Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 267 in total

  1. Norain Abdul Rashid
    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a major medical and socioeconomic
    problem. Patients with severe TBI shows physical and functional improvement but
    remain with cognitive and psycho-social problem throughout recovery. Despite all the
    issues, the impact of TBI on long-term survivors in Malaysia is unknown. The aim of this
    study is to measure the functional level of ICU survivors with severe TBI within 6 months
    post injury. (Copied from article).
  2. Manimaran, R., Abdul-Rashid, H.A.
    ASM Science Journal, 2008;2(2):133-137.
    This paper proposes a signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) improvement by using an external phase modulator that allowed flexible control of the spectrum amplitude by varying the modulation index for linewidth measurements. Compared with the conventional self-heterodyne detection technique, the results obtained in this study showed an SNR improvement as high as 10 dB. This 10 dB improvement in SNR could help to reduce the usage of a particular length of a single mode fibre (normally about 50 Km) when measuring a linewidth in the region of 10 kHz.
  3. Abdul Rashid, Abdullah, Ariful, Islam
    Readymade garments (RMG) industry of Bangladesh are lesser revealed to sustainable outlines that originating avoidance related with standard health and safety provisions, labor rights, women safety, child labor, pollution, waste disposal and ground water depletion. Recently there are also several safety hazards by way of fire incidents and building collapses which caused death and injury of thousand or garment workers at Bangladesh. Actually a suitable sustainable development scheme for this industry includes the insights of proper employee involvement based upon what is known (knowledge) and done (behavior). So the study aims to investigate the relationship between knowledge and behavior which reflects the complication between what is in fact known and what is done in case of sustainable issues. The study has used both questionnaire survey and interview procedures on 10 BGMEA registered factories of Chittagong to recognize the connection between knowledge and behavior. The target populace of the study has been limited only to the white collar employees. However, the study identified that employee knowledge and behavior of sustainable development contains a moderate, positive relationship (r=.315, n=150, p
  4. Abdul Rashid RM, Dahlui M
    Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2013;14(10):5867-70.
    PMID: 24289591
    BACKGROUND: Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer among Malaysian women with an ASR of 17.9 and a mortality rate of 5.6 per 100,000 population in 2008 (GLOBOCAN, 2008). The 5 year prevalence was estimated to be 14.5 per 100,000 population. As the second most common cancer affecting productive females, cervical cancer imposes an impact to the socioeconomic aspect of the country. However, the poor uptake of cervical cancer screening is a major problem in detecting early pre-cancerous lesions and thus, delay in initiating treatment for cervical cancer. Realizing the urgency to increase the uptake of PAP smear, besides enhancing the promotion of PAP smear screening for women above 35 years old, the call-recall system for pap smear screening had been piloted in one of the suburban districts which aimed to improve regular participation of women for cervical and breast cancer screening. This is of public health importance as identifying the best feasible option to increase patient's respond to participate in the screening program effectively in our setting will be helpful in implementing an organized regular population based screening program tailored to our setting. The pilot program of cervical cancer screening in Klang was an opportunity to assess different options in recalling patients for a repeat pap smear to increase their participation and adherence to the program.

    METHODS AND RESULTS: This was a population based randomized control trial. Women aged 20-65 years in the population that matched the inclusion and exclusion criteria were re-called for a repeat smear. There are four different intervention groups; letter, registered letters, short messages services (SMS) and phone calls where 250 subjects were recruited into each group. Samples were generated randomly from the same population in Klang into four different groups. The first group received a recall letter for a repeat smear similar to the one that has been given during the first invitation. The intervention groups were either be given a registered letter, an SMS or a phone call to re-call them. The socio-demographic data of the patients who came for uptake were collected for further analysis. All the groups were followed up after 8 weeks to assess their compliance to the recall.

    CONCLUSIONS: The study will provide recommendations about the most effective methods for recall in a population based pap smear screening program on two outcomes: i) patients response; ii) uptake for repeat pap smear.

  5. Mohamed Ludin S, Abdul Rashid N
    Clin Nurs Res, 2020 09;29(7):433-439.
    PMID: 30079766 DOI: 10.1177/1054773818792459
    Throughout recovery, patients with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) show physical and functional improvement, but continue to have cognitive and psychosocial problems. The aim of this article was to review the literature regarding the functional and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) outcomes in severe TBI. There were 15 articles reviewed, 13 of them were quantitative studies and two were narrative review. Most of the articles showed an improvement occurs rapidly at 6 months post-injury. There were several factors that influence the outcome after TBI, most of it was the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) on admission, age, educational level, duration of posttraumatic amnesia (PTA), and length of stay (LOS) in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Thus, health care workers should help the survivors of severe TBI in the recovery process to ensure the latter can attain maximum function and quality of life.
