Displaying publications 161 - 180 of 420 in total

  1. Oxley J, Ravi MD, Yuen J, Hoareau E, Hashim HH
    Ann Adv Automot Med, 2014 1 11;57:329-36.
    PMID: 24406968
    In Malaysia, motorcycle crashes constitute approximately 60 percent of all road trauma, and a substantial proportion involve children 16 years and younger. There are, however, many gaps in our knowledge on contributing factors to crashes and injury patterns amongst children killed and seriously injured in motorcycle crashes. The aim of this study was to examine fatal and serious injury motorcycle-related collisions to identify contributing factors and injury patterns amongst child motorcyclists. All identified motorcyclist fatal crashes between 2007 and 2011 (inclusive) were extracted from the national Police-reported crash database (M-ROADS) and a range of variables were selected for examination. A total of 17,677 crashes were extracted where a rider or pillion was killed and of these crashes 2,038 involved children, equating to 12 percent. Examination of crashes involving children revealed that some crashes involved more than two children on the motorcycle, therefore, overall children constituted 9.5% of fatal and 18.4% of serious injury collisions. A high proportion of child fatal or serious injury collisions involved the child as the rider (62%), and this was most common for children aged between 10 and 16 years. The majority of collisions occurred on rural roads, in speed limit zones of 50-70km/h, and approximately one-third occurred at an intersection. Collisions involving another motorcycle or a passenger vehicle contributed to 41% and 53% of the total fatalities and severe injuries, respectively. A high proportion (43.9%) of the children (25.5% riders and 18.8% pillion) sustained head injuries with 37.7% being in the 10-16 age group. Furthermore, 52.4% of the children sustaining head injuries did not wear a helmet. The implications of these findings for countermeasures within a Safe System framework, particularly interventions aimed at reducing the rate of unlicensed riding and helmet wearing, and infrastructure countermeasures are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Accidents, Traffic
  2. Yaroko AA, Shahrjerdi B, Md Daud MK
    Med J Malaysia, 2013 Apr;68(2):181-2.
    PMID: 23629574 MyJurnal
    Sensorineural hearing loss following trauma is a common finding in daily clinical practice and usually associated with a poor prognosis. Our case illustrates a patient who was involved in motor vehicle accident sustaining bilateral severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss but subsequently recovered fully after two years. Unless there is clear trauma to the cochlea or auditory nerve, a substantial duration of follow up is needed in the treatment of such cases.
    Matched MeSH terms: Accidents
  3. Abas AB, Mohd Said DA, Aziz Mohammed MA, Sathiakumar N
    Am. J. Ind. Med., 2013 Jan;56(1):65-76.
    PMID: 22544443 DOI: 10.1002/ajim.22056
    BACKGROUND: In Malaysia, surveillance of fatal occupational injuries is fragmented. We therefore analyzed an alternative data source from Malaysia's Social Security organization, the Pertubuhan Keselamatan Sosial (PERKESO).
    METHODS: We conducted a secondary data analysis of the PERKESO database comprised of 7 million employees from 2002 to 2006.
    RESULTS: Overall, the average annual incidence was 9.2 fatal occupational injuries per 100,000 workers. During the 5-year period, there was a decrease in the absolute number of fatal injuries by 16% and the incidence by 34%. The transportation sector reported the highest incidence of fatal injuries (35.1/100,000), followed by agriculture (30.5/100,000) and construction (19.3/100,000) sectors. Persons of Indian ethnicity were more likely to sustain fatal injuries compared to other ethnic groups.
    CONCLUSIONS: Government and industry should develop rigorous strategies to detect hazards in the workplace, especially in sectors that continuously record high injury rates. Targeted interventions emphasizing worker empowerment coupled with systematic monitoring and evaluation is critical to ensure success in prevention and control measures.
