Displaying publications 1901 - 1920 of 2448 in total

    Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, 1964 Sep;58:425-31.
    PMID: 14206699
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  2. Noraihan Mohd. Nordin, Sharda, Priya, Zainab Shamsuddin
    Objectives: The objectives of this study were to ascertain the prevalence of Indonesians obstetrics immigrant and to assess the fetal maternal outcome. Methodology: A prospective cohort study design was used to analyse 54 consecutive Indonesians obstetrics immigrant compared to 56 Malay women. Chi square and student t test were used where appropriate, p < 0.05 was considered to be of statistical significance. Results: There was a reducing trend in the incidence admission of Indonesians from 10.5 in 1999 to 6.5 % in 2002. The maternal mortality ratio showed an increasing trend from 1999 (40.0/100000) to 2001 (162.9/100000) but decreased to 5.8/100000 in 2002. The majority was between 20-40 years old, multiparous and booked, which was similar to the Malay population. Most Malays were in occupational class 1 to 3 and the husband has secondary and tertiary education compared to the Indonesians who were in class 4 and 5 and the husband has primary and no formal education. Significantly more immigrants were housewives compared to Malays who were working women. There was no significant difference in the antenatal complications. There were no significant difference in terms of delivery and most delivered vaginally. The perinatal outcome in terms of gestation, birth weight, Apgar score and admission to neonatal ICU were similar in both populations and there was no perinatal mortality. In conclusion, the incidence admission of Indonesian immigrant was on the decreasing trend. The outcome of these patients managed in MHKL was similar to the Malay population. Further studies with enrollment of a larger number of patients should be carried out to ascertain the significance of these findings.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  3. Patil Sapna S., Hasamnis Ameya A., Pathare Rooma S., Parmar Aarti, Rashid A.K., Narayan K.A.
    Background: The World Health Organization recommends the practice of exclusive breastfeeding of infants for the first 6 months after birth. The objective of present study was to estimate the prevalence and the factors influencing exclusive breastfeeding. The perceptions of mothers about breastfeeding in an urban slum area of Western India were also enquired.
    Methods: This cross sectional study was conducted over six months amongst 200 mothers of children in the age group of 6 – 12 months attending the growth and development clinic in one of the urban health centres. Data was collected using a pre-tested, structured questionnaire on breastfeeding practices. Factors related to exclusive breastfeeding were analysed using bivariate and multivariate analysis.
    Results: Prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding reported by the participants was 61.5%. Having a male child, maternal age < 30 years, level of education of mother parity, receiving infant feeding advice, initiation of breastfeeding within one hour of birth and administration of colostrum to the baby were associated with exclusive breastfeeding (p
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  4. Ismail A. Hamid, Marzida Mansor, Siok, Gracie Yan Ong, Kumar, N.M.
    Since the outbreak of the novel influenza H1N1 in April 2009 in Mexico, more then half a million cases have been recorded with more then 6000 deaths.In contrast to seasonal flu, this virus appears to have a predilection for the young, obese and pregnant.It’s most important and almost fatal complication is Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). Intensive care units (ICU) around the world have scrambled to upgrade various treatment modalities including high frequency oscillation ventilation, inotropes, antivirals and antibiotics in an effort to reduce the mortality arising out of this complication. More importantly, this complication appears reversible if adequate and early therapy is instituted. In particular, rescue therapies that allow the lung to rest appear to have brought success in some clinical settings. This article describes the experiences of seven centers that have used various modalities as rescue therapy in patients having Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). The experiences in 13 patients at the University of Michigan, 58 in Mexico, 168 in Canada, 180 patients at Leicester UK, 194 in Australia and New Zealand and case reports from Hong Kong and Singapore are described.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  5. Loh KY, Sivalingam N
    Malays Fam Physician, 2007;2(2):54-57.
    Urinary tract infections frequently affect pregnant mothers. This problem causes significant morbidity and healthcare expenditure. Three common clinical manifestations of UTIs in pregnancy are: asymptomatic bacteriuria, acute cystitis and acute pyelonephritis. Escherichia coli remains the most frequent organism isolated in UTIs. All pregnant mothers should be screened for UTIs in pregnancy and antibiotics should be commenced without delay. Urine culture and sensitivity is the gold standard in diagnosing UTIs. Without treatment, asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnancy is associated with preterm delivery, intrauterine growth retardation, low birth weight, maternal hypertension, pre-eclampsia and anaemia. Acute pyelonephritis can lead to maternal sepsis. Recurrent UTIs in pregnancy require prophylactic antibiotic treatment.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  6. Siti Mariam I, Suhaida MA, Tarmizi AB, Norhasimah M, Nor Atifah MA, Kannan, T. P., et al.
