Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 38 in total

  1. Johari NH, Menichini C, Hamady M, Xu XY
    PMID: 37730441 DOI: 10.1002/cnm.3772
    Restenosis typically occurs in regions of low and oscillating wall shear stress, which also favor the accumulation of atherogenic macromolecules such as low-density lipoprotein (LDL). This study aims to evaluate LDL transport and accumulation at the carotid artery bifurcation following carotid artery stenting (CAS) by means of computational simulation. The computational model consists of coupled blood flow and LDL transport, with the latter being modeled as a dilute substance dissolved in the blood and transported by the flow through a convection-diffusion transport equation. The endothelial layer was assumed to be permeable to LDL, and the hydraulic conductivity of LDL was shear-dependent. Anatomically realistic geometric models of the carotid bifurcation were built based on pre- and post-stent computed tomography (CT) scans. The influence of stent design was investigated by virtually deploying two different types of stents (open- and closed-cell stents) into the same carotid bifurcation model. Predicted LDL concentrations were compared between the post-stent carotid models and the relatively normal contralateral model reconstructed from patient-specific CT images. Our results show elevated LDL concentration in the distal section of the stent in all post-stent models, where LDL concentration is 20 times higher than that in the contralateral carotid. Compared with the open-cell stents, the closed-cell stents have larger areas exposed to high LDL concentration, suggesting an increased risk of stent restenosis. This computational approach is readily applicable to multiple patient studies and, once fully validated against follow-up data, it can help elucidate the role of stent strut design in the development of in-stent restenosis after CAS.
  2. Zhou LX, Xiao Y, Xia W, Yang YD
    Genet. Mol. Res., 2015;14(4):16247-54.
    PMID: 26662418 DOI: 10.4238/2015.December.8.15
    Genetic diversity and patterns of population structure of the 94 oil palm lines were investigated using species-specific simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. We designed primers for 63 SSR loci based on their flanking sequences and conducted amplification in 94 oil palm DNA samples. The amplification result showed that a relatively high level of genetic diversity was observed between oil palm individuals according a set of 21 polymorphic microsatellite loci. The observed heterozygosity (Ho) was 0.3683 and 0.4035, with an average of 0.3859. The Ho value was a reliable determinant of the discriminatory power of the SSR primer combinations. The principal component analysis and unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic averaging cluster analysis showed the 94 oil palm lines were grouped into one cluster. These results demonstrated that the oil palm in Hainan Province of China and the germplasm introduced from Malaysia may be from the same source. The SSR protocol was effective and reliable for assessing the genetic diversity of oil palm. Knowledge of the genetic diversity and population structure will be crucial for establishing appropriate management stocks for this species.
  3. Yan J, Huang T, Xiao Y
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2023 Feb;30(10):26292-26307.
    PMID: 36357759 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-022-23878-w
    This study explores the relationship between Entrepreneurship Education (EE) and Entrepreneurial Intentions (EI) using the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). From January through May of 2022, students from 10 Chinese institutions were surveyed using an online questionnaire. According to the research, students' EI scores rose significantly after participating in EE. In addition, students in China had a more significant impact on EI regarding factors like perceived feasibility and desirability. This study extends the body of knowledge about the connection between prior exposure and early intervention (EI) by demonstrating the beneficial effects of PE on EI. In addition, the results suggest that girls have lower EI than males, which is good news for gender equality. Lastly, the behavioral entrepreneur attitude has a favorable correlation with EI. Policymakers and university administrators might use the findings to understand better how and when extracurricular activities (EE) improve students' emotional intelligence (EI). A pioneering empirical study in a developing South-Asian setting shows the relevance of EE on EI among students at private universities. According to the study, EE generates EI, and entrepreneurial enthusiasm is crucial.
  4. Wu O, Lu X, Yeo KJ, Xiao Y, Yip P
    Int J Environ Res Public Health, 2022 Aug 30;19(17).
    PMID: 36078501 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph191710786
    BACKGROUND: University students with suicidal ideation are at high risk of suicide, which constitutes a significant social and public health problem in China. However, little is known about the prevalence and associated risk factors of suicidal ideation among first-year university students in China, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    OBJECTIVES: To investigate the prevalence of suicidal ideation and its factors in first-year Chinese university students from a vocational college in Zhejiang during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    METHODS: Using a cluster sampling technique, a university-wide survey was conducted of 686 first-year university students from Hangzhou in March 2020 using University Personality Inventory (UPI). UPI includes an assessment for suicidal ideation and possible risk factors. Suicidal ideation prevalence was calculated for males and females. Univariate analysis and multivariable logistic regression models were conducted, adjusting for age and sex. Analyses were carried out using the SPSS version 22.0 software.

