Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 1818 in total

  1. Chang, Teo Yong, Nasir Yusoff, Begum, Tahamina
    ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, 2015;16(1):75-83.
    Objective: Literatures on factors influencing performance of the Stroop interference have been elusive on coping styles. Past investigations of coping influence on Stroop test have been indirect and inconclusive due to variability of multidimensional coping models and application of different Stroop test. The concept of constricted versus flexible or broad cognitive style have linked personality and coping styles to Stroop performance. The objective of this study was to determine the associations of coping styles with Stroop resistance towards interference (Stroop RI) and subsequently determine the predictors of Stroop performance. Methods: This was a cross-sectional community research design study with purposive sampling. In this study, the self-administered Brief COPE inventory questionnaires and Stroop Test were performed among 205 undergraduate medical students. Results: Findings revealed that behavioural disengagement (r=-0.361), dysfunctional coping (r=-0.355), self-blame (r = 0.222), and substance abuse (r = -0.173) showed negative correlation and proven strong association with Stroop RI. Further multiple regression analyses identified behavioural disengagement (R2 = 0.13), and dysfunctional coping (R2 = 0.024) as significant predictors for interference. Conclusion: Coping styles have implication on Stroop test exhibited in varied cognitive styles. Integrating coping styles factor on Stroop test has glimpsed the future direction of other neuropsychological assessment batteries on the importance of profiling individualistic baseline norms. ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 16 (1): January – June 2015: XX XX.
  2. Liew, Yen Yee, Muhamad Saiful Bahri Yusoff
    Introduction: Various studies had been done on medical students stress, but there is yet no comparative study done between universities in Asia and Europe. Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) and Universiteit Maastricht (UM) share a lot in common in terms of medical education as both actively apply PBL-oriented education into their curriculum. It will be interesting to find out the effect of differing culture, one Eastern and another Western, on the prevalence of stress and stressors among medical students of both universities.

    Method: A comparative study was conducted on medical students from USM and UM. Psychological distress was measured by the 12 item General Health Questionnaire and stressors were measured by the 40 item Medical Student Stressor Questionnaire. The calculated sample size was 215 per university. The collected data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20.

    Result: Results showed that the overall prevalence of psychological distress among medical students of USM and UM was 25.9% and no significant difference was found between the two universities. Binary logistic regression test showed that medical students in pre-clinical phase were 1.84 times more likely to develop psychological distress than medical students in clinical phases (B = 0.612, odd ratio (CI95%) = 1.84 (1.16, 2.93), p = 0.010). The major stressors were related to academic requirements, UM medical students perceived the stressors as causing less stress than USM medical students (t-stat (df) = 5.33 (380), p-value < 0.001).

    Conclusion: Psychological health among medical students in the two universities was comparable. Academic requirements were the most stressful events as perceived by the students, but UM medical students had more positive perception toward the stressors than USM medical students. Pre-clinical students experienced higher psychological pressures than the clinical students. The medical schools should provide more attention to pre-clinical students because they might need psychological support from them.
  3. Meor Yusoff, M.S., Masliana, M., Wilfred, P.
    Even though EDXRF analysis has major advantages in the analysis of stainless steel samples such as simultaneous determination of the minor elements, analysis can be done without sample preparation and non-destructive analysis, the matrix issue arised from the inter element interaction can make the the final quantitative result to be in accurate. The paper relates a comparative quantitative analysis using standard and standardless methods in the determination of these elements. Standard method was done by plotting regression calibration graphs of the interested elements using BCS certified stainless steel standards. Different calibration plots were developed based on the available certified standards and these stainless steel grades include low alloy steel, austentic, ferritic and high speed. The standardless method on the other hand uses a mathematical modelling with matrix effect correction derived from Lucas-Tooth and Price model. Further
    improvement on the accuracy of the standardless method was done by inclusion of pure elements into the development of the model. Discrepancy tests were then carried out for these quantitative methods on different certified samples and the results show that the high speed method is most reliable for determining of Ni and the standardless method for Mn.
  4. Muhamad Saiful Bahri Yusoff, Monrouxe, Lynn
    Journal business models are basically classified based on the source of income to cover publication costs and in general there are two main journal business models which are the toll-access and open-access. These leading to a question that still remains around the ethics of publishing academic work across the different journal business models in terms of (a) editorial decision-making and (b) the dissemination of research that has not been appropriately peer-reviewed for quality and rigor. This paper discussed about these two areas based on the literature and the authors' observations.
