Displaying publications 1621 - 1640 of 6551 in total

  1. Nurjasmine Aida Jamani, Noor Azimah Muhammad, Aida Jaffar, Saharuddin Ahmad, Noorlaili Tohit
    Foot problems are very common in diabetic patients but may go unnoticed by the patients and
    undiagnosed by the healthcare providers leading to substantial morbidity and amputations. The aims of this study were to assess patient’s foot care practices, awareness on their foot condition as well as to determine the prevalence of diabetic foot problem and its associated factors. Methods: This was a cross sectional study conducted among diabetic patients in a primary care clinic in Kuala Lumpur. Patients with diabetes, aged more than 18 years were selected using systematic random sampling technique. Patients were requested to answer a set of self-administered pre-tested questionnaire that obtain information on their socio-demographic profiles, diabetic clinical data, awareness on their feet condition and foot care practice. A trained clinician examined patients’ feet using a standard foot examination protocol. Results: A total of 166 patients with diabetes participated in this study. Nearly half of the patients (70, 42.2%) had diabetic foot problem but only 31 (18.7%) of them were aware of their foot condition. The three common problem were trophic changes of the skin (92.8%), followed with hair loss (71.1%) and callosity (65.7%). The independent associated factors for foot problem were increasing age (AOR=1.05, 95% CI 1.015-1.095; p
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  2. Fatin Fazrida Peros Khan, Nasrudin Mohammed, Nor Hafizah Mohamed Harith
    Telecommuting refers to the work option that enables telecommuters to work outside of the office. It
    allows telecommuters to have a direct contact with those inside and outside of the organization by
    using information and communication technologies. Despite the continuous effort by Malaysia’s
    government, the implementation and occurrence of telecommuting practice in Malaysia had not gained
    full support from many local companies. Consequently, the Malaysian workforce has suffered from
    low-level performance and poor productivity due to the lack of flexibility in task accomplishment.
    Therefore, the main objective of this study is to investigate whether the impacts of telecommuting
    engagement (i.e. job autonomy, work-family balance, work productivity, and level of occupational
    stress) lead to employee’s performance. This research aims to identify the most dominant impact of
    telecommuting engagement that leads to the employee performance. The study has adopted a
    correlational research and cross-sectional survey research design to explore the relationship between
    variables. There were 229 respondents who practice telecommuting work arrangement. They were
    chosen from 11 oil and gas companies located in Kuantan, Pahang. The findings of the study had
    revealed that all of the telecommuting impacts which consists of the job autonomy, work-family
    balance, work productivity and level of occupational stress have a significant relationship with the
    employee performance at r = .923, p < 0.05, r = .734, p < 0.05, r = .817, p < 0.05, and r = .408, p < 005
    respectively. Job autonomy was found the most dominant impact of telecommuting engagement that
    leads to the employee performance with r = .923, p < 0.05. The positive experiences and knowledge
    possessed by the telecommuters in the oil and gas industry helped to increase the level of motivation
    and maintain the good mental and physical state of employees. The exercise of the proper balance
    between the personal and professional life could guarantee the high employees’ performance among
    the telecommuters. Hence, it is suggested for the government to promote and develop more appropriate
    policies regarding telecommuting practice in Malaysia. The purpose is to enhance the level of
    acceptance towards the work arrangement among the local society. Moreover, the active approaches by
    the government can stimulate the implementation of telecommuting in this country as people will have
    more proper guidelines to assist the work practices. Telecommuting work arrangement helps to achieve
    excellent performance in an organization.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  3. Al-Yahya SN, Mohamed Akram MHH, Vijaya Kumar K, Mat Amin SNA, Abdul Malik NA, Mohd Zawawi NA, et al.
    J Voice, 2020 Aug 27.
    PMID: 32861567 DOI: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2020.07.015
    OBJECTIVE: Maximum phonation time (MPT) is a test to measure glottic efficiency for laryngeal pathology screening and treatment monitoring. The normative value of MPT for South East Asia population has yet to be reported. It is postulated that MPT may be affected by body mass index (BMI) despite the paucity of evidence. Therefore, this study was designed to establish the normative value of MPT for a South East Asia population and investigate its relation to BMI.

