Displaying publications 1481 - 1500 of 3547 in total

  1. Foong AW, Saw SM, Loo JL, Shen S, Loon SC, Rosman M, et al.
    Ophthalmic Epidemiol, 2007 Jan-Feb;14(1):25-35.
    PMID: 17365815
    Although there are approximately 200 million people of Malay ethnicity living in Asia, the burden and risk factors of blinding eye diseases in this ethnic group are unknown. This study summarizes the rationale and study design of a population-based study of eye diseases among adult Malays in Singapore.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  2. Haris H, Aris AZ, Mokhtar MB
    Chemosphere, 2017 Jan;166:323-333.
    PMID: 27710880 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2016.09.045
    Total mercury (THg) and methylmercury (MeHg) concentrations were determined from sediment samples collected from thirty sampling stations in Port Klang, Malaysia. Three stations had THg concentrations exceeding the threshold effect level of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the Canadian interim sediment quality guidelines. THg and MeHg concentrations were found to be concentrated in the Lumut Strait where inputs from the two most urbanized rivers in the state converged (i.e. Klang River and Langat River). This suggests that Hg in the study area likely originated from the catchments of these rivers. MeHg made up 0.06-94.96% of the sediment's THg. There is significant positive correlation (p 
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  3. Che Asiah, T., Zulkifli, A., Mohd Hashim, M.H., Halim, S.
    A cross-sectional study to determine the prevalence of malnutrition and some associated factors among primary one schoolchildren, aged 7 years from rural areas of Tumpat and Bachok in Kelantan was carried out. A total of 922 chiMren from 18 primary schools were examined. The parents completed self-administered questionnaires eliciting demographic and socio-economic information. The weight and height of each child was taken. The nutritional status was assessed by the z-scores of weight-for-age (WAZ) , height- or-age (HAZ) and weight-for-height (WHZ). The prevalence of underweight was 25 .2% , stunting was 21 .1% and wasting was 6 .2%. Less than 1 .0% ofthe children were overweight. Risk factors of underweight were lueinga male (OR=l .4),
    having an unemployed father (OR=2 .6) and a monthly family income of RM 251 -500 (OR=2 .0) . Being a male (OR=1 .6) was the only risk factor for stunning and working mother (OR=2 .0) was the only risk factor of wasting. In conclusion, there is still a high prevalence of undemutrition among primary one schoolchildren in rural areas of Tumpat and Bachok. This may be due to the poor socioeconomic status of the rural community and the lack of emphasis ofthe supplementary feeding program on the late preschool children. A comprehensive nutrition support program is essential, especially targeting the preschool children in these rural communities
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  4. Rampal, L., Somayeh, A. B., Salmiah, M. S., Faisal, I., Sharifah Zainiyah, S. Y.
    Introduction: In Malaysia, cardiovascular diseases (CVD) have been the leading cause of death for the past 40 years. Hypertension is the leading treatable risk factor for CVD mortality.
    Objectives: to determine the prevalence and factors associated with hypertension among University Putra Malaysia staff.
    Methods: A Cross sectional study design was used in this study. The sample was selected using table of random numbers. Two blood pressure measurements were taken from respondents aged 30 years and above. Data on socio-demographic variables and lifestyle-related risk factors were collected using a pre-tested structured questionnaire. Weight and height measurements were also taken.
    Results: Out of 517 respondents selected, 454 subjects agreed to participate, giving a response rate of 87.8%. The overall mean systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) for 454 respondents was 126.2 mmHg and 80.17 mmHg respectively. The mean SBP was significantly higher in males (129.68 mmHg) as compared to the females (122.65 mmHg). The mean SBP and DBP significantly increased with age in both males and females (p<0.05). There was a significant relationship between SBP and BMI (r = 0.55, r2 = 0.30 p <0.001) and diastolic blood pressure and BMI (r = 0.53, r2 = 0.28, p <0.001). The overall prevalence of hypertension was 34.4% and 33.9% had pre hypertension. Hypertension was significantly associated with age, gender, family history of hypertension, BMI and alcohol consumption. Conclusions: Prevalence of hypertension and pre-hypertension is high. There is an urgent need for implementation of a comprehensive CVD prevention program. Routine blood pressure measurements should be taken to improve the detection, prevention and treatment of hypertension.
    Keywords: Hypertension, Prevalence, Risk Factors, University Staff, Prevalence
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  5. Mohd Amin Itam, Amelia Alias, Mat Bah, M.N.
    Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) therapy in Kawasaki disease (KD) has been shown to reduce coronary artery aneurysm by 4-5%. However, we still observed significant number of coronary aneurysm post IVIG in our centre. The objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence of coronary artery abnormality (CAA) and the associated risk factors.
    Designs: Retrospective descriptive study. Method: A retrospective study performed on children with KD from 1 st January 2005 to 30 th July 2010. Japanese Ministry of Health criteria were used to classify coronary arteries abnormality. Children with incomplete or atypical KD were excluded. Data were extracted from Pediatric Cardiology Clinical Information System.
    Results: A total of 126 KD were diagnosed during the study period with 69% were male and 52.4% were Chinese. The median age of diagnosis was 1.4yr [Q1, 0.6yr Q3, 2.3yr]. Of these 126, 118 (93.7%) received IVIG within 10 days of illness. Ten patients (7.9%) required more than one dose of IVIG. CAA were noted in 28 (22.2%) patients with 21 ectasia, 4 small fusiform, one small saccular and 2 medium fusiform aneurysm. Of these 28, 22 who had IVIG within 10 days of illness (18 ectasia, 3 small and one medium coronary aneurysm) Significant risk factors for CAA were older children (2.3 v s 1.7yr, p=0.03), presentation after 10days of illness (p=0.006) and required more than 2gm/kg of IVIG (p=0.04).
    Conclusion: CAA in complete KD treated with IVIG was 22.2% with 5.5% significant aneurysm. Risk factors for coronary abnormality were older children, late presentation and require more of IVIG of than 2gm/kg.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  6. Mariana, D., Quah, B.S., Mazidah, A.R.
    Even though vaccines are effective for prevention of diseases, compliance with recommended schedules of immunisation in early childhood is not always complete. Identification of potential risk factors associated with under-immunisation may help increase vaccination uptake. The objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence and risk factors of under-immunisation in hospitalised preschool children in Universiti Sains Malaysia Hospital (HUSM). Children aged 1 month to 2 years admitted between December 1998 and December 2000 in medical paediatric wards at HUSM were studied. Parents/guardians were interviewed during admission regarding immunisation status and potential risk factors. Children who did not have home-based cards during admission were excluded. Among 401 children, 37.9% had complete immunisation, 43.4% had delayed immunisation and 34.9% had incomplete immunisation. The uptake of BCG, DPT/OPV 1, DPT/OPV2, Hepatitis B3, DPT/OPV3, and measles were 98.5%, 90.7%, 83.2%, 81.4%,79.2% and 72.9% respectively. Vaccines scheduled to be given at later ages were significantly less likely to be taken (p=0.002) compared with vaccines scheduled to be given at an earlier age. Significant independent risk factors for under-immunisation were elderly mothers (3 40 years old) (OR 3.0, 95% CI: 1.2-8.0), low birth weight £2.0 kg (OR 6.2; 95% CI: 1.8-21.4) and presence of chronic illness in the child (OR 4.5; 95% CI: 2.5-7.9). In children whose father's education was low (primary school or no education), low maternal education was significantly associated with lower rate of under-immunisation (p = 0.005, OR 0.11 95%CI 0.02-0.51).
    In conclusion this study showed that a large proportion of hospitalised preschool children were under-immunised, and vaccines scheduled to be given at a later age had lower uptakes. The situation can be rectified if every opportunity is taken to immunise all children, who have lapsed in their immunisation schedule.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  7. Al-Kubaisy, Waqar A., Niazi, Amjad D.
    Int J Public Health Res, 2011;1(2):72-78.
    Introduction Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) recently was identified as a major cause of post transfusion hepatitis world wide. To evaluate the role of blood transfusion on the prevalence of HCV infection, by testing antibody and RNA as well as the genotypes of HCV .Also to detect if Blood transfusion acts as unconfounding risk factor for HCV infection.
    Methods Sera from 3491 pregnant women were investigated for the presence of HCV antibodies (anti-HCV) by using third generation enzyme immunoassay (EIA-3) as screening test, followed by immunoblot assay (Lia Tek-III). In addition 94 sera of studied women were subjected to molecular analysis (at laboratories of Sorin BioMedica - Italy) for the detection of viral RNA and genotypes of HCV. Using RT-PCR & DNA Enzyme immunoassay (DEIA) method.