    RESULTS: The prevalence of 12-month suicidal ideation among first-year university students during March 2020 was 5.2%, and there was no significant difference between males and females (4.8% vs. 6.0%, x2 = 0.28, p = 0.597). Multivariable logistic regression analysis identified social avoidance (B = 0.78, OR = 2.17, p < 0.001) and emotional vulnerability (B = 0.71, OR = 2.02, p < 0.001) as positively associated with suicidal ideation.

    CONCLUSIONS: Social avoidance and emotional vulnerabilities are unique factors associated with greater suicidal ideation among first-year university students during the COVID-19 pandemic. UPI serves as a validated tool to screen suicide risks among Chinese university students. Encouraging social engagement and improving emotional regulation skills are promising targets to reduce suicidal ideation among first-year university students.

  5. Xiao Y, Tao X, Chen P, Hung Kee DM
    Heliyon, 2024 May 15;10(9):e30096.
    PMID: 38707323 DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e30096
    Although sustainability has been a priority for organizations, there is still a lack of research on how leaders with a stakeholder perspective can motivate employees to adopt green behavior for sustainability in a complex and changing environment. This paper introduced social cognitive theory to describe two mechanisms by which responsible leadership predicts employee green behavior. Our research considers felt obligation for constructive change and stakeholder value as mediations with cognitive perspective in this process. Additionally, we consider the moderating effects of positive emotion and the superior-subordinate relationship. Our model received support from the investigation and research. By emphasizing the significance of perceived responsible leadership and proposing a new way of perceiving employee green behavior that ensures guidance from responsible leadership along the cognition perspective, the present research contributes to our understanding of the incentive effect of responsible leadership on employee green behavior.
  6. Lazarescu A, Chan WW, Gyawali CP, Lee YY, Xiao Y, Wu P
    Ann N Y Acad Sci, 2020 12;1481(1):108-116.
    PMID: 32875574 DOI: 10.1111/nyas.14453
    Esophageal dysphagia is a common symptom in adults. Fluoroscopic contrast studies, endoscopy, and esophageal manometry have been used in the diagnosis of esophageal dysphagia for many years. The diagnostic yield has been improved with new test protocols that highlight abnormal bolus transit in the esophagus and outflow obstruction, as well as new high-definition and high-resolution technical advances in equipment. Functional luminal impedance planimetry and the addition of impedance to high-resolution esophageal manometry have also allowed the assessment of new parameters to better understand esophageal structure and function. In this concise review, we describe the role and utility of various diagnostic modalities in the assessment of patients with esophageal dysphagia.
  7. Huang Y, Zhang L, Li Z, Gopinath SCB, Chen Y, Xiao Y
    Biotechnol Appl Biochem, 2021 Aug;68(4):881-888.
    PMID: 33245588 DOI: 10.1002/bab.2008
    17β-Estradiol-E2 (17β-E2) is a steroid hormone that plays a major role in the reproductive endocrine system and is involved in various processes, such as pregnancy, fertility, and menopause. In this study, the performance of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for 17β-E2 quantification was enhanced by using a gold nanoparticle (GNP)-conjugated aptamer. An anti-17β-E2-aptamer-GNP antibody was immobilized on an amine-modified ELISA surface. Then, 17β-E2 was allowed to interact with and be sandwiched by antibodies. Aptamer-GNP conjugation was confirmed by colorimetric assays via the naked eye and UV-visible light spectroscopy. The detection limit based on a signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of 3 was estimated to be 1.5 nM (400 pg/mL), and the linear range was 1.5-50 nM. Control experiments (without 17β-E2/with a complementary aptamer sequence/with a nonimmune antibody) confirmed the specific detection of 17β-E2. Moreover, 17β-E2 spiking of human serum did not interrupt the interaction between 17β-E2 and its antibody and aptamer. Thus, the developed ELISA can be used as an alternate assay for quantification of 17β-E2 and assessment of endocrine-related gynecological problems.
  8. Zhang B, Rahmatullah B, Wang SL, Almutairi HM, Xiao Y, Liu X, et al.
    Med Biol Eng Comput, 2023 Nov;61(11):2971-3002.
    PMID: 37542682 DOI: 10.1007/s11517-023-02874-3
    Since the COVID-19 pandemic, telemedicine or non-face-to-face medicine has increased significantly. In practice, various types of medical images are essential to achieve effective telemedicine. Medical image encryption algorithms play an irreplaceable role in the fast and secure transmission and storage of these medical images. However, most of the existing medical image encryption algorithms are full encryption algorithms, which are inefficient and time-consuming, so they are not suitable for emergency medical scenarios. To improve the efficiency of encryption, a small number of works have focused on partial or selective encryption algorithms for medical images, in which different levels of encryption strategies were adopted for different information content regions of medical images. However, these encryption algorithms have inadequate security more or less. In this paper, based on the Logistic map, we designed an improved variable dimension map. Then, an encryption algorithm for medical images was proposed based