Displaying publications 141 - 160 of 232 in total

  1. Singh PKM, Noor MIM, Jaafar R, Ahmad A, Mohamad I
    Medeni Med J, 2021;36(1):75-79.
    PMID: 33828894 DOI: 10.5222/MMJ.2021.37539
    Retropharyngeal calcific tendonitis (RCT) is an aseptic inflammatory process of the superior oblique tendons of the longus colli muscle caused by the deposition of calcium hydroxyapatite crystals. We reported a 23-year-old woman who presented with a sudden onset of neck pain with odynophagia after waking up from sleep. Physical examination showed paracervical point tenderness with limited neck movement in all directions. Prior to surgery, further imaging was requested to aid in diagnosis, which in turn revealed RCT. It is important to be aware that RCT presentation may mimic other severe conditions such as retropharyngeal space abscess or meningitis.
    Matched MeSH terms: Neck Muscles
  2. Tan HY, Sanudin SH, Lum SG, Wong EHC
    Int J Surg Case Rep, 2021 Apr;81:105723.
    PMID: 33713999 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijscr.2021.105723
    BACKGROUND: Hypopharyngeal carcinoma can involve thyroid gland due to their close proximity. However, an initial presentation as a thyroid abscess is rare in this malignancy. To our knowledge, this is the second reported case in the English literature.

    CASE PRESENTATION: We described a 45-year-old female who presented with dysphagia, hoarseness and anterior neck swelling. The initial CT scan revealed a right thyroid abscess which was incised and drained with no malignancy found in the biopsy of the thyroid tissue. Patient presented one month later with worsening dysphagia, weight loss and a fungating anterior neck mass. Further investigation revealed a locally advanced hypopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma extending to the right thyroid, upper oesophagus, prevertebral muscles and bilateral cervical lymph nodes (T4bN2cM0). Unfortunately, the patient passed away prior to initiation of treatment.

    CONCLUSION: Clinicians should have raised index of suspicion of a possible underlying hypopharyngeal carcinoma in patients presenting with thyroid abscess and proceed to further investigations in order to ensure early diagnosis and treatment of the malignancy.

    Matched MeSH terms: Muscles
  3. Chotigavanichaya C, Phongprapapan P, Wongcharoenwatana J, Eamsobhana P, Ariyawatkul T, Kaewpornsawan K
    Malays Orthop J, 2021 Mar;15(1):43-47.
    PMID: 33880147 DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.2103.007
    Introduction: Congenital muscular torticollis (CMT), primarily resulting from unilateral shortening and fibrosis of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. One of the common surgical complications is recurrent deformity. However, the associations between unipolar or bipolar release, age of the patient, and the recurrence of the disease are unclear. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the factors associated with recurrence after surgery.

    Materials and Methods: A retrospective review was performed in 47 patients who were diagnosed with CMT and had been treated surgically with unipolar or bipolar release between January 2007 and December 2015. Demographic data (sex, sides, surgical technique, age at time of surgery, period of follow-up, complications and recurrence) were recorded.

    Results: Forty-seven patients with an average age of 8.7 years old at time of surgery. Twenty-six patients had right-sided muscular torticollis, while 21 had left-sided. The average follow-up time was 2 years (range, 2-4 years). The average age of unipolar release was 8.8 years old (range, 218 years old), while the average age of bipolar release was 8.7 years old (range, 2-13 years old). Recurrence occurred in 11 patients (9 in unipolar and 2 in bipolar release). Sex, side of deformity, type of surgery and age at time of surgery showed no statistically significant as a factor for recurrence rate, however recurrence of unipolar more than bipolar surgery was nearly two times revealing clinical significance.

    Conclusions: Sex, side of deformity, type of surgery and age at time of surgery were not associated with the recurrence deformity.

