Therefore, this research developeda Malay lexicon based on an articlefrom Dewan Masyarakatmagazine. In conclusion, this research can providehelpto the primaryschoolstudentsto organize correct Malay single sentences.
  4. E.Suhartiningsih, Sarimah, Noor Azlin, Norly Marlia, Nasirin
    Inap Desa adalah merupakan produk pelancongan yang menyediakan perkhidmatan penginapan kepada para pelancong. Perkhidmatan ini biasanya disediakan di destinasi pelancongan yang terletak jauh daripada bandar. Memandangkan destinasi pelancongan ini terletak di pinggir bandar / luar bandar dan tidak mempunyai perkhidmatan penginapan seperti hotel, resort dan chalet, masyarakat kampung telah mengambil inisiatif untuk menyediakan kemudahan penginapan di kawasan mereka. Walaupun Pengusaha Inap Desa mempunyai pengetahuan yang sedikit mengenai industri pelancongan, tetapi mereka mempunyai semangat untuk bersama-sama memajukan industri ini dengan bantuan dari kerajaan dan juga sektor swasta. Berdasarkan pada beberapa kajian lepas, kebanyakan kajian hanya melaporkan kejayaan Inap Desa yang hanya memberi tumpuan kepada beberapa destinasi Inap Desa yang terkenal sahaja walaupun terdapat lebih banyak Inap Desa yang tersenarai berdasarkan rekod di Kementerian Kebudayaan, Seni dan Pelancongan. Oleh itu, keperluan penyelidikan lebih lanjut perlu dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pembangunan Inap Desa di Melaka. Setiap komuniti Inap Desa menghadapi cabaran yang sama atau berbeza dalam mengurus operasi kerana mereka mungkin menawarkan pakej yang berbeza. Oleh itu, majoriti penyelidikan yang sedia ada berkemungkinan untuk berat sebelah kerana saiz sampel adalah agak kecil yang berkemungkinan tidak sesuai mewakili seluruh program Inap Desa di Malaysia. Oleh yang demikian, objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mengkaji kesan pembangunan Inap Desa kepada masyarakat terutama dalam menggalakkan penyertaan masyarakat dan untuk melihat hubungan antara ekonomi dan budaya terhadap pembangunan Inap Desa. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah pensampelan rawak berstrata dimana sembilan (9) Inap Desa dipilih di bawah penyeliaan MOTAC . Keputusan kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa hanya budaya memberi sumbangan besar kepada pembangunan Inap Desa.
  5. Noor Saatila Mohd Isa, Norliana Omar
    Borneo Akademika, 2020;4(3):1-8.
    In this era of technological advancement, there is a tremendous growth in the usage of mobile applications, mainly among accounting students in higher institutions as a medium for learning tools in education. Accounting students at tertiary level basically are subjected to learn different types of accounting standards. Accounting standards have continued to evolve to strike the balance between providing meaningful information to the users and balancing up cost of preparing such information. However, there is a growing concern that financial reporting has become overly complex. The complexity caused by financial reporting standards may derive from many factors, such as their length, the difficulty in understanding them, and the cost of applying their requirements. In the educational stream, students find that it is hard to understand lengthy wordings in the standards. Therefore, this interactive application is designed to help users especially students on classification issues under MFRS140 Investment Property. Hence,the purpose of the study is to prove the practicality and usefulness of mobile apps to understand accounting standards which is known as MFRS140: Quick Chart Mobile App particularly among final semester accounting students. In this study, the results revealed that this application provides useful and precise guidelines for students as to avoid lengthy wordings to increase the level of their understanding. By using the application, users will have a better knowledge in identifying whether the land and buildings fall under MFRS140 or other MFRSs. Furthermore, the application contributes to the effort of making users learn standards of accounting in a different perspective rather than a classroom-oriented perspective.
  6. Abdul,Halim,, Noor,, Mohd,Fadzilah,, Mohd,Said,, Abdul,Halim,
    Compendium of Oral Science, 2021;8(1):32-39.
