Displaying publications 1581 - 1600 of 24531 in total

  1. Mohd Hanafi Jumrah, Haryati Abdul Karim
    Filem-filem alternatif bukan hanya sekadar cerita, tetapi terdapat mesej dan idea yang tersirat yang wujud sebagai wadah media menyampaikan sesuatu ideologi. Idea yang dilontarkan melalui filem alternatif lebih bersifat kritikal dalam memaparkan realiti hubungan etnik di Malaysia. Kajian ini memfokuskan kepada resepsi audiens remaja terhadap filem alternatif Malaysia yang mana tumpuan adalah kepada pendekatan neo-realisme yang wujud dalam penafsiran mesej di antara informan dengan teks filem alternatif Nasi Lemak 2.0 (NL 2.0). Kajian ini juga melihat adakah wujud pendekatan neorealisem dalam penafsiran mesej di antara informan dengan teks filem? Kajian ini menggunakan dua kaedah analisis iaitu analisis tekstual dan analisis tematik dalam mencari pendekatan neo-realisem yang wujud dalam filem NL 2.0 ini. Kajian ini terdiri daripada 56 orang pelajar iaitu 28 orang pelajar lelaki dan 28 pelajar perempuan dari pelbagai etnik. Neo-realisme adalah gambaran awal tentang sesuatu perkara sebenar (terutamanya aspek kehidupan) dan tidak bersifat khayalan (Bazin Andre diterjemah oleh Gray Hugh, 1972). Pendekatan neo-realisme yang dipaparkan oleh Namewee dalam filem ini sangat jelas melalui representasi kepelbagaian kebudayaan etnik di Malaysia. Pendekatan neo-realisme ini membawa kepada cerminan realiti kehidupan masyarakat kepelbagaian etnik di Malaysia pada masa kini yang mana informan mengaitkan naskah filem alternatif ini dengan kehidupan seharian. Selain itu juga, kajian ini melihat pendekatan neo-realisme membentuk sosiobudaya kepelbagaian etnik dalam naskah filem dan realiti sebenar informan. Penghasilan filem ini cuba memaparkan masyarakat Malaysia yang pelbagai etnik secara semulajadi dan jelaslah menunjukkan bahawa filem alternatif sebagai wadah penyampaian ideologi yang membentuk penyatuan dalam kalangan masyarakat Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  2. Latifah Binti Ayang, Mohd Khairuddin Abdullah @ Jerry, Asmiaty Amat
    Kajian ini dilaksanakan adalah untuk mengenal pasti pengurusan panitia, kualiti pengajaran dan komitmen guru terhadap pencapaian Bahasa Melayu di Negeri Sabah. Pengurusan panitia dilihat dalam aspek prinsip pengurusan panitia, sifat kendiri dan kemahiran pengurusan. Manakala kualiti pengajaran pula dilihat dari sudut dimensi persediaan pengajaran, penyampaian pengajaran dan aspek tingkah laku. Seterusnya pemboleh ubah komitmen kerja dilihat dari aspek kesediaan untuk kekal dalam organisasi dan kesediaan untuk memenuhi matlamat organisasi. Dalam kajian ini, penyelidik telah menggunakan Teori Pengurusan Saintifik Taylor, Teori Vroom dan Teori Side Bet. Pengkaji telah menggumpul sebanyak 335 soal selidik yang telah dijawab dalam kalangan responden guru yang mengajar Bahasa Melayu dan mewakili seluruh sekolah menengah bantuan penuh kerajaan di Negeri Sabah dengan mengunakan persampelan berkelompok, persampelan kluster dan persampelan rawak mudah. Manakala data pula dianalisis menggunakan program SPSS for Windows Versi 25.0 Ujian regrasi berganda menunjukkan bahawa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara pengurusan panitia dan pencapaian Bahasa Melayu R2 =.485 dan pengaruh Kualiti pengajaran terhadap pencapaian Bahasa Melayu R2 =.646. Manakala pengaruh komitmen kerja terhadap pencapaian Bahasa Melayu menunjukkan nilai pengaruh R2 =.586. Seterusnya dalam analisis regrasi hierarki didapati bahawa konstruk tingkah laku pengajaran guru di bilik darjah memberi sumbangan yang paling besar iaitu sebanyak 41.0% terhadap pencapaian Bahasa Melayu. Pengkaji turut mencadangkan agar pihak berwajib bersama-sama mengembleng tenaga untuk memastikan pencapaian pelajar dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Melayu sentiasa cemerlang sejajar dengan taraf Bahasa Melayu sebagai Bahasa Kebangsaan.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  3. Shanti A/P Gobalakrishnan, Abdul Said Ambotang
