Displaying publications 81 - 100 of 283 in total

  1. Ismail, B.S., Mohammed Abu Bakar Siddique
    Trop Life Sci Res, 2011;22(1):-.
    Experiments were carried out in the laboratory and greenhouse to determine the growth inhibitory effects of Grassohopper’s cyperus (Cyperus iria L.) on the seedlings of 5 Malaysian rice varieties namely MR211, MRQ74, MR220, MR84 and MR232. Three concentrations of the aqueous extract of the weed (12.5, 25.0 and 50.0 g/l) and weed debris (5, 10 and 20 g dry debris/1000 g soil) were used to test the allelopathic effect of
    C. iria on the growth of the rice plants. The weed leaf, stem and root extracts reduced the growth of the rice seedlings and showed selective activity in the varieties. The C. iria leaf and stem extracts showed comparatively higher growth inhibitory effects than those from the root. The weed extract caused more reduction in the root length of the rice plant compared to the shoot length. Among the rice varieties tested, MR232 was found to be more susceptible to the weed inhibitory effect. The leaf extract of C. iria at full strength caused root and shoot reduction of MR232 by 88.1% and 73.1% respectively (compared to the control). In most cases the fresh weight of the rice seedlings were more affected than the plant height. Weed debris caused significant reduction of leaf chlorophyll content in all the rice varieties tested with the exception of MR211. The chlorophyll content of MR232 was greatly affected by the weed debris which caused reduction of 36.4% compared to the control. The inhibitory effects of weed extracts and debris on rice growth
    parameters were found to be concentration dependent.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Roots
  2. Othman MNA, Hassan R, Harith MN, Sah ASRM
    Trop Life Sci Res, 2018 Mar;29(1):87-101.
    PMID: 29644017 MyJurnal DOI: 10.21315/tlsr2018.29.1.6
    Red seaweed Gracilaria, one of the largest genus in Division Rhodophyta inhabits Sarawak coastal water. This study was designed to identify the species of Gracilaria using morphological approach and to assess selected water quality parameters in Gracilaria habitats. Three field samplings were carried out in Santubong and Asajaya, Sarawak from November 2013 to December 2014. Overall, three species were identified namely Gracilaria changii, G. blodgettii and G. coronopifolia, attached to net of cage culture in Santubong and root of mangrove trees in Asajaya. In addition, three different taxa of aquatic macroinvertebrates (polychaete, small crab, bivalve) and single species of red seaweed (Acanthophora sp.) were observed in Gracilaria assemblages. An estimate of 37% to 40% of the upper part of the cage net in Santubong was covered by seaweeds and only 16% to 20% in Asajaya's mangrove. The study had provided better information on identification of Gracilaria and their habitat in Sarawak. Future work involving DNA barcoding of each species is in progress.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Roots
  3. Muslim A, Hyakumachi M, Kageyama K, Suwandi S
    Trop Life Sci Res, 2019 Jan;30(1):109-122.
    PMID: 30847036 DOI: 10.21315/tlsr2019.30.1.7
    Treatment with hypovirulent binucleate Rhizoctonia (HBNR) isolates induced systemic resistance against anthracnose infected by Colletotrichum orbiculare in cucumber, as there were no direct interaction between HBNR and C. orbiculare. This is because of the different distances between HBNR and C. orbiculare, where the root was treated with HBNR isolate and C. orbiculare was challenged and inoculated in leaves or first true leaves were treated with HBNR isolate and C. orbiculare was challenged and inoculated in second true leaves. The use of barley grain inocula and culture filtrates of HBNR significantly reduced the lesion diameter compared to the control (p = 0.05). The total lesion diameter reduction by applying barley grain inoculum of HBNR L2, W1, W7, and Rhv7 was 28%, 44%, 39%, and 40%, respectively. Similar results was also observed in treatment using culture filtrate, and the reduction of total lesion diameter by culture filtrate of HBNR L2, W1, W7, and Rhv7 was 45%, 46%, 42%, and 48%, respectively. When cucumber root was treated with culture filtrates of HBNR, the lignin was enhanced at the pathogen penetration, which is spread along the epidermis tissue of cucumber hypocotyls. Peroxidase activity in hypocotyls in the treated cucumber plant with culture filtrates of HBNR significantly increased before and after inoculation of pathogens as compared to the control. Significant enhancement was also observed in the fast-moving anodic peroxidase isozymes in the treated plants with culture filtrates of HBNR. The results showed the elicitor(s) contained in culture filtrates in HBNR. The lignin deposition as well as the peroxidase activity is an important step to prevent systemically immunised plants from pathogen infection.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Roots
  4. Samsiah Jusoh, Laily B. Din, Zuriati Zakaria, Fasihuddin B. Ahmad
    Sains Malaysiana, 2015;44:365-370.
