CASE PRESENTATION: We described a 45-year-old female who presented with dysphagia, hoarseness and anterior neck swelling. The initial CT scan revealed a right thyroid abscess which was incised and drained with no malignancy found in the biopsy of the thyroid tissue. Patient presented one month later with worsening dysphagia, weight loss and a fungating anterior neck mass. Further investigation revealed a locally advanced hypopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma extending to the right thyroid, upper oesophagus, prevertebral muscles and bilateral cervical lymph nodes (T4bN2cM0). Unfortunately, the patient passed away prior to initiation of treatment.
CONCLUSION: Clinicians should have raised index of suspicion of a possible underlying hypopharyngeal carcinoma in patients presenting with thyroid abscess and proceed to further investigations in order to ensure early diagnosis and treatment of the malignancy.
Materials and Methods: A retrospective review was performed in 47 patients who were diagnosed with CMT and had been treated surgically with unipolar or bipolar release between January 2007 and December 2015. Demographic data (sex, sides, surgical technique, age at time of surgery, period of follow-up, complications and recurrence) were recorded.
Results: Forty-seven patients with an average age of 8.7 years old at time of surgery. Twenty-six patients had right-sided muscular torticollis, while 21 had left-sided. The average follow-up time was 2 years (range, 2-4 years). The average age of unipolar release was 8.8 years old (range, 218 years old), while the average age of bipolar release was 8.7 years old (range, 2-13 years old). Recurrence occurred in 11 patients (9 in unipolar and 2 in bipolar release). Sex, side of deformity, type of surgery and age at time of surgery showed no statistically significant as a factor for recurrence rate, however recurrence of unipolar more than bipolar surgery was nearly two times revealing clinical significance.
Conclusions: Sex, side of deformity, type of surgery and age at time of surgery were not associated with the recurrence deformity.
METHODS: A total of 11 participants with NS-NP were recruited. Pain intensity, active range of motion (AROM), posture, deep neck flexor (DNF) endurance, combined neck movements and disability were measured using face-to-face and TR methods, with a one-hour break in between. TelePTsys, an image-based TR system, was used for TR assessment.
RESULTS: A high degree of concurrent validity for pain (bias = 0.90), posture (bias = 0.96°), endurance (bias = -2.3 seconds), disability (bias = 0.10), AROM (extension bias = -0.60 cm, flexion bias = 1.2 cm, side flexion bias = -1.00, rotation bias = -0.30 cm) was found. Standard error of measurement and coefficient of variation (CV) values were within the acceptable level for concurrent validity, except the CV for cervical flexion and endurance. There was a high degree of reliability demonstrated for pain, posture, AROM, endurance and disability measurements. The average-measure interclass correlation coefficient (ICC(3,1)) ranged from 0.96 to 0.99 for inter-rater, and 0.93 to 0.99 for intra-rater reliabilities. There was moderate agreement for combination movement for validity (78.5%, p