    Malaysia merupakan sebuah negara yang berkembang pesat seiring dengan ledakan globalisasi pada masa kini. Dalam menuju ke arah pendidikan bertaraf dunia, Malaysia perlu membawa suatu perubahan yang akan memberi kesan kepada dunia pendidikan. Dalam era globalisasi yang mencabar, kebanyakan negara semakin memandang berat terhadap bidang pendidikan kerana pendidikan telah memainkan peranan yang penting. Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (KPM) telah melaksanakan kajian semula terhadap sistem pendidikan negara dalam konteks standard pendidikan antarabangsa. Hasil daripada kajian tersebut, Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia (PPPM) 2013-2025 telah dilancarkan (KPM,2013). Melalui PPPM 2013-2025 salah satu perancangan adalah kemahiran abad ke21 dalam kalangan pelajar. Oleh hal yang demikian, kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti pengaruh tahap akauntabiliti guru, peranan pentadbir dan efikasi kendiri guru terhadap pelaksanaan pengajaran abad ke-21 sekolah rendah di Negeri Sabah. Kajian ini juga bertujuan untuk melihat serta menganalisis pengaruh yang wujud antara tahap akauntabiliti guru, peranan pentadbir dan efikasi kendiri guru dalam isu ini. Seterusnya kajian ini juga menganalisis efikasi kendiri guru sebagai pengantara dalam hubungan tahap akauntabiliti guru dan peranan pentadbir terhadap pelaksanaan pengajaran abad ke-21. Implikasi daripada kajian ini juga diharapkan agar guru dan pihak pentadbir dapat menjalin kerjasama yang erat terhadap pelaksanaan pengajaran abad ke-21 di sekolah agar mampu menyediakan generasi muda untuk menghadapi sebarang kemungkinan.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  4. Mohd Nasir Rayung, Mohd Husin Musa, Mansur Tanra
    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengesahkan item instrumen Kemenjadian Pelajar (KP) tingkatan enam. Sebanyak 418 orang responden terdiri daripada pelajar tingkatan enam dari seluruh negeri Sabah telah dipilih sebagai sampel kajian. Terdapat enam pemboleh ubah KP yang diuji dalam kajian ini merangkumi pengetahuan, kemahiran berfikir, kemahiran kepimpinan, kemahiran dwibahasa, etika dan kerohanian serta identiti nasional. Analisis data kajian dijalankan secara deskriptif (Cronbach alpha) dan analisis faktor pengesahan (CFA) menggunakan perisian Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) dan Structural equation modeling (SEM). Dapatan kajian menunjukkan nilai Alpha Cronbach berada pada klasifikasi tinggi dan sangat tinggi melebihi 0.70. Hasil analisis model pengukuran peringkat kedua kemenjadian pelajar adalah sepadan dan boleh diterima berdasarkan penyelesaian enam pemboleh ubah kajian. Kajian juga mencadangkan model pengukuran 19 item soalan untuk mengukur tahap kemenjadian pelajar.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  5. Julie Tay Gek Hsia
    Perdagangan lintas sempadan antara Sabah-Sarawak dan Kalimantan secara informal telah wujud sejak sebelumnya konfrontasi Indonesia berlaku pada tahun 1962-1966. Dalam hal ini, penyeludupan barangan di kawasan sempadan turut merupakan satu fenomena yang berterusan sehingga sekarang. Oleh itu, artikel ini ditulis bagi membincangkan mengenai fenomena penyeludupan barangan di kawasan sempadan dengan melihat kepada pandangan komuniti berkaitan permasalahan ini. Kajian ini menggunakan temu bual secara mendalam dan pemerhatian ke atas 15 orang informan bagi melihat kepada fenomena penyeludupan di kawasan kajian. Dapatan kajian mendapati bahawa sejarah perdagangan dan kekeluargaan di kedua-dua kawasan mempunyai kaitan dengan berlangsungnya aktiviti penyeludupan barangan dalam kalangan komuniti sempadan. Persepsi daripada komuniti dan pihak penguatkuasa turut mempengaruhi kelangsungan fenomena tersebut disebabkan sejarah perdagangan dan hubungan kekeluargaan yang dimiliki oleh kedua-dua komuniti sempadan. Namun demikian, dari sudut pandang nasional, fenomena tersebut merupakan satu aktiviti yang menyalahi undang-undang yakni penyeludupan. Oleh itu, bertitik-tolak daripada faktor tersebut isu ini terus berlaku di kawasan kajian.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  6. Uthamaputhran L, Ahmad F, Hassan H, Jaganathan M
    Data Brief, 2021 Apr;35:106815.
