METHODS: The methodological and cross-sectional study design was used to translate, culturally adapt it, and validate PSPSQ 2.0 in Nepalese. The Nepalese version of PSPSQ 2.0 went through the full linguistic validation process and was evaluated in 300 patients visiting different community pharmacies in Kathmandu district, Nepal. Exploratory factor analysis was carried out using principal component analysis with varimax rotation, and Cronbach's alpha was used to evaluate the reliability.
RESULTS: Three-hundred patients were recruited in this study. Participants ranged in age from 21 to 83 years; mean age was 53.93 years (SD: 15.21). 62% were females, and 34% educational level was above 12 and university level. Only 7% of the participants were illiterate. Kaiser-Meyer-Olkinwas found to be 0.696, and Bartlett's test of sphericity was significant with a chi-square test value of 3695.415. A principal axis factor analysis conducted on the 20 items with orthogonal rotation (varimax). PSPSQ 2.0 Nepalese version (20 items) had a good internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = 0.758). Item-total correlations were reviewed for the items in each of the three domains of PSPSQ 2.0.
CONCLUSION: The PSPSQ 2.0 Nepalese version demonstrated acceptable validity and reliability, which can be used in the Nepalese population for evaluating the satisfaction of patients with pharmacist services in both community pharmacy and research.
Aims: The primary objective was to evaluate whether addiction-specific cues compared with neutral cues, i.e., negative emotional valence cues vs. positive emotional valence cues, would elicit activation of the dopaminergic reward network (i.e., precuneus, nucleus accumbens, and amygdala) and consecutive deactivation of the executive control network [i.e., medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC)], in the PIGU subjects.
Method: An fMRI cue-induced reactivity study was performed using negative emotional valence, positive emotional valence, and truly neutral cues, using Instagram themes. Thirty subjects were divided into PIGU and healthy control (HC) groups, based on a set of diagnostic criteria using behavioral tests, including the Modified Instagram Addiction Test (IGAT), to assess the severity of PIGU. In-scanner recordings of the subjects' responses to the images and regional activity of the neural addiction pathways were recorded.
Results: Negative emotional valence > positive emotional valence cues elicited increased activations in the precuneus in the PIGU group. A negative and moderate correlation was observed between PSC at the right mPFC with the IGAT scores of the PIGU subjects when corrected for multiple comparisons [r = -0.777, (p < 0.004, two-tailed)].
Conclusion: Addiction-specific Instagram-themed cues identify the neurobiological underpinnings of Instagram addiction. Activations of the dopaminergic reward system and deactivation of the executive control network indicate converging neuropathological pathways between Instagram addiction and other types of addictions.
METHODS: We derived the data from the TECMA study, which used a cross-sectional study design and multi-stage sampling method to obtain a representative sample of school-going adolescents aged 11-19 years in Malaysia in 2016. Data were collected through a self-administered approach using a pre-validated standard questionnaire. Descriptive and multivariate analyses were used to analyze the data, and results are presented as adjusted odds ratio (AOR) with 95% confidence interval (95% CI).
RESULTS: SHS exposure for the past seven days was higher outside the home (51.2%; 95% CI: 49.2-53.2) compared to at home (37.8%; 95% CI: 35.8-39.9) while 27.3% (95% CI: 25.1-29.5) of school-going adolescents reported exposure to SHS inside the school in the past one month. In the regression analyses, older adolescents, those of Malay and Bumiputra Sarawak ethnicities, adolescents from rural areas and current smokers had higher likelihood of exposure to SHS at home, outside home and inside the school. Our study also found that adolescents who were current smokers had higher odds of being exposed to SHS at home (AOR=2.87; 95% CI: 2.57-3.21), outside the home (AOR=3.46; 95% CI: 3.05-3.92) and in the school (AOR=2.25; 95% CI: 2.01-2.51).
CONCLUSIONS: Health promotion measures should target parents/guardians and household members to reduce SHS exposure among adolescents. In addition, smoke-free regulation should be fully enforced in school. Furthermore, more public places should be designated non-smoking areas to reduce SHS exposure and denormalize smoking behavior.
Material and Methods: Patients with ACL re-injury to either knee after successful primary ACLR were included in Group I and those with no further re-injury were included in Group II. Variables including age, gender, side, body mass index (BMI), thigh atrophy, anterior knee laxity difference between both knees measured by KT-1000 arthrometer, mean time of return to sports (RTS), graft type, type of game, mode of injury, Tegner Activity Score, hormone levels, femoral tunnel length (FTL), posterior tibial slope (PTS) and notch width index (NWI) were studied. Binary logistic regression was used to measure the relative association.
Results: A total of 128 athletes were included with 64 in each group. Mean age in Group I and II were 24.90 and 26.47 years respectively. Mean follow-up of Group I and Group II were 24.5 and 20.11 months respectively. Significant correlation was present between ACL re-injury and following risk factors; PTS of >10º, KT difference of >3.0mm, thigh atrophy of >2.50cm and time to RTS <9.50 months P value <0.05). No correlation was found with age, sex, BMI, type of game, Tegner Activity Score, mode of injury, NWI, size of graft, FTL and hormone levels.
Conclusion: Possible risk factors include PTS of ≥ 10º, KT difference of ≥ 3.0mm at 1 year follow-up, thigh atrophy of ≥ 2.50cm at 1 year follow-up and RTS <9.5 months after primary ACLR.
PRESENTATION OF CASE: We report the first case of Blue Rubber Bleb Nevus Syndrome in Malaysia, a 23 years old Malay girl who suffers from multiple cutaneous venous malformation and gastrointestinal bleeding episodes.
DISCUSSION: The typical morbidity for this syndrome is symptomatic anemia due to secondary iron deficiency due to the gastrointestinal venous malformation bleeding. In managing the gastrointestinal bleeding, it mainly depends on the severity of gastrointestinal bleeding, some may resolve spontaneously, while the others may be needing blood transfusion, and some may require GIT resections. As for cutaneous lesions, normally it is innocuous depending on the region and size. Large or problematic cutaneous venous malformation might benefit from sclerotherapy or excision.
CONCLUSION: Multidisciplinary approach is crucial in managing BRBNS case due to its complexity and the spectrum of multiple organ involvement to ensure the best outcome to the patient.