  5. Meor Yusoff Meor Sulaiman, Masliana Muslimin
    A process to produce calcium phosphate biomaterial was done using an organic based diethylhexyl phosphoric acid (DEHPA) as its starting material. The gel obtained from this reaction was used to study calcium phosphate transformation using in-situ XRD with temperature ranges from room temperature to 1300 o C. The results obtained from this analysis show the following phase transformation sequence gel > β-Ca2P2O7 > β-TCP + HA > α-TCP + HA. β-Ca2P2O7 was formed at 400 o C and the sample when heated up to 1000 o C, peaks of β- TCP and HA appeared showing the transformation of the β-Ca2P2O7 phase. When the sample was heated up further to 1200 o C, β-TCP transformed into α-TCP.
  6. Ahmad Nazlim Yusoff, Mustaffa Hj. Abdullah
    Samples of Mn0.6-zMgzZn0.4Fe2O4 ferrites (z = 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 and 0.6) were prepared by solid state reaction. X-ray diffraction (XRD) confirmed the formation of a single phase spinel structure. Analysis of XRD data indicates that the lattice parameter (a) and XRD density (ρXRD) decrease with the substitution of Mn by Mg. This ferrite system indicates a maximum magnetization at a certain composition of Mg. The initial permeability (µi) increases for samples with higher magnetization, while the coercivity vary in the opposite manner. DC resistivity (ρ) at 300 K was obtained for annealed an unannealed samples. It is seen that the resistivities at 300 K for samples with z = 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 and 0.6 are lower than the others. The electrical resistivity as a function of temperature in one complete cycle (300 K---680 K---300 K) for unannealed samples indicates anomalies at Neel temperature (TN) and around a certain temperature (Tot). Anomaly at Tot can be seen during heating run and is greater for samples with higher Mg content. The anomaly is absent during cooling run and for the annealed samples except for Z = 0.6. The existence of this anomaly is discussed as due to a contribution of conductivity from the tetrahedral sites and cation redistribution between the two interstitial A and B sites. TN was determined from the variation of resistivity with temperature for the anealed samples and is seen to increase with increasing Mg content. The ferrimagnetic activation energy (Ef) is smaller than the paramagnetic activation energy (Ep) for all samples.
    Sistem ferit Mn0.6-zMgzZn0.4Fe2O4 (z = 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 dan 0.6) disediakan melalui kaedah tindakbalas keadaan pepejal. Pembelauan sinar-X (XRD) mengesahkan kesemua sampel berstruktur spinel fasa tunggal. Analisa data XRD menunjukkan pemalar kekisi (a) dan ketumpatan XRD (rXRD) yang berkurang dengan penggantian Mn oleh Mg. Sistem ferit ini menunjukkan pemagnetan maksimum pada suatu komposisi Mg. Kebolehtelapan awal (µi) meningkat bagi sampel dengan pemagnetan yang tinggi manakala koersiviti (Hc) berubah sebaliknya. Kerintangan elektrik arus terus (ρat) pada 300 K diukur untuk sampel yang disepuh lindap dan yang tidak disepuh lindap. Nilai kerintangan elektrik pada 300 K untuk sampel dengan z = 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 dan 0.6 didapati lebih rendah berbanding dengan yang lain. Perubahan kerintangan elektrik terhadap suhu dalam satu kitar (300 K---680 K---300 K) bagi sampel yang tidak disepuh lindap menunjukkan anomali pada suhu Neel (TN) dan suatu anomali di sekitar suatu suhu (Tot). Anomali pada Tot dicerap semasa pengukuran suhu meningkat dan semakin jelas untuk sampel dengan kandungan Mg yang tinggi. Anomali tersebut lenyap untuk pengukuran suhu menurun dan pengukuran bagi sampel yang disepuh lindap kecuali untuk z = 0.6. Kewujudan anomali tersebut dibincangkan sebagai berpunca daripada sumbangan kekonduksian pada tapak tetrahedron dan taburan semula kation-kation di antara dua tapak interstis A dan B. TN ditentukan daripada lengkung kerintangan melawan suhu untuk sampel yang disepuh lindap dan didapati meningkat dengan kandungan Mg. Kesemua sampel menunjukkan tenaga pengaktifan ferimagnet (Ef) yang lebih kecil daripada tenaga pengaktifan paramagnet (Ep ).