    Objectives: To evaluate the influence of music in reducing patients’ anxiety during periodontal surgery. Methods:
    This is a clinical trial of involving fifteen patients undergoing periodontal surgery. Patients indicated for
    periodontal surgery were invited to participate in the study, and randomly assigned to music (n=8) or control
    (n=7) groups. Participants’ dental anxiety were determined using the Corah Dental Anxiety Scale (CDAS) before
    and after the surgery, while their blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) were recorded at pre-, intra- and
    post-procedures. Paired t-test was used to compare the statistical significant difference between pre- and postprocedural anxiety for both groups. Result: The participants of this study consist of 22 patients that underwent
    periodontal surgery procedures, with majority of the subjects (53.3%) were males (n=8) and the mean age was
    50.8 (SD=13.21). The measurement of blood pressure increased in patients allocated in music group compared
    to control group were statistically significant with (p
  7. Noor Atiqah, A.A.K., Maisarah, A.M., Asmah, R.
    The emerging studies suggest antioxidant may represent an important role in defence against certain diseases outlined the necessity of determining their contents in tamarillo (Cyphomandra betacea), cherry tomato (Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme), and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). This study aims to determine the antioxidant capacity, total phenolic content and total flavonoid content in tamarillo, yellow cherry tomato, red cherry tomato, and tomato in 70% ethanol and water extracts. The ethanol extract showed the highest scavenging activity, ferric reducing activity, phenolic and flavonoid contents, whereas, the water extract showed higher value for antioxidant activity in β-Carotene bleaching assay. Tamarillo showed the highest antioxidant activity (22.92 ± 3.60%, 28.89 ± 3.85%), scavenging activity (44.25 ± 0.82 μg/ml, 47.38 ± 1.11 μg/ml), ferric reducing activity (12.17 ± 0.53 μM Fe (II)/g, 3.72 ± 0.20 μM Fe (II)/g), phenolic content (7.63 ± 0.37 mg GAE/g edible portion, 1.83 ± 0.50 mg GAE/g edible portion) and flavonoid content (6.44 ± 0.16 mg CE/g edible portion, 2.22 ± 0.31 mg CE/g edible portion) in ethanol and water extracts respectively. For ethanol extracts a positive correlations existed (0.66 ≤ r ≥ 0.97) between ferric reducing activity, antioxidant activity, phenolic content and flavonoid content. While, in water extract correlation test revealed a positive correlations between antioxidant activity, ferric reducing activity and phenolic content (0.645 ≤ r ≥ 0.706) and between antioxidant activity and flavonoid content (r = 0.820). In conclusion, tamarillo exhibits the highest antioxidant capacity, phenolic content and also flavonoid content.
  8. Noor Farhana Nazri, Ruzita Abdul Talib
    Kajian berbentuk hirisan lintang ini dijalankan untuk mengkaji hubungan antara keterlibatan aktiviti di kolej kediaman dengan status pemakanan pelajar Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) Kuala Lumpur dan menentukan tabiat makan pelajar serta kebolehdapatan makanan sihat di sekitar mereka. Seramai 106 pelajar tahun dua hingga empat UKM Kuala Lumpur terlibat dalam kajian ini (20.8% lelaki dan 79.2% perempuan). Data pengambilan makanan subjek direkod dengan menggunakan diari makanan tiga hari. Keterlibatan subjek dalam aktiviti kolej dan juga kebolehdapatan makanan sihat ditentukan dengan menggunakan borang soal selidik yang dibentuk khas untuk kajian ini. Berat badan, ketinggian, ukurlilit pinggang, peratus lemak tubuh dan Indeks Jisim Tubuh (IJT) juga diukur. Hasil kajian menunjukkan majoriti daripada subjek (62.3%) terlibat secara aktif dengan aktiviti yang diadakan di kolej kediaman. Daripada peratusan ini, 5.3% daripada subjek lelaki dan 31.9% perempuan adalah kurang berat badan. 68.4% subjek lelaki dan 55.3% perempuan mempunyai berat badan normal. 