    Matched MeSH terms: Neck Muscles
  4. Mani S, Sharma S, Singh DK
    J Telemed Telecare, 2021 Feb;27(2):88-97.
    PMID: 31272309 DOI: 10.1177/1357633X19861802
    INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to determine the concurrent validity and reliability of telerehabilitation (TR)-based evaluation of the cervical spine among adults with non-specific neck pain (NS-NP).

    METHODS: A total of 11 participants with NS-NP were recruited. Pain intensity, active range of motion (AROM), posture, deep neck flexor (DNF) endurance, combined neck movements and disability were measured using face-to-face and TR methods, with a one-hour break in between. TelePTsys, an image-based TR system, was used for TR assessment.

    RESULTS: A high degree of concurrent validity for pain (bias = 0.90), posture (bias = 0.96°), endurance (bias = -2.3 seconds), disability (bias = 0.10), AROM (extension bias = -0.60 cm, flexion bias = 1.2 cm, side flexion bias = -1.00, rotation bias = -0.30 cm) was found. Standard error of measurement and coefficient of variation (CV) values were within the acceptable level for concurrent validity, except the CV for cervical flexion and endurance. There was a high degree of reliability demonstrated for pain, posture, AROM, endurance and disability measurements. The average-measure interclass correlation coefficient (ICC(3,1)) ranged from 0.96 to 0.99 for inter-rater, and 0.93 to 0.99 for intra-rater reliabilities. There was moderate agreement for combination movement for validity (78.5%, p 

    Matched MeSH terms: Neck Muscles
  5. Tan JSH, Lee S, Hiew FL
    eNeurologicalSci, 2021 Mar;22:100321.
    PMID: 33553704 DOI: 10.1016/j.ensci.2021.100321
    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is characterized by progressive onset motor deficits with heterogenous presentations ranging from dysarthria to foot drop. Approximately 20% of the patients present with focal bulbar symptoms, in which some may remain restricted to bulbar region (isolated bulbar palsy), and the remaining eventually spreads to involve other body regions (classical ALS). Without accompanying upper and lower motor neurons signs elsewhere, differential diagnoses for isolated bulbar symptoms are extensive, include ALS variants as well as potentially treatable mimics. Therefore, it is important to take heed on every possible aetiology that may disrupt the hypoglossal nucleus, nerve, or lingual muscle itself. Herein, we illustrated a rare presentation of Group A basilar invagination, which mimicked bulbar-onset ALS.
    Matched MeSH terms: Muscles
  6. Hayat MN, Kaka U, Sazili AQ
    Foods, 2021 Apr 16;10(4).
    PMID: 33923538 DOI: 10.3390/foods10040874
    Cold truck transportation is considered one of the most integral parts in a food processing chain. However, countless cases of product spoilage and food poisoning incidents have proven that temperature control during transport has been neglected. Literature on the impact of temperature during distribution is scarce. The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of various transportation temperatures and travel duration on the meat quality and microbial population of broiler chicken breast muscle. Sixty broiler chickens (42 days old) were slaughtered and eviscerated; they then had their breast muscles removed (each bird provided two breast muscle samples: left breast and right breast), which were wrapped in plastic film. All 120 packed boneless