    PMID: 33604431 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2021.106815
    The study examined the relationship between environmental attitude, environmental subjective norm, environmental perceived behavioural control, and school headteachers' environmental responsive behaviour. The population of the study consists of primary school headteachers in the northern region of Malaysia who are attached to the Ministry of Education (MoE), Malaysia. An online survey was used to collect the data of the study from 167 sampled respondents. While Theory of planned behaviour underpinned the study, the researcher employed explanatory, descriptive, and hypothesis testing quantitative strategies to explain the relationship. Smart PLS 3.0 and SPSS 21 were equally used to analyse the data. The result of the data analysis revealed that environmental attitude, environmental subjective norm, and environmental perceived behavioural control significantly influence school headteachers' environmental responsive behaviour.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  7. Zhao X, Taheripour F, Malina R, Staples MD, Tyner WE
    Sci Total Environ, 2021 Jul 20;779:146238.
    PMID: 33744564 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.146238
    Sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs) are expected to play an essential role in achieving the aviation industries' goal of carbon-neutral growth. However, producing biomass-based SAFs may induce changes in global land use and the associated carbon stock. The induced land use change (ILUC) emissions, as a part of the full life-cycle emissions for SAF pathways, will affect whether and to what extent SAFs reduce emissions compared with petroleum-based jet fuels. Here, we estimate the ILUC emission intensity for seventeen SAF pathways considered by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), covering five ASTM-certified technologies, nine biomass-based feedstocks, and four geographical regions. We introduce the SAF pathways into a well-established computable general equilibrium (CGE) model, GTAP-BIO, and its coupled emission accounting model, AEZ-EF, to study economy-wide implications of SAF production and estimate ILUC emissions intensity for each pathway. The estimated SAF ILUC emission intensities, using a 25-year amortization period, range from -58.5 g CO2e MJ-1 for the USA miscanthus alcohol (isobutanol)-to-jet (ATJ) pathway to 34.6 g CO2e MJ-1 for the Malaysia & Indonesia palm oil Hydrotreated Esters of Fatty Acids (HEFA) pathway. Notably, the vegetable oil pathways tend to have higher ILUC emission intensities due to their linkage to palm expansion and peatland oxidation in Southeast Asia. The cellulosic pathways studied provide negative ILUC emissions, mainly driven by the high carbon sequestrations in crop biomass and soil. Using the core life-cycle emissions established by ICAO, we show that fifteen of the assessed pathways have a lower full life-cycle emission intensity than petroleum-based jet fuels (89 g CO2e MJ-1), offering promising options to reduce aviation emissions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  8. Nurul Husna Hassan, Roslizawati Ab Lah
    Black snail, Faunus ater is an abundant species in Malaysia yet not many research have focused on its physiological and biological activities.  This research aimed to assess the condition index (CI) and reproductive status based on the gonadosomatic index (GSI) for short-term duration. Samples were collected monthly from Merchang Lagoon, from November 2018 to January 2019. Four different types of condition indices equation were applied in this study and the results revealed that there were significant differences between four equations for measuring the CI (P=0.000). However, the result for the GSI shows no significant difference between three month of sampling (P>0.05). CI based on fresh weight measurement (Fww/Tww x 100) and dry weight measurement (Fdw/Fww x 100) reached its peak when GSI decreased. The rest of the trend for CI fluctuated and CI was not affected by GSI. Overall, this study concluded that, there were trends observed in CI and GSI for the black snails. However, it is suggested that longer term observation in future research is needed have a better understanding on the black snails.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  9. Suriana Che Awang, Khadijah Alavi
