Displaying publications 161 - 180 of 2034 in total

  1. Zaidi Che Cob, Aziz Arshad, Japar Sidik Bujang, Mazlan Abdul Ghaffar
    A total of 230 individuals of Strombus were sampled at various locations along the Johor Straits, Malaysia. There were four species of Strombus present in the study areas i.e. Strombus canarium Linnaeus, 1758; Strombus urceus Linnaeus, 1758; Strombus marginatus subspecies succinctus Linnaeus, 1767; Strombus marginatus subspecies robustus Sowerby, 1874; and Strombus vittatus subspecies vittatus Linnaeus, 1758. Strombus canarium was the most common, widely distributed and most abundant, followed by S. urceus, while the others were only rarely found. Among the species Strombus marginatus and Strombus vittatus were two new distribution records for the Johor Straits. Since all Strombus were traditionally harvested and consumed by the locals since long ago, further studies are needed particularly regarding the population dynamics and fishery of the harvested species.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Dynamics
  2. Khairul Anuar A
    JUMMEC, 2002;7:14-14.
    Many nation states, including Malaysia are undergoing development and modernization while modernization brings tremendous achievements related to social and economic wellbeing, on the other hand, it also brings along with it the various untoward effects on the nation. One of the main factors which have an impact on modernization seems to be the rapid changes in the demographic pattern. In the initial stage of modernization, mass migration of rural populations to the urban areas, has been on going in Malaysia since the seventies. In the early nineties, the robust economic development in Malaysia necessitated the import of foreign labour from the neighbouring countries in order to provide cheap labour in the labour intensive industries. This demographic changes, internal and foreign migration, parallels the economic progress of the host countries. According to the latest report from the Immigration Department, there are more than 1.2 million registered foreign workers (up to January 1998) in Malaysia. This figure may exceed 2 million if we take into consideration the illegal immigrants and this is a big proportion (about 10%) of foreign workers in which has Malaysia's population of approxiamtely 20 million. The presence of such a big number of foreign workers during less than a decade is not merely an immigration issue, but it is a major concern for the nation especially with respect to health care, housing and education. As the immigrant community is highly dynamic, the emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases are a great concern for Malaysia especially in formulating health policies for Malaysia currently and in the future.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population
  3. Mat Daud AA, Toh CQ, Saidun S
    Theory Biosci, 2021 Feb;140(1):87-95.
    PMID: 33590451 DOI: 10.1007/s12064-020-00334-2
    Anemia is a significant public health problem worldwide especially among pregnant women in low- and middle-income countries. In this study, a mathematical model of the population dynamics of anemia during pregnancy and postpartum is constructed. In the modeling process, four independent variables have been considered: (1) the numbers of nonpregnant nonanemic women, (2) anemic nonpregnant women, (3) anemic pregnant or postpartum women and (4) anemic pregnant or postpartum women with complications. The mathematical model is governed by a system of first-order ordinary differential equations. The stability analysis of the model is conducted using Routh-Hurwitz criteria. There is one nonnegative equilibrium point which is asymptotically stable. The equilibrium point obtained indicates the influential parameters that can be controlled to minimize the number of patients at each stage. The proposed model can be employed to forecast the future incidence and prevalence of the disease and appraise intervention programs.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Dynamics
  4. Ganeson D, Chattopadhyay PK, Sunderland E, Woolley V
    Ann Hum Biol, 1982 May-Jun;9(3):283-5.
    PMID: 7103408
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetics, Population
  5. Williams EW, Gardner EM, Harris R, Chaveerach A, Pereira JT, Zerega NJ
    Ann Bot, 2017 03 01;119(4):611-627.
    PMID: 28073771 DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcw249
    Background and Aims: The breadfruit genus ( Artocarpus , Moraceae) includes valuable underutilized fruit tree crops with a centre of diversity in Southeast Asia. It belongs to the monophyletic tribe Artocarpeae, whose only other members include two small neotropical genera. This study aimed to reconstruct the phylogeny, estimate divergence dates and infer ancestral ranges of Artocarpeae, especially Artocarpus , to better understand spatial and temporal evolutionary relationships and dispersal patterns in a geologically complex region.