    Matched MeSH terms: Accidents, Occupational/classification; Accidents, Occupational/mortality*; Accidents, Occupational/trends
  4. Chandru K, Zakaria MP, Anita S, Shahbazi A, Sakari M, Bahry PS, et al.
    Mar Pollut Bull, 2008 May;56(5):950-62.
    PMID: 18328505 DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2008.01.028
    The East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia faces the South China Sea and is vulnerable to oil pollution because of intense petroleum production activities in the area. The South China Sea is also a favored route for supertankers carrying crude oil to the Far East. Consequently, oil spills can occur, causing pollution and contamination in the surrounding areas. Residual oil spills stranded on coastal beaches usually end up as tar-balls. Elucidating the sources of tar-balls using a molecular marker approach is essential in assessing environmental impacts and perhaps settling legal liabilities for affected parties. This study utilizes a multimodal molecular marker approach through the use of diagnostic ratios of alkanes, hopanes, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) to determine the source, distribution and weathering of tar-balls. Hopane ratios (e.g., C29/C30, and summation C31-C35/C30 ratios) were used to identify the sources of tar-balls. The weathering effects were distinguished by using alkanes, namely the unresolved complex mixture (UCM) and low molecular weight/high molecular weight (L/H) ratios. Similarly, PAHs were also used for the determination of weathering processes undergone by the tar-balls. This multimodal molecular marker gave a very strong indication of the sources of tar-balls in this study. For example, 16 out of 17 samples originated from South East Asian Crude Oil (SEACO) with one sample from Merang, Terengganu originating from North Sea Oil (Troll). The TRME-2 sample may have come from a supertanker's ballast water discharge. The second possibility is that the tar-ball may have been transported via oceanographic currents. All 'weathered' sample characterizations were based on the presence of UCM and other ratios. The multimodal molecular marker approach applied in this study has enabled us to partially understand the transport behavior of tar-balls in the marine environment and has revealed insights into the weathering process of tar-balls.
    Matched MeSH terms: Accidents
  5. Faridah Y, Abdullah B, Ng Kh
    Biomed Imaging Interv J, 2005 Jul;1(1):e3.
    PMID: 21625275 DOI: 10.2349/biij.1.1.e3
    The single emulsion or single screen system is usually reserved for mammography since its use in general radiography is limited. The purpose of this study is to compare the mammographic film-screen combination (MFC) and the standard film-screen combination (SFC) in terms of fracture and soft tissue injuries detection. PATIENTS, METHODS AND MATERIALS: In this prospective study, 41 patients from Accident and Emergency suspected of having injury in the hands, wrists, ankles and feet regions were radiographed using both MFC and SFC. These were compared in terms of image quality, presence of fractures and soft tissue injuries. The two different film-screen combinations were also compared in terms of detection of bony fragments, film characteristics such as film speed, contrast and spatial resolution, dose and cost.
    Matched MeSH terms: Accidents
  6. Ravindran J
    Med J Malaysia, 1995 Sep;50(3):284-5.
    PMID: 8926913
    Matched MeSH terms: Accidents, Traffic
  7. Myint K
    Med J Malaysia, 1980 Jun;34(4):368-9.
    PMID: 7219265
    The peculiar anatomical features render the common peroneal nerve particularly susceptible to injury at the knee. The present investigation revealed that the deep division of the nerve is more inclined to be injured when compared to the superficial division.
    Matched MeSH terms: Accidents
  8. Mohammed Taher Alfates, Biak, Dayang Radiah Awang
    Transport of fuel is essential to ensure supplies are delivered as per requested by the industrial sites or other demands. Numerous accidents have been reported and recorded in which loss of containment of hazardous chemicals occurred and led to disastrous outcomes. This paper presents the analysis of Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapour Explosion (BLEVE) due to loss of containment for Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) road tankers. The main objective of this paper is to evaluate the potential consequences resulting from overpressure blast and thermal radiation of tankers carrying LPG to the people and the surrounding. The aim is also to compare the outcomes obtained from PHAST software simulator 8.11 with that of established mathematical model. Malaysia North-south Expressway (NSE) was selected as the location of the incident. The volume, weather parameters and properties of LPG were identified. It was found that the effect of BLEVE on people and structures was catastrophic. The results obtained from the mathematical model were similar with that modelled using PHAST software simulator.