    Phytochemical studies were conducted on the stem bark, stem, root and fruit of Goniothalamus ridleyi (Annonaceae)
    collected at Post Brooke, Gua Musang, Kelantan, Malaysia. Extraction using organic solvent followed by extensive
    purification using standard procedure afforded an epoxystyryllactone, 5-acetoxyisogoniothalamin oxide (1) from the
    stem bark and fruit; a styryllactone, 5-acetoxygoniothalamin (2) and a styrylpyrone, dehydrogoniothalamin (3) from
    the stem and root; a styryllactone, 5-hydroxygoniothalamin (4) from the root and styrylpyrone as well as goniothalamin
    (5) from the fruit. These compounds were characterized using spectroscopic techniques.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Roots
  5. Normaniza Osman, Mohamad Nordin Abdullah, Che Hassandi Abdullah
    Sains Malaysiana, 2011;40:1123-1127.
    A bioengineering technique is gradually being used as an alternative for slope stabilisation design. The effect of vegetation on soil strength, particularly in terms of root reinforcement aspects has therefore become a major interest. However, there is a lack of documentation on the root mechanical properties available especially in Malaysia. In this study, both pull-out and tensile strength of two tropical trees namely Leucaena leucocephala and Acacia mangium were investigated on different stem sizes. L. leucocephala performs the higher pullout strength than A. mangium. The results also show that pullout resistance is much affected by the root than the shoot profiles. In terms of tensile strength, the tensile strength decreases with increasing root diameter, implying the finer root diameter contribute to the higher tensile strength. In both parameters, L. leucocephala exhibits the highest value. The study suggests that L. leucocephala has an added value as a good potential slope plant for slope stabilization work as it exhibits outstanding root mechanical properties. Interestingly, the results also showed that the pullout force was much affected by the tensile strength. It can be concluded that some root and shoot properties do have a great impact on root mechanical properties such as tensile and pullout strengths.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Roots
  6. Normaniza Osman, Mohamad Nordin Abdullah, Faisal Haji Ali
    Sains Malaysiana, 2011;40:1065-1073.
    Rapid development in hilly areas in Malaysia has become a trend that put a stress to the sloping area. It reduces the factor of safety by reducing the resistant force and therefore leads to slope failure. Vegetation plays a big role in reinforcement functions via anchoring the soils and forms a binding network within the soil layer that tied the soil masses together. In this research, three plant species namely Acacia mangium, Dillenia suffruticosa and Leucaena leucocephala were assessed in term of their soil-root shear strength properties. Our results showed that Acacia mangium had the highest shear strength values, 30.4 kPa and 50.2 kPa at loads 13.3 kPa and 24.3 kPa, respectively. Leucaena leucocephala showed the highest in cohesion factor, which was almost double the value in those of Dillenia suffruticosa and Acacia mangium. The root profile analysis indicated Dillenia suffruticosa exhibited the highest values in both root length density and root volume, whilst Leucaena leucocephala had the highest average of root diameter.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Roots
  7. Jamilah Syafawati Yaacob, Azani Saleh, Hashimah Elias, Sakinah Abdullah, Noraini Mahmad, Normadiha Mohamed
    Sains Malaysiana, 2014;43:715-722.
    This paper discussed on the effectiveness of BAP and NAA growth hormones on establishment of plant regeneration for selected ornamentals; Agapanthus praecox, Justicia betonica and Celosia cristata. Various explants (leaf, stem, shoot tip and bulb) derived from one-month-old aseptic seedlings of A. praecox and C. cristata, as well as explants from intact plants of J. betonica were utilized to achieve complete plant regeneration of these species. MS medium supplemented with various hormones, with an emphasis on BAP and NAA was tested to obtain direct and indirect regeneration. Both A. praecox (bulbs) and C. cristata (shoots) formed complete plantlets on MS added with 0.5-2.0 mg/L BAP and NAA, while direct regeneration was achieved for J. betonica on MS media containing BAP. Several methods were attempted to acclimatize the regenerants, with A. praecox gave the highest percentage of survival rates (96.67%), followed by J. betonica (80.00%) and C. cristata (75.00%).
