Displaying publications 121 - 140 of 4035 in total

  1. Hui-hui Wang, Jing-lan Liu, Rong Zhang, Jia-kai Liu, Yu-qi Zou, Zhen-ming Zhang
    Sains Malaysiana, 2017;46:2375-2381.
    This paper had selected watermifoil (Myriophyllum veticillatum Linn.), softstem bulrush (Scirpus validus Vahl) and yellow-flowered iris (Iris wilsonii), in showing the water purification through different configuration. AFIs with different combination of aquatic plants were set up to purify the water quality for 50 days. This paper aimed to evaluate chemical and vegetative characteristics of each type of plant and also to find configuration of aquatic plants to maximize the contaminants removal efficiency by artificial floating island (AFI). The result indicated that the trophic waterbody promote the growth of plants and all of the AFIs have the ability to purify water and reduce contaminants. However, the most effective way is by combination of these three aquatic plants which has strong capacity to remove COD, NO3-, total nitrogen, total phosphorous and improve pH levels. Watermifoil (Myriophyllum verticillatum Linn.) is better than yellow-flowered iris (Iris wilsonii) and softstem bulrush (Scirpus validus Vahl) in disposing water pollutants.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water; Water Pollutants; Water Purification; Water Quality
  2. Elfikrie N, Ho YB, Zaidon SZ, Juahir H, Tan ESS
    Sci Total Environ, 2020 Apr 10;712:136540.
    PMID: 32050383 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.136540
    Agricultural activities have been arising along with the use of pesticides. The use of pesticides can impact not only on vector or other pest but also able to harm human health. Pesticide may leach from the irrigation of plant into the groundwater and in surface water. These waters could be sources of drinking water in a pesticides polluted area. This study aims to determine the occurrence pesticides in surface water and pesticides removal efficiency in a conventional drinking water treatment plant (DWTP) and the potential health risk to consumers. The study was conducted in Tanjung Karang, Selangor, Malaysia. Thirty river water samples and eighteen water samples from DWTP were collected. The water samples were extracted using solid phase extraction (SPE) before injected to the ultra-high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS). Five hundreds and ten respondents were interviewed using questionnaires to obtain information for health risk assessments. The results showed that propiconazole had the highest mean concentration (4493.1 ng/L) while pymetrozine had the lowest mean concentration (1.3 ng/L) in river water samples. The pesticides removal efficiencies in the conventional DWTP were 77% (imidacloprid), 86% (propiconazole and buprofezin), 88% (tebuconazole) and 100% (pymetrozine, tricyclazole, chlorantraniliprole, azoxystrobin and trifloxystrobin), respectively. The hazard quotients (HQs) and hazard index (HI) for all target pesticides were <1, indicating there was no significant chronic non-carcinogenic health risk due to consumption of the drinking water. Conventional DWTP was not able to completely remove four pesticide; thus, advanced treatment systems need to be considered to safeguard the health of the community in future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Pollutants, Chemical; Water Purification; Drinking Water/chemistry*
  3. Camara M, Jamil NR, Abdullah AFB, Hashim RB, Aliyu AG
    Sci Total Environ, 2020 May 30;737:139800.
    PMID: 32526579 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.139800
    The evaluation of the importance of having accurate and representative stations in a network for river water quality monitoring is always a matter of concern. The minimal budget and time demands of water quality monitoring programme may appear very attractive, especially when dealing with large-scale river watersheds. This article proposes an improved methodology for optimising water quality monitoring network for present and forthcoming monitoring of water quality under a case study of the Selangor River watershed in Malaysia, where different monitoring networks are being used by water management authorities. Knowing that the lack of financial resources in developing countries like Malaysia is one of the reasons for inadequate monitoring network density, to identify an optimised network for cost-efficiency benefits in this study, a geo-statistical technique coupled Kendall's W was first applied to analyse the performance of each monitoring station in the existing networks under the monitored water quality parameters. Second, the present and future changes in non-point pollution sources were simulated using the integrated Cellular Automata and Markov chain model (CA-Markov). Third, Station Potential Pollution Score (SPPS) determined based on Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used to weight each station under the changes of non-point pollution sources for 2015, 2024, and 2033 prior to prioritisation. Finally, according to the Kendall's W test on kriging results, the weights of non-point sources from the AHP evaluation and fuzzy membership functions, six most efficient sampling stations were identified to build a robust network for the present and future monitoring of water quality status in the Selangor River watershed. This study proposes a useful approach to the pertinent agencies and management authority concerned to establish appropriate methods for developing an efficient water quality monitoring network for tropical rivers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Fresh Water; Water; Water Supply; Water Quality
  4. Bharathi D, Nandagopal JGT, Ranjithkumar R, Gupta PK, Djearamane S
    Arch Microbiol, 2022 Feb 14;204(3):169.
