Displaying publications 1541 - 1560 of 5751 in total

  1. Islam MR, Islam MT, M MS, Bais B, Almalki SHA, Alsaif H, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2022 Apr 26;12(1):6792.
    PMID: 35474227 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-10729-4
    In this article, a novel shaped metamaterial sensor is presented for the recognition of various oils, fluids, and chemicals using microwave frequency. The performance of the designed sensor structure has been studied both theoretically and experimentally, and it works well. A new sample holder for convenient operation is created and located just behind the designed structure. The results of this study performed better than those of prior liquids sensing studies. Various designs were explored using the Genetic Algorithm (GA), and it is embedded in the Computer Simulation Technology (CST) microwave studio, to optimize the optimal dimensions of the resonator. The suggested metamaterial sensor has a good-quality factor and sensitivity in both frequency shifting and amplitude changing. The resonance frequency shifted to 100 MHz between olive and corn oils, 70 MHz between sunflower and palm oils, 80 MHz between clean and waste brake fluids, and 90 MHz between benzene and carbon-tetrachloride chemicals. The quality factor of the sensor is 135, sensitivity is 0.56, and the figure of merit is 76 which expresses its efficient performance. Furthermore, the proposed sensor can sensitively distinguish different liquids by using the frequency shifting property. The study was carried out in three stages: dielectric constant (DK) measurement with the N1500A dielectric measurement kit, simulation of the structure, and experimental test study with the vector network analyzer. Since the recommended sensor has high sensitivity, good quality factor, and excellent performance, hence it can be used in chemical, oil, and microfluidic industries for detecting various liquid samples.
  2. Islam MI, Al Mansur A, Jadin MS, Saaduzzaman DM, Naiem-Ur-Rahman M
    Data Brief, 2024 Aug;55:110586.
    PMID: 38993232 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2024.110586
    Floating solar photovoltaic has emerged as a highly sustainable and environmentally friendly solution worldwide from the various clean energy generation technologies. However, the installation of floating solar differs from rooftop or ground-mounted solar due to the significant consideration of the availability of water bodies and suitable climatic conditions. Therefore, conducting a feasibility analysis of the suitable climate is essential for installing a floating solar plant on water bodies. These data are evaluated for the viability of installing a 6.7 MW floating solar power plant on Hatirjheel Lake in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The feasibility analysis incorporated various climatic data, such as temperature, humidity, rainfall, sunshine hours, solar radiation, and windspeed, obtained from Meteonorm 8.1 software and the archive of the Bangladesh Meteorological Department. Besides, this study gathered and analyzed the energy demands of the local grid substation operated by Dhaka Power Distribution Company, to determine the appropriate capacity and architecture of the power plant. The power plant design was conducted using the PVsyst 7.3 software, which determined the necessary equipment quantities, DC energy generation capacity, and the energy injected into the grid in MWh. The study also calculated the Levelized Cost of Energy per kilowatt-hour and the payback period for the system, which indicates the economic viability of installing the system. Furthermore, the acquired dataset possesses significant potential and can be utilized for the establishment of all sorts of solar power plants, including floating solar plants, in any location or body of water within the Dhaka Metropolitan area.
  3. Nasreen HE, Pasi HB, Rifin SM, Aris MAM, Rahman JA, Rus RM, et al.
    BMC Pregnancy Childbirth, 2019 Jun 14;19(1):201.
    PMID: 31200677 DOI: 10.1186/s12884-019-2349-9
    BACKGROUND: Antepartum depressive and anxiety symptoms (ADS and AAS) are prevalent in Malaysia. Prior evidence linking maternal ADS and AAS with adverse birth outcomes and caesarean section (CS) or instrumental delivery is conflicting. There is no research in Malaysia on the association between maternal mental disorders and adverse birth outcomes and mode of delivery. This study aims to investigate the independent effect of maternal ADS and AAS on low birth weight (LBW), preterm birth (PTB) and CS or instrumental delivery among women in east and west coasts of Malaysia.

    METHODS: We used data from a prospective cohort study of 799 pregnant women from health clinics of two states in east and west coasts of Malaysia. Baseline data were measured at the third trimester of pregnancy on ADS, AAS, socioeconomic condition, anthropometric status, reproductive history and intimate partner violence. Birth outcomes and mode of delivery were determined at the time of delivery. Univariate and multiple Cox's regressions were applied to assess the association between ADS and AAS and LBW, PTB and CS or instrumental delivery.

