The purpose of rehydration is to replace fluid and electrolyte losses. Carbohydrates and sodium are the main nutrient sources for rehydration. The presence of protein aids the rehydration process and thereby promoting muscle synthesis. Zea mays had been identified as one of the potential food sources that could be an alternative recovery beverage. The aim of this study was to assess the potential of Zea mays (ZM) juice as an alternative rehydration beverage. A total of 15 male participants were involved in this study. They were required to cycle to 70-80% of their age predicted maximum heart rate until they were dehydrated (1.8-2% body weight loss). Then they were given either ZM juice or CE drink in an amount representing 150% of their initial body weight loss. After 4-hours of rest with no other food allowed, their USG and percentage of fluid retention were calculated. Results showed that ZM juice had better retention and demonstrated well hydrated USG readings compared to CE drink. Therefore, ZM juice has the potential to be an alternative rehydration beverage.
Awareness of recommendations for fruit and vegetable consumption has increased substantially over the last 20 years. In addition, fruits and vegetables such as pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duchesne) are good sources of many important nutrients, including potassium, vitamin C, folate, fibre, and numerous phytochemicals. Malaysia produces pumpkinits own, with considerably large areas of production comparable to its high global demand. However, in reality, there is a limitation in the commercial production as the local pumpkinis very much dependent on the market demand as the utilization has been limited to the consumption of fresh product. Thus, the objective of the study first initiative to provide the information about the pumpkinand second to investigatesthe opportunities on commercialized local pumpkinin Malaysia as by products despite various nutritious it is also listed as prophetic foods. The scientific research that covered a broad range of in vitro to in vivo studies on the by-products potentials of these fruits is also discussed in detail.The current review is an update for researchers to have a better understanding of the pumpkin, which simultaneously can provide awareness to enhance their commercial value and promote their utilization.Malaysia have potential to growth pumpkin instead of continuously importing. The daily consumption of pumpkins may provide various health benefits to human. Future investigation is needed to explore the potential of pumpkin as by products in order to increase its competitiveness and self-sufficiency.
Algae have recently received a lot of attention as a new biomass source for the production of renewable energy and an important bioremediation agent. This study was carried out to evaluate the potential of green algae Scenedesmus obliquus grow in different concentrations of wastewater and the improvement of cultivation conditions to produce biomass rich in sugar to produce bioethanol by fermentation processes. The highest sugar content of S. obliquus biomass was recorded for algae cultivated with 40 and 85% wastewater after 9 days under aeration condition with dark and light duration (44.5%). It was found that the highest removal efficiency of BOD and COD were 18% for S. obliquus grown under aeration condition. The highest ethanol efficiency of S. obliquus biomass hydrolysate was 20.33% at 4th day. The best condition of S. obliquus to grow efficiently was under aeration with light and dark durations, where it has high efficiency to remove heavy metals from wastewater in this condition.
Consumption of dietary fibre-rich food has been associated with various beneficial physiological properties and health effects. Presently, different types of natural fibre-rich ingredients are added into variety of bakery-based products to improve it fibre content for health promotional purposes. However, majority of these products are frequently added with imported dietary fibre ingredients. In the present study, bread samples were prepared with Zea mays ear (young corn) powder at the levels of either 2%, 4% or 6%. The bread samples were analyzed for nutritional composition, textural properties and sensory acceptance. Addition of young corn powder (YCP) at the level of 6% increases total dietary fibre (from 3.48% to 5.26%), moisture (from 25.64% to 26.55%), fat (from 4.35% to 4.61%) and protein content (from 9.13% to 9.51%) significantly. However, with the increasing of YCP levels in the bread, the carbohydrate content was decreased significantly (from 59.93% to 58.34%) while the ash content (from 0.95% to 0.99%) was not significantly affected. Results of texture profile analysis indicated that addition of YCP up to 6% not significantly affected the springiness (1.01-1.00) but significantly decreased cohesiveness (0.95-0.82). However, the addition of YCP up to 6% has increased hardness (0.18kg-0.57kg), gumminess (0.17kg-0.47kg) and chewiness (0.18kg-0.47kg) attributes of bread samples. On the other result, the sensory evaluation shows that the flavour score was not significantly affected by addition of YCP up to 4% (4.82-4.52) while the tenderness (4.53-4.42), elasticity (4.75-4.58), aroma (4.40-4.47), colour (4.93-4.55) and overall acceptance (4.80-4.35) scores were not significant affected up to 6%. In summary, breads with 4% addition of YCP were considered to be acceptable and potentially used in improving nutritional composition without changing sensory score.