    PMID: 35157149 DOI: 10.1007/s00203-022-02767-3
    The coloured effluents produced from different industries, such as textile, plastics, printing, cosmetics, leather and paper, are extremely toxic and a tremendous threat to the aquatic organisms and human beings. The removal of coloured dye pollutants from the aqueous environment is a great challenge and a pressing task. The growing demand for low-cost and efficient treatment approaches has given rise to alternative and eco-friendly methods, such as biodegradation and microbial remediation. This work summarizes the overview and current research on the remediation of dye pollutants from the aqueous environment by microbial bio-sorbents, such as bacteria, fungi, algae, and yeast. In addition, dye degradation capabilities of microbial enzymes have been highlighted and discussed. Further, the influence of various experimental parameters, such as temperature, pH, and concentrations of nutrients, and dye, has been summarized. The proposed mechanism for dye removal by microorganisms is also discussed. The object of this review is to provide a state-of-the-art of microbial remediation technologies in eliminating dye pollutants from water resources.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Pollutants, Chemical*; Waste Water*
  5. Ahmad T, Danish M
    J Environ Manage, 2018 Jan 15;206:330-348.
    PMID: 29100146 DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2017.10.061
    This review article explores utilization of banana waste (fruit peels, pseudo-stem, trunks, and leaves) as precursor materials to produce an adsorbent, and its application against environmental pollutants such as heavy metals, dyes, organic pollutants, pesticides, and various other gaseous pollutants. In recent past, quite a good number of research articles have been published on the utilization of low-cost adsorbents derived from biomass wastes. The literature survey on banana waste derived adsorbents shown that due to the abundance of banana waste worldwide, it also considered as low-cost adsorbents with promising future application against various environmental pollutants. Furthermore, raw banana biomass can be chemically modified to prepare efficient adsorbent as per requirement; chemical surface functional group modification may enhance the multiple uses of the adsorbent with industrial standard. It was evident from a literature survey that banana waste derived adsorbents have significant removal efficiency against various pollutants. Most of the published articles on banana waste derived adsorbents have been discussed critically, and the conclusion is drawn based on the results reported. Some results with poorly performed experiments were also discussed and pointed out their lacking in reporting. Based on literature survey, the future research prospect on banana wastes has a significant impact on upcoming research strategy.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Pollutants, Chemical; Water Purification; Waste Water*
  6. Rendana M, Idris WMR, Rahim SA
    Environ Monit Assess, 2022 Dec 17;195(1):205.
    PMID: 36527450 DOI: 10.1007/s10661-022-10833-y
    Mining activities in the Chini Lake catchment area have been extensive for several years, contributing to acid mine drainage (AMD) events with high concentrations of iron (Fe) and other heavy metals impacting the surface water. However, during the restriction period due to the COVID-19 outbreak, anthropogenic activities have been suspended, which clearly shows a good opportunity for a better environment. Therefore, we aimed to analyze the variation of AMD-associated water pollution in three main zones of the Chini Lake catchment area using Sentinel-2 data for the periods pre-movement control order (MCO), during MCO, and post-MCO from 2019 to 2021. These three zones were chosen due to their proximity to mining areas: zone 1 in the northeastern part, zone 2 in the southeastern part, and zone 3 in the southern part of the Chini Lake area. The acid mine water index (AMWI) was a specific index used to estimate acid mine water. The AMWI values from Sentinel-2 images exhibited that the mean AMWI values in all zones during the MCO period decreased by 14% compared with the pre-MCO period. The spatiotemporal analysis found that the highest polluted zones were recorded in zone 1, followed by zone 3 and zone 2. As compared with during the MCO period, the maximum percentage of increment during post-MCO in all zones was up to 25%. The loosened restriction policy has resulted in more AMD flowing into surface water and increased pollution in Chini Lake. As a whole, our outputs revealed that Sentinel-2 data had a major potential for assessing the AMD-associated pollution of water.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water/analysis; Water Pollution/analysis
  7. Manoj D, Gnanasekaran L, Rajendran S, Jalil AA, Siddiqui MN, Gracia F, et al.
    Environ Res, 2023 Apr 01;222:115358.