    Penggunaan media sosial tanpa budaya civik dan nilai etika dalam kalangan pelajar telah menjerumuskan ramai pelajar IPTA dalam kancah buli siber. Buli secara maya boleh dilakukan dalam muatnaik perkataan kejam, gambar dan video mangsa bagi menguggut, menghasut, fitnah, membalas dendam sehingga pemangsa merasakan dirinya hebat dan berkuasa. Durasi pantas semua maklumat boleh disebarluaskan dalam kadar pantas dengan jangkauan seluas dunia. Antara faktor buli siber berlaku dalam awal dewasa ialah cemburu, menanggih perhatian kawan media sosial, kapasiti ‘jaguh” atau gengster dalam media sosial. Kajian terdahulu lebih mefokuskan kepada fenomena buli dalam kalangan remaja, pelajar sekolah dan pengguna media massa. Manakala, amat kurang kajian berkaitan isu buli siber dalam kalangan mahawiswa. Objektif utama kajian ini ialah meneroka impak buli siber dalam kalangan pelajar UKM. Pendekatan kajian kes digunakan sebagai rekabentuk metodologi kajian ini. Pembinaan garis panduan soalan semi-struktur digunakan untuk temu bual responden. Seramai 6 orang responden telah dipilih bagi kajian ini dengan menggunakan teknik persampelan bertujuan (purposive sampling). Lokasi kajian yang dipilih ialah Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Data temubual berstruktur dianalisis secara tematik. Hasil kajian mendapati terdapat lima kesan utama iaitu masalah emosi, kemurungan, keinginan untuk membunuh diri, kesedihan yang berlebihan, ketakutan dan perasaan marah tidak terkawal yang ditemukan transkrip responden kajian. Implikasi kajian ini diharapkan dapat mencadangkan program intervensi dan advokasi yang sesuai kepada pekerja sosial dalam mengendalikan kes buli siber di Bahagian Kaunseling Siswa, UKM.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  10. Vijayasingham L, Jogulu U, Allotey P
    Soc Sci Med, 2021 01;269:113608.
    PMID: 33360218 DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2020.113608
    For people with chronic illnesses in low-and-middle-income countries, access to enabling resources that contribute to health, economic and social resilience such as continued employment, often fall outside the health sector's remit or delivery of national structural protection. In the absence of sufficient laws and policies that mitigate discrimination and enhance reasonable work modifications, private employers have a high degree of agency and discretion in how they hire, manage, or terminate employees with chronic illnesses (ECI). There is a scarcity of research on how employers make decisions under these conditions. Using a constructivist grounded theory approach, we interviewed and analysed data from 30 human resource (HR) professionals and decision-makers within private organisations in Klang Valley, Malaysia (June 2015-September 2016). In this paper, we use 'ethics of care' as an analytic, and moral lens to present HR's decision-making rationales in caring for and managing ECI. Respondents described the positive influence of international practices, including through parent company policies, as a reference for best practice. While overt bias and discriminatory perceptions were predictably described, participants also discussed care as relational organisational culture, and strategy, albeit selectively. Apart from illness factors such as duration and severity, descriptions of 'selective caregiving' included considerations of an employee's duration in organisations, the perceived value of the employee to employers, organisation size, ethos, resources and capabilities, and how organisations managed the uncertainty of illness futures as a potential risk to organisation outcomes. Selective caregiving can contribute to social, economic and health inequalities in populations with chronic illness. Nevertheless, global health actors can use the problems identified by participants, as entry points to engage more closely with employers and the broader private and commercial sectors in LMICs, to facilitate more inclusive care, and care-based intersectoral work to address the social and economic determinants of health.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