    Methods: To investigate the phylogeny and biogeography of Artocarpeae, this study used Bayesian and maximum likelihood approaches to analyze DNA sequences from six plastid and two nuclear regions from 75% of Artocarpus species, both neotropical Artocarpeae genera, and members of all other Moraceae tribes. Six fossil-based calibrations within the Moraceae family were used to infer divergence times. Ancestral areas and estimated dispersal events were also inferred.

    Key Results: Artocarpeae, Artocarpus and four monophyletic Artocarpus subgenera were well supported. A late Cretaceous origin of the Artocarpeae tribe in the Americas is inferred, followed by Eocene radiation of Artocarpus in Asia, with the greatest diversification occurring during the Miocene. Borneo is reconstructed as the ancestral range of Artocarpus , with dozens of independent in situ diversification events inferred there, as well as dispersal events to other regions of Southeast Asia. Dispersal pathways of Artocarpus and its ancestors are proposed.

    Conclusions: Borneo was central in the diversification of the genus Artocarpus and probably served as the centre from which species dispersed and diversified in several directions. The greatest amount of diversification is inferred to have occurred during the Miocene, when sea levels fluctuated and land connections frequently existed between Borneo, mainland Asia, Sumatra and Java. Many species found in these areas have extant overlapping ranges, suggesting that sympatric speciation may have occurred. By contrast, Artocarpus diversity east of Borneo (where many of the islands have no historical connections to the landmasses of the Sunda and Sahul shelves) is unique and probably the product of over water long-distance dispersal events and subsequent diversification in allopatry. This work represents the most comprehensive Artocarpus phylogeny and biogeography study to date and supports Borneo as an evolutionary biodiversity hotspot.