on it. This algorithm has two modes: (1) full encryption mode and (2) semi-full encryption mode, which can better adapt to different medical scenarios, respectively. In full encryption mode, all pixels of medical images are encrypted by using the confusion-diffusion structure. In semi-full encryption mode, the region of interest of medical images is extracted. The confusion was first adopted to encrypt the region of interest, and then, the diffusion was adopted to encrypt the entire image. In addition, no matter which encryption mode is used, the algorithm provides the function of medical image integrity verification. The proposed algorithm was simulated and analyzed to evaluate its effectiveness. The results show that in semi-full encryption mode, the algorithm has good security performance and lower time consumption; while in full encryption mode, the algorithm has better security performance and is acceptable in time.
  9. Wei J, Xiao Y, Liu J, Herrera-Ulloa A, Loh KH, Xu K
    Sci Data, 2024 Feb 23;11(1):234.
    PMID: 38395996 DOI: 10.1038/s41597-024-03070-0
    Pampus argenteus (Euphrasen, 1788) is one of the major fishery species in coastal China. Pampus argenteus has a highly specialized morphology, and its declining fishery resources have encouraged massive research efforts on its aquacultural biology. In this study, we reported the first high-quality chromosome-level genome of P. argenteus obtained by integrating Illumina, PacBio HiFi, and Hi-C sequencing techniques. The final size of the genome was 518.06 Mb, with contig and scaffold N50 values of 20.47 and 22.86 Mb, respectively. The sequences were anchored and oriented onto 24 pseudochromosomes based on Hi-C data corresponding to the 24-chromatid karyotype of P. argenteus. A colinear relationship was observed between the P. argenteus genome and that of a closely related species (Scomber japonicus). A total of 24,696 protein-coding genes were identified from the genome, 98.9% of which were complete BUSCOs. This report represents the first case of high-quality chromosome-level genome assembly for P. argenteus and can provide valuable information for future evolutionary, conservation, and aquacultural research.
  10. Yu W, Xiao Y, Jayaraman A, Yen YC, Lee HU, Pettersson S, et al.
    EMBO Mol Med, 2025 Feb 05.
    PMID: 39910348 DOI: 10.1038/s44321-024-00179-y
    Changes in gut microbiota composition have been linked to anxiety behavior in rodents. However, the underlying neural circuitry linking microbiota and their metabolites to anxiety behavior remains unknown. Using male C57BL/6J germ-free (GF) mice, not exposed to live microbes, increased anxiety-related behavior was observed correlating with a significant increase in the immediate early c-Fos gene in the basolateral amygdala (BLA). This phenomenon coincided with increased intrinsic excitability and spontaneous synaptic activity of BLA pyramidal neurons associated with reduced small conductance calcium-activated potassium (SK) channel currents. Importantly, colonizing GF mice to live microbes or the microbial-derived metabolite indoles reverted SK channel activities in BLA pyramidal neurons and reduced the anxiety behavioral phenotype. These results are consistent with a molecular mechanism by which microbes and or microbial-derived indoles, regulate functional changes in the BLA neurons. Moreover, this microbe metabolite regulation of anxiety links these results to ancient evolutionarily conserved defense mechanisms associated with anxiety-related behaviors in mammals.
  11. Xia W, Luo T, Zhang W, Mason AS, Huang D, Huang X, et al.
    Front Plant Sci, 2019;10:130.
    PMID: 30809240 DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00130
    High-density single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are used as highly favored makers to analyze genetic diversity and population structure, to construct high-density genetic maps and provide genotypes for genome-wide association analysis. In order to develop genome-wide SNP markers in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis), single locus amplified fragment sequencing (SLAF-seq) technology was performed in a diversity panel of 200 oil palm individuals and 1,261,501 SNPs were identified with minor allele frequency > 0.05 and integrity > 1. Among them, only 17.81% can be mapped within the genic region and the remaining was located into the intergenic region. A positive correlation was detected between the distribution of SNP markers and retrotransposons [transposable elements (TEs)]. Population structure analysis showed that the 200 individuals of oil palm can be divided into five subgroups based on cross-validation errors. However, the subpopulations divided for the 200 oil palm individuals based on the SNP markers were not accurately related to their geographical origins and 80 oil palm individuals from Malaysia showed highest genetic diversity. In addition, the physical distance of linkage disequilibrium (LD) decay in the analyzed oil palm population was 14.516 kb when r2 = 0.1. The LD decay distances for different chromosomes varied from 3.324 (chromosome 15) to 19.983 kb (chromosome 7). Our research provides genome-wide SNPs for future targeted breeding in palm oil.
  12. Han H, Hu S, Syed-Hassan SSA, Xiao Y, Wang Y, Xu J, et al.
    Bioresour Technol, 2017 Jul;236:138-145.
    PMID: 28399417 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2017.03.112