breasts (PBBs) were then placed at -18 °C for 24 h. After 24 h, the 60 PBB samples were subjected to transportation for 1 h at 4 °C (20 PBBs), 10 °C (20 PBBs), and 15 °C (20 PBBs) while the remaining 60 samples were transported for 5 h at 4 °C (20 PBBs), 10 °C (20 PBBs), and 15 °C (20 PBBs) before analyses. The samples transported at higher temperatures exhibited higher populations of coliform and Salmonella than those transported at lower temperatures. A significant impact of the transportation duration on the Salmonella population was only observed in samples transported at 4 °C for 5 h. However, a significant impact of transportation temperature on color was only recorded for the redness (a*) values, where the samples transported at higher temperatures exhibited higher redness (a*) values. Significant increases in lightness (L*) and yellowness (b*) values as well as decreases in redness (a*) and pH values were recorded in samples subjected to longer durations of transportation across all the temperatures observed in this study.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pectoralis Muscles
  7. Liew SK, Shim BJ, Gong HS
    Korean J Neurotrauma, 2020 Oct;16(2):126-137.
    PMID: 33163420 DOI: 10.13004/kjnt.2020.16.e48
    Cervical spinal cord injury (SCI) often causes debilitating loss of function of the upper limb. Upper extremity reconstruction surgery can restore some of the upper limb function in tetraplegic patients with SCI. The procedures are typically muscle-tendon unit transfer surgeries, which redistribute the remaining functional muscles to restore active elbow extension, key grip, and finger grasping. In addition to the tendon transfer surgeries, nerve transfers have emerged recently and are showing promising results. However, despite more than half of the tetraplegic patients can benefit from upper limb surgery, only a few of them receive the procedures. This missed opportunity may be due to the lack of communication between SCI specialists and hand surgeons, or the lack of awareness of such options among the specialists and patients. In this review, we provide a basic overview of upper limb reconstruction in tetraplegic patients with target audience of SCI specialists for their better understanding of the basic concept of surgery and information for patient consultation before referring to hand surgeons.
    Matched MeSH terms: Muscles
  8. Raymond DK Yeak, Peter T Campbell
    Combined latissimus dorsi transfer, subscapularis repair and Latarjet surgery is rare and has never been reported. A 35-year-old man with chronic shoulder pain had a long history of instability of his right shoulder. The first episode occurred during a game of touch rugby followed by multiple episodes of subluxation. MRI was done which showed complete tear of the subscapularis anteriorly which was retracted and atrophied indicating a longstanding tear. There was also significant mid substance supraspinatus tendon tear. Patient then underwent two surgeries. The initial sur- gery found the rotator cuff to be irreparable with glenoid bone loss and only acromioplasty with acromioclavicular joint resection were performed. He then had a single stage surgery consisting of latissimus dorsi transfer, Latarjet procedure and subscapularis repair. A two-stage surgery can be avoided, and good results can be obtained provided that the patient undergo correct rehabilitation regime after undergoing a single stage surgery.