    RESULTS: ADS was significantly associated with an increased risk of giving birth to LBW babies in both east coast (RR = 3.64; 95% CI 1.79-7.40) and west coast (RR = 3.82; 95% CI 1.86-7.84), but not with PTB. AAS was associated with increased risk of both LBW (RR = 2.47; 95% CI 1.39-4.38) and PTB (RR = 2.49; 95% CI 1.16-5.36) in the east coast, but not in west coast. The risk of CS or instrumental delivery was evident among women with ADS (RR = 2.44; 95% CI 1.48-4.03) in west coast only.

    CONCLUSION: ADS predicts LBW in both coasts, AAS predicts LBW and PTB in east coast, and ADS predicts CS or instrumental delivery in west coast. Policies aimed at detection and management of ADS and AAS during antenatal check-up in health clinics may help improve birth outcomes and reduce obstetric interventions.

  4. Asing, Ali ME, Abd Hamid SB, Hossain MA, Mustafa S, Kader MA, et al.
    PLoS One, 2016;11(10):e0163436.
    PMID: 27716792 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0163436
    The Malayan box turtle (Cuora amboinensis) (MBT) is a vulnerable and protected turtle species, but it is a lucrative item in the illegal wildlife trade because of its great appeal as an exotic food item and in traditional medicine. Although several polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays to identify MBT by various routes have been documented, their applicability for forensic authentication remains inconclusive due to the long length of the amplicon targets, which are easily broken down by natural decomposition, environmental stresses or physiochemical treatments during food processing. To address this research gap, we developed, for the first time, a species-specific PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) assay with a very short target length (120 bp) to detect MBT in the food chain; this authentication ensured better security and reliability through molecular fingerprints. The PCR-amplified product was digested with Bfa1 endonuclease, and distinctive restriction fingerprints (72, 43 and 5 bp) for MBT were found upon separation in a microfluidic chip-based automated electrophoresis system, which enhances the resolution of short oligos. The chances of any false negative identifications were eliminated through the use of a universal endogenous control for eukaryotes, and the limit of detection was 0.0001 ng DNA or 0.01% of the meat under admixed states. Finally, the optimized PCR-RFLP assay was validated for the screening of raw and processed commercial meatballs, burgers and frankfurters, which are very popular in most countries. The optimized PCR-RFLP assay was further used to screen MBT materials in 153 traditional Chinese medicines of 17 different brands and 62 of them were found MBT positive; wherein the ingredients were not declared in product labels. Overall, the novel assay demonstrated sufficient merit for use in any forensic and/or archaeological authentication of MBT, even under a state of decomposition.
  5. Billah MM, Bhuiyan MKA, Islam MA, Das J, Hoque AR
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2022 Mar;29(11):15347-15363.
    PMID: 34989993 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-021-18305-5
    Coastal wetlands including salt marshes are among the most productive ecosystems on Earth. They are known for improving the quality of coastal water and provisioning coastal fisheries. However, this ecosystem is under potential threat due to urban coastal land reclamation, limited sediment supply, increased nutrient/eutrophication, and sea level rise. Therefore, restoration efforts to protect the degraded salt marsh habitat are considerably increasing worldwide. In this paper, we present an overview of salt marsh restoration techniques and success indicators. Published scientific literature in English language was collected by searching the most relevant keywords from popular search engines, namely, Google Scholar, Scopus, and Mendeley to get the information about salt marsh restoration techniques and success indicators. This study comprehensively reviewed data from 78 peer-reviewed papers. Results indicated that much of the salt marsh was restored through assisted abiotic strategies (e.g., recovery of tidal exchange, managed realignment, and sediment level amendment). A total of 214 indicators were found, spanning over six major ecological attributes such as structural diversity, ecosystem functions, physical conditions, species composition, external exchange, and absence of threat. Author keywords analysis revealed several hotspots for recent research (e.g., 16 s rRNA, fungi, microbial communities, carbon accumulation, and blue carbon). This paper proposes a model for restoring degraded salt marsh, as well as tracking their success. The information presented here will assist the marine ecosystem restoration practitioners in getting a comprehensive understanding of salt marsh restoration success evaluation.
