Displaying publications 141 - 160 of 349 in total

  1. Alam MK, Iida J
    Acta Odontol Scand, 2013 Nov;71(6):1520-31.
    PMID: 23530813 DOI: 10.3109/00016357.2013.775336
    This study aimed to measure and compare tooth size ratios in a Bangladeshi population across the following groups: those with normal occlusion, crowding or spacing; those with normal, increased or decreased overjet; those with normal, increased or decreased overbite; those with or without dental mid-line discrepancy; and those with or without lip competence. It also presents a graphical overview of the anterior and overall ratios from the study and using available global data.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  2. Daisuke, Mori, Wahida Khanam, Kamruddin Ahmed
    Although mumps virus (MuVi) is an important agent of encephalitis, however, mumps vaccine has not yet been included in the national immunization programme of Bangladesh. Furthermore, the genotype distribution of this virus in Bangladesh is unknown. Cerebrospinal fluid samples collected from 97 children with encephalitis from April 2009 to March 2010 were subjected to polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test to determine the causative agents. MuVi was detected in two samples, these samples were further subjected to conventional PCR using specific primers, then amplicons were sequenced, and genotype was determined as genotype G. Phylogenetic analysis showed that these strains were clustered with strains from Nepal, India, the UK, Thailand, and the USA. By Bayesian inference, we also determined that the ancestor of Bangladeshi and Indian MuVi were same and segregated only about two decades back. These results will help future surveillance and the detection of invading MuVi strains from other countries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  3. Hossain MB, Habib SB, Hossain MS, Jolly YN, Kamal AHM, Idris MH, et al.
    Data Brief, 2020 Aug;31:105911.
    PMID: 32637507 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.105911
    Meghna River Estuary, the largest estuarine system (GBM, Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna) in Bangladesh, is a major spawning ground of national fish, Hilsha shad. In this study, we collected 24 surface sediment and 24 water samples from the entire lower estuary (4 sites, 3 sampling points from each site, 2 replicas from each sampling point) to detect trace/heavy metals. Sediment samples were collected from the top surface soil (0-5 cm) using Ekman grab sampler and water samples from 5 cm below the surface layer using plastic water bottles. After collection, sediment and water samples were preserved as necessary using HNO3 (for water). Immediately after reaching the laboratory, sediment samples were dried in an oven at 70°C until the constant weight gained. The metals were then analyzed using energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence method (EDXRF) and calculated the metal concentrations. In total, 12 metals were detected and the average value (mg/Kg) of all metals for sediment samples followed the descending order of Fe > Ca > K >Ti >Sr >Zr >Rb> Cu > Zn >Pb >As > Ni, and for water the order (µg/mL) of Fe >Ti > Ca > Co >Mn > Ni > Zn >Sr > Cu > As > Se . Besides, several physicochemical parameters i.e. water pH, soil pH, temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, hardness, and alkalinity of the 12 sampling points were also measured in-situ using handheld instruments.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  4. Dhar BK, Ayittey FK, Sarkar SM
    Glob Chall, 2020 Sep 28.
    PMID: 33042575 DOI: 10.1002/gch2.202000038
    The purpose of the study is to find out the psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on university students. The study focuses on the university students from different public and private universities of Bangladesh through a set of questionnaires according to the guideline of Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-7). The result among 15 543 respondents shows that 44.59% are suffering from severe anxiety, 48.41% moderate anxiety, and only 3.82% mild anxiety. The results highlight that all epidemic-related stressors are positively correlated with the level of anxiety. Among the epidemic-related stressors, worry about economic influences during and after COVID-19 (r = 0.342, p < 0.001) and worry about the influence of COVID-19 on daily life (r = 0.340, p < 0.001) have a highly positive impact on the level of anxiety. Following these stressors, worry about academic delays due to COVID-19 (r = 0.326, p < 0.001) and worry about the social support during COVID-19 (r = 0.321, p < 0.001) have moderately and positively correlated with the level of anxiety. The study suggests that proper government support, as well as social awareness, should be monitored during epidemics for decreasing anxiety and maintaining a good mental health of the university students.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  5. Das A, Barua A, Mohimin MA, Abedin J, Khandaker MU, Al-Mugren KS
    Healthcare (Basel), 2021 Apr 10;9(4).