  7. Mustafa Hj. Abdullah, Ahmad Nazlim Yusoff
    The electrical resistivity of Mg0.6Zn0.4Fe2O4 ferrite was measured as a function of temperature in the range 300-630 K. Two anomalies are observed in the resistivity curves for measurements during heating up. These anomalies are identified as a magnetic anomaly at the Neel temperature, TN = 598 K, while the other one at TOt = 445 K is discussed as due to the contribution of conduction from the tetrahedral sites. The anomaly at Tot was reduced in the measurements during recooling, while the anomaly at TN was disappeared completely during recooling and second cycle. These effects are discussed as due to the increase of Fe2+ ions at the octahedral sites as a result of cation redistribution at higher temperatures. A relatively small anomaly at Tot still can be observed during the second run. This is possible if the Fe2+ ions have a preference to be relocated at the tetrahedral sites at lower temperatures.
    Kerintangan elektrik Mg0.6Zn0.4Fe2O4 ferit telah diukur sebagai fungsi suhu dalam julat 300 - 630 K. Dua anomali dapat dicerap pada lengkung kerintangan bagi pengukuran semasa pemanasan. Dua anomali tersebut dikenalpasti sebagai anomali magnet pada suhu Neel, TN = 598 K, manakala yang satu lagi pada Tot = 445 K dibincangkan sebagai berpunca daripada sumbangan kekonduksian pada tapak tetrahedron. Anomali pada Tot mengurang dalam pengukuran semasa penyejukan semula pada julat suhu yang sarna, manakala anomali pada TN terus lenyap dalam pengukuran semasa penyejukan semula dan juga semasa kitar kedua. Kesan ini dibincangkan sebagai disebabkan oleh peningkatan ion Fe2+ pada tapak oktahedron daripada proses taburan semula kation pada suhu tinggi. Anomali yang berkurang pada Tot masih boleh dicerap semasa pengukuran kitar kedua. Keadaan seperti ini adalah mungkin jika ion Fe2+ mempunyai kecenderongan untuk bertempat semula pada tapak tetrahedron apabila suhu menurun.
  8. Siti Hajar Mohamad Y, Yahya D
    In consistency with the aspiration of Ministry of Youth and Sports in developing youths who are united among each other, disciplined, and have high morals, some efforts have been taken by the National Youth Skills Institute (IKBN) to help in producing youths who have good morals and vision. This study focuses on psychological factors and mental health in order to establish a productive youth. Therefore, this research aims to determine the level of family functioning and cognitive distortion among IKBN students in Malaysia. A total of 1,200 students took part in this study. The instruments used were Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scales III (FACES III) to measure family functioning, and Cognitive Distortion Scale (CDS) to measure cognitive distortion. Results indicate that students’ family functioning is at a moderate level, whilst students’ cognitive distortion is at a low level. The results also indicate that family functioning can prevent the problem of cognitive distortion among youths. The implications of this study can be contributed to the youth development by IKBN and the Ministry of Youth and Sports in Malaysia.
  9. Ali Ahmadzadeh, Sarani Zakaria, Maisarah Yusoff
    The liquefaction of oil palm empty fruit bunch (EFB) in phenol was carried out in the presence of sulfuric acid as a catalyst in the reflux condenser system. The effect of initial phenol input and EFB on liquefaction reaction was investigated by measuring the reaction yield, EFB residue and combined phenol. The initial ratio of phenol to EFB has the greatest influence on the residue and reaction yield. The liquefaction products consist of some liquid by products with high amount of OH groups. The amount of this byproduct is 0.5 time of the solid product (phenolic resin).
  10. Mohd Fairuz J, Shahizan H, Azalina Y
    Jurnal Psikologi Malaysia, 2017;31:120-136.
    The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of two independent variables namely lecturer’s supervision and peer observation of teaching on trainee teachers’ self-efficacy. This survey involved 162 trainee teachers from Malaysian Teachers Training Institute. The research instruments used in the study were Teachers’ Sense of Self-Efficacy Scale (TSES), Peer Observation of Teaching Scale (POTS) and lecturer’s supervision questionnaire. This study reveals a six-step of cleaning process statistical data. Then, the data was analysed using IBM Statistics software and SmartPLS 3.0. The result shows the independent variables contributes 41.7% of variance on trainee teachers’ self-efficacy aspect. The lecturer’s supervision is the most dominant aspects which contributes to the trainee teachers’ selfefficacy (β = 0.513) compared to peer observation of teaching aspect (β = 0.204). This study also explains a measurement model and a structural model of trainee teachers’ self-efficacy in teaching practicum context.