  6. Kabir MH, Nur-E-Alam SM, Datta A, Tan ML, Rahman MS
    PLoS One, 2023;18(9):e0292254.
    PMID: 37773932 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0292254
    The use of pheromone traps can minimize the excess application of synthetic insecticides, while can also benefit the environment. The use of pheromone traps has been promoted and suggested to vegetable farmers of Bangladesh for widespread adoption. However, the majority of farmers have continued to spray insecticides instead of using pheromone traps. The present study investigated the factors influencing farmers' adoption, dis-adoption, and non-adoption behavior of pheromone traps for managing insect pests. Primary data were collected from 438 vegetable growers. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multinomial logistic regression. About 27% of the farmers abandoned the technique shortly after it was adopted as it was time-consuming to manage insect pests. Marginal effect analysis revealed that the likelihood of continued adoption was 34.6% higher for farmers who perceived that pheromone traps were useful in controlling insect pests. In contrast, the likelihood of dis-adoption was 16.5% and 10.4% higher for farmers who maintained communication with private pesticide company agents and neighbor farmers, respectively. Extension services by government extension personnel might be encouraged and maintained as a key component in increasing farmer awareness regarding the use of pheromone trap. Strategies to promote pheromone traps in vegetable production should highlight the positive impacts to farmers and the environment, as this would most likely lead to their continued and widespread use after initial adoption.
  7. Rahman MT, Habib K, Quader MN, Aslfattahi N, Kadirgama K, Das L
    Heliyon, 2023 Nov;9(11):e21206.
    PMID: 37964837 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e21206
    This study examines the impact of varying the porosity density of twisted tape inserts (TTI) on the temperature distribution, fluid velocities, heat transfer coefficients (HTC), Nusselt numbers (Nu), turbulent kinetic energy (TKE), and performance from 5000 to 12500 Reynolds numbers (Re). The entire process involved the design of TTIs and double pipe heat exchangers using SolidWorks. Subsequently, a three-dimensional fluid flow model was employed to solve equations related to energy mass, energy, and momentum within the ANSYS Fluent interfaces. The findings highlight the noteworthy impact of high porosity TTIs, which consistently reduce temperature spans, increase fluid velocities, and greatly HTC and Nu when compared to low porosity TTI, typical TTI, and plain tubes. Furthermore, high porosity TTI significantly increases TKE, indicating increased fluid turbulence and higher heat transfer efficiency, especially at Re = 12500. The assessment of PEC emphasizes the superiority of high porosity TTI, demonstrating their significant performance increase potential of over 6.44 % over low porosity TTI and a staggering 62.5 % above typical TTI. In conclusion, high porosity TTI emerges as a potential solution for improving heat transfer efficiency and overall system performance in a variety of industrial applications, promising enhanced energy efficiency and superior performance.
  8. Uddin S, Islam MR, Moshikur RM, Wakabayashi R, Moniruzzaman M, Goto M
    Molecules, 2023 Mar 27;28(7).
    PMID: 37049732 DOI: 10.3390/molecules28072969
    Transcutaneous vaccination is one of the successful, affordable, and patient-friendly advanced immunization approaches because of the presence of multiple immune-responsive cell types in the skin. However, in the absence of a preferable facilitator, the skin's outer layer is a strong impediment to delivering biologically active foreign particles. Lipid-based biocompatible ionic-liquid-mediated nanodrug carriers represent an expedient and distinct strategy to permit transdermal drug delivery; with acceptable surfactants, the performance of drug formulations might be further enhanced. For this purpose, we formulated a lipid-based nanovaccine using a conventional (cationic/anionic/nonionic) surfactant loaded with an antigenic protein and immunomodulator in its core to promote drug delivery by penetrating the skin and boosting drug delivery and immunogenic cell activity. In a follow-up investigation, a freeze-dry emulsification process was used to prepare the nanovaccine, and its transdermal delivery, pharmacokinetic parameters, and ability to activate autoimmune cells in the tumor microenvironment were studied in a tumor-budding C57BL/6N mouse model. These analyses were performed using ELISA, nuclei and HE staining, flow cytometry, and other biological techniques. The immunomodulator-containing nanovaccine significantly (p < 0.001) increased transdermal drug delivery and anticancer immune responses (IgG, IgG1, IgG2, CD8+, CD207+, and CD103+ expression) without causing cellular or biological toxicity. Using a nanovaccination approach, it is possible to create a more targeted and efficient delivery system for cancer antigens, thereby stimulating a stronger immune response compared with conventional aqueous formulations. This might lead to more effective therapeutic and preventative outcomes for patients with cancer.