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Roots
  8. Sayed Abdul Rahman S, Mohd Zain S, Bilal Mat M, Sidam A, Othman R, Mohamed Z
    Sains Malaysiana, 2014;43:175-183.
    A nematode population distribution survey was conducted in banana plantations/farms in Peninsular Malaysia from June 2004 to January 2006. This study highlights differences obtained from the survey compared with previously published reports in terms of species prevalence in banana plantations. As opposed to the widely reported prevalence of Radopholus similis (Cobb 1893) Thorne, 1949, on banana plants worldwide, Rotylenchulus reniformis Linford and Oliveira, 1940, was found to be the most common nematode species in the isolated soil samples (Prominence Value = 824.28; n=63) while Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid & White 1919) Chitwood, 1949, was predominant in the isolated root samples (Prominence Value = 449.77; n=57) in Peninsular Malaysia. Besides, contradicting previous reports, M. incognita was found to dominate Cavendish plantation areas in this region instead of R. similis. Inter-species interaction resulting in species predominance and co-dominance in banana rhizosphere was also observed in this study.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Roots
    Sains Malaysiana, 2013;42:1549-1555.
    This study was carried out by using Centella asiatica grown using a hydroponic system under laboratory conditions to study synergistic and antagonistic effects of Zn bioaccumulation with added Pb and the changes in antioxidant activities in leaves and roots of C. asiatica. The antioxidant activities included superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and guaiacol peroxidase (GPX). The treatments Zn (2 ppm) + Pb (0.4 ppm) and Zn (4 ppm) + Pb (0.6 ppm) increased the accumulation of Zn in leaves by 14.06 and 16.84%, respectively, but decreased by 7.36% uptake in roots (Zn 4 ppm + Pb 0.6 ppm). This showed that Pb and Zn acted synergistically to Zn accumulation in leaves but antagonistically in roots. CAT and SOD activities in leaves were increased when Zn was added together with Pb. In roots, CAT, APX and SOD activities were increased but GPX was decreased. Owing to their sensitivities to Zn with Pb, SOD and CAT could be used as biomarkers to monitor the toxicity of Pb and Zn exposure in the leaves and roots of C. asiatica.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Roots
  10. Li Tian, Xiao-yun Huang, Qiang-sheng Wu, Nasrullah
    Sains Malaysiana, 2017;46:1687-1691.
    Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) actively colonize plant roots and thus enhance plant growth through different mechanisms. In the present study, trifoliate orange (Poncirus trifoliata) seedlings inoculated with Diversispora versiformis were subjected to 0 and 0.2 mmol/L sodium nitroprusside (SNP, a nitric oxide donor) treatments. After eight weeks, exogenous SNP considerably increased root mycorrhizal colonization by 25%, showing a positive stimulating effect of NO on mycorrhizal formation. Mycorrhizal inoculation significantly increased plant growth performance (height, stem diameter, leaf number and shoot and root dry weight) and root traits (length, projected area, surface area, volume and number of 2nd and 3rd order lateral roots) than non-mycorrhizal treatment and NO (exogenous SNP treatment) heavily strengthened the mycorrhizal effects. Moreover, NO and mycorrhization induced more fine root (0-0.5 cm) formation. There was an opposite changed trend in root sucrose and leaf and root glucose contents by SNP in AMF versus non-AMF seedlings. All these results implied that NO plays important roles in mycorrhizal formation and development and also accelerates mycorrhizal effects on plant growth and root development of trifoliate orange.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Roots
  11. Siew-Yi Lee, Siti Aqlima Ahmad, Siti Roslina Mustapha, Janna Ong-Abdullah
    Despite wide applications in industries, phenol pollution leads to many health effects, and one of the technologies used to clean up phenol pollution is phytoremediation. The aim of this research was to assess the remediation ability of Ipomoea aquatica Forssk., which is easy to handle and and has a fast growth rate. Plantlet was grown in water spiked with 0.05, 0.10, 0.20, 0.30 and 0.40 g/L phenol, followed by daily observation of the plantlets morphology and tracking of phenol concentration in the water and plantlet extracts via 4-aminoantipyrine (4-AAP) assay. Plantlet’s roots in 0.10 g/L phenol (57.42 ± 1.41 mm) were significantly longer (p < 0.05) than those of the control plantlets (43.57 ± 3.87 mm) in contrast to other phenol concentrations which had stunted roots growth. I. aquatica Forssk. was able to survive with 0.30 g/L phenol despite exhibiting yellowing of leaves and increased sensitivity to scarring on the stems. The plantlets were able to completely remove the phenol from the water spiked with phenol at 0.05 g/L after 12 days of growth. However, the highest average rate of phenol removal was 0.021 g/L/day from water spiked with 0.30 g/L phenol. Phenol analysis on the plantlets’ extracts revealed that I. aquatica Forssk. had degraded the absorbed phenol. This observation is of significant interest as it highlights the
    potential of I. aquatica Forssk. for use as a phytoremediator to clean up phenol contaminated water.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Roots
  12. Aminah H, McP Dick J, Grace J
    Tree Physiol, 1997 Jul;17(7):445-52.