    PMID: 36702188 DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2023.115358
    The subject of water contamination and how it gets defiled to the society and humans is confabulating from the past decades. Phenolic compounds widely exist in the water sources and it is emergent to determine the toxicity in natural and drinking water, because it is hazardous to the humans. Among these compounds, catechol has sought a strong concern because of its rapid occurrence in nature and its potential toxicity to humans. The present work aims to develop an effective electrochemical sensing of catechol using mesoporous structure of Fe3O4-TiO2 decorated on glassy carbon (GC) electrode. The creation of pure TiO2 using the sol-gel technique was the first step in the synthesis protocol for binary nanocomposite, which was then followed by the loading of Fe3O4 nanoparticles on the surface of TiO2 using the thermal decomposition method. The resultant Fe3O4-TiO2 based nanocomposite exhibited mesoporous structure and the cavities were occupied with highly active magnetite nanoparticles (Fe3O4) with high specific surface area (90.63 m2/g). When compared to pure TiO2, catechol showed a more prominent electrochemical response for Fe3O4-TiO2, with a significant increase in anodic peak current at a lower oxidation potential (0.387 V) with a detection limit of 45 μM. Therefore, the prepared magnetite binary nanocomposite can serve as an efficient electroactive material for sensing of catechol, which could also act as a promising electrocatalyst for various electrocatalytic applications.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water
  8. Mohtar SS, Sharuddin SSN, Saman N, Lye JWP, Othman NS, Mat H
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2020 Jun;27(16):20173-20186.
    PMID: 32236809 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-019-06507-x
    The utilization of natural zeolite (NZ) as an adsorbent for NH4+ removal was investigated. Three types of NZ (i.e., NZ01, NZ02, and NZ03) were characterized, and their NH4+ adsorption process in aqueous solution was evaluated. The effect of pH towards NH4+ adsorption showed that the NZ01 has the highest NH4+ adsorption capacity compared with other natural zeolites used. The application of NZ01 for a simultaneous removal of NH4+ and turbidity in synthetic NH4+-kaolin suspension by adsorptive coagulation process for treating drinking water was studied. The addition of NZ01 into the system increased the NH4+ removal efficiency (ηNH4+) from 11.64% without NZ01 to 41.86% with the addition of 0.2 g L-1 of NZ01. The turbidity removal (ηT), however, was insignificantly affected since the ηT was already higher than 98.0% over all studied parameter's ranges. The thermodynamic and kinetic data analyses suggested that the removal of NH4+ obeyed the Temkin isotherm model and pseudo-second-order kinetic model, respectively. Generally, the turbidity removal was due to the flocculation of destabilized solid particles by alum in the suspension system. The ηNH4+ in surface water was 29.31%, which is lower compared with the removal in the synthetic NH4+-kaolin suspension, but a high ηT (98.65%) was observed. It was found that the addition of the NZ01 could enhance the removal of NH4+ as well as other pollutants in the surface water.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Pollutants, Chemical*; Water Purification*
  9. Altowayti WAH, Allozy HGA, Shahir S, Goh PS, Yunus MAM
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2019 Oct;26(28):28737-28748.
    PMID: 31376124 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-019-06059-0
    Several parts of the world have been facing the problem of nitrite and nitrate contamination in ground and surface water. The acute toxicity of nitrite has been shown to be 10-fold higher than that of nitrate. In the present study, aminated silica carbon nanotube (ASCNT) was synthesised and tested for nitrite removal. The synergistic effects rendered by both amine and silica in ASCNT have significantly improved the nitrite removal efficiency. The IEP increased from 2.91 for pristine carbon nanotube (CNT) to 8.15 for ASCNT, and the surface area also increased from 178.86 to 548.21 m2 g-1. These properties have promoted ASCNT a novel adsorbent to remove nitrite. At optimum conditions of 700 ppm of nitrite concentration at pH 7 and 5 h of contact with 15 mg of adsorbent, the ASCNT achieved the maximal loading capacity of 396 mg/g (85% nitrite removal). The removal data of nitrite onto ASCNT fitted the Langmuir isotherm model better than the Freundlich isotherm model with the highest regression value of 0.98415, and also, the nonlinear analysis of kinetics data showed that the removal of nitrite followed pseudo-second-order kinetic. The positive values of both ΔS° and ΔH° suggested an endothermic reaction and an increase in randomness at the solid-liquid interface. The negative ΔG° values indicated a spontaneous adsorption process. The ASCNT was characterised using FESEM-EDX and FTIR, and the results obtained confirmed the removal of nitrite. Based on the findings, ASCNT can be considered as a novel and promising candidate for the removal of nitrite ions from wastewater.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water/chemistry; Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis; Water Pollutants, Chemical/chemistry*; Water Purification/methods; Waste Water/analysis
  10. Devi T, Saleh NM, Kamarudin NHN, Roslan NJ, Jalil R, Hamid HA
    Ecotoxicol Environ Saf, 2023 Dec;268:115706.