    Sewage sludge is an important class of bioresources whose energy content could be exploited using pyrolysis technology. However, some harmful trace elements in sewage sludge can escape easily to the gas phase during pyrolysis, increasing the potential of carcinogenic material emissions to the atmosphere. This study investigates emission characteristics of arsenic, cadmium and lead under different pyrolysis conditions for three different sewage sludge samples. The increased temperature (within 723-1123K) significantly promoted the cadmium and lead emissions, but its influence on arsenic emission was not pronounced. The releasing rate order of the three trace elements is volatile arsenic compounds>cadmium>lead in the beginning of pyrolysis. Fast heating rates promoted the emission of trace elements for the sludge containing the highest amount of ash, but exhibited an opposite effect for other studied samples. Overall, the high ash sludge released the least trace elements almost under all reaction conditions.
  13. Yang T, Xiao Y, Zhang Z, Liang Y, Li G, Zhang M, et al.
    Sci Rep, 2018 09 28;8(1):14518.
    PMID: 30266999 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-32757-9
    Soft robots driven by stimuli-responsive materials have their own unique advantages over traditional rigid robots such as large actuation, light weight, good flexibility and biocompatibility. However, the large actuation of soft robots inherently co-exists with difficulty in control with high precision. This article presents a soft artificial muscle driven robot mimicking cuttlefish with a fully integrated on-board system including power supply and wireless communication system. Without any motors, the movements of the cuttlefish robot are solely actuated by dielectric elastomer which exhibits muscle-like properties including large deformation and high energy density. Reinforcement learning is used to optimize the control strategy of the cuttlefish robot instead of manual adjustment. From scratch, the swimming speed of the robot is enhanced by 91% with reinforcement learning, reaching to 21 mm/s (0.38 body length per second). The design principle behind the structure and the control of the robot can be potentially useful in guiding device designs for demanding applications such as flexible devices and soft robots.
  14. Guo L, Liu X, Zhao C, Hu Z, Xu X, Cheng KK, et al.
    Anal Chem, 2022 Oct 25;94(42):14522-14529.
    PMID: 36223650 DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.2c01456
    Spatial segmentation is a critical procedure in mass spectrometry imaging (MSI)-based biochemical analysis. However, the commonly used unsupervised MSI segmentation methods may lead to inappropriate segmentation results as the MSI data is characterized by high dimensionality and low signal-to-noise ratio. This process can be improved by the incorporation of precise prior knowledge, which is hard to obtain in most cases. In this study, we show that the incorporation of partial or coarse prior knowledge from different sources such as reference images or biological knowledge may also help to improve MSI segmentation results. Here, we propose a novel interactive segmentation strategy for MSI data called iSegMSI, which incorporates prior information in the form of scribble-regularization of the unsupervised model to fine-tune the segmentation results. By using two typical MSI data sets (including a whole-body mouse fetus and human thyroid cancer), the present results demonstrate the effectiveness of the iSegMSI strategy in improving the MSI segmentations. Specifically, the method can be used to subdivide a region into several subregions specified by the user-defined scribbles or to merge several subregions into a single region. Additionally, these fine-tuned results are highly tolerant to the imprecision of the scribbles. Our results suggest that the proposed iSegMSI method may be an effective preprocessing strategy to facilitate the analysis of MSI data.
  15. Kelly B, Hebden L, King L, Xiao Y, Yu Y, He G, et al.
    Health Promot Int, 2016 Mar;31(1):144-52.
    PMID: 24997194 DOI: 10.1093/heapro/dau055
    There is an established link between food promotions and children's food purchase and consumption. Children in developing countries may be more vulnerable to food promotions given the relative novelty of advertising in these markets. This study aimed to determine the scope of television food advertising to children across the Asia-Pacific to inform policies to restrict this marketing. Six sites were sampled, including from China, Indonesia, Malaysia and South Korea. At each site, 192 h of television were recorded (4 days, 16 h/day, three channels) from May to October 2012. Advertised foods were categorized as core/healthy, non-core/unhealthy or miscellaneous, and by product type. Twenty-seven percent of advertisements were for food/beverages, and the most frequently advertised product was sugar-sweetened drinks. Rates of non-core food advertising were highest during viewing times most popular with children, when between 3 (South Korea) and 15 (Indonesia) non-core food advertisements were broadcast each hour. Children in the Asia-Pacific are exposed to high volumes of unhealthy food/beverage television advertising. Different policy arrangements for food advertising are likely to contribute to regional variations in advertising patterns. Cities with the lowest advertising rates can be identified as exemplars of good policy practice.
  16. Xiao Y, Zhang S, Dai N, Fei G, Goh KL, Chun HJ, et al.
    Gut, 2020 02;69(2):224-230.
    PMID: 31409606 DOI: 10.1136/gutjnl-2019-318365
    OBJECTIVE: To establish the non-inferior efficacy of vonoprazan versus lansoprazole in the treatment of Asian patients with erosive oesophagitis (EO).