    PMID: 14759836
    Single-node leafy stem cuttings of Shorea leprosula Miq. were subjected to a high, intermediate or low irradiance treatment for 16 weeks in an enclosed mist propagation system. Before rooting, maximum photosynthesis of the cuttings occurred at an irradiance of 400 micro mol m(-2) s(-1). Although none of the irradiance treatments affected the number of roots produced per cutting, the numbers of cuttings that formed roots were 50 and 30% in the high irradiance (diurnal range of 0-658 micro mol m(-2) s(-1)) and low irradiance (diurnal range of 0-98 micro mol m(-2) s(-1)) treatments, respectively, compared with 62% in the intermediate irradiance treatment (diurnal range of 0-360 micro mol m(-2) s(-1)). Low rooting frequency of cuttings in the high irradiance treatment was associated with water deficits (maximum leaf-to-air vapor pressure deficit (VPD) = 3.6 kPa), whereas cuttings in the low irradiance treatment had a low rooting frequency because they were below the light compensation point most of the time. In the intermediate irradiance treatment, cuttings withstood a daily maximum VPD of 1-2 kPa and recovered overnight from the previous day's deficit, as indicated by higher relative water content (RWC) and stomatal conductance (g(s)) in the morning than in the previous afternoon and evening. Higher RWC and g(s) of cuttings in all treatments on Days 14 and 21 compared with Day 8 probably indicated recovery from water deficit following severance and insertion of the cuttings in rooting medium. There were negative relationships between stem volume of cuttings and both number of cuttings that rooted and number of roots per cutting.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Roots
  13. Al-Obaidi JR, Halabi MF, AlKhalifah NS, Asanar S, Al-Soqeer AA, Attia MF
    Biol Res, 2017 Aug 24;50(1):25.
    PMID: 28838321 DOI: 10.1186/s40659-017-0131-x
    Jojoba is considered a promising oil crop and is cultivated for diverse purposes in many countries. The jojoba seed produces unique high-quality oil with a wide range of applications such as medical and industrial-related products. The plant also has potential value in combatting desertification and land degradation in dry and semi-dry areas. Although the plant is known for its high-temperature and high-salinity tolerance growth ability, issues such as its male-biased ratio, relatively late flowering and seed production time hamper the cultivation of this plant. The development of efficient biotechnological platforms for better cultivation and an improved production cycle is a necessity for farmers cultivating the plant. In the last 20 years, many efforts have been made for in vitro cultivation of jojoba by applying different molecular biology techniques. However, there is a lot of work to be done in order to reach satisfactory results that help to overcome cultivation problems. This review presents a historical overview, the medical and industrial importance of the jojoba plant, agronomy aspects and nutrient requirements for the plant's cultivation, and the role of recent biotechnology and molecular biology findings in jojoba research.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Roots
  14. Allamin IA, Halmi MIE, Yasid NA, Ahmad SA, Abdullah SRS, Shukor Y
    Sci Rep, 2020 Mar 05;10(1):4094.