  6. Abdul Rashid, K., Narayan, K.A., Azizah, A.M.
    Fishing industry in Malaysia is dominated by small scale fishing, scattered along the coast of the country. The risk associated with fishing industry is well known but few studies have been done among those in the small scale fishing community. Fishermen not only have to cope with the uncertainty of nature but also the physical demands of the occupation. The objective of the study was to determine the injuries and its associated factors related to the small scale fishing industry. The study was conducted in a fishing village in northern Malaysia, which was hit by tsunami. Most of the boats and fishing gear were donated by many relief agencies. A descriptive cross sectional study was conducted using a standardized questionnaire. 50 (83.3%) of the 60 fishermen had consented for the study. All the fishermen were Malays males. 46% (n=23) of the fishermen reported to having sustained injuries. Most of the injuries occurred offshore (p
  7. Abdul Rashid Ismail, Wan Normeza Wan Zakaria
    This study aims to examine the influences of the plan to further study, career growth
    and discriminatory treatment on turnover intention among technicians in electronic
    industry in Malaysia. The objectives are: (i) To identify the relationship between the
    plan to further study and turnover intention among factory technicians, (ii) To identify
    the relationship between career growth and turnover intention among factory
    technicians, and (iii)To identify the relationship between discriminatory treatment
    factors and turnover intention among factory technicians. The population involved in
    this study were the manufacturing technicians at an electronic factory. Survey
    questionnaires were used to collect data. A total of 110 questionnaires were analyzed.
    Pearson correlation coefficient and regression analysis were used to measure the
    degree of relationship between variables. The findings showed that all independent
    variables; plan to further study, career growth and discriminatory treatment, were
    positive moderately correlated with turnover intention.
  8. Hamed Sharifat, Aida Abdul Rashid, Subapriya Suppiah
    Introduction: Internet addiction disorder (IAD) particularly the internet gaming disorder (IGD) is recognized as a type of addiction similar to substance abuse. This addiction carries similar social impact as the latter, as it can cause serious impairment of interpersonal relationship, and even deterioration of academic or occupational performances. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is able to act as a non-invasive objective biomarker to detect functional neuronal connectivity in areas of the brain affected by IAD by utilizing blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) imaging. Methods: A systematic review was conducted from original articles published from January 2014 to January 2017 that had the keywords “internet addiction” and fMRI. Results: Initial data collection had 170 articles, however after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, there were 34 articles in the final analysis (17 resting-state fMRI studies and 18 task-based fMRI studies). The striatal nucleus and dopaminergic system demonstrated impaired functioning in subjects with IAD. Conclusion: Task-based and resting-state fMRI are able to detect areas of the brain that are activated in subjects with internet addiction, similar to those observed in subjects with substance abuse and other addictions. This review also introduces a newly arising subtype which is smartphone addiction disorder.
  9. Bukar Ali, Bularafa, Abdul Rashid, Abdullah
    Unemployment and poverty are seriously issue of concern globally, especially in developing countries like Nigeria. Unemployment and poverty among university graduates in Nigeria, the trends on rising every year, major corporations are cutting down jobs and graduates who were interested to work can’t seem to find a job. However, entrepreneurship and business formation have been recognised around the World as a remedy for unemployment and pivotal for economies to grow. Therefore, promotion of entrepreneurial activity becomes the most top priority on the government agenda. Despite the unique role played by entrepreneurship to the economy as a whole and to the person that established business, in Nigeria, the rate of university graduates in entrepreneurship is far below expected. This led to many research efforts on factors that are having an effect on student’s entrepreneurial intentions. This review paper proposed the intention to be an entrepreneur can be explained by Ajzen, (1991) theory of planned behaviour, institutional, and core self-evaluation theories. Psychological (self-efficacy, risk-taking propensity, locus of control, innovativeness, need for achievement) and institutional (university environment, government support programmes) factors will have an effect on attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control. Consequently, the study predicted the entrepreneurial intentions of the Nigerian university students.
  10. Kazaure, Mansur Ahmed, Abdul Rashid abdullah
    Small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) act as a promoter of economic development of the developed and under developed nations. Developing countries like Nigeria that, require sustainable economic growth and development must pay attention to the SMEs sectors in order to reduce unemployment, poverty and improve the standard leaving of its society. Unfortunately, in Nigeria, SMEs have underperformed despite that, 90% of the Nigerian businesses are small scales but their contribution to the Nigerian GDP is below 10%. The main reason for this low contribution of SMEs to Nigerian GDP could be attribute to poor funding, lack of management expertise and lack of access to modern technology among others, with proper finance the SMEs can acquire modern technology and employed qualified staff. Thus, this paper focuses on crowdfunding as financial option for Nigerian SMEs. However, the paper is a conceptual framework.