Clinical benefits and safety of carbohydrate loading pre-gastroscopy remain unclear. We aimed to determine the effects of a commercial carbohydrate-rich whey protein beverage versus plain water given pre-gastroscopy on gastric residual volume and well-being, and to determine adverse events. This was a single centre, single-blinded, parallel-group, sex-stratified randomized controlled trial. Participants were randomized either to carbohydrate-rich whey protein beverage group (Resource®, Nestle Health Science) or control group (250 ml plain water) given pre-gastroscopy. Gastric contents were aspirated into a suction reservoir bottle to determine the gastric residual volume (GRV). Visual analogue scale (VAS) of well-being (anxiety, hunger, thirst, tiredness, and weakness) was compared before and after the intervention. Adverse events were also evaluated post-intervention. Of 369 screened, 78 participants (36 males, mean age 49 ± 14.3 years) were randomized. Compared with the control group, carbohydrate beverage was associated with significantly higher GRV (p
Chrononutrition emerges as a novel approach to promote circadian alignment and metabolic health by means of time-of-the-day dietary intake. However, the relationship between maternal circadian rhythm and temporal dietary intake during pregnancy remains understudied. This study aimed to determine the change in melatonin levels in pregnant women across gestation and its association with temporal energy and macronutrient intake. This was a prospective cohort involving 70 healthy primigravidas. During the second and third trimesters, pregnant women provided salivary samples collected at 9:00, 15:00, 21:00, and 3:00 h over a 24 h day for melatonin assay. Data on chrononutrition characteristics were collected using a 3-day food record. Parameters derived from melatonin measurements including mean, amplitude, maximal level, area under the curve with respect to increase (AUCI), and area under the curve with respect to ground (AUCG) were computed. A rhythmic melatonin secretion over the day that remained stable across trimesters was observed among the pregnant women. There was no significant elevation in salivary melatonin levels as pregnancy advanced. In the second trimester, higher energy intake during 12:00-15:59 h and 19:00-06:59 h predicted a steeper melatonin AUCI (β=-0.32, p = 0.034) and higher AUCG (β = 0.26, p = 0.042), respectively. Macronutrient intake within 12:00-15:59 h was negatively associated with mean melatonin (Fat: β=-0.28, p = 0.041) and AUCG (Carbohydrate: β=-0.37, p = 0.003; Protein: β=-0.27, p = 0.036; Fat: β=-0.32, p = 0.014). As pregnant women progressed from the second to the third trimester, a flatter AUCI was associated with a reduced carbohydrate intake during 12:00-15:59 h (β=-0.40, p = 0.026). No significant association was detected during the third trimester. Our findings show that higher energy and macronutrient intakes particularly during 12:00-15:59 h and 19:00-06:59 h are associated with the disparities in maternal melatonin levels. Findings suggest the potential of time-based dietary approaches to entrain circadian rhythm in pregnant women.
Fungal biomass is the future's feedstock. Non-septate Ascomycetes and septate Basidiomycetes, famously known as mushrooms, are sources of fungal biomass. Fungal biomass, which on averagely comprises about 34% protein and 45% carbohydrate, can be cultivated in bioreactors to produce affordable, safe, nontoxic, and consistent biomass quality. Fungal-based technologies are seen as attractive, safer alternatives, either substituting or complementing the existing standard technology. Water and wastewater treatment, food and feed, green technology, innovative designs in buildings, enzyme technology, potential health benefits, and wealth production are the key sectors that successfully reported high-efficiency performances of fungal applications. This paper reviews the latest technical know-how, methods, and performance of fungal adaptation in those sectors. Excellent performance was reported indicating high potential for fungi utilization, particularly in the sectors, yet to be utilized and improved on the existing fungal-based applications. The expansion of fungal biomass in the industrial-scale application for the sustainability of earth and human well-being is in line with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.