    DESIGN & SETTING: This cross-sectional study was conducted in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Center between May and September 2017.

    PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS: Three hundred males and females with mean age of 30.23 (±11.04) years were recruited in equal number for each gender (n = 150) and divided into 3 groups of 50 according to their BMI (n = 50). The three groups are non-obese (BMI≤22.9kg/m2); obese (BMI between 23 and 34.9 kg/m2); and morbidly obese (BMI >35kg/m2). BMI and Voice Handicap Index-10 (VHI-10) were obtained. The average of three readings of MPT was measured using a stopwatch while the participants phonate /a/, /i/ and /u/. Unpaired t-test and ANOVA were used to compare means between and across groups. Spearman correlation assessed the correlation between MPT and BMI.

    MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The normative values of MPT of both genders and correlation with BMI were analyzed.

    RESULTS: The MPT normative values for males and females in the non-obese group were of 21.41 (±6.85) seconds and 18.05 (±5.06)seconds respectively for /a/. The MPT for all vowels were significantly higher in males across the BMI groups (P ≤ 0.05). There was low negative correlation between MPT and BMI in both genders.

    CONCLUSIONS: This pioneering study documented the normative values of MPT among Malaysians showed that males had longer MPT than females across the BMI groups. Obesity affects the MPT in that as BMI increases, the MPT decreases.

    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  4. Khor BH, Sualeheen A, Sahathevan S, Chinna K, Gafor AHA, Bavanandan S, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2020 07 23;10(1):12278.
    PMID: 32704087 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-68893-4
    Sources of dietary phosphate differentially contribute to hyperphosphatemia in maintenance haemodialysis (MHD) patients. This cross-sectional study in Malaysia investigated association between dietary patterns and serum phosphorus in MHD patients. Dietary patterns were derived by principal component analysis, based on 27 food groups shortlisted from 3-day dietary recalls of 435 MHD patients. Associations of serum phosphorus were examined with identified dietary patterns. Three dietary patterns emerged: Home foods (HFdp), Sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBdp), and Eating out noodles (EO-Ndp). The highest tertile of patients in HF (T3-HFdp) pattern significantly associated with higher intakes of total protein (p = 0.002), animal protein (p = 0.001), and animal-based organic phosphate (p  2.00 mmol/l was significantly 2.35 times higher (p = 0.005) with the T3-SSBdp. The SSBdp was associated with greater consumption of inorganic phosphate and higher serum phosphorus levels.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  5. Mamun AA, Hayat N, Zainol NRB
    Foods, 2020 Jul 23;9(8).
    PMID: 32717851 DOI: 10.3390/foods9080974
    This study aimed to examine the effect of health consciousness, knowledge about healthy food, attitudes toward healthy food, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control on the intention to consume healthy food, which subsequently affects the consumption of healthy food among Malaysian young adults. The current study also examined the moderating effect of perceived barriers on the association between intention to consume healthy food and the consumption of healthy food. This study adopted a cross-sectional design and collected quantitative data from 1651 Malaysian young adults (between the age of 18 and 40 years) by sharing a Google form link through social media. The findings reveal that health consciousness, knowledge about healthy food, attitude toward healthy food, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control had a significant positive effect on the intention to consume healthy food. Findings also show that the intention to consume healthy food has a significant positive effect on the consumption of healthy food among Malaysian young adults. Furthermore, the findings reveal the positive and significant mediating effect of the intention to consume healthy food and the significant moderating effect of perceived barriers on the association between the intention to consume healthy food and the consumption of healthy food. The multi-group analysis revealed that the effect of perceived barriers on the consumption of healthy food and the moderating effect of perceived barriers were significantly higher among urban respondents. Health and agriculture policymakers should focus on the attributes of healthy eating practices and their health benefits to promote the mass adoption of healthy food among Malaysian young adults.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  6. Kan E, Mustafa S, Chong WW, Premakumar CM, Mohamed Shah N
    Patient Prefer Adherence, 2020;14:1411-1419.
    PMID: 32848370 DOI: 10.2147/PPA.S255289
    Context: Pain is a common and distressing symptom among cancer patients. Opioid analgesics are the mainstay of cancer pain management, and adequate adherence plays an important role in achieving good pain control.