    DESIGN: In this phase III, double-blind, multicentre study, patients with endoscopically confirmed EO were randomised 1:1 to receive vonoprazan 20 mg or lansoprazole 30 mg, once daily for up to 8 weeks. The primary endpoint was EO healing rate at 8 weeks. The secondary endpoints were EO healing rates at 2 and 4 weeks. Safety endpoints included treatment-emergent adverse events (TEAEs).

    RESULTS: In the vonoprazan (n=238) and lansoprazole (n=230) arms, 8-week EO healing rates were 92.4% and 91.3%, respectively (difference 1.1% (95% CI -3.822% to 6.087%)). The respective 2-week EO healing rates were 75.0% and 67.8% (difference 7.2% (95% CI -1.054% to 15.371%)), and the respective 4-week EO healing rates were 85.3% and 83.5% (difference 1.8% (95% CI -4.763% to 8.395%)). In patients with baseline Los Angeles classification grade C/D, 2-week, 4-week and 8-week EO healing rates were higher with vonoprazan versus lansoprazole (2 weeks: 62.2% vs 51.5%, difference 10.6% (95% CI -5.708% to 27.002%); 4 weeks: 73.3% vs 67.2%, difference 6.2% (95% CI -8.884 to 21.223); and 8 weeks: 84.0% vs 80.6%, difference 3.4% (95% CI -9.187% to 15.993%)). Overall, EO healing rates appeared higher with vonoprazan versus lansoprazole. TEAE rates were 38.1% and 36.6% in the vonoprazan and lansoprazole group, respectively.