    Matched MeSH terms: Superficial Back Muscles
  9. Raja Adnan RNE, Mat Din H, Ashari A, Minhat HS
    Front Public Health, 2021;9:610184.
    PMID: 33968874 DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.610184
    Deterioration in muscle mass and muscle strength is common among the frail older persons, cause functional dependence and decrease in the quality of life. Therefore, the identification of cost-effective interventions to prevent or ameliorate frailty is crucially needed. The aim of this study is to determine the effectiveness of a Community-based Muscle Strengthening Exercise (COME) program to increase muscle strength among pre-frail older persons. This study was a quasi-experimental study. A total of 32 older persons aged 60 years and older with pre-frail symptoms were recruited from the community center. The COME was developed based on the Growing Stronger program and the Otago Home Exercise Program. COME was designed to strengthen all of the major muscle groups in the upper and lower extremities. The exercise program was conducted for 12 weeks and divided into 3 parts; (1) to strengthen the body slowly and gently, using only body weight, (2) to introduce dumbbells and ankle weights to increase strength and (3) to add various new ways to boost strength even more. Functional tests were measured before and after the intervention. The results revealed non-significant p-value for pre- and post-intervention comparison for all study outcomes. Observing the values of mean difference, the study intervention was shown to have slightly improved the time up and go (Mean difference = -0.25), and sit-to-stand duration (Mean difference = -0.41) as well as the handgrip strength (Mean difference = 0.68) among the participants. On the assessment of Cohen ES, all three improvements exhibited small effect sizes. Sit-to-stand duration was shown to have most benefited from the intervention with highest ES among the outcome variables (ES = 0.20). COME intervention program among pre-frail older persons showed favorable trend toward improvement of upper and lower extremities muscle strength. This study should be further tested in randomized control trial to confirm its effectiveness.
    Matched MeSH terms: Muscles
  10. Adeyemi, K.D., Mislan, N., Aghwan, Z.A., Sarah, S.A., Sazili, A.Q.
    The study examined the protein profile of Pectoralis major muscle in broiler chickens subjected to different freezing and thawing methods. Pectoralis major muscle was excised from the carcasses of twenty broiler chickens and split into left and right halves. The left half was subjected to slow freezing (-20oC) while the right half was rapidly frozen (-80oC). The samples were stored at their respective temperature for 2 weeks and assigned to either of tap water (27oC, 30 min), room temperature (26oC, 60 min), microwave (750W, 10 min) or chiller (4oC, 6 h) thawing. Changes in myofibrillar proteins following the thawing methods were monitored through sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). The electrophoretic profile indicated differences (p < 0.05) in intensities of the components of myofibrillar proteins among the thawing methods in both slow and rapidly frozen samples. Chiller thawing had significantly higher (p < 0.05) protein concentration than other methods in rapidly frozen samples. However, in slow freezing, there were no significant differences in protein concentration among the thawing methods. In rapidly frozen samples, the protein optical densities at molecular weight of 21, 27, 55 and 151kDa in tap water, chiller and room temperature thawing did not differ (p < 0.05). Similarly, in slowly frozen samples, protein optical densities at molecular weight of 21, 27, 85 and 151 kDa were not significantly different among chill, tap water and room temperature thawing. Microwave thawing consistently caused higher protein degradation resulting in significantly lower (p < 0.05) protein quality and quantity in both freezing methods.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pectoralis Muscles
  11. Thinh DD, Rasid MH, Deris ZM, Shazili NA, De Boeck G, Wong LL
    Arch Environ Contam Toxicol, 2016 Nov;71(4):530-540.
    PMID: 27638714
