Displaying publications 1541 - 1560 of 1933 in total

  1. Jefferelli SB, Limi L
    We do not know how medical doctors perceive the risk of cancer as a cause of death. Medical doctors provide advice and information on health risks to the general public. How they perceive these risks influences the way they behave towards these risks and the way they will communicate these risks. We would like to ascertain how medical students perceive cancer as a health risk. This will hehv us determine misperceptions among medical students that need to be addressed before they practice medicine. A cross-sectional study was conducted among
    all UPM medical students (2000-2001) using sefadministered questionnaires. A total of 339 (88.3%) students responded to the questionnaires. The internal consistency of items was good (Cronbach Alpha >0,7). Cancer was perceived as the 3rd leading risk of death after motor vehicle accidents (I") and heart diseases/cardiovascular disorders (2"d ). The breast was perceived as the organ with the highest risk of developing cancer. Smoking was perceived to be the leading risk factor for developing cancer. There is a dpjference in risk perception of diseases, cancer target organs and cancer risk factors based on gender and ethnicity. There was moderate to fair correlation ( r = 0.41-0.57) between perception of risks of death, cancer target organs and risks factors of cancer (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  2. Singh VP, Nettem S, Kyaw Soe HH, Babji NAB, Sahari AIB, Yusof LSBM, et al.
    Work, 2022;73(3):969-976.
    PMID: 35988242 DOI: 10.3233/WOR-210519
    BACKGROUND: Dental professionals have been reported to be constantly exposed to work-related musculoskeletal disorders with symptoms often started as early as the student phase. Risk perception may play an important role in modifying risk at work.

    OBJECTIVE: To assess the influence of gender, academic level, and the presence of painful symptoms on the perception of risk factors at work contributing to musculoskeletal symptoms among dental students of Melaka, Malaysia.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional survey of 183 clinical year dental students based on a convenience sample. The data were collected using the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire and Job Factor Questionnaire for assessment of musculoskeletal symptoms and risk factors at work respectively. Study data were evaluated using percentage, median, Cochran's Q test, Bonferroni correction, multiple linear regression analysis and Mann-Whitney U Test. The analysis was interpreted considering a 95 % confidence interval and significant level at P 

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Dental
  3. Elumalai G, Hashim A, Sankaravel M, Chia RR
    This study is aimed to evaluate the obesity level and promote a healthy lifestyle among students at Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Perak. Fifteen male and fifteen female undergraduate students aged between 19 years to 24 years from each faculty of university Pendidikan Sultan Idris are randomly selected as samples (n=270). The Body Mass Index (BMI) and modified questionnaires by Burton (1999) are used as instruments for this study. Analysis showed that 15.9% of the respondents are overweight, 23.7% are in pre-obese level, 27.8% are in obese level one and 3.7% respondents are in obese level two. T-test analysis of independent samples was used to determine the level of knowledge and a healthy lifestyle among male and female students. The results showed that there is no significant difference between male and female students in the levels of healthy lifestyle practices with p = 0.089 (p> 0.05); the level of a healthy lifestyle practices among males (M = 71.57, SD = 8:42) have almost the same mean with females (M = 70.05, SD = 6:00). Furthermore, the findings indicate that the scores on the levels of knowledge on healthy lifestyle for male students is (M = 79.09, SD = 7:38), while the mean score for female students is (M = 76.95, SD = 8:59) with p = 0.028 (p <0.05). On comparing the means of the scores on the levels of knowledge on healthy lifestyle, the male students scored higher than the female students. It turns out there is a difference between male and female students in terms of the level of knowledge on healthy lifestyle. The study found that the respondents have a good knowledge on healthy lifestyle, but lack practice in daily life. This is an unpleasant indication because Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris students are facing the risk of cardiovascular-related diseases caused by obesity and a sedentary lifestyle.
    Study site: Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI), Perak, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  4. Elkalmi RM, Jamshed SQ, Suhaimi AM
    J Relig Health, 2021 Aug;60(4):2411-2427.
    PMID: 33661436 DOI: 10.1007/s10943-021-01212-x
    Little is known about the impact of religion on vaccine receptivity in Malaysia. Improved vaccine uptake is positively reflected in the reduction of vaccine-preventable diseases. This study aimed to explore and compare the attitudes, religious beliefs, and familiarity regarding vaccination between the religious studies and science students. A survey-based cross-sectional study was conducted between a convenient sample of students (N = 300) of religious studies and applied sciences in Kuantan, Malaysia. A new, face- and content-validated questionnaire was used for data collection. A total of 206 students responded to the questionnaire, giving a response rate of 86.6%. Overall, participants demonstrated positive attitudes towards vaccination (n = 185, 89.9%). Only a minority of respondents expressed an opposition to vaccination (n = 21, 10.2%). Religious factors (permissibility) of vaccines (n = 12, 57.1%) and harm associated with the vaccine (n = 13, 61.9%) were the most common reasons for not supporting vaccination among the non-supporters. Most (n = 135, 65.5%) respondents agreed that vaccination is parallel with the Islamic concept of protecting life and preventing harm. Almost half of the respondents (n = 98, 47.6%) admit to declaring "Fatwa" to oblige parents to vaccinate their children. Religious beliefs and safety issues surrounding immunisation were reported as the major barriers for the support of immunisation. Well-designed programs are recommended to reshape the religious beliefs and convictions among students toward vaccination.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  5. Nayak BS, Ann CY, Azhar AB, Ling ECS, Yen WH, Aithal PA
    Int J Trichology, 2017 Apr-Jun;9(2):58-62.
    PMID: 28839388 DOI: 10.4103/ijt.ijt_76_16
    INTRODUCTION: Scalp care is essential because it determines the health and condition of the hair and prevents the diseases of scalp and hair. The objectives of our study were to correlate race and hair types, to determine the awareness of hair care among Malaysian medical students, and to distinguish the factors that affect the health of hair and scalp.