    PMID: 33920290 DOI: 10.3390/healthcare9040445
    BACKGROUND: The use of a touchless automated hand sanitizer dispenser may play a key role to reduce contagious diseases. The key problem of the conventional ultrasonic and infra-red-based dispensers is their malfunctioning due to the interference of sunlight, vehicle sound, etc. when deployed in busy public places. To overcome such limitations, this study introduced a laser-based sensing device to dispense sanitizer in an automated touchless process.

    METHOD: The dispensing system is based on an Arduino circuit breadboard where an ATmega328p microcontroller was pre-installed. To sense the proximity, a light-dependent resistor (LDR) is used where the laser light is to be blocked after the placement of human hands, hence produced a sharp decrease in the LDR sensor value. Once the LDR sensor value exceeds the lower threshold, the pump is actuated by the microcontroller, and the sanitizer dispenses through the nozzle.

    RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: A novel design and subsequent fabrication of a low-cost, touchless, automated sanitizer dispenser to be used in public places, was demonstrated. The overall performance of the manufactured device was analyzed based on the cost and power consumption, and environmental factors by deploying it in busy public places as well as in indoor environment in major cities in Bangladesh, and found to be more efficient and cost-effective compared to other dispensers available in the market. A comprehensive discussion on this unique design compared to the conventional ultrasonic and infra-red based dispensers, is presented to show its suitability over the commercial ones. The guidelines of the World Health Organization are followed for the preparation of sanitizer liquid. A clear demonstration of the circuitry connections is presented herein, which facilitates the interested individual to manufacture a cost-effective dispenser device in a relatively short time and use it accordingly. Conclusion: This study reveals that the LDR-based automated hand sanitizer dispenser system is a novel concept, and it is cost-effective compared to the conventional ones. The presented device is expected to play a key role in contactless hand disinfection in public places, and reduce the spread of infectious diseases in society.

    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
    This study was conducted to determine the morphology, prevalence and mean intensity of monogeneans on gill filaments of striped catfish Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (Pangasiidae).P. hypophthalmus are important economic fish in Southeast Asia region and predominantly produced in Asian countries such as Malaysia, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Vietnam, Laos, China and Cambodia through aquaculture. Thirty fish were sampled from an earthen pond located in Kuala Besut, Terengganu, in the period from January to February, 2018. The monogenean parasites were removed from the gill filaments and counted. For the morphological study, the extracted monogeneanswere mounted on a slide by using drop of ammonium picrate-glycerin (APG) and then were observed under the Compound Advanced Research Microscope. The drawing was done with the aid of lucida camera attached to compound microscope. The monogenean parasite was identified as Thaparocleidussp based on the characteristics of the morphology and morphometrics of the parasite, which did not differ significantly from the previous descriptions of the same species discovered in other geographic locations. The prevalence and mean intensity levels were 100% and 106.07 parasites per fish, respectively. The monogenean parasites discovered throughout this examination were recorded and the data obtained was summarized.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  7. Gunjal S, Pateel DGS, Yang YH, Doss JG, Bilal S, Maling TH, et al.
    Subst Use Misuse, 2020;55(9):1533-1544.
    PMID: 32569533 DOI: 10.1080/10826084.2019.1657149
    Background: Areca nut (AN) and betel quid (BQ) chewing are ancient practices followed by an extensive proportion of the world's population. These practices are endemic in larger parts of South and Southeast Asia and selected Western Pacific countries. The prevalence of these habits varies across regions, age, gender, cultural practice, and socioeconomic status groups. Considerable variations exist between countries with respect to prevention/intervention programs, and policy guidelines of BQ usage. Objectives: (1) To provide an overview of the BQ chewing prevalence, practices, preventive interventions and policies in selected Asian and Western Pacific countries. (2) To explore the different terminologies associated with BQ use. Method: A narrative review of the current literature related to BQ, AN, and oral cancer was conducted by searching PUBMED, CINAHL, and GOOGLE databases. Results: The literature review revealed that the prevalence of BQ was found to be highest in Papua New Guinea, followed by Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Myanmar and Sri Lanka. While, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia and Taiwan had comparatively lower prevalence. Smokeless tobacco, BQ with tobacco, BQ without tobacco, AN were some of the terminologies used for BQ in various studies. Conclusions: The prevalence, and the interventional policies related to BQ and AN chewing habits varies widely among the selected countries. With the increasing awareness and association of BQ with oral cancer, there is a need to have better awareness, prevention and interventional strategies in place. We also found considerable variation in the use of terminologies associated with BQ.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  8. Tan, C.T., Chua, K.B., Wong, K.T.