    To assess stress level induced by multiple stressors in aquatic organism, biomarkers have been adopted as early warning indicator due to their high accuracy, rapidity, and sensitivity. We investigated the effects of ectoparasitic isopod infection on heavy metal bioaccumulation (Fe, Cu, Zn, and Cd) in the fish Nemipterus furcosus and profiled the expression of metallothionein (MT) and heat shock proteins 70 (HSP70) genes of the fish host. Sixty individuals (parasitized and nonparasitized with Cymothoa truncata) were collected from three sites differing in the levels of anthropogenic activities off the South China Sea. Our results revealed no significant difference in heavy metal concentrations between infected and nonparasitized fish. We observed a positive correlation between heavy metal bioaccumulation in the fish host and anthropogenic activities. Accordingly, expression analysis of MT genes in fish liver showed significant differences in expression level between sampling sites, with lowest level in the least exploited site (Batu Rakit). A reverse pattern in HSP70 gene expression was demonstrated in fish muscle, showing the highest expression at Batu Rakit. While cymothoid infection in N. furcosus had no significant impact on fish MT gene expression, it resulted in a reduction of HSP70 level in liver of parasitized fish. These findings highlight the putative roles of MT in heavy metal assessment. Future studies should determine the kinetics of cymothoid infection and other potential stressors in characterizing the HSP70 gene expression profile.
    Matched MeSH terms: Muscles
  12. Mirta Widia, Siti Zawiah Md Dawal, NukmanYusoff
    Extensive research has been carried out over the years to determine the maximum acceptable weight that a worker is capable of lifting in a given situation among the Occidental populations in the Europe and US. At present, there is a scarcity of studies in which lifting frequency is used as the measuring variable, especially in developing countries such as Malaysia. Therefore, the objective of this study is to determine the effects of lifting loads on the maximum acceptable frequency limit (MAFL), physiological response (muscle activity) and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) for asymmetric lifting and lowering tasks of Malaysian males.Ten male subjects are recruited in this study and they perform asymmetric lifting and lowering tasks repetitively for 30 minutes. Two lifting loads are considered (1) 1 kg and (2) 5 kg. Each of the subjects adjusts his frequency of lifting using a psychophysical approach. The subjects are instructed to perform the lifting and lowering task as fast as they could over duration of 30 minutes without exhausting themselves or becoming overheated. Electromyography (EMG) signals are recorded from four muscles (Right Erector Spinae (RES), Left Erector Spinae (LES), Right Trapezius p Descendenz (RTD) and Left Trapezius p Descendenz (LTD) and analysed in terms of the normalized MVC during asymmetric lifting and lowering tasks. The ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) for four body parts (arms, lower back, shoulders and entire body) are also collected after the subjects have completed the lifting and lowering task. The mean frequency of the lifting and lowering task obtained from the experiment is 13.41 and 9.66 times/minute for a lifting load of 1 and 5 kg, respectively. The results of the independent sample t-test show that load has a statistically significant effect on the maximum acceptable frequency limit (p < 0.05). However, it is found that even though there is an increase in muscle activity and RPE with an increase in lifting load, there is no significant difference in the overall mean muscle activity and RPE (p > 0.05). The percentage decrease in the maximum acceptable frequency for Malaysian males is higher than the Occidental populations for both of the loads investigated in this study.
    Matched MeSH terms: Superficial Back Muscles
  13. Ng BW, Abdullah AF, Nadarajah S
    Malays Orthop J, 2017 Mar;11(1):57-59.
    PMID: 28435576 MyJurnal DOI: 10.5704/MOJ.1703.003
    Acromioclavicular joint (ACJ) dissociation is one of the common injuries affecting adults. The stability of ACJ largely depends on the integrity of acromioclavicular ligament, coracoclavicular ligament, capsule, trapezius muscle and deltoid muscle. The injury has been classified by Rockwood into six types and treatment options can be guided by the classification. TightRope fixation is one of the many surgical procedures available to address acromioclavicular joint separation. It consists of tensioning of a no. 5 Fibrewire suture secured at both ends to low-profile metallic buttons. Despite various advantages of using this technique, complications such as suture cut-out, clavicle fracture and suture failure have been documented. The author presents a case of a type III acromioclavicular joint dissociation treated with TightRope which suture cutout was noted intra-operatively. Decision to amend the fixation using a cut one-third tubular plate as an additional anchor for the metallic button on the clavicle was made. Patient's progress was evaluated using the University of California at Los Angeles Shoulder Score (UCLA Shoulder Score) and significant improvement was noted six months post operatively. We propose this technique as a solution to the encountered problem.