  9. Hossain B, Shi G, Ajiang C, Sarker MNI, Sohel MS, Sun Z, et al.
    Front Psychol, 2022;13:964648.
    PMID: 36312059 DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.964648
    In Bangladesh, many people are being displaced in riverine island (char) areas every year due to climate change and its associated natural catastrophes. This study intends to investigate the impact of climate change on internally displaced char people's lives and livelihoods along with local adaptation strategies and hindrances to the coping mechanism. Data have been collected from 280 internally displaced households in two sub-districts. A mixed-method approach has been considered combined with qualitative and quantitative methods. The results disclose that frequent flooding, riverbank erosion, and crop loss are the leading causes for relocation, and social relations are impeded in the new place of residence. Increasing summer and winter temperatures, recurrent flooding, severity of riverbank erosion, and expanding disease outbreaks are also important indicators of climate change identified by displaced people, which are consistent with observed data. This study also reveals that almost all households come across severe livelihood issues like food shortage, unemployment and income loss, and housing and sanitation problems due to the changing climate associated with disasters in the former and present places. In response to this, the displaced people acclimatize applying numerous adaptation strategies in order to boost the livelihood resilience against climate change. However, fragile housing, financial conditions, and lack of own land are still the highest impediments to the sustainability of adaptation. Therefore, along with the government, several organizations should implement a dynamic resettlement project through appropriate scrutiny to eradicate the livelihood complications of internally displaced people.
  10. Ahamed NU, Sundaraj K, Alqahtani M, Altwijri O, Ali MA, Islam MA
    Technol Health Care, 2014 Oct 15.
    PMID: 25318958
    BACKGROUND: The relationship between surface electromyography (EMG) and force have been the subject of ongoing investigations and remain a subject of controversy. Even under static conditions, the relationships at different sensor placement locations in the biceps brachii (BB) muscle are complex.

    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to compare the activity and relationship between surface EMG and static force from the BB muscle in terms of three sensor placement locations.

    METHODS: Twenty-one right hand dominant male subjects (age 25.3 ± 1.2 years) participated in the study. Surface EMG signals were detected from the subject's right BB muscle. The muscle activation during force was determined as the root mean square (RMS) electromyographic signal normalized to the peak RMS EMG signal of isometric contraction for 10 s. The statistical analysis included linear regression to examine the relationship between EMG amplitude and force of contraction [40-100% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC)], repeated measures ANOVA to assess differences among the sensor placement locations, and coefficient of variation (CoV) for muscle activity variation.

    RESULTS: The results demonstrated that when the sensor was placed on the muscle belly, the linear slope coefficient was significantly greater for EMG versus force testing (r^{2} = 0.61, P > 0.05) than when placed on the lower part (r^{2}=0.31, P< 0.05) and upper part of the muscle belly (r^{2}=0.29, P > 0.05). In addition, the EMG signal activity on the muscle belly had less variability than the upper and lower parts (8.55% vs. 15.12% and 12.86%, respectively).

    CONCLUSION: These findings indicate the importance of applying the surface EMG sensor at the appropriate locations that follow muscle fiber orientation of the BB muscle during static contraction. As a result, EMG signals of three different placements may help to understand the difference in the amplitude of the signals due to placement.

  11. Kamarudin Z, Jamaluddin N, Latar NHM, Pauzi SHM, Muhammad R
    J Cancer Res Ther, 2023 Oct 01;19(7):2104-2107.