    Matched MeSH terms: Population Dynamics
  6. Lee S, Oh DJ, Lee S, Chung SB, Dong-Soon K
    J Econ Entomol, 2022 Dec 14;115(6):1987-1994.
    PMID: 36351783 DOI: 10.1093/jee/toac171
    Monochamus alternatus Hope, 1842, is a major forest pest that hosts the pathogenic pinewood nematode (PWN), Bursaphelenchus xylophilus (Steiner and Buhrer, 1934) Nickle 1970. Taxonomically, M. alternatus is currently divided into two subspecies, based on morphology and geography: Monochamus alternatus alternatus Hope, 1842 in China, Taiwan, Tibet, Vietnam, and Laos and Monochamus alternatus endai Makihara, 2004 in South Korea and Japan. Despite their economic importance, the subspecies taxonomy of M. alternatus has never been tested after the first description. In this study, we aimed to reassess the subspecies taxonomy of M. alternatus using molecular and morphological data. For morphological analysis, we examined three major morphological characters (pronotal longitudinal band, granulation on humeri, and elytral proximomedial spine) from 191 individuals from China, Korea, and Taiwan. Population genetic structures were examined using 85 de novo sequences and 82 public COI sequences from China, Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Taiwan, and a few intercepted specimens from the United States. All the genetic data were aligned as three different multiple sequence alignments. Individuals from each subspecies were morphologically and genetically scattered, not clustered according to subspecies in any of the analyses. Therefore, a new synonymy is proposed: Monochamus alternatus Hope, 1842 = Monochamus alternatus endai, syn. n. This study suggests a more robust classification of M. alternatus for the first time and ultimately will pose a substantial impact on implementing quarantine or forestry policies.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetics, Population
  7. Kim HL, Li T, Kalsi N, Nguyen HTT, Shaw TA, Ang KC, et al.
    Commun Biol, 2023 Feb 04;6(1):150.
    PMID: 36739308 DOI: 10.1038/s42003-023-04510-0
    Rapid sea-level rise between the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and the mid-Holocene transformed the Southeast Asian coastal landscape, but the impact on human demography remains unclear. Here, we create a paleogeographic map, focusing on sea-level changes during the period spanning the LGM to the present-day and infer the human population history in Southeast and South Asia using 763 high-coverage whole-genome sequencing datasets from 59 ethnic groups. We show that sea-level rise, in particular meltwater pulses 1 A (MWP1A, ~14,500-14,000 years ago) and 1B (MWP1B, ~11,500-11,000 years ago), reduced land area by over 50% since the LGM, resulting in segregation of local human populations. Following periods of rapid sea-level rises, population pressure drove the migration of Malaysian Negritos into South Asia. Integrated paleogeographic and population genomic analysis demonstrates the earliest documented instance of forced human migration driven by sea-level rise.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Dynamics
  8. Meirun T, Mihardjo LW, Haseeb M, Khan SAR, Jermsittiparsert K
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2021 Jan;28(4):4184-4194.
    PMID: 32935214 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-020-10760-w
    For an economy to excel in growth, there is usually a trade-off between financial development and environment deterioration. For a country like Singapore, which has shown a radical growth and is known for its population density, it is important to explore the role of green technology innovation in the pursuit of economic excellence with the least possible cost to the environment. By employing the novel bootstrap autoregressive-distributed lag (BARDL) technique using a time series data from 1990 to 2018, the results reported a positive and significant relationship of green technology innovation with economic growth and negative and significant relationship with carbon emissions in both long run and short run. Based on the findings, several managerial implications were discussed, whereas based on the limitations, directions for future researchers are also given.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Density
  9. Purificacion M, Shah RBM, De Meeûs T, Bakar SB, Savantil AB, Yusof MM, et al.
    PLoS One, 2024;19(4):e0297662.
    PMID: 38603675 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0297662