    Keusahawanan sering dianggap sebagai subjek yang lebih cenderung kepada pelajar dalam bidang perniagaan tetapi tidak untuk pelajar yang mempunyai pelbagai kemahiran yang terlibat dalam bidang teknikal. Namun, ini adalah satu tanggapan yang tidak seharusnya wujud kerana Malaysia seharusnya perlu mengenal pasti kesedaran keusahawanan dalam bidang teknikal. Pada masa kini, kesedaran keusahawanan dalam bidang teknikal tertentu adalah kurang lantaran program keusahawanan lazimnya lebih tertumpu kepada pelajar InstitusiPengajian Tinggi (IPT). Misalnya, Pembangunan Keusahawanan Bumiputera adalah lebih tertumpu kepada golongan siswazah IPT, belia dan wanita. Dasar Pembangunan Keusahawanan IPT juga diperkenalkan agar modal insan dengan daya pemikiran, atribut dan nilai keusahawanan dalam kalangan IPT tempatan dapat dilahirkan. Tujuan kajian ini dijalankan adalah untuk mengenal pasti tahap kesedaran keusahawanan dalam kalangan pelajar Institut Latihan Perindustrian (ILP) di Terengganu berhubung dengan faktor keusahawanan dari aspek individu usahawan yang berbeza serta struktur dan persekitaran perniagaan. Seterusnya, mengkaji hubungan antara kesedaran keusahawanan dengan pembolehubah tidak bersandar lain yang berkait dengan kajian seperti ciri keusahawanan dan cabaran keusahawanan. Kaedah kuantitatif telah digunakan dan borang soal selidik diedarkan kepada 280 orang pelajar. Hasil analisis regresi berganda menunjukkan bahawa cabaran keusahawanan merangkumi sikap dan minat, kemahiran keusahawanan serta pendidikan dan pengetahuan keusahawanan merupakan elemen paling signifikan yang mempengaruhi kesedaran keusahawanan dalam kalangan pelajar berkemahiran diILP untuk menjadi seorang usahawan. Oleh itu, adalah sangat penting bagi kerajaan Malaysiauntuk memberi perhatian terhadap cabaran yang dihadapi oleh para pelajar ini dan mengambil tindakan terhadap segala kemungkinan yang boleh mempengaruhi atau memberi kesan kepada minat pelajar terhadap keusahawanan pada masa akan datang.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
    The prediction of rainfall on monthly and seasonal time scales is not only scientifically challenging but is also important for planning and devising agricultural strategies. In this paper, the study is conducted to examine the pattern of monthly rainfall in Alor Setar, Kedah within ten years which is from 2008 to 2018. This paper considered a model based on real data that obtained from Department of Meteorology Malaysia. This study indicates that the monthly rainfall in Alor Setar has a seasonal and trend pattern based on yt vs t plotting, autocorrelation function and Kruskal Wallis Test for seasonality. The examined rainfall time-series modelling approaches include Naïve Model, Decomposition Method, Holt-Winter’s and Box-Jenkins ARIMA. Multiplicative Decomposition Method was identified as the best model to forecast rainfall for the year of 2019 by analysing the previous ten-year’s data (2008-2018).As a result from the forecast of 2019, October is the wettest month with highest forecasted rainfall of 276.15mm while the driest month is in February with lowest forecasted rainfall of 50.55mm. The model is therefore adequate and appropriate to forecast future monthly rainfall values in the catchment which can help farmers to plan their farming activities ahead of time.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
    Airline industry is one of the largest industries in the world of transport because it is the most important transport in the global transport system. The airline industry has played a very important role in the economic development in Malaysia. Due to the increase in its operating business, the demand for air travel increases day by day. Hence, this study focused on the number of passengers using air transport in Malaysia. The monthly data from January 2005 to December 2015 were obtained from Malaysia Airport Holdings Berhad (MAHB) in Sepang, Selangor. The data is divided into 2 parts, which are in sample data from January 2005 to December 2014 and out sample data from January 2015 to December 2015. The study was conducted to predict airline passengers in Malaysia using the Box-Jenkins model and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model. Both models were studied to choose the best model. Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) and Mean Squared Error (MSE) were used to measure the performance of both models. SARIMA was selected as the best model for Box-Jenkins with MAPE and MSE were 7.3458388 and 2.67011 respectively while Multilayer Feed Forward Neural Network (MFFNN) with seven input variables, with MAPE and MSE, 7.251 and 0.0006 respectively were selected as the best model for Multilayer Feed Forward Neural Network (FFNN). In conclusion, these studies have proven that the Multilayer Feed Forward Neural Network (FFNN) model is the best model for considering airplanes in Malaysia compared to the SARIMA model.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  14. Tuan Abdullah TN, Mat Min R
    AIDS Care, 2021 06;33(6):795-800.