    PMID: 37992639 DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2023.115706
    The utilization of phthalates and bisphenol A (BPA) as the major component in plastic and its derivative industry has raised concerns among the public due to the harmful effects caused by these organic pollutants. These pollutants are found to exhibit unique physicochemical properties that allow the pollutants to have prolonged existence in the environment, thus causing damage to the environment. Since phthalates and bisphenol A are used in a variety of industrial applications, the industry must recover these compounds from its water before releasing the pollutants into the environment. As a result, these materials have a promising future in industrial applications. Therefore, the discovery of new quick and reliable abatement technologies is important to ensure that these organic pollutants can be detected and removed from the water sources. This review highlights the use of the adsorption method to remove phthalates and BPA from water sources by employing novel modified adsorbent magnetite functionalized covalent organic frameworks (MCOFs). MCOFs is a new class of porous materials that have demonstrated promising features in a variety of applications due to their adaptable structures, significant surface areas, configurable porosity, and customizable chemistry. The structural attributes, functional design strategies, and specialized for environmental applications before offering some closing thoughts and suggestions for further research were discussed in this paper in addition to developing an innovative solution for the industry to the accessibility for clean water.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water
  11. Khajavian M, Ismail S
    Int J Biol Macromol, 2025 Mar;294:139479.
    PMID: 39756729 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2025.139479
    The polyvinyl alcohol/chitosan (PVA/CS) thin film membrane was modified using a deep eutectic solvent (DES) to enhance its adsorption capability and mechanical strength for the removal of brilliant green (BG) dye. Batch adsorption experiments, machine learning (ML) modeling, and density functional theory (DFT) analyses were performed to evaluate the adsorption of BG using PVA/CS and DES-modified PVA/CS (DES/PVA/CS) membranes. Incorporating DES (5 wt%) into the PVA/CS membrane increased its elongation at break from 8.176 % to 22.817 %. The random forest ML model exhibited superior predictive accuracy (R2 = 0.93) compared to the artificial neural network (R2 = 0.68) for modeling the adsorption process. The adsorption experiments were conducted under optimal operating conditions for PVA/CS (pH 7.5, adsorbent mass 0.06 g, and initial BG concentration 65 mg/L) and DES/PVA/CS (pH 8, adsorbent mass 0.06 g, and initial BG concentration 80 mg/L), achieving maximum adsorption capacities of 23.15 mg/g for PVA/CS and 124.63 mg/g for DES/PVA/CS. DFT calculations showed adsorption energies of -20.76 kcal/mol and -23.13 kcal/mol for BG/PVA/CS and BG/DES/PVA/CS complexes, respectively. DES, a green modifier, significantly enhanced the adsorption capacity, mechanical stability, and functional group diversity of PVA/CS membranes, thereby enabling more efficient dye removal.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Pollutants, Chemical/chemistry; Water Purification/methods
  12. Tisa F, Raman AA, Daud WM
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2014;2014:348974.
    PMID: 25309949 DOI: 10.1155/2014/348974
    Simulation of fluidized bed reactor (FBR) was accomplished for treating wastewater using Fenton reaction, which is an advanced oxidation process (AOP). The simulation was performed to determine characteristics of FBR performance, concentration profile of the contaminants, and various prominent hydrodynamic properties (e.g., Reynolds number, velocity, and pressure) in the reactor. Simulation was implemented for 2.8 L working volume using hydrodynamic correlations, continuous equation, and simplified kinetic information for phenols degradation as a model. The simulation shows that, by using Fe(3+) and Fe(2+) mixtures as catalyst, TOC degradation up to 45% was achieved for contaminant range of 40-90 mg/L within 60 min. The concentration profiles and hydrodynamic characteristics were also generated. A subsequent scale-up study was also conducted using similitude method. The analysis shows that up to 10 L working volume, the models developed are applicable. The study proves that, using appropriate modeling and simulation, data can be predicted for designing and operating FBR for wastewater treatment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Pollutants, Chemical/isolation & purification; Water Pollutants, Chemical/chemistry*; Water Purification/instrumentation; Water Purification/methods*; Waste Water/chemistry*
  13. Valizadeh N, El-Shafie A, Mirzaei M, Galavi H, Mukhlisin M, Jaafar O
    ScientificWorldJournal, 2014;2014:432976.