    ASM Science Journal, 2009;3(1):91-96.
    The Nipah virus was first discovered in 1999, following a severe outbreak of viral encephalitis among pig farm workers in Malaysia. The virus was thought to have spread from Pteropus bats to pigs, then from infected pigs to humans by close contact. Mortality of the disease was high at about 40%. The main necropsy finding was disseminated microinfarction associated with vasculitis and direct neuronal involvement. Relapsed encephalitis was seen in approximately 10% of those who survived the initial illness. Since its first recorded emergence in peninsular Malaysia, 10 outbreaks of Nipah virus encephalitis have been reported in Bangladesh and West Bengal in India. The outbreaks occurred from January to May, with Pteropus giganteus as the reservoir of the virus. In Bangladesh, evidence indicated that the virus transmitted directly from bats to human, with human to human transmission as an important mode of spread. The mortality of the illness was higher in Bangladesh which stood at around 70%. This was likely to be due to genetic variation of the virus.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  9. Md Mizanur Rahman, Md Jahirul Karim, Sk Akhtar Ahmad, Mohd. Raili Suhaili, Sharifah Norashikin Wan Ahmad
    Int J Public Health Res, 2011;1(2):25-32.
    Background Despite country’s tobacco control law, cigarette smoking by the young people and the magnitude of nicotine dependence among the school personnel is alarming.
    Objective To determine the prevalence of smoking and to examine the determinants of smoking behaviour among the secondary school teachers in Bangladesh.
    Methods A two-stage cluster sampling was used with a selection of schools on Probability Proportional to Enrolment (PPE) size followed by stratified random sampling of government and private schools and then all the teachers present on the day of the survey were selected for the study. The 66-item questionnaire included smoking behaviour, knowledge, attitude, second-hand smoking, tobacco free school policy, cessation, media advertisement and curriculum related topics. Seven additional questions were included to assess the socio-demographic characteristics of the teachers. Data analysis was performed using SPSS 17 software. A total of 60 schools were selected with school response rate of 98.3%. An anonymous self-administered questionnaire was filled in by all teachers present at the day of the survey. The sample consisted of 559 teachers with response rate of 99.5%.
    Results The prevalence of smoking was 17% (95% CI: 14%, 20.4). About half of the teachers (48.4%) smoke daily followed by 25.3% smoke 1-2 days in last 30 days. The mean duration smoking of was 13.7(95% CI: 11.6, 15.9) years. Logistic regression analysis revealed that male teachers smoke 37.46(95% CI: 5.078, 276.432) times higher than their female counterparts. The graduate teachers were 2.179(95% 1.209, 3.926) times more likely to be smoke than master’s degree holder teachers. Smoking by friends appeared to be the strongest predictor for teachers smoking behaviour (OR 4.789, 95% CI: 1.757, 13.050). However, no statistically significant association was found between type of school, second-hand smoking and curriculum related factors and smoking behaviour of the teachers (p>0.05).
    Conclusions Prevalence of smoking among the teachers is high in Bangladesh. Effective smoking prevention program should take into account within the dominant of socio-environmental influence to reduce smoking behaviour. The school curriculum items had less impact in preventing smoking behaviour.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  10. Rahman, M.M., Ahmad, S.A., Karim, M.J., Akoi, C.