    PMID: 32139706 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-60668-1
    Most components of petroleum oily sludge (POS) are toxic, mutagenic and cancer-causing. Often bioremediation using microorganisms is hindered by the toxicity of POS. Under this circumstance, phytoremediation is the main option as it can overcome the toxicity of POS. Cajanus cajan a legume plant, was evaluated as a phyto-remediating agent for petroleum oily sludge-spiked soil. Culture dependent and independent methods were used to determine the rhizosphere microorganisms' composition. Degradation rates were estimated gravimetrically. The population of total heterotrophic bacteria (THRB) was significantly higher in the uncontaminated soil compared to the contaminated rhizosphere soil with C. cajan, but the population of hydrocarbon-utilizing bacteria (HUB) was higher in the contaminated rhizosphere soil. The results show that for 1 to 3% oily sludge concentrations, an increase in microbial counts for all treatments from day 0 to 90 d was observed with the contaminated rhizosphere CR showing the highest significant increase (p  plant. The composition and taxonomic analysis of microbiota-amplified sequences were categorized into eight phyla for the contaminated non-rhizosphere and ten phyla for the contaminated rhizosphere. The overall bacterial composition of the two treatments varied, as the distribution shows a similar variation between the two treatments in the phylum distribution. The percentage removal of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) after 90 days of treatments with 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5% (w/w) of POS were 92, 90, 89, 68.3 and 47.3%, respectively, indicating removal inhibition at higher POS concentrations. As the search for more eco-friendly and sustainable remediating green plant continues, C. cajan shows great potential in reclaiming POS contaminated soil. Our findings will provide solutions to POS polluted soils and subsequent re-vegetation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Roots/growth & development; Plant Roots/metabolism; Plant Roots/microbiology
  15. Mahmud K, Weitz H, H Kritzler U, Burslem DFRP
    PLoS One, 2024;19(3):e0297686.
    PMID: 38507439 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0297686
    Aluminium (Al) is toxic to most plants, but recent research has suggested that Al addition may stimulate growth and nutrient uptake in some species capable of accumulating high tissue Al concentrations. The physiological basis of this growth response is unknown, but it may be associated with processes linked to the regulation of carbon assimilation and partitioning by Al supply. To test alternative hypotheses for the physiological mechanism explaining this response, we examined the effects of increasing Al concentrations in the growth medium on tissue nutrient concentrations and carbon assimilation in two populations of the Al-accumulator Melastoma malabathricum. Compared to seedlings grown in a control nutrient solution containing no Al, mean rates of photosynthesis and respiration increased by 46% and 27%, respectively, total non-structural carbohydrate concentrations increased by 45%, and lignin concentration in roots decreased by 26% when seedlings were grown in a nutrient solution containing 2.0 mM Al. The concentrations of P, Ca and Mg in leaves and stems increased by 31%, 22%, and 26%, respectively, in response to an increase in nutrient solution Al concentration from 0 to 2.0 mM. Elemental concentrations in roots increased for P (114%), Mg (61%) and K (5%) in response to this increase in Al concentration in the nutrient solution. Plants derived from an inherently faster-growing population had a greater relative increase in final dry mass, net photosynthetic and respiration rates and total non-structural carbohydrate concentrations in response to higher external Al supply. We conclude that growth stimulation by Al supply is associated with increases in photosynthetic and respiration rates and enhanced production of non-structural carbohydrates that are differentially allocated to roots, as well as stimulation of nutrient uptake. These responses suggest that internal carbon assimilation is up-regulated to provide the necessary resources of non-structural carbohydrates for uptake, transport and storage of Al in Melastoma malabathricum. This physiological mechanism has only been recorded previously in one other plant species, Camellia sinensis, which last shared a common ancestor with M. malabathricum more than 120 million years ago.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Roots
  16. Dharmalingam SR, Madhappan R, Ramamurthy S, Chidambaram K, Srikanth MV, Shanmugham S, et al.
    PMID: 25435611
    BACKGROUND: The present study aimed at investigating the effect of ethanolic extract (EtAI), and aqueous extract (AqAI) of Aristolochia indica Linn roots on castor oil-induced diarrhoea and study on small intestinal transit. Phytochemical analysis of extracts was performed as per standard procedure.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: The oral toxicity study using Swiss albino mice was performed in accordance with OECD guidelines. The EtAI and AqAI extracts of Aristolochia indica Linn were studied for antidiarrhoeal property using castor oil-induced diarrhoeal model and charcoal-induced gastrointestinal motility test in Swiss albino mice.

    RESULTS: Among the tested doses of 200 and 400 mg/kg body weight, the extracts reduced the frequency and severity of diarrhoea in test animals throughout the study period. At the same doses, the extract delayed the intestinal transit of charcoal meal in test animals as compared to the control and the results were statistically significant.

    CONCLUSION: Experimental findings showed that ethanol extract of Aristolochia indica Linn root possess significant antidiarrheal activity and may be a potent source of anti-diarrhoeal drug in future.

    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Roots/chemistry
  17. Jalil J, Sabandar CW, Ahmat N, Jamal JA, Jantan I, Aladdin NA, et al.
    Molecules, 2015 Feb 16;20(2):3206-20.