  11. Ahmad Nazlim Yusoff, Mustaffa Hj. Abdullah
    The a.c. electrical response of a polycrystalline Li0.25Ni0.2Zn0.3Fe2.25O4 ferrite is studied by means of impedance spectroscopy. The impedance measurement was performed at different input voltage amplitudes in ten decades of frequency (1 mHz - 10 MHz). Two overlapping semicircles with negative capacitance phenomenon below 1 Hz are observed at all amplitudes. The two semicircles are mainly attributed to the grain and grain boundary processes at high and low frequencies respectively. The grain boundary impedance shows a non-linear dependence on the input voltage, where the corresponding impedance semicircle is smaller for larger amplitude. However, a linear response is observed for the grain component. The dependence of the a.c. electrical properties of the grain and grain boundary components on the amplitude of the input voltage is discussed.
    Ransangan elektrik a.u. daripada ferit Li0.25Ni0.2Zn0.3Fe2.25O4 berpolihablur dikaji dengan menggunakan spektroskopi impedans. Pengukuran impedans dilakukan pada beberapa amplitud voltan masukan dalam julat sepuluh dekad frekuensi (1 mHz - 10 MHz). Dua lengkung separuh bulatan yang bertindih dengan fenomena kapasitans negatif di bawah frekuensi 1 Hz dapat diperhatikan pada setiap nilai amplitud. Kedua-dua lengkung separuh bulatan tersebut berpunca daripada proses-proses butiran dan sempadan butiran masing-masing pada frekuensi tinggi dan rendah. Impedans sempadan butiran menunjukkan persandaran tak-linear ke atas voltan masukan, dengan separuh bulatan impedans yang berpadanan yang mengecil dengan peningkatan amplitud. Akan tetapi, suatu ransangan linear dapat diperhatikan bagi komponen butiran. Kebergantungan sifat elektrik a.u. bagi komponen-­komponen butiran dan sempadan butiran kepada amplitud voltan masukan dibincangkan.
  12. Zainal Abidin, N.F., Yusoff, A., Ahmad, N.
    Octenyl succinic anhydride (OSA) modified sago starch was prepared in order to improve the emulsification properties of native starch. In the present study, the major factors affecting esterification were investigated with respect to OSA concentration, pH and reaction time using response surface methodology (RSM) based on central composite rotatable design (CCRD) to obtain the highest value of degree of substitution (DS). Results shown that the optimum conditions for OSA concentration, pH and reaction time were 5.00%, pH 7.20 and 9.65 h, respectively. At optimum condition, the esterification of sago starch with OSA resulted in DS value of 0.0120. The DS increased linearly with the increase in amount of OSA, whilst pH and reaction time show a curvature trend on the value of DS. The value of DS was found to be significantly affected by all the three variables. The experimental values under optimum condition were in good consistent with the predicted values (0.0131), which suggested that the optimisation by RSM is more efficient process than conventional optimisation.
  13. Zzaman, W., Yusoff, M.M., Yang, T.A.
    Fish crackers made from freshwater fishes is a new dimension in fish cracker industry. In this study, three species were chosen based on their general preference and acceptability by Malaysian. Together with other ingredients, these crackers were prepared using standard formulation and tested in laboratory for their proximate analysis and physical characteristic analysis includes linear expansion, oil absorption, color measurement and texture. Sensory analysis for overall acceptability was carried out among trained panelist in the school. The results for proximate composition and physical analysis showed that there were significant differences (p
  14. Jahanshiri F, Eshaghi M, Yusoff K
    Arch Virol, 2005 Mar;150(3):611-8.
    PMID: 15592890
    The yeast two-hybrid system has been used to identify domains of the Newcastle disease virus (NDV) phosphoprotein (P) involved in self-association and interaction with the nucleocapsid protein (NP). Deletion analysis was used to map the domain(s) of the P protein involved in P:P and P:NP interactions. The C-terminal 45 amino acids (residues 247-291) were shown to play a major role in both of the interactions. Comparison of these findings with other reports suggests that paramyxoviruses are different with respect to interaction domain(s) between these two essential viral proteins involved in genome replication.
  15. Abidi SS, Yusoff Z
    PMID: 10724889
    The Malaysian Telemedicine initiative advocates a paradigm shift in healthcare delivery patterns by way of implementing a person-centred and wellness-focused healthcare system. This paper introduces the Malaysian Telemedicine vision, its functionality and associated operational conditions. In particular, we focus on the conceptualisation of one key Telemedicine component i.e. the Lifetime Health Plan (LHP) system--a distributed multimodule application for the periodic monitoring and generation of health-care advisories for all Malaysians. In line with the LHP project, we present an innovative healthcare delivery info-structure--LifePlan--that aims to provide life-long, pro-active, personalised, wellness-oriented healthcare services to assist individuals to manage and interpret their health needs. Functionally, LifePlan based healthcare services are delivered over the WWW, packaged as Personalised Lifetime Health Plans that allow individuals to both monitor their health status and to guide them in healthcare planning.