  11. Zulkafli Abdul Rashid, Mohammad Noor Azmai Amal
    Sains Malaysiana, 2018;47:1941-1951.
    This study assesses the influence of water quality on fish occurrences in Sungai Pahang, Maran District, Pahang, Malaysia. Water quality and fish samplings were conducted at seven sampling sites in the district for 13 consecutive months. We used canonical correspondence analyses (CCA) to determine the influence of water quality on monthly fish species occurrences. The ranges of water quality parameters were quite high considering the measurements were made during rainy and dry seasons throughout the year. A total of 2,075 individual fish was captured which comprised of 22 different families and 65 species. Family Cyprinidae recorded the highest number of fish species of the area (27 species; 41.5%), followed by Bagridae (five species; 7.69%) and Pangasiidae (five species; 7.69%). Three fish species categorized as endangered, including Balantiocheilos melanopterus, Probarbus jullieni and Pangasianodon hypophthalmus were also collected. The collected fish species were divided into three groups (A to C), which was clearly separated in the CCA ordination diagram. The most important water quality variables for the fish occurrences in this river were pH, followed by temperature, conductivity, alkalinity and phosphate. Data analysis indicates that the occurrence of fishes were influenced by a combination of water quality parameters, but not associated with sampling month. The results present a new data from a study of fish assemblage and their habitat condition which may be important in fisheries activity and fish conservation of the river in the future.
  12. Islah MAR, Hafizan T
    Med J Malaysia, 2008 Mar;63(1):63-4.
    PMID: 18935738
    Enteric duplication is an uncommon malformation of the gastrointestinal tract which is either asymptomatic or presents with vague symptoms mimicking other more common pathology. It is most commonly diagnosed when complications such as bleeding, intestinal obstruction or perforation occurs. This is a case report of a patient with this condition presenting with right iliac fossa pain and localised peritonitis mimicking acute appendicitis.
  13. Jamil K, Abdul Rashid AH, Ibrahim S
    J Pediatr Orthop B, 2015 Jan;24(1):46-9.
    PMID: 25192368 DOI: 10.1097/BPB.0000000000000101
    Tibia vara and slipped upper femoral epiphysis (SUFE) share a common risk factor, but their relationship is unclear. In both conditions, the patients are usually obese. To the best of our knowledge, there have been only two previous reports in the literature that have described the occurrence of tibia vara and SUFE in three patients. We report a child who was treated for bilateral tibia vara at the age of 3 years and subsequently developed a SUFE at the age of 13 years.
  14. Jamil K, Abdul Rashid AH, Ibrahim S
    J Pediatr Orthop B, 2014 Mar;23(2):204.
    PMID: 24447939 DOI: 10.1097/01.bpb.0000434259.00524.7f
  15. Abdul Rashid S, Ab Hamid S, Mohamad Saini S, Muridan R
    Biomed Imaging Interv J, 2012 Apr;8(2):e11.
    PMID: 22970067 MyJurnal DOI: 10.2349/biij.8.2.e11
    Diagnosing acute appendicitis in children can be difficult due to atypical presenting symptoms. While there are reported cases of acute appendicitis or appendiceal masses causing unilateral hydronephrosis, bilateral hydronephrosis as a complication of appendiceal mass is very rare. We report a case of a child who presented with cardinal symptomatology associated with the urogenital tract. Ultrasound (US) investigation showed a pelvic mass causing bilateral hydronephrosis. An initial diagnosis of a pelvic teratoma was made based on the US and computed tomography (CT) scan findings. The final diagnosis of an appendiceal mass causing bilateral hydronephrosis was established intraoperatively.
  16. Abdul Rashid S, Rahmat K, Jayaprasagam K, Alli K, Moosa F
    Biomed Imaging Interv J, 2009 Oct;5(4):e27.
    PMID: 21610994 MyJurnal DOI: 10.2349/biij.5.4.e27
    Medullary carcinoma is a rare breast carcinoma with a syncytial growth pattern and high-grade cytology. It can be difficult to diagnose and may be missed on conventional imaging as the findings may overlap with benign lesions i.e. fibroadenomas. The authors report a case of a 25-year-old female who presented with multifocal breast lumps diagnosed with medullary carcinoma and fibroadenomas. Imaging and pathological correlation with contrast-enhanced MRI are presented in the diagnosis of these lesions.
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