    Purpose: To determine the level of adherence to opioid analgesics in patients with cancer pain and to identify factors that may influence the adherence.

    Patient and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted from March to June 2018 at two tertiary care hospitals in Malaysia. Study instruments consisted of a set of validated questionnaires; the Medication Compliance Questionnaire, Brief Pain Inventory and Pain Opioid Analgesic Beliefs─Cancer scale.

    Results: A total of 134 patients participated in this study. The patients' adherence scores ranged from 52-100%. Factors with a moderate, statistically significant negative correlation with adherence were negative effect beliefs (rs= -0.53, p<0.001), pain endurance beliefs (rs = -0.49, p<0.001) and the use of aqueous morphine (rs = -0.26, p=0.002). A multiple linear regression model on these predictors resulted in a final model which accounted for 47.0% of the total variance in adherence (R2 = 0.47, F (7, 126) = 15.75, p<0.001). After controlling for other variables, negative effect beliefs were the strongest contributor to the model (β = -0.39, p<0.001) and uniquely explained 12.3% of the total variance.

    Conclusion: The overall adherence to opioid analgesics among Malaysian patients with cancer pain was good. Negative effects beliefs regarding cancer pain and opioids strongly predicted adherence.

    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  7. Marina, M.B., Mohd Tahir, J., Mawaddah, A., Asma, A., Mohd Razif, M.Y., Jemaima, C.H.
    Medicine & Health, 2018;13(2):36-47.
    Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) affects 2-5% of the middle-aged population and is a potentially life-threatening condition. Previous studies on OSA and glaucoma have reported mixed findings. This was a cross-sectional comparative study with a study duration of one year to compare the incidence of high intraocular pressure among OSA subjects and non-OSA subjects. This study took place in a tertiary hospital where a total of 50 subjects with OSA and 50 non-OSA subjects were recruited. The average age was 37 years (19,65) in a multiethnic study population (76% (Malay), 18% (Chinese) and 6% (Indian)). All patients underwent a full night computer-assisted polysomnogram (SOMNOCheck Effort Weinmann, Hamburg, Germany), Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), Mullers manouevre (MM) to assess the level of obstruction and tonometry. The incidence of high Intra Ocular Pressure (IOP) among OSA subject was 52% with a significant difference between non-OSA and OSA subjects. Correlation between ESS and IOP were significant (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  8. Nurulaini, A., Syahnaz, M.H., Shamsul, A.S., Teh Rohaila, J.
    Medicine & Health, 2018;13(2):133-144.
    Gait and balance disorder are among the most common causes of falls in elderly and often lead to injury, disability and loss of independence. However, there might be a discrepancy between elderly’s perception of their own walking ability, balance, risk of fall with doctor’s evaluation. The aim of this study was to compare perception of the elderly’s walking ability, balance and risk of fall with clinical assessment. This cross sectional study was done in a Primary Care Clinic which involved elderly > 60 years using systematic random sampling. Participants completed a self-administered questionnaire comprising of sociodemographic data and question assessing their perception of ability of walking, balance and risk of fall. Actual clinical assessment was done using Tinetti Performance Oriented Mobility Assessment. Most of the participants perceived they had good walking (84.4%) and balance ability (77%). A small proportion (11.5%) agreed that they are at risk of fall. There was a good agreement in walking ability (k: 0.702, p:
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  9. Mohiuddin SG, Aziz S, Iqbal MZ, Naqvi AA, Ahmed R, Mahmoud MA, et al.
    J Pharm Bioallied Sci, 2020 01 29;12(1):57-63.
    PMID: 32801601 DOI: 10.4103/jpbs.JPBS_182_19
    Purpose: The demand of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) has increased drastically over the past few decades. The perceptions about CAMs among general population are positive. However, the literature highlights that effectiveness and acceptance of alternative therapies among the general population is still a subject of debate.

    Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional study and the response along with demographic details was collected through a validated questionnaire; the results were analyzed by using a validated data collection tool. The results were concluded based on good, moderate, and poor responses, which were evaluated through data analysis by using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences software version 20.0., SPSS Inc., Chicago, III, USA. A value of P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant.