    PMID: 32338043 DOI: 10.1080/09540121.2020.1757024
    People living with HIV (PLHIV) suffer from mental issues and need emotional support. Counselling is a part of HIV and AIDS care and management, and provides emotional support to PLHIV. Knowledge about HIV and AIDS care and management is not part of the counselling training curriculum in Malaysia. This study aims to explore the challenges experienced by registered counsellors who engage in counselling sessions with PLHIV. A total of five counsellors participated in this qualitative research. Data were gathered through a series of semi-structured interviews, and each of the interviews was conducted within one and half hours. Each of the participants was interviewed three times. The interviews were audio-recorded with the consent of the participants. The emergent themes were further explored in subsequent interviews until thematic saturation was reached, and data were analysed based on the grounded theory approach. The findings showed that lack of knowledge, limited training, and stigma among the registered counsellors contributed to resistance and poor trust among the PLHIV. Knowledge concerning the care and management of HIV and AIDS can be incorporated in a counselling training programme, and ongoing training related to HIV and AIDS are required.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  15. Manaf RA, Mahmud A, Ntr A, Saad SR
    BMC Public Health, 2021 05 06;21(1):876.
    PMID: 33957870 DOI: 10.1186/s12889-021-10917-3
    BACKGROUND: The challenges faced by healthcare personnel in relation to dengue prevention and control are perennial but noticeably unexplored. It is often difficult to translate policies and decision making by the elite into astute management in consonance with the needs of rank-and-file personnel. In this study, we assess the impact of governance on dengue prevention and control activities in Malaysia as narrated by the elite.

    METHODS: A qualitative study using a case-study approach was conducted between January 2019 and November 2019 in the districts of Gombak and Klang, where the relevant key informants were located. Nineteen interviews were conducted among elite healthcare personnel from different divisions: management, vector, laboratory, inspectorate, health promotion and entomology. Semi-structured interviews were conducted. The sample size was determined through saturation point criteria. Purposive sampling techniques were used to recruit the participants. The interviews were audio recorded, and the transcribed text was analysed with deductive thematic analysis.

    RESULTS: Data analysis led to the development of 5 themes and 13 categories. The major principles of governance were embodied in a milieu of predicament, linked to constraints but also opportunities. The constraints resulted from inherent determinants of dengue outbreaks, the serviceability of governing policies and the macro-economics of budget allocation. The opportunities to sustain governance at the local operating level stem from a prevalent supportive internal management system, collaborative efforts among corresponding external government agencies and willingness to innovate and embrace novel technology.

    CONCLUSION: Elites are influential, often well-informed personnel tasked with making decisions that can reverberate across an organisation, impacting future plans and strategic policies. Political arrangements at higher levels will reflect in advance the tone of how governance in dengue prevention and control is operationalised by entities and individuals at lower levels of the health system. The prevailing centralised structure in the Malaysian health system will continue to entrench the position of the elite and intertwine it with governance and its predicaments.