  16. Khan MN, Arifin Z, Yusoff MR, Ismail E
    J Colloid Interface Sci, 1999 Dec 15;220(2):474-476.
    PMID: 10607470
    The effects of Brij 35 micelles, CTABr micelles, and mixed Brij 35-CTABr micelles on the acid-base behavior of phenyl salicylate (PST) have been studied in aqueous solution containing 2% v/v acetonitrile. The apparent pK(b) (pK(app)(b)) of PST is decreased by 1.5 pK units with the increase in [Brij 35] from 0 to 0.02 M which is attributed to micellar medium effect. The values of pK(app)(b) remain almost independent of [CTABr] within its range 0.01-0.03 M. The increase in [CTABr] from 0 to 0.03 M in aqueous solution containing 0.02 M Brij 35 has not resulted in a change in pK(app)(b). This shows that the characeristic structural features of nonionic Brij 35 micelles remain essentially unchanged on addition of CTABr under the present experimental conditions. Copyright 1999 Academic Press.
  17. Hashami B, Abdul Halim O, Yusoff K
    Med J Malaysia, 1994 Jun;49(2):149-57.
    PMID: 8090094
    A total of 209 randomly selected Malaysian university students (128 from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 81 from the University of New South Wales) completed a self-filled questionnaire enquiring about their smoking behaviour and psychosocial characteristics. The prevalence of smoking was 26.6 per cent among students in Malaysia and 18.8 per cent among students in Australia (average 23.4%). Both samples have similar patterns in terms of age of starting smoking, time of the day when they smoked, family and peer history of smoking, and whether or not they inhaled deeply during smoking. The smokers tend to be male, studying beyond the first year, staying with peers outside the hostel, having financial sources other than a scholarship, and abnormal mental health score. However, the smokers from the Australian samples were noted to smoke less and made fewer attempts at quitting the habit.
  18. Rosdi R.A., Yusoff S., Mohd Yusoff N., Ismail R., Tan, C.S., Musa N.
    It has been recognized extensively that studies of pharmacogenetics provide massive examples of causal relationship between genotypes and drug effectiveness to account for interindividual phenotypic variations in drug therapy. In most cases, cytochrome P450 (CYP) polymorphisms are one of the major variables that affecting those drug plasma concentration, drug detoxification and drug activation in humans. Thus, understanding of CYP polymorphisms can be crucially valuable in order to allow early and more accurate drug dosage prediction and improve the drug response accordingly. Despite the high level of homologous amino acid sequences, CYP2C9 and CYP2C19 genes are among the most important CYP genes which metabolize a wide range of clinically therapeutic drugs. Several critical reviews have been published relating to the aforementioned genes. However, this minireview aims to systematically merge reported studies on the SNPs frequencies of both genes concentrating only on Malaysian population. It is hoped that, the minireview can be an opener for new opportunities to reevaluate the evidence on the prevalence of CYP2C genes as a potential genetic factor influencing a particular drug efficacy and safety among Malaysian. Such evaluation can be developed to the next level of early prediction of better and specific drug treatment, thereby improving the drug response while helping the government in minimising the drug expenditures.
  19. Abubakar A, Ishak MY
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2024 Aug;31(38):50036-50055.
    PMID: 39093389 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-024-34535-9
    The increasing global demand for palm oil and its derivatives has led to significant environmental and social concerns, prompting the need for sustainable practices in oil palm production. In recent years, digital technologies have emerged as a potential solution to enhance sustainability in this sector. The objective of this review was to provide insights into the potential benefits and limitations of digital technologies in promoting sustainable practices in the oil palm industry, and to identify key challenges that must be addressed to ensure that digitalization contributes to sustainable development in this sector. To obtain valuable insights on this topic, this review employed a thorough analysis and exploration of relevant literature. Our findings highlight the transformative potential of digital technologies such as precision agriculture, data analytics, blockchain, and robotics to optimize resource utilization, improving efficiency, promoting social welfare, improving supply chain transparency, mitigating environmental impacts, and enhancing sustainability in oil palm production. However, the adoption of these technologies is hindered by several challenges, including high cost, lack of knowledge, and inadequate infrastructure. Our findings emphasize the importance of supportive policies, collaborative efforts, and targeted research to promote technology adoption and ensure equitable benefits across the oil palm industry. Recommendations are provided for industry stakeholders, policymakers, and researchers to leverage digitalization effectively and promote sustainable practices in the oil palm industry, ultimately contributing to global sustainability goals.
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