    METHODOLOGY: It was a cross-sectional study wherein validated questionnaires were given to 240 medical undergraduate students who belonged to three ethnic races of Malaysia, i.e., Chinese, Malay, and Malaysian Indians after their informed consent. The results were then analyzed using percentage statistics.

    RESULTS: Chinese students had comparatively healthier scalp without dandruff. Most Chinese and Indians had silky type of hair while Malay had dry, rough hair. Chinese and Indians colored their hair and used various styling methods; while among the Malays, this percentage was very less. Regarding hair care practices, males used only shampoo and females used shampoo and conditioner for hair wash. Students also faced dietary and examination-related stress.

    CONCLUSION: Results indicate that there exist morphological differences in hair among the studied population. Since most students color their hair and employ various hairstyling methods, they should be educated regarding best hair care practices to improve their scalp hair condition and health.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  6. Rajiah K, Maharajan MK, Nair S
    Saudi Pharm J, 2016 Sep;24(5):600-604.
    PMID: 27752233
    Pharmacy students' knowledge about adverse drug reaction reporting can impact their attitude towards patient care and issues on patient safety. The aim of this study was to investigate the knowledge and perception of pharmacy students about adverse drug reaction reporting and pharmacovigilance and to study their willingness to report. A cross-sectional study using a validated questionnaire was conducted among the university students. The demographic details of the respondents were studied. The number of female respondents was comparatively higher than the male respondents. There were no significant differences by gender regarding the knowledge on adverse drug reaction reporting and pharmacovigilance except with the knowledge of post-marketing surveillance for which male students appeared to be more knowledgeable than female students. The results showed that the pharmacy students had sufficient knowledge and there are significant differences in perception among the students on adverse drug reaction reporting.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Pharmacy
  7. Ching SM, Hamidin A, Vasudevan R, Sazlyna MS, Wan Aliaa WS, Foo YL, et al.
    Med J Malaysia, 2017 02;72(1):7-11.
    PMID: 28255133 MyJurnal
    INTRODUCTION: Internet is important to university students, especially for medical students who use it to search for literature and relevant information. However, some of the users are experiencing a gradual loss of the ability to reduce the duration and frequency of their internet activities, despite the negative consequences. The literature on internet usage among Malaysian medical students is limited. This study aims to determine the prevalence and factors associated with internet usage among medical students in a public university in Malaysia.

    METHODS: This cross-sectional study was performed among all the medical students (Year 1-5). Students were assessed on their internet activities using the internet addiction questionnaires (IAT). A Multiple Logistic Regression was used for data analysis.