    The cocoa pod borer (CPB) Conopomorpha cramerella (Snellen) (Lepidoptera: Gracillaridae) is one of the major constraints for cocoa production in South East Asia. In addition to cultural and chemical control methods, autocidal control tactics such as the Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) could be an efficient addition to the currently control strategy, however SIT implementation will depend on the population genetics of the targeted pest. The aim of the present work was to search for suitable microsatellite loci in the genome of CPB that is partially sequenced. Twelve microsatellites were initially selected and used to analyze moths collected from Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines. A quality control verification process was carried out and seven microsatellites found to be suitable and efficient to distinguish differences between CPB populations from different locations. The selected microsatellites were also tested against a closely related species, i.e. the lychee fruit borer Conopomorpha sinensis (LFB) from Vietnam and eight loci were found to be suitable. The availability of these novel microsatellite loci will provide useful tools for the analysis of the population genetics and gene flow of these pests, to select suitable CPB strains to implement the SIT.
    Matched MeSH terms: Genetics, Population
  10. Aw SB, Teh BT, Ling GHT, Leng PC, Chan WH, Ahmad MH
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2021 Jun 18;18(12).
    PMID: 34207205 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18126566
    This paper attempts to ascertain the impacts of population density on the spread and severity of COVID-19 in Malaysia. Besides describing the spatio-temporal contagion risk of the virus, ultimately, it seeks to test the hypothesis that higher population density results in exacerbated COVID-19 virulence in the community. The population density of 143 districts in Malaysia, as per data from Malaysia's 2010 population census, was plotted against cumulative COVID-19 cases and infection rates of COVID-19 cases, which were obtained from Malaysia's Ministry of Health official website. The data of these three variables were collected between 19 January 2020 and 31 December 2020. Based on the observations, districts that have high population densities and are highly inter-connected with neighbouring districts, whether geographically, socio-economically, or infrastructurally, tend to experience spikes in COVID-19 cases within weeks of each other. Using a parametric approach of the Pearson correlation, population density was found to have a moderately strong relationship to cumulative COVID-19 cases (p-value of 0.000 and R2 of 0.415) and a weak relationship to COVID-19 infection rates (p-value of 0.005 and R2 of 0.047). Consequently, we provide several non-pharmaceutical lessons, including urban planning strategies, as passive containment measures that may better support disease interventions against future contagious diseases.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Density
  11. Haaga JG
    Am J Public Health, 1986 Mar;76(3):245-51.
    PMID: 3946711
    Data from the Malaysian Family Life Survey show an increase in the percentage of infants breastfed, at least initially, from 75 per cent in 1970-74 to 79 per cent in 1975-77. Contrary to what would be expected if Malaysia were following the trends observed in the United States and Western Europe, the increase has occurred among poor and uneducated women as well as among the more fortunate. The increase was especially marked for infants born in hospitals and private clinics, which had very low rates of breastfeeding in the early 1970s. The change may be due partly to a shift in the practices and recommendations of health professionals. Trends in infant feeding practices in Malaysia during the whole period 1950-77 are reviewed. Reasons for thinking the increase in the mid-1970s an artifact of the survey are presented and provisionally rejected. The implications of these findings for child health policy in Malaysia and for theories of infant feeding trends in developing countries are discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Surveillance*; Rural Population; Urban Population
  12. Lipoeto NI, Geok Lin K, Angeles-Agdeppa I
    Public Health Nutr, 2013 Sep;16(9):1637-43.
    PMID: 23157893 DOI: 10.1017/S1368980012004569
    OBJECTIVE: The present study was done to confirm the relationship between changes in food patterns and nutrition transition in three South-East Asian countries, namely the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia.