    Results: In total, 182 (44.4%) of male and 228 (55.6%) of female respondents were selected for this study. Studies showed that a greater knowledge level was observed among female respondents (15.55 ± 2.7, P < 0.001). The selected Chinese population had relatively good knowledge (i.e., 15.63, P = 0.006). People practicing Buddhism had also good knowledge. Rural population had lesser family income and showed a good practice pattern and understanding (P = 0.006). The positive attitude was identified among women ( P < 0.001) with a mean score of 15.55 ± 2.7. Postgraduate participants were found to have diverse results with SD ± 6.23, and 77.1% had a good attitude. A statistically significant association was observed between religion and attitude of respondents (P < 0.001).

    Conclusion: Although a better practice was noticed in Malaysian population, more awareness is required and knowledge should be disseminated among the population to improve the overall health and quality of life in Malaysia.

    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  10. Pahlevan Sharif S, Ahadzadeh AS, Ong FS, Naghavi N
    Health Promot Perspect, 2020;10(3):220-229.
    PMID: 32802758 DOI: 10.34172/hpp.2020.35
    Background: Mammography screening tends to reduce mortality rate through early detection. One of the barriers to mammography screening is fear of negative appearance evaluation(FNAE). This study investigated the impact of internal health locus of control, breast cancer worries and age on the relationship between FNAE and attitude towards mammography. Methods: A cross-sectional, questionnaire-based survey design was used. Samples were Iranian women, living in Iran, aged at least 30 years old, without any history of cancer, and had not performed mammography previously based on self-report. In total, 823 samples were collected through conducting an online survey from April to June 2016. The questionnaire consisted of several instruments including attitude toward breast cancer screening procedures scale, FNAEscale, the internal dimension of the multidimensional health locus of control, and two items to measure breast cancer worry. Using covariance-based structural equation modeling the model was tested. Results: The interaction of FNAE with internal health locus of control (β = -0.128, P<0.05,CI: -0.200, -0.056), breast cancer worry (β = 0.090, P<0.05, CI: -0.162, -0.017), and age (β =-0.095, P<0.05, CI = -0.163, -0.026) was significant. The three tested moderators dampened the positive relationship between FNAE and negative attitude towards mammography. Conclusion: More information about the screening procedure should be given to women to overcome their fear. The findings indicate the need for interventions seeking to shift women's health locus of control from external to internal. Women with low level of cancer worry need more attention.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  11. Foong, R. T. K., Loo, Jason Siau Ee
    Introduction: The geriatric population in Malaysia is expanding rapidly due to increased life expectancies. The vulnerability of this population to the adverse effects of medications due to multiple comorbidities and polypharmacy predisposes them to potentially inappropriate medications (PIMSs). The Beers Criteria is a recognized tool for assessing PIMs, but the level of awareness regarding these criteria among community pharmacists is currently unknown.
    This study aimed to assess the awareness and knowledge of Beers Criteria and its extent of application in practice among community pharmacists in the Klang Valley, Malaysia. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 218 community pharmacists in the Klang Valley using a validated, self-administered questionnaire. Knowledge on PIMs was assessed using a ten-question clinical vignette based on Beers Criteria. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. Results: Respondents had a significant proportion of their customer base who were elderly. Only 28% of respondents were aware of Beers Criteria, and of this group only 41% were aware of the latest update. The mean score for the clinical vignette was 5.42 ± 1.98. Awareness of Beers Criteria and years of experience in practice were associated with higher knowledge scores (p < 0.05). Good geriatric practices were reported by respondents with the exception of regular usage of Beers Criteria (16.5% agreement) and regularly asking
    elderly-looking customers their age (43.6% agreement). Most respondents (74.3%) utilized other clinical resources and were confident in providing care to elderly customers. Conclusion: Awareness of Beers Criteria remains low among community pharmacists. However, pharmacists utilized other resources and demonstrated good geriatric practices. While this shows the adequacy of current practice, efforts to increase awareness of geriatric-specific tools such as Beers Criteria may address specific knowledge gaps and improve the level of care involving the elderly.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  12. Karim F, Oyewande AA, Abdalla LF, Chaudhry Ehsanullah R, Khan S