    Results Our study revealed, that seroprevalence rate of HCV specific Ab & RNA were significantly higher (16.32 %, 80% respectively) among women with a history of blood transfusion, compared to those (2.53%, 56.5%) with no such history P=0.0001, P=0.01. And there is a significant direct linear correlation between number of blood transfused and the seropositive rate of anti-HCV (r=0.7, p=0.046). Based on multivariate analysis, interestingly, this study confirmed that, blood transfusion significantly acting as unconfounding risk factor for acquiring HCV infection (Adjusted OR=1.938,95% C.I=1.646-2.28). And the risk of exposure is increases with increased number of blood transfused. Although, we found no significant association between, HCV genotypic distribution and history of blood transfusion. However, high proportion of women with a history of blood transfusion were harboring HCV genotype -4 or 1b, 50%,40%, resepctively.
    Conclusions Our study shows, evidence that, blood transfusion acts as unconfounding risk factor for acquiring and in a mode of transmission of HCV infection. Therefore strict screening of blood donor for HCV-Abs and / or RNA is highly recommended.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  8. Abai G, Henry J, Lian CB, Wee ASF, Bili H, Ratu I
    Int J Public Health Res, 2011;1(2):92-99.
    Introduction Neonatal jaundice occurs in about 60% of newborns. If not managed properly, it can progress to severe neonatal jaundice (SNNJ) leading to death or permanent disability. The incidence of SNNJ in Kuching District increased from 119.3 per 100,000 live births in 2005 to 123.3 per 100,000 live births in 2008, which was above the Standard National QAP Indicator of 100 per 10,000 live births. SNNJ can be prevented by early detection and proper management of neonatal jaundice. The objective is to increase the knowledge and practise of early detection of neonatal jaundice by nurses in Kuching District. Methods This was an interventional study covering a period of six months. The sample comprised 113 nurses of all categories working in urban and rural maternal and child health clinics in Kuching District. Tools used in the study were self-administered questionnaires in English and Bahasa Malaysia. The preintervention survey started in July 2009 while the post-intervention survey was done in January 2010. The interventions were done through Continuing Nursing Education sessions and included new nursing formats and new reporting procedures. New vehicles were also provided for home nursing. Data was collected and analyzed using MS Excel program. Results The pre-intervention survey on nurses showed that only 56.6% were able to identify the risk of factors causing jaundice; 94.6% able to define jaundice; 41.5% able to detect jaundice while 70.8% knew sign of Kernicterus. In term of recommended post natal nursing schedule only 40.7% able to practice the schedule while only 69.0% able to give advice on management of jaundice. Post intervention; 63.2% of nurses were able to identify the risk factors causing jaundice; 97.2% able to define jaundice while 97.2% were able to detect jaundice and 88.6% know sign of Kernicterus. On recommended post natal nursing schedule, 49.9 % practice the recommended schedule while 92.0% were able to give advice to mother on management of jaundice. The incident of jaundice of Severe Neonatal Jaundice dropped to 78 per 100,000 live births in 2010.
    Conclusions The study shows that the interventions taken helped to improve the knowledge and practice of recommended measures to detect neonatal jaundice early. Stronger emphasis must be placed on using the new reporting procedures and new nursing sheets. Continuous monitoring through regular nursing audits by clinic supervisors is also essential to reduce the incidence of SNNJ. Provision of vehicles for all busy maternal and child health clinics for home nursing care is highly recommended.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  9. Sharifa Ezat Wan Puteh, Norin Rahayu Samsuddin, Sharifah Noor Akmal Syed Hussain, Shamsul Azhar Shah, Syed Mohamed Aljunid
    Int J Public Health Res, 2011;1(1):13-22.
    Accepted 10 August 2011.
    Introduction Cervical cancer (CC) is the second most prevalent female cancer in Malaysia. Almost 70% of its’ causal factors are attributable to oncogenic human papillomavirus (HPV) types 16, 18 and other risk factors. HPV genotypes distributions are also noted to differ by geographical area.
    Methods This was cross sectional study conducted in 2007, to determine the influencing factors of HPV positivity and prevalence of HPV infections among patients with cervical cancer in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC). Patients’ paraffin-embedded cervical tissues kept in the Pathology Department from 1999 to 2007 were randomly selected. A total of 81 medical records with complete information were chosen as samples and patients were contacted for consent. Tissue samples were further derived for PCR DNA for HPV genotyping. Analyses included descriptive statistics; bivariate χ2 test and correlation were used to determine relationship between factors and HPV positivity. Significance level of less than 0.05 was taken as statistically significant.