    DESIGN: This was a cross-sectional study conducted between August 2008 and August 2009 using three methods: interviews, focus group discussions and analyses of government reports.

    SETTING: The study was conducted in rural and urban areas in Manila and Calabanga (Philippines), Selangor and Kuala Selangor (Malaysia), and Padang, Pariaman Tanah Datar and Limapuluh Kota (West Sumatra, Indonesia).

    SUBJECTS: Adults aged 18 to 77 years.

    RESULTS: The results showed that Filipinos, Malaysians and Indonesians have retained many aspects of their traditional diets. In fact, most participants in the study considered Western-style and franchise fast foods as snack or recreational foods to be consumed once in a while only. However, a significant difference was noted between urban and rural areas in food varieties consumed. Participants in urban areas consumed more varieties of traditional foods owing to their availability and the participants’ food purchasing power. Although traditional food patterns were maintained by most of the participants, more sugar and vegetable oils were consumed and added to the traditional recipes.

    CONCLUSIONS: The rapid nutrition transition in this region may be due, instead, to increasing food availability and food purchasing power, rather than to a shift in food preferences towards modern Western foods.

    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population*; Urban Population*
  13. Hakim SL, Gan CC, Malkit K, Azian MN, Chong CK, Shaari N, et al.
    PMID: 17877212
    In April 2004, an outbreak of acute diarrheal illness occurred among the Orang Asli (aborigine) in the Cameron Highlands, Pahang State, Peninsular Malaysia, where rotavirus was later implicated as the cause. In the course of the epidemic investigation, stool samples were collected and examined for infectious agents including parasites. Soil transmitted helminthes (STH), namely Ascaris lumbricoides (25.7%), Trichuris trichiura (31.1%) and hookworm (8.1%), and intestinal protozoa, which included Giardia lamblia (17.6%), Entamoeba histolytica/E. dispar (9.4%), Blastocystis hominis (8.1%) and Cryptosporidium parvum (2.7%), were detected. Forty-four (59.5%) were infected with at least one parasite, 24 (32.4%), 12 (16.2%) and 8 (10.8%) had single, double and triple parasitic infections, respectively. STH were prevalent with infections occurring as early as in infancy. Giardia lamblia, though the most commonly found parasite in samples from symptomatic subjects, was within the normally reported rate of giardiasis among the various communities in Malaysia, and was an unlikely cause of the outbreak. However, heavy pre-existing parasitic infections could have contributed to the severity of the rotavirus diarrheal outbreak.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Surveillance/methods; Population Groups*
  14. Nusurupia JJ, Germana LH, Wickramasinghe P, Tang HK, Munambah N, Hossain MS, et al.
    Child Care Health Dev, 2024 Nov;50(6):e70008.
    PMID: 39564734 DOI: 10.1111/cch.70008
    BACKGROUND: Insufficient physical activity, excessive screen time and short sleep duration among young children are global public health concerns; however, data on prevalence of meeting World Health Organisation 24-h movement behaviour guidelines for 3-4-year-old children in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) are limited, and it is unknown whether urbanisation is related to young children's movement behaviours. The present study examined differences in prevalence of meeting 24-h movement behaviour guidelines among 3-4-year-old children living in urban versus rural settings in LMICs.

    METHODS: The SUNRISE Study recruited 429, 3-4-year-old child/parent dyads from 10 LMICs. Children wore activPAL accelerometers continuously for at least 48 h to assess their physical activity and sleep duration. Screen time and time spent restrained were assessed via parent questionnaire. Differences in prevalence of meeting guidelines between urban- and rural-dwelling children were examined using chi-square tests.

    RESULTS: Physical activity guidelines were met by 17% of children (14% urban vs. 18% rural), sleep guidelines by 57% (61% urban vs. 54% rural), screen time guidelines by 50% (50% urban vs. 50% rural), restrained guidelines by 84% (81% urban vs. 86% rural) and all guidelines combined by 4% (4% urban vs.4% rural). We found no significant differences in meeting the guidelines between urban and rural areas.

    CONCLUSIONS: Only a small proportion of children in both rural and urban settings met the WHO 24-h movement guidelines. Strategies to improve movement behaviours in LMICs should consider including both rural and urban settings.