    Smoking among school children is becoming a serious problem in developing countries, including Bangladesh. The early initiation of smoking needs urgent intervention to protect this vulnerable group and preventing them to be addicted. This study aims to determine the age at initiation of smoking and factors affecting it. A two-stage cluster sampling was used with a selection of schools on probability proportional to enrolment size followed by stratified random sampling of government and private schools and then a random start in classes VIII, IX and X of each school targeting the students aged 13 years and above. Data collected from secondary school students using self-administered structured questionnaire. All analyses were performed with SPSS version 20.0. Missing value was treated by multiple imputations. A total of 6877 data were analysed in which 84.7% were non-smoker, 9.5% were ever smoker and 5.8% were current smokers. Among the ever smoker (n=823), 38% were current smokers, 56.5% former and 5.5% were recent quitters. The mean (SD) age at initiation of smoking was 10.9 (0.2) years. Multinomial regression analysis revealed that class grade, peer pressure and offered free cigarette appeared to be significant predictors of smoking initiation (p0.05). Promotion of smoking resistance skills among children and teens through comprehensive approaches designed to enhance general personal competence by teaching an array of personal and social life skills is recommended.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  11. Abdul Rashid, Abdullah, Ariful, Islam
    Readymade garments (RMG) industry of Bangladesh are lesser revealed to sustainable outlines that originating avoidance related with standard health and safety provisions, labor rights, women safety, child labor, pollution, waste disposal and ground water depletion. Recently there are also several safety hazards by way of fire incidents and building collapses which caused death and injury of thousand or garment workers at Bangladesh. Actually a suitable sustainable development scheme for this industry includes the insights of proper employee involvement based upon what is known (knowledge) and done (behavior). So the study aims to investigate the relationship between knowledge and behavior which reflects the complication between what is in fact known and what is done in case of sustainable issues. The study has used both questionnaire survey and interview procedures on 10 BGMEA registered factories of Chittagong to recognize the connection between knowledge and behavior. The target populace of the study has been limited only to the white collar employees. However, the study identified that employee knowledge and behavior of sustainable development contains a moderate, positive relationship (r=.315, n=150, p
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  12. Arai T, Taha H, Amalina R, Iizuka Y, Chang CW
    J Fish Biol, 2019 Dec;95(6):1506-1511.
    PMID: 31606890 DOI: 10.1111/jfb.14154
    Tenualosa ilisha was found recently in the Perak River in western Peninsular Malaysia. Molecular phylogenetic and haplotype network analyses suggest that T. ilisha has two genetically distinct populations/groups: (i) Peninsular Malaysia (Malaysia population), and (ii) Peninsular Malaysia, Thailand, India and Bangladesh (Indian Ocean population). The results also suggest that the T ilisha population in Peninsular Malaysia is genetically heterogeneous with a typical anadromous migration pattern.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  13. Ahmed ASS, Sultana S, Habib A, Ullah H, Musa N, Hossain MB, et al.
    PLoS One, 2019;14(10):e0219336.
    PMID: 31622361 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0219336
    The Karnaphuli River estuary, located in southeast coast of Bangladesh, is largely exposed to heavy metal contamination as it receives a huge amount of untreated industrial effluents from the Chottagram City. This study aimed to assess the concentrations of five heavy metals (As, Pb, Cd, Cr and Cu) and their bioaccumulation status in six commercially important fishes, and also to evaluate the potential human health risk for local consumers. The hierarchy of the measured concentration level (mg/kg) of the metals was as follows: Pb (13.88) > Cu (12.10) > As (4.89) > Cr (3.36) > Cd (0.39). The Fulton's condition factor denoted that fishes were in better 'condition' and most of the species were in positive allometric growth. The bioaccumulation factors (BAFs) of the contaminants observed in the species were in the following orders: Cu (1971.42) > As (1042.93) > Pb (913.66) > Cr (864.99) > Cd (252.03), and among the specimens, demersal fish, Apocryptes bato appeared to be the most bioaccumulative organism. Estimated daily intake (EDI), target hazard quotient (THQ), hazard index (HI) and carcinogenic risk (CR) assessed for potential human health risk implications suggest that the values were within the acceptable threshold for both adults and children. However, calculated CR values indicated that both age groups were not far from the risk, and HI values demonstrated that children were nearly 6 times more susceptible to non-carcinogenic and carcinogenic health effects than adults.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  14. Wong YL
    JUMMEC, 2002;7:59-61.
    The majority of migrant workers studied in this survey were males Muslims from Bangladesh. The mean age was 30 and the majority were aged between 21-30 years. Although almost all of them had 7-13 years of schooling, the majority were working in the service industry. More than two thrids of the migrant workers were provided with various forms of housing by their employers. Majority of them stated that they had better amenities, such as piped drinking water and sanitary toilets, in Malaysia compared to those in their home countries. From their reports, it appears that the majority did not engage in risk behaviours such as, smoking, alcohol and drug abuse.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  15. Zurainee MN, Khairul Anuar A, Khatijah O, Sri Suriati A, Noraishah S
    JUMMEC, 1998;3:63-63.