21% subjek lelaki dan 8.5% perempuan adalah pra obes. Tambahan pula, 5.3% (n = 1) subjek lelaki dan 4.3% (n = 2) daripada subjek perempuan tergolong dalam klasifi kasi IJT obes. Kajian ini mendapati majoriti subjek bersetuju bahawa mudah untuk memperolehi makanan sihat di kampus. Terdapat korelasi positif yang signifi kan di antara pengambilan tenaga (r = 0.352, p < 0.05) dan lemak (r = 0.391, p < 0.05) dengan Indeks Jisim Tubuh (IJT) bagi penglibatan terhadap aktiviti kolej yang kurang daripada tiga jam. Bagi penglibatan terhadap aktiviti kolej yang lebih daripada tiga jam pula, terdapat korelasi positif yang signifi kan di antara pengambilan tenaga (r = 0.678, p < 0.01), lemak (r = 0.550, p < 0.05), karbohidrat (r = 0.685, p < 0.01), protein (r = 0.465, p < 0.05), kalsium (r = 0.357, p < 0.05), ferum (r = 0.500, p < 0.05), vitamin A (r = 0.733, p < 0.01) dan vitamin E (r = 0.582, p < 0.05) dengan IJT. Pencapaian ‘Recommended Nutrient Intake’ (RNI) bagi pengambilan tenaga, kalsium, ribofl avin, vitamin C dan vitamin E adalah lebih tinggi bagi subjek yang terlibat dengan aktiviti kolej kurang daripada tiga jam berbanding dengan subjek yang terlibat dengan aktiviti kolej lebih daripada tiga jam. Kesimpulannya, walaupun ramai subjek yang aktif, masih terdapat dalam kalangan mereka yang mengalami masalah kurang berat badan, lebih berat badan dan obes. Oleh yang demikian, penglibatan dalam aktiviti di kolej kediaman memberi kesan kepada status pemakanan pelajar Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
  9. Chye, S.J., Ahmad, R., Noor Aziah, A.A.
    This study was carried out to improve the nutritional value of goat’s milk dadih by the addition of tropical-fruit purees, namely, jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus, Lam.), pineapple (Ananas comosus) and papaya (Carica papaya). Dadih with added fruits were compared with the control (without fruit puree) for physical, chemical and sensory attributes. The texture properties of the tropical- fruit dadih were significantly different (p< 0.05) from the control. Control dadih showed highest values for lightness and hue (p< 0.05) as compared to tropical- fruit dadih. The addition of tropical- fruit purees significantly increased (p< 0.05) the moisture, protein, ash and vitamin C contents of the fruit added dadih. There were no significant differences (p> 0.05) in the fat, carbohydrate, energy and total soluble solid contents. Sensory evaluations using a hedonic test showed that all dadih were acceptable. Overall, syneresis of the dadih increased with decreasing pH throughout storage at 4°C.
  10. Ho, L.H., Noor Aziah, A.A., Rajeev Bhat
    The banana pseudo-stem is not currently utilised in the food industry. The aim of this research was to investigate the chemical and pasting profile of banana pseudo-stem flour (BPF). Wheat flour were substituted with BPF (0, 5, 15 and 30%) and the pasting profile were determined. Results from mineral analysis showed that the levels of sodium (Na), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and phosphorus (P) were higher than those of iron (Fe), zinc (Zn) and manganese (Mn). The BPF had a 0.04% total titratable acidity (TTA) and a total soluble solid (TSS) of 1.30⁰ Brix with pH 5.41. BPF contained 28.26% total starch, 12.81% resistant starch and a total digestible starch value of 15.45%. An increased substitution level of BPF into wheat flour significantly (p
  11. Siti Faridah, M.A., Noor Aziah, A.A.
    Response Surface Methodology (RSM) with Central Composite Rotatable Design (CCRD) was performed in this study to develop an acceptable reduced calorie chocolate cake. The range of the independent variables, namely Jackfruit Seed (JFS) flour (20-25% replacement of wheat flour) and polydextrose (10-15% replacement of sucrose) were identified which affect the volume, specific volume, symmetry and uniformity of the chocolate cake. The coefficient of determination, R2 values for volume, specific volume, symmetry and uniformity were greater than 0.900. The optimum level for replacement of sugar with polydextrose was at 11% and wheat flour with JFS flour was at 16% with calorie reduction approximately 34% from the control cake formulation.