    Down Syndrome (DS), is a complex genetic disease resulting from the presence of 3 copies of chromosome 21. It is the most common autosomal abnormality among live births and the most commonly recognized genetic cause of mental retardation. The only well established risk factor for DS is advanced maternal age. The Human Genome Center , University Sains Malaysia, Kelantan has been carrying out cytogenetic studies in DS patients. Here we, report the karyotype pattern of Down Syndrome patients in correlation with maternal age, among referral cases to our Center.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  7. Rosnah, S., Wan Aishah, W.N.
    Introduction: Pre-pregnancy care is an important strategy in prevention of adverse maternal and fetal health as well as continuity of good child care. In multi-ethnicity country such as Malaysia there are many cultural, religion and beliefs related to certain life stages.
    Methodology: A cross sectional study was conducted among the Indian ethnic group to assess the prevalence and factors associated with pre-pregnancy care. A study was conducted in Taman Manickavasangam Hulu Langat Selangor among the age group of 18-45 year old women.
    Result: There were 90 respondents participated in self administered questionnaires. There were 65 respondents (72.2%) married, 24 (26.7%) single and one widow (1.1%). Using a scoring method of analysis (high and low) showed that 55 (61.1%) have high score in knowledge on pre-pregnancy care. The prevalence of pre-pregnancy care practice showed that 63 (70%) scored as high practice. Using correlation analysis showed that there was a significant association between the practice score and increasing age (P=0.03). However, only history of previous pregnancy showed a significant association with the pre-pregnancy care practice and no association found between the practice and knowledge score.
    Conclusion: Prepregnancy care helps in screening risk factors of women before conception. This will help in prevention of adverse effect on maternal and foetal. Giving awareness on the importance of having prepregnancy care screening may help women to continue practicing good antenatal care.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  8. Siti Fathilah Kamaluddin
    This is a follow-up study to assess the socio demographic profile of a sample of 28,605 women seeking pregnancy terminations at a private clinic in Penang over a seven year period as compared to an earlier study in 1995 of a sample of 23,986 women over a six and a half year period at the same clinic. This study was conducted using computerized patient medical records and paper reports generated from the computer data. The earlier 1995 study showed that the profile of a typical abortion client was a Chinese (60%), housewife (45%) in her late twenties (47%) with a monthly household income of less than RM1,200 (58%), having her first abortion (51%) and who had used contraception before (78%). For the seven year period from 1998-2005, the follow-up profile of a woman seeking an abortion in the same clinic in urban Malaysia was one with a monthly household income of less than RM2,000 (100%) in her late twenties (54%) who had used contraception in the past (85%). It is noted that the percentage of Malay respondents has increased (34%). The percentage of women who had a prior abortion at this clinic or elsewhere has also increased (68%), as compared to the preliminary study. Non-use of contraception remained an issue and traditional methods still outweighed the use of more effective contraceptive methods. In conclusion, fewer housewives and more Malay and Indonesian factory workers contributed to the clinic client profile over these seven years compared to that of the earlier study in 1995.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  9. Nazatul, S.B., Ruby, H.
    JUMMEC, 2009;12(2):70-73.
    The exclusive breastfeeding rate in Malaysia is very low. However in recent years the awareness of breastfeeding among mothers has increased. A preliminary qualitative research was carried out on these motivated mothers. The objective of this study was to understand the challenges encountered by breastfeeding mothers and to explore the support and motivation received by them. Information from the motivated mothers was obtained from focus group discussion. Some obstacles faced by the mothers were lack of knowledge on breastfeeding and lack of support from health professionals, parents and siblings. Facilities to express breast milk while at work were not readily available. The main motivation to breastfeed came from the mother herself and support from the husband. A holistic approach must be used to help mothers to continue breastfeeding. This includes breastfeeding promotion and education, setting up more Baby Friendly Hospitals, availability of breastfeeding support groups and provision of enough breastfeeding facilities at work and public places.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  10. Idris N, Arsyad A
    Malays Fam Physician, 2012;7(2-3):46-50.