    Matched MeSH terms: Accidents
  9. Saud, Safaa Najah, Muhammad Irsyad Abdullah, Siti Hadijah Shariff, Ram Singh, Ambrick Singh, Baharudin Hamzah, Nordayati Mat Lehat, et al.
    Blindness is an area of inadequate the visual conception because of physiological or even neurological aspects. The partial blindness corresponds to the insufficient integration in the expansion of the optic confidence or perhaps visual center of the eye, and also over-all total blindness is the complete inadequacy of the visual light perception. Within this research, a basic, inexpensive, friendly user, sensible blind assist technique is developed to be integrated with the portability of both blind and even visually impaired people in a particular region. The presented work consists of a wearable apparatus is made up of the head hat to facilitate the blind particular person to get around single-handedly safely and securely in order to keep away from any kind of obstructions that could be experienced, even if mounted and also mobile phone, to avoid virtually any probable accident. The primary function of this product is the Ultrasonic sensing unit which is able to inform the blind people if there exist any specific obstacles or otherwise not around them along with the vibrating motor probably would informs the blind people who which negative are the obstacles located. In addition, by pressing the home or work button this system will straight away link to MIT app inventor and the app will send a signal to Google maps to guide the blind people to its desired location. The implemented system is fast, and easy to use and an innovative affordable solution to blind and visually impaired people in third world countries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Accidents
  10. Muhammad Firdaus Othman,, Nor Aimi Abdul Wahab, Suhaiza Hasan, Marina Mokhtar, Noorezal Atfyinna Mohd Napiah, Mohd Noor Mokhtar, et al.
    Jurnal Inovasi Malaysia, 2019;2(2):123-139.
    Teaching, learning and reseach activities in chemical laboratory usually involves a variety of hazardous chemicals. All chemicals stored in the laboratories should be accompanied by a safety data sheet which contains information such as chemical composition, safety precautions for handling and storing chemicals and emergency measures in case of accident. Ineffective management of chemical safety data sheet makes it difficult to access and resulting in slow action taken in the event of accident. To overcome this problem, Quisy-SDS was introduced to ensure a more effective chemical safety information management. Quisy-SDS provides a convenient method for all lab users and emergency respondents to acess the chemical safety information. This method uses a Quick Response (QR) code and website that allow users to acess the information in no time, anytime and anywhere. The use of Quisy-SDS has successfully reduced the search time of chemical safety information by 98% compared to the previous method.
    Matched MeSH terms: Accidents
  11. Rajendran SD, Wahab SN, Yeap SP
    Saf Health Work, 2020 Dec;11(4):537-542.
    PMID: 33329921 DOI: 10.1016/j.shaw.2020.06.007
    Background: Personal protective equipment (PPE) has been designed in such a way to reduce accident rates. Unfortunately, existing PPE is rather ineffective as it is not able to provide warning signals when hazard is around. The integration of intelligent systems is envisaged to increase the efficiency of existing PPE.

    Methods: This project designed a safety vest incorporated with metal detectors which can provide immediate warning to the field workers when there is metal hazard around. This product has greater freedom of design via smart manufacturing as it involves the assembly of few commercially available parts into a single entity. Briefly, the metal detector is a do it yourself (DIY) kit, and the safety vest is purchasable from any local market. The DIY kit was connected to a copper coil and being sewed into the safety vest.

    Results: The metal detector induces beeping sound when there is metal hazard around. A total of 121 engineering students were introduced to the prototype before being requested to answer a survey associated with the design. Respondents have rated >3.00/5.00 for the design simplicity, ease of usage, and light weight. Meanwhile, respondents suggested that the design should be further improved by increasing the metal detection range.