A field study was conducted to investigate the influence of MgO-NPs priming on growth and development of mustard. Priming of mustard seeds before sowing with MgO-NPs at concentration 10, 50, 100, and 150 μg/ml enhanced the vegetative parameters of plants, with considerable increase in leaf area. MgO-NPs exposure increased the photosynthetic pigment accumulation in mustard that led to increase in biomass, carbohydrate content, and the yield in terms of total grain yield. Increased chlorophyll has simultaneously increased the oxidative stress in plants, and hence stimulated their antioxidant potential. A consistent increase was observed in the content of mustard polyphenols and activity of SOD, CAT, and APX on MgO-NPs exposure. MgO-NPs induced oxidative stress further reduced the protein content and bioavailability in mustard. We further, evaluated the influence of MgO-NPs on the quality of mustard harvested seeds. The seeds harvested from nanoprimed mustard possessed increased antioxidant potential and reduced oxidative stress. The carbohydrate and protein accumulation was significantly enhanced in response to nanopriming. Reduced chlorophyll content in seeds obtained from nanoprimed mustard indicated their potential for disease resistance and stability on long term storage. Therefore, the seeds harvested from MgO-NPs primed mustard were biochemically rich and more stable. Therefore, MgO-NPs priming can be potentially used as a novel strategy for growth promotion in plants where leaves are economically important and a strategy to enhance the seed quality under long term storage conditions.
In this study, strains producing feruloyl esterase were screened by Oxford Cup clear zones method and by evaluating the ability to decompose hydroxycinnamoyl esters. The strain was identified by 16S rDNA molecular biology. The contents of dietary fiber, reducing sugar, water-extractable arabinoxylans, phytic acid, total phenolics, total flavonoid, phenolic compounds composition, microstructure and antioxidant activity in bran before and after fermentation were studied. Eight strains producing feruloyl esterase were screened, among which strain P1 had the strongest ability to decompose hydroxycinnamoyl esters. The strain was identified and named L. fermentum NB02. Compared with unfermented bran, fermented bran exhibited higher contents of soluble dietary fiber, reducing sugar, water-extractable arabinoxylans, total phenolics, total flavonoid, and lower insoluble dietary fiber and phytic acid content. The dense surface structure of bran was destroyed, forming a porous structure. The release of phenolic compounds increased significantly. L. fermentum NB02 fermentation improved the antioxidant capacity of bran.
Eco-friendly pretreatment methods for lignocellulosic biomass are being developed as alternatives to chemical based methods. Superheated steam (SHS), hot compressed water (HCW) and wet disk milling (WDM) were used individually and with combination to partially remove hemicellulose and alter the lignin composition of recalcitrant structure of oil palm mesocarp fiber (OPMF). The efficiency of the pretreatment methods was evaluated based on the chemical compositions altered, SEM analysis, power consumption and degree of enzymatic digestibility. Hemicellulose removal (94.8%) was more pronounced under HCW compared to SHS, due to maximal contact of water and production of acetic acid which enhanced further degradation of hemicellulose. Subsequent treatment with WDM resulted in defibrillation of OPMF and expansion of the specific surface area thus increasing the conversion of cellulose to glucose. The highest glucose yield was 98.1% (g/g-substrate) when pretreated with HCW (200 °C, 20 min) and WDM which only consumed 9.6 MJ/kg of OPMF.
Effect of simulated honey sugar cocktail (SHSC) on chemical and thermal stability of ovalbumin (OVA) was investigated using multiple-spectroscopic techniques. Urea-induced denaturation of OVA produced a transition, characterized by the start-, the mid- and the end-points at 3.2 M, 5.9/5.6 M and 8.5/8.0 M urea, respectively, when studied by MRE222nm and tryptophan fluorescence measurements. Presence of 10% or 20% (w/v) SHSC in the incubation mixture shifted the transition curve towards higher urea concentration in a concentration dependent manner. A comparison of far- and near-UV CD, UV-difference, ANS fluorescence and 3-D fluorescence spectral results of native OVA and 5.9 M urea-denatured OVA (U-OVA), obtained in the absence and the presence of 20% (w/v) SHSC suggested SHSC-induced stabilization of U-OVA. Furthermore, a significant shift towards higher denaturant concentration was also noticed in the GdnHCl and thermal transition curves of OVA in the presence of 20% (w/v) SHSC. Taken together, all these results suggested stabilization of OVA against chemical and thermal denaturations by SHSC.