    PMID: 24790567 DOI: 10.1155/2014/432976
    Water level forecasting is an essential topic in water management affecting reservoir operations and decision making. Recently, modern methods utilizing artificial intelligence, fuzzy logic, and combinations of these techniques have been used in hydrological applications because of their considerable ability to map an input-output pattern without requiring prior knowledge of the criteria influencing the forecasting procedure. The artificial neurofuzzy interface system (ANFIS) is one of the most accurate models used in water resource management. Because the membership functions (MFs) possess the characteristics of smoothness and mathematical components, each set of input data is able to yield the best result using a certain type of MF in the ANFIS models. The objective of this study is to define the different ANFIS model by applying different types of MFs for each type of input to forecast the water level in two case studies, the Klang Gates Dam and Rantau Panjang station on the Johor river in Malaysia, to compare the traditional ANFIS model with the new introduced one in two different situations, reservoir and stream, showing the new approach outweigh rather than the traditional one in both case studies. This objective is accomplished by evaluating the model fitness and performance in daily forecasting.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water*
  14. Imran HM, Akib S, Karim MR
    Environ Technol, 2013 Sep-Oct;34(17-20):2649-56.
    PMID: 24527626
    Uncontrolled stormwater runoff not only creates drainage problems and flash floods but also presents a considerable threat to water quality and the environment. These problems can, to a large extent, be reduced by a type of stormwater management approach employing permeable pavement systems (PPS) in urban, industrial and commercial areas, where frequent problems are caused by intense undrained stormwater. PPS could be an efficient solution for sustainable drainage systems, and control water security as well as renewable energy in certain cases. Considerable research has been conducted on the function of PPS and their improvement to ensure sustainable drainage systems and water quality. This paper presents a review of the use of permeable pavement for different purposes. The paper focuses on drainage systems and stormwater runoff quality from roads, driveways, rooftops and parking lots. PPS are very effective for stormwater management and water reuse. Moreover, geotextiles provide additional facilities to reduce the pollutants from infiltrate runoff into the ground, creating a suitable environment for the biodegradation process. Furthermore, recently, ground source heat pumps and PPS have been found to be an excellent combination for sustainable renewable energy. In addition, this study has identified several gaps in the present state of knowledge on PPS and indicates some research needs for future consideration.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Movements; Water Quality
  15. Goh CS, Tan HT, Lee KT
    Bioresour Technol, 2012 Apr;110:662-9.
    PMID: 22326327 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2012.01.083
    The influence of reaction temperature (160-200°C), residence time (45-90min), and liquid-solid ratio (8-16v/w) on oil palm frond (OPF) pre-treated with hot compressed water (HCW) was evaluated using severity factors. Effect of the process parameters studied on pulps composition and digestibility were found to be complex. The results revealed that digestibility could not be predicted merely according to composition. Severity factor was correlated with compositional changes and digestibility with good R-squared values at varied liquid-solid ratios (8-16v/w), but not with overall glucose yield. HCW pretreatment significantly improved the overall glucose yield up to 83.72% with severity of 3.31 and liquid-solid ratio of 8.0 compared to untreated raw OPF which only recorded an overall glucose yield of 30.97%. HCW is therefore an effective method for pretreatment of OPF for glucose recovery.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water*
  16. Prasanna MV, Chidambaram S, Shahul Hameed A, Srinivasamoorthy K
    Environ Monit Assess, 2010 Sep;168(1-4):63-90.