    Conclusion: It is envisaged that the introduction of this smart safety vest will allow the workers to carry out their duties securely by reducing the accident rates. Particularly, such design is expected to reduce workplace accident especially during night time at construction sites where the visibility is low.

    Matched MeSH terms: Accidents, Occupational
  12. Mohd Shaffid Md Shariff, Hanizah Ngadiron, Firdaus Hayati, Nornazirah Azizan, Affirul Chairil Ariffin
    Fracture is common after trauma. Proximal humeral fracture can occur in the elderly after fall and in youngsters after motor vehicle accidents (MVA) and sport injuries. A 37-year-old man was admitted with a fracture of his left proximal humerus following an MVA. He sustained a 3-part fracture and treated surgically using a PHILOS plate. There are few options in managing proximal humerus fracture ranging from conservative to surgical intervention based on its severity. We reminiscent the usage of PHILOS plate as a mode of treatment of such fracture.
    Matched MeSH terms: Accidents, Traffic
  13. You HW, Abdul Rahman A, Hendri Dwisatrya LH
    Data Brief, 2020 Aug;31:105783.
    PMID: 32642504 DOI: 10.1016/j.dib.2020.105783
    Road traffic accidents have been recognised as a leading cause of death, and one of the prominent public health problems. The human factor, which is the driving behaviour in particular, is said to be the main cause. In line with this, the objective of this research is to present a data article on the response of driving behaviours among drivers. Driving behaviours have been classified into five dimensions, which are speeding, improper overtaking, mobile phone use while driving, tail-gating and disobeying traffic lights. A quantitative study was conducted with a sample size of 160 drivers consisting of residents in a suburban of Selangor, Malaysia. A stratified random sampling method was adopted to identify the respondents. Data analysis was presented in the form of descriptive statistics and tables. The findings show that the majority of respondents agreed that they have driving behaviours that involve improper overtaking, tail-gating and disobeying traffic lights.
    Matched MeSH terms: Accidents, Traffic
    Concerning on navigational safety of a ship, comprehensive investigation of manoeuvrability of the ship is prominently required. The turning instability due to improper speed and magnitude of the rudder angle is vulnerable to serious accidents such as collision especially in the confined waters. This paper presents a computational fluid dynamic analyses on manoeuvrability performance of a tug in calm water. Here, the characteristics of the turning ability and zig-zag characteristics of the tug has been assessed due to effect of the various angles of twin-rudder and turning speeds. The results revealed that the increase of rudder’s angle resulted in subsequent reduction of her advance diameter from 144 m, 108 m, 96 m to 92 m. While for zig zag manoeuvre, the first overshoot angle is 0.6° and 1.08° for 10°/10° and 20°/20° rudder’s angle respectively. The first overshoot and second overshoot angle are within the IMO criteria which is below 20° and 25°. However, the increase of turning speed from 7 knots to 9 knots has been proportional with the increase of the turning diameter (advance diameter) from 70 m to 105.2 m. Basically, the turning performances of the tug manoeuvring with the turning speed of 7 to 9 knots incorporated with rudder’s angle 20°, 25°, 30° and 35° have been complied with IMO manoeuvring standards. This preliminary analysis contributes very valuable findings at early ship design stage to provide a safety of the navigational guidance for turning ability of the tug.
    Matched MeSH terms: Accidents
  15. Ab Ghani N
    Accidental poisoning in children is a preventable condition. It is a problem mainly in children aged 1 to 4 years. This is a descriptive study of accidental poisoning in children below 12 years old admitted to Hospital Seremban from October 15, 1994 to October 14, 1995. A major cause of household accidental poisoning was kerosene ingestion (25%) followed by ingestion of medications (22%), liniment methyl salicylate (12 %), mothballs (12%) and hypochlorinate solution (9%). There was a higher incidence of poisoning in males (50.8%), among Indians (41.2%) and in children from lower social classes (67%). A greater proportion of the accident occurred when the child was taken care by the parents (53 %) and in the house (80%). Most of the poison was ingested from its original package (81%). The immediate action taken was sending the child to the hospital (75%) without carrying out other actions such as washing the child’s mouth. The delay of sending the child to hospital was due to husband not at home (57%). Most of the cases (72.1 %) were discharged well within 1-2 days following admission.