Marine carbohydrates are most important organic molecules made by photosynthetic organisms. It is very essential for humankind: the role in being an energy source for the organism and they are considered as an important dissolve organic compound (DOC) in marine environment's sediments. Carbohydrates found in different marine environments in different concentrations. Polysaccharides of carbohydrates play an important role in various fields such as pharmaceutical, food production, cosmeceutical, and so on. Marine organisms are good resources of nutrients, and they are rich carbohydrate in sulfated polysaccharide. Seaweeds (marine microalgae) are used in different pharmaceutical industries, especially in pharmaceutical compound production. Seaweeds have a significant amount of sulfated polysaccharides, which are used in cosmeceutical industry, besides based on the biological applications. Since then, traditional people, cosmetics products, and pharmaceutical applications consider many types of seaweed as an important organism used in food process. Sulfated polysaccharides containing seaweed have potential uses in the blood coagulation system, antiviral activity, antioxidant activity, anticancer activity, immunomodulating activity, antilipidepic activity, etc. Some species of marine organisms are rich in polysaccharides such as sulfated galactans. Various polysaccharides such as agar and alginates, which are extracted from marine organisms, have several applications in food production and cosmeceutical industries. Due to their high health benefits, compound-derived extracts of marine polysaccharides have various applications and traditional people were using them since long time ago. In the future, much attention is supposed to be paid to unraveling the structural, compositional, and sequential properties of marine carbohydrate as well.
Oil palm frond (OPF) juice is a potential industrial fermentation substrate as it has high sugars content and the OPF are readily available daily. However, maximum sugars yield and storage stability of the OPF juice are yet to be determined. This study was conducted to determine the effect of physical pretreatment and storage duration of OPF petiole on sugars yield. Storage stability of OPF juice at different storing conditions was also investigated. It was found that OPF petiole squeezed by hydraulic pressing machine gave the highest sugars recovery at almost 40 g/kg, accounting for a recovery yield of 88%. Storage of OPF petiole up to 72 hrs prior to squeezing reduced the free sugars by 11 g/kg. Concentrated OPF juice with 95% water removal had the best storage stability at both 4 and 30°C, when it was stored for 10 days. Moreover, concentrated OPF syrup prepared by thermal processing did not give any Maillard effect on microbial growth. Based on our results, OPF juice meets all the criteria as a good fermentation substrate as it is renewable, consistently available, and easy to be obtained, it does not inhibit microbial growth and product formation, and it contains no impurities.
The rational design of a glycolipid application (e.g. drug delivery) with a tailored property depends on the detailed understanding of its structure and dynamics. Because of the complexity of sugar stereochemistry, we have undertaken a simulation study on the conformational dynamics of a set of synthetic glycosides with different sugar groups and chain design, namely dodecyl β-maltoside, dodecyl β-cellobioside, dodecyl β-isomaltoside and a C12C10 branched β-maltoside under anhydrous conditions. We examined the chain structure in detail, including the chain packing, gauche/trans conformations and chain tilting. In addition, we also investigated the rotational dynamics of the headgroup and alkyl chains. Monoalkylated glycosides possess a small amount of gauche conformers (∼20%) in the hydrophobic region of the lamellar crystal (LC) phase. In contrast, the branched chain glycolipid in the fluid Lα phase has a high gauche population of up to ∼40%. Rotational diffusion analysis reveals that the carbons closest to the headgroup have the highest correlation times. Furthermore, its value depends on sugar type, where the rotational dynamics of an isomaltose was found to be 11-15% and more restrained near the sugar, possibly due to the chain disorder and partial inter-digitation compared to the other monoalkylated lipids. Intriguingly, the present simulation demonstrates the chain from the branched glycolipid bilayer has the ability to enter into the hydrophilic region. This interesting feature of the anhydrous glycolipid bilayer simulation appears to arise from a combination of lipid crowding and the amphoteric nature of the sugar headgroups.