    CONCLUSION: Our findings demonstrate the non-inferior efficacy of vonoprazan versus lansoprazole in terms of EO healing rate at 8 weeks in this population. Safety outcomes were similar in the two treatment arms.


  17. Apisarnthanarak A, Kim HB, Moore L, Xiao Y, Singh S, Doi Y, et al.
    Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol, 2021 07;42(7):864-868.
    PMID: 34128462 DOI: 10.1017/ice.2021.149
    Rapid diagnostic testing (RDT) can provide prompt, accurate identification of infectious organisms and be a key component of antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) programs. However, their use is less widespread in Asia Pacific than western countries. Cost can be prohibitive, particularly in less resource-replete settings. A selective approach is required, possibly focusing on the initiation of antimicrobials, for differentiating bacterial versus viral infections and identifying locally relevant tropical diseases. Across Asia Pacific, more data are needed on RDT use within AMS, focusing on the impact on antimicrobial usage, patient morbidity and mortality, and cost effectiveness. Moreover, in the absence of formal guidelines, regional consensus statements to guide clinical practice are warranted. These will provide a regionally relevant definition for RDT; greater consensus on its role in managing infections; advice on implementation and overcoming barriers; and guidance on optimizing human resource capacity. By addressing these issues, the outcomes of AMS programs should improve.
  18. Lai CC, Lee K, Xiao Y, Ahmad N, Veeraraghavan B, Thamlikitkul V, et al.
    J Glob Antimicrob Resist, 2014 Sep;2(3):141-147.
    PMID: 27873720 DOI: 10.1016/j.jgar.2014.02.007
    The rapid development of antimicrobial resistance among micro-organisms is a serious public health concern. Moreover, the dissemination of antibiotic-resistant bacteria makes this issue a global problem, and Asia is no exception. For example, since New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase (NDM)-producing Enterobacteriaceae were identified in India, further spread of NDM has become a worldwide threat. However, the epidemiology of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in Asia may be different to other regions, and clinical condition may be worse than in western countries. Antibiotic-resistant bacteria, including community-acquired and hospital-acquired meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), vancomycin-intermediate S. aureus (VISA), vancomycin-resistant enterococci, macrolide- and penicillin-resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae, extend-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae, carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae, and multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Acinetobacter spp., are becoming prevalent in many countries in Asia. Moreover, the prevalence of each antibiotic-resistant bacterium in each country is not identical. This review provides useful information regarding the critical condition of antibiotic resistance in Asia and emphasises the importance of continuous surveillance of resistance data.
  19. Wang L, Tan H, Yu J, ZhangBao J, Huang W, Chang X, et al.
    Eur J Neurol, 2023 Feb;30(2):443-452.
    PMID: 36286605 DOI: 10.1111/ene.15612
    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The aim was to evaluate the potential of retinal nerve fiber layer thickness (RNFLT) measured with optical coherence tomography in predicting disease progression in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS).