    Matched MeSH terms: Accidents
  16. Oviedo-Trespalacios O, Çelik AK, Marti-Belda A, Włodarczyk A, Demant D, Nguyen-Phuoc DQ, et al.
    Accid Anal Prev, 2021 Sep;159:106212.
    PMID: 34098429 DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2021.106212
    Alcohol is a global risk factor for road trauma. Although drink driving has received most of the scholarly attention, there is growing evidence of the risks of alcohol-impaired walking. Alcohol-impaired pedestrians are over-represented in fatal crashes compared to non-impaired pedestrians. Additionally, empirical evidence shows that alcohol intoxication impairs road-crossing judgements. Besides some limited early research, much is unknown about the global prevalence and determinants of alcohol-impaired walking. Understanding alcohol-impaired walking will support health promotion initiatives and injury prevention. The present investigation has three aims: (1) compare the prevalence of alcohol-impaired walking across countries; (2) identify international groups of pedestrians based on psychosocial factors (i.e., Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) and perceptions of risk); and (3) investigate how segments of pedestrians form their intention for alcohol-impaired walking using the extended TPB (i.e. subjective norm, attitudes, perceived control, and perceived risk). A cross-sectional design was applied. The target behaviour question was "have you been a pedestrian when your thinking or physical ability (balance/strength) is affected by alcohol?" to ensure comparability across countries. Cluster analysis based on the extended TPB was used to identify groups of countries. Finally, regressions were used to predict pedestrians' intentions per group. A total of 6,166 respondents (Age M(SD) = 29.4 (14.2); Males = 39.2%) completed the questionnaire, ranging from 12.6% from Russia to 2.2% from Finland. The proportion of participants who reported never engaging in alcohol-impaired walking in the last three months ranged from 30.1% (Spain) to 83.1% (Turkey). Four groups of countries were identified: group-1 (Czech Republic, Spain, and Australia), group-2 (Russia and Finland), group-3 (Japan), and group-4 (final ten countries including Colombia, China, and Romania). Pedestrian intentions to engage in alcohol- impaired walking are predicted by perceptions of risk and TPB-psychosocial factors in group-1 and group-4. Favourable TPB-beliefs and low perceived risk increased alcohol-impaired walking intentions. Conversely, subjective norms were not significant in group-2 and only perceived risk predicted intention in group-3. The willingness of pedestrians to walk when alcohol-impaired differs significantly across the countries in this study. Perceived risk was the only common predictor among the 16 countries.
    Matched MeSH terms: Accidents, Traffic
  17. Muhammad Nur Arsyad Azman, Ng, Choy Peng, Faridah Hanim Khairuddin, Neza Ismail, Wan Mohamed Syafuan Wan Sabri
    Road surface condition of a pavement is one of the most important features as it affect driving comfort and safety. A good road surface condition could reduce the risk of traffic accidents and injuries. Pavement Condition Index (PCI) is one of the important tools to measure the pavement performance. By conducting pavement evaluation, civil engineers could prioritize the maintenance and rehabilitation which usually incurred a huge cost. In University Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM), there was no proper maintenance and rehabilitation scheduled for the roads as no performance evaluation tool available to measure the pavement condition. Thus, the objective of this study was to develop a Composite Pavement Performance Index (CPPI) to monitor the pavement condition and to rank the roads in UPNM. To develop the CPPI, road defects data were collected from 6 internal roads in UPNM. From the data collected, 4 major distresses were identified: longitudinal cracking, crocodile cracking, potholes and ravelling were found more likely to affect the pavement’s condition in UPNM. By measuring the growth of the distresses over a period of 6 months, modelling was conducted using simple linear regression. The growth of the distresses were compared, and odds ratios were computed to calculate the weightage of each distress for the determination of the CPPI value. The CPPI value developed could be used to rank the roads in UPNM. This study demonstrated that the road connecting to the library building in UPNM experienced the worst pavement deterioration with a PCI of 24 or a CPPI value of 1.1915. The level of severity was classified as “SERIOUS” in accordance to ASTM D6433. This road was recommended for reconstruction to increase the comfort and safety for road users
