OBJECTIVES: In spontaneously breathing preterm infants with RDS, to determine if continuous distending pressure (CDP) reduces the need for IPPV and associated morbidity without adverse effects.
SEARCH STRATEGY: The standard search strategy of the Neonatal Review group was used. This included searches of the Oxford Database of Perinatal Trials, Cochrane Controlled Trials Register, MEDLINE (1966-Jan. 2000), previous reviews including cross references, abstracts, conference and symposia proceedings, expert informants, journal hand searching mainly in the English language.
SELECTION CRITERIA: All trials using random or quasi-random patient allocation of newborn infants with RDS were eligible. Interventions were continuous distending pressure including continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) by mask, nasal prong, nasopharyngeal tube, or endotracheal tube, or continuous negative pressure (CNP) via a chamber enclosing the thorax and lower body, compared with standard care.
DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: Standard methods of the Cochrane Collaboration and its Neonatal Review Group, including independent assessment of trial quality and extraction of data by each author, were used.
MAIN RESULTS: CDP is associated with a lower rate of failed treatment (death or use of assisted ventilation), overall mortality, and mortality in infants with birthweights above 1500 g. The use of CDP is associated with an increased rate of pneumothorax.
REVIEWER'S CONCLUSIONS: In preterm infants with RDS the application of CDP either as CPAP or CNP is associated with some benefits in terms of reduced respiratory failure and reduced mortality. CDP is associated with an increased rate of pneumothorax. The applicability of these results to current practice is difficult to assess, given the outdated methods to administer CDP, low use of antenatal corticosteroids, non-availability of surfactant and the intensive care setting of the 1970s when these trials were done. Where resources are limited, such as in developing countries, CPAP for RDS may have a clinical role. Further research is required to determine the best mode of administration and its role in modern intensive care settings
OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to investigate the in vitro growth inhibition of genetically engineered human umbilical cord-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (hUCMSC) expressing IL-12 on H1975 human lung adenocarcinoma cells.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Both adenoviral method and electroporation which used to generate hUCMSC-IL12 were compared. The method with better outcome was selected to generate hUCMSC-IL12 for the co-culture experiment with H1975 or MRC-5 cells. Characterisation of hUCMSC and hUCMSC-IL12 was performed.
RESULTS: Adenoviral method showed superior results in transfection efficiency (63.6%), post-transfection cell viability (82.6%) and hIL-12 protein expression (1.2 x 107 pg/ml) and thus was selected for the downstream experiments. Subsequently, hUCMSC-IL12 showed significant inhibition effect on H1975 cells after 5 days of co-culture. No significant difference was observed for all other co-culture groups, indicating that the inhibition effect was because of hIL-12. Lastly, the integrity of hUCMSC-IL12 remained unaffected by the transduction through examination of their surface markers and differentiation properties.
CONCLUSION: This study provided proof of concept that hUCMSC can be genetically engineered to express hIL-12 which exerts direct growth inhibition effect on human lung adenocarcinoma cells.