Methods: Sixty-six severe TBI patients who required emergency craniotomy or craniectomy and were planned for post-operative ventilation were randomised into NS (n = 33) and BF therapy groups (n = 33). The calculation of maintenance fluid given was based on the Holliday-Segar method. The electrolytes and acid-base parameters were assessed at an 8 h interval for 24 h. The data were analysed using repeated measures ANOVA.
Results: The NS group showed a significant lower base excess (-3.20 versus -1.35, P = 0.049), lower bicarbonate level (22.03 versus 23.48 mmol/L, P = 0.031), and more hyperchloremia (115.12 versus 111.74 mmol/L, P < 0.001) and hypokalemia (3.36 versus 3.70 mmol/L, P < 0.001) than the BF group at 24 h of therapy. The BF group showed a significantly higher level of calcium (1.97 versus 1.79 mmol/L, P = 0.003) and magnesium (0.94 versus 0.80 mmol/L, P < 0.001) than the NS group at 24 h of fluid therapy. No significant differences were found in pH, pCO2, lactate, and sodium level.
Conclusion: BF therapy showed better effects in maintaining higher electrolyte parameters and reducing the trend toward hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis than the NS therapy during prolonged fluid therapy for postoperative TBI patients.
METHODS: Thirty consented adult patients who underwent craniotomy were randomly allocated into two groups of 15 patients each. The non-balanced group received 0.9% normal saline while the balanced group received Sterofundin®ISO as the intraoperative fluid for maintenance. Biochemical indices for acid-base balance and serum electrolytes were analyzed periodically.
RESULTS: In the non-balanced group, significant changes were noted in the pH, base excess and bicarbonate values over time compared to its respective baseline values (P<0.01). Four patients (27.7%) also developed a pH<7.35 and 5 patients (33.3%) developed marked acidosis with base excess