    Matched MeSH terms: Accidents, Traffic
  18. Anuar, I., Zahedi, F., Kadir, A., Mokhtar, A.B.
    Background: The occupationally acquired accident and injuries in Malaysian medical laboratories are still largely unexplored prior to this survey. Some of these questions are attempted in this survey and act as source of reference for the number and accident injuries in medical laboratories in the area of Klang Valley and also in Malaysia.
    Methods : This survey was carried out based on recordable cases throughout the calendar year of 2001 to 2005 from 3 main medical laboratories of Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL), Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (HUKM) and Pusat Perubatan Universiti Malaya (PPUM).
    Results : The average annual incident rate for this three medical laboratories is 2.05/100 full time equivalent (FTE) employees. The annual incident rate in individual medical laboratory is 2.04/100 FTE (HKL), 2.07/100 FTE (HUKM) and 2.04/100 FTE (PPUM) employees, respectively. The most common injury that is 25.3% of the total cases reported was due to cuts by sharp objects and the second most common injury was exposure to biohazard and chemical substances which constitutes 19.9% of the total cases. . Needle prick injury (16.8%), fire (8.4%), fall/slip (6.3%) and gases leak and locked in cold room were reported as one case each.
    Conclusion : The average incident rate from this study is remarkably similar compared with the incident injury rate reported by BLS (2006) which is 2.1/100 FTE in the average size of medical laboratory and diagnostic. Besides this incident rate of injury and illness as a comparison, it also can be used as a benchmark to evaluate the safety performance among medical laboratories in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Accidents, Occupational
  19. Chan CYW, Vivek AS, Leong WH, Rukmanikanthan S
    Malays Orthop J, 2008;2(2):27-30.
    The goal of treatment in distal radius fracture is to restore the anatomy of the distal radius, however the criteria currently used to evaluate the quality of eduction are based on Western based published figures. This goal of this study was to investigate whether there are variations in the morphology of the distal radius among the multiracial population of Malaysia. Consecutive normal wrist radiographs of patients who presented to the accident and emergency unit in three major hospitals in Malaysia were measured. The palmar tilt of the distal radius averaged 12.6o ± 3.55o, and the radial inclination averaged 25.1o ± 3.42o. The ulnar variance averaged – 0.1 ± 1.31mm, 38.4% of the patients had neutral ulnar variance, 28.8% have negative ulnar variance and 32.9% have positive ulnar variance. Our results indicate that distal radius morphometric parameters in the Malaysian population are comparable to Western figures.
    Matched MeSH terms: Accidents
  20. Subramaniam T, Loo RCN, Poovaneswaran S
    Background: This cross sectional study was done to identify the areas of lack of knowledge, practice and awareness of students about the effective use of personal protective equipment (PPE).
    Methods: A total of 40 students were selected when they were posted to the accident and emergency unit (A&E) in Seremban Hospital; all of them answered a questionnaire and were observed unaware on the effective use of PPE in the A&E.
    Results: We found that 17.5% of students were unaware of the right technique of removing the gloves after a procedure and 25% of students were unaware of safety of hand washing. During invasive procedures, 12.5 % of students did not wash their hands before invasive procedures, 65% did not wear aprons and 57.5% did not wear masks. During non- invasive procedures more than 25% of students did not wash hands before or after the procedures.
    Conclusion: There is still significant lack of knowledge in students about the effective use of PPE that needs to be addressed.
    Keywords: PPE, Personal protective equipment, effective practice of PPE, A&E
    Matched MeSH terms: Accidents
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