    PMID: 19609693 DOI: 10.1007/s10661-009-1092-5
    Gadilam river basin has gained its importance due to the presence of Neyveli Lignite open cast mines and other industrial complexes. It is also due to extensive depressurization of Cuddalore aquifer, and bore wells for New Veeranam Scheme are constructed downstream of the basin. Geochemical indicators of groundwater were used to identify the chemical processes that control hydrogeochemistry. Chemical parameters of groundwater such as pH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, sodium (Na(+)), potassium (K(+)), calcium (Ca(+)), magnesium (Mg(+)), bicarbonate (HCO(-)(3)), sulfate (SO(-)(4)), phosphate (PO(-)(4)), and silica (H(4)SiO(4)) were determined. Interpretation of hydrogeochemical data suggests that leaching of ions followed by weathering and anthropogenic impact controls the chemistry of the groundwater. Isotopic study reveals that recharge from meteoric source in sedimentary terrain and rock-water interaction with significant evaporation prevails in hard rock region.
    Matched MeSH terms: Fresh Water/chemistry*; Water Movements; Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis*; Water Pollutants, Chemical/chemistry; Water Pollution, Chemical/statistics & numerical data
  17. Sarbatly R, Krishnaiah D, Kamin Z
    Mar Pollut Bull, 2016 May 15;106(1-2):8-16.
    PMID: 27016959 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2016.03.037
    The growths of oil and gas exploration and production activities have increased environmental problems, such as oil spillage and the resulting pollution. The study of the methods for cleaning up oil spills is a critical issue to protect the environment. Various techniques are available to contain oil spills, but they are typically time consuming, energy inefficient and create secondary pollution. The use of a sorbent, such as a nanofibre sorbent, is a technique for controlling oil spills because of its good physical and oil sorption properties. This review discusses about the application of nanofibre sorbent for oil removal from water and its current developments. With their unique physical and mechanical properties coupled with their very high surface area and small pore sizes, nanofibre sorbents are alternative materials for cleaning up oil spills.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water; Water Pollutants, Chemical
  18. Oon YS, Ong SA, Ho LN, Wong YS, Oon YL, Lehl HK, et al.
    Bioprocess Biosyst Eng, 2016 Jun;39(6):893-900.
    PMID: 26894384 DOI: 10.1007/s00449-016-1568-y
    The main aim of this study is to investigate the performance of organic oxidation and denitrification of the system under long-term operation. The MFC reactor was operated in continuous mode for 180 days. Nitrate was successfully demonstrated as terminal electron acceptor, where nitrate was reduced at the cathode using electron provided by acetate oxidation at the anode. The removal efficiencies of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and nitrate were higher in the closed circuit system than in open circuit system. Both COD and nitrate reduction improved with the increase of organic loading and subsequently contributed to higher power output. The maximum nitrate removal efficiency was 88 ± 4 % (influent of 141 ± 14 mg/L). The internal resistant was 50 Ω, which was found to be low for a double chambered MFC. The maximum power density was 669 mW/m(3) with current density of 3487 mA/m(3).
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Purification; Waste Water
  19. Ngeow YF, Tan CH, Lim SY
    Med J Malaysia, 1992 Mar;47(1):15-9.
    PMID: 1387443
    Three building complexes in Kuala Lumpur were surveyed for the presence of legionellae in cooling towers. The organisms were grown from 12 out of 46 samples of water collected from 30 towers. L. pneumophila serogroups 1 and 7 were the commonest serogroups isolated. None belonged to the Pontiac subgroup of L. pneumophila serogroup 1.
    Matched MeSH terms: Water Microbiology*
  20. Zubair M, Ihsanullah I, Abdul Aziz H, Azmier Ahmad M, Al-Harthi MA
    Bioresour Technol, 2021 Jan;319:124128.
    PMID: 32979597 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2020.124128
    Biochar/layered double hydroxide (LDH) composites have gained considerable attention in recent times as low-cost sustainable materials for applications in water treatment. This paper critically evaluates the latest development in applications of biochar/LDH composites in water treatment with an emphasis on adsorption and catalytic degradation of various pollutants. The adsorption of various noxious contaminants, i.e., heavy metals, dyes, anions, and pharmaceuticals onto biochar/LDH composites are described in detail by elaborating the adsorption mechanism and regeneration ability. The synergistic effect of LDH with biochar exhibited significant improvement in specific surface area, surface functional groups, structure heterogeneity, stability, and adsorption characteristics of the resulting biochar/LDH composites. The major hurdles and challenges associated with the synthesis and applications of biochar/LDH composites in water remediation are emphasized. Finally, a roadmap is suggested for future research to assure the effective applications of biochar/LDH composites in water purification.
    Matched MeSH terms: Waste Water*
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