  12. Sim, S.K., Theophilus, S.C., Noor Azman, A.R.
    Intracranial nail gun injury is a rare subset of penetrating head injury. Here we report a case of intracranial nail gun injury in a Vietnamese patient who attempted suicide with no neurological deficit. Three nails were launched. Because the nail head acted as a brake, the launched nail could make a hole into the skull but could not entirely pass it. A rational management strategy should permit these patients to be discharged with no additional injury. Some medical and surgical management in penetrating head injury are discussed. The use of antibiotics and antiepileptic drugs and the retraction of the nail aided by the performance of a craniotomy surrounding the entry point are recommended.
  13. Mohd Zukri, I., Noor Hassim, I.
    Introduction: The effect of stress among correctional officers at the workplace can contribute to various health problems and this also affect their work performance and motivation.
    Methodology: Study was done at a prison located at the rural district in Kedah. The study was conducted by using randomized stratified sampling method. A total of 418 self administrated questionnaires were distributed. These questionnaires included socio demographic factor, family and marriage factor, Personal Stress Inventory (using Stress Symptom Scale with 52 items), work related stressors (Job Stress Survey) and Brief COPE (Coping Orientation for Problems Experienced with 28 items).
    Result: Response rate was 90.9%. Stress prevalence for correctional officers was 45.8%. Socio demographic factors which have significant relation with stress status were marital status, promotion factor, age, monthly salary, duration of service and number of children (p< 0.05). Family and marriage factor which have significant relation with stress status among married officer were pressure from relatives, clean up house, sexual frustration, conflict with spouse, conflict with children, conflict due to household work and no babysitter (p< 0.05).
    Discussion: The study showed that work related stressors that have influence with stress were excessive workload, working after work hours, not enough staff, disgraced words from fellow workers, competition in carrier development and excessive work stress (p< 0.05). Multiple linear regression model was done in this study and revealed factors that explained 52% of variation in stress score distributions were behavioural disengagement, no babysitter, denial, conflict with children, replace other worker’s duty, not enough time with family, competition in carrier development, venting of emotion, positive reframing and emotional support. Coping strategies that have significant effect in reducing stress symptoms are positive reframing and emotional support.
    Conclusion: Stress management programs should be implemented and emphasizing on specific stressors and coping mechanism are important to reduce the risk of occupational stress among correctional officers.
  14. Jamsiah, M., Rosnah, S., Noor Hassim, I.
    Background : Study of stress among adults in rural community is seldom been conducted and this study aims to see the prevelence of the stress among this group of population.
    Methodology : A cross sectional study was conducted to measure the prevalence of stress among the rural people in Hulu Langat District, Selangor using O`Donnell Personal Stress Inventory and coping mechanism practiced by them.
    Result : A total of 265 respondents through universal sampling participated in this study. The stress prevalence identified was 16.2%. The factors which have significant association with stress were age, education level, marital status, working women, duration of working per day and body mass index. Diseases such as diabetis mellitus and hypertension showed no association with stress. Preferred coping mechanism used by respondents included emotional support, instrumental support, behavior modification and denial.
    Conclusion : Stress among the rural population is high in Malaysia. Measures has to be taken to reduce the stress as it can effect the general health of the people.
  15. Nurlaily, A., Noor Baitee, A.R., Musalmah, M.
    Medicine & Health, 2012;7(2):62-72.