    RESULTS: The study was conducted among 426 students. The study population consisted of 156 males (36.6%) and 270 females (63.4%). The mean age was 21.6 ±1.5 years. Ethnicity distribution among the students was: Malays (55.6%), Chinese (34.7%), Indians (7.3%) and others (2.3%). According to the IAT, 36.9% of the study sample was addicted to the internet. Using the multivariate logistic regression analysis, we have found that the use of internet access for entertainment purposes (odds ratio [OR] 3.5, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.05-12.00), male students (OR 1.8, 95% CI 1.01-3.21) and increasing frequency of internet usage were associated with internet addiction (OR 1.4, 95% CI 1.09- 1.67).

    CONCLUSION: Internet addiction is a relatively frequent phenomenon among medical students. The predictors of internet addiction were male students using it for surfing and entertainment purposes.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  8. Smilkstein G
    J Fam Pract, 1977 May;4(5):873-6.
    PMID: 864412
    Several medical schools in Southeast Asia have identified deficiencies in their undergraduate medical education that result in inappropriate training of students for the health-care problems that exist in their respective countries. Curriculum changes have been made that take students out of the laboratory and the subspecialty-oriented university hospital and place them in extramural programs in the community. Both the deficiencies identified and the solutions developed merit study by North American medical educators, especially those teaching primary care in family practice.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  9. Htwe TT, Sabaridah I, Rajyaguru KM, Mazidah AM
    Singapore Med J, 2012 Feb;53(2):121-3.
    PMID: 22337187
    In line with the trend to engage students in active learning, it is imperative to introduce new strategies that make learning more interesting, especially in undergraduate curricula. This study aimed to determine students' performance and perception in pathology crosswords as an active way of learning and to assess their ability to memorise difficult terms in pathology.

    A crossword competition in pathology was conducted for two batches (year 2009 and 2010) of Phase 2 medical students in Malaysia. Crossword puzzles were prepared using an online application. Two sets of puzzles were prepared, with 20 questions for the assessment of general pathology and 20 for systemic pathology. The purpose was to compare the students' recent and remote memorising abilities, as general pathology was taught a year before proceeding to systemic pathology teaching. There were 12 groups per batch, with 8-10 students in a group. Survey questionnaires were used to assess the students' perception of the competition. Descriptive analysis was performed for comparison of performance.

    The mean score of correctly answered questions in general pathology was 12.75 and 11.50 in batch 2009 and 2010, respectively. The mean score for systemic pathology was 14.50 in 2009 and 13.83 in 2010. Students in the 2009 batch performed better, but this was not statistically significant (p-value > 0.05). A positive response was observed from the questionnaires.

    Applying crossword puzzles as a new strategy is a useful and easy way for undergraduate medical students to learn pathology.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  10. Almeshari M, Alzamil Y, Alyahyawi A, Abanomy A, Althmali O, Al-Enezi MS, et al.
    PLoS One, 2023;18(3):e0282916.
    PMID: 36921002 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0282916
    INTRODUCTION: Awareness of screening procedures and illness warning signals is critical for expanding and implementing screening programs in society, which would improve the odds of early identification of breast cancer.

    OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to evaluate the knowledge, awareness, attitudes, and practices related to breast cancer risk factors, signs, symptoms and methods of screening among female faculty and students at Hail University in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted from January 2021 through February 2021 in the Hail region of Saudi Arabia. A closed-ended questionnaire, which consisted of 37 questions, was distributed online (using a Google Forms link) in both English and Arabic languages. Data was collected from 425 female subjects who participated in the study.

    RESULTS: The study showed an overall knowledge level of 46.36% regarding breast cancer. Participants had average knowledge about risk factors, signs, and symptoms, whereas their awareness and practice of breast self-examination and screening methods were weak.