    We describe the results of serology for parasitic infection of 250 foreign workers who were seen at the University of Malaya Medical Centre, UMMC during 7-months period. The 250 foreign workers participated included 114 from Indonesia, 142 from Bangladesh, two from Myanmar and two from Pakistan. Blood samples were taken from these workers and eight tests (amoebiasis, echinococcosis, filariasis, leishmaniasis, malaria, schistosomiasis, toxoplasmosis, and trypanosomiasis) were performed on serum. Among the 250 sera tested, 92 (36.8%) were found to be positive for at least one parasitic infection. There was one case where the serum was found positive for 5 tests. The most common antibody detected in those positive sera was antibody for toxoplasma (80.%), followed by filaria (32.8%) and amoeba (30%). Other tests showed low percentage of infection with schistosomiasias, 10%; echinococcosis, 6% and malaria, 3.6%. None of the foreign workers were found positive for leishmaniasis or trypanosomiasias.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  16. Mostak Ahmed, Noorlidah Abdullah, Nuruddin MM
    Sains Malaysiana, 2016;45:1609-1615.
    In recent decades, minimizing the frequency of nutrient deficiency and malnutrition in rural areas of developing
    countries becomes an alarming issue. Oyster mushrooms are rich source of both macro and micro nutrients. The
    objective of this paper was to evaluate the yield of newly introduced oyster mushroom strains viz. Pleurotus sajorcaju
    (PSC), Pleurotus flabellatus (FLB), Pleurotus florida (FLO), Pleurotus ostreatus (PO2
    and PO3
    ), Pleurotus ostreatus
    (HK-51) and Pleurotus geesteranus (PG1
    and PG3
    ) and to justify their nutritional values when grown in the climatic
    condition of Bangladesh. Strain HK-51 produced the highest amount of fresh sporophore (197.80 g). In contrast, the
    highest number of fruiting body was obtained from the strain FLO (82 g) followed by strain PSC (69 g). Strain PG1 has
    recorded the highest biological yield (278 g), productivity (55%) and biological efficiency (96%). Nutrient and mineral
    analysis of sporophore of strain PG1 showed protein (31.80%), lipid (3.6%), potassium (1.3 mg/100 g), phosphorus
    (0.8 mg/100 g), calcium (32 mg/100 g), iron (43 mg/100 g), magnesium (12 mg/100 g), copper (3.5 mcg/100 g), zinc
    (12.5 mcg/100 g) and manganese (2.3 mcg/100 g). This study showed that the strain PG1
    performed well with regard to
    quality and productivity as compared to other strains. Hence, oyster mushroom strain PG1
    is a potential cheap source
    of nutrients and minerals to combat socioeconomic problems including malnutrition, diseases linked to malnutrition,
    poverty reduction and agricultural diversity.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  17. Wong YL, Fauza AG
    JUMMEC, 1998;3:60-60.
    The majority of migrant workers studied in this pilot survey were male, from Bangladesh and Muslim. The mean age was 30 years and the majority were aged between 21-30 years. Although almost half of them had 7-13 years of schooling, or an equivalent to secondary education, the majority were work- ing in the Service industry, predominantly in cleaning services. It is noted that this enlployment trend varied from the national situation, whereby majority of legal migrant workers (Indonesian and Thai) are found in the agricultural sector. More than two thirds of the migrant workers were provided with various forms of housing by the employer. However, it is not known if such acconunodation was adequate or not, as there were no questions about housing structures aod extent of overcrowding. Majority of them stated that they had better amenities, such as piped drinking water and sanitaly toilets, here in Malaysia compared to those in their home countries. Yet, the real extent of better sani- tation is difficult to assess since verification of such amenities could not be done. From their self- reports, it appears that the majority did not engage in risk behaviours, such as smoking, alcohol and drug abuse. It is pertinent, however, to include other risk behaviours in the study, particularly the area of sexual behaviour. The pilot study yielded 28 female Indonesian migrant workers. More than two thirds of them were married. Although none of the married women reported that they were pregnant at the time of the survey, more than two thirds of then1 had betweenl-3 children in Malaysia. Since the age range of these children would be an important indicator of the need for preventive health care, it is proposed that age range of the accompanying children and their immunisation status be included in the questionnaire. Just below half of them were currently practising family planning, and more than two thirds were using modern methods, such as, pill, Norplant and IUD. It is recotnmended that in addition to pregnancy and family planning information, the study could also collect data on gynaeco- logical health and the health seeking behaviour for these problems.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  18. Islam S, Rahman MK, Ferdous J, Rahman M, Akter S, Faraque MO, et al.