    METHODS: Analyses were conducted post hoc of this 24-month, phase III, double-blind study, in which RRMS patients were randomized (1:1:1) to once daily oral fingolimod 0.5 mg, 1.25 mg or placebo. The key outcomes were the association between baseline RNFLT and baseline clinical characteristics and clinical/imaging outcomes up to 24 months. Change of RNFLT with fingolimod versus placebo within 24 months and time to retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thinning were evaluated.

    RESULTS: Altogether 885 patients were included. At baseline, lower RNFLT was correlated with higher Expanded Disability Status Scale score (r = -1.085, p = 0.018), lower brain volume (r = 0.025, p = 0.006) and deep gray matter volume (r = 0.731, p 

  20. Xiao Y, Qian J, Zhang S, Dai N, Chun HJ, Chiu C, et al.
    Chin Med J (Engl), 2024 Apr 20;137(8):962-971.
    PMID: 38654422 DOI: 10.1097/CM9.0000000000003068
    BACKGROUND: Erosive esophagitis (EE) is a gastroesophageal reflux disease characterized by mucosal breaks in the esophagus. Proton pump inhibitors are widely used as maintenance therapy for EE, but many patients still relapse. In this trial, we evaluated the noninferiority of vonoprazan vs. lansoprazole as maintenance therapy in patients with healed EE.

    METHODS: We performed a double-blind, double-dummy, multicenter, phase 3 clinical trial among non-Japanese Asian adults with endoscopically confirmed healed EE from April 2015 to February 2019. Patients from China, South Korea, and Malaysia were randomized to vonoprazan 10 mg or 20 mg once daily or lansoprazole 15 mg once daily for 24 weeks. The primary endpoint was endoscopically confirmed EE recurrence rate over 24 weeks with a noninferiority margin of 10% using a two-sided 95% confidence interval (CI). Treatment-emergent adverse events (TEAEs) were recorded.

    RESULTS: Among 703 patients, EE recurrence was observed in 24/181 (13.3%) and 21/171 (12.3%) patients receiving vonoprazan 10 mg or 20 mg, respectively, and 47/184 (25.5%) patients receiving lansoprazole (differences: -12.3% [95% CI, -20.3% to -4.3%] and -13.3% [95% CI, -21.3% to -5.3%], respectively), meeting the primary endpoint of noninferiority to lansoprazole in preventing EE recurrence at 24 weeks. Evidence of superiority (upper bound of 95% CI <0%) was also observed. At 12 weeks, endoscopically confirmed EE recurrence was observed in 5/18, 2/20, and 7/20 of patients receiving vonoprazan 10 mg, vonoprazan 20 mg, and lansoprazole, respectively. TEAEs were experienced by 66.8% (157/235), 69.0% (156/226), and 65.3% (158/242) of patients receiving vonoprazan 10 mg, vonoprazan 20 mg, and lansoprazole, respectively. The most common TEAE was upper respiratory tract infection in 12.8% (30/235) and 12.8% (29/226) patients in vonoprazan 10 mg and 20 mg groups, respectively and 8.7% (21/242) patients in lansoprazole group.

    CONCLUSION: Vonoprazan maintenance therapy was well-tolerated and noninferior to lansoprazole for preventing EE recurrence in Asian patients with healed EE.

    TRIAL REGISTRATION: https://clinicaltrials.gov; NCT02388737.

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