    Keupayaan Centella asiatica (CA) untuk bertindak sebagai antioksidan dan agen anti-radang telah banyak dilaporkan. Namun begitu, kaedah pengekstrakan CA untuk memperoleh hasil yang terbaik masih dipersoalkan. Dalam kajian ini, kami menilai tiga kaedah pengekstrakan CA dan membuat perbandingan ekstrak dari segi aktiviti antioksidan dan anti-radang, dan juga kandungan sebatian bioaktif, asiaticoside dan madecassoside. Centella asiatica diekstrak menggunakan pelarut etanol, metanol dan juga air. Kandungan sebatian fenolik ekstrak diukur menggunakan kaedah reagen Folin-Ciocalteu. Kandungan asiaticoside dan madecassoside ditentukan dengan kaedah HPLC. Aktiviti antioksidan diukur dengan asai 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) dan asai penurunan kuasa Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power (FRAP). Aktiviti anti-radang ditentukan dengan kebolehan ekstrak untuk merencatkan enzim tapakjalan keradangan, COX-1 dan COX-2, serta kebolehan ekstrak melindungi sel fibroblas aruhan 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) daripada menghasilkan prostaglandin E2 (PGE2 ). Hasil kajian menunjukkan aras sebatian fenolik, asiaticoside dan madecassoside tertinggi dalam ekstrak etanol, diikuti metanol dan esktrak akues (masing-masing 17.76 g/100g, 15.52 g/100g, 13.16 g/100g untuk sebatian fenolik, 42.86 mg/g, 36.37 mg/g, 2.82 mg/g untuk asiaticoside and 18.66 mg/g, 15.87 mg/g, 3.75 mg/g untuk madecassoside). Ketiga-tiga ekstrak menunjukkan aktiviti antioksidan sederhana berbanding kawalan positif. Kesemua ekstrak, asiaticoside dan madecassoside merencat COX-1 dan COX-2 dan menyekat penghasilan PGE2 -aruhan TPA. Ekstrak etanol dan metanol merupakan perencat COX yang lebih kuat dan lebih poten daripada ekstrak akues. Oleh itu, walaupun ekstrak akues menunjukkan kebolehan antioksidan yang lebih tinggi, dari segi aktiviti anti-radang, pelarut hidrofobik iaitu etanol dan metanol ternyata lebih baik untuk mengekstrak Centella asiatica.
  16. Raja Azman Raja Awang, Noor Huda Ismail
    Pathologic tooth migration (PTM) is a common complication following moderate to severe chronic periodontitis, which lead to the undesirable consequences such as traumatic occlusion and impaired aesthetic appearance. Multidisciplinary approach had been successfully used in overcoming the problem. However, since periodontal tissue support is reduced in PTM, further migration of teeth may occur as they were always subjected to the external forces such as occlusion and soft tissue pressure during function. This case report described a 41 year-old male with a further migration of his upper right central incisor after periodontal therapy. After multidisciplinary approach was carried out to overcome the problem and the tooth was on stable condition, permanent splinting was placed to secure the tooth.
  17. Norhayati Mohd Noor, Aniza Abd Aziz
    The Short Form Health Survey SF-36 is a well-known generic health-related quality of life measure that has widely been used worldwide. However, given the cultural, social and ethnic differences in some countries, it might not follow the intended structure of the instrument. Hence, this study aims to determine the psychometric properties of the Malay version of Short Form Health Survey (SF-12) among postpartum mothers. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 1-month postpartum mothers attending Obstetric and Gynecology clinic, Universiti Sains Malaysia Hospital, Kelantan, Malaysia. Reliability was estimated using internal consistency and the factor structure was extracted by performing confirmatory factor analysis using SPSS v. 20 and AMOS v. 20. A total of 108 women responded. The mean (SD) score for the Physical Component Summary (PCS) score and Mental Component Summary (MCS) score were 43.3 (7.08) and 42.4 (6.87) respectively. The Cronbach alpha for PCS-12 was 0.749 and MCS-12 was 0.701. Spearman correlations of individual items and the SF-12 component summary scores showed PF, RP, BP and GH items correlated higher with the PCS score, whereas the VT, SF, RE, and MH items correlated higher with the MCS score lending support to its good convergent validity. The confirmatory factor solution showed final model with two factors structure and six items each with acceptable factor loadings, satisfactory absolute and parsimonious fitness (RMSEA=0.1, x2/df=2.4). The psychometric tests of the Malay version of SF-12 generally showed acceptable validity and reliability among postpartum women.
    Study site: Obstretic and gynecology Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM)
  18. Lotfizadeh, Masoud, Maimaiti, Namaitijiang, Noor Hassim Ismail
    Occupational stress is one of the major health hazards among blue and white-collar workers. However there is no data on occupational stress among white-collar workers in Iran. Aim of this study was to investigate occupational stress among white collar employees in Esfahan Steel Company organization (ESCO), Iran. A cross-sectional survey was conducted through face to face interview using validated standardized questionnaire on occupational stress among 200 white-collar workers from ESCO who agreed to participate in the study, the response rate of participation was 100%. The logistic regression test was used to determine significant associated factors of occupational stress among the study sample.. It is found that among the six items measuring source of stress, the highest source of stress related to economic problem, 117 (59.7%). The statistical analysis showed sources of stress such as task type (p=0.0001), economic problem (p=0.0001), work environment (p=0.0001) and children problem (p=0.05) were significantly associated with having stress among the workers. We found that around half of the white collar workers were under stress at ESCO. Main sources of the occupational stress of white colour workers related to their work environment, economic problem; task type, and related their children.