    Cureus, 2020 Jun 15;12(6):e8627.
    PMID: 32685296 DOI: 10.7759/cureus.8627
    Social media are responsible for aggravating mental health problems. This systematic study summarizes the effects of social network usage on mental health. Fifty papers were shortlisted from google scholar databases, and after the application of various inclusion and exclusion criteria, 16 papers were chosen and all papers were evaluated for quality. Eight papers were cross-sectional studies, three were longitudinal studies, two were qualitative studies, and others were systematic reviews. Findings were classified into two outcomes of mental health: anxiety and depression. Social media activity such as time spent to have a positive effect on the mental health domain. However, due to the cross-sectional design and methodological limitations of sampling, there are considerable differences. The structure of social media influences on mental health needs to be further analyzed through qualitative research and vertical cohort studies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  13. Jo Ann Andoy-Galvan, Nimesha Tillekeratne, Tilanka Tillekeratne
    Introduction: Obesity is a growing public health concern. Poor diet and lifestyle choices are the main contributors to its development. Lifestyle modifications should be aggressively promoted in the community. Recent studies found that worksite obesity prevention and control programs are effective in increasing physical activity and weight reduction among employees. In Malaysia, there is insufficient data on prevalence studies of workplaces. This study investigated the proportion of overweight and obesity among workers in a private university and hope to serve as a baseline for future healthy workplace programs. Methods: This cross-sectional study investigated overweight and obesity and examined its association with occupational stress, sleeping quality, dietary behaviour and physical inactivity among employees in an academic institution. Weight and height were measured, and BMI was calculated and coded as underweight, normal, overweight and obese according to the cut-off points for the Asian population. Results: Out of ninety-five employees, 55 participated in the survey. Among the 55 employees, 4 (7.3%) were underweight, 10 (18.2%) were normal, 25 (45.5%) were overweight, and 16 (29.1%) were obese. The obese and overweight proportion was similar to the national prevalence. Poor sleep quality and high Job stress scores were reported by 40% of the employees, while physical inactivity of more than 6 hours a day was reported by 50%, and the majority (90%) do not consume enough fibre. Among the risk factors investigated, none was associated with obesity. Conclusion: The proportion of overweight and obesity in this community was like the general population. While not significant in this study, the association between obesity and the four risk factors should be further investigated using a larger sample size. Based on the results, community-based health promotion intervention is suggested to reduce obesity among the employees.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  14. Kaliaperumal Rathakrishnan, Rosalia Saimon
    Introduction: Fewer men were engaged in taking responsibility of their own health. Previous evidence showed that the roles of masculinity, self-rated health status, social support and health literacy level affecting health seeking behaviour among men. However, there is still lack of evidence in Malaysia. The objective of this study was to deter-mine the factors influencing health seeking behaviours among male university students. Methods: This was a cross sectional study conducted in Universiti Malaysia Sarawak. Recommended sample size was 360 respondents. Out of eight faculties, using EXCEL randomization technique, first 4 faculties were selected. The selected faculties were Faculty of Business and Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Language and Communication. Based on the name list given from each faculty, alternate names very selected to participate. Data was collected using self-administered questionnaire. Results: 354 male students participated in this study. Total of 259(73.2%) students were reported to have low overall health seeking behaviour. Chi-square analysis showed of all the variables, there was correlation between health literacy level (r = 0.149, n = 354, p
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  15. Bitinsun Botinggo, Khamisah Awang Lukman, Mohammad Saffree Jeffree, Saihpudin @ Sahipudin Saupin
    Introduction: Chemical pesticide is commonly used among vegetable family farmers in Sabah. There is no system to monitor adverse health effects. This study is to determine the blood cholinesterase activity and associated factors among vegetable family farmers. Methods: A cross sectional study has involved 163 farmers aged 18-60 years old. Validated questionnaire was used to assess the associated factors. Lovibond AF267 Cholinesterase Kit was used to determine the blood cholinesterase activity. Chi square test was used to determine the association between blood cholinesterase activity and socio demographic factors and work practices. Results: Approximately 23.3% of study sample had low blood cholinesterase activity. There were significant associations between low blood cholinesterase activity with older age group (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  16. Fatimah Ahmedy, Wan Juhaini Paizi, Darwinus Lajim, Audrey Wong Ya Fui, Khin Nyein Yin, Mohammad Saffree Jeffree, et al.