    PMID: 38376332 DOI: 10.4103/jcrt.jcrt_1506_21
    High-grade neuroendocrine carcinoma (NEC) of the tonsil is rare and has a poor prognosis. The usual presentation is a neck mass with locoregional cervical lymphadenopathy. An axillary lymphadenopathy as a primary presentation of NEC of the tonsils is uncommon and challenging to treat. Tonsil neuroendocrine tumors display aggressive behaviors associated with early recurrence and metastasis after surgical resection. Managing this condition is demanding compared to NECs of gastrointestinal origin since, to date, the management of head-and-neck neuroendocrine tumors is still not well established. We present a 49-year-old female with a rare case of NEC of the tonsil presenting primarily with axillary lymph nodes metastasis. The patient's axillary lymph node was biopsied and revealed a Grade III neuroendocrine tumor. A positron emission tomography (PET) scan was done in searching of a primary lesion and showed a highly metabolic mass of the left tonsil as well as a left axillary lymph node suggestive of metastasis. The patient has been managed with a multimodality approach, with a combination of chemotherapy regimen and surgical resection of the axillary lymph node. Subsequent PET scan evaluation showed a complete response of the primary tumor with residual left axillary lymph node metastasis. NECs of tonsil presented with axillary lymph nodes metastasis is rare and has a poor prognostic outcome. It poses a dilemma with regard to management, as surgical resection of the metastasis is not promising given the possibility of early recurrence.
  12. Islam MR, Uddin S, Chowdhury MR, Wakabayashi R, Moniruzzaman M, Goto M
    ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 2021 Sep 15;13(36):42461-42472.
    PMID: 34460218 DOI: 10.1021/acsami.1c11533
    Since injection administration for diabetes is invasive, it is important to develop an effective transdermal method for insulin. However, transdermal delivery remains challenging owing to the strong barrier function of the stratum corneum (SC) of the skin. Here, we developed ionic liquid (IL)-in-oil microemulsion formulations (MEFs) for transdermal insulin delivery using choline-fatty acids ([Chl][FAs])-comprising three different FAs (C18:0, C18:1, and C18:2)-as biocompatible surface-active ILs (SAILs). The MEFs were successfully developed using [Chl][FAs] as surfactants, sorbitan monolaurate (Span-20) as a cosurfactant, choline propionate IL as an internal polar phase, and isopropyl myristate as a continuous oil phase. Ternary phase behavior, dynamic light scattering, and transmission electron microscopy studies revealed that MEFs were thermodynamically stable with nanoparticle size. The MEFs significantly enhanced the transdermal permeation of insulin via the intercellular route by compromising the tight lamellar structure of SC lipids through a fluidity-enhancing mechanism. In vivo transdermal administration of low insulin doses (50 IU/kg) to diabetic mice showed that MEFs reduced blood glucose levels (BGLs) significantly compared with a commercial surfactant-based formulation by increasing the bioavailability of insulin in the systemic circulation and sustained the insulin level for a much longer period (half-life > 24 h) than subcutaneous injection (half-life 1.32 h). When [Chl][C18:2] SAIL-based MEF was transdermally administered, it reduced the BGL by 56% of its initial value. The MEFs were biocompatible and nontoxic (cell viability > 90%). They remained stable at room temperature for 3 months and their biological activity was retained for 4 months at 4 °C. We believe SAIL-based MEFs will alter current approaches to insulin therapy and may be a potential transdermal nanocarrier for protein and peptide delivery.
  13. Miah MJ, Ali MK, Paul SC, John Babafemi A, Kong SY, Šavija B
    Materials (Basel), 2020 Mar 05;13(5).
    PMID: 32151088 DOI: 10.3390/ma13051168
    This study evaluates the mechanical, durability, and residual compressive strength (after being exposed to 20, 120, 250, 400 and 600 °C) of mortar that uses recycled iron powder (RIP) as a fine aggregate. Within this context, mechanical strength, shrinkage, durability, and residual strength tests were performed on mortar made with seven different percentages (0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 30% and 50%) of replacement of natural sand (NS) by RIP. It was found that the mechanical strength of mortar increased when replaced with up to 30% NS by RIP. In addition, the increase was 30% for compressive, 18% for tensile, and 47% for flexural strength at 28 days, respectively, compared to the reference mortar (mortar made with 100% NS). Shrinkage was observed for the mortar made with 100% NS, while both shrinkage and expansion occurred in the mortar made with RIP, especially for RIP higher than 5%. Furthermore, significantly lower porosity and capillary water absorption were observed for mortar made with up to 30% RIP, compared to that made with 100% NS, which decreased by 36% for porosity and 48% for water absorption. As the temperature increased, the strength decreased for all mixes, and the drop was more pronounced for the temperatures above 250 °C and 50% RIP. This study demonstrates that up to 30% RIP can be utilized as a fine aggregate in mortar due to its better mechanical and durability performances.
  14. Erejuwa OO, Sulaiman SA, Wahab MS, Salam SK, Salleh MS, Gurtu S
    Int J Mol Sci, 2010 May 05;11(5):2056-66.