    PMID: 25606257 MyJurnal
    Vitamin B12 deficiency is a well-known cause of megaloblastic anaemia and pancytopenia. However, the incidence in pregnancy is rarely reported. We present a case of a 32-year old multigravid woman who was diagnosed with megaloblastic anaemia since 22 weeks gestation and progressed to develop severe pancytopenia at 30 weeks gestation. She was also diagnosed with vitamin B12 deficiency related to dietary and sociocultural habits. Folate and iron levels were normal throughout pregnancy. Treatment with parenteral cyano-cobalamin resulted in sustained improvement of haematological parameters. The pregnancy was carried to term and the baby was born weighing 2,050gm but otherwise well at birth and had normal developmental milestones thereafter. This case illustrates the clinical presentation of maternal vitamin B12 deficiency and demonstrates the importance of detecting and treating maternal vitamin B12 deficiency during pregnancy in at-risk patients. Failure to diagnose and institute treatment carries significant risks to both mother and child. Oral vitamin B12 supplementation should be considered for patients who are strict vegetarians or consume very little animal products.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  11. Alzergany, Maha Makluf, Noor Azmi Mat Adenan, Aizura Syafinaz Ahmad Adlan
    Hysterectomy is one of the most common non-obstetric surgical procedures performed on women. Little is known about the factors affecting decision making process regarding hysterectomy in Malaysia. The study aimed to explore factors affecting women decision regarding hysterectomy among Malaysian women. This study has enrolled 100 women eligible for hysterectomy in the department of general gynecology ward in the university of Malaya hospital, Malaysia. A structured questionnaire was administered by interview. Descriptive analysis was used to obtain the frequencies. Chi square test and simple logistic regression test were performed to assess the association between variables. The majority of participants aged 41-50 years (52%) and married (74%). Twenty seven out of 100 participants made their decision on the operation within one month while 73 women decided after one month. Some complications were only known by the minority of patients such as injury to ureter (47%), injury to nerve (8%), incision hernia (18%), vault prolapse (21 %), and deep vein thrombosis (43%). Most of women delay their decision on the surgery (73%). Factors associated significantly with decision were ethnicity, religion, knowledge on complication, discussion with spouse and doctor.. Cultural factors, opinion of husband and doctors and knowledge of the complication play an important role in the decision of women. It is important to provide suitable information and social support for patients to help them in their decision-making. Participation and support from spouses and doctors should also be encouraged.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  12. Ida, S.B.O., Teh, K.H., Quah, B.S.
    Meconium aspiration syndrome (MAS) frequently occurs in neonates born in thick meconium-stained liquor (TMSL). It continues to be a significant cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality despite aggressive approaches to intervention. This study aims to identify the perinatal characteristics of deliveries with TMSL associated with the development of MAS and to describe the outcome of those babies who developed MAS.
    All newborns with TMSL born in Hospital Alor Setar, Kedah from 1 October 1998 to 30 April 1999 were prospectively studied. In the hospital, all newborns with TMSL were routinely admitted to the Special Care Nursery for observation. Relevant data regarding pregnancy, delivery, resuscitation and outcome of newborns with and without MAS were collected and analysed. The incidence of TMSL among hospital deliveries was 2.2% (95% C.I. 1.8-2.5%). Thirty-six percent (95% C.I. 28.4-44.7%) of newborns with TMSL developed MAS. Significant risk factors associated with the development of MAS were non-Malay mothers (p=0.04, OR=3.32), resuscitation by paediatric medical officers (p=0.02, OR=2.84) and direct tracheal suction during resuscitation (p=0.02, OR=2.61). The presence of non-Malay mothers or resuscitation by paediatric medical officers or direct tracheal suction during resuscitation gave a sensitivity of 88.2%, specificity of 36.7%, a positive predictive value of 44.1% and a negative predictive value of 84.6% for the development of MAS. Asphyxia, pneumothorax and persistent pulmonary hyper-tension occurred in 25.5%, 7.8% and 5.9% of the babies with MAS respectively. Mechanical ventilation was required in 51% and the mortality rate was 3.9%. In conclusion, the incidence of TMSL and MAS and the mortality rate of neonates with MAS were comparable with that in developed countries. The presence of any one of the significant risk factors had high sensitivity but low specificity for the development of MAS. Newborns were unlikely to develop MAS if all these risk factors were absent.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  13. Yu, Victor Y.H.
    ANTENATAL CORTICOSTEROID THERAPY. Benefits. In 1969, the first study was published which showed that prematurely delivered lambs exposed prenatally to corticosteroids survived longer than placebo-treated control animals.' A randomised clinical trial (RCT) followed which demonstrated that antenatal corticosteroid therapy significantly reduced the incidence of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) in infants born before 2 weeks gestation and reduced mortality in those born before 37 weeks.2 A meta-analysis has been published on 12 RCTs involving over 3000 women in preterm labour, using primarily 24mg of betamethasone or dexamethasone given in 2-6 divided doses over a 48-hour period.' It showed that antenatal corticosteroid therapy is associated with a significant reduction in the risk of RDS (a) if the infant is born > 24 hours or < 7 days of the treatment, (b) in both male and female infants and (c) even in infants < 31 weeks gestation. It also significantly reduces mortality rate and morbidity such as intraventricular haemorrhage (IVH) and necrotising enterocolitis (NEC), shortens the duration of hospitalisation and reduces treatment costs. The improvement in survival rate in infants born
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  14. Leny, S.S., Shuhaila, A., Sutan, R.