    Introduction:Diabetes is high in the agenda of public health issues with significant prevalence of diabetic-related amputations. Prosthetic restoration post-amputation is imperative to reduce disability, but its success is influenced by several factors. This study analysed the practice, and the determining factors affecting prosthetic restoration among major lower limb amputees with diabetes in Sabah. Methods: Retrospective cross-sectional study among 65 major lower limb amputees with diabetes referred for rehabilitation medicine services at Queen Elizabeth Hospital from 1st January 2015 to 31st December 2017. Demographics data, pre-morbid diseases, levels of amputation and prac-tice on prosthetic restoration (suitability for restoration, duration from prosthetic application to restoration, funding issue) are primary evaluated factors. Results: Forty-nine, fifteen and one amputees had below knee amputation, above knee amputation and hip disarticulation respectively. Forty-three amputees (66.2%) were deemed suitable for prosthetic restoration but only 27 were prosthetically restored, with mean duration from prosthetic application to res-toration of 5.92±2.189 months. Having additional pre-morbid diseases did not reduced the likelihood of suitability for prosthetic restoration compared to those only with diabetes (p=0.082). Funding issue is the key factor affecting prosthetic restoration with higher likelihood for restoration among those eligible through governmental agencies funding (p=0.027). Conclusion: In Sabah, low rate of suitability for prosthetic restoration is observed among major lower limb amputees with diabetes. A larger study is warranted to investigate causes of such low rate of suitability for prosthetic restoration among this specific population in the effort to reduce public health burden from major lower limb amputation-related disability.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  17. Ramlay MZ, Saddki N, Tin-Oo MM, Arifin WN
    PMID: 32731318 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17155407
    Currently, the availability of a functional oral health literacy instrument in the Malay language is limited. This study aimed to cross-culturally adapt Oral Health Literacy Instrument (OHLI) into the Malay language and to determine its psychometric properties in Malaysian adults. Cross-cultural adaptation of the OHLI into the Malay version (OHLI-M) was conducted according to a guideline, followed by a cross-sectional study among outpatients in a selected health clinic. The psychometric evaluations were the comparison of the OHLI-M scores by education levels and last dental visits, the correlation of the reading comprehension section of OHLI-M with the Malay version of the Short Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults (S-TOFHLA-M), the correlation of OHLI-M with decayed, missing, and filled teeth (DMFT) and Community Periodontal Index (CPI), and the test-retest reliability of OHLI-M. A total of 195 outpatients participated in this study. The OHLI-M scores were significantly different between participants with different levels of education and timing since last dental visit. Participants with lower secondary school qualification and below, and those whose last dental visit was more than two years ago or never, had significantly lower OHLI-M scores. There was a positive correlation between the reading comprehension scores of the OHLI-M and the S-TOFHLA-M (Spearman's rho = 0.37, p < 0.001). There was no significant correlation between the OHLI-M scores and the DMFT index scores or the CPI scores. The internal consistency was good (Cronbach's alpha = 0.83 to 0.88). The test-retest reliability was excellent (intraclass correlation = 0.80 to 0.86). The OHLI-M showed good validity and reliability among adults in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  18. Mathews A, Ming LC, Che Rose FZ, Abbas SA
    Cureus, 2020 Aug 20;12(8):e9903.
    PMID: 32839684 DOI: 10.7759/cureus.9903