    Results Mean age of cancer diagnosis was at 52 ± 12.2 years. Women of Chinese ethnicity was the highest ethnicity to be HPV positive at 65.4% and squamous cell carcinoma was more commonly found (59.3%) compared with other types of cancers. The prevalence of HPV positivity was 92.6% with type 16 being the most common (74.1%), followed by type 33 (30.9%) and 18 (22.2%). Multiple HPV infections were a common finding at 54.3%. Factors thought to influence positivity i.e. age of intercourse, number of sexual partners, number of parity, smoking status of patients and their partners, oral contraceptive usage, presence of chronic illnesses and cancer stage were not significantly associated with HPV positivity. Increased CC severity level was not associated with increased number of HPV infections (Pearson correlation 0.58; p =0.607).
    Conclusions High HPV positivity at 92.6% was found among ICC patients. Factors thought to influence HPV positivity were not significant. The top three HPV genotypes were type 16 followed by type 33 and 18. However, local women HPV serotypes findings need to be replicated in a larger population sample.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  10. Sazlina, S.G., Krishnan, R., Shamsul, A.S., Zaiton, A., Visvanathan, R.
    Introduction : The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and the pattern of falls in community dwelling older people attending a primary care clinic in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
    Methods : A cross sectional study was conducted in an urban primary care clinic. Participants aged 60 years and older were included in the study. A structured questionnaire, assessing socio-demographic variables, medical and falls history was administered by one investigator over a 3-month period in 2004.
    Results : A total of 151 respondents participated in this study with a response rate of 72%. The prevalence of falls was 47.0% over the previous 12-months period. Fifty-seven percent reported experiencing recurrent falls. Majority (61%) of falls occurred in the home and the two most common places were the bathroom (27%) and stairs (27%). Sixty-one percent of older people who fell, sustained an injury and most sought medical attention.
    Conclusion : In conclusion, falls are common amongst older people attending this primary care clinic. It occurred commonly in the home in the bathroom and near stairs. However, a larger local community study is warranted to determine the prevalence and risk factors for falls in Malaysia.

    Study site: primary care clinic in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  11. Wan-Nor-Asyikeen WA, Siti-Azrin AH, Jalil NA, Othman NH, Zain AA
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2016;17(6):2867-70.
    PMID: 27356704
    BACKGROUND: Endometrial cancer is the most common gynecological malignancy among females worldwide, approximately 320,000 women being diagnosed with the disease each year and 76,000 dying. To date, there is limited knowledge of endometrial cancer in Malaysia.

    OBJECTIVES: To identify the epidemiological profile and prognostic factors of survival.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: A list of endometrial cancer patients in 2000-2011 was obtained from the hospital Record Department. Only cases confirmed by histopathology examination were included. We excluded those with incomplete medical records or referral cases. Simple and multiple Cox regression approaches were used for data analysis.

    RESULTS: Only 108 cases were included with a mean (SD) age of 62.7 (12.3) years, with 87.0% Malay ethnicity. Grade of cancer was: 29.1% grade 1, 43.7% grade 2 and 27.2% grade 3. The majority of patients had non-endometrioid type (60.2%), with myometrial invasion (82.2%) and lymphovascular invasion (57.3%). The significant prognostic factors were age (HR 1.05; 95% CI: 1.02, 1.08, p=0.002) and having lymphovascular invasion (HR 2.15; 95% CI: 1.08, 4.29; p=0.030).

    CONCLUSIONS: Endometrial cancer patients should be diagnosed earlier to reduce the risk of mortality. The public should be given education on the signs and symptoms of the disease.

    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  12. Chan LF, Mohamad Adam B, Norazlin KN, Siti Haida MI, Lee VY, Norazura AW, et al.
    J Adolesc, 2016 10;52:162-9.