    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
  16. Cheah YK, Meltzer D
    J Gen Intern Med, 2021 03;36(3):807.
    PMID: 33432429 DOI: 10.1007/s11606-020-06360-6
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
    The number of small and medium-sized accommodations (SMSAs) has increased in Malaysia in tandem with the growth of the tourism industry worldwide. The states involved in this study were Terengganu, Kelantan and Pahang. The SMSAs in these states are rated using Orchid rating, namely 1-Orchid, 2-Orchid and 3-Orchid, generated by the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture Malaysia (MOTAC). This study applied the Resource-based View (RBV) theory to investigate four factors (marketing management, human resourcesmanagement, innovation capability management and information technology) assumed to be competitive capabilities that may influence accommodation’s performance. The objective of the study is to examine whether the four factors influence the performance of Orchid-rated accommodations located in the East Coast of West Malaysia. The results revealed that the four factors do not have any relationship with the accommodation’s performance. The analysis also singled out one argument of the director of SMSA that competitive capabilities are not important to their business. This argument coincides with the results of the analysis that the four factors are not significant with regards to the accommodations’ performance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
    This paper aims at solving an optimization problem in the presence of heavy tail behavior of financial assets. The question of minimizing risk subjected to a certain expected return or maximizing return fora given expected risk are two objective functions to be solved using Markowitz model. The Markowitz based strategies namely the mean variance portfolio, minimum variance portfolio and equally weighted portfolio are proposed in conjunction with mean and variance analysis of the portfolio. The historical prices of stocks traded at Bursa Malaysia are used for empirical analysis. We employed CAPM in order to investigate the performance of the Markowitz model which was benchmarked with risk adjusted KLSE Composite Index. We performed a backtesting study of portfolio optimization techniques defined under modern portfolio theory in order to find the optimal portfolio. Our findings showthat the mean variance portfolio outperformed the other two strategies in termsof performance of investment for heavy tailed assets.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
    A study on distribution and diversity of benthic foraminifera in surface sediments was carried out in Northwestern Sarawak waters, Malaysia. The range of water depth at the study site was between 43 m and 71 m. A total of seven sediment samples were taken for this study. As a result, 11 genera were identified from a total of 1,222 individuals of foraminifera. 200 individuals were picked out from each sample. The 11 genera that were identified from the study site included Heterolepaspp., Textulariaspp., Quinqueloculinaspp.,Operculina spp. Pseudorotaliaspp., Amphisteginaspp., Cylindroclavulinaspp., Elphidiumspp., Ammobaculitesspp., Asterorotaliaspp. and Bolivinaspp.. The common genera found in the sediments of the study areas were Heterolepa, Textularia, Quincoloculina, Operculinaand Pseudorotalia. The highest and lowest values of Fisher alpha and Shannon-Wiener indices were shown at Station C287 and Station B482 respectively. The highest value of Fisher alpha was 3.23 and the lowest value was 1.97. The highest and lowest values of Shannon-Wiener were 2.30 and 1.91. The highest index value of diversity was 3.23 at depth 67.76 m and the lowest value was 1.53 at depth 45.54 m and 68.45 m. From this study, depth is not the main factor that influencesthe diversity of benthic foraminiferal in northwestern Sarawak waters.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
    This study examined biological asset information that has been reported by companies in Malaysia and the methods of valuation used in reporting the biological assets. It aimed to provide useful information to the regulators about the application of MFRS 141, the accounting standards for agriculture, in corporate reporting. This study employed the data derived from the 2016 annual reportsof plantation companies listed on Bursa Malaysia. Descriptive analysis was used to examine the biological asset information that has been reported and the characteristics of the companies such as age, size, and leverage. The results of this study showed that most of the plantation companies believed that fair value and historical cost could be the best way to measure their biological assets. The findings of this study provide input towards identifying the gap in corporate reporting practices and the challenges faced by companies in the application of MFRS 141. The findings are expected to contribute to the regulatory improvement towards increasing the full adoption of MFRS 141 by companies in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Malaysia
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