  19. Febriyenti, Azmin Mohd. Noor, Saringat Baei
    The objective of this research was to formulate an aerosol concentrate containing haruan (Channa
    striatus) water extract that would produce a thin film when sprayed onto a wound and could be used for wound dressing. The aerosol concentrates were formulated with various polymer and plasticiser mixtures and tested in dispersion systems. The polymers evaluated were hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC), carboxymethylcellulose sodium (CMC Sodium), acacia, tragacanth, chitosan, gelatine and gelatine (bloom 151–160), all at concentrations of 2%. The plasticisers evaluated were polyethylene glycol (PEG) 400 and 4000, glycerine, propylene glycol, and triacetin. Films were prepared from film-forming dispersions by casting techniques. Film-forming dispersions were characterised in terms of pH, density, surface tension, rheological properties, particle size distribution, and tackiness. Based on these evaluations, HPMC was chosen as the best polymer. It produced a film with the expected qualities and was easy to reproduce in the form of dispersions or as thin transparent films. Glycerine was judged as the most appropriate plasticiser because it produced the concentrate having the desired qualities and properties expected from an aerosol concentrate.
  20. Noor Alaudin Abdul Wahab, Norashikin Chahed
    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan data normatif timpanometri di kalangan kanak-kanak Melayu prasekolah dan membandingkannya menurut jantina. Ini kerana faktor bukan patologi seperti umur, jantina dan bangsa mempengaruhi data normatif timpanometri. Sehubungan itu, garis panduan saringan telinga tengah oleh American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA) yang menggunakan data normatif timpanometri kanak-kanak Kaukasian mungkin tidak sesuai untuk populasi kanak-kanak Melayu. Parameter timpanometri yang diukur ialah puncak statik admitan akustik dikompensasi (puncak Ytm), isipadu salur telinga luar (Vea) dan kelebaran timpanogram (TW). Seramai 161 orang kanak-kanak Melayu (80 orang kanak-kanak lelaki dan 81 orang kanak-kanak perempuan) berumur antara 4 hingga 6 tahun terlibat di dalam kajian ini. Bagaimanapun, hanya seramai 45 orang kanak-kanak lelaki dan 46 orang kanak-kanak perempuan (163 dari keseluruhan 182 telinga) memenuhi kriteria inklusi iaitu lulus pemeriksaan otoskopi dan saringan pendengaran serta menunjukkan refleks akustik ipsilateral pada 1000 Hz. Ujian ANOVA Campuran dua-hala untuk membandingkan min parameter timpanometri kanak-kanak lelaki dan perempuan menunjukkan tiada perbezaan yang signifikan; min puncak Ytm (p > 0.05), min Vea (p > 0.05), dan min TW (p > 0.05). Oleh itu, data kedua-dua kumpulan ini digabungkan. Secara keseluruhan, nilai min puncak Ytm ialah 0.55 ± 0.28mmhos, min Vea ialah 0.90 ± 0.39 cm3, dan min TW ialah 104.68 ± 32.08 daPa. Julat normal persentil ke-90 bagi puncak Ytm ialah antara 0.27 hingga 1.18 mmhos, Vea antara 0.45 hingga 1.65 cm3 dan TW antara 59.60 hingga 149.80 daPa. Hasil kajian mencadangkan data normatif timpanometri ini sesuai digunakan ke atas kanak-kanak Melayu prasekolah namun ianya tidak perlu dibezakan mengikut jantina. Sekiranya setiap satu nilai TW > 200 daPa dan Vea > 1.0 cm3 oleh ASHA diaplikasi ke atas kanak-kanak Melayu prasekolah, maka masing-masing akan menyebabkan kadar rujukan yang rendah dan kadar rujukan yang berlebihan.
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