    CONCLUSION: The current study concluded that public awareness of breast cancer remains relatively low, and Saudi Arabia still needs several public awareness initiatives using mass media, such as television, the Internet, and radio, as well as social media. Special awareness programs should also be held in places where a large number of women can easily be reached, such as colleges, universities, and hospitals.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  11. Yap SY, Foo CN, Lim YM, Ng FL, Mohd-Sidik S, Tang PY, et al.
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2021 May 18;18(10).
    PMID: 34069915 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18105366
    Depression is commonly observed in university students, who are a high risk group for developing psychiatric disorders during adulthood. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of depression and its traditional Chinese medicine body constitutions and psychological determinants among university students in Malaysia. A cross-sectional pilot study was conducted between 9 and 28 September 2020 among 80 university students in Malaysia. Participants completed online survey questionnaires, including the validated Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), Constitution in Chinese Medicine Questionnaire (CMCQ), Dysfunctional Attitude Scale (DAS), Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS-21) stress subscale, Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10), and Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES), which assess depression, body constitution, dysfunctional attitude, stress, perceived stress, and self-esteem. Multiple linear regression analyses were performed to determine the associated risk factors for depression. The overall prevalence of depression among university students was 33.8%. The multiple regression analysis showed a significant relationship between depression and qi-stagnation constitution (B = 0.089, p = 0.011), balanced constitution (B = -0.077, p = 0.049), and self-esteem (B = -0.325, p = 0.001). Our findings suggest that some traditional Chinese medicine body constitutions and self-esteem are significant risk factors affecting depression among university students. Identifying risk factors of depression is vital to aid in the early detection of depression among university students.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  12. Andrew Tong JW, Hee MQ
    BMC Cancer, 2023 Oct 06;23(1):947.
    PMID: 37803291 DOI: 10.1186/s12885-023-11427-8
    BACKGROUND: Breast cancer is one of the world's most prevalent cancer and the most common type of cancer in Malaysia. Interestingly, breast cancer in young women is more aggressive compared to older women and the survival rate among these groups of individuals is poor. Thus, breast cancer awareness is essential among young women as early detection is possible and treatment will be effective during which the disease is curable. Hence, the purpose of this study is to design and evaluate the impact of an educational game on breast cancer awareness among female university students in Malaysia.

    METHODS: This is a one-group pre-and post-intervention pilot study. It was conducted in Private and public higher education institutions around Malaysia. An online education game was created and used as the intervention. A self-administered questionnaire was administered to the participants during the pre-and post-intervention test to evaluate the online educational game on breast cancer awareness.

    RESULTS: A total of 52 responses were collected. The mean age of the participants was 21.98 (SD = 1.896) years. The findings showed a statistically significant median increase (p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  13. Mahfooz M, Noh YE, Teo EW, Savila Z
    J Pak Med Assoc, 2024 Feb;74(2):320-326.
    PMID: 38419234 DOI: 10.47391/JPMA.9343
    OBJECTIVE: To assess student-athletes' knowledge and attitudes towards sport-related concussions and to investigate concussion history and reporting behaviours.

    METHODS: The cross-sectional, survey-based study was conducted from September 2020 to June 2021 after approval from the research ethics committee of Universiti Malaya, Malaysia, and comprised student-athletes of either gender aged 18 years or above at various universities across Pakistan and who played contact or collision sports for their universities. Data was collected using the Urdu version of the Rosenbaum Concussion Knowledge and Attitudes Survey-Student Version. Data was also gathered about the participants' self-reported exposure to formal concussion education, previous sport-related concussion history, and reporting behaviours, where applicable. Data was analysed using SPSS 23.

    RESULTS: Of the 369 participants, 224(60.7%) were males and 145(39.3%) were females. The overall mean age was 19.95±1.75 years. Among the participants, 327(88.6%) had not received formal concussion education. The mean knowledge score was 12.76±2.73 out of a possible 25 points, and the mean attitude score was 38.63±10.30 out of 75 points. Knowledge had a weak positive correlation with attitude towards sport-related concussions SRC (p<0.05). Females displayed better attitudes towards sport-related concussions than their male counterparts (p<0.05). Overall, 126(34%) participants had experienced sport-related concussion symptoms following a blow to the head in the preceding 12 months, and 81(64.3%) of them had continued playing while being symptomatic.