    PMID: 20559501 DOI: 10.3390/ijms11052056
    Hyperglycemia exerts toxic effects on the pancreatic beta-cells. This study investigated the hypothesis that the common antidiabetic drugs glibenclamide and metformin, in combination with tualang honey, offer additional protection for the pancreas of streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats against oxidative stress and damage. Diabetes was induced in male Sprague Dawley rats by a single dose of STZ (60 mg/kg; ip). Diabetic rats had significantly elevated levels of lipid peroxidation (TBARS), up-regulated activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) while catalase (CAT) activity was significantly reduced. Glibenclamide and metformin produced no significant effects on TBARS and antioxidant enzymes except GPx in diabetic rats. In contrast, the combination of glibenclamide, metformin and honey significantly up-regulated CAT activity and down-regulated GPx activity while TBARS levels were significantly reduced. These findings suggest that tualang honey potentiates the effect of glibenclamide and metformin to protect diabetic rat pancreas against oxidative stress and damage.
  15. Khan MMH, Rafii MY, Ramlee SI, Jusoh M, Al Mamun M, Halidu J
    Sci Rep, 2021 Jul 15;11(1):14527.
    PMID: 34267249 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-93867-5
    As a new crop in Malaysia, forty-four Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea L. verdc.) genotypes were sampled from eleven distinct populations of different origins to explore the genetic structure, genetic inconsistency, and fixation index. The Bambara groundnut, an African underutilized legume, has the capacity to boost food and nutrition security while simultaneously addressing environmental sustainability, food availability, and economic inequalities. A set of 32 ISSRs were screened out of 96 primers based on very sharp, clear, and reproducible bands which detected a total of 510 loci with an average of 97.64% polymorphism. The average calculated value of PIC = 0.243, RP = 5.30, H = 0.285, and MI = 0.675 representing the efficiency of primer set for genetic differentiation among the genotypes. The ISSR primers revealed the number of alleles (Na = 1.97), the effective number of alleles (Ne = 1.38), Nei's genetic diversity (h = 0.248), and a moderate level of gene flow (Nm = 2.26) across the genotypes studied. The estimated Shannon's information index (I = 0.395) indicates a high level of genetic variation exists among the accessions. Based on Nei's genetic dissimilarity a UPMGA phylogenetic tree was constructed and grouped the entire genotypes into 3 major clusters and 6 subclusters. PCA analysis revealed that first principal component extracted maximum variation (PC1 = 13.92%) than second principal component (PC2 = 12.59%). Bayesian model-based STRUCTURE analysis assembled the genotypes into 3 (best ΔK = 3) genetic groups. The fixation-index (Fst) analysis narrated a very great genetic diversity (Fst = 0.19 to 0.40) exists within the accessions of these 3 clusters. This investigation specifies the effectiveness of the ISSR primers system for the molecular portrayal of V. subterranea genotypes that could be used for genetic diversity valuation, detection, and tagging of potential genotypes with quick, precise, and authentic measures for this crop improvement through effective breeding schemes.
  16. Samiul Islam M, Sobayel K, Al-Kahtani A, Islam MA, Muhammad G, Amin N, et al.
    Nanomaterials (Basel), 2021 May 05;11(5).
    PMID: 34063020 DOI: 10.3390/nano11051218
    Recent achievements, based on lead (Pb) halide perovskites, have prompted comprehensive research on low-cost photovoltaics, in order to avoid the major challenges that arise in this respect: Stability and toxicity. In this study, device modelling of lead (Pb)-free perovskite solar cells has been carried out considering methyl ammonium tin bromide (CH3NH3SnBr3) as perovskite absorber layer. The perovskite structure has been justified theoretically by Goldschmidt tolerance factor and the octahedral factor. Numerical modelling tools were used to investigate the effects of amphoteric defect and interface defect states on the photovoltaic parameters of CH3NH3SnBr3-based perovskite solar cell. The study identifies the density of defect tolerance in the absorber layer, and that both the interfaces are 1015 cm-3, and 1014 cm-3, respectively. Furthermore, the simulation evaluates the influences of metal work function, uniform donor density in the electron transport layer and the impact of series resistance on the photovoltaic parameters of proposed n-TiO2/i-CH3NH3SnBr3/p-NiO solar cell. Considering all the optimization parameters, CH3NH3SnBr3-based perovskite solar cell exhibits the highest efficiency of 21.66% with the Voc of 0.80 V, Jsc of 31.88 mA/cm2 and Fill Factor of 84.89%. These results divulge the development of environmentally friendly methyl ammonium tin bromide perovskite solar cell.