    PMID: 27572955 DOI: 10.1016/j.adolescence.2016.08.006
    Pregnant adolescents are a high-risk population for suicide. However, a knowledge gap still exists on how sexual and religious knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) influence suicidal ideation (SI) in teenage pregnancy. We aim to explore the interplay between psychiatric diagnoses, sociodemographic factors and KAP of sexual and religious issues as risk factors of SI among 114 pregnant Malaysian adolescents from 6 rehabilitation centers and a tertiary hospital. Single sexual partner was an independent predictor of SI, suggesting the role of less sexual experience as a risk factor for SI after controlling for major depression. Participants who were unsure versus those who agreed with the statement that most religions' viewed sex outside marriage as wrong had a lower risk of SI after controlling for major depression. Pregnant adolescents with a single sexual partner were significantly associated with current SI. Ambivalence towards religious prohibitions on premarital sex may protect against suicidal ideation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  13. Yen SH, Knight A, Krishna M, Muda W, Rufai A
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2016;17(8):4083-8.
    PMID: 27644665
    BACKGROUND: Physical inactivity has been identified as the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality and is associated with increased breast cancer diagnosis and recurrence.

    PURPOSE: To examine the association between adult lifetime physical activity and breast cancer risk in a case-control analysis.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study involved 122 cases of breast cancer and 121 controls in the state of Kelantan in Malaysia. A comprehensive measure of lifetime physical activity was used to assess occupational, household, and recreational/sports activity. For every type of activity, a metabolic equivalent (MET) score was assigned using the compendium of physical activities. MET-hours/week per year for all types of activities at different levels of intensities for different age groups were calculated. Logistic regression analysis was used to estimate odds ratios between various measures of physical activity and breast cancer risk.

    CONCLUSIONS: The mean MET-hours/week per year for all activities were 120.0 and 132.9 of MET-hours/week per year for cases and controls respectively. Household activities accounted for about 70% of the total lifetime physical activities. Only about 2.5% of the total lifetime physical activities were in the form of recreational/sports. This study found no association between lifetime occupational and recreational/sports physical activities with breast cancer risk among Kelantanese women. However, higher intensity lifetime household activities seemed to significantly reduce risk of breast cancer.

    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  14. Fauziah, M.N., Anita, S., Shaari, N., Ahamad, J., Senan, Pratap, Muhammad Amir, K.
    The objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence of HI V iryfection, risk factors and to measure the knowledge on AIDS among fishermen in Terengganu. In this survey fishermen registered with the Malaysian Fishery Development Board in Terengganu were studied. There were 600 eligible fishermen based on a list provided by the Malaysian Fishery Development Board (MFDB). Study sites were at 6 loading centres where health personnel awaited returning fishermen between 4. 00pm —7. 00 pm during a period of one month, A total of 542 registeredfshermen were studied and this corresponded to a response rate of 90.3 %. The majority of the fishermen were Malays (98.6%}, Nine fishermen were tested positive to HIV antibody and this corresponds to a
    g prevalence of I. 7%. Prevalence of HIV is higher among those with a positive history of drug use, single marital status and also among the unskilled workers who represented the socio-economically poorer group of fishermen. Almost 89% of respondents have heard about HIV/AIDS and among these, 93% received information through TV and radio. The mean knowledge score was significantly higher among fishermen admitting to drug taking, sex with prostitutes, and those who have had at least a secondary school education. The Prevalence of HIV infection among fishermen is higher than in the general population. Risk characterisation of HI V injection was statistically signyicant onlv among fishermen who gave positive history of drug used. Findings also suggest that poorer fishermen based on multiple indicators to socioeconomic status had a higher risk of being HIV positive as well as being less knowledgeable about AIDS, Health promotion strategies should focus on the use of TV and radio as an interactive medium to reach out to risk groups among fishermen as its popularity has been determined by this study.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  15. Hassan N, A. Rahman K, Aris Kasah M, Jusoh M