    CONCLUSION: Pakistani university student-athletes lacked adequate concussion knowledge and held poor attitudes towards sport-related concussions.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  14. Ghazi FR, Gan WY, Tung SEH, Chen IH, Poon WC, Siaw YL, et al.
    Eval Health Prof, 2024 Mar;47(1):93-104.
    PMID: 37365830 DOI: 10.1177/01632787231185845
    As research on gaming disorder (GD) is growing globally, the need for a valid and reliable instrument to assess GD has become crucial. Therefore, the present cross-sectional study translated and evaluated the psychometric properties of Gaming Disorder Test (GDT) and Gaming Disorder Scale for Young Adults (GADIS-YA) into Malay language versions. The sample comprised 624 university students (females = 75.6%; mean age = 22.27 years) recruited via an online survey from May to August 2022, using a convenience sampling method. Participants completed both GDT and GADIS-YA scales and other relevant measures including Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale (BSMAS), Internet Gaming Disorder Scale-Short Form (IGDS9-SF), and time spent on social media and gaming. Results showed that both instruments reported satisfactory internal consistency, and confirmatory factor analysis supported the one-factor structure for GDT and two-factor structure for GADIS-YA. Both scales were strongly correlated with each other and with the IGDS9-SF, BSMAS, and time spent on social media and gaming, supporting concurrent validity. Measurement invariance of both scales was confirmed across gender and gaming time. These findings suggest that the Malay versions of GDT and GADIS-YA are reliable and valid measures of problematic gaming among Malaysian university students.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  15. Guilding C, Pye RE, Butler S, Atkinson M, Field E
    Pharmacol Res Perspect, 2021 Aug;9(4):e00833.
    PMID: 34309243 DOI: 10.1002/prp2.833
    Multiple choice questions (MCQs) are a common form of assessment in medical schools and students seek opportunities to engage with formative assessment that reflects their summative exams. Formative assessment with feedback and active learning strategies improve student learning outcomes, but a challenge for educators, particularly those with large class sizes, is how to provide students with such opportunities without overburdening faculty. To address this, we enrolled medical students in the online learning platform PeerWise, which enables students to author and answer MCQs, rate the quality of other students' contributions as well as discuss content. A quasi-experimental mixed methods research design was used to explore PeerWise use and its impact on the learning experience and exam results of fourth year medical students who were studying courses in clinical sciences and pharmacology. Most students chose to engage with PeerWise following its introduction as a noncompulsory learning opportunity. While students perceived benefits in authoring and peer discussion, students engaged most highly with answering questions, noting that this helped them identify gaps in knowledge, test their learning and improve exam technique. Detailed analysis of the 2015 cohort (n = 444) with hierarchical regression models revealed a significant positive predictive relationship between answering PeerWise questions and exam results, even after controlling for previous academic performance, which was further confirmed with a follow-up multi-year analysis (2015-2018, n = 1693). These 4 years of quantitative data corroborated students' belief in the benefit of answering peer-authored questions for learning.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Medical
  16. Kim YJ
    PMID: 31011356 DOI: 10.1155/2019/2102304
    Aim: Although the problem-based learning (PBL) teaching method was introduced in 1969, its rapid and widespread application in Malaysia started in 1979. This study aimed to evaluate satisfaction with PBL compared to that of conventional learning, using satisfaction surveys and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem scores, of students learning clinical acupuncture at the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Xiamen University Malaysia.

    Method: The participants of this study (N=36) were registered for a bachelor's degree program in TCM in 2016 and enrolled in the Science of Acupuncture and Moxibustion course beginning in September 2018. The students were randomly allocated into two groups: PBL group and conventional group. A self-administered learning satisfaction survey and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem scores were used for data collection. An independent sample t-test was used to compare the results between the two groups. A p-value <0.05 was considered significant.

    Results: The results of the learning satisfaction survey and Rosenberg Self-Esteem scores were significantly better in the PBL group than in the conventional group (p<0.05).