  17. Khan MMH, Rafii MY, Ramlee SI, Jusoh M, Al Mamun M
    Sci Rep, 2021 Apr 07;11(1):7597.
    PMID: 33828137 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-87039-8
    As a crop for the new millennium Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea [L.] Verdc.) considered as leading legumes in the tropical regions due to its versatile advantages. The main intent of this study was to find out the high yielding potential genotypes and considering these genotypes to develop pure lines for commercial cultivation in Malaysia. Considering the 14 qualitative and 27 quantitative traits of fifteen landraces the variation and genetic parameters namely, variability, heritability, genetic advance, characters association, and cluster matrix were determined. ANOVA revealed significant variation for all the agronomic traits (except plant height). Among the accessions, highly significant differences (P ≤ 0.01) were found for almost all the traits excluding fifty percent flowering date, seed length, seed width. The 16 traits out of the 27 quantitative traits had a coefficient of variation (CV) ≥ 20%. A positive and intermediate to perfect highly significant association (r = 0.23 to 1.00; P 
  18. Rahman MA, Zaman N, Asyhari AT, Al-Turjman F, Alam Bhuiyan MZ, Zolkipli MF
    Sustain Cities Soc, 2020 Nov;62:102372.
    PMID: 32834935 DOI: 10.1016/j.scs.2020.102372
    The COVID-19 disease has once again reiterated the impact of pandemics beyond a biomedical event with potential rapid, dramatic, sweeping disruptions to the management, and conduct of everyday life. Not only the rate and pattern of contagion that threaten our sense of healthy living but also the safety measures put in place for containing the spread of the virus may require social distancing. Three different measures to counteract this pandemic situation have emerged, namely: (i) vaccination, (ii) herd immunity development, and (iii) lockdown. As the first measure is not ready at this stage and the second measure is largely considered unreasonable on the account of the gigantic number of fatalities, a vast majority of countries have practiced the third option despite having a potentially immense adverse economic impact. To mitigate such an impact, this paper proposes a data-driven dynamic clustering framework for moderating the adverse economic impact of COVID-19 flare-up. Through an intelligent fusion of healthcare and simulated mobility data, we model lockdown as a clustering problem and design a dynamic clustering algorithm for localized lockdown by taking into account the pandemic, economic and mobility aspects. We then validate the proposed algorithms by conducting extensive simulations using the Malaysian context as a case study. The findings signify the promises of dynamic clustering for lockdown coverage reduction, reduced economic loss, and military unit deployment reduction, as well as assess potential impact of uncooperative civilians on the contamination rate. The outcome of this work is anticipated to pave a way for significantly reducing the severe economic impact of the COVID-19 spreading. Moreover, the idea can be exploited for potentially the next waves of corona virus-related diseases and other upcoming viral life-threatening calamities.
  19. Hossain MS, Rahman NN, Balakrishnan V, Puvanesuaran VR, Sarker MZ, Kadir MO
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2013 Jan 31;10(2):556-67.
    PMID: 23435587 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph10020556
    The present study was undertaken to determine the bacterial agents present in various clinical solid wastes, general waste and clinical sharp waste. The waste was collected from different wards/units in a healthcare facility in Penang Island, Malaysia. The presence of bacterial agents in clinical and general waste was determined using the conventional bacteria identification methods. Several pathogenic bacteria including opportunistic bacterial agent such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella spp., Klebsiella pneumoniae, Serratia marcescens, Acinetobacter baumannii, Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Enterococcus faecalis, Streptococcus pyogenes were detected in clinical solid wastes. The presence of specific pathogenic bacterial strains in clinical sharp waste was determined using 16s rDNA analysis. In this study, several nosocomial pathogenic bacteria strains of Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus mirabilis, Lysinibacillus sphaericus, Serratia marcescens, and Staphylococcus aureus were detected in clinical sharp waste. The present study suggests that waste generated from healthcare facilities should be sterilized at the point of generation in order to eliminate nosocomial infections from the general waste or either of the clinical wastes.
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