    Trop Biomed, 2020 Dec 01;37(4):842-851.
    PMID: 33612737 DOI: 10.47665/tb.37.4.842
    Hemoprotozoans are important pathogens of animals and humans, among which some species have zoonotic significance. The prevalence of different hemoprotozoa and Anaplasma spp. in larger mammals have been reported from different regions of the world. But, very few studies have been conducted to estimate the prevalence of hemoprotozoa in rodents and shrews of South-East Asia. The study assessed the prevalence of hemoprotozoa and Anaplasma spp. in rodents and shrews of Bangladesh. Blood samples (n=451) were collected from rodents and shrews between June 2011 and June 2013 and July-December 2015 from 4 land gradients of Bangladesh. Giemsa-stained blood smears revealed that 13% of animals were harboring hemoprotozoa (4.7% Babesia spp., 0.67% Plasmodium spp.), and Anaplasma spp. (7.5%). The study may serve as a guide for future hemoparasitic research of rodents and shrews.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  19. Chen M, Atiqul Haq SM, Ahmed KJ, Hussain AHMB, Ahmed MNQ
    PLoS One, 2021;16(10):e0258196.
    PMID: 34673797 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0258196
    Climate change is likely to worsen the food security situation through its impact on food production, which may indirectly affect fertility behaviour. This study examines the direct and indirect effects of climate change (e.g., temperature and precipitation) via the production of major crops, as well as their short- and long-term effects on the total fertility rate (TFR) in Bangladesh. We used structural equation modelling (SEM) to perform path analysis and distinguish the direct influence of climate change on fertility and its indirect influence on fertility through food security. We also applied the error correction model (ECM) to analyze the time-series data on temperature and precipitation, crop production and fertility rate of Bangladesh from 1966 to 2015. The results show that maximum temperature has a direct effect and indirect negative effect-via crop production-on TFR, while crop production has a direct positive effect and indirect negative effect-via infant mortality-on TFR. In the short term, TFR responds negatively to the maximum temperature but positively in the long term. The effect of rainfall on TFR is found to be direct, positive, but mainly short-term. Although indicators of economic development play an important part in the fertility decline in Bangladesh, some climate change parameters and crop production are non-negligible factors.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
  20. Mohoshina Karim, Shayela Farah, M .Tanveer Hossain Parash
    Cigarette smoking is considered as the symbol of adulthood and as a friend during stress and loneliness. The developing countries in South Asia where the largest segment of the population is comprised of adolescents are more susceptible to smoking epidemic and its consequences. A cross sectional survey among 304 randomly selected medical students was carried out to determine their smoking habit of a selected medical college in Dhaka, from 1st October to 31st December 2014. The respondents were from 16 to 20 years of age, with mean (±SD) of 16.8 (±1.9) years. Among them (including 28 girl students), 96(31.5%) were non-smokers. The remaining 208(68.4%) were smokers, among them 43(20.6%) were regular smokers, and 165(79.3%) were occasional smokers. All 28 female students were non-smokers. Regarding duration of smoking, 42(20.2%) respondents smoked for less than 6 months, 64(30.8%) for 6 months to 1 year, 88(42.3%) for 1 to 4 years, 11(5.3%) for 5 to 10 years and a least 3(1.4%) smoked for more than 10 years. Thirty six percent of current smokers smoked more than 10 sticks per day compared
    with thirty percent who smoked 6 to 10 a day. Significantly more users knew that it causes tuberculosis, heart attack, cancer and development of hypertension. Overall, students’ major sources of information were doctors (69.7%), medias (47.7%), parents (9.2%) and friends (3.3%). As the prevalence of smoking among medical students was found very high hence, the multi-pronged intervention strategy is needed to tackle the problem. Anti-tobacco education and awareness should be adopted in the curriculum of schools and colleges. All forms of tobacco advertising and promotional activities should be banned, and parents should be encouraged to adopt more responsible attitudes toward smoking in the home.
    Matched MeSH terms: Bangladesh
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