    Background Without stipulated legislation, a free pricing policy can lead to a disparity in prices among private healthcare setups. Competition is especially rampant among community pharmacies, especially in the Sabah state of Malaysia, where the recent years have witnessed the steady growth of pharmacy players from Peninsular Malaysia. Thus, this study aimed to examine the impact of price competition and discount pricing on the practice of community pharmacy in Sabah, Malaysia. Methods This was a cross-sectional study using an online questionnaire. Survey participants included community pharmacists practicing in Sabah. The validated and pilot-tested questionnaire consisted of three parts: background information of the pharmacy, attitudes and perception toward medicine prices, and practice of discount pricing. All required data were collected from community pharmacists practicing only in Sabah. Data were then analyzed by using descriptive, Chi-Square, and Kendall's tau-b tests. Results Of the 150 community pharmacists contacted, only 70 responded, providing a response rate of 47%. In terms of pharmacy type, 71% of the respondents were pharmacist-owned independent pharmacies, while 19% were pharmacy chains owned by community pharmacists. The remaining were pharmacies owned by non-pharmacists (10%). Sixty percent of the community pharmacies had been in existence for more than 10 years, with 12% in existence for less than two years, and 28% in existence for three to 10 years. More than 80% of the respondents stated that the business aspect of community pharmacy had overwhelmed the professional practice aspects and that community pharmacists have become providers of products instead of providers of care. In terms of professionalism, 87% also noted that they are being perceived as profiteering in the medicine business at the expense of patients. Conclusions The free market situation in Malaysia for medicine pricing has brought a detrimental consequence for community pharmacists with each one trying to undercut prices. Differing pricing mechanisms of medicines based on the quantity ordered contribute to the problem of discount pricing and price competition. Most community pharmacists, as indicated by this study, want the problem to be addressed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  19. Joshua Teo Beng Chin, Shamsul Bahari Shamsudin, Noraziah Bakri
    Introduction: Primary health care providers face a wide range of stressors and are at high risk of developing occu-pational burnout, which may cause ineffectiveness and reduce the productivity of the health care system. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among the primary health care provider working in health facilities under Tuaran Area Health Office. A total of 199 of 604 providers randomly selected as respondents for this study. Self-ad-ministered questionnaire and the Maslach Burnout Inventory are used for data collection. Descriptive statistics were used to determine the prevalence and Chi-square test was used to determine the association of risk factors. Results: Prevalence of occupational burnout is 10.1% with high level of overall burnout (n = 20), 60.8% are having low to moderate level of overall burnout (n = 121) and 29.1% has no burnout (n = 58). A significant relationship was observed between burnout, high workload, out-of-scope workload and distance between home and workplace (p≤0.01). However, no significant relationship was observed between burnout and age, gender, marital status, finan-cial status, education level, experience and income. Conclusion: This study shows that distribution of workload as well as the job scope may affect burnout. Further study can be conducted to identify home-workplace distance re-lation to burnout. With the identification of these factors, a counter measures and intervention can be implemented.
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
  20. Goh Shu Meng, Swe
    Introduction: Smartphone addiction is a hotly debated public health issue and it affects every generation especially the youth and younger generation nowadays (Generation Z / i-Generation) and contributes to the poor mental health status like stress, anxiety and depression. This study is carried out to determine the prevalence of smartphone addic-tion and its association with stress, anxiety and depression among the undergraduate students in Unitversity Malaysia Sabah. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among the undergraduate students in Universiti Malaysia Sabah. A total number of 456 undergraduate students in Universiti Malaysia Sabah with at least a smartphone device were enrolled in the study by stratified random sampling. A self-administered questionnaire, Smartphone Addiction Scale Malay Version (SAS-M) and The Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale – 21 Items (DASS-21) Malay Version were used for data collection. The prevalence of smartphone addiction, stress, anxiety and depression among un-dergraduate students of Universiti Malaysia Sabah were determined. Simple linear regression was used to determine the effect of smartphone addiction to stress, anxiety and depression. Results: Prevalence of smartphone addiction among undergraduate students in Universiti Malaysia Sabah is 61.2% (95% CI : 56.5%, 65.7%). The prevalence of stress, anxiety and depression among undergraduate students in Universiti Malaysia Sabah are 34.9%, 58.6% and 42.5% respectively. The univariate analysis shows that smartphone addiction is significantly associated with stress (Regression Coeeficient = 0.774, 95% CI 0.54, 1.01 ; P-value
    Matched MeSH terms: Cross-Sectional Studies
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