    Matched MeSH terms: Superficial Back Muscles
  14. Noor Faradila, P., Aqbal Hafeez, A., Azhar, H., Rohayu, S., Akmalia, S., Mohd Syazwan, S., et al.
    Children are much more likely than adults to get serious injuries in car crashes due to their softer bones, weaker neck muscle and fragile bodies. Child restraint system (CRS) can help in reduce injury and prevent fatality in the event of a crash. Thus the aim of this paper is to gauge the prevalence of CRS usage among guardians of children age below 11 years old. A survey to addressed guardians knowledge on CRS usage, practice and their views on fitting child restraints system to their vehicles were carried out among parents and carers who are caring children aged 11 years old and below. Seventy-four percent (74%) out of 500 respondents cited they have used CRS, however only 40% of them is currently using CRS with their children. Respondent in Kuala Lumpur and younger guardians reported twice likely to use CRS. In addition, graduate respondents are 1.5 times more likely to use CRS for their children. In conclusion, high incorrect usage rate and understanding of the CRS could promote additional injury towards the children in a car crash. Many initiatives could be introduced before the implementation of the CRS law in Malaysia such as awareness, community-based programs and CRS clinics that aim to guide guardians on the correct and effective way of installing the CRS device in their car.
    Matched MeSH terms: Neck Muscles
  15. Ho, S.E., Loong, S., Fatin Nur Laily R., Wan Nur Aizzati M., Muhammad Firdaus I.Z., Ho, Christopher C.K., et al.
    Neck pain presents as a symptom of dull pain or discomfort mainly along the trapezius muscle. Dry needling is an invasive procedure which uses acupuncture needle directed at myofascial trigger points. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of dry needling in managing patients with neck pain. A pre-test-post-test interventional study design was used. Patient education package was provided to 32 respondents who fulfilled the inclusion criteria. A 13-item Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS) questionnaire was used to assess Rumination, Magnification and Helplessness. Subjective pain intensity was measured by Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). These questionnaires were given before and after the dry needling intervention. The findings reported that respondents scored high in pre-test total PCS score (27.41±13.652). Post-test result revealed a significant improvement in total PCS score (23.06±13.938) (p = 0.000). Post-test VAS score (4.78±1.237) was also significantly better than pre-test (6.47±1.414) (p = 0.000). There was no significant difference in pre-test PCS in terms of marital status (p > 0.05) whereas there was significant difference between marital status and rumination in post-test (Z = -2.303, p = 0.021). There was significant difference between pre-test magnification in terms of respondents’ occupation (p = 0.008) and race (p = 0.035) but no significant difference in post-test. Respondents’ age group showed no significant differences between pre-test and post-test PCS and VAS (p > 0.05). In conclusion, patients who received dry needling showed improvement in pain intensity and catastrophizing towards neck pain.
    Matched MeSH terms: Superficial Back Muscles
  16. Irfan, M., Ali, A.Y., Rohaizan, Y.
    A fish bone (foreign body) in the throat is a common presentation in an otolaryngology practice. Commonly the fish bone can be visualized and removed in a clinic setting. More distal foreign body impaction such as at the cricopharyngeus level will need direct laryngoscopy and removal under general anesthesia. It is not uncommon to have patient presented with residual symptom of post foreign body ingestion. Findings such as traumatized mucosa and embedded bone with slough on the mucosal surface are commonly encountered. We report a case of post foreign body ingestion presented with odynophagia and laryngoscopy showed a partially swollen epiglottis. The symptom recovered with conservative management.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pharyngeal Muscles
  17. Tai, Sharon Mei-Ling, Hazman Mohd Nor, Kartini Rahmat, Pow, Zhen Yuan, Ong, Lay Sim, Tan, Chong Tin, et al.
    Neurology Asia, 2017;22(4):313-323.
    Background: Tuberculous disease of spine (spinal TB) is under-recognized in tuberculous (TB) meningitis.
    The objective of the study was to evaluate the frequency, clinical and neuroimaging changes, and
    outcome in the patients with spinal TB.