Belinjau (Gnetum gnemon L.) seed flour was evaluated for nutritional composition, antioxidant activity and functional properties. Seed flour was found to be rich in protein (19.0g/100g), crude fibre (8.66g/100g), carbohydrates (64.1%), total dietary fibre (14.5%) and encompassed adequate amounts of essential amino acids, fatty acids and minerals. Antioxidant compounds such as total phenols (15.1 and 12.6mgGAE/100g), tannins (35.6 and 16.1mgCE/100g) and flavonoids (709 and 81.6mgCEQ/100g) were higher in ethanolic extracts over aqueous extracts, respectively. Inhibition of DPPH was high in ethanol extracts (48.9%) compared to aqueous extracts (19.7%), whereas aqueous extracts showed a higher FRAP value compared to ethanol extracts (0.98 and 0.61mmolFe(II)/100g, respectively). Results on functional properties revealed acceptable water and oil absorption capacities (5.51 and 1.98g/g, respectively), emulsion capacity and stability (15.3% and 6.90%, respectively), and foaming capacity (5.78%). FTIR spectral analysis showed seed flour to encompass major functional groups such as: amines, amides, amino acids, polysaccharides, carboxylic acids, esters and lipids. As belinjau seed flour possesses a rich nutraceutical value, it has high potential to be used as a basic raw material to develop new low cost nutritious functional foods.
Honey is a good source of several important chemical compounds and antioxidants and is harvested throughout the year. However, no study has determined how their contents change over the years. The aim of the present research was to investigate the changes in the phenolics, flavonoids and antioxidant properties, as well as other physicochemical properties, of Malaysian acacia honey collected during different months during a two year period. The DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) and FRAP (ferric reducing antioxidant power) methods were used to determine the total antioxidant activity of the honey samples. Generally, honey samples collected in the beginning and the middle of the year tended to have higher sugar content, which may be attributed to its high acidic nature and low moisture content. There was a gradual increase in the phenolic content of the acacia honey samples collected between September 2010 and December 2010. The honey sample collected at the beginning of the year (January) showed the highest color intensity and was dark amber in color. It also contained the highest concentration of phenolic compounds (341.67 ± 2.94 mg(gallic acid)/kg), the highest flavonoid content (113.06 ± 6.18 mg(catechin)/kg) and the highest percentage of DPPH inhibition and the highest FRAP value, confirming its high antioxidant potential. There was a positive correlation between DPPH and total phenolic content, suggesting that phenolic compounds are the strongest contributing factor to the radical scavenging activity of Malaysian acacia honeys. Overall, our results indicated that there were significant seasonal variations in the antioxidant potentials of honey over the two year period and the time of honey collection affects its physicochemical properties. Therefore, acacia honey from Malaysia should ideally be collected during the dry season, particularly in the months of January, May and June.
Various pretreatments on Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. (kapok) fiber prior to enzymatic hydrolysis for sugar production were optimized in this study. The optimum conditions for water, acid, and alkaline pretreatments were 170°C for 45 min, 120°C for 45 min in 1.0% (v/v) H2SO4 solution and 120°C for 60 min in 2.0% (v/v) NaOH solution, respectively. Among the three pretreatments, the alkaline pretreatment achieved the highest total glucose yield (glucose yield calculated based on the untreated fiber) (38.5%), followed by the water (35.0%) and acid (32.8%) pretreatments. As a result, the relative effectiveness of the pretreatment methods for kapok fiber was verified as alkali>water>acid at the condition stated.
Developmental biochemical information is a vital base for the elucidation of seed physiology and metabolism. However, no data regarding the biochemical profile of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) seed development has been reported thus far. In this study, the biochemical changes in the developing oil palm seed were investigated to study their developmental pattern. The biochemical composition found in the seed differed significantly among the developmental stages. During early seed development, the water, hexose (glucose and fructose), calcium and manganese contents were present in significantly high levels compared to the late developmental stage. Remarkable changes in the biochemical composition were observed at 10 weeks after anthesis (WAA): the dry weight and sucrose content increased significantly, whereas the water content and hexose content declined. The switch from a high to low hexose/sucrose ratio could be used to identify the onset of the maturation phase. At the late stage, dramatic water loss occurred, whereas the content of storage reserves increased progressively. Lauric acid was the most abundant fatty acid found in oil palm seed starting from 10 WAA.