    Maternal Home-based Record (MHR) is a concise medical record that can be kept by the pregnant women for regular documentation throughout pregnancy stages. This study was done to assess the usage of the MHR among the pregnant women and its associated factors. A good MHR usage was assigned using mean value as cut-off point that has been agreed by an expert group from scoring system which incorporates usage elements in term of follow-up, information documentation, knowledge seeking, continuity of care and self-monitoring of pregnancy. A cross-sectional survey was conducted in University Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC) and a total of 79 pregnant women who attended the antenatal clinic were recruited. A validated self-administered questionnaire was used. The questionnaire was newly developed in Bahasa Malaysia. Content validity and reliability test for internal consistency for the knowledge, satisfaction and usage scale was performed. The Cronbach’s Alpha value for each domain was 0.764, 0.716 and 0.877 respectively. The results showed that the prevalence of good MHR usage was 51.3%. There were significant association found between level of education (Adj OR=0.32, 95% CI 0.12, 0.85, p=0.023) and doctor as birth attendant in previous pregnancies (Adj OR= 2.54, 95% CI 1.97, 6.59, p=0.045) with good usage of MHR. There was a positive significant relationship between satisfaction level among the respondent and the level of the usage (p=0.01, r=0.377), whereby with every increase in 1 score in satisfaction level will increase the usage score by 0.4 (95% CI 0.2 to 0.7) units, p<0.01. Therefore, MHR is still relevant as antenatal care monitoring instruments and it is important to make an effort to improve patient satisfaction in using MHR. Health care providers can use this validated self-administered questionnaire to assess function of MHR to remain relevant to the pregnant women population in their locality.
    Key words: Antenatal care, home-based maternal record, usage, satisfaction
    Study site: Antenatal clinic, Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (PPUKM), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  15. Raj, M., Razali N,, Sulaiman, S.
    JUMMEC, 2009;12(1):27-30.
    The objectives of this study were: (1) to detect group B streptococcus (GBS) carriers among antenatal patients during pregnancy ( 35 to 37 weeks) in the University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and (2) to give antibiotic prophylaxis during the intrapartum period for the GBS carrier patients. The aim is to prevent early onset of GBS infection in newborn. This pilot study was carried out from 1st July 2005 to 31st August 2005. It is a prospective study involving 56 pregnant women who were seen at the antenatal clinic in the UMMC between 35 to 37 weeks gestation. High vaginal swab and low vaginal together with endoanal swab were taken for culture and sensitivity. The antibiotic prophylaxis was started early in the intrapartum period for patients with positive culture for GBS. GBS was detected in 18 patients which contributes to about 32% of the study population. The proper choice of antibiotic is important in successful disease prevention.

    Study site: Obstretic and gynaecological clinic, University Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC)
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  16. Low, W.Y.
    JUMMEC, 2009;12(1):3-14.
    Youth sexuality is a great concern for many. Sexual health issues facing our youths are: premarital sexual intercourse, sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted and unsafe pregnancies and abortions, sexual diversity, HIV/AIDS, and cybersex. Various factors lead to risky sexual and reproductive health behavior, particularly among those unmarried youths: lack of sexual and reproductive health information and skills in negotiating sexual relationships and the inaccessibility of youth-friendly sexual and reproductive health services. Growing peer pressure of pre-marital sex plays a major role in sexual and reproductive health related decision-making among youths. Another factor is the issue of sexuality education which is still considered a sensitive topic and thus impinging on its implementation, due to cultural and religious constraints. Misunderstanding and a lack of information on sexual diversity have caused a concern for many, as there is a tendency for judgments, stereotypes, discriminations and prejudices towards homosexuality in the society. Online sexual activities or cybersex have become the next sexual revolution. Negative consequences are shown for those hooked on cybersex. Healthy youths are fundamental to the prevention initiatives. Promoting the sexual and reproductive needs and rights of our youths is warranted.
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  17. Wolfers H, Subbiah N, Ariffin Bin Mazurka
    Soc Biol, 1973 Sep;20(3):315-22.
    PMID: 4763761
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
  18. Kuah KB
    Med J Malaya, 1970 Sep;25(1):38-42.
    PMID: 4249492
    Matched MeSH terms: Pregnancy
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