    Methods: All the patients with spinal TB admitted in the two
    largest tertiary hospitals in Kuala Lumpur from 2009 to 2017 were recruited, the clinical features were
    documented, the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the spine was performed. Clinical outcome was
    assessed with Modified Rankin scale (MRS).

    Results: Twenty two patients were recruited. This was
    out of 70 TB meningitis patients (31.4%) seen over the same period. Eighteen (81.8%) patients had
    concomitant TB meningitis. The clinical features consisted of systemic symptoms with fever (63.6%),
    meningitis symptoms with altered sensorium (45.5%), myelopathy with paraparesis (36.4%). The
    findings on spinal MRI were discitis (36.4%), spinal meningeal enhancement (31.8%), spinal cord
    compression (31.8%), psoas abscess (27.3%), osteomyelitis (22.7%), and cord oedema (22.7%). All
    except two patients (90.9%) had involvement in psoas muscle, bone or leptomeningeal enhancement,
    features that can be used to differentiate from myelopathy that affect the parenchyma only, such as
    demyelination. Unusual manifestations were syringomyelia and paradoxical manifestations seen in 3
    patients each. The outcome were overall poor, with 68% having MRS 3 or more.

    Conclusion: Spinal TB is common in TB meningitis. The outcome is overall poor. A heightened
    awareness is crucial to enable early diagnosis and treatment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Psoas Muscles
  18. Hani Hafeeza Halim, Mohd Sabri Pak Dek, Azizah Abdul Hamid, Ahmad Haniff Jaafar
    Among athletes, endurance is one of the key elements to victory. In addition to
    training, athletes normally used supplement to prevent fatigue during the event. With
    prolonged and intense activity, our body started to experience decrease in muscle
    performance due to several factors such as oxidative stress, dehydration and
    accumulation of lactic acid in the body fluids. The free radicals generated during
    intense exercise will expose the cells to oxidative damages. In the event of
    dehydration, there will be significant losses of water and functional electrolytes during
    intense exercise which affected the body fluid balance. Fatigue will also occur during
    reduced oxygen in aerobic metabolism which later caused accumulation of lactic acid
    in the muscle. This will change the pH balance toward more acidic and caused the
    muscles to lose contractile efficiency. In addition, fatigue can also be studied using rats
    as model organism. Results from this activity can be useful to analyse cellular
    metabolism and physiology effects of the tested rats toward physical exercise.
    Therefore, this review aims to discuss the causes of fatigue through oxidative stress,
    dehydration and lactic acid accumulation. In addition, the effectiveness of using rats as
    a model system in measuring fatigue is also included in illustrating examples on fatigue
    assessment in vivo.
    Matched MeSH terms: Muscles
  19. Taufik M, Amin-Safwan A, Mohd Nordin AR, Shahrul I, Abol-Munafi AB, Ikhwanuddin M
    Data Brief, 2020 Apr;29:105232.
    PMID: 32099875 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.105232
    The present datasets were conducted to investigate glucose concentration in hemolymph, energy levels at selected body parts (hepatopancreas, muscle, gonad), and feces among different sexes of crabs cultured at four different water velocities (0, 20, 40, and 60 cm/s) during a 60-day culture period. A total of 102 immature crabs (51 males, and 51 females) were sampled from Kuala Muda, Kedah coastal water, Peninsular Malaysia (5°39'N 100°19'E) from April to November of 2018. Results indicated that glucose concentration was the highest at water velocity of 60 cm/s for both male and female crabs (♂: 3.76 ± 0.08 mmol/L; ♀: 3.63 ± 0.06 mmol/L), whereas at 0 cm/s, the lowest levels of glucose concentration (♂: 0.13 ± 0.08 mmol/L; ♀: 0.19 ± 0.06 mmol/L) were recorded. As for energy analysis in hepatopancreas, results showed that both male and female crabs recorded the highest levels at 0 cm/s (no flow) with 37.919 ± 0.07 KJ/g and 34.636 ± 0.50 KJ/g, respectively. Energy for locomotion (muscle) of male crabs recorded the highest at 0 cm/s (♂: 26.823 ± 0.06 KJ/g), meanwhile for females, the highest was recorded at 20 cm/s (26.607 ± 0.34 KJ/g). Energy for reproduction of males could not be compared due to an insufficient available amount of testes/vas deferens, whereas female crabs recorded the highest energy usage at 20 cm/s water velocity (♀: 37.895 ± 0.08 KJ/g). For feces, both male and female crabs recorded the lowest energy at 60 cm/s (♂: 5.841 ± 0.03 KJ/g; ♀: 5.393 ± 0.01 KJ/g). Glucose assessment showed a direct relationship between increased velocity and glucose secretion in hemolymph at high velocity of 60 cm/s (stress condition) compared to other treatments. Regarding energy analysis, this research improved the mechanism of hepatopancreas, gonad, muscle and feces functions in development and reproduction, while it shed light on the influence of velocity on energy metabolism of S. olivacea.
    Matched MeSH terms: Muscles
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