    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population*; Urban Population*
  15. Garg KM, Chattopadhyay B, Cros E, Tomassi S, Benedick S, Edwards DP, et al.
    Mol Biol Evol, 2022 Jan 07;39(1).
    PMID: 34893875 DOI: 10.1093/molbev/msab340
    Island biogeography is one of the most powerful subdisciplines of ecology: its mathematical predictions that island size and distance to mainland determine diversity have withstood the test of time. A key question is whether these predictions follow at a population-genomic level. Using rigorous ancient-DNA protocols, we retrieved approximately 1,000 genomic markers from approximately 100 historic specimens of two Southeast Asian songbird complexes from across the Sunda Shelf archipelago collected 1893-1957. We show that the genetic affinities of populations on small shelf islands defy the predictions of geographic distance and appear governed by Earth-historic factors including the position of terrestrial barriers (paleo-rivers) and persistence of corridors (Quaternary land bridges). Our analyses suggest that classic island-biogeographic predictors may not hold well for population-genomic dynamics on the thousands of shelf islands across the globe, which are exposed to dynamic changes in land distribution during Quaternary climate change.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Dynamics
  16. Zain E, Rahman N, Khan SA, Farook MS, Khan E, Jubapu AS, et al.
    Telemed J E Health, 2024 Jan;30(1):214-222.
    PMID: 37358591 DOI: 10.1089/tmj.2023.0075
    Introduction: COVID-19 disease has resulted in suspension of all nonurgent routine dental treatments. In view of COVID-19 situation, social distancing, movement restriction orders, and affected health care systems, there is an urgent need to resume and deliver oral health care remotely. Hence, alternative means of dental care should be available for both patients and dentists. Therefore, this study aims to assess patients' readiness for teledentistry in Malaysian urban population attending an undergraduate teaching university. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 631 adult patients visiting the Faculty of Dentistry, SEGi University, from January 2020 to May 2021 in Selangor, Malaysia. A validated, self-administered, 5-point Likert scale online questionnaire comprising five domains was administered. (1) Patients' demographics and dental history, (2) patients' access to teledentistry, (3) patients' understanding towards teledentistry, (4) patients' willingness, and (5) barriers in using teledentistry were used to collect the required information. Results: Six hundred and thirty-one (n = 631) participants responded to the questionnaire. Ninety percent of patients were able to connect to Wi-Fi services independently and 77% participants were comfortable using online communication platforms. Seventy-one percent of the participants agreed that video and telephone clinics can reduce chances of infection rather than face-to-face consultation during the pandemic. Fifty-five percent of patients felt that virtual clinics would save time and 60% thought it could reduce travelling costs. Fifty-one percent showed their willingness to use video or telephone clinics when implemented at onsite clinics. Conclusion: Our study shows the readiness of patients to accept teledentistry as an alternative method of oral care if appropriate training and education are provided. The results of this study have prompted an increase in patients' education and shown a need to train clinicians and patients to integrate this technology at SEGi University. This might facilitate unhindered dental consultation and care in all situations.
    Matched MeSH terms: Urban Population
  17. Macdonald WW, Rajapaksa N
    Bull World Health Organ, 1972;46(2):203-9.
    PMID: 4537482
    Although dengue haemorrhagic fever is widely established in South-East Asia, no cases have been reported from Borneo. In order to help to assess whether the infection could become established in Borneo, a survey was made, using the single-larva collection method, of the distribution and prevalence of the principal vector, Aedes aegypti, in Sabah and in a few towns and villages of Brunei and Sarawak. In addition, the prevalence of Ae. aegypti was compared with that of certain other species of Aedes.Ae. aegypti was found to be well established in the north, east, and south-west of Sabah but to be absent from almost all of the west coast. It was either uncommon in, or absent from, several small coastal villages; in others, very high Breteau indices were recorded. No reasonable explanation for this discontinuous distribution can be suggested. Large numbers of potential larval habitats were found, giving reason to believe that Ae. aegypti will spread further within these territories.
    Matched MeSH terms: Population Density
  18. Khairiyah AM, Razak IA, Raja-Latifah RJ, Tan BS, Norain AT, Noor-Aliyah I, et al.
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2009 Apr;21(2):184-95.
    PMID: 19190002 DOI: 10.1177/1010539509331788
    The objective of this study is to share cost analysis methodology and to obtain cost estimates for posterior restorations in public sector dental clinics. Two urban and 2 rural dental clinics in Selangor state were selected. Only cases of 1 posterior restoration per visit by dental officers were included over 6 months. One capsulated amalgam type, 1 capsulated tooth-colored, and 1 non-capsulated tooth-colored material were selected. A clinical pathway form was formulated to collect data per patient. Annual capital and recurrent expenditures were collected per clinic. The mean cost of an amalgam restoration was RM 30.96 (sdRM 7.86); and tooth-colored restorations ranged from RM 33.00 (sdRM 8.43) to RM 41.10 (sdRM 10.61). Wherein 1 USD = RM 2.8. Restoration costs were 35% to 55% higher in clinics in rural areas than in urban areas. The findings demonstrate economy of scale for clinic operation and restoration costs with higher patient load. Costs per restoration were higher in rural than in urban dental clinics. More studies are recommended to address the dearth of dental costs data in Malaysia.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population/statistics & numerical data; Urban Population/statistics & numerical data
  19. Cheah WL, Lee PY, Khatijah Y, Rasidah AW
    Malays J Med Sci, 2011 Apr;18(2):58-65.
    PMID: 22135588 MyJurnal
    It is important to understand the prevalence of risk factors for cardiovascular disease, especially in a rural setting.
    Matched MeSH terms: Rural Population
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