    Conclusions: PBL appears to be more effective for clinical acupuncture education than the conventional teaching method. However, further studies are needed to identify the mechanisms by which PBL excels in clinical acupuncture education, as well as other related TCM fields.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  17. Jalalian M, Latiff L, Hassan ST, Hanachi P, Othman M
    PMID: 20578556
    University students are a target group for blood donor programs. To develop a blood donation culture among university students, it is important to identify factors used to predict their intent to donate blood. This study attempted to develop a valid and reliable measurement tool to be employed in assessing variables in a blood donation behavior model based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), a commonly used theoretical foundation for social psychology studies. We employed an elicitation study, in which we determined the commonly held behavioral and normative beliefs about blood donation. We used the results of the elicitation study and a standard format for creating questionnaire items for all constructs of the TPB model to prepare the first draft of the measurement tool. After piloting the questionnaire, we prepared the final draft of the questionnaire to be used in our main study. Examination of internal consistency using Chronbach's alpha coefficient and item-total statistics indicated the constructs "Intention" and "Self efficacy" had the highest reliability. Removing one item from each of the constructs, "Attitude," "Subjective norm," "Self efficacy," or "Behavioral beliefs", can considerably increase the reliability of the measurement tool, however, such action is controversial, especially for the variables "attitude" and "subjective norm." We consider all the items of our first draft questionnaire in our main study to make it a reliable measurement tool.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  18. Al-lela OQ, Bahari MB, Elkalmi RM, Jawad Awadh AI
    Am J Pharm Educ, 2012 Dec 12;76(10):206.
    PMID: 23275671 DOI: 10.5688/ajpe7610206
    Matched MeSH terms: Students, Pharmacy
  19. Jacob SA, Dhing OH, Malone D
    Am J Pharm Educ, 2019 Apr;83(3):6597.
    PMID: 31065163 DOI: 10.5688/ajpe6597
    Objective. To determine the perceptions of lecturers toward case-based learning (CBL) and to elicit their feedback and opinions regarding the design of CBL sessions within the pharmacy curricula. Methods. One-on-one interviews were conducted with 10 academic staff members involved in teaching an undergraduate Bachelor of Pharmacy (BPharm) program. All sessions were audio-recorded and field notes were compiled. The recordings were transcribed, and thematic analysis of responses was performed. Results. Four key themes were identified: perceived benefits of CBL, challenges in implementing CBL within the curricula, characteristics of effective and engaging CBL, and relevance and implementation of CBL within the curriculum. Some of the specific benefits of CBL identified by participants included the applicability of knowledge learned to students' future role as pharmacists. Participants also identified challenges such as the design of CBL cases and course time constraints. Respondents also emphasized the need for more training for facilitators in how to design cases and facilitate sessions. Conclusion. While participants identified numerous benefits of CBL, they also identified challenges to implementing this learning method within the pharmacy school curriculum. Paying careful attention to selecting facilitators and providing appropriate facilitator training, in terms of facilitation and case design, is paramount in effectively implementing CBL sessions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Students
  20. Selvakumar K, Lee Fan T, Chai Nien F, Hou Kit M
    PLoS One, 2023;18(9):e0291534.
    PMID: 37747888 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0291534
    BACKGROUND: Migraine is a primary neurological headache. Treatment of this condition includes medications; however, these medications, when given for a longer duration, can have side effects. If migraine is left untreated or undiagnosed, it is reported that around 2.5% of individuals with migraine may develop to have a chronic condition. This study aims to analyse the preliminary effectiveness of aerobic training on migraine pain level, sleep quality, quality of life, and resting-state brain waves among university students with migraine symptoms.

    METHODOLOGY: 88 university students with migraine symptoms are the target participants. 4 of 5 on the Migraine Screen Questionnaire, 5 of 7 on the International Classification of Headache Disorders 3rd edition (ICHD-3), and both genders aged 18-40 years will be included. The participants with a score of more than or equal to 5 on the visual aura rating scale, diagnosed with a secondary headache, pregnancy, medication for neurological and cardiorespiratory conditions, and unwilling to participate will be excluded. Based on the disability questionnaire, the participants will be randomly assigned to either of the three groups. The primary outcome is resting-state electroencephalography (EEG) brain, and the secondary outcomes are sleep quality, quality of life, and migraine pain level. The post-test assessments will be performed at week 6.

    RESULT: After the primary EEG analysis using MATLAB, the amplitude, frequency, frequency band ratio, and power spectrum density will be analysed. Mixed design analysis and intention-to-treat analysis will be used to assess the efficacy of aerobic training.

    DISCUSSION: Migraines can be unpredictable, sometimes occurring without symptoms. If underdiagnosed or over-looked, it encompasses a serious of long-term effects. Hence with appropriate intervention, the symptoms can be prevented from worsening. But there is an unmet need for evidence-based non-pharmacological approaches to complement pharmacotherapy in migraine prevention. Moreover, an exercise intervention may be more suitable for people with migraine considering their tendency toward inactivity. Although some studies developed exercise programs for untrained patients with migraine, the outcome was primarily in terms of exercise capacity rather than the primary characteristics and secondary brain wave/ sleep quality changes, indicating the need for this study.

    Matched MeSH terms: Students
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