    PMID: 25690285 DOI: 10.3390/molecules20023206
    The crude methanol extracts and fractions of the root and stem barks of Dillenia serrata Thunb. showed 64% to 73% inhibition on the production of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) in lipopolysaccharide-induced human whole blood using a radioimmunoassay technique. Three triterpenoids isolated from the root bark of the plant, koetjapic (1), 3-oxoolean-12-en-30-oic (2), and betulinic (3) acids, exhibited significant concentration-dependent inhibitory effects on PGE2 production with IC50 values of 1.05, 1.54, and 2.59 μM, respectively, as compared with the positive control, indomethacin (IC50 = 0.45 μM). Quantification of compounds 1 and 3 in the methanol extracts and fractions were carried out by using a validated reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) method. The ethyl acetate fraction of the stem bark showed the highest content of both compound 1 (15.1%) and compound 3 (52.8%). The strong inhibition of the extracts and fractions on cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) enzymatic activity was due to the presence of their major constituents, especially koetjapic and betulinic acids.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Roots/chemistry*
  18. Ramli RA, Lie W, Pyne SG
    J Nat Prod, 2014 Apr 25;77(4):894-901.
    PMID: 24606395 DOI: 10.1021/np400978x
    Four new stichoneurine-type alkaloids, stichoneurines F and G (1-2) and sessilistemonamines E and F (3-4), have been isolated from the root extracts of Stichoneuron caudatum. The structures and relative configurations of these alkaloids have been determined by spectroscopic methods and molecular modeling experiments. Compounds 1-4 were tested for their acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitory activities against human AChE. Compound 3 showed significant inhibitory activity with an IC50 value of 9.1±0.15 μM.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Roots/chemistry
  19. Habib SH, Saud HM, Kausar H
    Genet. Mol. Res., 2014;13(2):2359-67.
    PMID: 24781991 DOI: 10.4238/2014.April.3.8
    Oil palm tissues are rich in polyphenols, polysaccharides and secondary metabolites; these can co-precipitate with RNA, causing problems for downstream applications. We compared two different methods (one conventional and a kit-based method - Easy-Blue(TM) Total RNA Extraction Kit) to isolate total RNA from leaves, roots and shoot apical meristems of tissue culture derived truncated leaf syndrome somaclonal oil palm seedlings. The quality and quantity of total RNA were compared through spectrophotometry and formaldehyde gel electrophoresis. The specificity and applicability of the protocols were evaluated for downstream applications, including cDNA synthesis and RT-PCR analysis. We found that the conventional method gave higher yields of RNA but took longer, and it was contaminated with genomic DNA. This method required extra genomic DNA removal steps that further reduced the RNA yield. The kit-based method, on the other hand, produced good yields as well as well as good quality RNA, within a very short period of time from a small amount of starting material. Moreover, the RNA from the kit-based method was more suitable for synthesizing cDNA and RT-PCR amplification than the conventional method. Therefore, we conclude that the Easy-BlueTM Total RNA Extraction Kit method is suitable and superior for isolation of total RNA from oil palm leaf, root and shoot apical meristem.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Roots/genetics
  20. Tangahu BV, Abdullah SR, Basri H, Idris M, Anuar N, Mukhlisin M
    Int J Phytoremediation, 2013;15(7):663-76.
    PMID: 23819266
    Phytoremediation is a technology to clean the environment from heavy metals contamination. The objectives of this study are to threat Pb contaminated wastewater by using phytoremediation technology and to determine if the plant can be mention as hyperaccumulator. Fifty plants of Scirpus grossus were grown in sand medium and 600 L spiked water in various Pb concentration (10, 30 and 50 mg/L) was exposed. The experiment was conducted with single exposure method, sampling time on day-1, day-14, day-28, day-42, day-70, and day-98. The analysis of Pb concentration in water, sand medium and inside the plant tissue was conducted by ICP-OES. Water samples were filtered and Pb concentration were directly analyzed, Pb in sand samples were extracted by EDTA method before analyzed, and Pb in plant tissues were extracted by wet digestion method and analyzed. The results showed that on day-28, Pb concentration in water decreased 100%, 99.9%, 99.7%, and the highest Pb uptake by plant were 1343, 4909, 3236 mg/kg for the treatment of 10, 30, and 50 mg/L respectively. The highest BC and TF were 485,261 on day-42 and 2.5295 on day-70 of treatment 30 mg/L, it can be mentioned that Scirpus grossus is a hyperaccumulator.
    Matched MeSH terms: Plant Roots/metabolism
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