    A qualitative research was carried out in Besut and Kuala Terengganu to identyy adolescents’ health problems and needs jiom adolescent perspective, and to establish a priority area in the development of Adolescent Health Clinic in the district. A total of 61 adolescents were selected and divided into four groups and stratified according to age, 13-15 years old and 16 - 17 years old. Generally all participants wished to live in an environment free hom negative health risk factors. The obstacles they perceived were mainly related to lack of care or too much control by their parents. Some of them perceived that their parents in general had inadequate knowledge and skills on parenting. Among local behavioural problems mentioned were loafing, running away from home, vandalism, school absenteeism, aggressive behaviour, substance abuse, pre-marital sexual activities, "bohsia", “bohjan" and even involvement in crimes. More than hah' agreed that counselling service is important for adolescents, and it should be made available in the community preferably outside the schools. They perceived an adolescent friendly health clinic concept as an important concept that should be introduced. To them adolescent friendly health clinic is a clinic run by professionals who are knowledgeable, caring, good listeners, non—judgemental, and who exercise confidentiality. The clinic preferably should be situated in a location which is away from the present health facilities to avoid the image of a place for sick people. Clinic hours preferably during weekends, should provide appropriate technologies and situated in a comfortable ambience. Adolescent participation in the clinic was also mentioned as an important entity for adolescent friendly health services.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  16. Nordiyanah Hassan
    The number of deliveries increased very signdicantly in all hospitals in Terengganu since 1986. It is in line with the promotion of Safe Motherhood Initiative' with the aim to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity in a Terengganu. The aim of the study was to determine the pattern of choice for place of deliveries by local people in Terengganu and also to identdy risk factors related to their place of choice. A total of 9741 deliveries home January 1999 to 30”’ of June 1999 were included in the study. About 46% delivered in Hospital Kuala Terengganu, where 72% of them were high-risk mothers. Whereas deliveries in the district hospitals were 9.9% in Kemaman Hospital, 9.7% in Besut Hospital, 7.2% in Dungun Hospital and 3.4% in Hulu Terengganu Hospital. About 67% of district hospital deliveries were high-risk mothers. Only 12.4% of deliveries were home deliveries, however 49% of them were high-risk mothers. Utilization of alternative birthing centre in health clinics was only 1.7%. The study revealed that mothers’ risk factors are the factors signaicantly influence the place of choice for deliveries. The study jindings call for an urgent need of three essential services, Firstly an urban birthing centre conducted by obstetrician or the medical ojicers to be developed at the vicinity of the present general hospital to cater for the high percentage of high—risk pregnancies in the state. Secondly, all or selected district hospital to be given post for obstetrician, and thirdly it is a need to evaluate the current ‘High Risk Checklist for Antenatal Mothers’ to ensure treatment priority is indeed given to those really in need based on appropriate risk factors.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  17. Faizan, G., Balkis, A.K., Kasemani, E., Che Mohd Shabri, A., Amirullah, M.A.
    Food poisoning is still a major problem in the state of Terengganu. The study was conducted during an episode of food poisoning outbreak which occurred in October, 1999, at Universiti Tekonologi Mara (UiTJ1rO, Dungun to determine the etiology, mode of transmission, source and the risk factors of the outbreak and hence to take appropriate remedial actions and preventive measures. A retrospective cohort study was conducted amongst 925 students using a standard questionnaire as well as environmental investigation and bacterial subtyping. All the samples were Malay females, age ranging jrom /9 — 22 years. It was found that majority ofthe victims (72 %) presented with abdominal cramp, 68.5% headache, 60.0% diarrhea, 55.2% fever, 45.0% nausea, 39.0% muscle
    ache and 3]. 7% vomiting. The epidemic curve suggested of a common source of infection and the most probable food that has been contaminated was taken during lunch hour on October 20'I'1999, Statistical analysis showed that spices jiied chicken and "nasi minyak" were significantly associated with the illness (p < 0. 05). The most likely causative organism was Salmonella spp as supported by the clinical presentation and incubation period of the disease, identdication of contaminated food, bacterial subtyping result and environmental findings. Following the outbreaks, several remedial actions were taken including immediate close—up ofthe canteen for I4 days, treatment for the cases and health examination and typhoid immunization for all food handlers.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  18. Tee, B.C., Phang, C.K., Rasidi, A., Rushdan, M., Aliyasand, I., Hatta, S.

    Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) in gynaecological cancer patients is a disabling illness with significant mental and physical suffering. Determining the risk factors of MDD in cancer patients enables us to pay more attention to those who are vulnerable and to device effective strategies for prevention, early detection, and treatment. The objective of the study is to determine the prevalence of MDD and its associated risk factors in gynaecological cancer patients at Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah, Alor Star. This is a hospital-based cross-sectional descriptive study of 120 gynaecological cancer patients in Gynae-Oncology Unit in Hospital Sultanah Bahiyah, Alor Star. Mini International Neuropsychiatry Interview (MINI) was used for diagnosis of MDD. Socio-demographic data and clinical variables were collected. MVFSFI (Malay version Female Sexual Function Index) was used to determine sexual dysfunction, and WHOQOL-BREF (World Health Organization – Quality of Life-26) was performed to assess quality of life. The prevalence of MDD in gynaecological cancer patients in the study was 18%. The variables found to be significantly associated with MDD were lack of perceived social support, greater physical pain perception, presence of past psychiatric history, and poorer quality of life. Meanwhile, sexual dysfunction was not associated with MDD. Logistic regression analysis revealed that only the psychological health domain of QOL was significantly associated with MDD, and contributed to 60% of the variation in MDD. The prevalence of MDD in gynaecological cancer patients is higher than those in the general population. In view that MDD can compromise cancer prognosis and patient’s well-being, psychosocial intervention is recommended as a part of multi- disciplinary and comprehensive management of gynaecological cancer.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  19. Kavitha Nagandla, Sivalingam Nalliah
    Delay in childbearing, family history of type 2 diabetes mellitus and obesity in childbearing years increases a possibility of glucose intolerance or overt diabetes in pregnancy which may remain unrecognised unless an oral glucose tolerance test is done.The International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Group (IADPSG, 2010) recommended the detection and diagnosis of hyperglycaemic disorders in pregnancy at two stages of pregnancy, the first stage looking for ‘overt diabetes’ in early pregnancy based on risk factors like age, past history of gestational diabetes and obesity and the second stage where ‘gestational diabetes’ at 24-28 weeks with 75 g oral glucose tolerance test. Although the one step approach with 75 g of glucose offers operational convenience in diagnosing gestational diabetes, there are concerns raised by the National Institute of Health in the recent consensus statement, supporting the two step approach (50-g, 1-hour loading test screening 100-g, 3-hour oral glucose tolerance test) as the recommended approach for detecting gestational diabetes. Medical nutrition therapy (MNT) with well-designed meal plan and appropriate exercise achieves normoglycemia without inducing ketonemia and weight loss in most pregnant women with glucose intolerance. Rapidly acting insulin analogues, such as insulin lispro and aspart are safe in pregnancy and improve postprandial glycemic control in women with pre-gestational diabetes. The long acting analogues (Insulin detemir and glargine) though proven to be safe in pregnancy, do not confer added advantage if normoglycemia is achieved with intermediate insulin (NPH). Current evidence indicates the safe use of glyburide and metformin in the management of Type 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes as other options. However, it is prudent to communicate to the women that there is no data available on the long-term health of the offspring and the safety of these oral hypoglycemic drugs are limited to the prenatal period.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
  20. Anuar Ithnin, Kong, Dinnee, Venkataraman, Saraswathy
    Int J Public Health Res, 2012;2(2):137-143.
    Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a hand disorder which indicates the presence of symptoms such as pain, numbness, and muscle weakness among the patient. CTS is an occupational related disorder which can occur in any profession. However, it can be prevented and managed. The aims of the research were to determine the prevalence of acquiring CTS among nurses who worked in the wards and occupational risk factors involving the upper limbs during nursing tasks performance. The specific aims were to determine the relationship between the prevalence of acquiring CTS and individual factors (age, gender, race, educational level, duration of work and medical history), relationship between the prevalence of acquiring CTS and occupational risk factors in nursing tasks. Nurses profession was chosen as they are performing multitask involving upper limbs especially the wrist joints. Boston Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Questionnaire (BCTQ) was used to determine the level of severity in CTS. Occupational risk factors were assessed by using the Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA). This research was a cross sectional mode which was carried out at a government university medical centre from November through December 2010. Eighty nurses were involved in the research. The respondents were required to fill in the socio-demographic information sheet. Those having CTS were required to fill in the BCTQ. Assessments were performed by observing of the job activity through RULA. The results showed that the prevalence for nurses acquiring CTS is 7.5%. The RULA assessment also indicated that the risk factor was in the highest level with a score of 7. No relationship was shown between the prevalence of CTS and race, gender, educational level and medical history. Significant relationship was indicated by the prevalence of CTS and occupational risk factors. In conclusion, a significant prevalence of CTS related to age of more than 30 years old, Malay races compared to Indian, working experience of more than 10 years and respondents with right hand dominant. Occupational risk factors also indicated among the active nurses. Therefore, it is important for us to modify the work environment, work flow, work methodology and ergonomic factors in order to prevent the nurses from acquiring CTS. Furthermore, education about the condition of CTS should be implemented and reinforced especially among the higher risk nurses.
    Matched MeSH terms: Risk Factors
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